/* * Copyright 2022 Eugene Kirzhanov * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style * license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at * https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * * Thanks to: * - DroomOne: https://github.com/DroomOne/flipperzero-firmware * - x27: https://github.com/x27/flipperzero-game15 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "digits.h" #include "array_utils.h" #define CELLS_COUNT 4 #define CELL_INNER_SIZE 14 #define FRAME_LEFT 10 #define FRAME_TOP 1 #define FRAME_SIZE 61 #define SAVING_DIRECTORY "/ext/apps/Games" #define SAVING_FILENAME SAVING_DIRECTORY "/game_2048.save" typedef enum { GameStateMenu, GameStateInProgress, GameStateGameOver, } State; typedef struct { FuriMutex* mutex; State state; uint8_t table[CELLS_COUNT][CELLS_COUNT]; uint32_t score; uint32_t moves; int8_t selected_menu_item; uint32_t top_score; } GameState; typedef struct { uint32_t points; bool is_table_updated; } MoveResult; #define MENU_ITEMS_COUNT 2 static const char* popup_menu_strings[] = {"Resume", "New Game"}; static void input_callback(InputEvent* input_event, void* ctx) { furi_assert(ctx); FuriMessageQueue* event_queue = ctx; furi_message_queue_put(event_queue, input_event, FuriWaitForever); } static void draw_frame(Canvas* canvas) { canvas_draw_frame(canvas, FRAME_LEFT, FRAME_TOP, FRAME_SIZE, FRAME_SIZE); uint8_t offs = FRAME_LEFT + CELL_INNER_SIZE + 1; for(uint8_t i = 0; i < CELLS_COUNT - 1; i++) { canvas_draw_line(canvas, offs, FRAME_TOP + 1, offs, FRAME_TOP + FRAME_SIZE - 2); offs += CELL_INNER_SIZE + 1; } offs = FRAME_TOP + CELL_INNER_SIZE + 1; for(uint8_t i = 0; i < CELLS_COUNT - 1; i++) { canvas_draw_line(canvas, FRAME_LEFT + 1, offs, FRAME_LEFT + FRAME_SIZE - 2, offs); offs += CELL_INNER_SIZE + 1; } } static void draw_digit(Canvas* canvas, uint8_t row, uint8_t column, uint8_t value) { if(value == 0) return; uint8_t left = FRAME_LEFT + 1 + (column * (CELL_INNER_SIZE + 1)); uint8_t top = FRAME_TOP + 1 + (row * (CELL_INNER_SIZE + 1)); for(uint8_t r = 0; r < CELL_INNER_SIZE; r++) { for(u_int8_t c = 0; c < CELL_INNER_SIZE; c++) { if(digits[value - 1][r][c] == 1) { canvas_draw_dot(canvas, left + c, top + r); } } } } static void draw_table(Canvas* canvas, const uint8_t table[CELLS_COUNT][CELLS_COUNT]) { for(uint8_t row = 0; row < CELLS_COUNT; row++) { for(uint8_t column = 0; column < CELLS_COUNT; column++) { draw_digit(canvas, row, column, table[row][column]); } } } static void gray_canvas(Canvas* const canvas) { canvas_set_color(canvas, ColorWhite); for(int x = 0; x < 128; x += 2) { for(int y = 0; y < 64; y++) { canvas_draw_dot(canvas, x + (y % 2 == 1 ? 0 : 1), y); } } } static void draw_callback(Canvas* const canvas, void* ctx) { furi_assert(ctx); const GameState* game_state = ctx; furi_mutex_acquire(game_state->mutex, FuriWaitForever); canvas_clear(canvas); draw_frame(canvas); draw_table(canvas, game_state->table); canvas_set_font(canvas, FontPrimary); canvas_draw_str_aligned(canvas, 128, FRAME_TOP, AlignRight, AlignTop, "Score"); canvas_draw_str_aligned(canvas, 128, FRAME_TOP + 20, AlignRight, AlignTop, "Moves"); canvas_draw_str_aligned(canvas, 128, FRAME_TOP + 40, AlignRight, AlignTop, "Top Score"); int bufSize = 12; char buf[bufSize]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lu", game_state->score); canvas_set_font(canvas, FontSecondary); canvas_draw_str_aligned(canvas, 128, FRAME_TOP + 10, AlignRight, AlignTop, buf); memset(buf, 0, bufSize); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lu", game_state->moves); canvas_set_font(canvas, FontSecondary); canvas_draw_str_aligned(canvas, 128, FRAME_TOP + 30, AlignRight, AlignTop, buf); memset(buf, 