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synced 2024-11-24 04:43:09 +00:00
681 lines
33 KiB
Executable file
681 lines
33 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env xonsh
import os, sys, argparse, yaml, datetime, re, getpass, pexpect
from shutil import which
from sys import exit
from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from random import randint
from base64 import b64encode
class Xxh:
def __init__(self, package_dir_path, version='0.0.0'):
self.package_dir_path = package_dir_path
self.url_xxh_github = 'https://github.com/xxh/xxh'
self.url_xxh_plugins_search = 'https://github.com/search?q=xxh-plugin'
self.local_xxh_version = version
self.local_xxh_home = '~/.xxh'
self.config_file = '~/.xxh/.xxhc'
self.host_xxh_home = '~/.xxh'
self.default_shells = {
'xxh-shell': 'xxh-shell-xonsh-appimage',
'xxh-shell-source': 'https://github.com/xxh/xxh-shell-xonsh-appimage.git'
'zsh': {
'xxh-shell': 'xxh-shell-zsh',
'xxh-shell-source': 'https://github.com/xxh/xxh-shell-zsh.git'
'fish': {
'xxh-shell': 'xxh-shell-fish-appimage',
'xxh-shell-source': 'https://github.com/xxh/xxh-shell-fish-appimage.git'
'bash-zero': {
'xxh-shell': 'xxh-shell-bash-zero',
'xxh-shell-source': 'https://github.com/xxh/xxh-shell-bash-zero.git'
'xxh-shell': 'xxh-shell-osquery',
'xxh-shell-source': 'https://github.com/xxh/xxh-shell-osquery.git'
self._shell = self.default_shells[self.get_current_shell()]['xxh-shell']
self.shell_source = self.default_shells[self.get_current_shell()]['xxh-shell-source']
self.url = None
self.ssh_arguments = []
self.ssh_arg_v = []
self.sshpass = []
self.use_pexpect = True
self._password = None
self._verbose = False
self._vverbose = False
self.quiet = False
def eprint(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not self.quiet:
print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
def eeprint(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not self.quiet:
print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
def get_current_shell(self):
if 'SHELL' in ${...}:
if $SHELL.endswith('zsh'):
return 'zsh'
if $SHELL.endswith('fish'):
return 'fish'
return 'xonsh'
def stripunquote(self, s):
s = s.strip()
if s.startswith('"') and s.endswith('"'):
s = s[1:-1]
return s
def get_xxh_env(self):
xxh_env = {}
if 'XXH_SH_ENV' in ${...}:
xxh_env = $XXH_SH_ENV
for kw in ['declare', 'typeset', 'export']:
xxh_env = xxh_env.replace('\n' + kw + ' ', '\n\n' + kw + ' ')
xxh_env += '\n\n'
xxh_env = re.findall('^.+ ([a-zA-Z_0-9]+?)=((?:.+\n)+)', xxh_env, re.MULTILINE)
xxh_env = {v[0]: self.stripunquote(v[1]) for v in xxh_env}
return xxh_env
def pssh(self, cmd, accept_host=None, host_password=None, key_password=None):
if self.password:
host_password = self.password
if self.vverbose:
self.eprint('Try pexpect command: '+cmd)
sess = pexpect.spawn(cmd)
user_host_accept = None
user_host_password = None
user_key_password = None
patterns = ['Are you sure you want to continue connecting.*', "Please type 'yes' or 'no':",
'Enter passphrase for key.*', 'password:', pexpect.EOF, '[$#~]', 'Last login.*']
while True:
i = sess.expect(patterns, timeout=3)
if self.vverbose:
print('Unknown answer details:')
print('Unknown answer from host')
return {}
if self.vverbose:
self.eprint(f'Pexpect caught pattern: {patterns[i]}')
if i in [0,1]:
