mirror of
synced 2024-11-23 20:33:08 +00:00
6 changed files with 447 additions and 281 deletions
@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ python3 -m pip install --upgrade xonssh-xxh
🔁 After install you can just using `xxh` command as replace `ssh` to connecting to the host because `xxh` has seamless support of basic `ssh` command arguments.
🗝️ The best if you're using [ssh config with private keys](https://linuxize.com/post/using-the-ssh-config-file/#ssh-config-file-example) to authorization. In case of using password to avoid password typing many times use `+PP` or `+P pwd` options.
## Usage
$ ./xxh -h
@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ setuptools.setup(
'xonsh >= 0.9.13'
'xonsh >= 0.9.13',
'pexpect >= 4.8.0'
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
xxh_home_realpath=`realpath _xxh_home_`
xxh_home_realpath=`realpath -m _xxh_home_`
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import sys, os
global_settings = {
'XXH_VERSION': '0.3.0'
'XXH_VERSION': '0.3.1'
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import sys
del $LS_COLORS # https://github.com/xonsh/xonsh/issues/3055
$XXH_HOME = pf"{__file__}".absolute().parent
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env xonsh
import os, sys, argparse, datetime, getpass
import os, sys, argparse, datetime, re, getpass, pexpect
from shutil import which
from sys import exit
from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter
@ -11,16 +11,6 @@ sys.path.append(str(pf"{__file__}".absolute().parent))
import xonssh_xxh
from xonssh_xxh.settings import global_settings
url_xxh_github = 'https://github.com/xonssh/xxh'
url_xxh_plugins_search = 'https://github.com/search?q=xxh-plugin'
url_appimage = 'https://github.com/niess/linuxdeploy-plugin-python/releases/download/continuous/xonsh-x86_64.AppImage'
local_xxh_version = global_settings['XXH_VERSION']
local_xxh_home_path = '~/.xxh'
host_xxh_home_path = '~/.xxh'
portable_methods = ['appimage']
portable_methods_str = ', '.join(portable_methods)
xonsh_bin_name = 'xonsh'
def eprint(*args, **kwargs):
print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
@ -28,300 +18,477 @@ def eeprint(*args, **kwargs):
print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
def xonssh():
terminal = os.get_terminal_size()
terminal_cols = terminal.columns
class Xxh:
def __init__(self):
self.package_dir_path = pf"{xonssh_xxh.__file__}".parent
self.url_xxh_github = 'https://github.com/xonssh/xxh'
self.url_xxh_plugins_search = 'https://github.com/search?q=xxh-plugin'
self.url_appimage = 'https://github.com/niess/linuxdeploy-plugin-python/releases/download/continuous/xonsh-x86_64.AppImage'
self.local_xxh_version = global_settings['XXH_VERSION']
self.local_xxh_home = '~/.xxh'
self.host_xxh_home = '~/.xxh'
self.url = None
self.portable_methods = ['appimage']
self.portable_methods_str = ', '.join(self.portable_methods)
self.xonsh_bin_name = 'xonsh'
self.ssh_arguments = []
self.ssh_arg_v = []
self.sshpass = []
self.use_pexpect = True
self._password = None
self._verbose = False
self._vverbose = False
self._method = 'appimage'
if terminal_cols < 70:
return f"\n\nContribution: {url_xxh_github}\n\nPlugins: {url_xxh_plugins_search}"
def snail(self):
terminal = os.get_terminal_size()
terminal_cols = terminal.columns
l,r,s,t = (['@','-','_'][randint(0,2)], ['@','-','_'][randint(0,2)], ['_',' '][randint(0,1)], ['_',''][randint(0,1)])
return f"""
if terminal_cols < 70:
return f"\n\nContribution: {self.url_xxh_github}\n\nPlugins: {self.url_xxh_plugins_search}"
{s}___ __________ {l} {r}
{s}_____ / \\ \\__/
{s}___ / ______ \\ / \\ contribution
{s}____ / / __ \\ \\ / _/ {url_xxh_github}
{s}__ ( / / / \\ \\ /
\\ \\___/ / / / plugins
{' ' if not t else ''} _{t}__\\ /__/ / {url_xxh_plugins_search}
{' ' if not t else ''} / {'' if not t else ' '} \\________/ /
{' ' if not t else ''} /_{t}__________________/
l,r,s,t = (['@','-','_'][randint(0,2)], ['@','-','_'][randint(0,2)], ['_',' '][randint(0,1)], ['_',''][randint(0,1)])
return f"\n" \
+f" {s}___ __________ {l} {r}\n" \
+f" {s}_____ / \\ \\__/\n" \
+f" {s}___ / ______ \\ / \\ contribution\n" \
+f" {s}____ / / __ \\ \\ / _/ {self.url_xxh_github}\n" \
+f" {s}__ ( / / / \\ \\ /\n" \
+f" \\ \\___/ / / / plugins\n" \
+f"{' ' if not t else ''} _{t}__\\ /__/ / {self.url_xxh_plugins_search}\n" \
+f"{' ' if not t else ''} / {'' if not t else ' '} \\________/ /\n" \
+f"{' ' if not t else ''} /_{t}__________________/\n" \
+f"" # d2F0Y2ggLW4uMiB4eGggLWg
""" # watch -n.2 xxh -h
def pssh(self, cmd, accept_host=None, host_password=None, key_password=None):
if self.password:
host_password = self.password
if os.name == 'nt':
eeprint(f"Windows is not supported. WSL1 is not recommended also. WSL2 is not tested yet.\nContribution: {url_xxh_github}")
if self.vverbose:
eprint('Try pexpect command: '+cmd)
argp = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=f"The xxh is for using the xonsh shell wherever you go through the ssh. {xonssh()}", formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter, prefix_chars='-+')
argp.add_argument('--version', '-V', action='version', version=f"xonssh-xxh/{local_xxh_version}")
argp.add_argument('-p', dest='ssh_port', help="Port to connect to on the remote host.")
