2018-03-31 11:55:20 -03:00

54 lines
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ALE ReasonML Integration *ale-reasonml-options*
merlin *ale-reasonml-merlin*
To use merlin linter for ReasonML source code you need to make sure Merlin
for Vim is correctly configured. See the corresponding Merlin wiki page for
detailed instructions
ols *ale-reasonml-ols*
The `ocaml-language-server` is the engine that powers OCaml and ReasonML
editor support using the Language Server Protocol. See the installation
g:ale_reason_ols_executable *g:ale_reason_ols_executable*
Type: |String|
Default: `'ocaml-language-server'`
This variable can be set to change the executable path for `ols`.
g:ale_reason_ols_use_global *g:ale_reason_ols_use_global*
Type: |String|
Default: `0`
This variable can be set to `1` to always use the globally installed
executable. See also |ale-integrations-local-executables|.
refmt *ale-reasonml-refmt*
g:ale_reasonml_refmt_executable *g:ale_reasonml_refmt_executable*
Type: |String|
Default: `'refmt'`
This variable can be set to pass the path of the refmt fixer.
g:ale_reasonml_refmt_options *g:ale_reasonml_refmt_options*
Type: |String|
Default: `''`
This variable can be set to pass additional options to the refmt fixer.