From a4f052f6b3ea689539d3ccc11bde273986728d2e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ReinUsesLisp <>
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2018 22:29:15 -0300
Subject: [PATCH] video_core: Replace gl_shader_decompiler

 src/video_core/CMakeLists.txt                 |    2 -
 .../renderer_opengl/gl_rasterizer.cpp         |    4 +-
 .../renderer_opengl/gl_shader_cache.cpp       |    8 +-
 .../renderer_opengl/gl_shader_cache.h         |    1 +
 .../renderer_opengl/gl_shader_decompiler.cpp  | 3950 -----------------
 .../renderer_opengl/gl_shader_decompiler.h    |   25 -
 .../renderer_opengl/gl_shader_gen.cpp         |   96 +-
 .../renderer_opengl/gl_shader_gen.h           |  158 +-
 8 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 4186 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_decompiler.cpp
 delete mode 100644 src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_decompiler.h

diff --git a/src/video_core/CMakeLists.txt b/src/video_core/CMakeLists.txt
index 86b06487d..b68f3273d 100644
--- a/src/video_core/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/video_core/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -42,8 +42,6 @@ add_library(video_core STATIC
-    renderer_opengl/gl_shader_decompiler.cpp
-    renderer_opengl/gl_shader_decompiler.h
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_rasterizer.cpp b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_rasterizer.cpp
index 73567eb8c..97412590b 100644
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_rasterizer.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_rasterizer.cpp
@@ -925,7 +925,7 @@ u32 RasterizerOpenGL::SetupConstBuffers(Maxwell::ShaderStage stage, Shader& shad
     const auto& gpu = Core::System::GetInstance().GPU();
     const auto& maxwell3d = gpu.Maxwell3D();
     const auto& shader_stage = maxwell3d.state.shader_stages[static_cast<std::size_t>(stage)];
-    const auto& entries = shader->GetShaderEntries().const_buffer_entries;
+    const auto& entries = shader->GetShaderEntries().const_buffers;
     constexpr u64 max_binds = Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs::MaxConstBuffers;
     std::array<GLuint, max_binds> bind_buffers;
@@ -993,7 +993,7 @@ u32 RasterizerOpenGL::SetupTextures(Maxwell::ShaderStage stage, Shader& shader,
     const auto& gpu = Core::System::GetInstance().GPU();
     const auto& maxwell3d = gpu.Maxwell3D();
-    const auto& entries = shader->GetShaderEntries().texture_samplers;
+    const auto& entries = shader->GetShaderEntries().samplers;
     ASSERT_MSG(current_unit + entries.size() <= std::size(state.texture_units),
                "Exceeded the number of active textures.");
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_cache.cpp b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_cache.cpp
index c785fffa3..e5435d733 100644
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_cache.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_cache.cpp
@@ -12,9 +12,13 @@
 #include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_cache.h"
 #include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_manager.h"
 #include "video_core/renderer_opengl/utils.h"
+#include "video_core/shader/glsl_decompiler.h"
+#include "video_core/shader/shader_ir.h"
 namespace OpenGL {
+using VideoCommon::Shader::ProgramCode;
 /// Gets the address for the specified shader stage program
 static VAddr GetShaderAddress(Maxwell::ShaderProgram program) {
     const auto& gpu = Core::System::GetInstance().GPU().Maxwell3D();
@@ -24,8 +28,8 @@ static VAddr GetShaderAddress(Maxwell::ShaderProgram program) {
 /// Gets the shader program code from memory for the specified address
-static GLShader::ProgramCode GetShaderCode(VAddr addr) {
-    GLShader::ProgramCode program_code(GLShader::MAX_PROGRAM_CODE_LENGTH);
+static ProgramCode GetShaderCode(VAddr addr) {
+    ProgramCode program_code(VideoCommon::Shader::MAX_PROGRAM_LENGTH);
     Memory::ReadBlock(addr,, program_code.size() * sizeof(u64));
     return program_code;
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_cache.h b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_cache.h
index 768747968..aad1cf6be 100644
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_cache.h
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_cache.h
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 #include "video_core/rasterizer_cache.h"
 #include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_resource_manager.h"
 #include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_gen.h"
+#include "video_core/shader/glsl_decompiler.h"
 namespace OpenGL {
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_decompiler.cpp b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_decompiler.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bb09e61b..000000000
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_decompiler.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3950 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2018 yuzu Emulator Project
-// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
-// Refer to the license.txt file included.
-#include <map>
-#include <optional>
-#include <set>
-#include <string>
-#include <string_view>
-#include <unordered_set>
-#include <fmt/format.h>
-#include "common/assert.h"
-#include "common/common_types.h"
-#include "video_core/engines/shader_bytecode.h"
-#include "video_core/engines/shader_header.h"
-#include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_rasterizer.h"
-#include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_decompiler.h"
-namespace OpenGL::GLShader::Decompiler {
-using Tegra::Shader::Attribute;
-using Tegra::Shader::Instruction;
-using Tegra::Shader::LogicOperation;
-using Tegra::Shader::OpCode;
-using Tegra::Shader::Register;
-using Tegra::Shader::Sampler;
-using Tegra::Shader::SubOp;
-constexpr u32 PROGRAM_HEADER_SIZE = sizeof(Tegra::Shader::Header);
-constexpr u32 MAX_GEOMETRY_BUFFERS = 6;
-constexpr u32 MAX_ATTRIBUTES = 0x100; // Size in vec4s, this value is untested
-static const char* INTERNAL_FLAG_NAMES[] = {"zero_flag", "sign_flag", "carry_flag",
-                                            "overflow_flag"};
-enum class InternalFlag : u64 {
-    ZeroFlag = 0,
-    SignFlag = 1,
-    CarryFlag = 2,
-    OverflowFlag = 3,
-    Amount
-class DecompileFail : public std::runtime_error {
-    using std::runtime_error::runtime_error;
-/// Generates code to use for a swizzle operation.
-static std::string GetSwizzle(u64 elem) {
-    ASSERT(elem <= 3);
-    std::string swizzle = ".";
-    swizzle += "xyzw"[elem];
-    return swizzle;
-/// Translate topology
-static std::string GetTopologyName(Tegra::Shader::OutputTopology topology) {
-    switch (topology) {
-    case Tegra::Shader::OutputTopology::PointList:
-        return "points";
-    case Tegra::Shader::OutputTopology::LineStrip:
-        return "line_strip";
-    case Tegra::Shader::OutputTopology::TriangleStrip:
-        return "triangle_strip";
-    default:
-        UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unknown output topology: {}", static_cast<u32>(topology));
-        return "points";
-    }
-/// Describes the behaviour of code path of a given entry point and a return point.
-enum class ExitMethod {
-    Undetermined, ///< Internal value. Only occur when analyzing JMP loop.
-    AlwaysReturn, ///< All code paths reach the return point.
-    Conditional,  ///< Code path reaches the return point or an END instruction conditionally.
-    AlwaysEnd,    ///< All code paths reach a END instruction.
-/// A subroutine is a range of code refereced by a CALL, IF or LOOP instruction.
-struct Subroutine {
-    /// Generates a name suitable for GLSL source code.
-    std::string GetName() const {
-        return "sub_" + std::to_string(begin) + '_' + std::to_string(end) + '_' + suffix;
-    }
-    u32 begin;                 ///< Entry point of the subroutine.
-    u32 end;                   ///< Return point of the subroutine.
-    const std::string& suffix; ///< Suffix of the shader, used to make a unique subroutine name
-    ExitMethod exit_method;    ///< Exit method of the subroutine.
-    std::set<u32> labels;      ///< Addresses refereced by JMP instructions.
-    bool operator<(const Subroutine& rhs) const {
-        return std::tie(begin, end) < std::tie(rhs.begin, rhs.end);
-    }
-/// Analyzes shader code and produces a set of subroutines.
-class ControlFlowAnalyzer {
-    ControlFlowAnalyzer(const ProgramCode& program_code, u32 main_offset, const std::string& suffix)
-        : program_code(program_code), shader_coverage_begin(main_offset),
-          shader_coverage_end(main_offset + 1) {
-        // Recursively finds all subroutines.
-        const Subroutine& program_main = AddSubroutine(main_offset, PROGRAM_END, suffix);
-        if (program_main.exit_method != ExitMethod::AlwaysEnd)
-            throw DecompileFail("Program does not always end");
-    }
-    std::set<Subroutine> GetSubroutines() {
-        return std::move(subroutines);
-    }
-    std::size_t GetShaderLength() const {
-        return shader_coverage_end * sizeof(u64);
-    }
-    const ProgramCode& program_code;
-    std::set<Subroutine> subroutines;
-    std::map<std::pair<u32, u32>, ExitMethod> exit_method_map;
-    u32 shader_coverage_begin;
-    u32 shader_coverage_end;
-    /// Adds and analyzes a new subroutine if it is not added yet.
-    const Subroutine& AddSubroutine(u32 begin, u32 end, const std::string& suffix) {
-        Subroutine subroutine{begin, end, suffix, ExitMethod::Undetermined, {}};
-        const auto iter = subroutines.find(subroutine);
-        if (iter != subroutines.end()) {
-            return *iter;
-        }
-        subroutine.exit_method = Scan(begin, end, subroutine.labels);
-        if (subroutine.exit_method == ExitMethod::Undetermined) {
-            throw DecompileFail("Recursive function detected");
-        }
-        return *subroutines.insert(std::move(subroutine)).first;
-    }
-    /// Merges exit method of two parallel branches.
-    static ExitMethod ParallelExit(ExitMethod a, ExitMethod b) {
-        if (a == ExitMethod::Undetermined) {
-            return b;
-        }
-        if (b == ExitMethod::Undetermined) {
-            return a;
-        }
-        if (a == b) {
-            return a;
-        }
-        return ExitMethod::Conditional;
-    }
-    /// Scans a range of code for labels and determines the exit method.
-    ExitMethod Scan(u32 begin, u32 end, std::set<u32>& labels) {
-        const auto [iter, inserted] =
-            exit_method_map.emplace(std::make_pair(begin, end), ExitMethod::Undetermined);
-        ExitMethod& exit_method = iter->second;
-        if (!inserted)
-            return exit_method;
-        for (u32 offset = begin; offset != end && offset != PROGRAM_END; ++offset) {
-            shader_coverage_begin = std::min(shader_coverage_begin, offset);
-            shader_coverage_end = std::max(shader_coverage_end, offset + 1);
-            const Instruction instr = {program_code[offset]};
-            if (const auto opcode = OpCode::Decode(instr)) {
-                switch (opcode->get().GetId()) {
-                case OpCode::Id::EXIT: {
-                    // The EXIT instruction can be predicated, which means that the shader can
-                    // conditionally end on this instruction. We have to consider the case where the
-                    // condition is not met and check the exit method of that other basic block.
-                    using Tegra::Shader::Pred;
-                    if (instr.pred.pred_index == static_cast<u64>(Pred::UnusedIndex)) {
-                        return exit_method = ExitMethod::AlwaysEnd;
-                    } else {
-                        const ExitMethod not_met = Scan(offset + 1, end, labels);
-                        return exit_method = ParallelExit(ExitMethod::AlwaysEnd, not_met);
-                    }
-                }
-                case OpCode::Id::BRA: {
-                    const u32 target = offset + instr.bra.GetBranchTarget();
-                    labels.insert(target);
-                    const ExitMethod no_jmp = Scan(offset + 1, end, labels);
-                    const ExitMethod jmp = Scan(target, end, labels);
-                    return exit_method = ParallelExit(no_jmp, jmp);
-                }
-                case OpCode::Id::SSY:
-                case OpCode::Id::PBK: {
-                    // The SSY and PBK use a similar encoding as the BRA instruction.
-                    UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(instr.bra.constant_buffer != 0,
-                                         "Constant buffer branching is not supported");
-                    const u32 target = offset + instr.bra.GetBranchTarget();
-                    labels.insert(target);
-                    // Continue scanning for an exit method.
-                    break;
-                }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return exit_method = ExitMethod::AlwaysReturn;
-    }
-template <typename T>
-class ShaderScopedScope {
-    explicit ShaderScopedScope(T& writer, std::string_view begin_expr, std::string end_expr)
-        : writer(writer), end_expr(std::move(end_expr)) {
-        if (begin_expr.empty()) {
-            writer.AddLine('{');
-        } else {
-            writer.AddExpression(begin_expr);
-            writer.AddLine(" {");
-        }
-        ++writer.scope;
-    }
-    ShaderScopedScope(const ShaderScopedScope&) = delete;
-    ~ShaderScopedScope() {
-        --writer.scope;
-        if (end_expr.empty()) {
-            writer.AddLine('}');
-        } else {
-            writer.AddExpression("} ");
-            writer.AddExpression(end_expr);
-            writer.AddLine(';');
-        }
-    }
-    ShaderScopedScope& operator=(const ShaderScopedScope&) = delete;
-    T& writer;
-    std::string end_expr;
-class ShaderWriter {
-    void AddExpression(std::string_view text) {
-        DEBUG_ASSERT(scope >= 0);
-        if (!text.empty()) {
-            AppendIndentation();
-        }
-        shader_source += text;
-    }
-    void AddLine(std::string_view text) {
-        AddExpression(text);
-        AddNewLine();
-    }
-    void AddLine(char character) {
-        DEBUG_ASSERT(scope >= 0);
-        AppendIndentation();
-        shader_source += character;
-        AddNewLine();
-    }
-    void AddNewLine() {
-        DEBUG_ASSERT(scope >= 0);
-        shader_source += '\n';
-    }
-    std::string GetResult() {
-        return std::move(shader_source);
-    }
-    ShaderScopedScope<ShaderWriter> Scope(std::string_view begin_expr = {},
-                                          std::string end_expr = {}) {
-        return ShaderScopedScope(*this, begin_expr, end_expr);
-    }
-    int scope = 0;
-    void AppendIndentation() {
-        shader_source.append(static_cast<std::size_t>(scope) * 4, ' ');
-    }
-    std::string shader_source;
- * Represents an emulated shader register, used to track the state of that register for emulation
- * with GLSL. At this time, a register can be used as a float or an integer. This class is used for
- * bookkeeping within the GLSL program.
- */
-class GLSLRegister {
-    enum class Type {
-        Float,
-        Integer,
-        UnsignedInteger,
-    };
-    GLSLRegister(std::size_t index, const std::string& suffix) : index{index}, suffix{suffix} {}
-    /// Gets the GLSL type string for a register
-    static std::string GetTypeString() {
-        return "float";
-    }
-    /// Gets the GLSL register prefix string, used for declarations and referencing
-    static std::string GetPrefixString() {
-        return "reg_";
-    }
-    /// Returns a GLSL string representing the current state of the register
-    std::string GetString() const {
-        return GetPrefixString() + std::to_string(index) + '_' + suffix;
-    }
-    /// Returns the index of the register
-    std::size_t GetIndex() const {
-        return index;
-    }
-    const std::size_t index;
-    const std::string& suffix;
- * Used to manage shader registers that are emulated with GLSL. This class keeps track of the state
- * of all registers (e.g. whether they are currently being used as Floats or Integers), and
- * generates the necessary GLSL code to perform conversions as needed. This class is used for
- * bookkeeping within the GLSL program.
- */
-class GLSLRegisterManager {
-    GLSLRegisterManager(ShaderWriter& shader, ShaderWriter& declarations,
-                        const Maxwell3D::Regs::ShaderStage& stage, const std::string& suffix,
-                        const Tegra::Shader::Header& header)
-        : shader{shader}, declarations{declarations}, stage{stage}, suffix{suffix}, header{header},
-          fixed_pipeline_output_attributes_used{}, local_memory_size{0} {
-        BuildRegisterList();
-        BuildInputList();
-    }
-    void SetConditionalCodesFromExpression(const std::string& expresion) {
-        SetInternalFlag(InternalFlag::ZeroFlag, "(" + expresion + ") == 0");
-        LOG_WARNING(HW_GPU, "Condition codes implementation is incomplete.");
-    }
-    void SetConditionalCodesFromRegister(const Register& reg, u64 dest_elem = 0) {
-        SetConditionalCodesFromExpression(GetRegister(reg, static_cast<u32>(dest_elem)));
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns code that does an integer size conversion for the specified size.
-     * @param value Value to perform integer size conversion on.
-     * @param size Register size to use for conversion instructions.
-     * @returns GLSL string corresponding to the value converted to the specified size.
-     */
-    static std::string ConvertIntegerSize(const std::string& value, Register::Size size) {
-        switch (size) {
-        case Register::Size::Byte:
-            return "((" + value + " << 24) >> 24)";
-        case Register::Size::Short:
-            return "((" + value + " << 16) >> 16)";
-        case Register::Size::Word:
-            // Default - do nothing
-            return value;
-        default:
-            UNREACHABLE_MSG("Unimplemented conversion size: {}", static_cast<u32>(size));
-            return value;
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets a register as an float.
-     * @param reg The register to get.
-     * @param elem The element to use for the operation.
-     * @returns GLSL string corresponding to the register as a float.
-     */
-    std::string GetRegisterAsFloat(const Register& reg, unsigned elem = 0) {
-        return GetRegister(reg, elem);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets a register as an integer.
-     * @param reg The register to get.
-     * @param elem The element to use for the operation.
-     * @param is_signed Whether to get the register as a signed (or unsigned) integer.
-     * @param size Register size to use for conversion instructions.
-     * @returns GLSL string corresponding to the register as an integer.
-     */
-    std::string GetRegisterAsInteger(const Register& reg, unsigned elem = 0, bool is_signed = true,
-                                     Register::Size size = Register::Size::Word) {
-        const std::string func{is_signed ? "floatBitsToInt" : "floatBitsToUint"};
-        const std::string value{func + '(' + GetRegister(reg, elem) + ')'};
-        return ConvertIntegerSize(value, size);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Writes code that does a register assignment to float value operation.
-     * @param reg The destination register to use.
-     * @param elem The element to use for the operation.
-     * @param value The code representing the value to assign.
-     * @param dest_num_components Number of components in the destination.
-     * @param value_num_components Number of components in the value.
-     * @param is_saturated Optional, when True, saturates the provided value.
-     * @param sets_cc Optional, when True, sets the corresponding values to the implemented
-     * condition flags.
-     * @param dest_elem Optional, the destination element to use for the operation.
-     */
-    void SetRegisterToFloat(const Register& reg, u64 elem, const std::string& value,
-                            u64 dest_num_components, u64 value_num_components,
-                            bool is_saturated = false, bool sets_cc = false, u64 dest_elem = 0,
-                            bool precise = false) {
-        const std::string clamped_value = is_saturated ? "clamp(" + value + ", 0.0, 1.0)" : value;
-        SetRegister(reg, elem, clamped_value, dest_num_components, value_num_components, dest_elem,
-                    precise);
-        if (sets_cc) {
-            if (reg == Register::ZeroIndex) {
-                SetConditionalCodesFromExpression(clamped_value);
-            } else {
-                SetConditionalCodesFromRegister(reg, dest_elem);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Writes code that does a register assignment to integer value operation.
-     * @param reg The destination register to use.
-     * @param elem The element to use for the operation.
-     * @param value The code representing the value to assign.
-     * @param dest_num_components Number of components in the destination.
-     * @param value_num_components Number of components in the value.
-     * @param is_saturated Optional, when True, saturates the provided value.
-     * @param sets_cc Optional, when True, sets the corresponding values to the implemented
-     * condition flags.
-     * @param dest_elem Optional, the destination element to use for the operation.
-     * @param size Register size to use for conversion instructions.
-     */
-    void SetRegisterToInteger(const Register& reg, bool is_signed, u64 elem,
-                              const std::string& value, u64 dest_num_components,
-                              u64 value_num_components, bool is_saturated = false,
-                              bool sets_cc = false, u64 dest_elem = 0,
-                              Register::Size size = Register::Size::Word) {
-        UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(is_saturated);
-        const std::string final_value = ConvertIntegerSize(value, size);
-        const std::string func{is_signed ? "intBitsToFloat" : "uintBitsToFloat"};
-        SetRegister(reg, elem, func + '(' + final_value + ')', dest_num_components,
-                    value_num_components, dest_elem, false);
-        if (sets_cc) {
-            if (reg == Register::ZeroIndex) {
-                SetConditionalCodesFromExpression(final_value);
-            } else {
-                SetConditionalCodesFromRegister(reg, dest_elem);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Writes code that does a register assignment to a half float value operation.
-     * @param reg The destination register to use.
-     * @param elem The element to use for the operation.
-     * @param value The code representing the value to assign. Type has to be half float.
-     * @param merge Half float kind of assignment.
-     * @param dest_num_components Number of components in the destination.
-     * @param value_num_components Number of components in the value.
-     * @param is_saturated Optional, when True, saturates the provided value.
-     * @param dest_elem Optional, the destination element to use for the operation.
-     */
-    void SetRegisterToHalfFloat(const Register& reg, u64 elem, const std::string& value,
-                                Tegra::Shader::HalfMerge merge, u64 dest_num_components,
-                                u64 value_num_components, bool is_saturated = false,
-                                u64 dest_elem = 0) {
-        UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(is_saturated);
-        const std::string result = [&]() {
-            switch (merge) {
-            case Tegra::Shader::HalfMerge::H0_H1:
-                return "uintBitsToFloat(packHalf2x16(" + value + "))";
-            case Tegra::Shader::HalfMerge::F32:
-                // Half float instructions take the first component when doing a float cast.
