Abridge is a fast and lightweight Zola theme using semantic html, only ~6kb css before the svg icons and syntax highlighting css, no mandatory JS[*](https://github.com/Jieiku/abridge#contributing-and-philosophy), and perfect [Lighthouse](https://pagespeed.web.dev/report?url=abridge.netlify.app), [YellowLabTools](https://yellowlab.tools/), and [Observatory](https://observatory.mozilla.org/analyze/abridge.netlify.app) scores.
There is also [Abridge-minimal](https://github.com/jieiku/abridge.css) Theme which is used to showcase the [abridge.css framework](https://github.com/Jieiku/abridge.css/tree/master/dist)
Maintenance of this project is made possible by all the <ahref="https://github.com/Jieiku/abridge/graphs/contributors">contributors</a> and <ahref="https://github.com/sponsors/Jieiku">sponsors</a>. If you'd like to sponsor this project and have your avatar or company logo appear below <ahref="https://github.com/sponsors/Jieiku">click here</a>. 💖
If you plan to use the search_facade feature (dynamic ondemand loading of search) then also copy the package.json (and netlify.toml if you use netlify)
You will also want to copy the content/static folder if you intend to use stork or tinysearch
### Step 6: Add provisions for search_facade.js (dynamic ondemand loading of search related js) or disable the facade.
**IMPORTANT!** by default abridge dynamically loads the js related to the search when the search box is clicked, this allows for a faster page load and saved bandwidth. (not everyone needs or will use the search!)
This feature uses a bundle that has all js related to the search in a single js file, this ensures that the files are in the proper order, and that once downloaded the search is ready to use.
to generate this file you have to do this:
zola build
npm run abridge
zola build # or zola serve
or if testing/running the theme directly:
zola build
npm run abridge-demo
zola build # or zola serve
I completely understand that this makes configuration a bit complicated. Zola does not have any built-in facilities for bundling javascript so we are using uglifyjs, shasum, openssl, etc (all defined in package.json) If you find this too difficult then I highly suggest just disabling the facade and loading the search index with the rest of the page:
You can disable the facade (dynamic loading of search) in the config.toml:
js_search_facade = false
The Abridge demo uses netlify, and the included package.json and netlify.toml files handle this extra bundle step for us automatically.
An overview of this logic is this:
zola build # just to generate search_index.en.js
uglifyjs to create search_bundle.min.js # all search related files
update sha256 hash and base64 encoded sha384 hash in search_facade.js file for cachebust and subresource integrity
uglifyjs to create abridge-bundle.min.js to include search_facade.js with the new hashes.
zola build to update the hashes for abridge-bundle.min.js
If you plan to use the included netlify.toml file you should change the following:
Switcher mode automatically displays a dark or light version depending on browser/OS settings, and has a user clickable theme switcher, but it requires additional javascript.
To change colors or fonts all you need to do is edit these files or duplicate them and create your own skin.
Then in the root of your site type `zola build` which will regenerate your site, this is similar to what zola serve does, except it does not facilitate serving the site.
- codecopy.js: add a Copy Button to code blocks, to copy contents of the code block to clipboard.
- theme.js: very tiny script to facilitate local storage for the theme switcher. (never bundle, gets loaded separate)
- theme_button.js: tiny script for the theme switcher function when you click the theme switch button.
- prestyle.js: Used to preload css files `<link rel="preload"` - this script changes these to `<link rel="stylesheet"` once the page has finished loading, this allows us to load stylesheets for external fonts, fontawesome, or katex in a non blocking fashion.
js_bundle is set to a javascript file with a bundle of multiple javascript files, this allows us to serve fewer javascript files (only the search index and the bundle, or if using the facade all the js related features minus the search related files). Included are a few of the likely most commonly used combinations, but you can generate any combination of js features into a bundle yourself using uglifyjs if you need to, there are examples in the config.toml (or in package.json), eg:
Most Options in the config.toml are self documenting, meaning between the name of the config value and the notes in the file it is usually obvious what an option is for.
-`uglyurls` - Set to true, as well as set a file path for base_url to support a local offline mode of your site, you can then browse your site directly from disk.