argp.add_argument('-l', dest='ssh_login', help="Specifies the user to log in as on the remote machine.")
argp.add_argument('-i', dest='ssh_private_key', help="File from which the identity (private key) for public key authentication is read.")
argp.add_argument('-o', dest='ssh_options', metavar='SSH_OPTION -o ...', action='append', help="SSH options are described in ssh man page. Example: -o Port=22 -o User=snail")
argp.add_argument('destination', metavar='[user@]host[:port]', help="Destination may be specified as [user@]host[:port] or host from ~/.ssh/config")
argp.add_argument('+i','++install', default=False, action='store_true', help="Install xxh to destination host.")
argp.add_argument('+if','++install-force', default=False, action='store_true', help="Removing the host xxh home and install xxh again.")
argp.add_argument('+P','++password', help="Password for ssh auth.")
argp.add_argument('+PP','++password-prompt', default=False, action='store_true', help="Enter password manually using prompt.")
argp.add_argument('+lh','++local-xxh-home', default=local_xxh_home_path, help=f"Local xxh home path. Default: {local_xxh_home_path}")
argp.add_argument('+hh','++host-xxh-home', default=host_xxh_home_path, help=f"Host xxh home path. Default: {host_xxh_home_path}")
argp.add_argument('+he','++host-execute-file', help=f"Execute script file placed on host and exit.")
argp.add_argument('+m','++method', default='appimage', help=f"Portable method: {portable_methods_str}")
argp.add_argument('+v','++verbose', default=False, action='store_true', help="Verbose mode.")
argp.add_argument('+vv','++vverbose', default=False, action='store_true', help="Super verbose mode.")
argp.usage = """xxh <host from ~/.ssh/config>
sess = pexpect.spawn(cmd)
user_host_accept = None
user_host_password = None
user_key_password = None
patterns = ['Are you sure you want to continue connecting.*', "Please type 'yes' or 'no':",
'Enter passphrase for key.*', 'password:', pexpect.EOF, '[$#~]', 'Last login.*']
while True:
i = sess.expect(patterns, timeout=3)
if self.vverbose:
print('Unknown answer details:')
print('Unknown answer from host')
return {}
usage: xxh [ssh arguments] [user@]host[:port] [xxh arguments]
if self.vverbose:
eprint(f'Pexpect caught pattern: {patterns[i]}')
usage: xxh [-h] [-V] [-p SSH_PORT] [-l SSH_LOGIN] [-i SSH_PRIVATE_KEY] [-o SSH_OPTION -o ...]
[+i] [+if] [+P PASSWORD] [+PP]
[+m METHOD] [+v] [+vv]
help = argp.format_help().replace('\n +','\n\nxxh arguments:\n +',1).replace('optional ', 'common ')\
.replace('number and exit', 'number and exit\n\nssh arguments:').replace('positional ', 'required ')
argp.format_help = lambda: help
opt = argp.parse_args()
if i in [0,1]:
# Expected:
# The authenticity of host '<...>' can't be established.
# ECDSA key fingerprint is <...>
# Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
print('* '+(sess.before + sess.after).decode("utf-8"), end='')
if accept_host is None:
user_host_accept = input()
if user_host_accept == 'yes':
user_host_accept = True
elif user_host_accept == 'no':
user_host_accept = False
user_host_accept = None
elif accept_host:
if opt.vverbose:
opt.verbose = True
if i == 2:
# Expected:
# Enter passphrase for key '<keyfile>':
if key_password is None:
user_key_password = getpass.getpass(prompt='* '+(sess.before + sess.after).decode("utf-8")+' ')
if opt.method not in portable_methods:
eeprint(f'Currently supported methods: {portable_methods_str}')
if i == 3:
# Expected:
# <host>`s password:
if host_password is None:
user_host_password = getpass.getpass(prompt='* '+(sess.before + sess.after).decode("utf-8")+' ')
if 'ssh://' not in opt.destination:
opt.destination = f'ssh://{opt.destination}'
if i == 4:
# Getting result
output = sess.before.decode("utf-8")
output = re.sub('\r\nConnection to (.*) closed.\r\r\n', '', output)
output = output[:-3] if output.endswith('\r\r\n') else output
output = output[3:] if output.startswith(' \r\n') else output
result = {
'user_host_accept': user_host_accept,
url = urlparse(opt.destination)
host = url.hostname
return result
if not host:
eeprint(f"Wrong distination '{host}'")
if i == [5,6]:
# Prompt
if url.port:
opt.ssh_port = url.port
result = {
'user_host_accept': user_host_accept,
return result
if url.username:
opt.ssh_login = url.username
return {}
username = getpass.getuser()
if opt.ssh_login:
username = opt.ssh_login
def password(self):
return self._password
ssh_arguments = ['-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new']
if not opt.verbose:
ssh_arguments += ['-o', 'LogLevel=QUIET']
if opt.ssh_port:
ssh_arguments += ['-o', f'Port={opt.ssh_port}']
if opt.ssh_private_key:
ssh_arguments += ['-o', f'IdentityFile={opt.ssh_private_key}']
if opt.ssh_login:
ssh_arguments += ['-o', f'User={opt.ssh_login}']
if opt.ssh_options:
for ssh_option in opt.ssh_options:
ssh_arguments += ['-o', ssh_option]
if opt.verbose:
eprint(f'ssh arguments: {ssh_arguments}')
if not which('ssh'):
eeprint('Install OpenSSH client before using xxh: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=how+to+install+openssh+client+in+linux')
if not which('sshpass') and (opt.password is not None or opt.password_prompt):
eeprint('Install sshpass to using password: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=install+sshpass\n'
+ 'Note! There are a lot of security reasons for stop using password auth.')
sshpass = []
if opt.password is not None:
sshpass = ['sshpass', '-p', opt.password]
elif opt.password_prompt:
password = ''
while not password:
password = getpass.getpass(f"Enter {username}@{host}'s password: ")
sshpass = ['sshpass', '-p', password]
if sshpass != [] and opt.vverbose:
sshpass += ['-v']
opt.install = True if opt.install_force else opt.install
ssh_v = ['-v'] if opt.vverbose else []
local_xxh_home_path = pf"{opt.local_xxh_home}"
local_xxh_home_parent = local_xxh_home_path.parent
package_dir_path = pf"{xonssh_xxh.__file__}".parent
if local_xxh_home_path.exists():
if not os.access(local_xxh_home_path, os.W_OK):
eeprint(f"The local xxh home path isn't writable: {local_xxh_home_path}" )
elif local_xxh_home_parent.exists():
if os.access(local_xxh_home_parent, os.W_OK):
eprint(f'Create local xxh home path: {local_xxh_home_path}')
mkdir @(ssh_v) -p @(local_xxh_home_path) @(local_xxh_home_path / 'plugins')
eeprint(f"Parent for local xxh home path isn't writable: {local_xxh_home_parent}")
eeprint(f"Paths aren't writable:\n {local_xxh_home_parent}\n {local_xxh_home_path}")
# Fix env to avoid ssh warnings
${...}[lc] = "POSIX"
if pf'{opt.host_xxh_home}' == pf'/':
eeprint("Host xxh home path {host_xxh_home} looks like /. Please check twice!")
def get_host_info():
host_info_sh = package_dir_path / 'host_info.sh'
r = $(cat @(host_info_sh) | sed @(f's|_xxh_home_|{opt.host_xxh_home}|') | @(sshpass) ssh @(ssh_v) @(ssh_arguments) @(host) -T "bash -s" ).strip()
if opt.verbose:
eprint(f'Host info:\n{r}')
if r == '':
eeprint('Empty answer from host when getting first info. Often this is a connection error.\n'
+ 'Check your connection parameters using the same command but with ssh.')
