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synced 2025-03-08 00:47:21 +00:00
All games now will increase flipper's level when you start them or win in some of them Games with endless play like tetris or flappy bird has no winning logic so they will increase level only when you start them
479 lines
17 KiB
479 lines
17 KiB
#include <furi.h>
#include <gui/gui.h>
#include <input/input.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <gui/view.h>
#include <notification/notification.h>
#include <notification/notification_messages.h>
#include <dolphin/dolphin.h>
#define TAG "Arkanoid"
#define MAX_SPEED 3
typedef enum { EventTypeTick, EventTypeKey } EventType;
typedef struct {
//Brick Bounds used in collision detection
int leftBrick;
int rightBrick;
int topBrick;
int bottomBrick;
bool isHit[4][13]; //Array of if bricks are hit or not
} BrickState;
typedef struct {
int dx; //Initial movement of ball
int dy; //Initial movement of ball
int xb; //Balls starting possition
int yb; //Balls starting possition
bool released; //If the ball has been released by the player
//Ball Bounds used in collision detection
int leftBall;
int rightBall;
int topBall;
int bottomBall;
} BallState;
typedef struct {
BallState ball_state;
BrickState brick_state;
NotificationApp* notify;
unsigned int COLUMNS; //Columns of bricks
unsigned int ROWS; //Rows of bricks
bool initialDraw; //If the inital draw has happened
int xPaddle; //X position of paddle
char text[16]; //General string buffer
bool bounced; //Used to fix double bounce glitch
int lives; //Amount of lives
int level; //Current level
unsigned int score; //Score for the game
unsigned int brickCount; //Amount of bricks hit
int tick; //Tick counter
bool gameStarted; // Did the game start?
int speed; // Ball speed
} ArkanoidState;
typedef struct {
EventType type;
InputEvent input;
} GameEvent;
static const NotificationSequence sequence_short_sound = {
// generate number in range [min,max)
int rand_range(int min, int max) {
return min + rand() % (max - min);
void move_ball(Canvas* canvas, ArkanoidState* st) {
int current_speed = abs(st->speed - 1 - MAX_SPEED);
if(st->tick % current_speed != 0 && st->tick % (current_speed + 1) != 0) {
if(st->ball_state.released) {
//Move ball
if(abs(st->ball_state.dx) == 2) {
st->ball_state.xb += st->ball_state.dx / 2;
// 2x speed is really 1.5 speed
if((st->tick / current_speed) % 2 == 0) st->ball_state.xb += st->ball_state.dx / 2;
} else {
st->ball_state.xb += st->ball_state.dx;
st->ball_state.yb = st->ball_state.yb + st->ball_state.dy;
//Set bounds
st->ball_state.leftBall = st->ball_state.xb;
st->ball_state.rightBall = st->ball_state.xb + 2;
st->ball_state.topBall = st->ball_state.yb;
st->ball_state.bottomBall = st->ball_state.yb + 2;
//Bounce off top edge
if(st->ball_state.yb <= 0) {
st->ball_state.yb = 2;
st->ball_state.dy = -st->ball_state.dy;
//Lose a life if bottom edge hit
if(st->ball_state.yb >= FLIPPER_LCD_HEIGHT) {
canvas_draw_frame(canvas, st->xPaddle, FLIPPER_LCD_HEIGHT - 1, 11, 1);
st->xPaddle = 54;
st->ball_state.yb = 60;
st->ball_state.released = false;
st->gameStarted = false;
if(rand_range(0, 2) == 0) {
st->ball_state.dx = 1;
} else {
st->ball_state.dx = -1;
//Bounce off left side
if(st->ball_state.xb <= 0) {
st->ball_state.xb = 2;
