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synced 2025-02-17 04:48:26 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 70 additions and 76 deletions
@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ from xonssh_xxh.settings import global_settings
url_xxh_github = 'https://github.com/xonssh/xxh'
url_xxh_plugins_search = 'https://github.com/search?q=xxh-plugin'
url_appimage = 'https://github.com/niess/linuxdeploy-plugin-python/releases/download/continuous/xonsh-x86_64.AppImage'
local_xxh_home_path = '~/.xxh'
local_xxh_version = global_settings['XXH_VERSION']
remote_xxh_home_path = '~/.xxh'
install_methods = ['appimage']
install_methods_str = ', '.join(install_methods)
local_xxh_home_path = '~/.xxh'
host_xxh_home_path = '~/.xxh'
portable_methods = ['appimage']
portable_methods_str = ', '.join(portable_methods)
if os.name == 'nt':
print(f"Windows is not supported. WSL1 not recommended also. WSL2 is not tested yet.\nTry to contribution: {url_xxh_github}")
@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ argp.add_argument('destination', nargs='?', help="Destination may be specified a
argp.add_argument('+i','++install', default=False, action='store_true', help="Install xxh to destination host.")
argp.add_argument('+if','++install-force', default=False, action='store_true', help="Delete remote xxh home and install xonsh to destination host.")
argp.add_argument('+lxh','++local-xxh-home', default=local_xxh_home_path, help=f"Local xxh home path. Default: {local_xxh_home_path}")
argp.add_argument('+rxh','++remote-xxh-home', default=remote_xxh_home_path, help=f"Remote xxh home path. Default: {remote_xxh_home_path}")
argp.add_argument('+m','++method', default='appimage', help=f"Installation method: {install_methods_str}")
argp.add_argument('+hxh','++host-xxh-home', default=host_xxh_home_path, help=f"Host xxh home path. Default: {host_xxh_home_path}")
argp.add_argument('+m','++method', default='appimage', help=f"Portable method: {portable_methods_str}")
argp.add_argument('+v','++verbose', default=False, action='store_true', help="Verbose mode.")
argp.usage = f'xxh [user@]host[:port]\n\nusage: xxh [ssh arguments] destination [xxh arguments]\n\n{argp.format_usage()}'
help = argp.format_help().replace('\n +','\n\nxxh arguments:\n +',1).replace('optional ', 'common ')\
@ -77,21 +77,18 @@ if not opt.destination:
print('Destination required. Try --help')
if opt.method not in install_methods:
print(f'Currently supported methods: {install_methods_str}')
if opt.method not in portable_methods:
print(f'Currently supported methods: {portable_methods_str}')
dst = opt.destination
if 'ssh://' not in opt.destination:
opt.destination = f'ssh://{opt.destination}'
url = urlparse(opt.destination)
host = url.hostname
if 'ssh://' not in dst:
dst = f'ssh://{dst}'
url = urlparse(dst)
dst = url.hostname
if not dst:
print(f"Wrong distination '{dst}'")
if not host:
print(f"Wrong distination '{host}'")
if url.port:
@ -145,60 +142,60 @@ else:
${...}[lc] = "en_US.UTF-8"
if opt.remote_xxh_home[:2] == '~/':
dst_user_home = $(echo 'cd ~ && pwd' | ssh @(ssh_arguments) @(dst) -T "bash -s").strip()
if opt.host_xxh_home[:2] == '~/':
host_user_home = $(echo 'cd ~ && pwd' | ssh @(ssh_arguments) @(host) -T "bash -s").strip()
if dst_user_home == '':
if host_user_home == '':
# https://github.com/xonsh/xonsh/issues/3367
print(f'Unknown answer from host when checking user home path. Check your connection parameters using ordinary ssh')
dst_xxh_home = os.path.join(dst_user_home, opt.remote_xxh_home[2:])
host_xxh_home = os.path.join(host_user_home, opt.host_xxh_home[2:])
dst_xxh_home = opt.remote_xxh_home_path
host_xxh_home = opt.host_xxh_home_path
dst_xxh_home = os.path.abspath(dst_xxh_home)
host_xxh_home = os.path.abspath(host_xxh_home)
if dst_xxh_home == '/':
print("Remote xxh home path {dst_xxh_home} looks like / and is not supported ;)")
if host_xxh_home == '/':
print("Host xxh home path {host_xxh_home} looks like / and is not supported ;)")
xonsh_bin = 'xonsh'
dst_xonsh_bin = os.path.join(dst_xxh_home, xonsh_bin)
