+++ title = "particle" description = "Particle theme for Zola" template = "theme.html" date = 2024-06-10T05:58:57Z [extra] created = 2024-06-10T05:58:57Z updated = 2024-06-10T05:58:57Z repository = "https://github.com/svavs/particle-zola.git" homepage = "https://github.com/svavs/particle-zola" minimum_version = "0.16.1" license = "MIT" demo = "https://particle-zola.vercel.app/" [extra.author] name = "Silvano Sallese" homepage = "https://svavs.github.io/" +++ # Port for Zola of the Particle Jekyll theme ![](./screenshot.jpg) This is a simple and minimalist template for Zola designed for developers that want to show of their portfolio. The Theme features: - Gulp - SASS - Sweet Scroll - Particle.js - BrowserSync - Font Awesome and Devicon icons - Google Analytics - Info Customization ## Basic Setup 1. [Install Zola](https://getzola.com) 2. Clone the particle theme: `git clone https://github.com/svavs/particle-zola.git` 3. Edit `config.toml` to personalize your site. ## Site and User Settings You have to fill some informations on the `[extra]` section of the `config.toml` to customize your site. ``` # Site settings description = "A blog about lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" # User settings username = "Lorem Ipsum" user_description = "Anon Developer at Lorem Ipsum Dolor" user_title = "Anon Developer" email = "my@email.com" twitter_username = "lorem_ipsum" github_username = "lorem_ipsum" gplus_username = "lorem_ipsum" ``` ## Color and Particle Customization - Color Customization - Edit the sass variables (`_vars.scss`) - Particle Customization - Edit the json data in particle function in app.js - Refer to [Particle.js](https://github.com/VincentGarreau/particles.js/) for help To customize the project lists and the about sections, you need to edit the `templates/content.html` template file. In future versions will be provided a simpler way. ## Questions Having any issues file a [GitHub Issue](https://github.com/svavs/particle-zola/issues/new). ## License This theme is free and open source software, distributed under the The MIT License. So feel free to use this Jekyll theme anyway you want. ## Credits This theme was partially designed with the inspiration from these fine folks - [Nathan Randecker](https://github.com/nrandecker/particle) - [Willian Justen](https://github.com/willianjusten/will-jekyll-template) - [Vincent Garreau](https://github.com/VincentGarreau/particles.js/)