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title = "minimal-dark"
description = "Clean and minimalistic dark theme"
template = "theme.html"
date = 2024-05-27T05:58:59Z
created = 2024-05-27T05:58:59Z
updated = 2024-05-27T05:58:59Z
repository = "https://github.com/kuznetsov17/minimal-dark.git"
homepage = "https://github.com/kuznetsov17/minimal-dark"
minimum_version = "0.18.0"
license = "MIT"
demo = "https://kuznetsov17.github.io/minimal-dark/"
name = "Vitaliy Kuznetsov"
homepage = "https://viku.me"
[![Deploy Zola with GitHub Pages](https://github.com/kuznetsov17/minimal-dark/actions/workflows/zola-build.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/kuznetsov17/minimal-dark/actions/workflows/zola-build.yml)
# General
I am not the best webmaster, but should be somewhat responsive.
I intentionally using the bigger fonts to make, feel free to change it in main.scss
# Light mode
Now light mode also supported.
# Important
Please make sure to set up your base_url with trailing slash:
base_url = "https://kuznetsov17.github.io/minimal-dark/"
# Comments
Theme supports [Giscuss](https://giscuss.app) for comments. The configuration is done via config.toml. Here you can see the example section used for this page deployment:
# Page onfigurations
Customize the page blocks by setting configuration in **[extra]** section:
copyright_string = "Сreated in %YEAR% for fun." # the string displayed in footer. %YEAR% is replaced by current year on build
show_copyright = true / false # enables / disables footer with copyright
show_comments = true / false # enables / disables comments
show_shares = true / false # enables / disables section with social share buttons
show_toc = true / false # enables / disable TOC
show_date = true / false # displays publication date in page
# Blog
I am using this theme for my [notes](https://viku.me/notes/), or probably blog.
The section template supports pagination, tags, sorts the pages by publication date. You may see the working example [here](/notes/)
# config.toml extras
author = "John Doe" # author. Will be puth in page metadata
description = "Some description, if you somehow didn't set it in page / section settings"
logo_src = "images/logo.svg" # logo src
avatar_src = "images/avatar.png" # avatar src
index_page="index" # name of the index page. Should be one of top_menu to make things work
top_menu = ["index","features","notes"] # Menu items
copyright_string = "Сreated by John Doe in 2024 %YEAR% for fun." # footer content. %YEAR% will be replaced with current year
nonce = "${SOME_HASH_VALUE}" # used for JavaScript src nonce
# Shortcodes
## Callouts
{%/* callout(type = 'warning') */%}
This is an example of **Warning** callout. [Some link](#)
{%/* end */%}
{%/* callout(type = 'alert') */%}
This is an example of **Alert** callout. [Some link](#)
{%/* end */%}
{%/* callout(type = 'info') */%}
This is an example of **Info** callout. [Some link](#)
{%/* end */%}
## Timeline
{%/* timeline() */%}
"title":"Lorem Ipsum Event",
"body":"Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.",
"title":"Lorem Ipsum event 2",
"body":"Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.",
{%/* end */%}
# Thanks to
- [Giscuss](https://giscuss.app) for excellent comments system
- [bootstrap icons](https://icons.getbootstrap.com) for great social icons
# Screenshot