# # Example of xxh config file ~/.xxh/.xxhc # # The `hosts` section contains host names or regular expression patterns to match hostname. # # If hostname in xxh command is matched with many sections the options will be added from all # sections and the options with same name will be overwritten by the last matched section. # # Options without argument should be added in appropriate yaml format but empty. # Example for `+if` mode below. # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Example ~/.xxh/.xxhc #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #hosts: # myhost: # settings for myhost # -p: 2222 # set special port # +s: xxh-shell-zsh # set zsh shell # +e: ZSH_THEME="clean" # set xxh-plugin-zsh-ohmyzsh theme # +e: plugins="(git ubuntu)" # set xxh-plugin-zsh-ohmyzsh plugins # # "company-.*": # for all hosts by regex pattern # +if: # don't asking about install (++install-force) # +hhr: # remove host xxh home after disconnect (++host-xxh-home-remove) # +hh: /tmp/.xxh # use special xxh home directory (++host-xxh-home)