scriptencoding utf-8 let s:plugin_version = copilot#version#String() let s:error_canceled = {'code': -32800, 'message': 'Canceled'} let s:error_exit = {'code': -32097, 'message': 'Process exited'} let s:error_connection_inactive = {'code': -32096, 'message': 'Connection inactive'} let s:root = expand(':h:h:h') if !exists('s:instances') let s:instances = {} endif " allow sourcing this file to reload the Lua file too if has('nvim') lua package.loaded._copilot = nil endif function! s:Warn(msg) abort if !empty(get(g:, 'copilot_no_startup_warnings')) return endif echohl WarningMsg echomsg 'Copilot: ' . a:msg echohl NONE endfunction function! s:VimClose() dict abort if !has_key(self, 'job') return endif let job = self.job if has_key(self, 'kill') call job_stop(job, 'kill') call copilot#logger#Warn('Process forcefully terminated') return endif let self.kill = v:true let self.shutdown = self.Request('shutdown', {}, function(self.Notify, ['exit'])) call timer_start(2000, { _ -> job_stop(job, 'kill') }) call copilot#logger#Debug('Process shutdown initiated') endfunction function! s:LogSend(request, line) abort return '--> ' . a:line endfunction function! s:RejectRequest(request, error) abort if a:request.status !=# 'running' return endif let a:request.waiting = {} call remove(a:request, 'resolve') let reject = remove(a:request, 'reject') let a:request.status = 'error' let a:request.error = deepcopy(a:error) for Cb in reject let a:request.waiting[timer_start(0, function('s:Callback', [a:request, 'error', Cb]))] = 1 endfor if index([s:error_canceled.code, s:error_connection_inactive.code], a:error.code) != -1 return endif let msg = 'Method ' . a:request.method . ' errored with E' . a:error.code . ': ' . json_encode(a:error.message) if empty(reject) call copilot#logger#Error(msg) else call copilot#logger#Debug(msg) endif endfunction function! s:AfterInitialized(fn, ...) dict abort call add(self.after_initialized, function(a:fn, a:000)) endfunction function! s:Send(instance, request) abort if !has_key(a:instance, 'job') return v:false endif try call ch_sendexpr(a:instance.job, a:request) return v:true catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E906:/ let a:instance.kill = v:true let job = remove(a:instance, 'job') call job_stop(job) call timer_start(2000, { _ -> job_stop(job, 'kill') }) call copilot#logger#Warn('Terminating process after failed write') return v:false catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E631:/ return v:false endtry endfunction function! s:VimNotify(method, params) dict abort let request = {'method': a:method, 'params': a:params} call self.AfterInitialized(function('s:Send', [self, request])) endfunction function! s:RequestWait() dict abort while self.status ==# 'running' sleep 1m endwhile while !empty(get(self, 'waiting', {})) sleep 1m endwhile return self endfunction function! s:RequestAwait() dict abort call self.Wait() if has_key(self, 'result') return self.result endif throw 'Copilot:E' . self.error.code . ': ' . self.error.message endfunction function! s:RequestClient() dict abort return get(s:instances, self.client_id, v:null) endfunction if !exists('s:id') let s:id = 0 endif if !exists('s:progress_token_id') let s:progress_token_id = 0 endif function! s:SetUpRequest(instance, id, method, params, progress, ...) abort let request = { \ 'client_id':, \ 'id': a:id, \ 'method': a:method, \ 'params': a:params, \ 'Client': function('s:RequestClient'), \ 'Wait': function('s:RequestWait'), \ 'Await': function('s:RequestAwait'), \ 'Cancel': function('s:RequestCancel'), \ 'resolve': [], \ 'reject': [], \ 'progress': a:progress, \ 'status': 'running'} let args = a:000[2:-1] if len(args) if !empty(a:1) call add(request.resolve, { v -> call(a:1, [v] + args)}) endif if !empty(a:2) call add(request.reject, { v -> call(a:2, [v] + args)}) endif return request endif if a:0 && !empty(a:1) call add(request.resolve, a:1) endif if a:0 > 1 && !empty(a:2) call add(request.reject, a:2) endif return request endfunction function! s:UrlEncode(str) abort return substitute(iconv(a:str, 'latin1', 'utf-8'),'[^A-Za-z0-9._~!