# Expected:
# The authenticity of host '<...>' can't be established.
# ECDSA key fingerprint is <...>
# Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
print((sess.before + sess.after).decode("utf-8"), end='')
if accept_host is None:
user_host_accept = input()
if user_host_accept == 'yes':
user_host_accept = True
elif user_host_accept == 'no':
user_host_accept = False
user_host_accept = None
elif accept_host:
if i == 2:
# Expected:
# Enter passphrase for key '<keyfile>':
if key_password is None:
user_key_password = getpass.getpass(prompt=(sess.before + sess.after).decode("utf-8")+' ')
if i == 3:
# Expected:
# <host>`s password:
if host_password is None:
user_host_password = getpass.getpass(prompt=(sess.before + sess.after).decode("utf-8")+' ')
if i == 4:
# Getting result
output = sess.before.decode("utf-8")
output = re.sub('\r\nConnection to (.*) closed.\r\r\n', '', output)
output = output[:-3] if output.endswith('\r\r\n') else output
output = output[3:] if output.startswith(' \r\n') else output
result = {
'user_host_accept': user_host_accept,
return result
if i == [5,6]:
# Prompt
result = {
'user_host_accept': user_host_accept,
return result
return {}
def shells(self):
default_shells = [v['xxh-shell'] for k,v in self.default_shells.items()]
installed_shells = [str(s.name) for s in pf'{self.local_xxh_home}/xxh/shells'.glob('*')]
available_shells = list(set(default_shells + installed_shells))
defaults = [k+' (%s)'%v['xxh-shell'] for k,v in self.default_shells.items()]
list_str = ', '.join(defaults + [s for s in available_shells if s not in default_shells])
return {
'default': default_shells,
'installed': installed_shells,
'available': available_shells,
'available_help': list_str
def password(self):
return self._password
def password(self, password):
self._password = password
if password:
if not which('sshpass'):
self.eeprint('Install sshpass to using password: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=install+sshpass\n'
+ 'Note! There are a lot of security reasons to stop using password auth.')
verbose = '-v' if '-v' in self.sshpass else []
self.sshpass = ['sshpass', '-p', password] + verbose
self.sshpass = []
def shell(self):
return self._shell
def shell(self, value):
default_shells = [v['xxh-shell'] for k,v in self.default_shells.items()]
shells = self.shells()
if value not in shells['available']:
self.eeprint('Currently supported shells: ' + shells['available_help'])
self._shell = value
def verbose(self):
return self._verbose
def verbose(self, value):
self._verbose = value
if not self._verbose:
def vverbose(self):
return self._vverbose
def vverbose(self, value):
self._vverbose = value
if self._vverbose:
self.verbose = True
self.ssh_arg_v = ['-v']
if self.sshpass and ['-v'] not in self.sshpass:
self.sshpass += ['-v']
self.ssh_arg_v = []
if '-v' in self.sshpass:
def parse_destination(self, destination):
destination = f'ssh://{destination}' if 'ssh://' not in destination else destination
url = urlparse(destination)
return url
def get_host_info(self):
if '|' in self.host_xxh_home:
self.eeprint(f'Wrong host xxh home: {self.host_xxh_home}')
host = self.url.hostname
host_info_sh = self.package_dir_path / 'host_info.sh'
if self.use_pexpect:
cmd = "bash -c 'cat {host_info_sh} | sed \"s|_xxh_home_|{host_xxh_home}|\" | sed \"s|_xxh_shell_|{shell}|\" | ssh {ssh_v} {ssh_arguments} {host} -T \"bash -s\"'".format(
host_info_sh=host_info_sh, host_xxh_home=self.host_xxh_home, shell=self.shell, ssh_v=('' if not self.ssh_arg_v else '-v'), ssh_arguments=' '.join(self.ssh_arguments), host=host)
pr = self.pssh(cmd)
if pr == {}:
self.eeprint('Unexpected result. Try again with +v or +vv or try ssh before xxh')
if self.verbose:
self.eprint('Pexpect result:')
if pr['user_host_password'] is not None:
self.password = pr['user_host_password']
r = pr['output']
r = $(cat @(host_info_sh) | sed @(f's|_xxh_home_|{self.host_xxh_home}|') | @(self.sshpass) ssh @(self.ssh_arg_v) @(self.ssh_arguments) @(host) -T "bash -s" ).strip()
if self.verbose:
self.eprint(f'Host info:\n{r}')
if r == '':
self.eeprint('Empty answer from host when getting first info. Often this is a connection error.\n'
+ 'Check your connection parameters using the same command but with ssh.')
