aunefyren 0c156ad7ad More stats, CSS fixes, GET-url support
CSS fixed up a bit, but still a bit messy.

API now gives more stats, like oldest movie, and the website calculates spent time watching content.

API file supports GET values in URL, but prioritizes POST if both are recieved.
2020-12-23 14:17:10 +01:00

295 lines
15 KiB

var results;
var loading_icon = document.getElementById("loading_icon");
var p_email = document.getElementById("p_email").value;
var p_email = p_email.replace(/[&\/\\#,+()$~%:*?<>{}]/g, '');
stats_form = {
"p_email" : p_email
var stats_data = JSON.stringify(stats_form);
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
xhttp.withCredentials = true;
xhttp.open("post", "api/get_stats.php");
loading_icon.style.display = "inline";
function load_page(data){
results = JSON.parse(data);
if(results.error == "true") {
loading_icon.style.display = "none";
var search_box = document.getElementById("search_input");
search_box.style.display = "none";
var text = "";
text += "<div class='boks' style='width: 100%; padding-bottom: 25em; padding-top: 25em; height:auto; background-color:#add8e6;'>";
text += "<h2 style='font-size:3em;'>Hey there, " + results.user.name + "!</h2><h2>";
text += "<br><br>2020 kinda sucked, but hopefully you watched some cool stuff...</p>"
text += "</div>";
text += "<div class='boks' style='height: auto !important; width: 100%; padding-bottom: 25em; padding-top: 25em; height:10em; background-color:#f7efd2;'>";
text += "<h2>Let's look at some movies.";
text += "<br><br><br>You watched " + results.user.user_movies.data.movies.length + " movies. That's a lot of movies!</h2><br>(or not, I am pre-programmed to say that)"
text += "<br><br>";
text += "<div class='boks3'>";
text += "<div class='boks2'>";
text += "<div class='status' id='list3'>";
text += "<div class='stats'>";
text += "<h4>Your top 10 movies in 2020</h4>";
for(i = 0; (i < results.user.user_movies.data.movies.length && i < 10); i++) {
text += "<div class='item'>";
text += "<div class='number'>";
text += i+1 + ". ";
text += "</div>";
text += "<div class='movie_name'><b>";
text += results.user.user_movies.data.movies[i].title;
var movie_hour = time_hours(results.user.user_movies.data.movies[i].duration)
text += "</b> (" + results.user.user_movies.data.movies[i].year + ")<br>" + movie_hour[0] + " hours, " + movie_hour[1] + " minutes<br>" + results.user.user_movies.data.movies[i].plays + " plays";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "<div class='boks2'>";
text += "<div class='status' id='list3' style='padding:1em;min-width:15em;'>";
text += "<div class='stats'>";
var str = JSON.stringify(results.user.user_movies.data.user_movie_finishing_percent);
var percent = str.split('.');
text += "<h4>Your average movie finishing percentage in 2020 was " + percent[0] + "%</h4>";
text += "<br>You're not watching the credits like a nerd, are you?";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "<div class='boks2'>";
text += "<div class='status' id='list3' style='padding:1em;min-width:15em;'>";
text += "<div class='stats'>";
text += "Your longest movie pause was watching <br><br><h4>" + results.user.user_movies.data.user_movie_most_paused.title + " (" + results.user.user_movies.data.user_movie_most_paused.year + ")</h4>";
var str = JSON.stringify(results.user.user_movies.data.user_movie_most_paused.paused_counter / 60);
var minutes = str.split('.');
text += "<br>It was paused for " + minutes[0] + " minutes...";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "<div class='boks2'>";
text += "<div class='status' id='list3' style='padding:1em;min-width:15em;'>";
text += "<div class='stats'>";
text += "The oldest movie you watched was <br><br><h4>" + results.user.user_movies.data.user_movie_oldest.title + " (" + results.user.user_movies.data.user_movie_oldest.year + ")</h4>";
text += "<br>Enjoying the classics, huh?";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
var sum = 0;
for(i = 0; (i < results.user.user_movies.data.movies.length); i++) {
sum += results.user.user_movies.data.movies[i].duration;
var sum_split = time_hours(sum);
text += "<div class='boks2'>";
text += "<div class='status' id='list3' style='padding:1em;min-width:15em;'>";
text += "<div class='stats'>";
text += "You spent <br><h4>" + sum_split[0] + " hours and " + sum_split[1] + " minutes</h4>";
text += " watching movies";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "<div class='boks' style='height: auto !important; width: 100%; padding-bottom: 25em; padding-top: 25em; height:10em; background-color:#eed7a1;'>";
text += "<h2>Now, let's have a look at some shows!";
text += "<br><br><br>You watched " + results.user.user_shows.data.shows.length + " different shows.</h2><br>(No, watching The Office twice in a year doesn't count as two shows)"
text += "<br><br>";
text += "<div class='boks3'>";
text += "<div class='boks2'>";
text += "<div class='status' id='list3' style=''>";
text += "<div class='stats'>";
text += "<h4>Your top 10 shows in 2020</h4>";
for(i = 0; (i < results.user.user_shows.data.shows.length && i < 10); i++) {
text += "<div class='item'>";
text += "<div class='number'>";
text += i+1 + ". ";
text += "</div>";
text += "<div class='movie_name'><b>";
text += results.user.user_shows.data.shows[i].title;
var show_hour = time_hours(results.user.user_shows.data.shows[i].duration)