$&''()*+,;=:@/-]','\="%".printf("%02X",char2nr(submatch(0)))','g') endfunction let s:slash = exists('+shellslash') ? '\' : '/' function! s:UriFromBufnr(bufnr) abort let absolute = tr(bufname(a:bufnr), s:slash, '/') if absolute !~# '^\a\+:\|^/\|^$' && getbufvar(a:bufnr, 'buftype') =~# '^\%(nowrite\)\=$' let absolute = substitute(tr(getcwd(), s:slash, '/'), '/\=$', '/', '') . absolute endif return s:UriFromPath(absolute) endfunction function! s:UriFromPath(absolute) abort let absolute = a:absolute if has('win32') && absolute =~# '^\a://\@!' return 'file:///' . strpart(absolute, 0, 2) . s:UrlEncode(strpart(absolute, 2)) elseif absolute =~# '^/' return 'file://' . s:UrlEncode(absolute) elseif absolute =~# '^\a[[:alnum:].+-]*:\|^$' return absolute else return '' endif endfunction function! s:BufferText(bufnr) abort return join(getbufline(a:bufnr, 1, '$'), "\n") . "\n" endfunction let s:valid_request_key = '^\%(id\|method\|params\)$' function! s:SendRequest(instance, request, ...) abort if !has_key(a:instance, 'job') || get(a:instance, 'shutdown', a:request) isnot# a:request return s:RejectRequest(a:request, s:error_connection_inactive) endif let json = filter(copy(a:request), 'v:key =~# s:valid_request_key') if empty(s:Send(a:instance, json)) && has_key(a:request, 'id') && has_key(a:instance.requests, call s:RejectRequest(remove(a:instance.requests,, {'code': -32099, 'message': 'Write failed'}) endif endfunction function! s:RegisterWorkspaceFolderForBuffer(instance, buf) abort let root = getbufvar(a:buf, 'workspace_folder') if type(root) != v:t_string return endif let root = s:UriFromPath(substitute(root, '[\/]$', '', '')) if empty(root) || has_key(a:instance.workspaceFolders, root) return endif let a:instance.workspaceFolders[root] = v:true call a:instance.Notify('workspace/didChangeWorkspaceFolders', {'event': {'added': [{'uri': root, 'name': fnamemodify(root, ':t')}], 'removed': []}}) endfunction function! s:PreprocessParams(instance, params) abort let bufnr = v:null for doc in filter([get(a:params, 'textDocument', {})], 'type(get(v:val, "uri", "")) == v:t_number') let bufnr = doc.uri call s:RegisterWorkspaceFolderForBuffer(a:instance, bufnr) call extend(doc, a:instance.Attach(bufnr)) endfor let progress_tokens = [] for key in keys(a:params) if key =~# 'Token$' && type(a:params[key]) == v:t_func let s:progress_token_id += 1 let a:instance.progress[s:progress_token_id] = a:params[key] call add(progress_tokens, s:progress_token_id) let a:params[key] = s:progress_token_id endif endfor return [bufnr, progress_tokens] endfunction function! s:VimAttach(bufnr) dict abort if !bufloaded(a:bufnr) return {'uri': '', 'version': 0} endif let bufnr = a:bufnr let doc = { \ 'uri': s:UriFromBufnr(bufnr), \ 'version': getbufvar(bufnr, 'changedtick', 0), \ 'languageId': getbufvar(bufnr, '&filetype'), \ } if has_key(self.open_buffers, bufnr) && ( \ self.open_buffers[bufnr].uri !=# doc.uri || \ self.open_buffers[bufnr].languageId !=# doc.languageId) call self.Notify('textDocument/didClose', {'textDocument': {'uri': self.open_buffers[bufnr].uri}}) call remove(self.open_buffers, bufnr) endif if !has_key(self.open_buffers, bufnr) call self.Notify('textDocument/didOpen', {'textDocument': extend({'text': s:BufferText(bufnr)}, doc)}) let self.open_buffers[bufnr] = doc else call self.Notify('textDocument/didChange', { \ 'textDocument': {'uri': doc.uri, 'version': doc.version}, \ 'contentChanges': [{'text': s:BufferText(bufnr)}]}) let self.open_buffers[bufnr].version = doc.version endif return doc endfunction function! s:VimIsAttached(bufnr) dict abort return bufloaded(a:bufnr) && has_key(self.open_buffers, a:bufnr) ? v:true : v:false endfunction function! s:VimRequest(method, params, ...) dict abort let s:id += 1 let params = deepcopy(a:params) let [_, progress] = s:PreprocessParams(self, params) let request = call('s:SetUpRequest', [self, s:id, a:method, params, progress] + a:000) call self.AfterInitialized(function('s:SendRequest', [self, request])) let self.requests[s:id] = request return request endfunction function! s:Call(method, params, ...) dict abort let request = call(self.Request, [a:method, a:params] + a:000) if a:0 return request endif return request.Await() endfunction function! s:Cancel(request) dict abort if has_key(self.requests, get(a:request, 'id', '')) call self.Notify('$/cancelRequest', {'id':}) call s:RejectRequest(remove(self.requests,, s:error_canceled) endif endfunction function! s:RequestCancel() dict abort let instance = self.Client() if !empty(instance) call instance.Cancel(self) elseif get(self, 'status', '') ==# 'running' call s:RejectRequest(self, s:error_canceled) endif return self endfunction function! s:DispatchMessage(instance, method, handler, id, params, ...) abort try let response = {'result': call(a:handler, [a:params, a:instance])} if response.result is# 0 let response.result = v:null endif catch call copilot#logger#Exception('lsp.request.' . a:method) let response = {'error': {'code': -32000, 'message': v:exception}} endtry if a:id isnot# v:null call s:Send(a:instance, extend({'id': a:id}, response)) endif if !has_key(s:notifications, a:method) return response endif endfunction function! s:OnMessage(instance, body, ...) abort if !has_key(a:body, 'method') return s:OnResponse(a:instance, a:body) endif let request = a:body let id = get(request, 'id', v:null) let params = get(request, 'params', v:null) if has_key(a:instance.methods, request.method) return s:DispatchMessage(a:instance, request.method, a:instance.methods[request.method], id, params) elseif id isnot# v:null call s:Send(a:instance, {"id": id, "error": {"code": -32700, "message": "Method not found: " . request.method}}) call copilot#logger#Debug('Unexpected request ' . request.method . ' called with ' . json_encode(params)) elseif request.method !~# '^\$/' call copilot#logger#Debug('Unexpected notification ' . request.method . ' called with ' . json_encode(params)) endif endfunction function! s:OnResponse(instance, response, ...) abort let response = a:response let id = get(a:response, 'id', v:null) if !has_key(a:instance.requests, id) return endif let request = remove(a:instance.requests, id) for progress_token in request.progress if has_key(a:instance.progress, progress_token) call remove(a:instance.progress, progress_token) endif endfor if request.status !=# 'running' return endif if has_key(response, 'result') let request.waiting = {} let resolve = remove(request, 'resolve') call remove(request, 'reject') let request.status = 'success' let request.result = response.result for Cb in resolve let request.waiting[timer_start(0, function('s:Callback', [request, 'result', Cb]))] = 1 endfor else call s:RejectRequest(request, response.error) endif endfunction function! s:OnErr(instance, ch, line, ...) abort if !has_key(a:instance, 'serverInfo') call copilot#logger#Bare('<-! ' . a:line) endif endfunction function! s:OnExit(instance, code, ...) abort let a:instance.exit_status = a:code if has_key(a:instance, 'job') call remove(a:instance, 'job') endif if has_key(a:instance, 'client_id') call remove(a:instance, 'client_id') endif let message = 'Process exited with status ' . a:code if a:code >= 18 && a:code < 100 let message = 'Node.js too old. ' . \ (get(a:instance.node, 0, 'node') ==# 'node' ? 