-                return "float(" + value + ".x)";
-            case Tegra::Shader::HalfMerge::Mrg_H0:
-                // TODO(Rodrigo): I guess Mrg_H0 and Mrg_H1 take their respective component from the
-                // pack. I couldn't test this on hardware but it shouldn't really matter since most
-                // of the time when a Mrg_* flag is used both components will be mirrored. That
-                // being said, it deserves a test.
-                return "uintBitsToFloat((" + GetRegisterAsInteger(reg, 0, false) +
-                       " & 0xffff0000) | (packHalf2x16(" + value + ") & 0x0000ffff))";
-            case Tegra::Shader::HalfMerge::Mrg_H1:
-                return "uintBitsToFloat((" + GetRegisterAsInteger(reg, 0, false) +
-                       " & 0x0000ffff) | (packHalf2x16(" + value + ") & 0xffff0000))";
-            default:
-                UNREACHABLE();
-                return std::string("0");
-            }
-        }();
-        SetRegister(reg, elem, result, dest_num_components, value_num_components, dest_elem, false);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Writes code that does a register assignment to input attribute operation. Input attributes
-     * are stored as floats, so this may require conversion.
-     * @param reg The destination register to use.
-     * @param elem The element to use for the operation.
-     * @param attribute The input attribute to use as the source value.
-     * @param input_mode The input mode.
-     * @param vertex The register that decides which vertex to read from (used in GS).
-     */
-    void SetRegisterToInputAttibute(const Register& reg, u64 elem, Attribute::Index attribute,
-                                    const Tegra::Shader::IpaMode& input_mode,
-                                    std::optional<Register> vertex = {}) {
-        const std::string dest = GetRegisterAsFloat(reg);
-        const std::string src = GetInputAttribute(attribute, input_mode, vertex) + GetSwizzle(elem);
-        shader.AddLine(dest + " = " + src + ';');
-    }
-    std::string GetLocalMemoryAsFloat(const std::string& index) {
-        return "lmem[" + index + ']';
-    }
-    std::string GetLocalMemoryAsInteger(const std::string& index, bool is_signed = false) {
-        const std::string func{is_signed ? "floatToIntBits" : "floatBitsToUint"};
-        return func + "(lmem[" + index + "])";
-    }
-    void SetLocalMemoryAsFloat(const std::string& index, const std::string& value) {
-        shader.AddLine("lmem[" + index + "] = " + value + ';');
-    }
-    void SetLocalMemoryAsInteger(const std::string& index, const std::string& value,
-                                 bool is_signed = false) {
-        const std::string func{is_signed ? "intBitsToFloat" : "uintBitsToFloat"};
-        shader.AddLine("lmem[" + index + "] = " + func + '(' + value + ");");
-    }
-    std::string GetConditionCode(const Tegra::Shader::ConditionCode cc) const {
-        switch (cc) {
-        case Tegra::Shader::ConditionCode::NEU:
-            return "!(" + GetInternalFlag(InternalFlag::ZeroFlag) + ')';
-        default:
-            UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unimplemented condition code: {}", static_cast<u32>(cc));
-            return "false";
-        }
-    }
-    std::string GetInternalFlag(const InternalFlag flag) const {
-        const auto index = static_cast<u32>(flag);
-        ASSERT(index < static_cast<u32>(InternalFlag::Amount));
-        return std::string(INTERNAL_FLAG_NAMES[index]) + '_' + suffix;
-    }
-    void SetInternalFlag(const InternalFlag flag, const std::string& value) const {
-        shader.AddLine(GetInternalFlag(flag) + " = " + value + ';');
-    }
-    /**
-     * Writes code that does a output attribute assignment to register operation. Output attributes
-     * are stored as floats, so this may require conversion.
-     * @param attribute The destination output attribute.
-     * @param elem The element to use for the operation.
-     * @param val_reg The register to use as the source value.
-     * @param buf_reg The register that tells which buffer to write to (used in geometry shaders).
-     */
-    void SetOutputAttributeToRegister(Attribute::Index attribute, u64 elem, const Register& val_reg,
-                                      const Register& buf_reg) {
-        const std::string dest = GetOutputAttribute(attribute);
-        const std::string src = GetRegisterAsFloat(val_reg);
-        if (dest.empty())
-            return;
-        // Can happen with unknown/unimplemented output attributes, in which case we ignore the
-        // instruction for now.
-        if (stage == Maxwell3D::Regs::ShaderStage::Geometry) {
-            // TODO(Rodrigo): nouveau sets some attributes after setting emitting a geometry
-            // shader. These instructions use a dirty register as buffer index, to avoid some
-            // drivers from complaining about out of boundary writes, guard them.
-            const std::string buf_index{"((" + GetRegisterAsInteger(buf_reg) + ") % " +
-                                        std::to_string(MAX_GEOMETRY_BUFFERS) + ')'};
-            shader.AddLine("amem[" + buf_index + "][" +
-                           std::to_string(static_cast<u32>(attribute)) + ']' + GetSwizzle(elem) +
-                           " = " + src + ';');
-            return;
-        }
-        switch (attribute) {
-        case Attribute::Index::ClipDistances0123:
-        case Attribute::Index::ClipDistances4567: {
-            const u64 index = (attribute == Attribute::Index::ClipDistances4567 ? 4 : 0) + elem;
-                ((header.vtg.clip_distances >> index) & 1) == 0,
-                "Shader is setting gl_ClipDistance{} without enabling it in the header", index);
-            clip_distances[index] = true;
-            fixed_pipeline_output_attributes_used.insert(attribute);
-            shader.AddLine(dest + '[' + std::to_string(index) + "] = " + src + ';');
-            break;
-        }
-        case Attribute::Index::PointSize:
-            fixed_pipeline_output_attributes_used.insert(attribute);
-            shader.AddLine(dest + " = " + src + ';');
-            break;
-        default:
-            shader.AddLine(dest + GetSwizzle(elem) + " = " + src + ';');
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    /// Generates code representing a uniform (C buffer) register, interpreted as the input type.
-    std::string GetUniform(u64 index, u64 offset, GLSLRegister::Type type,
-                           Register::Size size = Register::Size::Word) {
-        declr_const_buffers[index].MarkAsUsed(index, offset, stage);
-        std::string value = 'c' + std::to_string(index) + '[' + std::to_string(offset / 4) + "][" +
-                            std::to_string(offset % 4) + ']';
-        if (type == GLSLRegister::Type::Float) {
-            // Do nothing, default
-        } else if (type == GLSLRegister::Type::Integer) {
-            value = "floatBitsToInt(" + value + ')';
-        } else if (type == GLSLRegister::Type::UnsignedInteger) {
-            value = "floatBitsToUint(" + value + ')';
-        } else {
-            UNREACHABLE();
-        }
-        return ConvertIntegerSize(value, size);
-    }
-    std::string GetUniformIndirect(u64 cbuf_index, s64 offset, const std::string& index_str,
-                                   GLSLRegister::Type type) {
-        declr_const_buffers[cbuf_index].MarkAsUsedIndirect(cbuf_index, stage);
-        const std::string final_offset = fmt::format("({} + {})", index_str, offset / 4);
-        const std::string value = 'c' + std::to_string(cbuf_index) + '[' + final_offset + " / 4][" +
-                                  final_offset + " % 4]";
-        if (type == GLSLRegister::Type::Float) {
-            return value;
-        } else if (type == GLSLRegister::Type::Integer) {
-            return "floatBitsToInt(" + value + ')';
-        } else {
-            UNREACHABLE();
-            return value;
-        }
-    }
-    /// Add declarations.
-    void GenerateDeclarations(const std::string& suffix) {
-        GenerateVertex();
-        GenerateRegisters(suffix);
-        GenerateLocalMemory();
-        GenerateInternalFlags();
-        GenerateInputAttrs();
-        GenerateOutputAttrs();
-        GenerateConstBuffers();
-        GenerateSamplers();
-        GenerateGeometry();
-    }
-    /// Returns a list of constant buffer declarations.
-    std::vector<ConstBufferEntry> GetConstBuffersDeclarations() const {
-        std::vector<ConstBufferEntry> result;
-        std::copy_if(declr_const_buffers.begin(), declr_const_buffers.end(),
-                     std::back_inserter(result), [](const auto& entry) { return entry.IsUsed(); });
-        return result;
-    }
-    /// Returns a list of samplers used in the shader.
-    const std::vector<SamplerEntry>& GetSamplers() const {
-        return used_samplers;
-    }
-    /// Returns an array of the used clip distances.
-    const std::array<bool, Maxwell::NumClipDistances>& GetClipDistances() const {
-        return clip_distances;
-    }
-    /// Returns the GLSL sampler used for the input shader sampler, and creates a new one if
-    /// necessary.
-    std::string AccessSampler(const Sampler& sampler, Tegra::Shader::TextureType type,
-                              bool is_array, bool is_shadow) {
-        const auto offset = static_cast<std::size_t>(sampler.index.Value());
-        // If this sampler has already been used, return the existing mapping.
-        const auto itr =
-            std::find_if(used_samplers.begin(), used_samplers.end(),
-                         [&](const SamplerEntry& entry) { return entry.GetOffset() == offset; });
-        if (itr != used_samplers.end()) {
-            ASSERT(itr->GetType() == type && itr->IsArray() == is_array &&
-                   itr->IsShadow() == is_shadow);
-            return itr->GetName();
-        }
-        // Otherwise create a new mapping for this sampler
-        const std::size_t next_index = used_samplers.size();
-        const SamplerEntry entry{stage, offset, next_index, type, is_array, is_shadow};
-        used_samplers.emplace_back(entry);
-        return entry.GetName();
-    }
-    void SetLocalMemory(u64 lmem) {
-        local_memory_size = lmem;
-    }
-    /// Generates declarations for registers.
-    void GenerateRegisters(const std::string& suffix) {
-        for (const auto& reg : regs) {
-            declarations.AddLine(GLSLRegister::GetTypeString() + ' ' + reg.GetPrefixString() +
-                                 std::to_string(reg.GetIndex()) + '_' + suffix + " = 0;");
-        }
-        declarations.AddNewLine();
-    }
-    /// Generates declarations for local memory.
-    void GenerateLocalMemory() {
-        if (local_memory_size > 0) {
-            declarations.AddLine("float lmem[" + std::to_string((local_memory_size - 1 + 4) / 4) +
-                                 "];");
-            declarations.AddNewLine();
-        }
-    }
-    /// Generates declarations for internal flags.
-    void GenerateInternalFlags() {
-        for (u32 flag = 0; flag < static_cast<u32>(InternalFlag::Amount); flag++) {
-            const InternalFlag code = static_cast<InternalFlag>(flag);
-            declarations.AddLine("bool " + GetInternalFlag(code) + " = false;");
-        }
-        declarations.AddNewLine();
-    }
-    /// Generates declarations for input attributes.
-    void GenerateInputAttrs() {
-        for (const auto element : declr_input_attribute) {
-            // TODO(bunnei): Use proper number of elements for these
-            u32 idx =
-                static_cast<u32>(element.first) - static_cast<u32>(Attribute::Index::Attribute_0);
-            if (stage != Maxwell3D::Regs::ShaderStage::Vertex) {
-                // If inputs are varyings, add an offset
-                idx += GENERIC_VARYING_START_LOCATION;
-            }
-            std::string attr{GetInputAttribute(element.first, element.second)};
-            if (stage == Maxwell3D::Regs::ShaderStage::Geometry) {
-                attr = "gs_" + attr + "[]";
-            }
-            declarations.AddLine("layout (location = " + std::to_string(idx) + ") " +
-                                 GetInputFlags(element.first) + "in vec4 " + attr + ';');
-        }
-        declarations.AddNewLine();
-    }
-    /// Generates declarations for output attributes.
-    void GenerateOutputAttrs() {
-        for (const auto& index : declr_output_attribute) {
-            // TODO(bunnei): Use proper number of elements for these
-            const u32 idx = static_cast<u32>(index) -
-                            static_cast<u32>(Attribute::Index::Attribute_0) +
-                            GENERIC_VARYING_START_LOCATION;
-            declarations.AddLine("layout (location = " + std::to_string(idx) + ") out vec4 " +
-                                 GetOutputAttribute(index) + ';');
-        }
-        declarations.AddNewLine();
-    }
-    /// Generates declarations for constant buffers.
-    void GenerateConstBuffers() {
-        for (const auto& entry : GetConstBuffersDeclarations()) {
-            declarations.AddLine("layout (std140) uniform " + entry.GetName());
-            declarations.AddLine('{');
-            declarations.AddLine("    vec4 c" + std::to_string(entry.GetIndex()) +
-                                 "[MAX_CONSTBUFFER_ELEMENTS];");
-            declarations.AddLine("};");
-            declarations.AddNewLine();
-        }
-        declarations.AddNewLine();
-    }
-    /// Generates declarations for samplers.
-    void GenerateSamplers() {
-        const auto& samplers = GetSamplers();
-        for (const auto& sampler : samplers) {
-            declarations.AddLine("uniform " + sampler.GetTypeString() + ' ' + sampler.GetName() +
-                                 ';');
-        }
-        declarations.AddNewLine();
-    }
-    /// Generates declarations used for geometry shaders.
-    void GenerateGeometry() {
-        if (stage != Maxwell3D::Regs::ShaderStage::Geometry)
-            return;
-        declarations.AddLine(
-            "layout (" + GetTopologyName(header.common3.output_topology) +
-            ", max_vertices = " + std::to_string(header.common4.max_output_vertices) + ") out;");
-        declarations.AddNewLine();
-        declarations.AddLine("vec4 amem[" + std::to_string(MAX_GEOMETRY_BUFFERS) + "][" +
-                             std::to_string(MAX_ATTRIBUTES) + "];");
-        declarations.AddNewLine();
-        constexpr char buffer[] = "amem[output_buffer]";
-        declarations.AddLine("void emit_vertex(uint output_buffer) {");
-        ++declarations.scope;
-        for (const auto element : declr_output_attribute) {
-            declarations.AddLine(GetOutputAttribute(element) + " = " + buffer + '[' +
-                                 std::to_string(static_cast<u32>(element)) + "];");
-        }
-        declarations.AddLine("position = " + std::string(buffer) + '[' +
-                             std::to_string(static_cast<u32>(Attribute::Index::Position)) + "];");
-        // If a geometry shader is attached, it will always flip (it's the last stage before
-        // fragment). For more info about flipping, refer to gl_shader_gen.cpp.
-        declarations.AddLine("position.xy *= viewport_flip.xy;");
-        declarations.AddLine("gl_Position = position;");
-        declarations.AddLine("position.w = 1.0;");
-        declarations.AddLine("EmitVertex();");
-        --declarations.scope;
-        declarations.AddLine('}');
-        declarations.AddNewLine();
-    }
-    void GenerateVertex() {
-        if (stage != Maxwell3D::Regs::ShaderStage::Vertex)
-            return;
-        bool clip_distances_declared = false;
-        declarations.AddLine("out gl_PerVertex {");
-        ++declarations.scope;
-        declarations.AddLine("vec4 gl_Position;");
-        for (auto& o : fixed_pipeline_output_attributes_used) {
-            if (o == Attribute::Index::PointSize)
-                declarations.AddLine("float gl_PointSize;");
-            if (!clip_distances_declared && (o == Attribute::Index::ClipDistances0123 ||
-                                             o == Attribute::Index::ClipDistances4567)) {
-                declarations.AddLine("float gl_ClipDistance[];");
-                clip_distances_declared = true;
-            }
-        }
-        --declarations.scope;
-        declarations.AddLine("};");
-    }
-    /// Generates code representing a temporary (GPR) register.
-    std::string GetRegister(const Register& reg, unsigned elem) {
-        if (reg == Register::ZeroIndex) {
-            return "0";
-        }
-        return regs[reg.GetSwizzledIndex(elem)].GetString();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Writes code that does a register assignment to value operation.
-     * @param reg The destination register to use.
-     * @param elem The element to use for the operation.
-     * @param value The code representing the value to assign.
-     * @param dest_num_components Number of components in the destination.
-     * @param value_num_components Number of components in the value.
-     * @param dest_elem Optional, the destination element to use for the operation.
-     */
-    void SetRegister(const Register& reg, u64 elem, const std::string& value,
-                     u64 dest_num_components, u64 value_num_components, u64 dest_elem,
-                     bool precise) {
-        if (reg == Register::ZeroIndex) {
-            // Setting RZ is a nop in hardware.
-            return;
-        }
-        std::string dest = GetRegister(reg, static_cast<u32>(dest_elem));
-        if (dest_num_components > 1) {
-            dest += GetSwizzle(elem);
-        }
-        std::string src = '(' + value + ')';
-        if (value_num_components > 1) {
-            src += GetSwizzle(elem);
-        }
-        if (precise && stage != Maxwell3D::Regs::ShaderStage::Fragment) {
-            const auto scope = shader.Scope();
-            // This avoids optimizations of constant propagation and keeps the code as the original
-            // Sadly using the precise keyword causes "linking" errors on fragment shaders.
-            shader.AddLine("precise float tmp = " + src + ';');
-            shader.AddLine(dest + " = tmp;");
-        } else {
-            shader.AddLine(dest + " = " + src + ';');
-        }
-    }
-    /// Build the GLSL register list.
-    void BuildRegisterList() {
-        regs.reserve(Register::NumRegisters);
-        for (std::size_t index = 0; index < Register::NumRegisters; ++index) {
-            regs.emplace_back(index, suffix);
-        }
-    }
-    void BuildInputList() {
-        const u32 size = static_cast<u32>(Attribute::Index::Attribute_31) -
-                         static_cast<u32>(Attribute::Index::Attribute_0) + 1;
-        declr_input_attribute.reserve(size);
-    }
-    /// Generates code representing an input attribute register.
-    std::string GetInputAttribute(Attribute::Index attribute,
-                                  const Tegra::Shader::IpaMode& input_mode,
-                                  std::optional<Register> vertex = {}) {
-        auto GeometryPass = [&](const std::string& name) {
-            if (stage == Maxwell3D::Regs::ShaderStage::Geometry && vertex) {
-                // TODO(Rodrigo): Guard geometry inputs against out of bound reads. Some games set
-                // an 0x80000000 index for those and the shader fails to build. Find out why this
-                // happens and what's its intent.
-                return "gs_" + name + '[' + GetRegisterAsInteger(*vertex, 0, false) +
-                       " % MAX_VERTEX_INPUT]";
-            }
-            return name;
-        };
-        switch (attribute) {
-        case Attribute::Index::Position:
-            if (stage != Maxwell3D::Regs::ShaderStage::Fragment) {
-                return GeometryPass("position");
-            } else {
-                return "vec4(gl_FragCoord.x, gl_FragCoord.y, gl_FragCoord.z, 1.0)";
-            }
-        case Attribute::Index::PointCoord:
-            return "vec4(gl_PointCoord.x, gl_PointCoord.y, 0, 0)";
-        case Attribute::Index::TessCoordInstanceIDVertexID:
-            // TODO(Subv): Find out what the values are for the first two elements when inside a
-            // vertex shader, and what's the value of the fourth element when inside a Tess Eval
-            // shader.
-            ASSERT(stage == Maxwell3D::Regs::ShaderStage::Vertex);
-            // Config pack's first value is instance_id.
-            return "vec4(0, 0, uintBitsToFloat(config_pack[0]), uintBitsToFloat(gl_VertexID))";
-        case Attribute::Index::FrontFacing:
-            // TODO(Subv): Find out what the values are for the other elements.
-            ASSERT(stage == Maxwell3D::Regs::ShaderStage::Fragment);
-            return "vec4(0, 0, 0, intBitsToFloat(gl_FrontFacing ? -1 : 0))";
-        default:
-            const u32 index{static_cast<u32>(attribute) -
-                            static_cast<u32>(Attribute::Index::Attribute_0)};
-            if (attribute >= Attribute::Index::Attribute_0 &&
-                attribute <= Attribute::Index::Attribute_31) {
-                if (declr_input_attribute.count(attribute) == 0) {
-                    declr_input_attribute[attribute] = input_mode;
-                } else {
-                    UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(declr_input_attribute[attribute] != input_mode,
-                                         "Multiple input modes for the same attribute");
-                }
-                return GeometryPass("input_attribute_" + std::to_string(index));
-            }
-            UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unhandled input attribute: {}", static_cast<u32>(attribute));
-        }
-        return "vec4(0, 0, 0, 0)";
-    }
-    std::string GetInputFlags(const Attribute::Index attribute) {
-        const Tegra::Shader::IpaSampleMode sample_mode =
-            declr_input_attribute[attribute].sampling_mode;
-        const Tegra::Shader::IpaInterpMode interp_mode =
-            declr_input_attribute[attribute].interpolation_mode;
-        std::string out;
-        switch (interp_mode) {
-        case Tegra::Shader::IpaInterpMode::Flat: {
-            out += "flat ";
-            break;
-        }
-        case Tegra::Shader::IpaInterpMode::Linear: {
-            out += "noperspective ";
-            break;
-        }
-        case Tegra::Shader::IpaInterpMode::Perspective: {
-            // Default, Smooth
-            break;
-        }
-        default: {
-            UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unhandled IPA interp mode: {}", static_cast<u32>(interp_mode));
-        }
-        }
-        switch (sample_mode) {
-        case Tegra::Shader::IpaSampleMode::Centroid:
-            // It can be implemented with the "centroid " keyword in glsl
-            UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unimplemented IPA sampler mode centroid");
-            break;
-        case Tegra::Shader::IpaSampleMode::Default:
-            // Default, n/a
-            break;
-        default: {
-            UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unimplemented IPA sampler mode: {}", static_cast<u32>(sample_mode));
-            break;
-        }
-        }
-        return out;
-    }
-    /// Generates code representing the declaration name of an output attribute register.