text += "</b><br>" + show_hour[0] + " hours, " + show_hour[1] + " minutes<br>" + results.user.user_shows.data.shows[i].plays + " plays";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
if(results.user.user_shows.data.shows.length > 0) {
text += "<div class='boks2'>";
text += "<div class='status' id='list3' style='padding:1em;min-width:15em;'>";
text += "<div class='stats'>";
text += "<h4>Your top show was " + results.user.user_shows.data.shows[0].title + "</h4><br>";
var buddy_error = JSON.stringify(results.user.user_shows.data.show_buddy.error);
if(buddy_error == "true") {
text += "<br>That means you're a hipster, because you're the only viewer of that show in 2020 😎";
} else {
text += "And you're not alone! Your " + results.user.user_shows.data.shows[0].title + "-buddy is ";
text += "<b>" + results.user.user_shows.data.show_buddy.user.user + "!</b><br><br>";
var combined = results.user.user_shows.data.show_buddy.user.duration + parseInt(results.user.user_shows.data.shows[0].duration);
var combined_2 = time_hours(combined);
text += "Your combined efforts resulted in <b>" + combined_2[0] + " hours and " + combined_2[1] + " minutes</b> of " + results.user.user_shows.data.shows[0].title + "!</b><br><br>😎";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
var sum = 0;
for(i = 0; (i < results.user.user_shows.data.shows.length); i++) {
sum += results.user.user_shows.data.shows[i].duration;
var sum_split = time_hours(sum);
text += "<div class='boks2'>";
text += "<div class='status' id='list3' style='padding:1em;min-width:15em;'>";
text += "<div class='stats'>";
text += "You spent <br><h4>" + sum_split[0] + " hours and " + sum_split[1] + " minutes</h4>";
text += " watching shows";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "<div class='boks' style='height: auto !important; width: 100%; padding-bottom: 25em; padding-top: 25em; height:10em; background-color: #f7efd2;'>";
text += "<h2>Finally, let's look at the top users, movies and shows in 2020!";
text += "<br><br><br><br>It's okay to feel shame if you are on the list.</h2>(or missing from it...)"
text += "<br><br>";
text += "<div class='boks3'>";
text += "<div class='boks2'>";
text += "<div class='status' id='list3'>";
text += "<div class='stats'>";
text += "<h4>Top users from the past year</h4>";
for(i = 0; i < 10 && i < results.year_stats.data.users.length; i++) {
text += "<div class='item'>";
text += "<div class='number'>";
text += i+1 + ". ";
text += "</div>";
text += "<div class='name'>";
text += results.year_stats.data.users[i].user;
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
var sum_movies = 0;
for(i = 0; (i < results.year_stats.data.top_movies.length); i++) {
sum_movies += results.year_stats.data.top_movies[i].duration;
var sum_movies_split = time_days(sum_movies);
var sum_shows = 0;
for(i = 0; (i < results.year_stats.data.top_shows.length); i++) {
sum_shows += results.year_stats.data.top_shows[i].duration;
var sum_shows_split = time_days(sum_shows);
text += "<div class='boks2'>";
text += "<div class='status' id='list3' style='padding:1em;min-width:15em;'>";
text += "<div class='stats'>";
text += "The users spent <br><h4>" + sum_movies_split[0] + " days and " + sum_movies_split[1] + " hours</h4>";
text += " watching movies";
text += "<br><br>And, the users spent <br><h4>" + sum_shows_split[0] + " days and " + sum_shows_split[1] + " hours</h4>";
text += " watching shows";
text += "<br><br>That is <h4>" + Number(sum_shows_split[0] + sum_movies_split[0]) + " days and " + Number(sum_shows_split[1] + sum_movies_split[1]) + " hours </h4> of content!";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "<div class='boks3'>";
text += "<div class='boks2'>";
text += "<div class='status' id='list3' style=''>";
text += "<div class='stats'>";
text += "<h4>Top movies from the past year</h4>";
for(i = 0; i < 10 && i < results.year_stats.data.top_movies.length; i++) {
text += "<div class='item'>";
text += "<div class='number'>";
text += i+1 + ". ";
text += "</div>";
text += "<div class='movie_name'><b>";
text += results.year_stats.data.top_movies[i].title;
var movie_hour = time_hours(results.year_stats.data.top_movies[i].duration)
text += "</b><br>" + movie_hour[0] + " hours and " + movie_hour[1] + " minutes<br>" + results.year_stats.data.top_movies[i].plays + " plays";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "<div class='boks2'>";
text += "<div class='status' id='list3' style=''>";
text += "<div class='stats'>";
text += "<h4>Top shows from the past year</h4>";
for(i = 0; i < 10 && i < results.year_stats.data.top_shows.length; i++) {
text += "<div class='item'>";
text += "<div class='number'>";
text += i+1 + ". ";
text += "</div>";
text += "<div class='movie_name'><b>";
text += results.year_stats.data.top_shows[i].title;
var show_hour = time_hours(results.year_stats.data.top_shows[i].duration)
text += "</b><br>" + show_hour[0] + " hours and " + show_hour[1] + " minutes<br>" + results.year_stats.data.top_shows[i].plays + " plays";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "</div>";
text += "<div class='boks' style='height: auto !important; width: 100%; padding-bottom: 25em; padding-top: 25em; height:10em; background-color:#cd8b62;'>";
text += "<h2>Hope you are staying safe!<br><br><br><br>Goodybye.</h2>";
text += "</div>";