xxh is for using portable xonsh shell wherever you go through the SSH.
## Installation
pip install xonssh-xxh
Then try:
## Usage
> xxh -h
usage: xxh.xsh [-h] [-i] [-p TARGET_PATH] [-m METHOD] [-f] server
positional arguments:
server Destination may be specified as hostname or server
name from ~/.ssh/config
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i, --install Install xonsh to host
-p TARGET_PATH, --target-path TARGET_PATH
Target path. Default: ~/.xxh
-m METHOD, --method METHOD
Currently supported single 'appimage' method
-f, --force Delete target directory when install xonsh to host
## Plugins
[Search xxh plugins on Github](https://github.com/search?q=xxh-plugin) or [create plugin with your own lovely functions](README.plugins.md).
## Notes
### Using pip and python
The xxh xonsh will use pip and python from `xonsh.AppImage` by default. You can install pip packages ordinally with `pip install`. They will appear in `$XXH_HOME/pip`.
### Shortcut to reinstall xxh on host
xxh -i -f
## How it works?
When you run `xxh ` command:
1. If it needed xxh script will download `xonsh.AppImage`. This is portable version of xonsh. URL you can find in `xxh.xsh`
2. If it needed xxh script copies the portable xonsh on the host (`~/.xxh` by default) along with init scripts and plugins.
3. Finally xxh makes ssh connection to server and running remote portable xonsh shell without any affection on the target system.
# Thanks
* @niess for https://github.com/niess/linuxdeploy-plugin-python/
* @gforsyth for https://github.com/xonsh/xonsh/issues/3374
* @scopatz for https://github.com/xonsh/xonsh
## Known Issues
### GLIBs versions
Current method to make xonsh portable is using an [AppImage](https://appimage.org/) which was built on [manylinux2010 (PEP 571)](https://github.com/niess/linuxdeploy-plugin-python/issues/12). In case you see the error like ``/xonsh-x86_64.AppImage: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version GLIBC_2.25 not found (required by /ppp/xonsh-x86_64.AppImage)`` this means you should rebuild the AppImage for older version of linux distributive. Try [linuxdeploy-plugin-python](https://github.com/niess/linuxdeploy-plugin-python/).
### WSL1: ^Z
# xxh YT-1300
Unknown answer from server when checking direcotry /home/hansolo/.xxh:
This issue was addressed to Xonsh team in [3367](https://github.com/xonsh/xonsh/issues/3367). Just try to run command again.