-    std::string GetOutputAttribute(Attribute::Index attribute) {
-        switch (attribute) {
-        case Attribute::Index::PointSize:
-            return "gl_PointSize";
-        case Attribute::Index::Position:
-            return "position";
-        case Attribute::Index::ClipDistances0123:
-        case Attribute::Index::ClipDistances4567: {
-            return "gl_ClipDistance";
-        }
-        default:
-            const u32 index{static_cast<u32>(attribute) -
-                            static_cast<u32>(Attribute::Index::Attribute_0)};
-            if (attribute >= Attribute::Index::Attribute_0) {
-                declr_output_attribute.insert(attribute);
-                return "output_attribute_" + std::to_string(index);
-            }
-            UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unhandled output attribute={}", index);
-            return {};
-        }
-    }
-    ShaderWriter& shader;
-    ShaderWriter& declarations;
-    std::vector<GLSLRegister> regs;
-    std::unordered_map<Attribute::Index, Tegra::Shader::IpaMode> declr_input_attribute;
-    std::set<Attribute::Index> declr_output_attribute;
-    std::array<ConstBufferEntry, Maxwell3D::Regs::MaxConstBuffers> declr_const_buffers;
-    std::vector<SamplerEntry> used_samplers;
-    const Maxwell3D::Regs::ShaderStage& stage;
-    const std::string& suffix;
-    const Tegra::Shader::Header& header;
-    std::unordered_set<Attribute::Index> fixed_pipeline_output_attributes_used;
-    std::array<bool, Maxwell::NumClipDistances> clip_distances{};
-    u64 local_memory_size;
-class GLSLGenerator {
-    GLSLGenerator(const std::set<Subroutine>& subroutines, const ProgramCode& program_code,
-                  u32 main_offset, Maxwell3D::Regs::ShaderStage stage, const std::string& suffix,
-                  std::size_t shader_length)
-        : subroutines(subroutines), program_code(program_code), main_offset(main_offset),
-          stage(stage), suffix(suffix), shader_length(shader_length) {
-        std::memcpy(&header,, sizeof(Tegra::Shader::Header));
-        local_memory_size = header.GetLocalMemorySize();
-        regs.SetLocalMemory(local_memory_size);
-        Generate(suffix);
-    }
-    std::string GetShaderCode() {
-        return declarations.GetResult() + shader.GetResult();
-    }
-    /// Returns entries in the shader that are useful for external functions
-    ShaderEntries GetEntries() const {
-        return {regs.GetConstBuffersDeclarations(), regs.GetSamplers(), regs.GetClipDistances(),
-                shader_length};
-    }
-    /// Gets the Subroutine object corresponding to the specified address.
-    const Subroutine& GetSubroutine(u32 begin, u32 end) const {
-        const auto iter = subroutines.find(Subroutine{begin, end, suffix});
-        ASSERT(iter != subroutines.end());
-        return *iter;
-    }
-    /// Generates code representing a 19-bit immediate value
-    static std::string GetImmediate19(const Instruction& instr) {
-        return fmt::format("uintBitsToFloat({})", instr.alu.GetImm20_19());
-    }
-    /// Generates code representing a 32-bit immediate value
-    static std::string GetImmediate32(const Instruction& instr) {
-        return fmt::format("uintBitsToFloat({})", instr.alu.GetImm20_32());
-    }
-    /// Generates code representing a vec2 pair unpacked from a half float immediate
-    static std::string UnpackHalfImmediate(const Instruction& instr, bool negate) {
-        const std::string immediate = GetHalfFloat(std::to_string(instr.half_imm.PackImmediates()));
-        if (!negate) {
-            return immediate;
-        }
-        const std::string negate_first = instr.half_imm.first_negate != 0 ? "-" : "";
-        const std::string negate_second = instr.half_imm.second_negate != 0 ? "-" : "";
-        const std::string negate_vec = "vec2(" + negate_first + "1, " + negate_second + "1)";
-        return '(' + immediate + " * " + negate_vec + ')';
-    }
-    /// Generates code representing a texture sampler.
-    std::string GetSampler(const Sampler& sampler, Tegra::Shader::TextureType type, bool is_array,
-                           bool is_shadow) {
-        return regs.AccessSampler(sampler, type, is_array, is_shadow);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Adds code that calls a subroutine.
-     * @param subroutine the subroutine to call.
-     */
-    void CallSubroutine(const Subroutine& subroutine) {
-        if (subroutine.exit_method == ExitMethod::AlwaysEnd) {
-            shader.AddLine(subroutine.GetName() + "();");
-            shader.AddLine("return true;");
-        } else if (subroutine.exit_method == ExitMethod::Conditional) {
-            shader.AddLine("if (" + subroutine.GetName() + "()) { return true; }");
-        } else {
-            shader.AddLine(subroutine.GetName() + "();");
-        }
-    }
-    /*
-     * Writes code that assigns a predicate boolean variable.
-     * @param pred The id of the predicate to write to.
-     * @param value The expression value to assign to the predicate.
-     */
-    void SetPredicate(u64 pred, const std::string& value) {
-        using Tegra::Shader::Pred;
-        // Can't assign to the constant predicate.
-        ASSERT(pred != static_cast<u64>(Pred::UnusedIndex));
-        std::string variable = 'p' + std::to_string(pred) + '_' + suffix;
-        shader.AddLine(variable + " = " + value + ';');
-        declr_predicates.insert(std::move(variable));
-    }
-    /*
-     * Returns the condition to use in the 'if' for a predicated instruction.
-     * @param instr Instruction to generate the if condition for.
-     * @returns string containing the predicate condition.
-     */
-    std::string GetPredicateCondition(u64 index, bool negate) {
-        using Tegra::Shader::Pred;
-        std::string variable;
-        // Index 7 is used as an 'Always True' condition.
-        if (index == static_cast<u64>(Pred::UnusedIndex)) {
-            variable = "true";
-        } else {
-            variable = 'p' + std::to_string(index) + '_' + suffix;
-            declr_predicates.insert(variable);
-        }
-        if (negate) {
-            return "!(" + variable + ')';
-        }
-        return variable;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns the comparison string to use to compare two values in the 'set' family of
-     * instructions.
-     * @param condition The condition used in the 'set'-family instruction.
-     * @param op_a First operand to use for the comparison.
-     * @param op_b Second operand to use for the comparison.
-     * @returns String corresponding to the GLSL operator that matches the desired comparison.
-     */
-    std::string GetPredicateComparison(Tegra::Shader::PredCondition condition,
-                                       const std::string& op_a, const std::string& op_b) const {
-        using Tegra::Shader::PredCondition;
-        static const std::unordered_map<PredCondition, const char*> PredicateComparisonStrings = {
-            {PredCondition::LessThan, "<"},
-            {PredCondition::Equal, "=="},
-            {PredCondition::LessEqual, "<="},
-            {PredCondition::GreaterThan, ">"},
-            {PredCondition::NotEqual, "!="},
-            {PredCondition::GreaterEqual, ">="},
-            {PredCondition::LessThanWithNan, "<"},
-            {PredCondition::NotEqualWithNan, "!="},
-            {PredCondition::LessEqualWithNan, "<="},
-            {PredCondition::GreaterThanWithNan, ">"},
-            {PredCondition::GreaterEqualWithNan, ">="}};
-        const auto& comparison{PredicateComparisonStrings.find(condition)};
-        UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(comparison == PredicateComparisonStrings.end(),
-                             "Unknown predicate comparison operation");
-        std::string predicate{'(' + op_a + ") " + comparison->second + " (" + op_b + ')'};
-        if (condition == PredCondition::LessThanWithNan ||
-            condition == PredCondition::NotEqualWithNan ||
-            condition == PredCondition::LessEqualWithNan ||
-            condition == PredCondition::GreaterThanWithNan ||
-            condition == PredCondition::GreaterEqualWithNan) {
-            predicate += " || isnan(" + op_a + ") || isnan(" + op_b + ')';
-        }
-        return predicate;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns the operator string to use to combine two predicates in the 'setp' family of
-     * instructions.
-     * @params operation The operator used in the 'setp'-family instruction.
-     * @returns String corresponding to the GLSL operator that matches the desired operator.
-     */
-    std::string GetPredicateCombiner(Tegra::Shader::PredOperation operation) const {
-        using Tegra::Shader::PredOperation;
-        static const std::unordered_map<PredOperation, const char*> PredicateOperationStrings = {
-            {PredOperation::And, "&&"},
-            {PredOperation::Or, "||"},
-            {PredOperation::Xor, "^^"},
-        };
-        auto op = PredicateOperationStrings.find(operation);
-        UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(op == PredicateOperationStrings.end(), "Unknown predicate operation");
-        return op->second;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Transforms the input string GLSL operand into one that applies the abs() function and negates
-     * the output if necessary. When both abs and neg are true, the negation will be applied after
-     * taking the absolute value.
-     * @param operand The input operand to take the abs() of, negate, or both.
-     * @param abs Whether to apply the abs() function to the input operand.
-     * @param neg Whether to negate the input operand.
-     * @returns String corresponding to the operand after being transformed by the abs() and
-     * negation operations.
-     */
-    static std::string GetOperandAbsNeg(const std::string& operand, bool abs, bool neg) {
-        std::string result = operand;
-        if (abs) {
-            result = "abs(" + result + ')';
-        }
-        if (neg) {
-            result = "-(" + result + ')';
-        }
-        return result;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Transforms the input string GLSL operand into an unpacked half float pair.
-     * @note This function returns a float type pair instead of a half float pair. This is because
-     * real half floats are not standardized in GLSL but unpackHalf2x16 (which returns a vec2) is.
-     * @param operand Input operand. It has to be an unsigned integer.
-     * @param type How to unpack the unsigned integer to a half float pair.
-     * @param abs Get the absolute value of unpacked half floats.
-     * @param neg Get the negative value of unpacked half floats.
-     * @returns String corresponding to a half float pair.
-     */
-    static std::string GetHalfFloat(const std::string& operand,
-                                    Tegra::Shader::HalfType type = Tegra::Shader::HalfType::H0_H1,
-                                    bool abs = false, bool neg = false) {
-        // "vec2" calls emitted in this function are intended to alias components.
-        const std::string value = [&]() {
-            switch (type) {
-            case Tegra::Shader::HalfType::H0_H1:
-                return "unpackHalf2x16(" + operand + ')';
-            case Tegra::Shader::HalfType::F32:
-                return "vec2(uintBitsToFloat(" + operand + "))";
-            case Tegra::Shader::HalfType::H0_H0:
-            case Tegra::Shader::HalfType::H1_H1: {
-                const bool high = type == Tegra::Shader::HalfType::H1_H1;
-                const char unpack_index = "xy"[high ? 1 : 0];
-                return "vec2(unpackHalf2x16(" + operand + ")." + unpack_index + ')';
-            }
-            default:
-                UNREACHABLE();
-                return std::string("vec2(0)");
-            }
-        }();
-        return GetOperandAbsNeg(value, abs, neg);
-    }
-    /*
-     * Returns whether the instruction at the specified offset is a 'sched' instruction.
-     * Sched instructions always appear before a sequence of 3 instructions.
-     */
-    bool IsSchedInstruction(u32 offset) const {
-        // sched instructions appear once every 4 instructions.
-        static constexpr std::size_t SchedPeriod = 4;
-        u32 absolute_offset = offset - main_offset;
-        return (absolute_offset % SchedPeriod) == 0;
-    }
-    void WriteLogicOperation(Register dest, LogicOperation logic_op, const std::string& op_a,
-                             const std::string& op_b,
-                             Tegra::Shader::PredicateResultMode predicate_mode,
-                             Tegra::Shader::Pred predicate, const bool set_cc) {
-        std::string result{};
-        switch (logic_op) {
-        case LogicOperation::And: {
-            result = '(' + op_a + " & " + op_b + ')';
-            break;
-        }
-        case LogicOperation::Or: {
-            result = '(' + op_a + " | " + op_b + ')';
-            break;
-        }
-        case LogicOperation::Xor: {
-            result = '(' + op_a + " ^ " + op_b + ')';
-            break;
-        }
-        case LogicOperation::PassB: {
-            result = op_b;
-            break;
-        }
-        default:
-            UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unimplemented logic operation={}", static_cast<u32>(logic_op));
-        }
-        if (dest != Tegra::Shader::Register::ZeroIndex) {
-            regs.SetRegisterToInteger(dest, true, 0, result, 1, 1, false, set_cc);
-        }
-        using Tegra::Shader::PredicateResultMode;
-        // Write the predicate value depending on the predicate mode.
-        switch (predicate_mode) {
-        case PredicateResultMode::None:
-            // Do nothing.
-            return;
-        case PredicateResultMode::NotZero:
-            // Set the predicate to true if the result is not zero.
-            SetPredicate(static_cast<u64>(predicate), '(' + result + ") != 0");
-            break;
-        default:
-            UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unimplemented predicate result mode: {}",
-                              static_cast<u32>(predicate_mode));
-        }
-    }
-    void WriteLop3Instruction(Register dest, const std::string& op_a, const std::string& op_b,
-                              const std::string& op_c, const std::string& imm_lut,
-                              const bool set_cc) {
-        if (dest == Tegra::Shader::Register::ZeroIndex) {
-            return;
-        }
-        static constexpr std::array<const char*, 32> shift_amounts = {
-            "0",  "1",  "2",  "3",  "4",  "5",  "6",  "7",  "8",  "9",  "10",
-            "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21",
-            "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31"};
-        std::string result;
-        result += '(';
-        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < shift_amounts.size(); ++i) {
-            if (i)
-                result += '|';
-            result += "(((" + imm_lut + " >> (((" + op_c + " >> " + shift_amounts[i] +
-                      ") & 1) | ((" + op_b + " >> " + shift_amounts[i] + ") & 1) << 1 | ((" + op_a +
-                      " >> " + shift_amounts[i] + ") & 1) << 2)) & 1) << " + shift_amounts[i] + ")";
-        }
-        result += ')';
-        regs.SetRegisterToInteger(dest, true, 0, result, 1, 1, false, set_cc);
-    }
-    void WriteTexsInstructionFloat(const Instruction& instr, const std::string& texture) {
-        // TEXS has two destination registers and a swizzle. The first two elements in the swizzle
-        // go into gpr0+0 and gpr0+1, and the rest goes into gpr28+0 and gpr28+1
-        std::size_t written_components = 0;
-        for (u32 component = 0; component < 4; ++component) {
-            if (!instr.texs.IsComponentEnabled(component)) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            if (written_components < 2) {
-                // Write the first two swizzle components to gpr0 and gpr0+1
-                regs.SetRegisterToFloat(instr.gpr0, component, texture, 1, 4, false, false,
-                                        written_components % 2);
-            } else {
-                ASSERT(instr.texs.HasTwoDestinations());
-                // Write the rest of the swizzle components to gpr28 and gpr28+1
-                regs.SetRegisterToFloat(instr.gpr28, component, texture, 1, 4, false, false,
-                                        written_components % 2);
-            }
-            ++written_components;
-        }
-    }
-    void WriteTexsInstructionHalfFloat(const Instruction& instr, const std::string& texture) {
-        // TEXS.F16 destionation registers are packed in two registers in pairs (just like any half
-        // float instruction).
-        std::array<std::string, 4> components;
-        u32 written_components = 0;
-        for (u32 component = 0; component < 4; ++component) {
-            if (!instr.texs.IsComponentEnabled(component))
-                continue;
-            components[written_components++] = texture + GetSwizzle(component);
-        }
-        if (written_components == 0)
-            return;
-        const auto BuildComponent = [&](std::string low, std::string high, bool high_enabled) {
-            return "vec2(" + low + ", " + (high_enabled ? high : "0") + ')';
-        };
-        regs.SetRegisterToHalfFloat(
-            instr.gpr0, 0, BuildComponent(components[0], components[1], written_components > 1),
-            Tegra::Shader::HalfMerge::H0_H1, 1, 1);
-        if (written_components > 2) {
-            ASSERT(instr.texs.HasTwoDestinations());
-            regs.SetRegisterToHalfFloat(
-                instr.gpr28, 0,
-                BuildComponent(components[2], components[3], written_components > 3),
-                Tegra::Shader::HalfMerge::H0_H1, 1, 1);
-        }
-    }
-    static u32 TextureCoordinates(Tegra::Shader::TextureType texture_type) {
-        switch (texture_type) {
-        case Tegra::Shader::TextureType::Texture1D:
-            return 1;
-        case Tegra::Shader::TextureType::Texture2D:
-            return 2;
-        case Tegra::Shader::TextureType::Texture3D:
-        case Tegra::Shader::TextureType::TextureCube:
-            return 3;
-        default:
-            UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unhandled texture type: {}", static_cast<u32>(texture_type));
-            return 0;
-        }
-    }
-    /*
-     * Emits code to push the input target address to the flow address stack, incrementing the stack
-     * top.
-     */
-    void EmitPushToFlowStack(u32 target) {
-        const auto scope = shader.Scope();
-        shader.AddLine("flow_stack[flow_stack_top] = " + std::to_string(target) + "u;");
-        shader.AddLine("flow_stack_top++;");
-    }
-    /*
-     * Emits code to pop an address from the flow address stack, setting the jump address to the
-     * popped address and decrementing the stack top.
-     */
-    void EmitPopFromFlowStack() {
-        const auto scope = shader.Scope();
-        shader.AddLine("flow_stack_top--;");
-        shader.AddLine("jmp_to = flow_stack[flow_stack_top];");
-        shader.AddLine("break;");
-    }
-    /// Writes the output values from a fragment shader to the corresponding GLSL output variables.
-    void EmitFragmentOutputsWrite() {
-        ASSERT(stage == Maxwell3D::Regs::ShaderStage::Fragment);
-        UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG( != 0, "Samplemask write is unimplemented");
-        shader.AddLine("if (alpha_test[0] != 0) {");
-        ++shader.scope;
-        // We start on the register containing the alpha value in the first RT.
-        u32 current_reg = 3;
-        for (u32 render_target = 0; render_target < Maxwell3D::Regs::NumRenderTargets;
-             ++render_target) {
-            // TODO(Blinkhawk): verify the behavior of alpha testing on hardware when
-            // multiple render targets are used.
-            if (, 0) ||
-      , 1) ||
-      , 2) ||
-      , 3)) {
-                shader.AddLine(fmt::format("if (!AlphaFunc({})) discard;",
-                                           regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(current_reg)));
-                current_reg += 4;
-            }
-        }
-        --shader.scope;
-        shader.AddLine('}');
-        // Write the color outputs using the data in the shader registers, disabled
-        // rendertargets/components are skipped in the register assignment.
-        current_reg = 0;
-        for (u32 render_target = 0; render_target < Maxwell3D::Regs::NumRenderTargets;
-             ++render_target) {
-            // TODO(Subv): Figure out how dual-source blending is configured in the Switch.
-            for (u32 component = 0; component < 4; ++component) {
-                if (, component)) {
-                    shader.AddLine(fmt::format("FragColor{}[{}] = {};", render_target, component,
-                                               regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(current_reg)));
-                    ++current_reg;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if ( {
-            // The depth output is always 2 registers after the last color output, and current_reg
-            // already contains one past the last color register.
-            shader.AddLine(
-                "gl_FragDepth = " +
-                regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(static_cast<Tegra::Shader::Register>(current_reg) + 1) +
-                ';');
-        }
-    }
-    /// Unpacks a video instruction operand (e.g. VMAD).
-    std::string GetVideoOperand(const std::string& op, bool is_chunk, bool is_signed,
-                                Tegra::Shader::VideoType type, u64 byte_height) {
-        const std::string value = [&]() {
-            if (!is_chunk) {
-                const auto offset = static_cast<u32>(byte_height * 8);
-                return "((" + op + " >> " + std::to_string(offset) + ") & 0xff)";
-            }
-            const std::string zero = "0";
-            switch (type) {
-            case Tegra::Shader::VideoType::Size16_Low:
-                return '(' + op + " & 0xffff)";
-            case Tegra::Shader::VideoType::Size16_High:
-                return '(' + op + " >> 16)";
-            case Tegra::Shader::VideoType::Size32:
-                // TODO(Rodrigo): From my hardware tests it becomes a bit "mad" when
-                // this type is used (1 * 1 + 0 == 0x5b800000). Until a better
-                // explanation is found: abort.
-                UNIMPLEMENTED();
-                return zero;
-            case Tegra::Shader::VideoType::Invalid:
-                UNREACHABLE_MSG("Invalid instruction encoding");
-                return zero;
-            default:
-                UNREACHABLE();
-                return zero;
-            }
-        }();
-        if (is_signed) {
-            return "int(" + value + ')';
-        }
-        return value;
-    };
-    /// Gets the A operand for a video instruction.
-    std::string GetVideoOperandA(Instruction instr) {
-        return GetVideoOperand(regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr8, 0, false),
-                      != 0,,
-                     ,;
-    }
-    /// Gets the B operand for a video instruction.