r = dict([l.split('=') for l in r.split('\n')])
return r
host_info = get_host_info()
host_xxh_home = host_info['xxh_home_realpath']
host_xxh_version = host_info['xxh_version']
if host_xxh_home == '':
eeprint(f'Unknown answer from host when getting realpath for directory {host_xxh_home}')
if host_xxh_version == '':
eeprint(f'Unknown answer from host when getting version for directory {host_xxh_home}')
host_xxh_home = pf"{host_xxh_home}"
if host_info['xxh_home_writable'] == '0' and host_info['xxh_parent_home_writable'] == '0':
yn = input(f"{host}:{host_xxh_home} is not writable. Continue? [y/n] ").strip().lower()
if yn != 'y':
if host_info['scp'] == '' and host_info['rsync'] == '':
eeprint(f"There are no rsync or scp on target host. Sad but files can't be uploaded.")
host_xonsh_bin = host_xxh_home / xonsh_bin_name
host_xonshrc = host_xxh_home / 'xonshrc.xsh'
if opt.install_force == False:
# Check version
ask = False
if host_xxh_version == 'version_not_found':
ask = f'Host xxh home is not empty but something went wrong while getting host xxh version.'
elif host_xxh_version not in ['dir_not_found','dir_empty'] and host_xxh_version != local_xxh_version:
ask = f"Local xxh version '{local_xxh_version}' is not equal host xxh version '{host_xxh_version}'."
if ask:
choice = input(f"{ask} What's next? \n"
+ " s - [default] Stop here. You'll try to connect using ordinary ssh for backup current xxh home.\n"
+ " u - Safe update. Host xxh home will be renamed and local xxh version will be installed.\n"
+ " f - Force install local xxh version on host. Host xxh installation will be lost.\n"
+ " i - Ignore, cross fingers and continue the connection.\n"
+ "S/u/f/i? ").lower()
if choice == 's' or choice.strip() == '':
elif choice == 'u':
local_time = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()[:19]
eprint(f"Move {host}:{host_xxh_home} to {host}:{host_xxh_home}-{local_time}")
echo @(f"mv {host_xxh_home} {host_xxh_home}-{local_time}") | @(sshpass) ssh @(ssh_v) @(ssh_arguments) @(host) -T "bash -s"
opt.install = True
elif choice == 'f':
opt.install = True
opt.install_force = True
elif choice == 'i':
def password(self, password):
self._password = password
if password:
if not which('sshpass'):
eeprint('Install sshpass to using password: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=install+sshpass\n'
+ 'Note! There are a lot of security reasons to stop using password auth.')
verbose = '-v' if '-v' in self.sshpass else []
self.sshpass = ['sshpass', '-p', password] + verbose
eeprint('Unknown answer')
self.sshpass = []
if host_xxh_version in ['dir_not_found','dir_empty'] and opt.install_force == False:
yn = input(f"{host}:{host_xxh_home} not found. Install xxh? [Y/n] ").strip().lower()
if yn == 'y' or yn == '':
opt.install = True
eeprint('Unknown answer')
def method(self):
return self._method
if opt.install:
eprint("\033[0;33m", end='')
if opt.method == 'appimage':
local_xonsh_appimage_fullpath = local_xxh_home_path / xonsh_bin_name
if not local_xonsh_appimage_fullpath.is_file():
eprint(f'First time download and save xonsh AppImage from {url_appimage}')
if which('wget'):
r=![wget -q --show-progress @(url_appimage) -O @(local_xonsh_appimage_fullpath)]
if r.returncode != 0:
eeprint(f'Error while download appimage using wget: {r}')
elif which('curl'):
r=![curl @(url_appimage) -o @(local_xonsh_appimage_fullpath)]
if r.returncode != 0:
eeprint(f'Error while download appimage using curl: {r}')
def method(self, value):
if value not in self.portable_methods:
eeprint(f'Currently supported methods: {self.portable_methods_str}')
self._method = value
def verbose(self):
return self._verbose
def verbose(self, value):
self._verbose = value
if not self._verbose:
def vverbose(self):
return self._vverbose
def vverbose(self, value):
self._vverbose = value
if self._vverbose:
self.verbose = True
self.ssh_arg_v = ['-v']
if self.sshpass and ['-v'] not in self.sshpass:
self.sshpass += ['-v']
self.ssh_arg_v = []
if '-v' in self.sshpass:
def parse_destination(self, destination):
destination = f'ssh://{destination}' if 'ssh://' not in destination else destination
url = urlparse(destination)
return url
def get_host_info(self):
host = self.url.hostname
host_info_sh = self.package_dir_path / 'host_info.sh'
if self.use_pexpect:
cmd = "bash -c 'cat {host_info_sh} | sed \"s|_xxh_home_|{host_xxh_home}|\" | ssh {ssh_v} {ssh_arguments} {host} -T \"bash -s\"'".format(
host_info_sh=host_info_sh, host_xxh_home=self.host_xxh_home, ssh_v=('' if not self.ssh_arg_v else '-v'), ssh_arguments=' '.join(self.ssh_arguments), host=host)
pr = self.pssh(cmd)
if pr == {}:
eeprint('Unexpected result. Try again with +v')
if self.verbose:
eprint('Pexpect result:')
if pr['user_host_password'] is not None:
self.password = pr['user_host_password']
r = pr['output']
r = $(cat @(host_info_sh) | sed @(f's|_xxh_home_|{self.host_xxh_home}|') | @(self.sshpass) ssh @(self.ssh_arg_v) @(self.ssh_arguments) @(host) -T "bash -s" ).strip()
if self.verbose:
eprint(f'Host info:\n{r}')
if r == '':
eeprint('Empty answer from host when getting first info. Often this is a connection error.\n'
+ 'Check your connection parameters using the same command but with ssh.')
