/** ****************************************************************************** * File Name : App/ble_conf.h * Description : Configuration file for BLE Middleware. * ****************************************************************************** * @attention * * <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2020 STMicroelectronics. * All rights reserved.</center></h2> * * This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license * SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * www.st.com/SLA0044 * ****************************************************************************** */ /* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/ #ifndef BLE_CONF_H #define BLE_CONF_H #include "app_conf.h" /****************************************************************************** * * BLE SERVICES CONFIGURATION * blesvc * ******************************************************************************/ /** * This setting shall be set to '1' if the device needs to support the Peripheral Role * In the MS configuration, both BLE_CFG_PERIPHERAL and BLE_CFG_CENTRAL shall be set to '1' */ #define BLE_CFG_PERIPHERAL 1 /** * This setting shall be set to '1' if the device needs to support the Central Role * In the MS configuration, both BLE_CFG_PERIPHERAL and BLE_CFG_CENTRAL shall be set to '1' */ #define BLE_CFG_CENTRAL 0 /** * There is one handler per service enabled * Note: There is no handler for the Device Information Service * * This shall take into account all registered handlers * (from either the provided services or the custom services) */ #define BLE_CFG_SVC_MAX_NBR_CB 7 #define BLE_CFG_CLT_MAX_NBR_CB 0 /****************************************************************************** * Device Information Service (DIS) ******************************************************************************/ /**< Options: Supported(1) or Not Supported(0) */ #define BLE_CFG_DIS_MANUFACTURER_NAME_STRING 1 #define BLE_CFG_DIS_MODEL_NUMBER_STRING 1 #define BLE_CFG_DIS_SERIAL_NUMBER_STRING 0 #define BLE_CFG_DIS_HARDWARE_REVISION_STRING 0 #define BLE_CFG_DIS_FIRMWARE_REVISION_STRING 1 #define BLE_CFG_DIS_SOFTWARE_REVISION_STRING 1 #define BLE_CFG_DIS_SYSTEM_ID 0 #define BLE_CFG_DIS_IEEE_CERTIFICATION 0 #define BLE_CFG_DIS_PNP_ID 0 /** * device information service characteristic lengths */ #define BLE_CFG_DIS_SYSTEM_ID_LEN_MAX (8) #define BLE_CFG_DIS_MODEL_NUMBER_STRING_LEN_MAX (32) #define BLE_CFG_DIS_SERIAL_NUMBER_STRING_LEN_MAX (32) #define BLE_CFG_DIS_FIRMWARE_REVISION_STRING_LEN_MAX (32) #define BLE_CFG_DIS_HARDWARE_REVISION_STRING_LEN_MAX (32) #define BLE_CFG_DIS_SOFTWARE_REVISION_STRING_LEN_MAX (64) #define BLE_CFG_DIS_MANUFACTURER_NAME_STRING_LEN_MAX (32) #define BLE_CFG_DIS_IEEE_CERTIFICATION_LEN_MAX (32) #define BLE_CFG_DIS_PNP_ID_LEN_MAX (7) /****************************************************************************** * Heart Rate Service (HRS) ******************************************************************************/ #define BLE_CFG_HRS_BODY_SENSOR_LOCATION_CHAR 1/**< BODY SENSOR LOCATION CHARACTERISTIC */ #define BLE_CFG_HRS_ENERGY_EXPENDED_INFO_FLAG 1/**< ENERGY EXTENDED INFO FLAG */ #define BLE_CFG_HRS_ENERGY_RR_INTERVAL_FLAG 1/**< Max number of RR interval values - Shall not be greater than 9 */ /****************************************************************************** * GAP Service - Apprearance ******************************************************************************/ #define BLE_CFG_UNKNOWN_APPEARANCE (0) #define BLE_CFG_HR_SENSOR_APPEARANCE (832) #define BLE_CFG_GAP_APPEARANCE (BLE_CFG_HR_SENSOR_APPEARANCE) /****************************************************************************** * Over The Air Feature (OTA) - STM Proprietary ******************************************************************************/ #define BLE_CFG_OTA_REBOOT_CHAR 0/**< REBOOT OTA MODE CHARACTERISTIC */ #endif /*BLE_CONF_H */ /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/