r = dict([l.split('=') for l in r.replace('\r','').split('\n') if l.strip() != '' and '=' in l])
return r
def prepare_env_args(self, envs, to_base64=True):
if envs:
for e in envs:
el = e.split('=', 1)
if len(el) != 2:
self.eeprint(f'Wrong environment (expected NAME=VAL): {e}')
if not re.match('^[a-zA-Z_]+$', el[0]):
self.eeprint(f'Wrong environment NAME (expected [a-zA-Z-]): {el[0]}')
val = el[1]
if (val.startswith("'") and val.endswith("'")) or (val.startswith('"') and val.endswith('"')):
if to_base64:
val = self.b64e(val)
env_args += ['-e', "%s=%s" % ( el[0], val ) ]
return env_args
def b64e(self, s):
return b64encode(s.encode()).decode()
def create_xxh_env(self):
home = fp'{self.local_xxh_home}'
if not home.exists():
mkdir -p @(home) @(home / 'xxh/shells') @(home / 'xxh/plugins')
config_file = fp'{self.config_file}'
sample_config_file = self.package_dir_path / 'config.xxhc'
if not config_file.exists() and sample_config_file.exists():
cp @(sample_config_file) @(config_file)
def d2F0Y2ggLW4uMiB4eGggLWg(self):
terminal = os.get_terminal_size()
terminal_cols = terminal.columns
if terminal_cols < 70:
return f"\n\nContribution: {self.url_xxh_github}\n\nPlugins: {self.url_xxh_plugins_search}"
l,r,s,t = (['@','-','_'][randint(0,2)], ['@','-','_'][randint(0,2)], ['_',' '][randint(0,1)], ['_',''][randint(0,1)])
return f"\n" \
+f" {s}___ __________ {l} {r}\n" \
+f" {s}_____ / \\ \\__/\n" \
+f" {s}___ / ______ \\ / \\ contribution\n" \
+f" {s}____ / / __ \\ \\ / _/ {self.url_xxh_github}\n" \
+f" {s}__ ( / / / \\ \\ /\n" \
+f" \\ \\___/ / / / plugins\n" \
+f"{' ' if not t else ''} _{t}__\\ /__/ / {self.url_xxh_plugins_search}\n" \
+f"{' ' if not t else ''} / {'' if not t else ' '} \\________/ /\n" \
+f"{' ' if not t else ''} /_{t}__________________/\n" \
def main(self):
argp = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=f"Your favorite shell wherever you go through the ssh.\n{self.d2F0Y2ggLW4uMiB4eGggLWg()}", formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter, prefix_chars='-+')
argp.add_argument('--version', '-V', action='version', version=f"xonssh-xxh/{self.local_xxh_version}")
argp.add_argument('-p', dest='ssh_port', help="Port to connect to on the remote host.")
argp.add_argument('-l', dest='ssh_login', help="Specifies the user to log in as on the remote machine.")
argp.add_argument('-i', dest='ssh_private_key', help="File from which the identity (private key) for public key authentication is read.")
argp.add_argument('-o', dest='ssh_options', metavar='SSH_OPTION -o ...', action='append', help="SSH options are described in ssh man page. Example: -o Port=22 -o User=snail")
argp.add_argument('+P','++password', help="Password for ssh auth.")
argp.add_argument('+PP','++password-prompt', default=False, action='store_true', help="Enter password manually using prompt.")
argp.add_argument('destination', metavar='[user@]host[:port]', help="Destination may be specified as [ssh://][user@]host[:port] or host from ~/.ssh/config")
argp.add_argument('+i','++install', default=False, action='store_true', help="Install xxh to destination host.")
argp.add_argument('+if','++install-force', default=False, action='store_true', help="Removing the host xxh package and install xxh again.")
argp.add_argument('+iff','++install-force-full', default=False, action='store_true', help="Removing the host xxh home and install xxh again. All installed packages on the host (e.g. pip packages) will be lost.")
argp.add_argument('+xc','++xxh-config', default=self.config_file, help=f"Xxh config file in yaml. Default: " + self.config_file)
argp.add_argument('+e','++env', dest='env', metavar='NAME=VAL ...', action='append', help="Setting environment variables if supported by shell entrypoint.")
argp.add_argument('+eb','++envb', dest='envb', metavar='NAME=BASE64 ...', action='append', help="Setting environment variables base64 encoded if supported by shell entrypoint.")
