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synced 2025-03-07 00:17:24 +00:00
332 lines
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332 lines
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/* Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Salvatore Sanfilippo -- All Rights Reserved
* See the LICENSE file for information about the license. */
#include "app.h"
#include <gui/view.h>
#include <lib/toolbox/random_name.h>
/* This view has subviews accessible navigating up/down. This
* enumaration is used to track the currently active subview. */
enum {
SubViewInfoLast, /* Just a sentinel. */
/* Our view private data. */
typedef struct {
/* Our save view displays an oscilloscope-alike resampled signal,
* so that the user can see what they are saving. With left/right
* you can move to next rows. Here we store where we are. */
uint32_t signal_display_start_row;
char* filename;
uint8_t cur_info_page; // Info page to display. Useful when there are
// too many fields populated by the decoder that
// a single page is not enough.
} InfoViewPrivData;
/* Draw the text label and value of the specified info field at x,y. */
static void render_info_field(Canvas* const canvas, ProtoViewField* f, uint8_t x, uint8_t y) {
char buf[64];
char strval[32];
field_to_string(strval, sizeof(strval), f);
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s: %s", f->name, strval);
canvas_set_font(canvas, FontSecondary);
canvas_draw_str(canvas, x, y, buf);
/* Render the view with the detected message information. */
static void render_subview_main(Canvas* const canvas, ProtoViewApp* app) {
InfoViewPrivData* privdata = app->view_privdata;
uint8_t pages =
(app->msg_info->fieldset->numfields + (INFO_LINES_PER_PAGE - 1)) / INFO_LINES_PER_PAGE;
privdata->cur_info_page %= pages;
uint8_t current_page = privdata->cur_info_page;
char buf[32];
/* Protocol name as title. */
canvas_set_font(canvas, FontPrimary);
uint8_t y = 8, lineheight = 10;
if(pages > 1) {
buf, sizeof(buf), "%s %u/%u", app->msg_info->decoder->name, current_page + 1, pages);
canvas_draw_str(canvas, 0, y, buf);
} else {
canvas_draw_str(canvas, 0, y, app->msg_info->decoder->name);
y += lineheight;
/* Draw the info fields. */
uint8_t max_lines = INFO_LINES_PER_PAGE;
uint32_t j = current_page * max_lines;
while(j < app->msg_info->fieldset->numfields) {
render_info_field(canvas, app->msg_info->fieldset->fields[j++], 0, y);
y += lineheight;
if(--max_lines == 0) break;
/* Draw a vertical "save" label. Temporary solution, to switch to
* something better ASAP. */
y = 37;
lineheight = 7;
canvas_draw_str(canvas, 119, y, "s");
y += lineheight;
canvas_draw_str(canvas, 119, y, "a");
y += lineheight;
canvas_draw_str(canvas, 119, y, "v");
y += lineheight;
canvas_draw_str(canvas, 119, y, "e");
y += lineheight;
/* Render view with save option. */
static void render_subview_save(Canvas* const canvas, ProtoViewApp* app) {
InfoViewPrivData* privdata = app->view_privdata;
/* Display our signal in digital form: here we don't show the
* signal with the exact timing of the received samples, but as it
* is in its logic form, in exact multiples of the short pulse length. */
uint8_t rows = 6;
uint8_t rowheight = 11;
uint8_t bitwidth = 4;
uint8_t bitheight = 5;
uint32_t idx = privdata->signal_display_start_row * (128 / 4);
bool prevbit = false;
for(uint8_t y = bitheight + 12; y <= rows * rowheight; y += rowheight) {
for(uint8_t x = 0; x < 128; x += 4) {
bool bit = bitmap_get(app->msg_info->bits, app->msg_info->bits_bytes, idx);
uint8_t prevy = y + prevbit * (bitheight * -1) - 1;
uint8_t thisy = y + bit * (bitheight * -1) - 1;
canvas_draw_line(canvas, x, prevy, x, thisy);
canvas_draw_line(canvas, x, thisy, x + bitwidth - 1, thisy);
prevbit = bit;
if(idx >= app->msg_info->pulses_count) {
canvas_set_color(canvas, ColorWhite);
canvas_draw_dot(canvas, x + 1, thisy);
canvas_draw_dot(canvas, x + 3, thisy);
canvas_set_color(canvas, ColorBlack);
idx++; // Draw next bit
canvas_set_font(canvas, FontSecondary);
canvas_draw_str(canvas, 0, 6, "ok: send, long ok: save");
/* Render the selected subview of this view. */
void render_view_info(Canvas* const canvas, ProtoViewApp* app) {
if(app->signal_decoded == false) {
canvas_set_font(canvas, FontSecondary);
canvas_draw_str(canvas, 30, 36, "No signal decoded");
ui_show_available_subviews(canvas, app, SubViewInfoLast);
switch(app->current_subview[app->current_view]) {
case SubViewInfoMain:
render_subview_main(canvas, app);
case SubViewInfoSave:
render_subview_save(canvas, app);
/* The user typed the file name. Let's save it and remove the keyboard
* view. */
static void text_input_done_callback(void* context) {
ProtoViewApp* app = context;
InfoViewPrivData* privdata = app->view_privdata;
FuriString* save_path =
furi_string_alloc_printf("%s/%s.sub", EXT_PATH("subghz"), privdata->filename);
save_signal(app, furi_string_get_cstr(save_path));
privdata->filename = NULL; // Don't free it again on view exit
ui_show_alert(app, "Signal saved", 1500);
/* Replace all the occurrences of character c1 with c2 in the specified
* string. */
void str_replace(char* buf, char c1, char c2) {
char* p = buf;
while(*p) {
if(*p == c1) *p = c2;
/* Set a random filename the user can edit. */
void set_signal_random_filename(ProtoViewApp* app, char* buf, size_t buflen) {
char suffix[6];
set_random_name(suffix, sizeof(suffix));
snprintf(buf, buflen, "%.10s-%s-%d", app->msg_info->decoder->name, suffix, rand() % 1000);
str_replace(buf, ' ', '_');
str_replace(buf, '-', '_');
str_replace(buf, '/', '_');
/* ========================== Signal transmission =========================== */
/* This is the context we pass to the data yield callback for
* asynchronous tx. */
typedef enum {
} SendSignalState;
#define PROTOVIEW_SENDSIGNAL_START_GAP 10000 /* microseconds. */
#define PROTOVIEW_SENDSIGNAL_END_GAP 10000 /* microseconds. */
typedef struct {
SendSignalState state; // Current state.
