+++ title = "kodama" description = "Theme insipired by wowchemy academic." template = "theme.html" date = 2022-12-04T21:40:33+02:00 [extra] created = 2022-12-04T21:40:33+02:00 updated = 2022-12-04T21:40:33+02:00 repository = "https://github.com/adfaure/kodama-theme.git" homepage = "https://github.com/adfaure/kodama-theme" minimum_version = "0.15" license = "MIT" demo = "https://adfaure.github.io/kodama-theme/" [extra.author] name = "Adrien Faure" homepage = "https://adrien-faure.fr" +++ # Kodama ![Theme screenshot](./screenshot.png) ## Summary This theme is greatly inspired from hugo academic theme. First lets introduce some technical details: - It relies on [zola](https://www.getzola.org/). - It has no javascript. - The CSS is built with [tailwindcss](https://tailwindcss.com/). - The blog articles are themed with [@tailwindcss/typography](https://tailwindcss.com/docs/typography-plugin) theme. ## Getting started The best way to get started is to follow the official [zola tutorial](https://www.getzola.org/documentation/getting-started/overview/). This theme can be installed as any other theme. ``` mkdir themes cd themes & git clone https://github.com/adfaure/kodama-theme ``` and set in the `config.toml` the variable `theme` to `kodama-theme`. ### Generate the CSS [Tailwindcss](https://tailwindcss.com/) is a framework that parses your html files, and generate the minimal CSS required. This theme depends on this framework. The theme comes with the precompiled style files (`static/styles/styles.css`). However, if you wish to change the style, or modify the template htlm, you might need to recompile your styles. The most simple way, is to follow the [installation page of tailwindcss](https://tailwindcss.com/docs/installation). At the end, you should have tailwindcss installed, and I advise to use the following tailwind configuration: ```js # tailwind.config.js module.exports = { content: ["./templates/**/*.html", "./themes/**/*.html", "./themes/**/*.html"], theme: {}, variants: {}, plugins: [ require('@tailwindcss/typography'), ], }; ``` Create a file `styles/styles.css`, and use the following command to generate the final CSS file: ``` npx tailwindcss -i styles/styles.css -o static/styles/styles.css ``` The resulting file `static/styles/styles.css` is loaded in the html. *Note that, for the moment the generation of the css is not automated. As a result, it is necessary to re-run this command when changes are made with the styling.* ## Configuration This theme use some extra configuration, that can be set in the extra section of your `config.toml`. ```toml # Title displayed in the index page title = "Website title" # Use this theme theme = "kodama-theme" [extra] # Image of your avatar displayed on the landing page avatar = "static/img/avatar.jpg" # Image of the favicon favicon = "static/img/avatar.jpg" # Your email address showed in the contact section email = "kodama[at]domain.com" # If you don't want to show your contact information in the index contact_in_index = true # Additional menu items # `Name` is what it is displayed, `path` is the url menu_items = [ { path = "#contacts", name = "Contact" }, ] ``` ## Index page The information needed to build the index page are located in the page [front matter](https://www.getzola.org/documentation/content/page/#front-matter) of root index file (e.g `content/_index.md`). The available configuration options are: ```toml # Insert zola front matter variable such as date etc [extra] # Show a concise description of what you do below your avatar. title = "Concise description" # The list of interests displayed interests = [ "Rainbow pony", "Martian food", "Quantic science" ] # The list of your degrees / education [[extra.education.courses]] course = "Latest degree" institution = "Some acamedy" year = 2020 [[extra.education.courses]] course = "Another degree" institution = "Here and there" year = 2016 # Finally, a list of icons with a link displayed below your avatar [[extra.avatar_icons]] icon = "github" link = "https://github.com/adfaure" [[extra.avatar_icons]] icon = "gitlab" link = "https://gitlab.com/adfaure" [[extra.avatar_icons]] icon = "linkedin" link = "https://www.linkedin.com/in/adrien-faure-9958978b/" ``` ## Contact The predefined contact page can be use. The front matter extra part should contains a list of the link to show in the contacts. ## Sections The section available in your website are automatically detected and displayed in the nav bar at the top of the page. To prevent a section to be displayed in the nav bar, you can set the extra front matter option `extra.hidden_nav = false` to false. The section are sorted by `weight` defined in the front matter of the section. By default, the sections (i.e folders under `content/section_name`) have a summary showed in the index. This is configurable in the front matter of the section (e.g `content/section_name/_index.md`). ```toml # The name displayed in the section summary extra.index_title = "Recent Posts" # Set to false to remove the section from the index extra.index_show = true ``` ### Blog The section `blog` is the most standard section. It show a list of article with things that you want to share in your website. To use the blog template, configure the section with the following front matter: ```toml template = "blog.html" page_template = "blog-page.html" ``` ### Publications The section `publication` is very similar to the `blog` section however it is dedicated to show your list of scientific articles. The articles are showed in two subcategories: Thesis and Conference / Workshop. To configure a publication section (e.g `content/research`) and set the following content: ```md +++ title = "Research" sort_by = "date" # Here the two dedicated templates template = "publications.html" page_template = "publication-page.html" # If you want to show your publications under different sections # the title will be the displayed text in your website, and the type # should be the type of publication. # Each individual plublication has an `extra.type` that refers to the # publication type (example in content sub-section). extra.publications_types = [ { title = "Journal articles", type = "journals" }, { title = "Thesis", type = "thesis" }, { title = "Conferences and workshops ", type = "conferences" } ] +++ ## Content Any content will be displayed on top of the section. ``` Article are referenced in subdirectories of this section. ``` tree content/research content/research ├── _index.md ├── paper1 │ ├── bib │ └── index.md └── thesis ├── bib ├── index.md ├── thesis.pdf └── thesis_slides.pdf ``` The bib files are automatically loaded to get information from it. However, it is also possible to add information in the front matter of the article markdown file. ```markdown +++ title = "Article 1" date = 2021-05-18 [extra] type = "Conference" authors = [ "Kodama Mononoke" ] # Should be the type of the publication type it should appears under # configured in the front matter of publications/_index.md type = "conferences" featured = true publication = "2020 IEE rainbow workshop" # Add full url for your pdf and your presentation url_pdf = "https://your-pdf" url_slides = "path_to_slides" # Add a link to a local pdf inside of your paper folder (example in content/publications/paper1.index.md) pdf = "paper.pdf" slides = "path_to_slides.pdf" +++ ``` ## Icons The icons available in this project are stored in a dedicated macro function in `templates/macros/icons.html`. To add a new svg, you can add a case in the `if elif .. else` of the function containing the svg copied from [heroicons](https://heroicons.com/) for instance.