amix 0d8e7370bd Added vim-commentary and updarted the plugins.
Comment stuff out.  Use `gcc` to comment out a line (takes a count),
`gc` to comment out the target of a motion (for example, `gcap` to
comment out a paragraph), and `gc` in visual mode to comment out the
selection.  That's it.
2014-03-02 14:35:00 +00:00

28 lines
896 B

*commentary.txt* Comment stuff out
Author: Tim Pope <>
License: Same terms as Vim itself (see |license|)
Comment stuff out. Then uncomment it later. Relies on 'commentstring' to be
correctly set.
The gc mappings are preferred, while the \\ mappings are provided for
backwards compatibility.
*gc* *\\*
gc{motion} Comment or uncomment lines that {motion} moves over.
*gcc* *\\\*
gcc Comment or uncomment [count] lines.
*v_gc* *v_\\*
{Visual}gc Comment or uncomment the highlighted lines.
*gcu* *\\u*
gcu Uncomment the current and adjacent commented lines.