diff --git a/yt_dlp/YoutubeDL.py b/yt_dlp/YoutubeDL.py
index bc5c1b95ee..79b7d47b03 100644
--- a/yt_dlp/YoutubeDL.py
+++ b/yt_dlp/YoutubeDL.py
@@ -2666,7 +2666,8 @@ class YoutubeDL:
                 format['dynamic_range'] = 'SDR'
             if format.get('aspect_ratio') is None:
                 format['aspect_ratio'] = try_call(lambda: round(format['width'] / format['height'], 2))
-            if (info_dict.get('duration') and format.get('tbr')
+            if (not format.get('manifest_url')  # For fragmented formats, "tbr" is often max bitrate and not average
+                    and info_dict.get('duration') and format.get('tbr')
                     and not format.get('filesize') and not format.get('filesize_approx')):
                 format['filesize_approx'] = int(info_dict['duration'] * format['tbr'] * (1024 / 8))
             format['http_headers'] = self._calc_headers(collections.ChainMap(format, info_dict))
@@ -3707,8 +3708,11 @@ class YoutubeDL:
                 format_field(f, 'fps', '\t%d', func=round),
                 format_field(f, 'dynamic_range', '%s', ignore=(None, 'SDR')).replace('HDR', ''),
                 format_field(f, 'audio_channels', '\t%s'),
-                delim,
-                format_field(f, 'filesize', ' \t%s', func=format_bytes) + format_field(f, 'filesize_approx', '~\t%s', func=format_bytes),
+                delim, (
+                    format_field(f, 'filesize', ' \t%s', func=format_bytes)
+                    or format_field(f, 'filesize_approx', '≈\t%s', func=format_bytes)
+                    or format_field(try_call(lambda: format_bytes(int(info_dict['duration'] * f['tbr'] * (1024 / 8)))),
+                                    None, self._format_out('~\t%s', self.Styles.SUPPRESS))),
                 format_field(f, 'tbr', '\t%dk', func=round),
                 shorten_protocol_name(f.get('protocol', '')),