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synced 2025-03-03 06:27:16 +00:00
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218 lines
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#include "wiegand.h"
#include <furi.h>
#include <furi_hal.h>
unsigned long WIEGAND::_cardTempHigh = 0;
unsigned long WIEGAND::_cardTemp = 0;
unsigned long WIEGAND::_lastWiegand = 0;
unsigned long WIEGAND::_code = 0;
unsigned long WIEGAND::_codeHigh = 0;
int WIEGAND::_bitCount = 0;
int WIEGAND::_wiegandType = 0;
constexpr uint32_t clocks_in_ms = 64 * 1000;
const GpioPin* const pinD0 = &gpio_ext_pa4;
const GpioPin* const pinD1 = &gpio_ext_pa7;
unsigned long WIEGAND::getCode() {
return _code;
unsigned long WIEGAND::getCodeHigh() {
return _codeHigh;
int WIEGAND::getWiegandType() {
return _wiegandType;
bool WIEGAND::available() {
bool ret;
ret = DoWiegandConversion();
return ret;
static void input_isr_d0(void* _ctx) {
WIEGAND* _this = static_cast<WIEGAND*>(_ctx);
static void input_isr_d1(void* _ctx) {
WIEGAND* _this = static_cast<WIEGAND*>(_ctx);
void WIEGAND::begin() {
_lastWiegand = 0;
_cardTempHigh = 0;
_cardTemp = 0;
_code = 0;
_wiegandType = 0;
_bitCount = 0;
furi_hal_gpio_init_simple(pinD0, GpioModeInterruptFall); // Set D0 pin as input
furi_hal_gpio_init_simple(pinD1, GpioModeInterruptFall); // Set D1 pin as input
furi_hal_gpio_add_int_callback(pinD0, input_isr_d0, this);
furi_hal_gpio_add_int_callback(pinD1, input_isr_d1, this);
void WIEGAND::end() {
furi_hal_gpio_init_simple(pinD0, GpioModeAnalog);
furi_hal_gpio_init_simple(pinD1, GpioModeAnalog);
void WIEGAND::ReadD0() {
_bitCount++; // Increment bit count for Interrupt connected to D0
if(_bitCount > 31) // If bit count more than 31, process high bits
_cardTempHigh |= ((0x80000000 & _cardTemp) >> 31); // shift value to high bits
_cardTempHigh <<= 1;
_cardTemp <<= 1;
} else {
_cardTemp <<= 1; // D0 represent binary 0, so just left shift card data
_lastWiegand = DWT->CYCCNT; // Keep track of last wiegand bit received
void WIEGAND::ReadD1() {
_bitCount++; // Increment bit count for Interrupt connected to D1
if(_bitCount > 31) // If bit count more than 31, process high bits
_cardTempHigh |= ((0x80000000 & _cardTemp) >> 31); // shift value to high bits
_cardTempHigh <<= 1;
_cardTemp |= 1;
_cardTemp <<= 1;
} else {
_cardTemp |= 1; // D1 represent binary 1, so OR card data with 1 then
_cardTemp <<= 1; // left shift card data
_lastWiegand = DWT->CYCCNT; // Keep track of last wiegand bit received
unsigned long WIEGAND::GetCardId(unsigned long* codehigh, unsigned long* codelow, char bitlength) {
if(bitlength == 26) // EM tag
return (*codelow & 0x1FFFFFE) >> 1;
if(bitlength == 24) return (*codelow & 0x7FFFFE) >> 1;
if(bitlength == 34) // Mifare
*codehigh = *codehigh & 0x03; // only need the 2 LSB of the codehigh
*codehigh <<= 30; // shift 2 LSB to MSB
*codelow >>= 1;
return *codehigh | *codelow;
if(bitlength == 32) {
return (*codelow & 0x7FFFFFFE) >> 1;
return *codelow; // EM tag or Mifare without parity bits
char translateEnterEscapeKeyPress(char originalKeyPress) {
switch(originalKeyPress) {
case 0x0b: // 11 or * key
return 0x0d; // 13 or ASCII ENTER
case 0x0a: // 10 or # key
return 0x1b; // 27 or ASCII ESCAPE
return originalKeyPress;
bool WIEGAND::DoWiegandConversion() {
unsigned long cardID;
unsigned long sysTick = DWT->CYCCNT;
if((sysTick - _lastWiegand) >
(25 * clocks_in_ms)) // if no more signal coming through after 25ms
if((_bitCount == 24) || (_bitCount == 26) || (_bitCount == 32) || (_bitCount == 34) ||
(_bitCount == 37) || (_bitCount == 40) || (_bitCount == 8) ||
(_bitCount ==
4)) // bitCount for keypress=4 or 8, Wiegand 26=24 or 26, Wiegand 34=32 or 34
_codeHigh = 0;
// shift right 1 bit to get back the real value - interrupt done 1 left shift in advance
_cardTemp >>= 1;
// bit count more than 32 bits, shift high bits right to make adjustment
if(_bitCount > 32) _cardTempHigh >>= 1;
if(_bitCount == 8) // keypress wiegand with integrity
// 8-bit Wiegand keyboard data, high nibble is the "NOT" of low nibble
// eg if key 1 pressed, data=E1 in binary 11100001 , high nibble=1110 , low nibble = 0001
char highNibble = (_cardTemp & 0xf0) >> 4;
char lowNibble = (_cardTemp & 0x0f);
_wiegandType = _bitCount;
_bitCount = 0;
_cardTemp = 0;
_cardTempHigh = 0;
if(lowNibble ==
(~highNibble & 0x0f)) // check if low nibble matches the "NOT" of high nibble.
_code = (int)translateEnterEscapeKeyPress(lowNibble);
return true;
} else {
_lastWiegand = sysTick;
return false;
// TODO FL-3490: Handle validation failure case!
} else if(4 == _bitCount) {
// 4-bit Wiegand codes have no data integrity check so we just
// read the LOW nibble.
_code = (int)translateEnterEscapeKeyPress(_cardTemp & 0x0000000F);
_wiegandType = _bitCount;
_bitCount = 0;
_cardTemp = 0;
_cardTempHigh = 0;
return true;
} else if(40 == _bitCount) {
_cardTempHigh >>= 1;
_code = _cardTemp;
_codeHigh = _cardTempHigh;
_wiegandType = _bitCount;
_bitCount = 0;
_cardTemp = 0;
_cardTempHigh = 0;
return true;
} else {
// wiegand 26 or wiegand 34
cardID = GetCardId(&_cardTempHigh, &_cardTemp, _bitCount);
_wiegandType = _bitCount;
_bitCount = 0;
_cardTemp = 0;
_cardTempHigh = 0;
_code = cardID;
return true;
} else {
// well time over 25 ms and bitCount !=8 , !=26, !=34 , must be noise or nothing then.
_lastWiegand = sysTick;
_bitCount = 0;
_cardTemp = 0;
_cardTempHigh = 0;
return false;
} else
return false;