# Plex Wrapped A website and API for collecting Plex user stats within a set timeframe using Tautulli. ## Warning I made this for fun, and I am currently working on perfecting it. All feedback and tips are welcome. ## Instructions There are multiple settings you must configure! They are all located in config.json.

Tautulli API key
API key generated by Tautulli. Tautulli IP
The IP address of the Tautulli server. config.json
This file needs multiple values. Most importantly your Tautulli IP, port and API key. I made this using HTTP, if you use HTTPS you have to modify the API. Tautulli Port
The port for the Tautulli server. Can be left as "". SSL
This is supposed to enable HTTPS support, but it does not function at this time. Leave as false. Tautulli Root
If using reverse proxy with a set root, add it here. Do not add "/" before or after. Library ID Movies
The ID of your movie library in Tautulli. You can find it in the URL when visiting the library on the Tautulli website. Library ID Shows
The ID of your show library in Tautulli. You can find it in the URL when visiting the library on the Tautulli website. Library ID Movies
The id of your movie library in Tautulli. You can find it in the URL when visiting the library on the Tautulli website. Wrapped Start
The beginning of the wrapped time period. Written in Epoch. Conversion can be done here https://www.epochconverter.com/. Wrapped End
The end of the wrapped time period. Written in Epoch. Conversion can be done here https://www.epochconverter.com/. Get_... Settings
Disables or enables different methods in the API. Will probably break the website without reconfiguration. Tautulli Length
The number of items in your Tautulli database. Needed so API knows amount of data to load. ## Need help? If you contact me I might have time to help you. Or maybe not. If not, many people on several forums (including /r/plex) might be able to assist you. Goodybye.