diff --git a/yt_dlp/extractor/extractors.py b/yt_dlp/extractor/extractors.py
index 3525bb8407..194fe4be3b 100644
--- a/yt_dlp/extractor/extractors.py
+++ b/yt_dlp/extractor/extractors.py
@@ -1326,6 +1326,10 @@ from .glomex import (
+from .megatvcom import (
+    MegaTVComIE,
+    MegaTVComEmbedIE,
 from .rutv import RUTVIE
 from .ruutu import RuutuIE
 from .ruv import RuvIE
diff --git a/yt_dlp/extractor/generic.py b/yt_dlp/extractor/generic.py
index 7198aa02cc..8649779947 100644
--- a/yt_dlp/extractor/generic.py
+++ b/yt_dlp/extractor/generic.py
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ from .arte import ArteTVEmbedIE
 from .videopress import VideoPressIE
 from .rutube import RutubeIE
 from .glomex import GlomexEmbedIE
+from .megatvcom import MegaTVComEmbedIE
 from .limelight import LimelightBaseIE
 from .anvato import AnvatoIE
 from .washingtonpost import WashingtonPostIE
@@ -3484,6 +3485,12 @@ class GenericIE(InfoExtractor):
             return self.playlist_from_matches(
                 glomex_urls, video_id, video_title, ie=GlomexEmbedIE.ie_key())
+        # Look for megatv.com embeds
+        megatvcom_urls = list(MegaTVComEmbedIE._extract_urls(webpage))
+        if megatvcom_urls:
+            return self.playlist_from_matches(
+                megatvcom_urls, video_id, video_title, ie=MegaTVComEmbedIE.ie_key())
         # Look for WashingtonPost embeds
         wapo_urls = WashingtonPostIE._extract_urls(webpage)
         if wapo_urls:
diff --git a/yt_dlp/extractor/megatvcom.py b/yt_dlp/extractor/megatvcom.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0d6793acdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt_dlp/extractor/megatvcom.py
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import re
+from .common import InfoExtractor
+from ..utils import (
+    clean_html,
+    determine_ext,
+    ExtractorError,
+    extract_attributes,
+    get_element_by_class,
+    get_element_html_by_id,
+    HEADRequest,
+    parse_qs,
+    unescapeHTML,
+    unified_timestamp,
+class MegaTVComBaseIE(InfoExtractor):
+    _PLAYER_DIV_ID = 'player_div_id'
+    def _extract_player_attrs(self, webpage):
+        player_el = get_element_html_by_id(self._PLAYER_DIV_ID, webpage)
+        return {
+            re.sub(r'^data-(?:kwik_)?', '', k): v
+            for k, v in extract_attributes(player_el).items()
+            if k not in ('id',)
+        }
+class MegaTVComIE(MegaTVComBaseIE):
+    IE_NAME = 'megatvcom'
+    IE_DESC = 'megatv.com videos'
+    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?megatv\.com/(?:\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2}|[^/]+/(?P<id>\d+))/(?P<slug>[^/]+)'
+    _TESTS = [{
+        'url': 'https://www.megatv.com/2021/10/23/egkainia-gia-ti-nea-skini-omega-tou-dimotikou-theatrou-peiraia/',
+        'md5': '6546a1a37fff0dd51c9dce5f490b7d7d',
+        'info_dict': {
+            'id': '520979',
+            'ext': 'mp4',
+            'title': 'md5:70eef71a9cd2c1ecff7ee428354dded2',
+            'description': 'md5:0209fa8d318128569c0d256a5c404db1',
+            'timestamp': 1634975747,
+            'upload_date': '20211023',
+            'display_id': 'egkainia-gia-ti-nea-skini-omega-tou-dimotikou-theatrou-peiraia',
+            'thumbnail': 'https://www.megatv.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/ΠΕΙΡΑΙΑΣ-1024x450.jpg',
+        },
+    }, {
+        'url': 'https://www.megatv.com/tvshows/527800/epeisodio-65-12/',
+        'md5': 'cba2085d45c1abeb8e7e9b7e1d6c0072',
+        'info_dict': {
+            'id': '527800',
+            'ext': 'mp4',
+            'title': 'md5:fc322cb51f682eecfe2f54cd5ab3a157',
+            'description': 'md5:b2b7ed3690a78f2a0156eb790fdc00df',
+            'timestamp': 1636048859,
+            'upload_date': '20211104',
+            'display_id': 'epeisodio-65-12',
+            'thumbnail': 'https://www.megatv.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/16-1-1.jpg',
+        },
+    }]
+    def _real_extract(self, url):
+        video_id, display_id = self._match_valid_url(url).group('id', 'slug')
+        _is_article = video_id is None
+        webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id or display_id)
+        if _is_article:
+            video_id = self._search_regex(
+                r'<article[^>]*\sid=["\']Article_(\d+)["\']', webpage, 'article id')
+        player_attrs = self._extract_player_attrs(webpage)
+        title = player_attrs.get('label') or self._og_search_title(webpage)