dst_xonshrc = os.path.join( dst_xxh_home, 'xonshrc.xsh')
dst_xonsh_plugins_rc = os.path.join( dst_xxh_home, 'xxh_plugins_rc.xsh')
host_xonsh_bin = os.path.join(host_xxh_home, xonsh_bin)
host_xonshrc = os.path.join(host_xxh_home, 'xonshrc.xsh')
host_xonsh_plugins_rc = os.path.join(host_xxh_home, 'xxh_plugins_rc.xsh')
dst_has_xxh = $(echo @(f"[[ -d {dst_xxh_home} ]] && echo -n 1 || echo -n 0") | ssh @(ssh_arguments) @(dst) -T "bash -s")
host_has_xxh = $(echo @(f"[[ -d {host_xxh_home} ]] && echo -n 1 || echo -n 0") | ssh @(ssh_arguments) @(host) -T "bash -s")
if dst_has_xxh not in ['0','1']:
if host_has_xxh not in ['0','1']:
# https://github.com/xonsh/xonsh/issues/3367
print(f'Unknown answer from host when checking direcotry {dst_xxh_home}: {dst_has_xxh}')
print(f'Unknown answer from host when checking direcotry {host_xxh_home}: {host_has_xxh}')
dst_has_xxh = dst_has_xxh == '1'
host_has_xxh = host_has_xxh == '1'
if dst_has_xxh and opt.install_force == False:
if host_has_xxh and opt.install_force == False:
# Check version
dst_xxh_settings = os.path.join(dst_xxh_home, 'settings.py')
dst_xxh_version = $(ssh @(ssh_arguments) @(dst) -t @(dst_xonsh_bin) --no-script-cache @(dst_xxh_settings) XXH_VERSION).strip()
host_xxh_settings = os.path.join(host_xxh_home, 'settings.py')
host_xxh_version = $(ssh @(ssh_arguments) @(host) -t @(host_xonsh_bin) --no-script-cache @(host_xxh_settings) XXH_VERSION).strip()
dst_xxh_version = None
host_xxh_version = None
ask_type = None
ask = False
if dst_xxh_version is None:
if host_xxh_version is None:
ask_type = 1
ask = f'Something went wrong while getting the remote xxh version.'
elif dst_xxh_version != local_xxh_version:
ask = f'Something went wrong while getting the host xxh version.'
elif host_xxh_version != local_xxh_version:
ask_type = 2
ask = f"Local xxh version '{local_xxh_version}' is not equal remote xxh version '{dst_xxh_version}'."
ask = f"Local xxh version '{local_xxh_version}' is not equal host xxh version '{host_xxh_version}'."
if ask:
choice = input(f"{ask} What's next? \n"
+ f"s - [default] Stop here. You'll try to connect using ordinary ssh for backup current xxh home.\n"
+ f"u - Safe update. Remote xxh dir will be renamed and local xxh version will be installed.\n"
+ f"f - Force install local xxh version on remote host. Remote xxh installation will be lost.\n"
+ f"u - Safe update. Host xxh home will be renamed and local xxh version will be installed.\n"
+ f"f - Force install local xxh version on host. Host xxh installation will be lost.\n"
+ f"i - Ignore, cross fingers and continue the connection.\n"
+ f"S/u/f/i? ").lower()
@ -207,10 +204,10 @@ if dst_has_xxh and opt.install_force == False:
elif choice == 'u':
local_time = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()[:19]
print(f"Move {dst}:{dst_xxh_home} to {dst}:{dst_xxh_home}-{local_time}")
echo @(f"mv {dst_xxh_home} {dst_xxh_home}-{local_time}") | ssh @(ssh_arguments) @(dst) -T "bash -s"
print(f"Move {host}:{host_xxh_home} to {host}:{host_xxh_home}-{local_time}")
echo @(f"mv {host_xxh_home} {host_xxh_home}-{local_time}") | ssh @(ssh_arguments) @(host) -T "bash -s"
opt.install = True
dst_has_xxh = False
host_has_xxh = False
elif choice == 'f':
opt.install = True
opt.install_force = True
@ -220,8 +217,8 @@ if dst_has_xxh and opt.install_force == False:
print('Unknown answer')
if not opt.install and not dst_has_xxh:
yn = input(f"{dst}:{dst_xxh_home} not found. Install xxh? [y/n] ").lower()
if not opt.install and not host_has_xxh:
yn = input(f"{host}:{host_xxh_home} not found. Install xxh? [y/n] ").lower()
if yn == 'y':
opt.install = True
@ -229,62 +226,59 @@ if not opt.install and not dst_has_xxh:
if opt.install:
if not which('rsync'):
print('Please install rsync before trying to install xxh. Howto: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=how+to+install+rsync+in+linux')
print("\033[0;33m", end='')
if opt.method == 'appimage':
appimage_fullpath = os.path.join(local_xxh_home_path, xonsh_bin)
if not os.path.isfile(appimage_fullpath):
local_xonsh_appimage_fullpath = os.path.join(local_xxh_home_path, xonsh_bin)
