+++ title = "hephaestus" description = "A portfolio theme" template = "theme.html" date = 2022-11-26T14:27:32+05:30 [extra] created = 2022-11-26T14:27:32+05:30 updated = 2022-11-26T14:27:32+05:30 repository = "https://github.com/BConquest/hephaestus.git" homepage = "https://github.com/BConquest/hephaestus" minimum_version = "0.4.0" license = "AGPL" demo = "https://bryantconquest.com" [extra.author] name = "Bryant Conquest" homepage = "https://bryantconquest.com" +++ # hephaestus Hephaestus is a portfolio theme for zola. It uses bulma css and supports using icons from ion-icon. ![hephaestus screenshot](screenshot.png?raw=true) ## Contents - Installation - Options - Navigation Bar - Education - Projects - Skills - Social Links ## Installation First, you will download the theme into your `themes` directory: ```bash $ cd themes $ git clone https://github.com/BConquest/hephaestus ``` Second, you will enable the theme in your `config.toml` directory: ```toml theme = "hephaestus" ``` ## Options ### Navigation Bar To edit the navigation bar you will need to edit your `config.toml` to include: ```toml menu = [ { text = "foo", link = "/foo"}, { text = "bar", link = "/bar"}, ] ``` You can have as many items as you want to have and the links can be to anything. ### Education To edit the education that is displayed you will need to create a directory in `content`. In the `_index.md` the frontmatter needs to include: ```TOML title = "foo" template = "education.html" [extra] author = "Name" ``` For every educational level you want to add you will need to create a new markdown file that includes the frontmatter: ``` title = "place of education" [extra] image = "image-location" link = "link to school" +++ ``` Any content that is typed will be rendered underneath these two items. ### Projects To edit the projects that are displayed you will need to create a directory in `content`. In the `_index.md` the frontmatter needs to include: ```TOML title = "foo" template = "projects.html" [extra] author = "bar" ``` Then for every project you want to add you will need to format the `*.md` as: ```md +++ title = "foo" [extra] image = "/image_location" link = "link to project" technologies = ["bar", "baz"] +++ Description of project named foo. ``` ### Skills To edit the skills that you want to display it is important to note that there are two types of skills that can be displayed (lan, and tools). To format the look you will need to create a directory in `content` that includes the frontmatter of: ```TOML title = "foo" template = "skills.html" page_template = "skills.html" [extra] author = "author-name" image = "image-location" lan = [ { lang = "language", expr = "num between 1-5", image = "image-location", comfort = "word to describe comfort"}, ] tools = [ { tool = "tool-name", expr = "num between 1-5", image = "tool-image"}, ] ``` ### Social Links To edit the social links that appear in the footer of the page, you need to edit your `config.toml` to include: ``` social = [ { user = "username", link = "link", icon = "icon-name from ion-icon"}, ] ```