0, bufSize); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lu", game_state->top_score); canvas_set_font(canvas, FontSecondary); canvas_draw_str_aligned(canvas, 128, FRAME_TOP + 50, AlignRight, AlignTop, buf); if(game_state->state == GameStateMenu) { gray_canvas(canvas); canvas_set_color(canvas, ColorWhite); canvas_draw_rbox(canvas, 28, 16, 72, 32, 4); canvas_set_color(canvas, ColorBlack); canvas_draw_rframe(canvas, 28, 16, 72, 32, 4); for(int i = 0; i < MENU_ITEMS_COUNT; i++) { if(i == game_state->selected_menu_item) { canvas_set_color(canvas, ColorBlack); canvas_draw_box(canvas, 34, 20 + 12 * i, 60, 12); } canvas_set_color( canvas, i == game_state->selected_menu_item ? ColorWhite : ColorBlack); canvas_draw_str_aligned( canvas, 64, 26 + 12 * i, AlignCenter, AlignCenter, popup_menu_strings[i]); } } else if(game_state->state == GameStateGameOver) { gray_canvas(canvas); bool record_broken = game_state->score > game_state->top_score; canvas_set_color(canvas, ColorWhite); canvas_draw_rbox(canvas, 14, 12, 100, 40, 4); canvas_set_color(canvas, ColorBlack); canvas_draw_line(canvas, 14, 26, 114, 26); canvas_draw_rframe(canvas, 14, 12, 100, 40, 4); canvas_set_font(canvas, FontPrimary); canvas_draw_str_aligned(canvas, 64, 15, AlignCenter, AlignTop, "Game Over"); canvas_set_font(canvas, FontSecondary); if(record_broken) { canvas_draw_str_aligned(canvas, 64, 29, AlignCenter, AlignTop, "New Top Score!!!"); } else { canvas_draw_str_aligned(canvas, 64, 29, AlignCenter, AlignTop, "Your Score"); } memset(buf, 0, bufSize); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lu", game_state->score); canvas_set_font(canvas, FontPrimary); canvas_draw_str_aligned(canvas, 64, 48, AlignCenter, AlignBottom, buf); } furi_mutex_release(game_state->mutex); } void calculate_move_to_left(uint8_t arr[], MoveResult* const move_result) { uint8_t index = 0; uint8_t next_index; uint8_t offset; bool was_moved; while(index < CELLS_COUNT - 1) { // find offset from [index] to next non-empty value offset = 1; while(index + offset < CELLS_COUNT && arr[index + offset] == 0) offset++; // if all remaining values in this row are empty then go to next row if(index + offset >= CELLS_COUNT) break; // if current cell is empty then shift all cells [index+offset .. CELLS_COUNT-1] to [index] if(arr[index] == 0) { was_moved = shift_array_to_left(CELLS_COUNT, arr, index, offset); if(was_moved) move_result->is_table_updated = true; } next_index = index + 1; if(arr[next_index] == 0) { // find offset from [next_index] to next non-empty value offset = 1; while(next_index + offset < CELLS_COUNT && arr[next_index + offset] == 0) offset++; // if all remaining values in this row are empty then go to next row if(next_index + offset >= CELLS_COUNT) break; // if next cell is empty then shift cells [next_index+offset .. CELLS_COUNT-1] to [next_index] was_moved = shift_array_to_left(CELLS_COUNT, arr, next_index, offset); if(was_moved) move_result->is_table_updated = true; } if(arr[index] == arr[next_index]) { arr[index]++; shift_array_to_left(CELLS_COUNT, arr, next_index, 1); move_result->is_table_updated = true; move_result->points += 2 << (arr[index] - 1); } index++; } } void move_left(uint8_t table[CELLS_COUNT][CELLS_COUNT], MoveResult* const move_result) { for(uint8_t row_index = 0; row_index < CELLS_COUNT; row_index++) { calculate_move_to_left(table[row_index], move_result); } } void move_right(uint8_t table[CELLS_COUNT][CELLS_COUNT], MoveResult* const move_result) { for(uint8_t row_index = 0; row_index < CELLS_COUNT; row_index++) { reverse_array(CELLS_COUNT, table[row_index]); calculate_move_to_left(table[row_index], move_result); reverse_array(CELLS_COUNT, table[row_index]); } } void