'Upgrade' : 'Change g:copilot_node_command') . \ ' to ' . a:code . '.x or newer' endif if !has_key(a:instance, 'serverInfo') && !has_key(a:instance, 'startup_error') let a:instance.startup_error = message endif for id in sort(keys(a:instance.requests), { a, b -> +a > +b }) call s:RejectRequest(remove(a:instance.requests, id), s:error_exit) endfor if has_key(a:instance, 'after_initialized') let a:instance.AfterInitialized = function('copilot#util#Defer') for Fn in remove(a:instance, 'after_initialized') call copilot#util#Defer(Fn) endfor endif call copilot#util#Defer({ -> get(s:instances, is# a:instance ? remove(s:instances, : {} }) if a:code == 0 call copilot#logger#Info(message) else call copilot#logger#Warn(message) if !has_key(a:instance, 'kill') call copilot#util#Defer(function('s:Warn'), message) endif endif endfunction function! copilot#client#LspInit(id, initialize_result) abort if !has_key(s:instances, a:id) return endif call s:PostInit(a:initialize_result, s:instances[a:id]) endfunction function! copilot#client#LspExit(id, code, signal) abort if !has_key(s:instances, a:id) return endif let instance = remove(s:instances, a:id) call s:OnExit(instance, a:code) endfunction function! copilot#client#LspResponse(id, opts, ...) abort if !has_key(s:instances, a:id) return endif call s:OnResponse(s:instances[a:id], a:opts) endfunction function! s:NvimAttach(bufnr) dict abort if !bufloaded(a:bufnr) return {'uri': '', 'version': 0} endif call luaeval('pcall(vim.lsp.buf_attach_client, _A[1], _A[2])', [a:bufnr,]) return luaeval('{uri = vim.uri_from_bufnr(_A), version = vim.lsp.util.buf_versions[_A]}', a:bufnr) endfunction function! s:NvimIsAttached(bufnr) dict abort return bufloaded(a:bufnr) ? luaeval('vim.lsp.buf_is_attached(_A[1], _A[2])', [a:bufnr,]) : v:false endfunction function! s:NvimRequest(method, params, ...) dict abort let params = deepcopy(a:params) let [bufnr, progress] = s:PreprocessParams(self, params) let request = call('s:SetUpRequest', [self, v:null, a:method, params, progress] + a:000) call self.AfterInitialized(function('s:NvimDoRequest', [self, request, bufnr])) return request endfunction function! s:NvimDoRequest(client, request, bufnr) abort let request = a:request if has_key(a:client, 'client_id') && !has_key(a:client, 'kill') let = eval("v:lua.require'_copilot'.lsp_request(, a:request.method, a:request.params, a:bufnr)") endif if isnot# v:null let a:client.requests[] = request else if has_key(a:client, 'client_id') call copilot#client#LspExit(a:client.client_id, -1, -1) endif call copilot#util#Defer(function('s:RejectRequest'), request, s:error_connection_inactive) endif return request endfunction function! s:NvimClose() dict abort if !has_key(self, 'client_id') return endif let self.kill = v:true return luaeval('vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(_A).stop()', self.client_id) endfunction function! s:NvimNotify(method, params) dict abort call self.AfterInitialized(function('s:NvimDoNotify', [self.client_id, a:method, a:params])) endfunction function! s:NvimDoNotify(client_id, method, params) abort return eval("v:lua.require'_copilot'.rpc_notify(a:client_id, a:method, a:params)") endfunction function! copilot#client#LspHandle(id, request) abort if !has_key(s:instances, a:id) return endif return s:OnMessage(s:instances[a:id], a:request) endfunction let s:script_name = 'dist/language-server.js' function! s:Command() abort if !has('nvim-0.7') && v:version < 900 return [[], [], 'Vim version too old'] endif let script = get(g:, 'copilot_command', '') if type(script) == type('') let script = [expand(script)] endif if empty(script) || !filereadable(script[0]) let script = [s:root . '/' . s:script_name] if !filereadable(script[0]) return [[], [], 'Could not find ' . s:script_name . ' (bad install?)'] endif elseif script[0] !~# '\.js$' return [[], script + ['--stdio'], ''] endif let node = get(g:, 'copilot_node_command', '') if empty(node) let node = ['node'] elseif type(node) == type('') let node = [expand(node)] endif if !executable(get(node, 0, '')) if get(node, 0, '') ==# 'node' return [[], [], 'Node.js not found in PATH'] else return [[], [], 'Node.js executable `' . get(node, 0, '') . "' not found"] endif endif return [node, script + ['--stdio'], ''] endfunction function! s:UrlDecode(str) abort return substitute(a:str, '%\(\x\x\)', '\=iconv(nr2char("0x".submatch(1)), "utf-8", "latin1")', 'g') endfunction function! copilot#client#EditorInfo() abort if !exists('s:editor_version') if has('nvim') let s:editor_version = matchstr(execute('version'), 'NVIM v\zs[^[:space:]]\+') else let s:editor_version = (v:version / 100) . '.' . (v:version % 100) . (exists('v:versionlong') ? printf('.