
224 lines
5.1 KiB

const fs = require("./fs_promises.js"),
path = require("path"),
wboPencilPoint = require("../client-data/tools/pencil/wbo_pencil_point.js")
function htmlspecialchars(str) {
if (typeof str !== "string") return "";
return str.replace(/[<>&"']/g, function (c) {
switch (c) {
case "<":
return "&lt;";
case ">":
return "&gt;";
case "&":
return "&amp;";
case '"':
return "&quot;";
case "'":
return "&#39;";
function renderPath(el, pathstring) {
return (
"<path " +
(el.id ? 'id="' + htmlspecialchars(el.id) + '" ' : "") +
'stroke-width="' +
(el.size | 0) +
'" ' +
(el.opacity ? 'opacity="' + parseFloat(el.opacity) + '" ' : "") +
'stroke="' +
htmlspecialchars(el.color) +
'" ' +
'd="' +
pathstring +
'" ' +
(el.deltax || el.deltay
? 'transform="translate(' + +el.deltax + "," + +el.deltay + ')"'
: "") +
const Tools = {
* @return {string}
Text: function (el) {
return (
"<text " +
'id="' +
htmlspecialchars(el.id || "t") +
'" ' +
'x="' +
(el.x | 0) +
'" ' +
'y="' +
(el.y | 0) +
'" ' +
'font-size="' +
(el.size | 0) +
'" ' +
'fill="' +
htmlspecialchars(el.color || "#000") +
'" ' +
(el.deltax || el.deltay
? 'transform="translate(' +
(el.deltax || 0) +
"," +
(el.deltay || 0) +
: "") +
">" +
htmlspecialchars(el.txt || "") +
* @return {string}
Pencil: function (el) {
if (!el._children) return "";
let pts = el._children.reduce(function (pts, point) {
return wboPencilPoint(pts, point.x, point.y);
}, []);
const pathstring = pts
.map(function (op) {
return op.type + " " + op.values.join(" ");
.join(" ");
return renderPath(el, pathstring);
* @return {string}
Rectangle: function (el) {
return (
"<rect " +
(el.id ? 'id="' + htmlspecialchars(el.id) + '" ' : "") +
'x="' +
(el.x || 0) +
'" ' +
'y="' +
(el.y || 0) +
'" ' +
'width="' +
(el.x2 - el.x) +
'" ' +
'height="' +
(el.y2 - el.y) +
'" ' +
'stroke="' +
htmlspecialchars(el.color) +
'" ' +
'stroke-width="' +
(el.size | 0) +
'" ' +
(el.deltax || el.deltay
? 'transform="translate(' +
(el.deltax || 0) +
"," +
(el.deltay || 0) +
: "") +
* @return {string}
Ellipse: function (el) {
const cx = Math.round((el.x2 + el.x) / 2);
const cy = Math.round((el.y2 + el.y) / 2);
const rx = Math.abs(el.x2 - el.x) / 2;
const ry = Math.abs(el.y2 - el.y) / 2;
const pathstring =
"M" +
(cx - rx) +
" " +
cy +
"a" +
rx +
"," +
ry +
" 0 1,0 " +
rx * 2 +
",0" +
"a" +
rx +
"," +
ry +
" 0 1,0 " +
rx * -2 +
return renderPath(el, pathstring);
* @return {string}
"Straight line": function (el) {
const pathstring = "M" + el.x + " " + el.y + "L" + el.x2 + " " + el.y2;
return renderPath(el, pathstring);
* Writes the given board as an svg to the given writeable stream
* @param {Object[string, BoardElem]} obj
* @param {WritableStream} writeable
async function toSVG(obj, writeable) {
const margin = 400;
const elems = Object.values(obj);
const dim = elems.reduce(
function (dim, elem) {
if (elem._children && elem._children.length) elem = elem._children[0];
return [
Math.max((elem.x + margin + (elem.deltax | 0)) | 0, dim[0]),
Math.max((elem.y + margin + (elem.deltay | 0)) | 0, dim[1]),
[margin, margin]
'<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" ' +
'width="' +
dim[0] +
'" height="' +
dim[1] +
'">' +
'<defs><style type="text/css"><![CDATA[' +
'text {font-family:"Arial"}' +
"path {fill:none;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;}" +
"rect {fill:none}" +
await Promise.all(
elems.map(async function (elem) {
await Promise.resolve(); // Do not block the event loop
const renderFun = Tools[elem.tool];
if (renderFun) writeable.write(renderFun(elem));
else console.warn("Missing render function for tool", elem.tool);
async function renderBoard(file, stream) {
const data = await fs.promises.readFile(file);
var board = JSON.parse(data);
return toSVG(board, stream);
if (require.main === module) {
const config = require("./configuration.js");
process.argv[2] || path.join(config.HISTORY_DIR, "board-anonymous.json");
renderBoard(HISTORY_FILE, process.stdout).catch(console.error.bind(console));
} else {
module.exports = { renderBoard: renderBoard };