argp.add_argument('+lh','++local-xxh-home', default=self.local_xxh_home, help=f"Local xxh home path. Default: {self.local_xxh_home}")
argp.add_argument('+hh','++host-xxh-home', default=self.host_xxh_home, help=f"Host xxh home path. Default: {self.host_xxh_home}")
argp.add_argument('+hhr','++host-xxh-home-remove', action='store_true', help=f"Remove xxh home on host after disconnect.")
argp.add_argument('+hf','++host-execute-file', help=f"Execute script file placed on host and exit. If supported by shell entrypoint.")
argp.add_argument('+hc','++host-execute-command', help=f"Execute command on host and exit. If supported by shell entrypoint.")
argp.add_argument('+heb','++host-execute-bash', dest='host_execute_bash', metavar='BASE64', action='append', help="Bash command will be executed before shell entrypoint (base64 encoded) if supported by shell entrypoint.")
argp.add_argument('+s','++shell', default=self.shell, help="Xxh shell: " + self.shells()['available_help'])
argp.add_argument('+ss','++shell-source', default=self.shell_source, help=f"(future) Custom source of xxh-shell: git url or local path")
argp.add_argument('+v','++verbose', default=False, action='store_true', help="Verbose mode.")
argp.add_argument('+vv','++vverbose', default=False, action='store_true', help="Super verbose mode.")
argp.add_argument('+q','++quiet', default=False, action='store_true', help="Quiet mode.")
argp.usage = "xxh <host from ~/.ssh/config>\n" \
+ "usage: xxh [ssh arguments] [user@]host[:port] [xxh arguments]\n" \
+ "usage: xxh [-p SSH_PORT] [-l SSH_LOGIN] [-i SSH_PRIVATE_KEY]\n" \
+ " [-o SSH_OPTION -o ...] [+P PASSWORD] [+PP]\n" \
+ " [user@]host[:port]\n" \
+ " [+i] [+if] [+iff] [+hhr] [+s SHELL] [+e NAME=VAL +e ...] [+v] [+vv] [+q]\n" \
+ " [+hh HOST_XXH_HOME] [+hf HOST_EXEC_FILE] [+hc HOST_EXEC_CMD]\n" \
+ " [+xc CONFIG_FILE] [+lh LOCAL_XXH_HOME] [-h] [-V]\n"
help = argp.format_help().replace('\n +','\n\nxxh arguments:\n +',1).replace('optional ', 'common ')\
.replace('number and exit', 'number and exit\n\nssh arguments:').replace('positional ', 'required ')
argp.format_help = lambda: help
opt = argp.parse_args()
self.quiet = opt.quiet
if not self.quiet:
self.verbose = opt.verbose
self.vverbose = opt.vverbose
self.url = url = self.parse_destination(opt.destination)
xxh_config_file = pf"{opt.xxh_config}"
if xxh_config_file:
if not xxh_config_file.exists():
if xxh_config_file != p'~/.xxh/.xxhc':
self.eeprint(f'Config does not exist: {xxh_config_file}')
if self.verbose:
self.eprint(f'Load xxh config from {xxh_config_file}')
with open(xxh_config_file) as f:
xxh_config = yaml.safe_load(f)
if xxh_config and 'hosts' in xxh_config:
sys_args = sys.argv[1:]
conf_args = []
for h, hc in xxh_config['hosts'].items():
if re.match(h, url.hostname):
if self.verbose:
self.eprint('Load xxh config for host ' + h)
if hc and len(hc) > 0:
for k, v in hc.items():
conf_args += [k, v] if v is not None else [k]
if k in ['+P', '++password']:
current_user = getpass.getuser()
current_mode = oct(xxh_config_file.stat().st_mode)[-4:]
if xxh_config_file.owner() != current_user or current_mode != '0600':
self.eprint('\n\033[0;93mWARN! There is password in the config file but the file is too open!\n'
+ f'Run to restrict: chown {current_user}:{current_user} {xxh_config_file} && chmod 0600 {xxh_config_file}\033[0m\n')
args = conf_args + sys_args
if opt.verbose:
print('Final arguments list: ' + str(args))
opt = argp.parse_args(args)
self.verbose = opt.verbose
self.vverbose = opt.vverbose
if opt.shell in self.default_shells:
self.shell = self.default_shells[opt.shell]['xxh-shell']
self.shell_source = self.default_shells[opt.shell]['xxh-shell-source']