%04d', v:versionlong % 10000) : '') endif endif return {'name': has('nvim') ? 'Neovim': 'Vim', 'version': s:editor_version} endfunction function! copilot#client#EditorPluginInfo() abort return {'name': 'copilot.vim', 'version': s:plugin_version} endfunction function! copilot#client#Settings() abort let settings = { \ 'http': { \ 'proxy': get(g:, 'copilot_proxy', v:null), \ 'proxyStrictSSL': get(g:, 'copilot_proxy_strict_ssl', v:null)}, \ 'github-enterprise': {'uri': get(g:, 'copilot_auth_provider_url', v:null)}, \ } if type(settings.http.proxy) ==# v:t_string && settings.http.proxy =~# '^[^/]\+$' let settings.http.proxy = 'http://' . settings.http.proxy endif if type(get(g:, 'copilot_settings')) == v:t_dict call extend(settings, g:copilot_settings) endif return settings endfunction function! s:PostInit(result, instance) abort let a:instance.serverInfo = get(a:result, 'serverInfo', {}) if !has_key(a:instance, 'node_version') && has_key(a:result.serverInfo, 'nodeVersion') let a:instance.node_version = a:result.serverInfo.nodeVersion endif let a:instance.AfterInitialized = function('copilot#util#Defer') for Fn in remove(a:instance, 'after_initialized') call copilot#util#Defer(Fn) endfor endfunction function! s:InitializeResult(result, instance) abort call s:Send(a:instance, {'method': 'initialized', 'params': {}}) call s:PostInit(a:result, a:instance) endfunction function! s:InitializeError(error, instance) abort if !has_key(a:instance, 'startup_error') let a:instance.startup_error = 'Unexpected error E' . a:error.code . ' initializing language server: ' . a:error.message call a:instance.Close() endif endfunction function! s:StartupError() dict abort while (has_key(self, 'job') || has_key(self, 'client_id')) && !has_key(self, 'startup_error') && !has_key(self, 'serverInfo') sleep 10m endwhile if has_key(self, 'serverInfo') return '' else return get(self, 'startup_error', 'Something unexpected went wrong spawning the language server') endif endfunction function! s:StatusNotification(params, instance) abort let a:instance.status = a:params endfunction function! s:Nop(...) abort return v:null endfunction function! s:False(...) abort return v:false endfunction function! s:Progress(params, instance) abort if has_key(a:instance.progress, a:params.token) call a:instance.progress[a:params.token](a:params.value) endif endfunction let s:notifications = { \ '$/progress': function('s:Progress'), \ 'featureFlagsNotification': function('s:Nop'), \ 'statusNotification': function('s:StatusNotification'), \ 'window/logMessage': function('copilot#handlers#window_logMessage'), \ } let s:vim_handlers = { \ 'window/showMessageRequest': function('copilot#handlers#window_showMessageRequest'), \ 'window/showDocument': function('copilot#handlers#window_showDocument'), \ } let s:vim_capabilities = { \ 'workspace': {'workspaceFolders': v:true}, \ 'window': {'showDocument': {'support': v:true}}, \ } function! copilot#client#New(...) abort let opts = a:0 ? a:1 : {} let instance = {'requests': {}, \ 'progress': {}, \ 'workspaceFolders': {}, \ 'after_initialized': [], \ 'status': {'status': 'Starting', 'message': ''}, \ 'AfterInitialized': function('s:AfterInitialized'), \ 'Close': function('s:Nop'), \ 'Notify': function('s:False'), \ 'Request': function('s:VimRequest'), \ 'Attach': function('s:Nop'), \ 'IsAttached': function('s:False'), \ 'Call': function('s:Call'), \ 'Cancel': function('s:Cancel'), \ 'StartupError': function('s:StartupError'), \ } let instance.methods = copy(s:notifications) let [node, argv, command_error] = s:Command() if !empty(command_error) let = -1 let instance.startup_error = command_error call copilot#logger#Error(command_error) return instance endif let instance.node = node let command = node + argv let opts = {} let opts.initializationOptions = { \ 'editorInfo': copilot#client#EditorInfo(), \ 'editorPluginInfo': copilot#client#EditorPluginInfo(), \ } let opts.workspaceFolders = [] let settings = extend(copilot#client#Settings(), get(opts, 'editorConfiguration', {})) if type(get(g:, 'copilot_workspace_folders')) == v:t_list for folder in g:copilot_workspace_folders if type(folder) == v:t_string && !empty(folder) && folder !