-    std::string GetVideoOperandB(Instruction instr) {
-        if ( {
-            return GetVideoOperand(regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr20, 0, false),
-                          != 0,,
-                         ,;
-        } else {
-            return '(' +
-                   std::to_string( ? static_cast<s16>(instr.alu.GetImm20_16())
-                                                       : instr.alu.GetImm20_16()) +
-                   ')';
-        }
-    }
-    std::pair<size_t, std::string> ValidateAndGetCoordinateElement(
-        const Tegra::Shader::TextureType texture_type, const bool depth_compare,
-        const bool is_array, const bool lod_bias_enabled, size_t max_coords, size_t max_inputs) {
-        const size_t coord_count = TextureCoordinates(texture_type);
-        size_t total_coord_count = coord_count + (is_array ? 1 : 0) + (depth_compare ? 1 : 0);
-        const size_t total_reg_count = total_coord_count + (lod_bias_enabled ? 1 : 0);
-        if (total_coord_count > max_coords || total_reg_count > max_inputs) {
-            UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unsupported Texture operation");
-            total_coord_count = std::min(total_coord_count, max_coords);
-        }
-        // 1D.DC opengl is using a vec3 but 2nd component is ignored later.
-        total_coord_count +=
-            (depth_compare && !is_array && texture_type == Tegra::Shader::TextureType::Texture1D)
-                ? 1
-                : 0;
-        constexpr std::array<const char*, 5> coord_container{
-            {"", "float coord = (", "vec2 coord = vec2(", "vec3 coord = vec3(",
-             "vec4 coord = vec4("}};
-        return std::pair<size_t, std::string>(coord_count, coord_container[total_coord_count]);
-    }
-    std::string GetTextureCode(const Tegra::Shader::Instruction& instr,
-                               const Tegra::Shader::TextureType texture_type,
-                               const Tegra::Shader::TextureProcessMode process_mode,
-                               const bool depth_compare, const bool is_array,
-                               const size_t bias_offset) {
-        if ((texture_type == Tegra::Shader::TextureType::Texture3D &&
-             (is_array || depth_compare)) ||
-            (texture_type == Tegra::Shader::TextureType::TextureCube && is_array &&
-             depth_compare)) {
-            UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("This method is not supported.");
-        }
-        const std::string sampler =
-            GetSampler(instr.sampler, texture_type, is_array, depth_compare);
-        const bool lod_needed = process_mode == Tegra::Shader::TextureProcessMode::LZ ||
-                                process_mode == Tegra::Shader::TextureProcessMode::LL ||
-                                process_mode == Tegra::Shader::TextureProcessMode::LLA;
-        // LOD selection (either via bias or explicit textureLod) not supported in GL for
-        // sampler2DArrayShadow and samplerCubeArrayShadow.
-        const bool gl_lod_supported = !(
-            (texture_type == Tegra::Shader::TextureType::Texture2D && is_array && depth_compare) ||
-            (texture_type == Tegra::Shader::TextureType::TextureCube && is_array && depth_compare));
-        const std::string read_method = lod_needed && gl_lod_supported ? "textureLod(" : "texture(";
-        std::string texture = read_method + sampler + ", coord";
-        UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(process_mode != Tegra::Shader::TextureProcessMode::None &&
-                         !gl_lod_supported);
-        if (process_mode != Tegra::Shader::TextureProcessMode::None && gl_lod_supported) {
-            if (process_mode == Tegra::Shader::TextureProcessMode::LZ) {
-                texture += ", 0.0";
-            } else {
-                // If present, lod or bias are always stored in the register indexed by the
-                // gpr20
-                // field with an offset depending on the usage of the other registers
-                texture += ',' + regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(instr.gpr20.Value() + bias_offset);
-            }
-        }
-        texture += ")";
-        return texture;
-    }
-    std::pair<std::string, std::string> GetTEXCode(
-        const Instruction& instr, const Tegra::Shader::TextureType texture_type,
-        const Tegra::Shader::TextureProcessMode process_mode, const bool depth_compare,
-        const bool is_array) {
-        const bool lod_bias_enabled = (process_mode != Tegra::Shader::TextureProcessMode::None &&
-                                       process_mode != Tegra::Shader::TextureProcessMode::LZ);
-        const auto [coord_count, coord_dcl] = ValidateAndGetCoordinateElement(
-            texture_type, depth_compare, is_array, lod_bias_enabled, 4, 5);
-        // If enabled arrays index is always stored in the gpr8 field
-        const u64 array_register = instr.gpr8.Value();
-        // First coordinate index is the gpr8 or gpr8 + 1 when arrays are used
-        const u64 coord_register = array_register + (is_array ? 1 : 0);
-        std::string coord = coord_dcl;
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < coord_count;) {
-            coord += regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(coord_register + i);
-            ++i;
-            if (i != coord_count) {
-                coord += ',';
-            }
-        }
-        // 1D.DC in opengl the 2nd component is ignored.
-        if (depth_compare && !is_array && texture_type == Tegra::Shader::TextureType::Texture1D) {
-            coord += ",0.0";
-        }
-        if (is_array) {
-            coord += ',' + regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(array_register);
-        }
-        if (depth_compare) {
-            // Depth is always stored in the register signaled by gpr20
-            // or in the next register if lod or bias are used
-            const u64 depth_register = instr.gpr20.Value() + (lod_bias_enabled ? 1 : 0);
-            coord += ',' + regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(depth_register);
-        }
-        coord += ");";
-        return std::make_pair(
-            coord, GetTextureCode(instr, texture_type, process_mode, depth_compare, is_array, 0));
-    }
-    std::pair<std::string, std::string> GetTEXSCode(
-        const Instruction& instr, const Tegra::Shader::TextureType texture_type,
-        const Tegra::Shader::TextureProcessMode process_mode, const bool depth_compare,
-        const bool is_array) {
-        const bool lod_bias_enabled = (process_mode != Tegra::Shader::TextureProcessMode::None &&
-                                       process_mode != Tegra::Shader::TextureProcessMode::LZ);
-        const auto [coord_count, coord_dcl] = ValidateAndGetCoordinateElement(
-            texture_type, depth_compare, is_array, lod_bias_enabled, 4, 4);
-        // If enabled arrays index is always stored in the gpr8 field
-        const u64 array_register = instr.gpr8.Value();
-        // First coordinate index is stored in gpr8 field or (gpr8 + 1) when arrays are used
-        const u64 coord_register = array_register + (is_array ? 1 : 0);
-        const u64 last_coord_register =
-            (is_array || !(lod_bias_enabled || depth_compare) || (coord_count > 2))
-                ? static_cast<u64>(instr.gpr20.Value())
-                : coord_register + 1;
-        std::string coord = coord_dcl;
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < coord_count; ++i) {
-            const bool last = (i == (coord_count - 1)) && (coord_count > 1);
-            coord += regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(last ? last_coord_register : coord_register + i);
-            if (i < coord_count - 1) {
-                coord += ',';
-            }
-        }
-        if (is_array) {
-            coord += ',' + regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(array_register);
-        }
-        if (depth_compare) {
-            // Depth is always stored in the register signaled by gpr20
-            // or in the next register if lod or bias are used
-            const u64 depth_register = instr.gpr20.Value() + (lod_bias_enabled ? 1 : 0);
-            coord += ',' + regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(depth_register);
-        }
-        coord += ");";
-        return std::make_pair(coord,
-                              GetTextureCode(instr, texture_type, process_mode, depth_compare,
-                                             is_array, (coord_count > 2 ? 1 : 0)));
-    }
-    std::pair<std::string, std::string> GetTLD4Code(const Instruction& instr,
-                                                    const Tegra::Shader::TextureType texture_type,
-                                                    const bool depth_compare, const bool is_array) {
-        const size_t coord_count = TextureCoordinates(texture_type);
-        const size_t total_coord_count = coord_count + (is_array ? 1 : 0);
-        const size_t total_reg_count = total_coord_count + (depth_compare ? 1 : 0);
-        constexpr std::array<const char*, 5> coord_container{
-            {"", "", "vec2 coord = vec2(", "vec3 coord = vec3(", "vec4 coord = vec4("}};
-        // If enabled arrays index is always stored in the gpr8 field
-        const u64 array_register = instr.gpr8.Value();
-        // First coordinate index is the gpr8 or gpr8 + 1 when arrays are used
-        const u64 coord_register = array_register + (is_array ? 1 : 0);
-        std::string coord = coord_container[total_coord_count];
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < coord_count;) {
-            coord += regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(coord_register + i);
-            ++i;
-            if (i != coord_count) {
-                coord += ',';
-            }
-        }
-        if (is_array) {
-            coord += ',' + regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(array_register);
-        }
-        coord += ");";
-        const std::string sampler =
-            GetSampler(instr.sampler, texture_type, is_array, depth_compare);
-        std::string texture = "textureGather(" + sampler + ", coord, ";
-        if (depth_compare) {
-            // Depth is always stored in the register signaled by gpr20
-            texture += regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(instr.gpr20.Value()) + ')';
-        } else {
-            texture += std::to_string(instr.tld4.component) + ')';
-        }
-        return std::make_pair(coord, texture);
-    }
-    std::pair<std::string, std::string> GetTLDSCode(const Instruction& instr,
-                                                    const Tegra::Shader::TextureType texture_type,
-                                                    const bool is_array) {
-        const size_t coord_count = TextureCoordinates(texture_type);
-        const size_t total_coord_count = coord_count + (is_array ? 1 : 0);
-        const bool lod_enabled =
-            instr.tlds.GetTextureProcessMode() == Tegra::Shader::TextureProcessMode::LL;
-        constexpr std::array<const char*, 4> coord_container{
-            {"", "int coords = (", "ivec2 coords = ivec2(", "ivec3 coords = ivec3("}};
-        std::string coord = coord_container[total_coord_count];
-        // If enabled arrays index is always stored in the gpr8 field
-        const u64 array_register = instr.gpr8.Value();
-        // if is array gpr20 is used
-        const u64 coord_register = is_array ? instr.gpr20.Value() : instr.gpr8.Value();
-        const u64 last_coord_register =
-            ((coord_count > 2) || (coord_count == 2 && !lod_enabled)) && !is_array
-                ? static_cast<u64>(instr.gpr20.Value())
-                : coord_register + 1;
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < coord_count; ++i) {
-            const bool last = (i == (coord_count - 1)) && (coord_count > 1);
-            coord += regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(last ? last_coord_register : coord_register + i);
-            if (i < coord_count - 1) {
-                coord += ',';
-            }
-        }
-        if (is_array) {
-            coord += ',' + regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(array_register);
-        }
-        coord += ");";
-        const std::string sampler = GetSampler(instr.sampler, texture_type, is_array, false);
-        std::string texture = "texelFetch(" + sampler + ", coords";
-        if (lod_enabled) {
-            // When lod is used always is in grp20
-            texture += ", " + regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr20) + ')';
-        } else {
-            texture += ", 0)";
-        }
-        return std::make_pair(coord, texture);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Compiles a single instruction from Tegra to GLSL.
-     * @param offset the offset of the Tegra shader instruction.
-     * @return the offset of the next instruction to execute. Usually it is the current offset
-     * + 1. If the current instruction always terminates the program, returns PROGRAM_END.
-     */
-    u32 CompileInstr(u32 offset) {
-        // Ignore sched instructions when generating code.
-        if (IsSchedInstruction(offset)) {
-            return offset + 1;
-        }
-        const Instruction instr = {program_code[offset]};
-        const auto opcode = OpCode::Decode(instr);
-        // Decoding failure
-        if (!opcode) {
-            UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unhandled instruction: {0:x}", instr.value);
-            return offset + 1;
-        }
-        shader.AddLine(
-            fmt::format("// {}: {} (0x{:016x})", offset, opcode->get().GetName(), instr.value));
-        using Tegra::Shader::Pred;
-        UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(instr.pred.full_pred == Pred::NeverExecute,
-                             "NeverExecute predicate not implemented");
-        // Some instructions (like SSY) don't have a predicate field, they are always
-        // unconditionally executed.
-        bool can_be_predicated = OpCode::IsPredicatedInstruction(opcode->get().GetId());
-        if (can_be_predicated && instr.pred.pred_index != static_cast<u64>(Pred::UnusedIndex)) {
-            shader.AddLine("if (" +
-                           GetPredicateCondition(instr.pred.pred_index, instr.negate_pred != 0) +
-                           ')');
-            shader.AddLine('{');
-            ++shader.scope;
-        }
-        switch (opcode->get().GetType()) {
-        case OpCode::Type::Arithmetic: {
-            std::string op_a = regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(instr.gpr8);
-            std::string op_b;
-            if (instr.is_b_imm) {
-                op_b = GetImmediate19(instr);
-            } else {
-                if (instr.is_b_gpr) {
-                    op_b = regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(instr.gpr20);
-                } else {
-                    op_b = regs.GetUniform(instr.cbuf34.index, instr.cbuf34.offset,
-                                           GLSLRegister::Type::Float);
-                }
-            }
-            switch (opcode->get().GetId()) {
-            case OpCode::Id::MOV_C:
-            case OpCode::Id::MOV_R: {
-                // MOV does not have neither 'abs' nor 'neg' bits.
-                regs.SetRegisterToFloat(instr.gpr0, 0, op_b, 1, 1);
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::FMUL_C:
-            case OpCode::Id::FMUL_R:
-            case OpCode::Id::FMUL_IMM: {
-                // FMUL does not have 'abs' bits and only the second operand has a 'neg' bit.
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(instr.fmul.tab5cb8_2 != 0,
-                                     "FMUL tab5cb8_2({}) is not implemented",
-                                     instr.fmul.tab5cb8_2.Value());
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(
-                    instr.fmul.tab5c68_0 != 1, "FMUL tab5cb8_0({}) is not implemented",
-                    instr.fmul.tab5c68_0
-                        .Value()); // SMO typical sends 1 here which seems to be the default
-                op_b = GetOperandAbsNeg(op_b, false, instr.fmul.negate_b);
-                std::string postfactor_op;
-                if (instr.fmul.postfactor != 0) {
-                    s8 postfactor = static_cast<s8>(instr.fmul.postfactor);
-                    // postfactor encoded as 3-bit 1's complement in instruction,
-                    // interpreted with below logic.
-                    if (postfactor >= 4) {
-                        postfactor = 7 - postfactor;
-                    } else {
-                        postfactor = 0 - postfactor;
-                    }
-                    if (postfactor > 0) {
-                        postfactor_op = " * " + std::to_string(1 << postfactor);
-                    } else {
-                        postfactor_op = " / " + std::to_string(1 << -postfactor);
-                    }
-                }
-                regs.SetRegisterToFloat(instr.gpr0, 0, op_a + " * " + op_b + postfactor_op, 1, 1,
-                                        instr.alu.saturate_d, instr.generates_cc, 0, true);
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::FADD_C:
-            case OpCode::Id::FADD_R:
-            case OpCode::Id::FADD_IMM: {
-                op_a = GetOperandAbsNeg(op_a, instr.alu.abs_a, instr.alu.negate_a);
-                op_b = GetOperandAbsNeg(op_b, instr.alu.abs_b, instr.alu.negate_b);
-                regs.SetRegisterToFloat(instr.gpr0, 0, op_a + " + " + op_b, 1, 1,
-                                        instr.alu.saturate_d, instr.generates_cc, 0, true);
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::MUFU: {
-                op_a = GetOperandAbsNeg(op_a, instr.alu.abs_a, instr.alu.negate_a);
-                switch (instr.sub_op) {
-                case SubOp::Cos:
-                    regs.SetRegisterToFloat(instr.gpr0, 0, "cos(" + op_a + ')', 1, 1,
-                                            instr.alu.saturate_d, false, 0, true);
-                    break;
-                case SubOp::Sin:
-                    regs.SetRegisterToFloat(instr.gpr0, 0, "sin(" + op_a + ')', 1, 1,
-                                            instr.alu.saturate_d, false, 0, true);
-                    break;
-                case SubOp::Ex2:
-                    regs.SetRegisterToFloat(instr.gpr0, 0, "exp2(" + op_a + ')', 1, 1,
-                                            instr.alu.saturate_d, false, 0, true);
-                    break;
-                case SubOp::Lg2:
-                    regs.SetRegisterToFloat(instr.gpr0, 0, "log2(" + op_a + ')', 1, 1,
-                                            instr.alu.saturate_d, false, 0, true);
-                    break;
-                case SubOp::Rcp:
-                    regs.SetRegisterToFloat(instr.gpr0, 0, "1.0 / " + op_a, 1, 1,
-                                            instr.alu.saturate_d, false, 0, true);
-                    break;
-                case SubOp::Rsq:
-                    regs.SetRegisterToFloat(instr.gpr0, 0, "inversesqrt(" + op_a + ')', 1, 1,
-                                            instr.alu.saturate_d, false, 0, true);
-                    break;
-                case SubOp::Sqrt:
-                    regs.SetRegisterToFloat(instr.gpr0, 0, "sqrt(" + op_a + ')', 1, 1,
-                                            instr.alu.saturate_d, false, 0, true);
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unhandled MUFU sub op={0:x}",
-                                      static_cast<unsigned>(instr.sub_op.Value()));
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::FMNMX_C:
-            case OpCode::Id::FMNMX_R:
-            case OpCode::Id::FMNMX_IMM: {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(
-                    instr.generates_cc,
-                    "Condition codes generation in FMNMX is partially implemented");
-                op_a = GetOperandAbsNeg(op_a, instr.alu.abs_a, instr.alu.negate_a);
-                op_b = GetOperandAbsNeg(op_b, instr.alu.abs_b, instr.alu.negate_b);
-                std::string condition =
-                    GetPredicateCondition(instr.alu.fmnmx.pred, instr.alu.fmnmx.negate_pred != 0);
-                std::string parameters = op_a + ',' + op_b;
-                regs.SetRegisterToFloat(instr.gpr0, 0,
-                                        '(' + condition + ") ? min(" + parameters + ") : max(" +
-                                            parameters + ')',
-                                        1, 1, false, instr.generates_cc, 0, true);
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::RRO_C:
-            case OpCode::Id::RRO_R:
-            case OpCode::Id::RRO_IMM: {
-                // Currently RRO is only implemented as a register move.