st->ball_state.dx = -st->ball_state.dx;
//Bounce off right side
if(st->ball_state.xb >= FLIPPER_LCD_WIDTH - 2) {
st->ball_state.xb = FLIPPER_LCD_WIDTH - 4;
st->ball_state.dx = -st->ball_state.dx;
// arduboy.tunes.tone(523, 250);
//Bounce off paddle
if(st->ball_state.xb + 1 >= st->xPaddle && st->ball_state.xb <= st->xPaddle + 12 &&
st->ball_state.yb + 2 >= FLIPPER_LCD_HEIGHT - 1 &&
st->ball_state.yb <= FLIPPER_LCD_HEIGHT) {
st->ball_state.dy = -st->ball_state.dy;
st->ball_state.dx =
((st->ball_state.xb - (st->xPaddle + 6)) / 3); //Applies spin on the ball
// prevent straight bounce, but not prevent roguuemaster from stealing
if(st->ball_state.dx == 0) {
st->ball_state.dx = (rand_range(0, 2) == 1) ? 1 : -1;
//Bounce off Bricks
for(unsigned int row = 0; row < st->ROWS; row++) {
for(unsigned int column = 0; column < st->COLUMNS; column++) {
if(!st->brick_state.isHit[row][column]) {
//Sets Brick bounds
st->brick_state.leftBrick = 10 * column;
st->brick_state.rightBrick = 10 * column + 10;
st->brick_state.topBrick = 6 * row + 1;
st->brick_state.bottomBrick = 6 * row + 7;
//If A collison has occured
if(st->ball_state.topBall <= st->brick_state.bottomBrick &&
st->ball_state.bottomBall >= st->brick_state.topBrick &&
st->ball_state.leftBall <= st->brick_state.rightBrick &&
st->ball_state.rightBall >= st->brick_state.leftBrick) {
st->score += st->level;
// Blink led when we hit some brick
notification_message(st->notify, &sequence_short_sound);
//notification_message(st->notify, &sequence_blink_white_100);
st->brick_state.isHit[row][column] = true;
canvas_draw_frame(canvas, 10 * column, 2 + 6 * row, 8, 4);
//Vertical collision
if(st->ball_state.bottomBall > st->brick_state.bottomBrick ||
st->ball_state.topBall < st->brick_state.topBrick) {
//Only bounce once each ball move
if(!st->bounced) {
st->ball_state.dy = -st->ball_state.dy;
st->ball_state.yb += st->ball_state.dy;
st->bounced = true;
//Hoizontal collision
if(st->ball_state.leftBall < st->brick_state.leftBrick ||
st->ball_state.rightBall > st->brick_state.rightBrick) {
//Only bounce once brick each ball move
if(!st->bounced) {
st->ball_state.dx = -st->ball_state.dx;
st->ball_state.xb += st->ball_state.dx;
st->bounced = true;
//Reset Bounce
st->bounced = false;
} else {
//Ball follows paddle
st->ball_state.xb = st->xPaddle + 5;
void draw_lives(Canvas* canvas, ArkanoidState* arkanoid_state) {
if(arkanoid_state->lives == 3) {
canvas_draw_dot(canvas, 4, FLIPPER_LCD_HEIGHT - 7);
canvas_draw_dot(canvas, 3, FLIPPER_LCD_HEIGHT - 7);
canvas_draw_dot(canvas, 4, FLIPPER_LCD_HEIGHT - 8);
canvas_draw_dot(canvas, 3, FLIPPER_LCD_HEIGHT - 8);
canvas_draw_dot(canvas, 4, FLIPPER_LCD_HEIGHT - 11);
canvas_draw_dot(canvas, 3, FLIPPER_LCD_HEIGHT - 11);
canvas_draw_dot(canvas, 4, FLIPPER_LCD_HEIGHT - 12);
canvas_draw_dot(canvas, 3, FLIPPER_LCD_HEIGHT - 12);
canvas_draw_dot(canvas, 4, FLIPPER_LCD_HEIGHT - 15);
canvas_draw_dot(canvas, 3, FLIPPER_LCD_HEIGHT - 15);
canvas_draw_dot(canvas, 4, FLIPPER_LCD_HEIGHT - 16);
canvas_draw_dot(canvas, 3, FLIPPER_LCD_HEIGHT - 16);
} else if(arkanoid_state->lives == 2) {
canvas_draw_dot(canvas, 4, FLIPPER_LCD_HEIGHT - 7);
canvas_draw_dot(canvas, 3, FLIPPER_LCD_HEIGHT - 7);
canvas_draw_dot(canvas, 4, FLIPPER_LCD_HEIGHT - 8);
canvas_draw_dot(canvas, 3, FLIPPER_LCD_HEIGHT - 8);
