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#include <furi.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
struct used for handling SPI info.
typedef struct {
SPI_HandleTypeDef* spi;
PubSubCallback cb;
void* ctx;
} SpiHandle;
For transmit/receive data use `spi_xfer` function.
* `tx_data` and `rx_data` size must be equal (and equal `len`)
* `cb` called after spi operation is completed, `(NULL, ctx)` passed to callback.
bool spi_xfer(
SPI_HandleTypeDef* spi,
uint8_t* tx_data,
uint8_t* rx_data,
size_t len,
PubSubCallback cb,
void* ctx);
Blocking verison:
static inline bool
spi_xfer_block(SPI_HandleTypeDef* spi, uint8_t* tx_data, uint8_t* rx_data, size_t len) {
semaphoreInfo s;
osSemaphore block = createSemaphoreStatic(s);
if(!spi_xfer(spi, tx_data, rx_data, len, RELEASE_SEMAPHORE, (void*)block)) {
return false;
return false;
Common implementation of SPI bus: serial interface + CS pin
typedef struct {
GpioPin* cs; ///< CS pin
ValueMutex* spi; ///< <SpiHandle*>
} SpiBus;
For dedicated work with one device there is `SpiDevice` entity.
It contains ValueMutex around SpiBus: after you acquire device
you can acquire spi to work with it (don't forget SPI bus is shared
around many device, release it after every transaction as quick as possible).
typedef struct {
ValueMutex* bus; ///< <SpiBus*>
} SpiDevice;
##SPI IRQ device
Many devices (like CC1101 and NFC) present as SPI bus and IRQ line.
For work with it there is special entity `SpiIrqDevice`.
Use `subscribe_pubsub` for subscribinq to irq events.
typedef struct {
ValueMutex* bus; ///< <SpiBus*>
PubSub* irq;
} SpiIrqDevice;
Special implementation of SPI bus: serial interface + CS, Res, D/I lines.
typedef struct {
GpioPin* cs; ///< CS pin
GpioPin* res; ///< reset pin
GpioPin* di; ///< D/I pin
ValueMutex* spi; ///< <SPI_HandleTypeDef*>
} DisplayBus;
typedef struct {
ValueMutex* bus; ///< <DisplayBus*>
} DisplayDevice;
# SPI devices (F2)
* `/dev/sdcard` - SD card SPI, `SpiDevice`
* `/dev/cc1101_bus` - Sub-GHz radio (CC1101), `SpiIrqDevice`
* `/dev/nfc` - NFC (ST25R3916), `SpiIrqDevice`
* `/dev/display` - `DisplayDevice`
* `/dev/spiext` - External SPI (warning! Lock PA4, PA5, PA6, PA7)
### Application example
// Be careful, this function called from IRQ context
void handle_irq(void* _arg, void* _ctx) {
void cc1101_example() {
SpiIrqDevice* cc1101_device = open_input("/dev/cc1101_bus");
if(cc1101_device == NULL) return; // bus not available, critical error
subscribe_pubsub(cc1101_device->irq, handle_irq, NULL);
// acquire device as device bus
SpiBus* spi_bus = acquire_mutex(cc1101_device->bus, 0);
if(spi_bus == NULL) {
printf("Device busy\n");
// wait for device
spi_bus = acquire_mutex_block(cc1101_device->bus);
// make transaction
uint8_t request[4] = {0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF};
uint8_t response[4];
SPI_HandleTypeDef* spi = acquire_mutex_block(spi_bus->spi);
gpio_write(spi_bus->cs, false);
spi_xfer_block(spi, request, response, 4);
gpio_write(spi_bus->cs, true);
release_mutex(cc1101_device->spi, spi);
// release device (device bus)
release_mutex(cc1101_device->bus, spi_bus);
#ifdef __cplusplus