Better error codes in PHP
HTTP response codes
CSS changed to <a> elements
Changed folder structure of html files to folder with index.html
Linking between main, admin and caching pages
Added footer to caching page
Music can now be added as stats.
More options on admin page
More dynamic building of stats with the new options considered
Fixed bug where test connection button malfunctioned because of no log-settings
All the different PHP APIs can now log successful activity to a log file in the config directory. The logging of Wrapped activity includes the ID of the user. Enabled/disabled in the admin menu.
- New design for platform
- Page change based on results
- Illustrations added
- Search by email and username
- Better security (sensitive files moved to folder with .htaccess)
- Admin page for setup (with password)
- Customizable functions
- Caching of results
- Pre-caching script for caching multiple users