canvas_draw_dot(canvas, 4, FLIPPER_LCD_HEIGHT - 11);
canvas_draw_dot(canvas, 3, FLIPPER_LCD_HEIGHT - 11);
canvas_draw_dot(canvas, 4, FLIPPER_LCD_HEIGHT - 12);
canvas_draw_dot(canvas, 3, FLIPPER_LCD_HEIGHT - 12);
} else {
canvas_draw_dot(canvas, 4, FLIPPER_LCD_HEIGHT - 7);
canvas_draw_dot(canvas, 3, FLIPPER_LCD_HEIGHT - 7);
canvas_draw_dot(canvas, 4, FLIPPER_LCD_HEIGHT - 8);
canvas_draw_dot(canvas, 3, FLIPPER_LCD_HEIGHT - 8);
void draw_score(Canvas* canvas, ArkanoidState* arkanoid_state) {
snprintf(arkanoid_state->text, sizeof(arkanoid_state->text), "%u", arkanoid_state->score);
void draw_ball(Canvas* canvas, ArkanoidState* ast) {
canvas_draw_dot(canvas, ast->ball_state.xb, ast->ball_state.yb);
canvas_draw_dot(canvas, ast->ball_state.xb + 1, ast->ball_state.yb);
canvas_draw_dot(canvas, ast->ball_state.xb, ast->ball_state.yb + 1);
canvas_draw_dot(canvas, ast->ball_state.xb + 1, ast->ball_state.yb + 1);
move_ball(canvas, ast);
void draw_paddle(Canvas* canvas, ArkanoidState* arkanoid_state) {
canvas_draw_frame(canvas, arkanoid_state->xPaddle, FLIPPER_LCD_HEIGHT - 1, 11, 1);
void reset_level(Canvas* canvas, ArkanoidState* arkanoid_state) {
//Undraw paddle
canvas_draw_frame(canvas, arkanoid_state->xPaddle, FLIPPER_LCD_HEIGHT - 1, 11, 1);
//Undraw ball
canvas_draw_dot(canvas, arkanoid_state->ball_state.xb, arkanoid_state->ball_state.yb);
canvas_draw_dot(canvas, arkanoid_state->ball_state.xb + 1, arkanoid_state->ball_state.yb);
canvas_draw_dot(canvas, arkanoid_state->ball_state.xb, arkanoid_state->ball_state.yb + 1);
canvas_draw_dot(canvas, arkanoid_state->ball_state.xb + 1, arkanoid_state->ball_state.yb + 1);
//Alter various variables to reset the game
arkanoid_state->xPaddle = 54;
arkanoid_state->ball_state.yb = 60;
arkanoid_state->brickCount = 0;
arkanoid_state->ball_state.released = false;
arkanoid_state->gameStarted = false;
// Reset all brick hit states
for(unsigned int row = 0; row < arkanoid_state->ROWS; row++) {
for(unsigned int column = 0; column < arkanoid_state->COLUMNS; column++) {
arkanoid_state->brick_state.isHit[row][column] = false;
static void arkanoid_state_init(ArkanoidState* arkanoid_state) {
// Init notification
arkanoid_state->notify = furi_record_open(RECORD_NOTIFICATION);
// Set the initial game state
arkanoid_state->COLUMNS = 13;
arkanoid_state->ROWS = 4;
arkanoid_state->ball_state.dx = -1;
arkanoid_state->ball_state.dy = -1;
arkanoid_state->speed = 2;
arkanoid_state->bounced = false;
arkanoid_state->lives = 3;
arkanoid_state->level = 1;
arkanoid_state->score = 0;
arkanoid_state->COLUMNS = 13;
arkanoid_state->COLUMNS = 13;
// Reset initial state
arkanoid_state->initialDraw = false;
arkanoid_state->gameStarted = false;
static void arkanoid_draw_callback(Canvas* const canvas, void* ctx) {
ArkanoidState* arkanoid_state = acquire_mutex((ValueMutex*)ctx, 25);
if(arkanoid_state == NULL) {
//Initial level draw
if(!arkanoid_state->initialDraw) {
arkanoid_state->initialDraw = true;
// Set default font for text
canvas_set_font(canvas, FontSecondary);
//Draws the new level
reset_level(canvas, arkanoid_state);
//Draws new bricks and resets their values
for(unsigned int row = 0; row < arkanoid_state->ROWS; row++) {
for(unsigned int column = 0; column < arkanoid_state->COLUMNS; column++) {