~# '\*\*\|^/$' for path in glob(folder . '/', 0, 1) let uri = s:UriFromPath(substitute(path, '[\/]*$', '', '')) call add(opts.workspaceFolders, {'uri': uri, 'name': fnamemodify(uri, ':t')}) endfor elseif type(folder) == v:t_dict && has_key(v:t_dict, 'uri') && !empty(folder.uri) && has_key(folder, 'name') call add(opts.workspaceFolders, folder) endif endfor endif for folder in opts.workspaceFolders let instance.workspaceFolders[folder.uri] = v:true endfor if has('nvim') call extend(instance, { \ 'Close': function('s:NvimClose'), \ 'Notify': function('s:NvimNotify'), \ 'Request': function('s:NvimRequest'), \ 'Attach': function('s:NvimAttach'), \ 'IsAttached': function('s:NvimIsAttached'), \ }) let instance.client_id = eval("v:lua.require'_copilot'.lsp_start_client(command, keys(instance.methods), opts, settings)") let = instance.client_id else call extend(instance, { \ 'Close': function('s:VimClose'), \ 'Notify': function('s:VimNotify'), \ 'Attach': function('s:VimAttach'), \ 'IsAttached': function('s:VimIsAttached'), \ }) let state = {'headers': {}, 'mode': 'headers', 'buffer': ''} let instance.open_buffers = {} let instance.methods = extend(s:vim_handlers, instance.methods) let instance.job = job_start(command, { \ 'cwd': copilot#job#Cwd(), \ 'noblock': 1, \ 'stoponexit': '', \ 'in_mode': 'lsp', \ 'out_mode': 'lsp', \ 'out_cb': { j, d -> copilot#util#Defer(function('s:OnMessage'), instance, d) }, \ 'err_cb': function('s:OnErr', [instance]), \ 'exit_cb': { j, d -> copilot#util#Defer(function('s:OnExit'), instance, d) }, \ }) let = job_info(instance.job).process let opts.capabilities = s:vim_capabilities let opts.processId = getpid() let request = instance.Request('initialize', opts, function('s:InitializeResult'), function('s:InitializeError'), instance) call call(remove(instance.after_initialized, 0), []) call instance.Notify('workspace/didChangeConfiguration', {'settings': settings}) endif let s:instances[] = instance return instance endfunction function! copilot#client#Cancel(request) abort if type(a:request) == type({}) && has_key(a:request, 'Cancel') call a:request.Cancel() endif endfunction function! s:Callback(request, type, callback, timer) abort call remove(a:request.waiting, a:timer) if has_key(a:request, a:type) call a:callback(a:request[a:type]) endif endfunction function! copilot#client#Result(request, callback) abort if has_key(a:request, 'resolve') call add(a:request.resolve, a:callback) elseif has_key(a:request, 'result') let a:request.waiting[timer_start(0, function('s:Callback', [a:request, 'result', a:callback]))] = 1 endif endfunction function! copilot#client#Error(request, callback) abort if has_key(a:request, 'reject') call add(a:request.reject, a:callback) elseif has_key(a:request, 'error') let a:request.waiting[timer_start(0, function('s:Callback', [a:request, 'error', a:callback]))] = 1 endif endfunction function! s:CloseBuffer(bufnr) abort for instance in values(s:instances) try if has_key(instance, 'job') && has_key(instance.open_buffers, a:bufnr) let buffer = remove(instance.open_buffers, a:bufnr) call instance.Notify('textDocument/didClose', {'textDocument': {'uri': buffer.uri}}) endif catch call copilot#logger#Exception() endtry endfor endfunction augroup copilot_close autocmd! if !has('nvim') autocmd BufUnload * call s:CloseBuffer(+expand('')) endif augroup END