-                op_b = GetOperandAbsNeg(op_b, instr.alu.abs_b, instr.alu.negate_b);
-                regs.SetRegisterToFloat(instr.gpr0, 0, op_b, 1, 1);
-                LOG_WARNING(HW_GPU, "RRO instruction is incomplete");
-                break;
-            }
-            default: {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unhandled arithmetic instruction: {}", opcode->get().GetName());
-            }
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-        case OpCode::Type::ArithmeticImmediate: {
-            switch (opcode->get().GetId()) {
-            case OpCode::Id::MOV32_IMM: {
-                regs.SetRegisterToFloat(instr.gpr0, 0, GetImmediate32(instr), 1, 1);
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::FMUL32_IMM: {
-                regs.SetRegisterToFloat(
-                    instr.gpr0, 0,
-                    regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(instr.gpr8) + " * " + GetImmediate32(instr), 1, 1,
-                    instr.fmul32.saturate, instr.op_32.generates_cc, 0, true);
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::FADD32I: {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(
-                    instr.op_32.generates_cc,
-                    "Condition codes generation in FADD32I is partially implemented");
-                std::string op_a = regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(instr.gpr8);
-                std::string op_b = GetImmediate32(instr);
-                if (instr.fadd32i.abs_a) {
-                    op_a = "abs(" + op_a + ')';
-                }
-                if (instr.fadd32i.negate_a) {
-                    op_a = "-(" + op_a + ')';
-                }
-                if (instr.fadd32i.abs_b) {
-                    op_b = "abs(" + op_b + ')';
-                }
-                if (instr.fadd32i.negate_b) {
-                    op_b = "-(" + op_b + ')';
-                }
-                regs.SetRegisterToFloat(instr.gpr0, 0, op_a + " + " + op_b, 1, 1, false,
-                                        instr.op_32.generates_cc, 0, true);
-                break;
-            }
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-        case OpCode::Type::Bfe: {
-            UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(instr.bfe.negate_b);
-            std::string op_a = instr.bfe.negate_a ? "-" : "";
-            op_a += regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr8);
-            switch (opcode->get().GetId()) {
-            case OpCode::Id::BFE_IMM: {
-                std::string inner_shift =
-                    '(' + op_a + " << " + std::to_string(instr.bfe.GetLeftShiftValue()) + ')';
-                std::string outer_shift =
-                    '(' + inner_shift + " >> " +
-                    std::to_string(instr.bfe.GetLeftShiftValue() + instr.bfe.shift_position) + ')';
-                regs.SetRegisterToInteger(instr.gpr0, true, 0, outer_shift, 1, 1, false,
-                                          instr.generates_cc);
-                break;
-            }
-            default: {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unhandled BFE instruction: {}", opcode->get().GetName());
-            }
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-        case OpCode::Type::Bfi: {
-            const auto [base, packed_shift] = [&]() -> std::tuple<std::string, std::string> {
-                switch (opcode->get().GetId()) {
-                case OpCode::Id::BFI_IMM_R:
-                    return {regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr39, 0, false),
-                            std::to_string(instr.alu.GetSignedImm20_20())};
-                default:
-                    UNREACHABLE();
-                    return {regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr39, 0, false),
-                            std::to_string(instr.alu.GetSignedImm20_20())};
-                }
-            }();
-            const std::string offset = '(' + packed_shift + " & 0xff)";
-            const std::string bits = "((" + packed_shift + " >> 8) & 0xff)";
-            const std::string insert = regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr8, 0, false);
-            regs.SetRegisterToInteger(instr.gpr0, false, 0,
-                                      "bitfieldInsert(" + base + ", " + insert + ", " + offset +
-                                          ", " + bits + ')',
-                                      1, 1, false, instr.generates_cc);
-            break;
-        }
-        case OpCode::Type::Shift: {
-            std::string op_a = regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr8, 0, true);
-            std::string op_b;
-            if (instr.is_b_imm) {
-                op_b += '(' + std::to_string(instr.alu.GetSignedImm20_20()) + ')';
-            } else {
-                if (instr.is_b_gpr) {
-                    op_b += regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr20);
-                } else {
-                    op_b += regs.GetUniform(instr.cbuf34.index, instr.cbuf34.offset,
-                                            GLSLRegister::Type::Integer);
-                }
-            }
-            switch (opcode->get().GetId()) {
-            case OpCode::Id::SHR_C:
-            case OpCode::Id::SHR_R:
-            case OpCode::Id::SHR_IMM: {
-                if (!instr.shift.is_signed) {
-                    // Logical shift right
-                    op_a = "uint(" + op_a + ')';
-                }
-                // Cast to int is superfluous for arithmetic shift, it's only for a logical shift
-                regs.SetRegisterToInteger(instr.gpr0, true, 0, "int(" + op_a + " >> " + op_b + ')',
-                                          1, 1, false, instr.generates_cc);
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::SHL_C:
-            case OpCode::Id::SHL_R:
-            case OpCode::Id::SHL_IMM:
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(instr.generates_cc,
-                                     "Condition codes generation in SHL is not implemented");
-                regs.SetRegisterToInteger(instr.gpr0, true, 0, op_a + " << " + op_b, 1, 1, false,
-                                          instr.generates_cc);
-                break;
-            default: {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unhandled shift instruction: {}", opcode->get().GetName());
-            }
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-        case OpCode::Type::ArithmeticIntegerImmediate: {
-            std::string op_a = regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr8);
-            std::string op_b = std::to_string(instr.alu.imm20_32.Value());
-            switch (opcode->get().GetId()) {
-            case OpCode::Id::IADD32I:
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(
-                    instr.op_32.generates_cc,
-                    "Condition codes generation in IADD32I is partially implemented");
-                if (instr.iadd32i.negate_a)
-                    op_a = "-(" + op_a + ')';
-                regs.SetRegisterToInteger(instr.gpr0, true, 0, op_a + " + " + op_b, 1, 1,
-                                          instr.iadd32i.saturate, instr.op_32.generates_cc);
-                break;
-            case OpCode::Id::LOP32I: {
-                if (instr.alu.lop32i.invert_a)
-                    op_a = "~(" + op_a + ')';
-                if (instr.alu.lop32i.invert_b)
-                    op_b = "~(" + op_b + ')';
-                WriteLogicOperation(instr.gpr0, instr.alu.lop32i.operation, op_a, op_b,
-                                    Tegra::Shader::PredicateResultMode::None,
-                                    Tegra::Shader::Pred::UnusedIndex, instr.op_32.generates_cc);
-                break;
-            }
-            default: {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unhandled ArithmeticIntegerImmediate instruction: {}",
-                                  opcode->get().GetName());
-            }
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-        case OpCode::Type::ArithmeticInteger: {
-            std::string op_a = regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr8);
-            std::string op_b;
-            if (instr.is_b_imm) {
-                op_b += '(' + std::to_string(instr.alu.GetSignedImm20_20()) + ')';
-            } else {
-                if (instr.is_b_gpr) {
-                    op_b += regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr20);
-                } else {
-                    op_b += regs.GetUniform(instr.cbuf34.index, instr.cbuf34.offset,
-                                            GLSLRegister::Type::Integer);
-                }
-            }
-            switch (opcode->get().GetId()) {
-            case OpCode::Id::IADD_C:
-            case OpCode::Id::IADD_R:
-            case OpCode::Id::IADD_IMM: {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(instr.generates_cc,
-                                     "Condition codes generation in IADD is partially implemented");
-                if (instr.alu_integer.negate_a)
-                    op_a = "-(" + op_a + ')';
-                if (instr.alu_integer.negate_b)
-                    op_b = "-(" + op_b + ')';
-                regs.SetRegisterToInteger(instr.gpr0, true, 0, op_a + " + " + op_b, 1, 1,
-                                          instr.alu.saturate_d, instr.generates_cc);
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::IADD3_C:
-            case OpCode::Id::IADD3_R:
-            case OpCode::Id::IADD3_IMM: {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(
-                    instr.generates_cc,
-                    "Condition codes generation in IADD3 is partially implemented");
-                std::string op_c = regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr39);
-                auto apply_height = [](auto height, auto& oprand) {
-                    switch (height) {
-                    case Tegra::Shader::IAdd3Height::None:
-                        break;
-                    case Tegra::Shader::IAdd3Height::LowerHalfWord:
-                        oprand = "((" + oprand + ") & 0xFFFF)";
-                        break;
-                    case Tegra::Shader::IAdd3Height::UpperHalfWord:
-                        oprand = "((" + oprand + ") >> 16)";
-                        break;
-                    default:
-                        UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unhandled IADD3 height: {}",
-                                          static_cast<u32>(height.Value()));
-                    }
-                };
-                if (opcode->get().GetId() == OpCode::Id::IADD3_R) {
-                    apply_height(instr.iadd3.height_a, op_a);
-                    apply_height(instr.iadd3.height_b, op_b);
-                    apply_height(instr.iadd3.height_c, op_c);
-                }
-                if (instr.iadd3.neg_a)
-                    op_a = "-(" + op_a + ')';
-                if (instr.iadd3.neg_b)
-                    op_b = "-(" + op_b + ')';
-                if (instr.iadd3.neg_c)
-                    op_c = "-(" + op_c + ')';
-                std::string result;
-                if (opcode->get().GetId() == OpCode::Id::IADD3_R) {
-                    switch (instr.iadd3.mode) {
-                    case Tegra::Shader::IAdd3Mode::RightShift:
-                        // TODO(tech4me): According to
-                        //
-                        // The addition between op_a and op_b should be done in uint33, more
-                        // investigation required
-                        result = "(((" + op_a + " + " + op_b + ") >> 16) + " + op_c + ')';
-                        break;
-                    case Tegra::Shader::IAdd3Mode::LeftShift:
-                        result = "(((" + op_a + " + " + op_b + ") << 16) + " + op_c + ')';
-                        break;
-                    default:
-                        result = '(' + op_a + " + " + op_b + " + " + op_c + ')';
-                        break;
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    result = '(' + op_a + " + " + op_b + " + " + op_c + ')';
-                }
-                regs.SetRegisterToInteger(instr.gpr0, true, 0, result, 1, 1, false,
-                                          instr.generates_cc);
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::ISCADD_C:
-            case OpCode::Id::ISCADD_R:
-            case OpCode::Id::ISCADD_IMM: {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(
-                    instr.generates_cc,
-                    "Condition codes generation in ISCADD is partially implemented");
-                if (instr.alu_integer.negate_a)
-                    op_a = "-(" + op_a + ')';
-                if (instr.alu_integer.negate_b)
-                    op_b = "-(" + op_b + ')';
-                const std::string shift = std::to_string(instr.alu_integer.shift_amount.Value());
-                regs.SetRegisterToInteger(instr.gpr0, true, 0,
-                                          "((" + op_a + " << " + shift + ") + " + op_b + ')', 1, 1,
-                                          false, instr.generates_cc);
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::POPC_C:
-            case OpCode::Id::POPC_R:
-            case OpCode::Id::POPC_IMM: {
-                if (instr.popc.invert) {
-                    op_b = "~(" + op_b + ')';
-                }
-                regs.SetRegisterToInteger(instr.gpr0, true, 0, "bitCount(" + op_b + ')', 1, 1);
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::SEL_C:
-            case OpCode::Id::SEL_R:
-            case OpCode::Id::SEL_IMM: {
-                const std::string condition =
-                    GetPredicateCondition(instr.sel.pred, instr.sel.neg_pred != 0);
-                regs.SetRegisterToInteger(instr.gpr0, true, 0,
-                                          '(' + condition + ") ? " + op_a + " : " + op_b, 1, 1);
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::LOP_C:
-            case OpCode::Id::LOP_R:
-            case OpCode::Id::LOP_IMM: {
-                if (instr.alu.lop.invert_a)
-                    op_a = "~(" + op_a + ')';
-                if (instr.alu.lop.invert_b)
-                    op_b = "~(" + op_b + ')';
-                WriteLogicOperation(instr.gpr0, instr.alu.lop.operation, op_a, op_b,
-                                    instr.alu.lop.pred_result_mode, instr.alu.lop.pred48,
-                                    instr.generates_cc);
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::LOP3_C:
-            case OpCode::Id::LOP3_R:
-            case OpCode::Id::LOP3_IMM: {
-                const std::string op_c = regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr39);
-                std::string lut;
-                if (opcode->get().GetId() == OpCode::Id::LOP3_R) {
-                    lut = '(' + std::to_string(instr.alu.lop3.GetImmLut28()) + ')';
-                } else {
-                    lut = '(' + std::to_string(instr.alu.lop3.GetImmLut48()) + ')';
-                }
-                WriteLop3Instruction(instr.gpr0, op_a, op_b, op_c, lut, instr.generates_cc);
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::IMNMX_C:
-            case OpCode::Id::IMNMX_R:
-            case OpCode::Id::IMNMX_IMM: {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF( != Tegra::Shader::IMinMaxExchange::None);
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(
-                    instr.generates_cc,
-                    "Condition codes generation in IMNMX is partially implemented");
-                const std::string condition =
-                    GetPredicateCondition(instr.imnmx.pred, instr.imnmx.negate_pred != 0);
-                const std::string parameters = op_a + ',' + op_b;
-                regs.SetRegisterToInteger(instr.gpr0, instr.imnmx.is_signed, 0,
-                                          '(' + condition + ") ? min(" + parameters + ") : max(" +
-                                              parameters + ')',
-                                          1, 1, false, instr.generates_cc);
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::LEA_R2:
-            case OpCode::Id::LEA_R1:
-            case OpCode::Id::LEA_IMM:
-            case OpCode::Id::LEA_RZ:
-            case OpCode::Id::LEA_HI: {
-                std::string op_c;
-                switch (opcode->get().GetId()) {
-                case OpCode::Id::LEA_R2: {
-                    op_a = regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr20);
-                    op_b = regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr39);
-                    op_c = std::to_string(instr.lea.r2.entry_a);
-                    break;
-                }
-                case OpCode::Id::LEA_R1: {
-                    const bool neg = instr.lea.r1.neg != 0;
-                    op_a = regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr8);
-                    if (neg)
-                        op_a = "-(" + op_a + ')';
-                    op_b = regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr20);
-                    op_c = std::to_string(instr.lea.r1.entry_a);
-                    break;
-                }
-                case OpCode::Id::LEA_IMM: {
-                    const bool neg = instr.lea.imm.neg != 0;
-                    op_b = regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr8);
-                    if (neg)
-                        op_b = "-(" + op_b + ')';
-                    op_a = std::to_string(instr.lea.imm.entry_a);
-                    op_c = std::to_string(instr.lea.imm.entry_b);
-                    break;
-                }
-                case OpCode::Id::LEA_RZ: {
-                    const bool neg = instr.lea.rz.neg != 0;
-                    op_b = regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr8);
-                    if (neg)
-                        op_b = "-(" + op_b + ')';
-                    op_a = regs.GetUniform(instr.lea.rz.cb_index, instr.lea.rz.cb_offset,
-                                           GLSLRegister::Type::Integer);
-                    op_c = std::to_string(instr.lea.rz.entry_a);
-                    break;
-                }
-                case OpCode::Id::LEA_HI:
-                default: {
-                    op_b = regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr8);
-                    op_a = std::to_string(instr.lea.imm.entry_a);
-                    op_c = std::to_string(instr.lea.imm.entry_b);
-                    UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unhandled LEA subinstruction: {}", opcode->get().GetName());
-                }
-                }
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(instr.lea.pred48 != static_cast<u64>(Pred::UnusedIndex),
-                                     "Unhandled LEA Predicate");
-                const std::string value = '(' + op_a + " + (" + op_b + "*(1 << " + op_c + ")))";
-                regs.SetRegisterToInteger(instr.gpr0, true, 0, value, 1, 1, false,
-                                          instr.generates_cc);
-                break;
-            }
-            default: {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unhandled ArithmeticInteger instruction: {}",
-                                  opcode->get().GetName());
-            }
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-        case OpCode::Type::ArithmeticHalf: {
-            if (opcode->get().GetId() == OpCode::Id::HADD2_C ||
-                opcode->get().GetId() == OpCode::Id::HADD2_R) {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(instr.alu_half.ftz != 0);
-            }
-            const bool negate_a =
-                opcode->get().GetId() != OpCode::Id::HMUL2_R && instr.alu_half.negate_a != 0;
-            const bool negate_b =
-                opcode->get().GetId() != OpCode::Id::HMUL2_C && instr.alu_half.negate_b != 0;
-            const std::string op_a =
-                GetHalfFloat(regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr8, 0, false), instr.alu_half.type_a,
-                             instr.alu_half.abs_a != 0, negate_a);
-            std::string op_b;
-            switch (opcode->get().GetId()) {
-            case OpCode::Id::HADD2_C:
-            case OpCode::Id::HMUL2_C:
-                op_b = regs.GetUniform(instr.cbuf34.index, instr.cbuf34.offset,
-                                       GLSLRegister::Type::UnsignedInteger);
-                break;
-            case OpCode::Id::HADD2_R:
-            case OpCode::Id::HMUL2_R:
-                op_b = regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr20, 0, false);
-                break;
-            default:
-                UNREACHABLE();
-                op_b = "0";
-                break;
-            }
-            op_b = GetHalfFloat(op_b, instr.alu_half.type_b, instr.alu_half.abs_b != 0, negate_b);
-            const std::string result = [&]() {
-                switch (opcode->get().GetId()) {
-                case OpCode::Id::HADD2_C:
-                case OpCode::Id::HADD2_R:
-                    return '(' + op_a + " + " + op_b + ')';
-                case OpCode::Id::HMUL2_C:
-                case OpCode::Id::HMUL2_R:
-                    return '(' + op_a + " * " + op_b + ')';
-                default:
-                    UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unhandled half float instruction: {}",
-                                      opcode->get().GetName());
-                    return std::string("0");
-                }
-            }();
-            regs.SetRegisterToHalfFloat(instr.gpr0, 0, result, instr.alu_half.merge, 1, 1,
-                                        instr.alu_half.saturate != 0);
-            break;
-        }
-        case OpCode::Type::ArithmeticHalfImmediate: {
-            if (opcode->get().GetId() == OpCode::Id::HADD2_IMM) {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(instr.alu_half_imm.ftz != 0);
-            } else {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(instr.alu_half_imm.precision !=
-                                 Tegra::Shader::HalfPrecision::None);
-            }
-            const std::string op_a = GetHalfFloat(
-                regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr8, 0, false), instr.alu_half_imm.type_a,
-                instr.alu_half_imm.abs_a != 0, instr.alu_half_imm.negate_a != 0);
-            const std::string op_b = UnpackHalfImmediate(instr, true);
-            const std::string result = [&]() {
-                switch (opcode->get().GetId()) {
-                case OpCode::Id::HADD2_IMM:
-                    return op_a + " + " + op_b;
-                case OpCode::Id::HMUL2_IMM:
-                    return op_a + " * " + op_b;
-                default:
-                    UNREACHABLE();
-                    return std::string("0");
-                }
-            }();
-            regs.SetRegisterToHalfFloat(instr.gpr0, 0, result, instr.alu_half_imm.merge, 1, 1,
-                                        instr.alu_half_imm.saturate != 0);
-            break;
-        }
-        case OpCode::Type::Ffma: {
-            const std::string op_a = regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(instr.gpr8);
-            std::string op_b = instr.ffma.negate_b ? "-" : "";
-            std::string op_c = instr.ffma.negate_c ? "-" : "";
-            UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG( != 0, "FFMA cc not implemented");
-                instr.ffma.tab5980_0 != 1, "FFMA tab5980_0({}) not implemented",
-                instr.ffma.tab5980_0.Value()); // Seems to be 1 by default based on SMO
-            UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(instr.ffma.tab5980_1 != 0, "FFMA tab5980_1({}) not implemented",
-                                 instr.ffma.tab5980_1.Value());
-            UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(instr.generates_cc,
-                                 "Condition codes generation in FFMA is partially implemented");
-            switch (opcode->get().GetId()) {
-            case OpCode::Id::FFMA_CR: {
-                op_b += regs.GetUniform(instr.cbuf34.index, instr.cbuf34.offset,
-                                        GLSLRegister::Type::Float);
-                op_c += regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(instr.gpr39);
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::FFMA_RR: {
-                op_b += regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(instr.gpr20);
-                op_c += regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(instr.gpr39);
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::FFMA_RC: {
-                op_b += regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(instr.gpr39);
-                op_c += regs.GetUniform(instr.cbuf34.index, instr.cbuf34.offset,
-                                        GLSLRegister::Type::Float);
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::FFMA_IMM: {
-                op_b += GetImmediate19(instr);
-                op_c += regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(instr.gpr39);
-                break;
-            }
-            default: {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unhandled FFMA instruction: {}", opcode->get().GetName());
-            }
-            }
-            regs.SetRegisterToFloat(instr.gpr0, 0, "fma(" + op_a + ", " + op_b + ", " + op_c + ')',
-                                    1, 1, instr.alu.saturate_d, instr.generates_cc, 0, true);
-            break;
-        }
-        case OpCode::Type::Hfma2: {
-            if (opcode->get().GetId() == OpCode::Id::HFMA2_RR) {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(instr.hfma2.rr.precision != Tegra::Shader::HalfPrecision::None);
-            } else {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(instr.hfma2.precision != Tegra::Shader::HalfPrecision::None);
-            }
-            const bool saturate = opcode->get().GetId() == OpCode::Id::HFMA2_RR
-                                      ? instr.hfma2.rr.saturate != 0
-                                      : instr.hfma2.saturate != 0;
-            const std::string op_a =
-                GetHalfFloat(regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr8, 0, false), instr.hfma2.type_a);
-            std::string op_b, op_c;
-            switch (opcode->get().GetId()) {
-            case OpCode::Id::HFMA2_CR:
-                op_b = GetHalfFloat(regs.GetUniform(instr.cbuf34.index, instr.cbuf34.offset,
-                                                    GLSLRegister::Type::UnsignedInteger),
-                                    instr.hfma2.type_b, false, instr.hfma2.negate_b);
-                op_c = GetHalfFloat(regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr39, 0, false),
-                                    instr.hfma2.type_reg39, false, instr.hfma2.negate_c);
-                break;
-            case OpCode::Id::HFMA2_RC:
-                op_b = GetHalfFloat(regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr39, 0, false),
-                                    instr.hfma2.type_reg39, false, instr.hfma2.negate_b);
-                op_c = GetHalfFloat(regs.GetUniform(instr.cbuf34.index, instr.cbuf34.offset,
-                                                    GLSLRegister::Type::UnsignedInteger),
-                                    instr.hfma2.type_b, false, instr.hfma2.negate_c);
-                break;
-            case OpCode::Id::HFMA2_RR:
-                op_b = GetHalfFloat(regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr20, 0, false),
-                                    instr.hfma2.type_b, false, instr.hfma2.negate_b);
-                op_c = GetHalfFloat(regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr39, 0, false),
-                                    instr.hfma2.rr.type_c, false, instr.hfma2.rr.negate_c);
-                break;
-            case OpCode::Id::HFMA2_IMM_R:
-                op_b = UnpackHalfImmediate(instr, true);
-                op_c = GetHalfFloat(regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr39, 0, false),
-                                    instr.hfma2.type_reg39, false, instr.hfma2.negate_c);
-                break;
-            default:
-                UNREACHABLE();
-                op_c = op_b = "vec2(0)";
-                break;
-            }
-            const std::string result = '(' + op_a + " * " + op_b + " + " + op_c + ')';
-            regs.SetRegisterToHalfFloat(instr.gpr0, 0, result, instr.hfma2.merge, 1, 1, saturate);
-            break;
-        }
-        case OpCode::Type::Conversion: {
-            switch (opcode->get().GetId()) {
-            case OpCode::Id::I2I_R: {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(instr.conversion.selector);
-                std::string op_a = regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(
-                    instr.gpr20, 0, instr.conversion.is_input_signed, instr.conversion.src_size);
-                if (instr.conversion.abs_a) {
-                    op_a = "abs(" + op_a + ')';
-                }
-                if (instr.conversion.negate_a) {
-                    op_a = "-(" + op_a + ')';
-                }
-                regs.SetRegisterToInteger(instr.gpr0, instr.conversion.is_output_signed, 0, op_a, 1,
-                                          1, instr.alu.saturate_d, instr.generates_cc, 0,
-                                          instr.conversion.dest_size);
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::I2F_R:
-            case OpCode::Id::I2F_C: {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(instr.conversion.dest_size != Register::Size::Word);
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(instr.conversion.selector);
-                std::string op_a;
-                if (instr.is_b_gpr) {
-                    op_a =
-                        regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr20, 0, instr.conversion.is_input_signed,
-                                                  instr.conversion.src_size);
-                } else {
-                    op_a = regs.GetUniform(instr.cbuf34.index, instr.cbuf34.offset,
-                                           instr.conversion.is_input_signed
-                                               ? GLSLRegister::Type::Integer
-                                               : GLSLRegister::Type::UnsignedInteger,
-                                           instr.conversion.src_size);
-                }
-                if (instr.conversion.abs_a) {
-                    op_a = "abs(" + op_a + ')';
-                }
-                if (instr.conversion.negate_a) {
-                    op_a = "-(" + op_a + ')';
-                }
-                regs.SetRegisterToFloat(instr.gpr0, 0, op_a, 1, 1, false, instr.generates_cc);
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::F2F_R: {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(instr.conversion.dest_size != Register::Size::Word);
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(instr.conversion.src_size != Register::Size::Word);
-                std::string op_a = regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(instr.gpr20);
-                if (instr.conversion.abs_a) {
-                    op_a = "abs(" + op_a + ')';
-                }
-                if (instr.conversion.negate_a) {
-                    op_a = "-(" + op_a + ')';
-                }
-                switch (instr.conversion.f2f.rounding) {
-                case Tegra::Shader::F2fRoundingOp::None:
-                    break;
-                case Tegra::Shader::F2fRoundingOp::Round:
-                    op_a = "roundEven(" + op_a + ')';
-                    break;
-                case Tegra::Shader::F2fRoundingOp::Floor:
-                    op_a = "floor(" + op_a + ')';
-                    break;
-                case Tegra::Shader::F2fRoundingOp::Ceil:
-                    op_a = "ceil(" + op_a + ')';
-                    break;
-                case Tegra::Shader::F2fRoundingOp::Trunc:
-                    op_a = "trunc(" + op_a + ')';
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unimplemented F2F rounding mode {}",
-                                      static_cast<u32>(instr.conversion.f2f.rounding.Value()));
-                    break;
-                }
-                regs.SetRegisterToFloat(instr.gpr0, 0, op_a, 1, 1, instr.alu.saturate_d,
-                                        instr.generates_cc);
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::F2I_R:
-            case OpCode::Id::F2I_C: {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(instr.conversion.src_size != Register::Size::Word);
-                std::string op_a{};
-                if (instr.is_b_gpr) {
-                    op_a = regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(instr.gpr20);
-                } else {
-                    op_a = regs.GetUniform(instr.cbuf34.index, instr.cbuf34.offset,
-                                           GLSLRegister::Type::Float);
-                }
-                if (instr.conversion.abs_a) {
-                    op_a = "abs(" + op_a + ')';
-                }
-                if (instr.conversion.negate_a) {
-                    op_a = "-(" + op_a + ')';
-                }
-                switch (instr.conversion.f2i.rounding) {
-                case Tegra::Shader::F2iRoundingOp::None:
-                    break;
-                case Tegra::Shader::F2iRoundingOp::Floor:
-                    op_a = "floor(" + op_a + ')';
-                    break;
-                case Tegra::Shader::F2iRoundingOp::Ceil:
-                    op_a = "ceil(" + op_a + ')';
-                    break;
-                case Tegra::Shader::F2iRoundingOp::Trunc:
-                    op_a = "trunc(" + op_a + ')';
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unimplemented F2I rounding mode {}",
-                                      static_cast<u32>(instr.conversion.f2i.rounding.Value()));
-                    break;
-                }
-                if (instr.conversion.is_output_signed) {
-                    op_a = "int(" + op_a + ')';
-                } else {
-                    op_a = "uint(" + op_a + ')';
-                }
-                regs.SetRegisterToInteger(instr.gpr0, instr.conversion.is_output_signed, 0, op_a, 1,
-                                          1, false, instr.generates_cc, 0,
-                                          instr.conversion.dest_size);
-                break;
-            }
-            default: {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unhandled conversion instruction: {}", opcode->get().GetName());
-            }
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-        case OpCode::Type::Memory: {
-            switch (opcode->get().GetId()) {
-            case OpCode::Id::LD_A: {
-                // Note: Shouldn't this be interp mode flat? As in no interpolation made.