self.shell = opt.shell
self.shell_source = opt.shell_source
short_shell_name = self.shell.split('-')[2]
username = getpass.getuser()
host = url.hostname
if not host:
self.eeprint(f"Wrong destination '{host}'")
if url.port:
opt.ssh_port = url.port
if url.username:
opt.ssh_login = url.username
if opt.ssh_login:
username = opt.ssh_login
self.ssh_arguments = ['-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new']
if not self.verbose:
self.ssh_arguments += ['-o', 'LogLevel=QUIET']
if opt.ssh_port:
self.ssh_arguments += ['-o', f'Port={opt.ssh_port}']
if opt.ssh_private_key:
self.ssh_arguments += ['-o', f'IdentityFile={opt.ssh_private_key}']
if opt.ssh_login:
self.ssh_arguments += ['-o', f'User={opt.ssh_login}']
if opt.ssh_options:
for ssh_option in opt.ssh_options:
self.ssh_arguments += ['-o', ssh_option]
if self.verbose:
self.eprint(f'ssh arguments: {self.ssh_arguments}')
if opt.password is not None:
self.password = opt.password
elif opt.password_prompt:
password = ''
while not password:
password = getpass.getpass(f"Enter {username}@{host}'s password: ")
self.password = password
env_args = self.prepare_env_args(opt.env)
env_args += self.prepare_env_args(opt.envb, to_base64=False)
if opt.host_execute_bash:
for heb in opt.host_execute_bash:
env_args += ['-b', heb]
opt.install = True if opt.install_force or opt.install_force_full else opt.install
self.local_xxh_home = pf"{opt.local_xxh_home}"
local_xxh_home_parent = self.local_xxh_home.parent
if self.local_xxh_home.exists():
if not os.access(self.local_xxh_home, os.W_OK):
self.eeprint(f"The local xxh home path isn't writable: {self.local_xxh_home}" )
elif local_xxh_home_parent.exists():
if not os.access(local_xxh_home_parent, os.W_OK):
self.eeprint(f"Parent for local xxh home path isn't writable: {local_xxh_home_parent}")
self.eeprint(f"Paths aren't writable:\n {local_xxh_home_parent}\n {self.local_xxh_home}")
local_plugins_dir = self.local_xxh_home / 'xxh/plugins'
mkdir @(self.ssh_arg_v) -p @(self.local_xxh_home) @(local_plugins_dir) @(self.local_xxh_home / 'xxh/shells')
# Fix env to avoid ssh warnings
${...}[lc] = "POSIX"
if pf'{opt.host_xxh_home}' == pf'/':
self.eeprint("Host xxh home path {host_xxh_home} looks like /. Please check twice!")
self.host_xxh_home = opt.host_xxh_home
host_info = self.get_host_info()
if not host_info:
self.eeprint(f'Unknown answer from host when getting info')
if 'xxh_home_realpath' not in host_info or host_info['xxh_home_realpath'] == '':
self.eeprint(f'Unknown answer from host when getting realpath for directory {host_xxh_home}')
if 'xxh_version' not in host_info or host_info['xxh_version'] == '':
self.eeprint(f'Unknown answer from host when getting version for directory {host_xxh_home}')
host_xxh_home = host_info['xxh_home_realpath']
host_xxh_home = pf"{host_xxh_home}"
host_xxh_version = host_info['xxh_version']
if host_info['xxh_home_writable'] == '0' and host_info['xxh_parent_home_writable'] == '0':
yn = input(f"{host}:{host_xxh_home} is not writable. Continue? [y/n] ").strip().lower()
if yn != 'y':
if host_info['scp'] == '' and host_info['rsync'] == '':
self.eeprint(f"There are no rsync or scp on target host. Sad but files can't be uploaded.")
if opt.install_force == False and opt.install_force_full == False:
# Check version
ask = False
if host_xxh_version == 'version_not_found':
ask = f'Host xxh home is not empty but something went wrong while getting host xxh version.'
elif host_xxh_version not in ['dir_not_found','dir_empty'] and host_xxh_version != self.local_xxh_version:
ask = f"Local xxh version '{self.local_xxh_version}' is not equal host xxh version '{host_xxh_version}'."
