mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 05:48:33 +00:00
* ufbt: added "dolphin_ext" target (expects "external" subfolder in cwd with dolphin assets); cleaned up unused code * ufbt: codestyle fixes * scripts: fixed style according to ruff linter * scripts: additional cleanup & codestyle fixes * github: pass target hw code when installing local SDK with ufbt * ufbt: added error message for missing folder in dolphin builder * scripts: more linter fixes * sdk: added flipper_format_stream; ufbt: support for --extra-define * fbt: reduced amount of global defines * scripts, fbt: rearranged imports Co-authored-by: Aleksandr Kutuzov <alleteam@gmail.com>
206 lines
6.2 KiB
206 lines
6.2 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from enum import Enum
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Tuple
from array import array
class OBException(ValueError):
class OBParams:
word_idx: int
bits: Tuple[int, int]
name: str
_OBS_descr = (
OBParams(0, (0, 8), "RDP"),
OBParams(0, (8, 9), "ESE"),
OBParams(0, (9, 12), "BOR_LEV"),
OBParams(0, (12, 13), "nRST_STOP"),
OBParams(0, (13, 14), "nRST_STDBY"),
OBParams(0, (14, 15), "nRSTSHDW"),
OBParams(0, (15, 16), "UNUSED1"),
OBParams(0, (16, 17), "IWDGSW"),
OBParams(0, (17, 18), "IWDGSTOP"),
OBParams(0, (18, 19), "IWGDSTDBY"), # ST's typo: IWDGSTDBY
OBParams(0, (18, 19), "IWDGSTDBY"), # ST's typo: IWDGSTDBY
OBParams(0, (19, 20), "WWDGSW"),
OBParams(0, (20, 23), "UNUSED2"),
OBParams(0, (23, 24), "nBOOT1"),
OBParams(0, (24, 25), "SRAM2PE"),
OBParams(0, (25, 26), "SRAM2RST"),
OBParams(0, (26, 27), "nSWBOOT0"),
OBParams(0, (27, 28), "nBOOT0"),
OBParams(0, (28, 29), "UNUSED3"),
OBParams(0, (29, 32), "AGC_TRIM"),
OBParams(1, (0, 9), "PCROP1A_STRT"),
OBParams(1, (9, 32), "UNUSED"),
OBParams(2, (0, 9), "PCROP1A_END"),
OBParams(2, (9, 31), "UNUSED"),
OBParams(2, (31, 32), "PCROP_RDP"),
OBParams(3, (0, 8), "WRP1A_STRT"),
OBParams(3, (8, 16), "UNUSED1"),
OBParams(3, (16, 24), "WRP1A_END"),
OBParams(3, (24, 32), "UNUSED2"),
OBParams(4, (0, 8), "WRP1B_STRT"),
OBParams(4, (8, 16), "UNUSED1"),
OBParams(4, (16, 24), "WRP1B_END"),
OBParams(4, (24, 32), "UNUSED2"),
OBParams(5, (0, 9), "PCROP1B_STRT"),
OBParams(5, (9, 32), "UNUSED"),
OBParams(6, (0, 9), "PCROP1B_END"),
OBParams(6, (9, 32), "UNUSED"),
OBParams(13, (0, 14), "IPCCDBA"),
OBParams(13, (14, 32), "UNUSED"),
OBParams(14, (0, 8), "SFSA"),
OBParams(14, (8, 9), "FSD"),
OBParams(14, (9, 12), "UNUSED1"),
OBParams(14, (12, 13), "DDS"),
OBParams(14, (13, 32), "UNUSED2"),
OBParams(15, (0, 18), "SBRV"),
OBParams(15, (18, 23), "SBRSA"),
OBParams(15, (23, 24), "BRSD"),
OBParams(15, (24, 25), "UNUSED1"),
OBParams(15, (25, 30), "SNBRSA"),
OBParams(15, (30, 31), "NBRSD"),
OBParams(15, (31, 32), "C2OPT"),
_OBS = dict((param.name, param) for param in _OBS_descr)
class EncodedOBValue:
value: int
mask: int
params: OBParams
class OptionByte:
class OBMode(Enum):
READ = 1
def from_str(cls, value):
if value == "r":
return cls.READ
elif value == "rw":
return cls.READ_WRITE
raise OBException(f"Unknown OB check mode '{value}'")
def __init__(self, obstr):
parts = obstr.split(":")
if len(parts) != 3:
raise OBException(f"Invalid OB value definition {obstr}")
self.name = parts[0]
self.value = int(parts[1], 16)
self.mode = OptionByte.OBMode.from_str(parts[2].strip())
self.descr = _OBS.get(self.name, None)
if self.descr is None:
raise OBException(f"Missing OB descriptor for {self.name}")
def encode(self):
startbit, endbit = self.descr.bits
value_mask = 2 ** (endbit - startbit) - 1
value_corrected = self.value & value_mask
value_shifted = value_corrected << startbit
value_mask_shifted = value_mask << startbit
return EncodedOBValue(value_shifted, value_mask_shifted, self)
def __repr__(self):
return f"<OB {self.name}, 0x{self.value:x}, {self.mode} at 0x{id(self):X}>"
class ObReferenceValues:
reference: bytes
compare_mask: bytes
write_mask: bytes
class ObReferenceValuesGenerator:
def __init__(self):
self.compare_mask = array("I", [0] * 16)
self.write_mask = array("I", [0] * 16)
self.ref_values = array("I", [0] * 16)
def __repr__(self):
return (
f"<OBRefs REFS=[{' '.join(hex(v) for v in self.ref_values)}] "
f"CMPMASK=[{' '.join(hex(v) for v in self.compare_mask)}] "
f"WRMASK=[{' '.join(hex(v) for v in self.write_mask)}] "
def export_values(self):
export_cmpmask = array("I")
for value in self.compare_mask:
export_wrmask = array("I")
for value in self.write_mask:
export_refvals = array("I")
for cmpmask, refval in zip(self.compare_mask, self.ref_values):
export_refvals.append((refval ^ 0xFFFFFFFF) & cmpmask)
return export_refvals, export_cmpmask, export_wrmask
def export(self):
return ObReferenceValues(*map(lambda a: a.tobytes(), self.export_values()))
def apply(self, ob):
ob_params = ob.descr
encoded_ob = ob.encode()
self.compare_mask[ob_params.word_idx] |= encoded_ob.mask
self.ref_values[ob_params.word_idx] |= encoded_ob.value
if ob.mode == OptionByte.OBMode.READ_WRITE:
self.write_mask[ob_params.word_idx] |= encoded_ob.mask
class OptionBytesData:
def __init__(self, obfname):
self.obs = list()
with open(obfname, "rt") as obfin:
self.obs = list(
OptionByte(line) for line in obfin if not line.startswith("#")
def gen_values(self):
obref = ObReferenceValuesGenerator()
list(obref.apply(ob) for ob in self.obs)
return obref
def main():
with open("../../../../logs/obs.bin", "rb") as obsbin:
ob_sample = obsbin.read(128)
ob_sample_arr = array("I", ob_sample)
obd = OptionBytesData("../../ob.data")
# print(obd.gen_values().export())
ref, mask, wrmask = obd.gen_values().export_values()
for idx in range(len(ob_sample_arr)):
real_masked = ob_sample_arr[idx] & mask[idx]
f"#{idx}: ref {ref[idx]:08x} real {real_masked:08x} ({ob_sample_arr[idx]:08x} & {mask[idx]:08x}) match {ref[idx]==real_masked}"
# print(ob_sample)
if __name__ == "__main__":