/* * Parser for Umarsh card (Russia). * * Copyright 2023 Leptoptilos * Thanks https://github.com/krolchonok for the provided dumps and their analysis * * Note: All meaningful data is stored in sectors 0, 8 and 12, reading data * from which is possible only with the B key. The key B for these sectors * is unique for each card. To get it, you should use a nested attack. * More info about Umarsh cards: https://github.com/metrodroid/metrodroid/wiki/Umarsh * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "core/core_defines.h" #include "nfc_supported_card_plugin.h" #include "protocols/mf_classic/mf_classic.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define TAG "Umarsh" static bool umarsh_parse(const NfcDevice* device, FuriString* parsed_data) { furi_assert(device); const MfClassicData* data = nfc_device_get_data(device, NfcProtocolMfClassic); bool parsed = false; do { // Verify card type if(data->type != MfClassicType1k) break; const uint32_t ticket_sector = 8; const uint8_t ticket_sector_start_block_number = mf_classic_get_first_block_num_of_sector(ticket_sector); //Validate specific for Umarsh ticket sector header const uint8_t* block_start_ptr = &data->block[ticket_sector_start_block_number].data[0]; uint32_t header = block_start_ptr[0] << 24 | block_start_ptr[1] << 16 | block_start_ptr[2] << 8 | block_start_ptr[3]; if((header & 0xFFFFFF) != 0xFFFF7F) break; // Data parsing from block 1 block_start_ptr = &data->block[ticket_sector_start_block_number + 1].data[0]; uint8_t region_number = (((block_start_ptr[8] >> 5) & 0x07) << 4) | (block_start_ptr[12] & 0x0F); uint32_t card_number = (block_start_ptr[8] << 24 | block_start_ptr[9] << 16 | block_start_ptr[10] << 8 | block_start_ptr[11]) & 0x3FFFFFFF; uint8_t refill_counter = (block_start_ptr[7]); if(card_number == 0) break; // Data parsing from block 2 block_start_ptr = &data->block[ticket_sector_start_block_number + 2].data[0]; uint16_t expiry_date = (block_start_ptr[0] << 8 | block_start_ptr[1]); uint32_t terminal_number = (block_start_ptr[3] << 16 | block_start_ptr[4] << 8 | block_start_ptr[5]); uint16_t last_refill_date = (block_start_ptr[6] << 8 | block_start_ptr[7]); uint16_t balance_rub = (block_start_ptr[8] << 8 | block_start_ptr[9]) & 0x7FFF; uint8_t balance_kop = block_start_ptr[10] & 0x7F; FuriHalRtcDateTime expiry_datetime; expiry_datetime.year = 2000 + (expiry_date >> 9); expiry_datetime.month = expiry_date >> 5 & 0x0F; expiry_datetime.day = expiry_date & 0x1F; FuriHalRtcDateTime last_refill_datetime; last_refill_datetime.year = 2000 + (last_refill_date >> 9); last_refill_datetime.month = last_refill_date >> 5 & 0x0F; last_refill_datetime.day = last_refill_date & 0x1F; furi_string_printf( parsed_data, "\e#Umarsh\nCard number: %lu\nRegion: %02u\nBalance: %u.%u RUR\nTerminal number: %lu\nRefill counter: %u\nLast refill: %02u.%02u.%u\nExpires: %02u.%02u.%u", card_number, region_number, balance_rub, balance_kop, terminal_number, refill_counter, last_refill_datetime.day, last_refill_datetime.month, last_refill_datetime.year, expiry_datetime.day, expiry_datetime.month, expiry_datetime.year); parsed = true; } while(false); return parsed; } /* Actual implementation of app<>plugin interface */ static const NfcSupportedCardsPlugin umarsh_plugin = { .protocol = NfcProtocolMfClassic, .verify = NULL, .read = NULL, .parse = umarsh_parse, }; /* Plugin descriptor to comply with basic plugin specification */ static const FlipperAppPluginDescriptor umarsh_plugin_descriptor = { .appid = NFC_SUPPORTED_CARD_PLUGIN_APP_ID, .ep_api_version = NFC_SUPPORTED_CARD_PLUGIN_API_VERSION, .entry_point = &umarsh_plugin, }; /* Plugin entry point - must return a pointer to const descriptor */ const FlipperAppPluginDescriptor* umarsh_plugin_ep() { return &umarsh_plugin_descriptor; }