r = dict([l.split('=') for l in r.replace('\r','').split('\n') if l.strip() != '' and '=' in l])
return r
def main(self):
argp = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=f"The xxh is for using the xonsh shell wherever you go through the ssh. {self.snail()}", formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter, prefix_chars='-+')
argp.add_argument('--version', '-V', action='version', version=f"xonssh-xxh/{self.local_xxh_version}")
argp.add_argument('-p', dest='ssh_port', help="Port to connect to on the remote host.")
argp.add_argument('-l', dest='ssh_login', help="Specifies the user to log in as on the remote machine.")
argp.add_argument('-i', dest='ssh_private_key', help="File from which the identity (private key) for public key authentication is read.")
argp.add_argument('-o', dest='ssh_options', metavar='SSH_OPTION -o ...', action='append', help="SSH options are described in ssh man page. Example: -o Port=22 -o User=snail")
argp.add_argument('destination', metavar='[user@]host[:port]', help="Destination may be specified as [user@]host[:port] or host from ~/.ssh/config")
argp.add_argument('+i','++install', default=False, action='store_true', help="Install xxh to destination host.")
argp.add_argument('+if','++install-force', default=False, action='store_true', help="Removing the host xxh home and install xxh again.")
argp.add_argument('+P','++password', help="Password for ssh auth.")
argp.add_argument('+PP','++password-prompt', default=False, action='store_true', help="Enter password manually using prompt.")
argp.add_argument('+lh','++local-xxh-home', default=self.local_xxh_home, help=f"Local xxh home path. Default: {self.local_xxh_home}")
argp.add_argument('+hh','++host-xxh-home', default=self.host_xxh_home, help=f"Host xxh home path. Default: {self.host_xxh_home}")
argp.add_argument('+he','++host-execute-file', help=f"Execute script file placed on host and exit.")
argp.add_argument('+m','++method', default='appimage', help=f"Portable method: {self.portable_methods_str}")
argp.add_argument('+v','++verbose', default=False, action='store_true', help="Verbose mode.")
argp.add_argument('+vv','++vverbose', default=False, action='store_true', help="Super verbose mode.")
argp.usage = """xxh <host from ~/.ssh/config>
usage: xxh [ssh arguments] [user@]host[:port] [xxh arguments]
usage: xxh [-h] [-V] [-p SSH_PORT] [-l SSH_LOGIN] [-i SSH_PRIVATE_KEY] [-o SSH_OPTION -o ...]
[+i] [+if] [+P PASSWORD] [+PP]
[+m METHOD] [+v] [+vv]
help = argp.format_help().replace('\n +','\n\nxxh arguments:\n +',1).replace('optional ', 'common ')\
.replace('number and exit', 'number and exit\n\nssh arguments:').replace('positional ', 'required ')
argp.format_help = lambda: help
opt = argp.parse_args()
self.verbose = opt.verbose
self.vverbose = opt.vverbose
self.method = opt.method
self.url = url = self.parse_destination(opt.destination)
username = getpass.getuser()
host = url.hostname
if not host:
eeprint(f"Wrong distination '{host}'")
if url.port:
opt.ssh_port = url.port
if url.username:
opt.ssh_login = url.username
if opt.ssh_login:
username = opt.ssh_login
self.ssh_arguments = ['-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new']
if not self.verbose:
self.ssh_arguments += ['-o', 'LogLevel=QUIET']
if opt.ssh_port:
self.ssh_arguments += ['-o', f'Port={opt.ssh_port}']
if opt.ssh_private_key:
self.ssh_arguments += ['-o', f'IdentityFile={opt.ssh_private_key}']
if opt.ssh_login:
self.ssh_arguments += ['-o', f'User={opt.ssh_login}']
if opt.ssh_options:
for ssh_option in opt.ssh_options:
self.ssh_arguments += ['-o', ssh_option]
if self.verbose:
eprint(f'ssh arguments: {self.ssh_arguments}')
if opt.password is not None:
self.password = opt.password
elif opt.password_prompt:
password = ''
while not password:
password = getpass.getpass(f"Enter {username}@{host}'s password: ")
self.password = password
opt.install = True if opt.install_force else opt.install
self.local_xxh_home = pf"{opt.local_xxh_home}"
local_xxh_home_parent = self.local_xxh_home.parent
