webshell/net-friend/可读写目录探测/啊D小工具 - 目录读写检测 [ASP版].asp
2013-06-20 09:50:18 +08:00

186 lines
5.9 KiB

<TITLE>啊D小工具 - 目录读写检测 [ASP版] http://www.d99net.net</TITLE>
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=gb2312">
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
a {text-decoration: none}
a:hover {text-decoration: underline; color: #FF9900}
select,textarea,pre,td,th,body,input{font-family: "宋体";font-size: 9pt}
.Edit { border: 1px groove #666666;}
.but1 {font-size: 9pt; border-width: 1px; cursor: hand}
Response.Buffer = True
'把路径加入 \
function GetFullPath(path)
GetFullPath = path
if Right(path,1) <> "\" then GetFullPath = path&"\" '如果字符最后不是 \ 的就加上
end function
Function Deltextfile(filepath)
On Error Resume Next
Set objFSO = CreateObject(CONST_FSO)
if objFSO.FileExists(filepath) then '检查文件是否存在
end if
Set objFSO = nothing
Deltextfile = Err.Number '返回错误码
End Function
'检测目录是否可写 0 为可读写 1为可写不可以删除
Function CheckDirIsOKWrite(DirStr)
On Error Resume Next
Set FSO = Server.CreateObject(CONST_FSO)
filepath = GetFullPath(DirStr)&fso.GettempName
CheckDirIsOKWrite = Err.Number '返回错误码
if ShowNoWriteDir and (CheckDirIsOKWrite =70) then
Response.Write "[<font color=#0066FF>目录</font>]"&DirStr&" [<font color=red>"&Err.Description&"</font>]<br>"
end if
set fout =Nothing
set FSO = Nothing
Deltextfile(filepath) '删除掉
if CheckDirIsOKWrite=0 and Deltextfile(filepath)=70 then CheckDirIsOKWrite =1
end Function
function CheckFileWrite(filepath)
On Error Resume Next
Set FSO = Server.CreateObject(CONST_FSO)
set getAtt=FSO.GetFile(filepath)
getAtt.Attributes = getAtt.Attributes
CheckFileWrite = Err.Number
set FSO = Nothing
set getAtt = Nothing
end function
function ShowDirWrite_Dir_File(Path,CheckFile,CheckNextDir)
On Error Resume Next
Set FSO = Server.CreateObject(CONST_FSO)
B = FSO.FolderExists(Path)
set FSO=nothing
IS_TEMP_DIR = (instr(UCase(Path),"WINDOWS\TEMP")>0) and NoCheckTemp
if B=false then '如果不是目录就进行文件检测
Re = CheckFileWrite(Path) '检测是否可写
if Re =0 then
Response.Write "[文件]<font color=red>"&Path&"</font><br>"
b =true
exit function
Response.Write "[<font color=red>文件</font>]"&Path&" [<font color=red>"&Err.Description&"</font>]<br>"
exit function
end if
end if
Path = GetFullPath(Path) '加 \
re = CheckDirIsOKWrite(Path) '当前目录也检测一下
if (re =0) or (re=1) then
Response.Write "[目录]<font color=#0000FF>"& Path&"</font><br>"
end if
Set FSO = Server.CreateObject(CONST_FSO)
set f = fso.getfolder(Path)
if (CheckFile=True) and (IS_TEMP_DIR=false) then
for each file in f.Files
Re = CheckFileWrite(Path&file.name) '检测是否可写
if Re =0 then
Response.Write "[文件]<font color=red>"& Path&file.name&"</font><br>"
b =true
if ShowNoWriteDir then Response.Write "[<font color=red>文件</font>]"&Path&file.name&" [<font color=red>"&Err.Description&"</font>]<br>"
end if
if b then response.Flush '如果有内容就刷新客户端显示
end if
'============= 目录检测 ================
for each file in f.SubFolders
if CheckNextDir=false then '是否检测下一个目录
re = CheckDirIsOKWrite(Path&file.name)
if (re =0) or (re=1) then
Response.Write "[目录]<font color=#0066FF>"& Path&file.name&"</font><br>"
end if
end if
if (CheckNextDir=True) and (IS_TEMP_DIR=false) then '是否检测下一个目录
ShowDirWrite_Dir_File Path&file.name,CheckFile,CheckNextDir '再检测下一个目录
end if
Set FSO = Nothing
set f = Nothing
end function
if Request("Paths") ="" then
Paths_str="c:\windows\"&chr(13)&chr(10)&"c:\Documents and Settings\"&chr(13)&chr(10)&"c:\Program Files\"
if Session("paths")<>"" then Paths_str=Session("paths")
Response.Write "<form id='form1' name='form1' method='post' action=''>"
Response.Write "此程序可以检测你服务器的目录读写情况,为你服务器提供一些安全相关信息!<br>输入你想检测的目录,程序会自动检测子目录<br>"
Response.Write "<textarea name='Paths' cols='80' rows='10' class='Edit'>"&Paths_str&"</textarea>"
Response.Write "<br />"
Response.Write "<input type='submit' name='button' value='开始检测' / class='but1'>"
Response.Write "<label for='CheckNextDir'>"
Response.Write "<input name='CheckNextDir' type='checkbox' id='CheckNextDir' checked='checked' />测试目录 "
Response.Write "</label>"
Response.Write "<label for='CheckFile'>"
Response.Write "<input name='CheckFile' type='checkbox' id='CheckFile' checked='checked' />测试文件"
Response.Write "</label>"
Response.Write "<label for='ShowNoWrite'>"
Response.Write "<input name='ShowNoWrite' type='checkbox' id='ShowNoWrite'/>"
Response.Write "显禁写目录和文件</label>"
Response.Write "<label for='NoCheckTemp'>"
Response.Write "<input name='NoCheckTemp' type='checkbox' id='NoCheckTemp' checked='checked' />"
Response.Write "不检测临时目录</label>"
Response.Write "</form>"
Response.Write "<a href=""?"">重新输入路径</a><br>"
CheckFile = (Request("CheckFile")="on")
CheckNextDir = (Request("CheckNextDir")="on")
ShowNoWriteDir = (Request("ShowNoWrite")="on")
NoCheckTemp = (Request("NoCheckTemp")="on")
Response.Write "检测可能需要一定的时间请稍等......<br>"
Session("paths") = Request("Paths")
For i=LBound(PathsSplit) To UBound(PathsSplit)
if instr(PathsSplit(i),":")>0 then
ShowDirWrite_Dir_File Trim(PathsSplit(i)),CheckFile,CheckNextDir
End If
Response.Write "[扫描完成]<br>"
end if