uint32_t curpos; // Current bit position of data to send.
ProtoViewApp* app; // App reference.
uint32_t start_gap_dur; // Gap to send at the start.
uint32_t end_gap_dur; // Gap to send at the end.
} SendSignalCtx;
/* Setup the state context for the callback responsible to feed data
* to the subghz async tx system. */
static void send_signal_init(SendSignalCtx* ss, ProtoViewApp* app) {
ss->state = SendSignalSendStartGap;
ss->curpos = 0;
ss->app = app;
/* Send signal data feeder callback. When the asynchronous transmission is
* active, this function is called to return new samples from the currently
* decoded signal in app->msg_info. The subghz subsystem aspects this function,
* that is the data feeder, to return LevelDuration types (that is a structure
* with level, that is pulse or gap, and duration in microseconds).
* The position into the transmission is stored in the context 'ctx', that
* references a SendSignalCtx structure.
* In the SendSignalCtx structure 'ss' we remember at which bit of the
* message we are, in ss->curoff. We also send a start and end gap in order
* to make sure the transmission is clear.
LevelDuration radio_tx_feed_data(void* ctx) {
SendSignalCtx* ss = ctx;
/* Send start gap. */
if(ss->state == SendSignalSendStartGap) {
ss->state = SendSignalSendBits;
return level_duration_make(0, ss->start_gap_dur);
/* Send data. */
if(ss->state == SendSignalSendBits) {
uint32_t dur = 0, j;
uint32_t level = 0;
/* Let's see how many consecutive bits we have with the same
* level. */
for(j = 0; ss->curpos + j < ss->app->msg_info->pulses_count; j++) {
uint32_t l =
bitmap_get(ss->app->msg_info->bits, ss->app->msg_info->bits_bytes, ss->curpos + j);
if(j == 0) {
/* At the first bit of this sequence, we store the
* level of the sequence. */
level = l;
dur += ss->app->msg_info->short_pulse_dur;
/* As long as the level is the same, we update the duration.
* Otherwise stop the loop and return this sample. */
if(l != level) break;
dur += ss->app->msg_info->short_pulse_dur;
ss->curpos += j;
/* If this was the last set of bits, change the state to
* send the final gap. */
if(ss->curpos >= ss->app->msg_info->pulses_count) ss->state = SendSignalSendEndGap;
return level_duration_make(level, dur);
/* Send end gap. */
if(ss->state == SendSignalSendEndGap) {
ss->state = SendSignalEndTransmission;
return level_duration_make(0, ss->end_gap_dur);
/* End transmission. Here state is guaranteed
* to be SendSignalEndTransmission */
return level_duration_reset();
/* Vibrate and produce a click sound when a signal is sent. */
void notify_signal_sent(ProtoViewApp* app) {
static const NotificationSequence sent_seq = {
notification_message(app->notification, &sent_seq);
/* Handle input for the info view. */
void process_input_info(ProtoViewApp* app, InputEvent input) {
/* If we don't have a decoded signal, we don't allow to go up/down
* in the subviews: they are only useful when a loaded signal. */
if(app->signal_decoded && ui_process_subview_updown(app, input, SubViewInfoLast)) return;
InfoViewPrivData* privdata = app->view_privdata;
int subview = ui_get_current_subview(app);
/* Main subview. */
if(subview == SubViewInfoMain) {
if(input.type == InputTypeLong && input.key == InputKeyOk) {
/* Reset the current sample to capture the next. */
} else if(input.type == InputTypeShort && input.key == InputKeyOk) {
/* Show next info page. */
} else if(subview == SubViewInfoSave) {
/* Save subview. */
if(input.type == InputTypePress && input.key == InputKeyRight) {
} else if(input.type == InputTypePress && input.key == InputKeyLeft) {
if(privdata->signal_display_start_row != 0) privdata->signal_display_start_row--;
} else if(input.type == InputTypeLong && input.key == InputKeyOk) {
// We have have the buffer already allocated, in case the
// user aborted with BACK a previous saving.
if(privdata->filename == NULL) privdata->filename = malloc(SAVE_FILENAME_LEN);
set_signal_random_filename(app, privdata->filename, SAVE_FILENAME_LEN);
ui_show_keyboard(app, privdata->filename, SAVE_FILENAME_LEN, text_input_done_callback);
} else if(input.type == InputTypeShort && input.key == InputKeyOk) {
SendSignalCtx send_state;
send_signal_init(&send_state, app);
radio_tx_signal(app, radio_tx_feed_data, &send_state);
/* Called on view exit. */
void view_exit_info(ProtoViewApp* app) {
InfoViewPrivData* privdata = app->view_privdata;
// When the user aborts the keyboard input, we are left with the
// filename buffer allocated.
if(privdata->filename) free(privdata->filename);