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(instr.gpr8.Value() != Register::ZeroIndex,
-                                     "Indirect attribute loads are not supported");
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG((instr.attribute.fmt20.immediate.Value() % sizeof(u32)) != 0,
-                                     "Unaligned attribute loads are not supported");
-                Tegra::Shader::IpaMode input_mode{Tegra::Shader::IpaInterpMode::Perspective,
-                                                  Tegra::Shader::IpaSampleMode::Default};
-                u64 next_element = instr.attribute.fmt20.element;
-                u64 next_index = static_cast<u64>(instr.attribute.fmt20.index.Value());
-                const auto LoadNextElement = [&](u32 reg_offset) {
-                    regs.SetRegisterToInputAttibute(instr.gpr0.Value() + reg_offset, next_element,
-                                                    static_cast<Attribute::Index>(next_index),
-                                                    input_mode, instr.gpr39.Value());
-                    // Load the next attribute element into the following register. If the element
-                    // to load goes beyond the vec4 size, load the first element of the next
-                    // attribute.
-                    next_element = (next_element + 1) % 4;
-                    next_index = next_index + (next_element == 0 ? 1 : 0);
-                };
-                const u32 num_words = static_cast<u32>(instr.attribute.fmt20.size.Value()) + 1;
-                for (u32 reg_offset = 0; reg_offset < num_words; ++reg_offset) {
-                    LoadNextElement(reg_offset);
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::LD_C: {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(instr.ld_c.unknown != 0);
-                const auto scope = shader.Scope();
-                shader.AddLine("uint index = (" + regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr8, 0, false) +
-                               " / 4) & (MAX_CONSTBUFFER_ELEMENTS - 1);");
-                const std::string op_a =
-                    regs.GetUniformIndirect(instr.cbuf36.index, instr.cbuf36.offset + 0, "index",
-                                            GLSLRegister::Type::Float);
-                switch (instr.ld_c.type.Value()) {
-                case Tegra::Shader::UniformType::Single:
-                    regs.SetRegisterToFloat(instr.gpr0, 0, op_a, 1, 1);
-                    break;
-                case Tegra::Shader::UniformType::Double: {
-                    const std::string op_b =
-                        regs.GetUniformIndirect(instr.cbuf36.index, instr.cbuf36.offset + 4,
-                                                "index", GLSLRegister::Type::Float);
-                    regs.SetRegisterToFloat(instr.gpr0, 0, op_a, 1, 1);
-                    regs.SetRegisterToFloat(instr.gpr0.Value() + 1, 0, op_b, 1, 1);
-                    break;
-                }
-                default:
-                    UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unhandled type: {}",
-                                      static_cast<unsigned>(instr.ld_c.type.Value()));
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::LD_L: {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(instr.ld_l.unknown == 1, "LD_L Unhandled mode: {}",
-                                     static_cast<unsigned>(instr.ld_l.unknown.Value()));
-                const auto scope = shader.Scope();
-                std::string op = '(' + regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr8, 0, false) + " + " +
-                                 std::to_string(instr.smem_imm.Value()) + ')';
-                shader.AddLine("uint index = (" + op + " / 4);");
-                const std::string op_a = regs.GetLocalMemoryAsFloat("index");
-                switch (instr.ldst_sl.type.Value()) {
-                case Tegra::Shader::StoreType::Bytes32:
-                    regs.SetRegisterToFloat(instr.gpr0, 0, op_a, 1, 1);
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("LD_L Unhandled type: {}",
-                                      static_cast<unsigned>(instr.ldst_sl.type.Value()));
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::ST_A: {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(instr.gpr8.Value() != Register::ZeroIndex,
-                                     "Indirect attribute loads are not supported");
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG((instr.attribute.fmt20.immediate.Value() % sizeof(u32)) != 0,
-                                     "Unaligned attribute loads are not supported");
-                u64 next_element = instr.attribute.fmt20.element;
-                u64 next_index = static_cast<u64>(instr.attribute.fmt20.index.Value());
-                const auto StoreNextElement = [&](u32 reg_offset) {
-                    regs.SetOutputAttributeToRegister(static_cast<Attribute::Index>(next_index),
-                                                      next_element, instr.gpr0.Value() + reg_offset,
-                                                      instr.gpr39.Value());
-                    // Load the next attribute element into the following register. If the element
-                    // to load goes beyond the vec4 size, load the first element of the next
-                    // attribute.
-                    next_element = (next_element + 1) % 4;
-                    next_index = next_index + (next_element == 0 ? 1 : 0);
-                };
-                const u32 num_words = static_cast<u32>(instr.attribute.fmt20.size.Value()) + 1;
-                for (u32 reg_offset = 0; reg_offset < num_words; ++reg_offset) {
-                    StoreNextElement(reg_offset);
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::ST_L: {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(instr.st_l.unknown == 0, "ST_L Unhandled mode: {}",
-                                     static_cast<unsigned>(instr.st_l.unknown.Value()));
-                const auto scope = shader.Scope();
-                std::string op = '(' + regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr8, 0, false) + " + " +
-                                 std::to_string(instr.smem_imm.Value()) + ')';
-                shader.AddLine("uint index = (" + op + " / 4);");
-                switch (instr.ldst_sl.type.Value()) {
-                case Tegra::Shader::StoreType::Bytes32:
-                    regs.SetLocalMemoryAsFloat("index", regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(instr.gpr0));
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("ST_L Unhandled type: {}",
-                                      static_cast<unsigned>(instr.ldst_sl.type.Value()));
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::TEX: {
-                Tegra::Shader::TextureType texture_type{instr.tex.texture_type};
-                const bool is_array = instr.tex.array != 0;
-                const bool depth_compare =
-                    instr.tex.UsesMiscMode(Tegra::Shader::TextureMiscMode::DC);
-                const auto process_mode = instr.tex.GetTextureProcessMode();
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(instr.tex.UsesMiscMode(Tegra::Shader::TextureMiscMode::NODEP),
-                                     "NODEP is not implemented");
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(instr.tex.UsesMiscMode(Tegra::Shader::TextureMiscMode::AOFFI),
-                                     "AOFFI is not implemented");
-                const auto [coord, texture] =
-                    GetTEXCode(instr, texture_type, process_mode, depth_compare, is_array);
-                const auto scope = shader.Scope();
-                shader.AddLine(coord);
-                if (depth_compare) {
-                    regs.SetRegisterToFloat(instr.gpr0, 0, texture, 1, 1);
-                } else {
-                    shader.AddLine("vec4 texture_tmp = " + texture + ';');
-                    std::size_t dest_elem{};
-                    for (std::size_t elem = 0; elem < 4; ++elem) {
-                        if (!instr.tex.IsComponentEnabled(elem)) {
-                            // Skip disabled components
-                            continue;
-                        }
-                        regs.SetRegisterToFloat(instr.gpr0, elem, "texture_tmp", 1, 4, false, false,
-                                                dest_elem);
-                        ++dest_elem;
-                    }
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::TEXS: {
-                Tegra::Shader::TextureType texture_type{instr.texs.GetTextureType()};
-                const bool is_array{instr.texs.IsArrayTexture()};
-                const bool depth_compare =
-                    instr.texs.UsesMiscMode(Tegra::Shader::TextureMiscMode::DC);
-                const auto process_mode = instr.texs.GetTextureProcessMode();
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(instr.texs.UsesMiscMode(Tegra::Shader::TextureMiscMode::NODEP),
-                                     "NODEP is not implemented");
-                const auto scope = shader.Scope();
-                auto [coord, texture] =
-                    GetTEXSCode(instr, texture_type, process_mode, depth_compare, is_array);
-                shader.AddLine(coord);
-                if (depth_compare) {
-                    texture = "vec4(" + texture + ')';
-                }
-                shader.AddLine("vec4 texture_tmp = " + texture + ';');
-                if (instr.texs.fp32_flag) {
-                    WriteTexsInstructionFloat(instr, "texture_tmp");
-                } else {
-                    WriteTexsInstructionHalfFloat(instr, "texture_tmp");
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::TLDS: {
-                const Tegra::Shader::TextureType texture_type{instr.tlds.GetTextureType()};
-                const bool is_array{instr.tlds.IsArrayTexture()};
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(instr.tlds.UsesMiscMode(Tegra::Shader::TextureMiscMode::NODEP),
-                                     "NODEP is not implemented");
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(instr.tlds.UsesMiscMode(Tegra::Shader::TextureMiscMode::AOFFI),
-                                     "AOFFI is not implemented");
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(instr.tlds.UsesMiscMode(Tegra::Shader::TextureMiscMode::MZ),
-                                     "MZ is not implemented");
-                const auto [coord, texture] = GetTLDSCode(instr, texture_type, is_array);
-                const auto scope = shader.Scope();
-                shader.AddLine(coord);
-                shader.AddLine("vec4 texture_tmp = " + texture + ';');
-                WriteTexsInstructionFloat(instr, "texture_tmp");
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::TLD4: {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(instr.tld4.UsesMiscMode(Tegra::Shader::TextureMiscMode::NODEP),
-                                     "NODEP is not implemented");
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(instr.tld4.UsesMiscMode(Tegra::Shader::TextureMiscMode::AOFFI),
-                                     "AOFFI is not implemented");
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(instr.tld4.UsesMiscMode(Tegra::Shader::TextureMiscMode::NDV),
-                                     "NDV is not implemented");
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(instr.tld4.UsesMiscMode(Tegra::Shader::TextureMiscMode::PTP),
-                                     "PTP is not implemented");
-                auto texture_type = instr.tld4.texture_type.Value();
-                const bool depth_compare =
-                    instr.tld4.UsesMiscMode(Tegra::Shader::TextureMiscMode::DC);
-                const bool is_array = instr.tld4.array != 0;
-                const auto [coord, texture] =
-                    GetTLD4Code(instr, texture_type, depth_compare, is_array);
-                const auto scope = shader.Scope();
-                shader.AddLine(coord);
-                std::size_t dest_elem{};
-                shader.AddLine("vec4 texture_tmp = " + texture + ';');
-                for (std::size_t elem = 0; elem < 4; ++elem) {
-                    if (!instr.tex.IsComponentEnabled(elem)) {
-                        // Skip disabled components
-                        continue;
-                    }
-                    regs.SetRegisterToFloat(instr.gpr0, elem, "texture_tmp", 1, 4, false, false,
-                                            dest_elem);
-                    ++dest_elem;
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::TLD4S: {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(
-                    instr.tld4s.UsesMiscMode(Tegra::Shader::TextureMiscMode::NODEP),
-                    "NODEP is not implemented");
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(
-                    instr.tld4s.UsesMiscMode(Tegra::Shader::TextureMiscMode::AOFFI),
-                    "AOFFI is not implemented");
-                const auto scope = shader.Scope();
-                std::string coords;
-                const bool depth_compare =
-                    instr.tld4s.UsesMiscMode(Tegra::Shader::TextureMiscMode::DC);
-                const std::string sampler = GetSampler(
-                    instr.sampler, Tegra::Shader::TextureType::Texture2D, false, depth_compare);
-                const std::string op_a = regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(instr.gpr8);
-                coords = "vec2 coords = vec2(" + op_a + ", ";
-                std::string texture = "textureGather(" + sampler + ", coords, ";
-                if (!depth_compare) {
-                    const std::string op_b = regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(instr.gpr20);
-                    coords += op_b + ");";
-                    texture += std::to_string(instr.tld4s.component) + ')';
-                } else {
-                    const std::string op_b = regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(instr.gpr8.Value() + 1);
-                    const std::string op_c = regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(instr.gpr20);
-                    coords += op_b + ");";
-                    texture += op_c + ')';
-                }
-                shader.AddLine(coords);
-                shader.AddLine("vec4 texture_tmp = " + texture + ';');
-                WriteTexsInstructionFloat(instr, "texture_tmp");
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::TXQ: {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(instr.txq.UsesMiscMode(Tegra::Shader::TextureMiscMode::NODEP),
-                                     "NODEP is not implemented");
-                const auto scope = shader.Scope();
-                // TODO: The new commits on the texture refactor, change the way samplers work.
-                // Sadly, not all texture instructions specify the type of texture their sampler
-                // uses. This must be fixed at a later instance.
-                const std::string sampler =
-                    GetSampler(instr.sampler, Tegra::Shader::TextureType::Texture2D, false, false);
-                switch (instr.txq.query_type) {
-                case Tegra::Shader::TextureQueryType::Dimension: {
-                    const std::string texture = "textureSize(" + sampler + ", " +
-                                                regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr8) + ')';
-                    const std::string mip_level = "textureQueryLevels(" + sampler + ')';
-                    shader.AddLine("ivec2 sizes = " + texture + ';');
-                    regs.SetRegisterToInteger(instr.gpr0.Value() + 0, true, 0, "sizes.x", 1, 1);
-                    regs.SetRegisterToInteger(instr.gpr0.Value() + 1, true, 0, "sizes.y", 1, 1);
-                    regs.SetRegisterToInteger(instr.gpr0.Value() + 2, true, 0, "0", 1, 1);
-                    regs.SetRegisterToInteger(instr.gpr0.Value() + 3, true, 0, mip_level, 1, 1);
-                    break;
-                }
-                default: {
-                    UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unhandled texture query type: {}",
-                                      static_cast<u32>(instr.txq.query_type.Value()));
-                }
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::TMML: {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(instr.tmml.UsesMiscMode(Tegra::Shader::TextureMiscMode::NODEP),
-                                     "NODEP is not implemented");
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(instr.tmml.UsesMiscMode(Tegra::Shader::TextureMiscMode::NDV),
-                                     "NDV is not implemented");
-                const std::string x = regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(instr.gpr8);
-                const bool is_array = instr.tmml.array != 0;
-                auto texture_type = instr.tmml.texture_type.Value();
-                const std::string sampler =
-                    GetSampler(instr.sampler, texture_type, is_array, false);
-                const auto scope = shader.Scope();
-                // TODO: Add coordinates for different samplers once other texture types are
-                // implemented.
-                switch (texture_type) {
-                case Tegra::Shader::TextureType::Texture1D: {
-                    shader.AddLine("float coords = " + x + ';');
-                    break;
-                }
-                case Tegra::Shader::TextureType::Texture2D: {
-                    const std::string y = regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(instr.gpr8.Value() + 1);
-                    shader.AddLine("vec2 coords = vec2(" + x + ", " + y + ");");
-                    break;
-                }
-                default:
-                    UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unhandled texture type {}", static_cast<u32>(texture_type));
-                    // Fallback to interpreting as a 2D texture for now
-                    const std::string y = regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(instr.gpr8.Value() + 1);
-                    shader.AddLine("vec2 coords = vec2(" + x + ", " + y + ");");
-                    texture_type = Tegra::Shader::TextureType::Texture2D;
-                }
-                const std::string texture = "textureQueryLod(" + sampler + ", coords)";
-                shader.AddLine("vec2 tmp = " + texture + " * vec2(256.0, 256.0);");
-                regs.SetRegisterToInteger(instr.gpr0, true, 0, "int(tmp.y)", 1, 1);
-                regs.SetRegisterToInteger(instr.gpr0.Value() + 1, false, 0, "uint(tmp.x)", 1, 1);
-                break;
-            }
-            default: {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unhandled memory instruction: {}", opcode->get().GetName());
-            }
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-        case OpCode::Type::FloatSetPredicate: {
-            const std::string op_a =
-                GetOperandAbsNeg(regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(instr.gpr8), instr.fsetp.abs_a != 0,
-                                 instr.fsetp.neg_a != 0);
-            std::string op_b;
-            if (instr.is_b_imm) {
-                op_b += '(' + GetImmediate19(instr) + ')';
-            } else {
-                if (instr.is_b_gpr) {
-                    op_b += regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(instr.gpr20);
-                } else {
-                    op_b += regs.GetUniform(instr.cbuf34.index, instr.cbuf34.offset,
-                                            GLSLRegister::Type::Float);
-                }
-            }
-            if (instr.fsetp.abs_b) {
-                op_b = "abs(" + op_b + ')';
-            }
-            // We can't use the constant predicate as destination.
-            ASSERT(instr.fsetp.pred3 != static_cast<u64>(Pred::UnusedIndex));
-            const std::string second_pred =
-                GetPredicateCondition(instr.fsetp.pred39, instr.fsetp.neg_pred != 0);
-            const std::string combiner = GetPredicateCombiner(instr.fsetp.op);
-            const std::string predicate = GetPredicateComparison(instr.fsetp.cond, op_a, op_b);
-            // Set the primary predicate to the result of Predicate OP SecondPredicate
-            SetPredicate(instr.fsetp.pred3,
-                         '(' + predicate + ") " + combiner + " (" + second_pred + ')');
-            if (instr.fsetp.pred0 != static_cast<u64>(Pred::UnusedIndex)) {
-                // Set the secondary predicate to the result of !Predicate OP SecondPredicate,
-                // if enabled
-                SetPredicate(instr.fsetp.pred0,
-                             "!(" + predicate + ") " + combiner + " (" + second_pred + ')');
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-        case OpCode::Type::IntegerSetPredicate: {
-            const std::string op_a =
-                regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr8, 0, instr.isetp.is_signed);
-            std::string op_b;
-            if (instr.is_b_imm) {
-                op_b += '(' + std::to_string(instr.alu.GetSignedImm20_20()) + ')';
-            } else {
-                if (instr.is_b_gpr) {
-                    op_b += regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr20, 0, instr.isetp.is_signed);
-                } else {
-                    op_b += regs.GetUniform(instr.cbuf34.index, instr.cbuf34.offset,
-                                            GLSLRegister::Type::Integer);
-                }
-            }
-            // We can't use the constant predicate as destination.