if ask:
choice = input(f"{ask} What's next? \n"
+ " s - Stop here. You'll try to connect using ordinary ssh for backup current xxh home.\n"
+ " u - Safe update. Host xxh home will be renamed and local xxh version will be installed.\n"
+ " f - [default] Force reinstall xxh. Installed packages (e.g. pip) will be saved.\n"
+ " ff - Force full reinstall on host. Installed packages (e.g. pip) will be lost.\n"
+ " i - Ignore, cross fingers and continue the connection.\n"
+ "s/u/F/i? ").lower()
if choice == 's':
elif choice == 'u':
local_time = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()[:19]
self.eprint(f"Move {host}:{host_xxh_home} to {host}:{host_xxh_home}-{local_time}")
echo @(f"mv {host_xxh_home} {host_xxh_home}-{local_time}") | @(self.sshpass) ssh @(self.ssh_arg_v) @(self.ssh_arguments) @(host) -T "bash -s"
opt.install = True
elif choice == 'f' or choice.strip() == '':
opt.install = True
opt.install_force = True
elif choice == 'ff':
opt.install = True
opt.install_force_full = True
elif choice == 'i':
self.eeprint('Unknown answer')
if (host_xxh_version in ['dir_not_found','dir_empty'] or host_info['xxh_shell_exists'] == '0') and opt.install_force == False and opt.install_force_full == False:
yn = input(f"{host}:{host_xxh_home}/xxh/shells/{self.shell} not found. Install {self.shell}? [Y/n] ").strip().lower()
if yn == 'y' or yn == '':
opt.install = True
self.eeprint('Unknown answer')
if opt.install:
self.eprint("\033[0;33m", end='')
self.eprint(f"Install {self.shell} to {host}:{host_xxh_home}" )
shells_dir = self.local_xxh_home / 'xxh/shells'
shells = sorted(shells_dir.glob('*'))
shell_dir = shells_dir / f'{self.shell}'
if not shell_dir.exists():
self.eprint(f'First time download {self.shell} shell from {self.shell_source}')
if self.shell_source[:6] in ['http:/', 'https:'] and 'git' in self.shell_source:
git clone -q --depth 1 @(self.shell_source) @(shells_dir / self.shell)
elif fp'{self.shell_source}'.exists():
cp -r @(self.shell_source) @(shells_dir)
self.eeprint(f'Unknown shell source: {self.shell_source}')
shell_build_dir = shell_dir / 'build'
if not shell_build_dir.exists():
self.eprint(f"First time build {self.shell}")
xonsh @(shell_build_dir.parent / 'build.xsh')
if opt.install_force:
self.eprint(f'Remove {host}:{host_xxh_home}/xxh')
echo @(f"rm -rf {host_xxh_home}/xxh") | @(self.sshpass) ssh @(self.ssh_arg_v) @(self.ssh_arguments) @(host) -T "bash -s"
if opt.install_force_full:
self.eprint(f'Remove {host}:{host_xxh_home}')
echo @(f"rm -rf {host_xxh_home}") | @(self.sshpass) ssh @(self.ssh_arg_v) @(self.ssh_arguments) @(host) -T "bash -s"
host_xxh_plugins_dir = host_xxh_home / 'xxh/plugins'
host_xxh_dirs_str = ''
for local_plugin_dir in local_plugins_dir.glob(f'*-{short_shell_name}-*'):
local_plugin_build_file = local_plugin_dir / 'build.xsh'
local_plugin_build_dir = local_plugin_dir / 'build'
if not local_plugin_build_dir.exists():
if not local_plugin_build_file.exists():
self.eeprint(f'Please update {local_plugin_dir.name} and {self.shell}. Build file not found: {local_plugin_build_file}')
self.eprint(f'First time build {local_plugin_dir}')
@(local_plugin_build_file) 1>&2
host_xxh_dirs_str += ' ' + str(fp'{str(local_plugin_build_dir).replace(str(self.local_xxh_home), str(host_xxh_home))}')
host_xxh_package_dir = host_xxh_home / 'xxh/package'
host_xxh_shell_dir = host_xxh_home / f'xxh/shells/{self.shell}'
host_xxh_shell_build_dir = host_xxh_shell_dir / 'build'