if self.local_xxh_home.exists():
if not os.access(self.local_xxh_home, os.W_OK):
eeprint(f"The local xxh home path isn't writable: {self.local_xxh_home}" )
elif local_xxh_home_parent.exists():
if os.access(local_xxh_home_parent, os.W_OK):
eprint(f'Create local xxh home path: {self.local_xxh_home}')
mkdir @(self.ssh_arg_v) -p @(self.local_xxh_home) @(self.local_xxh_home / 'plugins')
eeprint('Please install wget or curl and try again. Howto: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=how+to+install+wget+in+linux')
eeprint(f"Parent for local xxh home path isn't writable: {local_xxh_home_parent}")
eeprint(f"Paths aren't writable:\n {local_xxh_home_parent}\n {self.local_xxh_home}")
chmod +x @(local_xonsh_appimage_fullpath)
eprint(f'Method "{opt.method}" is not supported now')
# Fix env to avoid ssh warnings
${...}[lc] = "POSIX"
if opt.install_force:
eprint(f'Remove host xxh home {host}:{host_xxh_home}')
echo @(f"rm -rf {host_xxh_home}/*") | @(sshpass) ssh @(ssh_v) @(ssh_arguments) @(host) -T "bash -s"
if pf'{opt.host_xxh_home}' == pf'/':
eeprint("Host xxh home path {host_xxh_home} looks like /. Please check twice!")
eprint(f"Install xxh to {host}:{host_xxh_home}" )
host_info = self.get_host_info()
if host_xxh_version in ['dir_not_found']:
eprint(f'Create xxh home {host_xxh_home}')
echo @(f"mkdir -p {host_xxh_home}") | @(sshpass) ssh @(ssh_v) @(ssh_arguments) @(host) -T "bash -s"
if not host_info:
eeprint(f'Unknown answer from host when getting info')
if which('rsync') and host_info['rsync']:
eprint('Upload using rsync')
rsync @(ssh_v) -e @(f"{''.join(sshpass)} ssh {'' if ssh_v == [] else '-v'} {' '.join(ssh_arguments)}") -az --info=progress2 --include ".*" --exclude='*.pyc' @(local_xxh_home_path)/ @(host):@(host_xxh_home)/ 1>&2
rsync @(ssh_v) -e @(f"{''.join(sshpass)} ssh {'' if ssh_v == [] else '-v'} {' '.join(ssh_arguments)}") -az --info=progress2 --include ".*" --exclude='*.pyc' @(package_dir_path)/ @(host):@(host_xxh_home)/ 1>&2
elif which('scp') and host_info['scp']:
eprint("Upload using scp. Note: install rsync on local and remote host to increase speed.")
scp_host = f"{host}:{host_xxh_home}/"
@(sshpass) scp @(ssh_v) @(ssh_arguments) -r -C @([] if opt.verbose else ['-q']) @(local_xxh_home_path)/* @(scp_host) 1>&2
@(sshpass) scp @(ssh_v) @(ssh_arguments) -r -C @([] if opt.verbose else ['-q']) @(package_dir_path)/* @(scp_host) 1>&2
eprint('Please install rsync or scp!')
plugins_fullpath = local_xxh_home_path / 'plugins'
if plugins_fullpath.exists():
plugin_post_installs = sorted(plugins_fullpath.glob('*/post_install.xsh'))
if len(plugin_post_installs) > 0:
eprint(f'Run plugins post install on {host}')
for script in plugin_post_installs:
scripts += " && %s -i --rc %s -- %s" % (host_xonsh_bin, host_xonshrc, str(script).replace(str(local_xxh_home_path)+'/', ''))
eprint(f' * {script}')
if 'xxh_home_realpath' not in host_info or host_info['xxh_home_realpath'] == '':
eeprint(f'Unknown answer from host when getting realpath for directory {host_xxh_home}')
if scripts:
echo @(f"cd {host_xxh_home} {scripts}" ) | @(sshpass) ssh @(ssh_v) @(ssh_arguments) @(host) -T "bash -s" 1>&2
if 'xxh_version' not in host_info or host_info['xxh_version'] == '':
eeprint(f'Unknown answer from host when getting version for directory {host_xxh_home}')
eprint(f'Check {opt.method}')
host_settings_file = host_xxh_home / 'settings.py'
check = $(@(sshpass) ssh @(ssh_v) @(ssh_arguments) @(host) -t @(host_xonsh_bin) --no-script-cache -i --rc @(host_xonshrc) -- @(host_settings_file) )
host_xxh_home = host_info['xxh_home_realpath']
host_xxh_home = pf"{host_xxh_home}"
host_xxh_version = host_info['xxh_version']
if opt.verbose:
eprint(f'Check xonsh result:\n{check}')
if host_info['xxh_home_writable'] == '0' and host_info['xxh_parent_home_writable'] == '0':
yn = input(f"{host}:{host_xxh_home} is not writable. Continue? [y/n] ").strip().lower()
if yn != 'y':
if check == '' or 'AppImages require FUSE to run' in check:
eprint('AppImage is not supported by host. Trying to unpack and run...')