-            ASSERT(instr.isetp.pred3 != static_cast<u64>(Pred::UnusedIndex));
-            const std::string second_pred =
-                GetPredicateCondition(instr.isetp.pred39, instr.isetp.neg_pred != 0);
-            const std::string combiner = GetPredicateCombiner(instr.isetp.op);
-            const std::string predicate = GetPredicateComparison(instr.isetp.cond, op_a, op_b);
-            // Set the primary predicate to the result of Predicate OP SecondPredicate
-            SetPredicate(instr.isetp.pred3,
-                         '(' + predicate + ") " + combiner + " (" + second_pred + ')');
-            if (instr.isetp.pred0 != static_cast<u64>(Pred::UnusedIndex)) {
-                // Set the secondary predicate to the result of !Predicate OP SecondPredicate,
-                // if enabled
-                SetPredicate(instr.isetp.pred0,
-                             "!(" + predicate + ") " + combiner + " (" + second_pred + ')');
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-        case OpCode::Type::HalfSetPredicate: {
-            UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(instr.hsetp2.ftz != 0);
-            const std::string op_a =
-                GetHalfFloat(regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr8, 0, false), instr.hsetp2.type_a,
-                             instr.hsetp2.abs_a, instr.hsetp2.negate_a);
-            const std::string op_b = [&]() {
-                switch (opcode->get().GetId()) {
-                case OpCode::Id::HSETP2_R:
-                    return GetHalfFloat(regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr20, 0, false),
-                                        instr.hsetp2.type_b, instr.hsetp2.abs_a,
-                                        instr.hsetp2.negate_b);
-                default:
-                    UNREACHABLE();
-                    return std::string("vec2(0)");
-                }
-            }();
-            // We can't use the constant predicate as destination.
-            ASSERT(instr.hsetp2.pred3 != static_cast<u64>(Pred::UnusedIndex));
-            const std::string second_pred =
-                GetPredicateCondition(instr.hsetp2.pred39, instr.hsetp2.neg_pred != 0);
-            const std::string combiner = GetPredicateCombiner(instr.hsetp2.op);
-            const std::string component_combiner = instr.hsetp2.h_and ? "&&" : "||";
-            const std::string predicate =
-                '(' + GetPredicateComparison(instr.hsetp2.cond, op_a + ".x", op_b + ".x") + ' ' +
-                component_combiner + ' ' +
-                GetPredicateComparison(instr.hsetp2.cond, op_a + ".y", op_b + ".y") + ')';
-            // Set the primary predicate to the result of Predicate OP SecondPredicate
-            SetPredicate(instr.hsetp2.pred3,
-                         '(' + predicate + ") " + combiner + " (" + second_pred + ')');
-            if (instr.hsetp2.pred0 != static_cast<u64>(Pred::UnusedIndex)) {
-                // Set the secondary predicate to the result of !Predicate OP SecondPredicate,
-                // if enabled
-                SetPredicate(instr.hsetp2.pred0,
-                             "!(" + predicate + ") " + combiner + " (" + second_pred + ')');
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-        case OpCode::Type::PredicateSetRegister: {
-            UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(instr.generates_cc,
-                                 "Condition codes generation in PSET is partially implemented");
-            const std::string op_a =
-                GetPredicateCondition(instr.pset.pred12, instr.pset.neg_pred12 != 0);
-            const std::string op_b =
-                GetPredicateCondition(instr.pset.pred29, instr.pset.neg_pred29 != 0);
-            const std::string second_pred =
-                GetPredicateCondition(instr.pset.pred39, instr.pset.neg_pred39 != 0);
-            const std::string combiner = GetPredicateCombiner(instr.pset.op);
-            const std::string predicate =
-                '(' + op_a + ") " + GetPredicateCombiner(instr.pset.cond) + " (" + op_b + ')';
-            const std::string result = '(' + predicate + ") " + combiner + " (" + second_pred + ')';
-            if ( == 0) {
-                const std::string value = '(' + result + ") ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0";
-                regs.SetRegisterToInteger(instr.gpr0, false, 0, value, 1, 1, false,
-                                          instr.generates_cc);
-            } else {
-                const std::string value = '(' + result + ") ? 1.0 : 0.0";
-                regs.SetRegisterToFloat(instr.gpr0, 0, value, 1, 1, false, instr.generates_cc);
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-        case OpCode::Type::PredicateSetPredicate: {
-            switch (opcode->get().GetId()) {
-            case OpCode::Id::PSETP: {
-                const std::string op_a =
-                    GetPredicateCondition(instr.psetp.pred12, instr.psetp.neg_pred12 != 0);
-                const std::string op_b =
-                    GetPredicateCondition(instr.psetp.pred29, instr.psetp.neg_pred29 != 0);
-                // We can't use the constant predicate as destination.
-                ASSERT(instr.psetp.pred3 != static_cast<u64>(Pred::UnusedIndex));
-                const std::string second_pred =
-                    GetPredicateCondition(instr.psetp.pred39, instr.psetp.neg_pred39 != 0);
-                const std::string combiner = GetPredicateCombiner(instr.psetp.op);
-                const std::string predicate =
-                    '(' + op_a + ") " + GetPredicateCombiner(instr.psetp.cond) + " (" + op_b + ')';
-                // Set the primary predicate to the result of Predicate OP SecondPredicate
-                SetPredicate(instr.psetp.pred3,
-                             '(' + predicate + ") " + combiner + " (" + second_pred + ')');
-                if (instr.psetp.pred0 != static_cast<u64>(Pred::UnusedIndex)) {
-                    // Set the secondary predicate to the result of !Predicate OP SecondPredicate,
-                    // if enabled
-                    SetPredicate(instr.psetp.pred0,
-                                 "!(" + predicate + ") " + combiner + " (" + second_pred + ')');
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::CSETP: {
-                const std::string pred =
-                    GetPredicateCondition(instr.csetp.pred39, instr.csetp.neg_pred39 != 0);
-                const std::string combiner = GetPredicateCombiner(instr.csetp.op);
-                const std::string condition_code = regs.GetConditionCode(;
-                if (instr.csetp.pred3 != static_cast<u64>(Pred::UnusedIndex)) {
-                    SetPredicate(instr.csetp.pred3,
-                                 '(' + condition_code + ") " + combiner + " (" + pred + ')');
-                }
-                if (instr.csetp.pred0 != static_cast<u64>(Pred::UnusedIndex)) {
-                    SetPredicate(instr.csetp.pred0,
-                                 "!(" + condition_code + ") " + combiner + " (" + pred + ')');
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-            default: {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unhandled predicate instruction: {}", opcode->get().GetName());
-            }
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-        case OpCode::Type::RegisterSetPredicate: {
-            UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(instr.r2p.mode != Tegra::Shader::R2pMode::Pr);
-            const std::string apply_mask = [&]() {
-                switch (opcode->get().GetId()) {
-                case OpCode::Id::R2P_IMM:
-                    return std::to_string(instr.r2p.immediate_mask);
-                default:
-                    UNREACHABLE();
-                    return std::to_string(instr.r2p.immediate_mask);
-                }
-            }();
-            const std::string mask = '(' + regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr8, 0, false) +
-                                     " >> " + std::to_string(instr.r2p.byte) + ')';
-            constexpr u64 programmable_preds = 7;
-            for (u64 pred = 0; pred < programmable_preds; ++pred) {
-                const auto shift = std::to_string(1 << pred);
-                shader.AddLine("if ((" + apply_mask + " & " + shift + ") != 0) {");
-                ++shader.scope;
-                SetPredicate(pred, '(' + mask + " & " + shift + ") != 0");
-                --shader.scope;
-                shader.AddLine('}');
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-        case OpCode::Type::FloatSet: {
-            const std::string op_a = GetOperandAbsNeg(regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(instr.gpr8),
-                                                      instr.fset.abs_a != 0, instr.fset.neg_a != 0);
-            std::string op_b;
-            if (instr.is_b_imm) {
-                const std::string imm = GetImmediate19(instr);
-                op_b = imm;
-            } else {
-                if (instr.is_b_gpr) {
-                    op_b = regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(instr.gpr20);
-                } else {
-                    op_b = regs.GetUniform(instr.cbuf34.index, instr.cbuf34.offset,
-                                           GLSLRegister::Type::Float);
-                }
-            }
-            op_b = GetOperandAbsNeg(op_b, instr.fset.abs_b != 0, instr.fset.neg_b != 0);
-            // The fset instruction sets a register to 1.0 or -1 (depending on the bf bit) if the
-            // condition is true, and to 0 otherwise.
-            const std::string second_pred =
-                GetPredicateCondition(instr.fset.pred39, instr.fset.neg_pred != 0);
-            const std::string combiner = GetPredicateCombiner(instr.fset.op);
-            const std::string predicate = "((" +
-                                          GetPredicateComparison(instr.fset.cond, op_a, op_b) +
-                                          ") " + combiner + " (" + second_pred + "))";
-            if ( {
-                regs.SetRegisterToFloat(instr.gpr0, 0, predicate + " ? 1.0 : 0.0", 1, 1, false,
-                                        instr.generates_cc);
-            } else {
-                regs.SetRegisterToInteger(instr.gpr0, false, 0, predicate + " ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0", 1,
-                                          1, false, instr.generates_cc);
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-        case OpCode::Type::IntegerSet: {
-            const std::string op_a = regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr8, 0, instr.iset.is_signed);
-            std::string op_b;
-            if (instr.is_b_imm) {
-                op_b = std::to_string(instr.alu.GetSignedImm20_20());
-            } else {
-                if (instr.is_b_gpr) {
-                    op_b = regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr20, 0, instr.iset.is_signed);
-                } else {
-                    op_b = regs.GetUniform(instr.cbuf34.index, instr.cbuf34.offset,
-                                           GLSLRegister::Type::Integer);
-                }
-            }
-            // The iset instruction sets a register to 1.0 or -1 (depending on the bf bit) if the
-            // condition is true, and to 0 otherwise.
-            const std::string second_pred =
-                GetPredicateCondition(instr.iset.pred39, instr.iset.neg_pred != 0);
-            const std::string combiner = GetPredicateCombiner(instr.iset.op);
-            const std::string predicate = "((" +
-                                          GetPredicateComparison(instr.iset.cond, op_a, op_b) +
-                                          ") " + combiner + " (" + second_pred + "))";
-            if ( {
-                regs.SetRegisterToFloat(instr.gpr0, 0, predicate + " ? 1.0 : 0.0", 1, 1);
-            } else {
-                regs.SetRegisterToInteger(instr.gpr0, false, 0, predicate + " ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0", 1,
-                                          1);
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-        case OpCode::Type::HalfSet: {
-            UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(instr.hset2.ftz != 0);
-            const std::string op_a =
-                GetHalfFloat(regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr8, 0, false), instr.hset2.type_a,
-                             instr.hset2.abs_a != 0, instr.hset2.negate_a != 0);
-            const std::string op_b = [&]() {
-                switch (opcode->get().GetId()) {
-                case OpCode::Id::HSET2_R:
-                    return GetHalfFloat(regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr20, 0, false),
-                                        instr.hset2.type_b, instr.hset2.abs_b != 0,
-                                        instr.hset2.negate_b != 0);
-                default:
-                    UNREACHABLE();
-                    return std::string("vec2(0)");
-                }
-            }();
-            const std::string second_pred =
-                GetPredicateCondition(instr.hset2.pred39, instr.hset2.neg_pred != 0);
-            const std::string combiner = GetPredicateCombiner(instr.hset2.op);
-            // HSET2 operates on each half float in the pack.
-            std::string result;
-            for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
-                const std::string float_value = i == 0 ? "0x00003c00" : "0x3c000000";
-                const std::string integer_value = i == 0 ? "0x0000ffff" : "0xffff0000";
-                const std::string value = == 1 ? float_value : integer_value;
-                const std::string comp = std::string(".") + "xy"[i];
-                const std::string predicate =
-                    "((" + GetPredicateComparison(instr.hset2.cond, op_a + comp, op_b + comp) +
-                    ") " + combiner + " (" + second_pred + "))";
-                result += '(' + predicate + " ? " + value + " : 0)";
-                if (i == 0) {
-                    result += " | ";
-                }
-            }
-            regs.SetRegisterToInteger(instr.gpr0, false, 0, '(' + result + ')', 1, 1);
-            break;
-        }
-        case OpCode::Type::Xmad: {
-            UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(instr.xmad.sign_a);
-            UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(instr.xmad.sign_b);
-            UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(instr.generates_cc,
-                                 "Condition codes generation in XMAD is partially implemented");
-            std::string op_a{regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr8, 0, instr.xmad.sign_a)};
-            std::string op_b;
-            std::string op_c;
-            // TODO(bunnei): Needs to be fixed once op_a or op_b is signed
-            UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(instr.xmad.sign_a != instr.xmad.sign_b);
-            const bool is_signed{instr.xmad.sign_a == 1};
-            bool is_merge{};
-            switch (opcode->get().GetId()) {
-            case OpCode::Id::XMAD_CR: {
-                is_merge = instr.xmad.merge_56;
-                op_b += regs.GetUniform(instr.cbuf34.index, instr.cbuf34.offset,
-                                        instr.xmad.sign_b ? GLSLRegister::Type::Integer
-                                                          : GLSLRegister::Type::UnsignedInteger);
-                op_c += regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr39, 0, is_signed);
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::XMAD_RR: {
-                is_merge = instr.xmad.merge_37;
-                op_b += regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr20, 0, instr.xmad.sign_b);
-                op_c += regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr39, 0, is_signed);
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::XMAD_RC: {
-                op_b += regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr39, 0, instr.xmad.sign_b);
-                op_c += regs.GetUniform(instr.cbuf34.index, instr.cbuf34.offset,
-                                        is_signed ? GLSLRegister::Type::Integer
-                                                  : GLSLRegister::Type::UnsignedInteger);
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::XMAD_IMM: {
-                is_merge = instr.xmad.merge_37;
-                op_b += std::to_string(instr.xmad.imm20_16);
-                op_c += regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr39, 0, is_signed);
-                break;
-            }
-            default: {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unhandled XMAD instruction: {}", opcode->get().GetName());
-            }
-            }
-            // TODO(bunnei): Ensure this is right with signed operands
-            if (instr.xmad.high_a) {
-                op_a = "((" + op_a + ") >> 16)";
-            } else {
-                op_a = "((" + op_a + ") & 0xFFFF)";
-            }
-            std::string src2 = '(' + op_b + ')'; // Preserve original source 2
-            if (instr.xmad.high_b) {
-                op_b = '(' + src2 + " >> 16)";
-            } else {
-                op_b = '(' + src2 + " & 0xFFFF)";
-            }
-            std::string product = '(' + op_a + " * " + op_b + ')';
-            if (instr.xmad.product_shift_left) {
-                product = '(' + product + " << 16)";
-            }
-            switch (instr.xmad.mode) {
-            case Tegra::Shader::XmadMode::None:
-                break;
-            case Tegra::Shader::XmadMode::CLo:
-                op_c = "((" + op_c + ") & 0xFFFF)";
-                break;
-            case Tegra::Shader::XmadMode::CHi:
-                op_c = "((" + op_c + ") >> 16)";
-                break;
-            case Tegra::Shader::XmadMode::CBcc:
-                op_c = "((" + op_c + ") + (" + src2 + "<< 16))";
-                break;
-            default: {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unhandled XMAD mode: {}",
-                                  static_cast<u32>(instr.xmad.mode.Value()));
-            }
-            }
-            std::string sum{'(' + product + " + " + op_c + ')'};
-            if (is_merge) {
-                sum = "((" + sum + " & 0xFFFF) | (" + src2 + "<< 16))";
-            }
-            regs.SetRegisterToInteger(instr.gpr0, is_signed, 0, sum, 1, 1, false,
-                                      instr.generates_cc);
-            break;
-        }
-        default: {
-            switch (opcode->get().GetId()) {
-            case OpCode::Id::EXIT: {
-                const Tegra::Shader::ConditionCode cc = instr.flow_condition_code;
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(cc != Tegra::Shader::ConditionCode::T,
-                                     "EXIT condition code used: {}", static_cast<u32>(cc));
-                if (stage == Maxwell3D::Regs::ShaderStage::Fragment) {
-                    EmitFragmentOutputsWrite();
-                }
-                switch (instr.flow.cond) {
-                case Tegra::Shader::FlowCondition::Always:
-                    shader.AddLine("return true;");
-                    if (instr.pred.pred_index == static_cast<u64>(Pred::UnusedIndex)) {
-                        // If this is an unconditional exit then just end processing here,
-                        // otherwise we have to account for the possibility of the condition
-                        // not being met, so continue processing the next instruction.
-                        offset = PROGRAM_END - 1;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case Tegra::Shader::FlowCondition::Fcsm_Tr:
-                    // TODO(bunnei): What is this used for? If we assume this conditon is not
-                    // satisifed, dual vertex shaders in Farming Simulator make more sense
-                    UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Skipping unknown FlowCondition::Fcsm_Tr");
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unhandled flow condition: {}",
-                                      static_cast<u32>(instr.flow.cond.Value()));
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::KIL: {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(instr.flow.cond != Tegra::Shader::FlowCondition::Always);
-                const Tegra::Shader::ConditionCode cc = instr.flow_condition_code;
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(cc != Tegra::Shader::ConditionCode::T,
-                                     "KIL condition code used: {}", static_cast<u32>(cc));
-                // Enclose "discard" in a conditional, so that GLSL compilation does not complain
-                // about unexecuted instructions that may follow this.
-                shader.AddLine("if (true) {");
-                ++shader.scope;
-                shader.AddLine("discard;");
-                --shader.scope;
-                shader.AddLine("}");
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::OUT_R: {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(instr.gpr20.Value() != Register::ZeroIndex,
-                                     "Stream buffer is not supported");
-                ASSERT_MSG(stage == Maxwell3D::Regs::ShaderStage::Geometry,
-                           "OUT is expected to be used in a geometry shader.");
-                if (instr.out.emit) {
-                    // gpr0 is used to store the next address. Hardware returns a pointer but
-                    // we just return the next index with a cyclic cap.
-                    const std::string current{regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr8, 0, false)};
-                    const std::string next = "((" + current + " + 1" + ") % " +
-                                             std::to_string(MAX_GEOMETRY_BUFFERS) + ')';
-                    shader.AddLine("emit_vertex(" + current + ");");
-                    regs.SetRegisterToInteger(instr.gpr0, false, 0, next, 1, 1);
-                }
-                if (instr.out.cut) {
-                    shader.AddLine("EndPrimitive();");
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::MOV_SYS: {
-                switch (instr.sys20) {
-                case Tegra::Shader::SystemVariable::InvocationInfo: {
-                    LOG_WARNING(HW_GPU, "MOV_SYS instruction with InvocationInfo is incomplete");
-                    regs.SetRegisterToInteger(instr.gpr0, false, 0, "0u", 1, 1);
-                    break;
-                }
-                case Tegra::Shader::SystemVariable::Ydirection: {
-                    // Config pack's third value is Y_NEGATE's state.
-                    regs.SetRegisterToFloat(instr.gpr0, 0, "uintBitsToFloat(config_pack[2])", 1, 1);
-                    break;
-                }
-                default: {
-                    UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unhandled system move: {}",
-                                      static_cast<u32>(instr.sys20.Value()));
-                }
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::ISBERD: {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(instr.isberd.o != 0);
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(instr.isberd.skew != 0);
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(instr.isberd.shift != Tegra::Shader::IsberdShift::None);
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF(instr.isberd.mode != Tegra::Shader::IsberdMode::None);
-                ASSERT_MSG(stage == Maxwell3D::Regs::ShaderStage::Geometry,
-                           "ISBERD is expected to be used in a geometry shader.");
-                LOG_WARNING(HW_GPU, "ISBERD instruction is incomplete");
-                regs.SetRegisterToFloat(instr.gpr0, 0, regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(instr.gpr8), 1, 1);
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::BRA: {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(instr.bra.constant_buffer != 0,
-                                     "BRA with constant buffers are not implemented");
-                const Tegra::Shader::ConditionCode cc = instr.flow_condition_code;
-                const u32 target = offset + instr.bra.GetBranchTarget();
-                if (cc != Tegra::Shader::ConditionCode::T) {
-                    const std::string condition_code = regs.GetConditionCode(cc);
-                    shader.AddLine("if (" + condition_code + "){");
-                    shader.scope++;
-                    shader.AddLine("{ jmp_to = " + std::to_string(target) + "u; break; }");
-                    shader.scope--;
-                    shader.AddLine('}');
-                } else {
-                    shader.AddLine("{ jmp_to = " + std::to_string(target) + "u; break; }");
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::IPA: {
-                const auto& attribute = instr.attribute.fmt28;
-                const auto& reg = instr.gpr0;
-                Tegra::Shader::IpaMode input_mode{instr.ipa.interp_mode.Value(),
-                                                  instr.ipa.sample_mode.Value()};
-                regs.SetRegisterToInputAttibute(reg, attribute.element, attribute.index,
-                                                input_mode);
-                if (instr.ipa.saturate) {
-                    regs.SetRegisterToFloat(reg, 0, regs.GetRegisterAsFloat(reg), 1, 1, true);
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::SSY: {
-                // The SSY opcode tells the GPU where to re-converge divergent execution paths, it
-                // sets the target of the jump that the SYNC instruction will make. The SSY opcode
-                // has a similar structure to the BRA opcode.