echo @(f"mkdir -p {host_xxh_package_dir} {host_xxh_shell_build_dir} {host_xxh_dirs_str}") | @(self.sshpass) ssh @(self.ssh_arg_v) @(self.ssh_arguments) @(host) -T "bash -s"
arg_q = ['-q'] if self.quiet else []
if which('rsync') and host_info['rsync']:
self.eprint('Upload using rsync')
rsync @(self.ssh_arg_v) -e @(f"{''.join(self.sshpass)} ssh {'' if self.ssh_arg_v == [] else '-v'} {' '.join(self.ssh_arguments)}") @(arg_q) -az --info=progress2 --cvs-exclude @(self.package_dir_path)/settings.py @(host):@(host_xxh_package_dir)/ 1>&2
rsync @(self.ssh_arg_v) -e @(f"{''.join(self.sshpass)} ssh {'' if self.ssh_arg_v == [] else '-v'} {' '.join(self.ssh_arguments)}") @(arg_q) -az --info=progress2 --cvs-exclude @(shell_build_dir)/ @(host):@(host_xxh_shell_build_dir)/ 1>&2
for local_plugin_dir in local_plugins_dir.glob(f'*-{short_shell_name}-*'):
local_plugin_build_dir = local_plugin_dir/'build'
local_plugin_name = local_plugin_dir.name
rsync @(self.ssh_arg_v) -e @(f"{''.join(self.sshpass)} ssh {'' if self.ssh_arg_v == [] else '-v'} {' '.join(self.ssh_arguments)}") @(arg_q) -az --info=progress2 --cvs-exclude @(local_plugin_build_dir)/* @(host):@(host_xxh_plugins_dir)/@(local_plugin_name)/build/ 1>&2
elif which('scp') and host_info['scp']:
self.eprint("Upload using scp. Note: install rsync on local and remote host to increase speed.")
@(self.sshpass) scp @(self.ssh_arg_v) @(self.ssh_arguments) -r -C @(arg_q) @(self.package_dir_path)/settings.py @(f"{host}:{host_xxh_package_dir}/") 1>&2
@(self.sshpass) scp @(self.ssh_arg_v) @(self.ssh_arguments) -r -C @(arg_q) @(shell_build_dir) @(f"{host}:{host_xxh_shell_dir}/") 1>&2
for local_plugin_dir in local_plugins_dir.glob(f'*-{short_shell_name}-*'):
local_plugin_build_dir = local_plugin_dir/'build'
local_plugin_name = local_plugin_dir.name
@(self.sshpass) scp @(self.ssh_arg_v) @(self.ssh_arguments) -r -C @([] if self.vverbose else ['-q']) @(local_plugin_build_dir)/* @(f"{host}:{host_xxh_plugins_dir}/{local_plugin_name}/build/") 1>&2
self.eprint('Please install rsync or scp!')
self.eprint(f'First run {self.shell} on {host}\033[0m')
host_execute_file = host_execute_command = []
if opt.host_execute_file:
host_execute_file = ['-f', opt.host_execute_file]
elif opt.host_execute_command:
host_execute_command = ['-c', '"%s"' % opt.host_execute_command.replace('"', '\\"')]
host_entrypoint_verbose = []
if self.vverbose:
host_entrypoint_verbose = ['-v', '2']
elif self.verbose:
host_entrypoint_verbose = ['-v', '1']
@(self.sshpass) ssh @(self.ssh_arg_v) @(self.ssh_arguments) @(host) -t bash @(str(host_xxh_home/'xxh/shells'/self.shell/'build/entrypoint.sh')) @(host_execute_file) @(host_execute_command) @(host_entrypoint_verbose) @(env_args)
if opt.host_xxh_home_remove:
if self.verbose:
self.eprint(f'Remove {host}:{host_xxh_home}')
echo @(f"rm -rf {host_xxh_home}") | @(self.sshpass) ssh @(self.ssh_arg_v) @(self.ssh_arguments) @(host) -T "bash -s"
if __name__ == '__main__':
if os.name == 'nt':
self.eeprint(f"Windows is not supported. WSL1 is not recommended also. WSL2 is not tested yet.\nContribution: {self.url_xxh_github}")
if not which('ssh'):
self.eeprint('Install OpenSSH client before using xxh: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=how+to+install+openssh+client+in+linux')
this_file = os.readlink(__file__)
this_file = __file__
import xonssh_xxh
from xonssh_xxh.settings import global_settings
xxh = Xxh(package_dir_path=pf"{xonssh_xxh.__file__}".parent, version=global_settings['XXH_VERSION'])