host_xonsh_bin_new = host_xxh_home / 'xonsh-squashfs/usr/bin/python3'
@(sshpass) ssh @(ssh_v) @(ssh_arguments) @(host) -t @(f"cd {host_xxh_home} && ./{xonsh_bin_name} --appimage-extract | grep -E 'usr/python/bin/xonsh$' && mv squashfs-root xonsh-squashfs && mv {host_xonsh_bin} {host_xonsh_bin}-disabled && ln -s {host_xonsh_bin_new} xonsh") 1>&2
host_xonsh_bin = host_xonsh_bin_new
if host_info['scp'] == '' and host_info['rsync'] == '':
eeprint(f"There are no rsync or scp on target host. Sad but files can't be uploaded.")
eprint(f'First run xonsh on {host}\033[0m')
host_xonsh_bin = host_xxh_home / self.xonsh_bin_name
host_xonshrc = host_xxh_home / 'xonshrc.xsh'
host_execute_file = ['--', opt.host_execute_file] if opt.host_execute_file else []
@(sshpass) ssh @(ssh_v) @(ssh_arguments) @(host) -t @(host_xonsh_bin) --no-script-cache -i --rc @(host_xonshrc) @(host_execute_file)
if opt.install_force == False:
# Check version
ask = False
if host_xxh_version == 'version_not_found':
ask = f'Host xxh home is not empty but something went wrong while getting host xxh version.'
elif host_xxh_version not in ['dir_not_found','dir_empty'] and host_xxh_version != self.local_xxh_version:
ask = f"Local xxh version '{self.local_xxh_version}' is not equal host xxh version '{host_xxh_version}'."
if ask:
choice = input(f"{ask} What's next? \n"
+ " s - [default] Stop here. You'll try to connect using ordinary ssh for backup current xxh home.\n"
+ " u - Safe update. Host xxh home will be renamed and local xxh version will be installed.\n"
+ " f - Force install local xxh version on host. Host xxh installation will be lost.\n"
+ " i - Ignore, cross fingers and continue the connection.\n"
+ "S/u/f/i? ").lower()
if choice == 's' or choice.strip() == '':
elif choice == 'u':
local_time = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()[:19]
eprint(f"Move {host}:{host_xxh_home} to {host}:{host_xxh_home}-{local_time}")
echo @(f"mv {host_xxh_home} {host_xxh_home}-{local_time}") | @(self.sshpass) ssh @(self.ssh_arg_v) @(self.ssh_arguments) @(host) -T "bash -s"
opt.install = True
elif choice == 'f':
opt.install = True
opt.install_force = True
elif choice == 'i':
eeprint('Unknown answer')
if host_xxh_version in ['dir_not_found','dir_empty'] and opt.install_force == False:
yn = input(f"{host}:{host_xxh_home} not found. Install xxh? [Y/n] ").strip().lower()
if yn == 'y' or yn == '':
opt.install = True
eeprint('Unknown answer')
if opt.install:
eprint("\033[0;33m", end='')
if opt.method == 'appimage':
local_xonsh_appimage_fullpath = self.local_xxh_home / self.xonsh_bin_name
if not local_xonsh_appimage_fullpath.is_file():
eprint(f'First time download and save xonsh AppImage from {self.url_appimage}')
if which('wget'):
r=![wget -q --show-progress @(self.url_appimage) -O @(local_xonsh_appimage_fullpath)]
if r.returncode != 0:
eeprint(f'Error while download appimage using wget: {r}')
elif which('curl'):
r=![curl @(self.url_appimage) -o @(local_xonsh_appimage_fullpath)]
if r.returncode != 0:
eeprint(f'Error while download appimage using curl: {r}')
eeprint('Please install wget or curl and try again. Howto: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=how+to+install+wget+in+linux')
chmod +x @(local_xonsh_appimage_fullpath)
eprint(f'Method "{opt.method}" is not supported now')
if opt.install_force:
eprint(f'Remove host xxh home {host}:{host_xxh_home}')
echo @(f"rm -rf {host_xxh_home}/*") | @(self.sshpass) ssh @(self.ssh_arg_v) @(self.ssh_arguments) @(host) -T "bash -s"