-`footer_credit_override` - Can be used to customize the footer credit, useful to add icons to the text, etc.
-`logo = { file="logo.svg", width="42", height="42", alt="Abridge", text="bridge" }` - Defines the graphical logo with optional text to follow the logo.
-`textlogo` - A purely Text based logo, this will be used if logo is commented out, if both are commented out then config.title is used.
-`security_header_referrer` - This is mostly used for tracking, the default is set to "strict-origin-when-cross-origin" [info](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Referrer-Policy)
-`math` - Set to true to load the Katex library, enabling the use of the [katex shortcode](https://abridge.netlify.app/overview-math/) (recommend setting on a per page basis instead.)
-`math_auto_render` - This allows you to define a section of math notation using only $$ $$ symbols instead of using the katex shortcode directly. (recommend setting on a per page basis instead.)
-`katex_css`, `katex_js`, `mathtex_js`, `katex_autorender_js`, `katex_options` - Used for Math Notation.
-`katex_bundle` - Used to bundle all of the math related js.
Most SEO Tags have been added as well as some important head tags for browser compatibility.
You can review the SEO tags in the head macro located at `templates/macros/head.html`, all configurable values should be in config.toml under config.extra or in the content markdown files.
In your post markdown file you should set a title less than 60 characters and a description between 80 and 160 characters in length. The description is what is displayed in search results below the page title. Anywhere that you do not set a page description, the primary site config.description will be used instead.
You should also set page specific keywords unless your keywords defined in config.toml suffice, any keywords that you add to the page are in addition to the ones defined in config.toml, so do not add those same keywords to your page keywords.
You can optionally also set a page specific image for search results by using page.extra.thumbnail. OpenGraph recommends 1200 x 630 (1.9:1). Twitter recommends 2:1 for large and 1:1 for small. If you do not set a page specific thumbnail then the banner defined in config.toml will be used instead.
Refer to [overview-images](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jieiku/abridge/master/content/overview-images/index.md) for an example:
description = "Images can be embedded directly using markdown `![Ferris](ferris.svg)`, but using a shortcode prevents CLS by explicitly setting the width and height."
By default Abridge uses SVG icons directly in CSS, `abridge/sass/include/_icons.scss`, this very efficient and results in the least requests, additionally noscript does not block these resources.
The Abridge.woff2 Icon Font is a subset of Font Awesome, it is still included but not used by default because noscript addon blocks loading of font resources.
If you still want to use font icons continue reading:
Abridge.woff2 Icon Font is a subset of Font Awesome, and can be loaded like any other font by uncommenting the font in the `abridge/sass/font.scss` and including the font.css file in your stylesheet array defined in config.toml: `stylesheets = [ "abridge-switcher.css", "font.css", "iconfont.css" ]`
Abridge.woff2 file can be overridden just like any other Zola theme file, by placing your own Abridge.woff2 in your sites root eg: `mysite/static/font/Abridge.woff2`
To create your own Icon Font with other/more icons you can use the repository here: https://github.com/Jieiku/fontsubset
You will also need to add the additional icon entries to `abridge/sass/fonts/_Abridge.scss`
If you are running Abridge as a submodule, what you can do instead is copy `_Abridge.scss` as your own `mysite/sass/myfont.scss`, and then adjust your config.toml:
instead of this: `stylesheets = [ "abridge-switcher.css" ]` do this: `stylesheets = [ "abridge-switcher.css", "myfont.css" ]`
The theme switcher relies on javascript to work, it applies the .light class to the root documentElement. The file that handles this (theme.js) is tiny and optimized and it is the first file loaded in the head, so the performance hit is minimal, but it does still exist. Without the Theme switcher you can still use The automatic Theme, it works by using Browser/OS preference, you can even install a [Firefox plugin](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/theme-switcher-for-firefox/) to quickly switch between the two. By default the demo has the theme switcher enabled so that it can be evaluated.
With the growing number of options and configuration it can get confusing. To disable the Theme Switcher, you would set `js_switcher = false` and comment out the Switcher section and enable your choice in the No switcher section, for example: