function loadAdminPage() { topFunction(); var html = '
'; html += ``; html += '
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' var wrapped_start_obj = new Date(wrapped_start); var temp_date = wrapped_start_obj.toLocaleString("sv-SE", { year: "numeric", month: "2-digit", day: "2-digit", hour: "2-digit", minute: "2-digit", second: "2-digit" }).replace(" ", "T"); html += '
'; html += '
The more unique days in the wrapped period, the more Tautulli API calls. It is recommended to enable "Cache results for later use" to prevent long load times.
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; var wrapped_end_obj = new Date(wrapped_end); var temp_date = wrapped_end_obj.toLocaleString("sv-SE", { year: "numeric", month: "2-digit", day: "2-digit", hour: "2-digit", minute: "2-digit", second: "2-digit" }).replace(" ", "T"); html += '
'; html += ''; html += '
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'; document.getElementById("setup").innerHTML = html; getTimezones(); } function set_wrapperr_settings_call() { var wrapperr_root_original = wrapperr_root; document.getElementById("set_wrapperr_settings_form_button").disabled = true; document.getElementById("set_wrapperr_settings_form_button").style.opacity = '0.5'; wrapped_start = new Date(document.getElementById('wrapped_start').value); wrapped_end = new Date(document.getElementById('wrapped_end').value); use_cache = document.getElementById('use_cache').checked; use_logs = document.getElementById('use_logs').checked; plex_auth = document.getElementById('plex_auth').checked; basic_auth = document.getElementById('basic_auth').checked; wrapperr_root = document.getElementById('wrapperr_root').value; application_name_str = document.getElementById('application_name_str').value; application_url_str = document.getElementById('application_url_str').value; create_share_links = document.getElementById('create_share_links').checked; timezone = document.getElementById('timezone').value; clear_cache = document.getElementById('clear_cache').checked; winter_theme = document.getElementById('winter_theme').checked; if(wrapperr_root_original !== wrapperr_root) { if(!confirm("You have changed the Wrapperr root/base URL. Wrapperr will attempt to restart and the interface to access this webpage will change. If you are using an URL base you must use a trailing '/' at the end of your new URL.")){ return; } } if(wrapperr_root !== "") { var wrapperr_root_last_char = wrapperr_root.charAt(wrapperr_root.length-1); var wrapperr_root_first_char = wrapperr_root.charAt(0); if(wrapperr_root_last_char == "/" || wrapperr_root_first_char == "/") { document.getElementById("set_wrapperr_settings_form_button").disabled = false; document.getElementById("set_wrapperr_settings_form_button").style.opacity = '1'; alert("No trailing or initial '/' needed for URL base."); document.getElementById('wrapperr_root').focus(); return; } } if(timezone === '') { document.getElementById("set_wrapperr_settings_form_button").disabled = false; document.getElementById("set_wrapperr_settings_form_button").style.opacity = '1'; alert('Timezone is required for Wrapperr to function.'); document.getElementById('timezone').focus(); return; } if(wrapped_end < wrapped_start) { document.getElementById("set_wrapperr_settings_form_button").disabled = false; document.getElementById("set_wrapperr_settings_form_button").style.opacity = '1'; alert('The wrapped end period must be later than the wrapped start period.'); document.getElementById('wrapped_end').focus(); return; } if(wrapped_end === '') { document.getElementById("set_wrapperr_settings_form_button").disabled = false; document.getElementById("set_wrapperr_settings_form_button").style.opacity = '1'; alert('Ending of wrapped period is required for Wrapperr to function.'); document.getElementById('wrapped_end').focus(); return; } if(wrapped_start === '') { document.getElementById("set_wrapperr_settings_form_button").disabled = false; document.getElementById("set_wrapperr_settings_form_button").style.opacity = '1'; alert('Start of wrapped period is required for Wrapperr to function.'); document.getElementById('wrapped_start').focus(); return; } wrapperr_settings_form = { "clear_cache" : clear_cache, "data_type" : "wrapperr_data", "tautulli_config" : [], "wrapperr_customize" : {}, "wrapperr_data" : { "use_cache" : use_cache, "use_logs" : use_logs, "plex_auth" : plex_auth, "basic_auth" : basic_auth, "wrapperr_root" : wrapperr_root, "create_share_links" : create_share_links, "timezone" : timezone, "application_name" : application_name_str, "application_url" : application_url_str, "wrapped_start" : Math.round(wrapped_start.getTime() / 1000), "wrapped_end" : Math.round(wrapped_end.getTime() / 1000), "winter_theme" : winter_theme } }; var wrapperr_settings_data = JSON.stringify(wrapperr_settings_form); var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 4) { try { var result= JSON.parse(this.responseText); } catch(error) { alert('Failed to parse API response.'); console.log('Failed to parse API response. Response: ' + this.responseText); document.getElementById("set_wrapperr_settings_form_button").disabled = false; document.getElementById("set_wrapperr_settings_form_button").style.opacity = '1'; return; } if(result.error) { alert(result.error); document.getElementById("set_wrapperr_settings_form_button").disabled = false; document.getElementById("set_wrapperr_settings_form_button").style.opacity = '1'; } else { AdminPageRedirect(); } } }; xhttp.withCredentials = true;"post", api_url + "set/config"); xhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8"); xhttp.setRequestHeader("Authorization", cookie); xhttp.send(wrapperr_settings_data); return; } function getTimezones() { var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 4) { try { var result= JSON.parse(this.responseText); } catch(error) { alert('Failed to parse API response.'); console.log('Failed to parse API response. Response: ' + this.responseText); return; } if(result.error) { alert(result.error); } else { placeTimezones(; } } }; xhttp.withCredentials = true;"post", api_url + "get/timezones"); xhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8"); xhttp.setRequestHeader("Authorization", cookie); xhttp.send(); return; } function placeTimezones(timezoneArray) { dataList = document.getElementById("timezones"); timezoneArray.forEach(function(item){ var option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = item; = item; dataList.appendChild(option); }); }