if not os.path.isfile(local_xonsh_appimage_fullpath):
print(f'First time download and save xonsh AppImage from {url_appimage}')
if which('wget'):
wget -q --show-progress @(url_appimage) -O @(appimage_fullpath)
wget -q --show-progress @(url_appimage) -O @(local_xonsh_appimage_fullpath)
elif which('curl'):
curl @(url_appimage) -o @(appimage_fullpath)
curl @(url_appimage) -o @(local_xonsh_appimage_fullpath)
print('Please install wget or curl and try again. Howto: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=how+to+install+wget+in+linux')
chmod +x @(appimage_fullpath)
chmod +x @(local_xonsh_appimage_fullpath)
print(f'Method "{opt.method}" is not supported now')
if dst_has_xxh:
if host_has_xxh:
if opt.install_force:
print(f'Before install xxh remove remote directory {dst}:{dst_xxh_home}')
echo @(f"rm -rf {dst_xxh_home}") | ssh @(ssh_arguments) @(dst) -T "bash -s"
print(f'Before upload xxh remove host directory {host}:{host_xxh_home}')
echo @(f"rm -rf {host_xxh_home}") | ssh @(ssh_arguments) @(host) -T "bash -s"
print(f'Remote directory exists: {dst_xxh_home}')
print(f'Host directory exists: {host_xxh_home}')
print(f'Create {dst}:{dst_xxh_home} ')
echo @(f"mkdir -p {dst_xxh_home}") | ssh @(ssh_arguments) @(dst) -T "bash -s"
print(f"Install xxh to {dst}:{dst_xxh_home}" )
print(f'Create {host}:{host_xxh_home} ')
echo @(f"mkdir -p {host_xxh_home}") | ssh @(ssh_arguments) @(host) -T "bash -s"
print(f"Install xxh to {host}:{host_xxh_home}" )
if which('rsync'):
print('Upload using rsync')
rsync -e @(f"ssh {' '.join(ssh_arguments)}") -az --info=progress2 --include ".*" @(local_xxh_home_path)/ @(dst):@(dst_xxh_home)/
rsync -e @(f"ssh {' '.join(ssh_arguments)}") -az --info=progress2 --include ".*" @(package_dir_path)/ @(dst):@(dst_xxh_home)/
rsync -e @(f"ssh {' '.join(ssh_arguments)}") -az --info=progress2 --include ".*" @(local_xxh_home_path)/ @(host):@(host_xxh_home)/
rsync -e @(f"ssh {' '.join(ssh_arguments)}") -az --info=progress2 --include ".*" @(package_dir_path)/ @(host):@(host_xxh_home)/
elif which('scp'):
print("Upload using scp. To increase speed install rsync!")
scp_dst = f"{dst}:{dst_xxh_home}/"
scp @(ssh_arguments) -r -C @([] if opt.verbose else ['-q']) @(local_xxh_home_path)/* @(scp_dst)
scp @(ssh_arguments) -r -C @([] if opt.verbose else ['-q']) @(package_dir_path)/* @(scp_dst)
scp_host = f"{host}:{host_xxh_home}/"
scp @(ssh_arguments) -r -C @([] if opt.verbose else ['-q']) @(local_xxh_home_path)/* @(scp_host)
scp @(ssh_arguments) -r -C @([] if opt.verbose else ['-q']) @(package_dir_path)/* @(scp_host)
print('scp or rsync not found!')
plugins_fullpath = os.path.join(local_xxh_home_path, 'plugins')
if os.path.exists(plugins_fullpath):
print(f'Run plugins post install on {dst}')
print(f'Run plugins post install on {host}')
for script in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(plugins_fullpath, os.path.join('*','install.xsh')), recursive=True)):
scripts += " && %s -i --rc %s -- %s" % (dst_xonsh_bin, dst_xonshrc, script.replace(local_xxh_home_path + os.sep, ''))
scripts += " && %s -i --rc %s -- %s" % (host_xonsh_bin, host_xonshrc, script.replace(local_xxh_home_path + os.sep, ''))
print(f' * {script}')
if scripts:
echo @(f"cd {dst_xxh_home} {scripts}" ) | ssh @(ssh_arguments) @(dst) -T "bash -s"
echo @(f"cd {host_xxh_home} {scripts}" ) | ssh @(ssh_arguments) @(host) -T "bash -s"
print(f'First run xonsh on {dst}\033[0m')
print(f'First run xonsh on {host}\033[0m')
dst_plugins_rc = $(ssh @(ssh_arguments) @(dst) -t @(dst_xonsh_bin) --no-script-cache -i --rc @(dst_xonshrc) -- @(dst_xonsh_plugins_rc)).split('xxh-plugins#')[1]
ssh @(ssh_arguments) @(dst) -t @(dst_xonsh_bin) --no-script-cache -i --rc @(dst_xonshrc) @(dst_plugins_rc)
host_plugins_rc = $(ssh @(ssh_arguments) @(host) -t @(host_xonsh_bin) --no-script-cache -i --rc @(host_xonshrc) -- @(host_xonsh_plugins_rc)).split('xxh-plugins#')[1]
ssh @(ssh_arguments) @(host) -t @(host_xonsh_bin) --no-script-cache -i --rc @(host_xonshrc) @(host_plugins_rc)
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