move_up(uint8_t table[CELLS_COUNT][CELLS_COUNT], MoveResult* const move_result) { uint8_t column[CELLS_COUNT]; for(uint8_t column_index = 0; column_index < CELLS_COUNT; column_index++) { get_column_from_array(CELLS_COUNT, CELLS_COUNT, table, column_index, column); calculate_move_to_left(column, move_result); set_column_to_array(CELLS_COUNT, CELLS_COUNT, table, column_index, column); } } void move_down(uint8_t table[CELLS_COUNT][CELLS_COUNT], MoveResult* const move_result) { uint8_t column[CELLS_COUNT]; for(uint8_t column_index = 0; column_index < CELLS_COUNT; column_index++) { get_column_from_array(CELLS_COUNT, CELLS_COUNT, table, column_index, column); reverse_array(CELLS_COUNT, column); calculate_move_to_left(column, move_result); reverse_array(CELLS_COUNT, column); set_column_to_array(CELLS_COUNT, CELLS_COUNT, table, column_index, column); } } void add_new_digit(GameState* const game_state) { uint8_t empty_cell_indexes[CELLS_COUNT * CELLS_COUNT]; uint8_t empty_cells_count = 0; for(u_int8_t i = 0; i < CELLS_COUNT; i++) { for(u_int8_t j = 0; j < CELLS_COUNT; j++) { if(game_state->table[i][j] == 0) { empty_cell_indexes[empty_cells_count++] = i * CELLS_COUNT + j; } } } if(empty_cells_count == 0) return; int random_empty_cell_index = empty_cell_indexes[random() % empty_cells_count]; u_int8_t row = random_empty_cell_index / CELLS_COUNT; u_int8_t col = random_empty_cell_index % CELLS_COUNT; int random_value_percent = random() % 100; game_state->table[row][col] = random_value_percent < 90 ? 1 : 2; // 90% for 2, 25% for 4 } void init_game(GameState* const game_state, bool clear_top_score) { memset(game_state->table, 0, CELLS_COUNT * CELLS_COUNT * sizeof(uint8_t)); add_new_digit(game_state); add_new_digit(game_state); game_state->score = 0; game_state->moves = 0; game_state->state = GameStateInProgress; game_state->selected_menu_item = 0; if(clear_top_score) { game_state->top_score = 0; } } bool load_game(GameState* game_state) { Storage* storage = furi_record_open(RECORD_STORAGE); File* file = storage_file_alloc(storage); uint16_t bytes_readed = 0; if(storage_file_open(file, SAVING_FILENAME, FSAM_READ, FSOM_OPEN_EXISTING)) { bytes_readed = storage_file_read(file, game_state, sizeof(GameState)); } storage_file_close(file); storage_file_free(file); furi_record_close(RECORD_STORAGE); return bytes_readed == sizeof(GameState); } void save_game(GameState* game_state) { Storage* storage = furi_record_open(RECORD_STORAGE); if(storage_common_stat(storage, SAVING_DIRECTORY, NULL) == FSE_NOT_EXIST) { if(!storage_simply_mkdir(storage, SAVING_DIRECTORY)) { return; } } File* file = storage_file_alloc(storage); if(storage_file_open(file, SAVING_FILENAME, FSAM_WRITE, FSOM_CREATE_ALWAYS)) { storage_file_write(file, game_state, sizeof(GameState)); } storage_file_close(file); storage_file_free(file); furi_record_close(RECORD_STORAGE); } bool is_game_over(GameState* const game_state) { FURI_LOG_I("is_game_over", "====check===="); // check if table contains at least one empty cell for(uint8_t i = 0; i < CELLS_COUNT; i++) { for(u_int8_t j = 0; j < CELLS_COUNT; j++) { if(game_state->table[i][j] == 0) { FURI_LOG_I("is_game_over", "has empty cells"); return false; } } } FURI_LOG_I("is_game_over", "no empty cells"); uint8_t tmp_table[CELLS_COUNT][CELLS_COUNT]; MoveResult* tmp_move_result = malloc(sizeof(MoveResult)); // check if we can move to any direction memcpy(tmp_table, game_state->table, CELLS_COUNT * CELLS_COUNT * sizeof(uint8_t)); move_left(tmp_table, tmp_move_result); if(tmp_move_result->is_table_updated) return false; FURI_LOG_I("is_game_over", "can't move left"); memcpy(tmp_table, game_state->table, CELLS_COUNT * CELLS_COUNT * sizeof(uint8_t)); move_right(tmp_table, tmp_move_result); if(tmp_move_result->is_table_updated) return false; FURI_LOG_I("is_game_over", "can't move right"); memcpy(tmp_table, game_state->table, CELLS_COUNT * CELLS_COUNT * sizeof(uint8_t)); move_up(tmp_table, tmp_move_result); if(tmp_move_result->is_table_updated) return false; FURI_LOG_I("is_game_over", "can't move up"); memcpy(tmp_table, game_state->table, CELLS_COUNT * CELLS_COUNT * sizeof(uint8_t)); move_down(tmp_table, tmp_move_result); if(tmp_move_result->is_table_updated) return false; FURI_LOG_I("is_game_over", "can't move down"); return true; } int32_t game_2048_app() { GameState* game_state = malloc(sizeof(GameState)); if(!load_game(game_state)) { init_game(game_state, true); } MoveResult* move_result = malloc(sizeof(MoveResult)); game_state->mutex = furi_mutex_alloc(FuriMutexTypeNormal); if(!game_state->mutex) { FURI_LOG_E("2048Game", "cannot create mutex\r\n"); free(game_state); return 255; } InputEvent input; FuriMessageQueue* event_queue = furi_message_queue_alloc(8, sizeof(InputEvent)); ViewPort* view_port = view_port_alloc(); view_port_draw_callback_set(view_port, draw_callback, game_state); view_port_input_callback_set(view_port, input_callback, event_queue); Gui* gui = furi_record_open(RECORD_GUI); gui_add_view_port(gui, view_port, GuiLayerFullscreen); // Call dolphin deed on game start DOLPHIN_DEED(DolphinDeedPluginGameStart); bool is_finished = false; while(!is_finished) { FuriStatus event_status = furi_message_queue_get(event_queue, &input, FuriWaitForever); if(event_status == FuriStatusOk) { // handle only press event, ignore repeat/release events if(input.type != InputTypePress) continue; furi_mutex_acquire(game_state->mutex, FuriWaitForever); switch(game_state->state) { case GameStateMenu: switch(input.key) { case InputKeyUp: game_state->selected_menu_item--; if(game_state->selected_menu_item < 0) { game_state->selected_menu_item = MENU_ITEMS_COUNT - 1; } break; case InputKeyDown: game_state->selected_menu_item++; if(game_state->selected_menu_item >= MENU_ITEMS_COUNT) { game_state->selected_menu_item = 0; } break; case InputKeyOk: if(game_state->selected_menu_item == 1) { // new game init_game(game_state, false); save_game(game_state); } game_state->state = GameStateInProgress; break; case InputKeyBack: game_state->state = GameStateInProgress; break; default: break; } break; case GameStateInProgress: move_result->is_table_updated = false; move_result->points = 0; switch(input.key) { case InputKeyLeft: move_left(game_state->table, move_result); break; case InputKeyRight: move_right(game_state->table, move_result); break; case InputKeyUp: move_up(game_state->table, move_result); break; case InputKeyDown: move_down(game_state->table, move_result); break; case InputKeyOk: game_state->state = GameStateMenu; game_state->selected_menu_item = 0; break; case InputKeyBack: save_game(game_state); is_finished = true; break; case InputKeyMAX: break; } game_state->score += move_result->points; if(move_result->is_table_updated) { game_state->moves++; add_new_digit(game_state); } if(is_game_over(game_state)) { game_state->state = GameStateGameOver; if(game_state->score >= game_state->top_score) { game_state->top_score = game_state->score; } } break; case GameStateGameOver: if(input.key == InputKeyOk || input.key == InputKeyBack) { init_game(game_state, false); save_game(game_state); } } view_port_update(view_port); furi_mutex_release(game_state->mutex); } } gui_remove_view_port(gui, view_port); furi_record_close(RECORD_GUI); view_port_free(view_port); furi_message_queue_free(event_queue); furi_mutex_free(game_state->mutex); free(game_state); free(move_result); return 0; }