Aune 787b00aebc File restructure
Different components moved to packages which are imported. More proper and clean compared to previous implementation.
2022-11-29 12:43:01 +01:00

72 lines
1.3 KiB

package files
import (
var log_path, _ = filepath.Abs("./config/wrapperr.log")
var max_lines_returned = 200
func GetMaxLogLinesReturned() int {
return max_lines_returned
func GetLogLines() ([]models.WrapperrLogLine, error) {
readFile, err := os.Open(log_path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fileScanner := bufio.NewScanner(readFile)
var fileLines []string
for fileScanner.Scan() {
fileLines = append(fileLines, fileScanner.Text())
var logline_array []models.WrapperrLogLine
var re = regexp.MustCompile(`([0-9]{4,4}\/{1,1}[0-9]{2,2}\/[0-9]{2,2})\s([0-9]{2,2}:[0-9]{2,2}:[0-9]{2,2})\s([^\n]{1,})`)
for _, line := range fileLines {
match := re.FindStringSubmatch(line)
var logline models.WrapperrLogLine
if len(match) != 4 {
logline.Date = "Error"
logline.Time = "Error"
logline.Message = "This line was unparseable for front-end reading."
} else {
logline.Date = match[1]
logline.Time = match[2]
logline.Message = match[3]
logline_array = append(logline_array, logline)
if len(logline_array) > max_lines_returned {
logline_array = logline_array[len(logline_array)-max_lines_returned:]
return logline_array, nil