/* * opal.c - Parser for Opal card (Sydney, Australia). * * Copyright 2023 Michael Farrell * * This will only read "standard" MIFARE DESFire-based Opal cards. Free travel * cards (including School Opal cards, veteran, vision-impaired persons and * TfNSW employees' cards) and single-trip tickets are MIFARE Ultralight C * cards and not supported. * * Reference: https://github.com/metrodroid/metrodroid/wiki/Opal * * Note: The card values are all little-endian (like Flipper), but the above * reference was originally written based on Java APIs, which are big-endian. * This implementation presumes a little-endian system. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "nfc_supported_card_plugin.h" #include #include #include #include static const MfDesfireApplicationId opal_app_id = {.data = {0x31, 0x45, 0x53}}; static const MfDesfireFileId opal_file_id = 0x07; static const char* opal_modes[5] = {"Rail / Metro", "Ferry / Light Rail", "Bus", "Unknown mode", "Manly Ferry"}; static const char* opal_usages[14] = { "New / Unused", "Tap on: new journey", "Tap on: transfer from same mode", "Tap on: transfer from other mode", NULL, // Manly Ferry: new journey NULL, // Manly Ferry: transfer from ferry NULL, // Manly Ferry: transfer from other "Tap off: distance fare", "Tap off: flat fare", "Automated tap off: failed to tap off", "Tap off: end of trip without start", "Tap off: reversal", "Tap on: rejected", "Unknown usage", }; // Opal file 0x7 structure. Assumes a little-endian CPU. typedef struct FURI_PACKED { uint32_t serial : 32; uint8_t check_digit : 4; bool blocked : 1; uint16_t txn_number : 16; int32_t balance : 21; uint16_t days : 15; uint16_t minutes : 11; uint8_t mode : 3; uint16_t usage : 4; bool auto_topup : 1; uint8_t weekly_journeys : 4; uint16_t checksum : 16; } OpalFile; static_assert(sizeof(OpalFile) == 16, "OpalFile"); // Converts an Opal timestamp to DateTime. // // Opal measures days since 1980-01-01 and minutes since midnight, and presumes // all days are 1440 minutes. static void opal_days_minutes_to_datetime(uint16_t days, uint16_t minutes, DateTime* out) { out->year = 1980; out->month = 1; // 1980-01-01 is a Tuesday out->weekday = ((days + 1) % 7) + 1; out->hour = minutes / 60; out->minute = minutes % 60; out->second = 0; // What year is it? for(;;) { const uint16_t num_days_in_year = datetime_get_days_per_year(out->year); if(days < num_days_in_year) break; days -= num_days_in_year; out->year++; } // 1-index the day of the year days++; for(;;) { // What month is it? const bool is_leap = datetime_is_leap_year(out->year); const uint8_t num_days_in_month = datetime_get_days_per_month(is_leap, out->month); if(days <= num_days_in_month) break; days -= num_days_in_month; out->month++; } out->day = days; } static bool opal_parse(const NfcDevice* device, FuriString* parsed_data) { furi_assert(device); furi_assert(parsed_data); const MfDesfireData* data = nfc_device_get_data(device, NfcProtocolMfDesfire); bool parsed = false; do { const MfDesfireApplication* app = mf_desfire_get_application(data, &opal_app_id); if(app == NULL) break; const MfDesfireFileSettings* file_settings = mf_desfire_get_file_settings(app, &opal_file_id); if(file_settings == NULL || file_settings->type != MfDesfireFileTypeStandard || file_settings->data.size != sizeof(OpalFile)) break; const MfDesfireFileData* file_data = mf_desfire_get_file_data(app, &opal_file_id); if(file_data == NULL) break; const OpalFile* opal_file = simple_array_cget_data(file_data->data); const uint8_t serial2 = opal_file->serial / 10000000; const uint16_t serial3 = (opal_file->serial / 1000) % 10000; const uint16_t serial4 = (opal_file->serial % 1000); if(opal_file->check_digit > 9) break; // Negative balance. Make this a positive value again and record the // sign separately, because then we can handle balances of -99..-1 // cents, as the "dollars" division below would result in a positive // zero value. const bool is_negative_balance = (opal_file->balance < 0); const char* sign = is_negative_balance ? "-" : ""; const int32_t balance = is_negative_balance ? labs(opal_file->balance) : //-V1081 opal_file->balance; const uint8_t balance_cents = balance % 100; const int32_t balance_dollars = balance / 100; DateTime timestamp; opal_days_minutes_to_datetime(opal_file->days, opal_file->minutes, ×tamp); // Usages 4..6 associated with the Manly Ferry, which correspond to // usages 1..3 for other modes. const bool is_manly_ferry = (opal_file->usage >= 4) && (opal_file->usage <= 6); // 3..7 are "reserved", but we use 4 to indicate the Manly Ferry. const uint8_t mode = is_manly_ferry ? 4 : opal_file->mode; const uint8_t usage = is_manly_ferry ? opal_file->usage - 3 : opal_file->usage; const char* mode_str = opal_modes[mode > 4 ? 3 : mode]; const char* usage_str = opal_usages[usage > 12 ? 13 : usage]; furi_string_printf( parsed_data, "\e#Opal: $%s%ld.%02hu\nNo.: 3085 22%02hhu %04hu %03hu%01hhu\n%s, %s\n", sign, balance_dollars, balance_cents, serial2, serial3, serial4, opal_file->check_digit, mode_str, usage_str); FuriString* timestamp_str = furi_string_alloc(); locale_format_date(timestamp_str, ×tamp, locale_get_date_format(), "-"); furi_string_cat(parsed_data, timestamp_str); furi_string_cat(parsed_data, " at "); locale_format_time(timestamp_str, ×tamp, locale_get_time_format(), false); furi_string_cat(parsed_data, timestamp_str); furi_string_free(timestamp_str); furi_string_cat_printf( parsed_data, "\nWeekly journeys: %hhu, Txn #%hu\n", opal_file->weekly_journeys, opal_file->txn_number); if(opal_file->auto_topup) { furi_string_cat_str(parsed_data, "Auto-topup enabled\n"); } if(opal_file->blocked) { furi_string_cat_str(parsed_data, "Card blocked\n"); } parsed = true; } while(false); return parsed; } /* Actual implementation of app<>plugin interface */ static const NfcSupportedCardsPlugin opal_plugin = { .protocol = NfcProtocolMfDesfire, .verify = NULL, .read = NULL, .parse = opal_parse, }; /* Plugin descriptor to comply with basic plugin specification */ static const FlipperAppPluginDescriptor opal_plugin_descriptor = { .appid = NFC_SUPPORTED_CARD_PLUGIN_APP_ID, .ep_api_version = NFC_SUPPORTED_CARD_PLUGIN_API_VERSION, .entry_point = &opal_plugin, }; /* Plugin entry point - must return a pointer to const descriptor */ const FlipperAppPluginDescriptor* opal_plugin_ep(void) { return &opal_plugin_descriptor; }