if(!arkanoid_state->brick_state.isHit[row][column]) {
canvas_draw_frame(canvas, 10 * column, 2 + 6 * row, 8, 4);
if(arkanoid_state->lives > 0) {
draw_paddle(canvas, arkanoid_state);
draw_ball(canvas, arkanoid_state);
draw_score(canvas, arkanoid_state);
draw_lives(canvas, arkanoid_state);
if(arkanoid_state->brickCount == arkanoid_state->ROWS * arkanoid_state->COLUMNS) {
reset_level(canvas, arkanoid_state);
} else {
reset_level(canvas, arkanoid_state);
arkanoid_state->initialDraw = false;
arkanoid_state->lives = 3;
arkanoid_state->score = 0;
release_mutex((ValueMutex*)ctx, arkanoid_state);
static void arkanoid_input_callback(InputEvent* input_event, FuriMessageQueue* event_queue) {
GameEvent event = {.type = EventTypeKey, .input = *input_event};
furi_message_queue_put(event_queue, &event, FuriWaitForever);
static void arkanoid_update_timer_callback(FuriMessageQueue* event_queue) {
GameEvent event = {.type = EventTypeTick};
furi_message_queue_put(event_queue, &event, 0);
int32_t arkanoid_game_app(void* p) {
int32_t return_code = 0;
FuriMessageQueue* event_queue = furi_message_queue_alloc(8, sizeof(GameEvent));
ArkanoidState* arkanoid_state = malloc(sizeof(ArkanoidState));
ValueMutex state_mutex;
if(!init_mutex(&state_mutex, arkanoid_state, sizeof(ArkanoidState))) {
FURI_LOG_E(TAG, "Cannot create mutex\r\n");
return_code = 255;
goto free_and_exit;
// Set system callbacks
ViewPort* view_port = view_port_alloc();
view_port_draw_callback_set(view_port, arkanoid_draw_callback, &state_mutex);
view_port_input_callback_set(view_port, arkanoid_input_callback, event_queue);
FuriTimer* timer =
furi_timer_alloc(arkanoid_update_timer_callback, FuriTimerTypePeriodic, event_queue);
furi_timer_start(timer, furi_kernel_get_tick_frequency() / 22);
// Open GUI and register view_port
Gui* gui = furi_record_open(RECORD_GUI);
gui_add_view_port(gui, view_port, GuiLayerFullscreen);
// Call dolphin deed on game start
GameEvent event;
for(bool processing = true; processing;) {
FuriStatus event_status = furi_message_queue_get(event_queue, &event, 100);
ArkanoidState* arkanoid_state = (ArkanoidState*)acquire_mutex_block(&state_mutex);
if(event_status == FuriStatusOk) {
// Key events
if(event.type == EventTypeKey) {
if(event.input.type == InputTypePress || event.input.type == InputTypeLong ||
event.input.type == InputTypeRepeat) {
switch(event.input.key) {
case InputKeyBack:
processing = false;
case InputKeyRight:
if(arkanoid_state->xPaddle < FLIPPER_LCD_WIDTH - 12) {
arkanoid_state->xPaddle += 8;
case InputKeyLeft:
if(arkanoid_state->xPaddle > 0) {
arkanoid_state->xPaddle -= 8;
case InputKeyUp:
if(arkanoid_state->speed < MAX_SPEED) {
case InputKeyDown:
if(arkanoid_state->speed > 1) {
case InputKeyOk:
if(arkanoid_state->gameStarted == false) {
//Release ball if FIRE pressed
arkanoid_state->ball_state.released = true;
//Apply random direction to ball on release
if(rand_range(0, 2) == 0) {
arkanoid_state->ball_state.dx = 1;
} else {
arkanoid_state->ball_state.dx = -1;
//Makes sure the ball heads upwards
arkanoid_state->ball_state.dy = -1;
//start the game flag
arkanoid_state->gameStarted = true;
release_mutex(&state_mutex, arkanoid_state);
view_port_enabled_set(view_port, false);
gui_remove_view_port(gui, view_port);
return return_code;