eprint(f"Install xxh to {host}:{host_xxh_home}" )
if host_xxh_version in ['dir_not_found']:
eprint(f'Create xxh home {host_xxh_home}')
echo @(f"mkdir -p {host_xxh_home}") | @(self.sshpass) ssh @(self.ssh_arg_v) @(self.ssh_arguments) @(host) -T "bash -s"
if which('rsync') and host_info['rsync']:
eprint('Upload using rsync')
rsync @(self.ssh_arg_v) -e @(f"{''.join(self.sshpass)} ssh {'' if self.ssh_arg_v == [] else '-v'} {' '.join(self.ssh_arguments)}") -az --info=progress2 --include ".*" --exclude='*.pyc' @(self.local_xxh_home)/ @(host):@(host_xxh_home)/ 1>&2
rsync @(self.ssh_arg_v) -e @(f"{''.join(self.sshpass)} ssh {'' if self.ssh_arg_v == [] else '-v'} {' '.join(self.ssh_arguments)}") -az --info=progress2 --include ".*" --exclude='*.pyc' @(self.package_dir_path)/ @(host):@(host_xxh_home)/ 1>&2
elif which('scp') and host_info['scp']:
eprint("Upload using scp. Note: install rsync on local and remote host to increase speed.")
scp_host = f"{host}:{host_xxh_home}/"
@(self.sshpass) scp @(self.ssh_arg_v) @(self.ssh_arguments) -r -C @([] if self.vverbose else ['-q']) @(self.local_xxh_home)/* @(scp_host) 1>&2
@(self.sshpass) scp @(self.ssh_arg_v) @(self.ssh_arguments) -r -C @([] if self.vverbose else ['-q']) @(self.package_dir_path)/* @(scp_host) 1>&2
eprint('Please install rsync or scp!')
plugins_fullpath = self.local_xxh_home / 'plugins'
if plugins_fullpath.exists():
plugin_post_installs = sorted(plugins_fullpath.glob('*/post_install.xsh'))
if len(plugin_post_installs) > 0:
eprint(f'Run plugins post install on {host}')
for script in plugin_post_installs:
scripts += " && %s -i --rc %s -- %s" % (host_xonsh_bin, host_xonshrc, str(script).replace(str(self.local_xxh_home)+'/', ''))
eprint(f' * {script}')
if scripts:
echo @(f"cd {host_xxh_home} {scripts}" ) | @(self.sshpass) ssh @(self.ssh_arg_v) @(self.ssh_arguments) @(host) -T "bash -s" 1>&2
eprint(f'Check {opt.method}')
host_settings_file = host_xxh_home / 'settings.py'
check = $(@(self.sshpass) ssh @(self.ssh_arg_v) @(self.ssh_arguments) @(host) -t @(host_xonsh_bin) --no-script-cache -i --rc @(host_xonshrc) -- @(host_settings_file) )
if self.vverbose:
eprint(f'Check xonsh result:\n{check}')
if check == '' or 'AppImages require FUSE to run' in check:
eprint('AppImage is not supported by host. Trying to unpack and run...')
host_xonsh_bin_new = host_xxh_home / 'xonsh-squashfs/usr/bin/python3'
@(self.sshpass) ssh @(self.ssh_arg_v) @(self.ssh_arguments) @(host) -t @(f"cd {host_xxh_home} && ./{self.xonsh_bin_name} --appimage-extract | grep -E 'usr/python/bin/xonsh$' && mv squashfs-root xonsh-squashfs && mv {host_xonsh_bin} {host_xonsh_bin}-disabled && ln -s {host_xonsh_bin_new} xonsh") 1>&2
host_xonsh_bin = host_xonsh_bin_new
eprint(f'First run xonsh on {host}\033[0m')
host_execute_file = ['--', opt.host_execute_file] if opt.host_execute_file else []
@(self.sshpass) ssh @(self.ssh_arg_v) @(self.ssh_arguments) @(host) -t @(host_xonsh_bin) --no-script-cache -i --rc @(host_xonshrc) @(host_execute_file)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if os.name == 'nt':
eeprint(f"Windows is not supported. WSL1 is not recommended also. WSL2 is not tested yet.\nContribution: {self.url_xxh_github}")
if not which('ssh'):
eeprint('Install OpenSSH client before using xxh: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=how+to+install+openssh+client+in+linux')
xxh = Xxh()
Reference in a new issue