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(instr.bra.constant_buffer != 0,
-                                     "Constant buffer flow is not supported");
-                const u32 target = offset + instr.bra.GetBranchTarget();
-                EmitPushToFlowStack(target);
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::PBK: {
-                // PBK pushes to a stack the address where BRK will jump to. This shares stack with
-                // SSY but using SYNC on a PBK address will kill the shader execution. We don't
-                // emulate this because it's very unlikely a driver will emit such invalid shader.
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(instr.bra.constant_buffer != 0,
-                                     "Constant buffer PBK is not supported");
-                const u32 target = offset + instr.bra.GetBranchTarget();
-                EmitPushToFlowStack(target);
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::SYNC: {
-                const Tegra::Shader::ConditionCode cc = instr.flow_condition_code;
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(cc != Tegra::Shader::ConditionCode::T,
-                                     "SYNC condition code used: {}", static_cast<u32>(cc));
-                // The SYNC opcode jumps to the address previously set by the SSY opcode
-                EmitPopFromFlowStack();
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::BRK: {
-                // The BRK opcode jumps to the address previously set by the PBK opcode
-                const Tegra::Shader::ConditionCode cc = instr.flow_condition_code;
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(cc != Tegra::Shader::ConditionCode::T,
-                                     "BRK condition code used: {}", static_cast<u32>(cc));
-                EmitPopFromFlowStack();
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::DEPBAR: {
-                // TODO(Subv): Find out if we actually have to care about this instruction or if
-                // the GLSL compiler takes care of that for us.
-                LOG_WARNING(HW_GPU, "DEPBAR instruction is stubbed");
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::VMAD: {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_IF_MSG(instr.generates_cc,
-                                     "Condition codes generation in VMAD is not implemented");
-                const bool result_signed = == 1 || == 1;
-                const std::string op_a = GetVideoOperandA(instr);
-                const std::string op_b = GetVideoOperandB(instr);
-                const std::string op_c = regs.GetRegisterAsInteger(instr.gpr39, 0, result_signed);
-                std::string result = '(' + op_a + " * " + op_b + " + " + op_c + ')';
-                switch (instr.vmad.shr) {
-                case Tegra::Shader::VmadShr::Shr7:
-                    result = '(' + result + " >> 7)";
-                    break;
-                case Tegra::Shader::VmadShr::Shr15:
-                    result = '(' + result + " >> 15)";
-                    break;
-                }
-                regs.SetRegisterToInteger(instr.gpr0, result_signed, 1, result, 1, 1,
-                                          instr.vmad.saturate,;
-                break;
-            }
-            case OpCode::Id::VSETP: {
-                const std::string op_a = GetVideoOperandA(instr);
-                const std::string op_b = GetVideoOperandB(instr);
-                // We can't use the constant predicate as destination.
-                ASSERT(instr.vsetp.pred3 != static_cast<u64>(Pred::UnusedIndex));
-                const std::string second_pred = GetPredicateCondition(instr.vsetp.pred39, false);
-                const std::string combiner = GetPredicateCombiner(instr.vsetp.op);
-                const std::string predicate = GetPredicateComparison(instr.vsetp.cond, op_a, op_b);
-                // Set the primary predicate to the result of Predicate OP SecondPredicate
-                SetPredicate(instr.vsetp.pred3,
-                             '(' + predicate + ") " + combiner + " (" + second_pred + ')');
-                if (instr.vsetp.pred0 != static_cast<u64>(Pred::UnusedIndex)) {
-                    // Set the secondary predicate to the result of !Predicate OP SecondPredicate,
-                    // if enabled
-                    SetPredicate(instr.vsetp.pred0,
-                                 "!(" + predicate + ") " + combiner + " (" + second_pred + ')');
-                }
-                break;
-            }
-            default: {
-                UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Unhandled instruction: {}", opcode->get().GetName());
-                break;
-            }
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-        }
-        // Close the predicate condition scope.
-        if (can_be_predicated && instr.pred.pred_index != static_cast<u64>(Pred::UnusedIndex)) {
-            --shader.scope;
-            shader.AddLine('}');
-        }
-        return offset + 1;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Compiles a range of instructions from Tegra to GLSL.
-     * @param begin the offset of the starting instruction.
-     * @param end the offset where the compilation should stop (exclusive).
-     * @return the offset of the next instruction to compile. PROGRAM_END if the program
-     * terminates.
-     */
-    u32 CompileRange(u32 begin, u32 end) {
-        u32 program_counter;
-        for (program_counter = begin; program_counter < (begin > end ? PROGRAM_END : end);) {
-            program_counter = CompileInstr(program_counter);
-        }
-        return program_counter;
-    }
-    void Generate(const std::string& suffix) {
-        // Add declarations for all subroutines
-        for (const auto& subroutine : subroutines) {
-            shader.AddLine("bool " + subroutine.GetName() + "();");
-        }
-        shader.AddNewLine();
-        // Add the main entry point
-        shader.AddLine("bool exec_" + suffix + "() {");
-        ++shader.scope;
-        CallSubroutine(GetSubroutine(main_offset, PROGRAM_END));
-        --shader.scope;
-        shader.AddLine("}\n");
-        // Add definitions for all subroutines
-        for (const auto& subroutine : subroutines) {
-            std::set<u32> labels = subroutine.labels;
-            shader.AddLine("bool " + subroutine.GetName() + "() {");
-            ++shader.scope;
-            if (labels.empty()) {
-                if (CompileRange(subroutine.begin, subroutine.end) != PROGRAM_END) {
-                    shader.AddLine("return false;");
-                }
-            } else {
-                labels.insert(subroutine.begin);
-                shader.AddLine("uint jmp_to = " + std::to_string(subroutine.begin) + "u;");
-                // TODO(Subv): Figure out the actual depth of the flow stack, for now it seems
-                // unlikely that shaders will use 20 nested SSYs and PBKs.
-                constexpr u32 FLOW_STACK_SIZE = 20;
-                shader.AddLine("uint flow_stack[" + std::to_string(FLOW_STACK_SIZE) + "];");
-                shader.AddLine("uint flow_stack_top = 0u;");
-                shader.AddLine("while (true) {");
-                ++shader.scope;
-                shader.AddLine("switch (jmp_to) {");
-                for (auto label : labels) {
-                    shader.AddLine("case " + std::to_string(label) + "u: {");
-                    ++shader.scope;
-                    const auto next_it = labels.lower_bound(label + 1);
-                    const u32 next_label = next_it == labels.end() ? subroutine.end : *next_it;
-                    const u32 compile_end = CompileRange(label, next_label);
-                    if (compile_end > next_label && compile_end != PROGRAM_END) {
-                        // This happens only when there is a label inside a IF/LOOP block
-                        shader.AddLine(" jmp_to = " + std::to_string(compile_end) + "u; break; }");
-                        labels.emplace(compile_end);
-                    }
-                    --shader.scope;
-                    shader.AddLine('}');
-                }
-                shader.AddLine("default: return false;");
-                shader.AddLine('}');
-                --shader.scope;
-                shader.AddLine('}');
-                shader.AddLine("return false;");
-            }
-            --shader.scope;
-            shader.AddLine("}\n");
-            DEBUG_ASSERT(shader.scope == 0);
-        }
-        GenerateDeclarations();
-    }
-    /// Add declarations for registers
-    void GenerateDeclarations() {
-        regs.GenerateDeclarations(suffix);
-        for (const auto& pred : declr_predicates) {
-            declarations.AddLine("bool " + pred + " = false;");
-        }
-        declarations.AddNewLine();
-    }
-    const std::set<Subroutine>& subroutines;
-    const ProgramCode& program_code;
-    Tegra::Shader::Header header;
-    const u32 main_offset;
-    Maxwell3D::Regs::ShaderStage stage;
-    const std::string& suffix;
-    u64 local_memory_size;
-    std::size_t shader_length;
-    ShaderWriter shader;
-    ShaderWriter declarations;
-    GLSLRegisterManager regs{shader, declarations, stage, suffix, header};
-    // Declarations
-    std::set<std::string> declr_predicates;
-}; // namespace OpenGL::GLShader::Decompiler
-std::string GetCommonDeclarations() {
-    return fmt::format("#define MAX_CONSTBUFFER_ELEMENTS {}\n",
-                       RasterizerOpenGL::MaxConstbufferSize / sizeof(GLvec4));
-std::optional<ProgramResult> DecompileProgram(const ProgramCode& program_code, u32 main_offset,
-                                              Maxwell3D::Regs::ShaderStage stage,
-                                              const std::string& suffix) {
-    try {
-        ControlFlowAnalyzer analyzer(program_code, main_offset, suffix);
-        const auto subroutines = analyzer.GetSubroutines();
-        GLSLGenerator generator(subroutines, program_code, main_offset, stage, suffix,
-                                analyzer.GetShaderLength());
-        return ProgramResult{generator.GetShaderCode(), generator.GetEntries()};
-    } catch (const DecompileFail& exception) {
-        LOG_ERROR(HW_GPU, "Shader decompilation failed: {}", exception.what());
-    }
-    return {};
-} // namespace OpenGL::GLShader::Decompiler
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_decompiler.h b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_decompiler.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d01a4a7ee..000000000
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_decompiler.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2018 yuzu Emulator Project
-// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
-// Refer to the license.txt file included.
-#pragma once
-#include <array>
-#include <functional>
-#include <optional>
-#include <string>
-#include "common/common_types.h"
-#include "video_core/engines/maxwell_3d.h"
-#include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_gen.h"
-namespace OpenGL::GLShader::Decompiler {
-using Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D;
-std::string GetCommonDeclarations();
-std::optional<ProgramResult> DecompileProgram(const ProgramCode& program_code, u32 main_offset,
-                                              Maxwell3D::Regs::ShaderStage stage,
-                                              const std::string& suffix);
-} // namespace OpenGL::GLShader::Decompiler
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_gen.cpp b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_gen.cpp
index 5d0819dc5..59f45cde3 100644
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_gen.cpp
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_gen.cpp
@@ -5,24 +5,27 @@
 #include <fmt/format.h>
 #include "common/assert.h"
 #include "video_core/engines/maxwell_3d.h"
-#include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_decompiler.h"
 #include "video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_gen.h"
+#include "video_core/shader/glsl_decompiler.h"
+#include "video_core/shader/shader_ir.h"
 namespace OpenGL::GLShader {
 using Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D;
+using VideoCommon::Shader::ProgramCode;
+using VideoCommon::Shader::ShaderIR;
 static constexpr u32 PROGRAM_OFFSET{10};
 ProgramResult GenerateVertexShader(const ShaderSetup& setup) {
-    std::string out = "#version 430 core\n";
-    out += "#extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : enable\n\n";
     const std::string id = fmt::format("{:016x}", setup.program.unique_identifier);
-    out += "// Shader Unique Id: VS" + id + "\n\n";
-    out += Decompiler::GetCommonDeclarations();
+    std::string out = "#version 430 core\n";
+    out += "// Shader Unique Id: VS" + id + '\n';
+    out += "#extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : enable\n";
+    out += GetCommonDeclarations();
     out += R"(
 layout (location = 0) out vec4 position;
 layout(std140) uniform vs_config {
@@ -31,39 +34,30 @@ layout(std140) uniform vs_config {
     uvec4 alpha_test;
-    if (setup.IsDualProgram()) {
-        out += "bool exec_vertex_b();\n";
-    }
-    ProgramResult program =
-        Decompiler::DecompileProgram(setup.program.code, PROGRAM_OFFSET,
-                                     Maxwell3D::Regs::ShaderStage::Vertex, "vertex")
-            .value_or(ProgramResult());
+    ShaderIR program_ir(setup.program.code, PROGRAM_OFFSET);
+    ProgramResult program = Decompile(program_ir, Maxwell3D::Regs::ShaderStage::Vertex, "vertex");
     out += program.first;
     if (setup.IsDualProgram()) {
+        ShaderIR program_ir_b(setup.program.code_b, PROGRAM_OFFSET);
         ProgramResult program_b =
-            Decompiler::DecompileProgram(setup.program.code_b, PROGRAM_OFFSET,
-                                         Maxwell3D::Regs::ShaderStage::Vertex, "vertex_b")
-                .value_or(ProgramResult());
+            Decompile(program_ir_b, Maxwell3D::Regs::ShaderStage::Vertex, "vertex_b");
         out += program_b.first;
     out += R"(
 void main() {
     position = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
-    exec_vertex();
+    execute_vertex();
     if (setup.IsDualProgram()) {
-        out += "    exec_vertex_b();";
+        out += "    execute_vertex_b();";
     out += R"(
     // Check if the flip stage is VertexB
     // Config pack's second value is flip_stage
     if (config_pack[1] == 1) {
@@ -77,25 +71,23 @@ void main() {
     if (config_pack[1] == 1) {
         position.w = 1.0;
     return {out, program.second};
 ProgramResult GenerateGeometryShader(const ShaderSetup& setup) {
     // Version is intentionally skipped in shader generation, it's added by the lazy compilation.
-    std::string out = "#extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : enable\n\n";
     const std::string id = fmt::format("{:016x}", setup.program.unique_identifier);
-    out += "// Shader Unique Id: GS" + id + "\n\n";
-    out += Decompiler::GetCommonDeclarations();
-    out += "bool exec_geometry();\n";
+    std::string out = out += "// Shader Unique Id: GS" + id + '\n';
+    out += "#extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : enable\n";
+    out += GetCommonDeclarations();
+    ShaderIR program_ir(setup.program.code, PROGRAM_OFFSET);
     ProgramResult program =
-        Decompiler::DecompileProgram(setup.program.code, PROGRAM_OFFSET,
-                                     Maxwell3D::Regs::ShaderStage::Geometry, "geometry")
-            .value_or(ProgramResult());
+        Decompile(program_ir, Maxwell3D::Regs::ShaderStage::Geometry, "geometry");
     out += R"(
 out gl_PerVertex {
     vec4 gl_Position;
@@ -109,28 +101,26 @@ layout (std140) uniform gs_config {
     uvec4 config_pack; // instance_id, flip_stage, y_direction, padding
     uvec4 alpha_test;
-void main() {
-    exec_geometry();
     out += program.first;
+    out = R"(
+void main() {
+    execute_geometry();
     return {out, program.second};
 ProgramResult GenerateFragmentShader(const ShaderSetup& setup) {
-    std::string out = "#version 430 core\n";
-    out += "#extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : enable\n\n";
     const std::string id = fmt::format("{:016x}", setup.program.unique_identifier);
-    out += "// Shader Unique Id: FS" + id + "\n\n";
-    out += Decompiler::GetCommonDeclarations();
-    out += "bool exec_fragment();\n";
-    ProgramResult program =
-        Decompiler::DecompileProgram(setup.program.code, PROGRAM_OFFSET,
-                                     Maxwell3D::Regs::ShaderStage::Fragment, "fragment")
-            .value_or(ProgramResult());
+    std::string out = "#version 430 core\n";
+    out += "// Shader Unique Id: FS" + id + '\n';
+    out += "#extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : enable\n";
+    out += GetCommonDeclarations();
     out += R"(
 layout(location = 0) out vec4 FragColor0;
 layout(location = 1) out vec4 FragColor1;
@@ -171,14 +161,20 @@ bool AlphaFunc(in float value) {
             return false;
+    ShaderIR program_ir(setup.program.code, PROGRAM_OFFSET);
+    ProgramResult program =
+        Decompile(program_ir, Maxwell3D::Regs::ShaderStage::Fragment, "fragment");
+    out += program.first;
+    out += R"(
 void main() {
-    exec_fragment();
+    execute_fragment();
-    out += program.first;
     return {out, program.second};
-} // namespace OpenGL::GLShader
+} // namespace OpenGL::GLShader
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_gen.h b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_gen.h
index fcc20d3b4..b14bdb29c 100644
--- a/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_gen.h
+++ b/src/video_core/renderer_opengl/gl_shader_gen.h
@@ -10,164 +10,12 @@
 #include "common/common_types.h"
 #include "video_core/engines/shader_bytecode.h"
+#include "video_core/shader/glsl_decompiler.h"
+#include "video_core/shader/shader_ir.h"
 namespace OpenGL::GLShader {
-constexpr std::size_t MAX_PROGRAM_CODE_LENGTH{0x1000};
-using ProgramCode = std::vector<u64>;
-class ConstBufferEntry {
-    using Maxwell = Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs;
-    void MarkAsUsed(u64 index, u64 offset, Maxwell::ShaderStage stage) {
-        is_used = true;
-        this->index = static_cast<unsigned>(index);
-        this->stage = stage;
-        max_offset = std::max(max_offset, static_cast<unsigned>(offset));
-    }
-    void MarkAsUsedIndirect(u64 index, Maxwell::ShaderStage stage) {
-        is_used = true;
-        is_indirect = true;
-        this->index = static_cast<unsigned>(index);
-        this->stage = stage;
-    }
-    bool IsUsed() const {
-        return is_used;
-    }
-    bool IsIndirect() const {
-        return is_indirect;
-    }
-    unsigned GetIndex() const {
-        return index;
-    }
-    unsigned GetSize() const {
-        return max_offset + 1;
-    }
-    std::string GetName() const {
-        return BufferBaseNames[static_cast<std::size_t>(stage)] + std::to_string(index);
-    }
-    u32 GetHash() const {
-        return (static_cast<u32>(stage) << 16) | index;
-    }
-    static constexpr std::array<const char*, Maxwell::MaxShaderStage> BufferBaseNames = {
-        "buffer_vs_c", "buffer_tessc_c", "buffer_tesse_c", "buffer_gs_c", "buffer_fs_c",
-    };
-    bool is_used{};
-    bool is_indirect{};
-    unsigned index{};
-    unsigned max_offset{};
-    Maxwell::ShaderStage stage;
-class SamplerEntry {
-    using Maxwell = Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs;
-    SamplerEntry(Maxwell::ShaderStage stage, std::size_t offset, std::size_t index,
-                 Tegra::Shader::TextureType type, bool is_array, bool is_shadow)
-        : offset(offset), stage(stage), sampler_index(index), type(type), is_array(is_array),
-          is_shadow(is_shadow) {}
-    std::size_t GetOffset() const {
-        return offset;
-    }
-    std::size_t GetIndex() const {
-        return sampler_index;
-    }
-    Maxwell::ShaderStage GetStage() const {
-        return stage;
-    }
-    std::string GetName() const {
-        return std::string(TextureSamplerNames[static_cast<std::size_t>(stage)]) + '_' +
-               std::to_string(sampler_index);
-    }
-    std::string GetTypeString() const {
-        using Tegra::Shader::TextureType;
-        std::string glsl_type;
-        switch (type) {
-        case TextureType::Texture1D:
-            glsl_type = "sampler1D";
-            break;
-        case TextureType::Texture2D:
-            glsl_type = "sampler2D";
-            break;
-        case TextureType::Texture3D:
-            glsl_type = "sampler3D";
-            break;
-        case TextureType::TextureCube:
-            glsl_type = "samplerCube";
-            break;
-        default:
-            UNIMPLEMENTED();
-        }
-        if (is_array)
-            glsl_type += "Array";
-        if (is_shadow)
-            glsl_type += "Shadow";
-        return glsl_type;
-    }
-    Tegra::Shader::TextureType GetType() const {
-        return type;
-    }
-    bool IsArray() const {
-        return is_array;
-    }
-    bool IsShadow() const {
-        return is_shadow;
-    }
-    u32 GetHash() const {
-        return (static_cast<u32>(stage) << 16) | static_cast<u32>(sampler_index);
-    }
-    static std::string GetArrayName(Maxwell::ShaderStage stage) {
-        return TextureSamplerNames[static_cast<std::size_t>(stage)];
-    }
-    static constexpr std::array<const char*, Maxwell::MaxShaderStage> TextureSamplerNames = {
-        "tex_vs", "tex_tessc", "tex_tesse", "tex_gs", "tex_fs",
-    };
-    /// Offset in TSC memory from which to read the sampler object, as specified by the sampling
-    /// instruction.
-    std::size_t offset;
-    Maxwell::ShaderStage stage;      ///< Shader stage where this sampler was used.
-    std::size_t sampler_index;       ///< Value used to index into the generated GLSL sampler array.
-    Tegra::Shader::TextureType type; ///< The type used to sample this texture (Texture2D, etc)
-    bool is_array;  ///< Whether the texture is being sampled as an array texture or not.
-    bool is_shadow; ///< Whether the texture is being sampled as a depth texture or not.
-struct ShaderEntries {
-    std::vector<ConstBufferEntry> const_buffer_entries;
-    std::vector<SamplerEntry> texture_samplers;
-    std::array<bool, Tegra::Engines::Maxwell3D::Regs::NumClipDistances> clip_distances;
-    std::size_t shader_length;
-using ProgramResult = std::pair<std::string, ShaderEntries>;
+using VideoCommon::Shader::ProgramCode;
 struct ShaderSetup {
     explicit ShaderSetup(ProgramCode program_code) {