+        description = get_element_by_class(
+            'article-wrapper' if _is_article else 'story_content',
+            webpage)
+        description = clean_html(re.sub(r'<script[^>]*>[^<]+</script>', '', description))
+        if not description:
+            description = self._og_search_description(webpage)
+        thumbnail = player_attrs.get('image') or self._og_search_thumbnail(webpage)
+        timestamp = unified_timestamp(self._html_search_meta(
+            'article:published_time', webpage))
+        source = player_attrs.get('source')
+        if not source:
+            raise ExtractorError('No source found', video_id=video_id)
+        if determine_ext(source) == 'm3u8':
+            formats, subs = self._extract_m3u8_formats_and_subtitles(source, video_id, 'mp4')
+        else:
+            formats, subs = [{'url': source}], {}
+        if player_attrs.get('subs'):
+            self._merge_subtitles({'und': [{'url': player_attrs['subs']}]}, target=subs)
+        self._sort_formats(formats)
+        return {
+            'id': video_id,
+            'display_id': display_id,
+            'title': title,
+            'description': description,
+            'thumbnail': thumbnail,
+            'timestamp': timestamp,
+            'formats': formats,
+            'subtitles': subs,
+        }
+class MegaTVComEmbedIE(MegaTVComBaseIE):
+    IE_NAME = 'megatvcom:embed'
+    IE_DESC = 'megatv.com embedded videos'
+    _VALID_URL = r'(?:https?:)?//(?:www\.)?megatv\.com/embed/?\?p=(?P<id>\d+)'
+    _EMBED_RE = re.compile(rf'''<iframe[^>]+?src=(?P<_q1>["'])(?P<url>{_VALID_URL})(?P=_q1)''')
+    _TESTS = [{
+        'url': 'https://www.megatv.com/embed/?p=2020520979',
+        'md5': '6546a1a37fff0dd51c9dce5f490b7d7d',
+        'info_dict': {
+            'id': '520979',
+            'ext': 'mp4',
+            'title': 'md5:70eef71a9cd2c1ecff7ee428354dded2',
+            'description': 'md5:0209fa8d318128569c0d256a5c404db1',
+            'timestamp': 1634975747,
+            'upload_date': '20211023',
+            'display_id': 'egkainia-gia-ti-nea-skini-omega-tou-dimotikou-theatrou-peiraia',
+            'thumbnail': 'https://www.megatv.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/ΠΕΙΡΑΙΑΣ-1024x450.jpg',
+        },
+    }, {
+        'url': 'https://www.megatv.com/embed/?p=2020534081',
+        'md5': '6ac8b3ce4dc6120c802f780a1e6b3812',
+        'info_dict': {
+            'id': '534081',
+            'ext': 'mp4',
+            'title': 'md5:062e9d5976ef854d8bdc1f5724d9b2d0',
+            'description': 'md5:36dbe4c3762d2ede9513eea8d07f6d52',
+            'timestamp': 1636376351,
+            'upload_date': '20211108',
+            'display_id': 'neo-rekor-stin-timi-tou-ilektrikou-reymatos-pano-apo-ta-200e-i-xondriki-timi-tou-ilektrikou',
+            'thumbnail': 'https://www.megatv.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Capture-266.jpg',
+        },
+    }]
+    @classmethod
+    def _extract_urls(cls, webpage):
+        for mobj in cls._EMBED_RE.finditer(webpage):
+            yield unescapeHTML(mobj.group('url'))
+    def _match_canonical_url(self, webpage):
+        LINK_RE = r'''(?x)
+        <link(?:
+            rel=(?P<_q1>["'])(?P<canonical>canonical)(?P=_q1)|
+            href=(?P<_q2>["'])(?P<href>(?:(?!(?P=_q2)).)+)(?P=_q2)|
+            [^>]*?
+        )+>
+        '''
+        for mobj in re.finditer(LINK_RE, webpage):
+            canonical, href = mobj.group('canonical', 'href')
+            if canonical and href:
+                return unescapeHTML(href)
+    def _real_extract(self, url):
+        video_id = self._match_id(url)
+        webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id)
+        player_attrs = self._extract_player_attrs(webpage)
+        canonical_url = player_attrs.get('share_url') or self._match_canonical_url(webpage)
+        if not canonical_url:
+            raise ExtractorError('canonical URL not found')
+        video_id = parse_qs(canonical_url)['p'][0]
+        # Defer to megatvcom as the metadata extracted from the embeddable page some
+        # times are slightly different, for the same video
+        canonical_url = self._request_webpage(
+            HEADRequest(canonical_url), video_id,
+            note='Resolve canonical URL',
+            errnote='Could not resolve canonical URL').geturl()
+        return self.url_result(canonical_url, MegaTVComIE.ie_key(), video_id)